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Causes of Hepatomegaly, Splenomegaly & Hepatosplenomegaly

Causes Hepatomegaly HepatoSplenomegaly Splenomegaly

Infection 1. Congenital: CMV, Rubella, Acute viral hepatitis, Viral
Toxoplasma IM, CMV Bacterial
2. Viral: EBV, CMV, IM Parasites eg. Malaria,
3. Bacterial: Septicemia, IE, leishmania
thyphoid IE
4. Parasite: Malaria
Hematological Hemolytic dz of newborn, Hemolytic anaemia,
Sickle cell anemia, sickle cell anemia,
Thalassemia. Spherocytosis, thalassemia,
Metabolic Glycogen & lipid storage d/o: Gaucher’s disease Gaucher’s disease
Reye’s syndrome , a1-
antitripsin deficiency,
Wilson’s dz,
Goucher’s dz
Malignancy Leukaemia, lymphoma, Lymphoma, leukemia Leukaemia (CML),
neuroblastoma, Wilm’s tumor, (ALL) pernicious lymphocytic lymphoma,
hepatoblastoma anemia, sickle cell myelofibrosis
Liver Chronic hepatitis, portal HPT: Chronic liver disease Portal HPT,
Budd Chiari, polycystic dz, with portal HPT,
neonatal hepatitis syndrome
eg: biliary atresia
CVS Heart failure
Autoimmune SLE systemic juvenile
arthritis (Still’s dz), SLE

 Located at right hypochondrium & enlarges towards RIF

 Cannot get above it
 Not ballotable
 Dull to percussion
 Moves with respiration
 Smooth margin


 Located in left hypochondrium along the direction of enlargement

 Cannot get above it
 Not ballotable
 Dull to percussionMoves with respiration
 A splenic notch may be felt along the medial margin

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