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1- The Romanticism movement began in Europe, especially in Germany and England, in

1798 and finished around 1832. It quickly spread through all Europe and influenced
literature, music and painting. This artistic movement was an answer to the French
Revolution and Enlightenment’s ideas.
2- The main differences between Neo classicism and Romanticism were that
Neoclassicism believed in reason as ruler of human nature as they were empiricists.
However, Romanticism believed in imagination as the force that control our lives.
Human couldn’t only describe the world they live in; they also could create it. They
were idealist.
Another difference was the idea they have regarding God. Neoclassicism thinkers
didn’t believe in God. On the other hand, Romantics believed in pantheist which
means that God created the world and he is presents in his creation. That is why they
gave nature great importance as a source for imagination and a refuge of civilization.

3- Queen Victoria was a role model for the British society. She was educated from an
early age to reign Britain. She was crowned at the age of eighteen in 1837. Her reign is
one of the most longest which lasted from 1837 to 1901. She is considered as
Europe’s Grandmother as her daughter and sons married different prince and princess
from other royal houses.
She represented how the ideal woman should be. Although she was Great Britain
ruler, Queen Victoria fulfilled her duties as mother and wife and British society built
the image of woman around her image. Middle classes wanted to imitated the Royal
family in every aspect such as clothes or customs. During Queen Victoria reign, the
Catholics gained more freedom as the Queen was catholic. There were a lot of social,
political and economic changes that showed Queen Victoria open mind to change
although she was very conservative regarding her private life. When Prince Albert died
she mourned him until she died and retired from the public life.
4- The woman’s sphere was the private sphere at home. Women were supposed to stay
at home taking care of the house and the children. The clothes where designed to
prevent women from work such as corsets didn’t allow free movements. However,
there were women worked at factories or at the street. There were also women who
began to protest and fight for their right to vote.
During late Victorian period, Childhood began to be considered as a special stage in life
and so education was made compulsory until the age of ten. There were different
types school and literature for children began to be successful for example Alice in
wonderland was a great success. But not all the children were lucky, factories used
cheap children labour. In 18 47 the Ten Hours act reduced children and women work
just to ten hours per day.

Optional: By the end of 1880s British people were more pessimistic due to new
discoveries that questioned their beliefs. Darwin’s idea of natural selection and
evolutionism questioned God’s creation. The man was no longer a creation of God’s
image, it was related to an ape.
Moreover, Thinkers like Karl Marx began to questioned the industrial revolution and
Capitalist consequences on society. The benefits were for a small group and the rest of
society had to live in poverty.

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