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Aira Q.



1. Mylene Talaga and her husband had a long journey to build their business their had a problems
because in the first place their business not immediately become successful so they work hard
for their business become successful. The named of their business was Talcuest Corp. The edible
oil dealer here in brgy. Tongko Tayabas City.

Juliet and Vincent Rodillas also their had a long journey for their yema cake become successful.
Their business named was Rodillas Yema Cake that are famous here in Tayabas City.

2. The Talcuest offer the service and selling the Oil. They also deliver on the different in the places.

The Rodillas Yema Cake offered affordable product and also good taste of the yema cake.

3. The Talcuest was build in long time ago. They had a long journey to create and established and
to become successful. In my understanding this business operate in 2006.

The Rodillas Yema Cake was had also a long journey to create the best yema cake here in
tayabas and become popular. The customers notice the yema cake of Rodillas in 2010.

4. In my opinion, I need to become hard-working for becoming successful entrepreneur.

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