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B Q1.

Distinguish between aptitude tests and achievement tests:

Aptitude tests measures your potential to learn while Achievement tests measure what you have
already learned. Both have a positive correlation.

Q2. How would you define absolute and difference threshold?

The difference threshold involves the ability to detect differences in stimulation levels, the absolute
threshold refers to the smallest detectable level of stimulation. The absolute threshold for sound, for
example, would be the lowest volume level that a person could detect.

Q3. What are the 6 basic emotions?

Happiness: Sadness: Fear: Anger: Disgust: Surprise:

Q4. What are the four stages of Piaget's stage theory?

1 Sensorimotor stage: Birth to 2 years Acquire knowledge through sensory experiences and
manipulating objects.

2 Preoperational stage: Ages 2 to 7— children are thinking at a symbolic level but are not yet using
cognitive operations. language acquisition and ego centrism.

3 Concrete operational stage: Ages 7 to 11/12— development of organized and rational thinking

4 Formal operational stage: Ages 12 and up— gain the ability to think manipulating ideas in their
head, logical thought, deductive reasoning, and systematic planning also emerge during this stage

Q5. What are the stages in the conceptualization of memory? Explain each stage.

SENSORY MEMORY (brief storage of sensory information) .

SHORT TERM MEMORY (small amount of information can be temporarily kept)

LONG-TERM MEMORY (memory storage that can hold info for days, months or years)

Q6. How are scores on an IQ test calculated?

Mental age/chronological age * 100

Each individual has a intelligence quotient, which is a number indicating the ability to lear. If you are
advanced, or very intelligent, then your mental age will be bigger than your chronological age. For
example if you are 20 years old right now, but you can do what an average 30-year old can do, then
you're 10 years ahead of schedule, making you very intelligent.

Q.7 What are the different characteristics that occur in normal waking consciousness and an altered
state of consciousness?

Normal waking consciousness is a state of consciousness you experience when you are awake and
aware of your thoughts, feelings and perceptions from internal events and the surrounding
environment. Your experience during normal waking consciousness creates your reality and provides
a baseline from which to judge other states of consciousness you are able to perform controlled and
automatic processes. The Processes are organized and Logical and you have More control over
actions and movement, while having clear sense of time. You may focus intently on reading your
textbook but later feel a bit drowsy and find yourself distracted by noise in the corridor outside. In
an ASC ability to perform controlled and automatic processes is decreased as there is less control
over attention. There is reduction of reduced ability to process info. Perceptions maybe altered,
memory processes may be disrupted or distorted .Less control over actions and movement, with less
control over emotions and thoughts. Distorted sense of time

Q8 What are the differences between controlled and automatic process?

Automatic processes are those which Requires little attention and are Simple or Easy tasks and
requires less mental effort. playing the piano, walking, and singing a song you are familiar with.once
established auto processes are done quickly and parallel with little cognitive effort. While Controlled
Processes require more effort and full awareness of the task usually complex tasks. For example
driving for the first time or attempting an exam.

Section B

Q1) Explain how schemas have so much power over human behavior

schemas are the emotional studies that are based on the reactions of people against any particular
situation. schemas can also be termed as scripts or expectations of an individual for certain events of
life. It comes under the cognitive system and is based on the organization and accumulation of the
information. schemas can be observed by an individual or a group of people with similar attachment
to a situation or an event.

Human behavior can be defined as the array of physical action and emotional behavior of individuals
or the total population. Certain traits remain persistent, though temperament can change according
to situations and ageing. The factors like age, genetics, environmental factors, behavior, thoughts,
feelings and the situations causes specific and different human behavior in all human beings. Human
behavior is calculated and is based on the overall experience throughout a lifetime.

schemata or the event schemata are an integral part of a population. They are enrooted in the social
fabric of the human community. For a certain situation, people would be reacting in a certain
manner. One tends to behave similar in social events like sports, parties, gatherings and many more.
If one would go against the behavior of the event schemata, then the person had to find himself an
odd one out from the group. It would therefore, seem as if one is breaking any rules, though it is not
a true case. However, still, one would prefer to behave same and hence, the event schemata would
have a strong power over the humans behavior.

Q2) Write an essay on confirmation bias (why we stick to our beliefs.

Confirmation bias is basically a cognitive bias due to which people favor the information that
confirms their previously existing beliefs or biases. It can lead us to hold on to false beliefs as one is
not objective to evaluate and then accept anything, for example; a person may hold a belief that left-
handed people are more creative than right-handed people, and due to this he or she may favor left-
handed people over right-handed in assigning task at work, which may be baseless. If we look at it
Scientifically and the belief is true there must be some solid proofing adding for the belief to be valid
if we look at an example of vaccines and belief they are not effective you must first look at the
success rate of those vaccines removing the false bias and accepting the true result that seems
reasonable with an explanation and fact. for the correct and accurate fact that is actually the real
result of the matter. If a company is biased toward men, they might hire only men because they feel
they make better employees for some gender-related reason while a woman could be a more
qualified candidate.
People in the past believed the earth is flat which is a false belief and with technology,
advancements and awareness and when the astronauts travelled in space they found evidence that
this wasn’t actually true so people tend to stick to their belief since there is a lack of awareness,
ignorance and advancements in technology to prove the bias that is truly another problem
can be due to cultural, religious and what people have previously being believing makes even a false
belief like drinking cows urine as a medicine and claiming it can cure diseases which is false belief as
the modern technology has discovered that it contains urea which is toxic to the human body for
consumption but people still stick to beliefs. Through promotion of unsubstantiated claims through
headlines,news papers ,articles and what people spread and think on a probability to be true is how
often false belief tend to stick around.

Q4. What is an effective study technique that you have used? How is it similar to/different from
strategies suggested in the memory chapter?

I have used an effective study technique which is Focusing my Attention while studying In order for
more information to move from short-term memory into long-term memory, Setting aside for a
short period of time to be alone for focusing in a place free of distractions it is similar to Explicit
memory which refers to knowledge or experiences that can be consciously remembered and a recall
memory test which is a measure of explicit memory that involves bringing from memory information
that has previously been remembered.

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