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Test Items

Albay, Kayla L
Baladad Elena
Versoza Bernadette I

1. Which perspective is the creation of E. Durkheim?

a. Functionalism c. Symbolic Theory
b. Conflict Theory d. Psychoanalysis
2. The ____ perspective focuses on how individuals act with one another in daily situations.
a. Functionalist c. Conflict Theory
b. Symbolic Interactionist d. Structuralist
3. Karl Marx proposed that society would be better if all classes would rise up and fight until there was
only one class of people. This is ____theory.
a. Interactionist c. Functionalist
b. Conflict d. Structuralist
4. If I define a teacher as a responsible individual who wears fuzzy sweaters and drinks coffee all day,
and so I behave that way, then that is an example of which sociological theory in practice?
a. Conflict Theory c. Symbolic Interactionalism
b. Feminist Theory d. Functionalist Perspective
5. What term explains a social institution that formally socializes members of society?
a. Nonformal Education c. Formal Education
b. School d. Education
6. Which of the following is NOT a primary function of education?
a. Courtship c. Transmission of culture
b. Socialization d. Cultural Innovation
7. Which of the following is a primary function of education?
a. Courtship c. To work in group
b. Socialization d. Finding a business partner
8. A set of norms surrounding a necessary function of society is referred to as an ____.
a. Marriage c. Institution
b. Authoritarianism d. Government
9. What was Karl Marx’s contribution to the understanding of social institutions?
a. The economy is the basic institution in society.
b. In a socialist society, the bosses and the workers are constantly in conflict with one another.
c. As societies became more industrialized, they become more communist.
d. None of the Above
10. School Norms are:
a. The symbolic representation of social groups in the mass media
b. Religious beliefs about how the world ought to be
c. Creative activities such as gardening, cookery, and craftwork
d. Rules and expectations about interaction that regulates social life

Key Answer:
1. a
2. b
3. b
4. c
5. d
6. a
7. b
8. c
9. a
10. d


Authored by: OpenStax CNX (N/A), Introduction to Sociology, Retrieved from,

Elway, P. (2005). “The Rational Choice Theory of Religion: Shopping for Faith or Dropping your
Faith?” Retrieved from,

I. Robertson, Sociology, NY: Worth Pub. (1981), The Sociological Perspective, Retrieved from,

Violeta. (2002) The Social Dimensions of Philippine Education, Retrieved from,

Violeta A. Vega Social Dimensions of Philippine Education, Dr. Adelaide Bago

Suvin, C. (2020, Sept. 30) Why should higher education institutions focus on Education 4.0?
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ZUNHAID TAPIA (N/A), What is a family institution and its Characteristics, Retrieved from,

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