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How to write a Sales Page 💰


Sales pages are really “written” during
the research.
Rookie copywriters write blindly, while
the real pros take time to arm
themselves before a single word is
Step 1 - Get clarity from your client
Who is the target audience?
Rough Demographics (Age, gender,
income, family status, location, etc)
Values, prejudices etc?
What outside forces do they blame for
keeping them back?
Once you know WHO you’re talking to, it
is time for you to go through the
fundamental 4 questions
Question 1 - What is their current state
and why don't they like it?
Question 2 - What is their dream state
and why do they want it?
Question 3 - What problems are
stopping them specifically what part of
the problem do they not understand?
Question 4 - What makes the product
special/unique (and how can you tie
that uniqueness to the part of the
problem they don't yet understand)?
Bonus Question - How did your client
discover this solution to the problem?
Go through these questions with your
client, pour over their reviews and case
studies as well.
Step 2 - Widen your search
Once you have a rough idea on these
points it’s time to gather outside
List all current options are they currently
using to solve this problem or get this
dream result.
What do they like about these options?
What do they dislike about these
Where to go for answers?
Go on and look at reviews
Search Reddit
Use the Google discussions chrome
extension to search through forums
And importantly (this leads us to the
next stage) search their competitors
websites and product pages.
After you've done your preliminary
research and have gathered the needed
ammunition for writing out a
full-fledged sales page It's time to find
the right skeleton for your page.
You're going to look for 4-5 sales pages
that are either in your market, from a
related market, or for a related product
that are doing really well.
Read them all and find 2 that you really
Break these 2 down line by line,
Look for WHAT they're doing, look for
HOW they're doing it and look for WHY
they're doing what they’re doing with
each element of the page.
Then pick 1 of them and use its skeleton
to build your own sales letter
Look at its format and the sequencing
of ideas and use that outline to write
your sales page
Basically you'll be finding a way to take
your reader through a similar emotional
and intellectual journey with your own
sales page.
Then you take all the answers to your
previous questions that you got during
the research phase and plug them into
this new skeleton you identified
In our future trainings we're going to go
over some of the common elements
you'll find in sales letters and develop a
generic outline for sales letters you can
But this is the quickest and most
effective way to get a high quality sales
letter put together for your clients

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