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Gabriel Jericho Molas

11- Our Lady of Faith
ACTIVITY MINIMALLY, I play video games when I have

GUIDE time especially on weekends. I only play alone

because I’d like to. Sometimes if I get bored
Playing video games
playing video games I watch television. I watch
Watching television dramas or movies. I only do these when I have
time to do so.

OFTEN Set of exercises

I OFTEN exercise 2 or 3 times a week. I do
stretching and a set of exercise to stay healthy. I
do it at a slow pace so I could achieve great
results. My parents support it since I really Doing stretching
don’t have anything to do in the house.
Exercise is a good way to keep me physically
healthy and fit.
Dancing to
REGULARLY, do Zumba work-outs 3-5
songs/k-pop days a week. It is so fun to do since it
songs makes you catch breath simultaneously. I
do Zumba together with my siblings every
Doing Zumba work-outs
HABITUALLY, I do household chores like afternoon. I also dance to songs especially
shining the floor and washing the dishes. I kpop songs. The song makes me dance
also take the stairs because we have one. I
also water plants every day because my mom
HABITUALLY because its catchy and because of its beat.

 Taking the stairs  Watering the

has so many plants for decoration outside. I
cook breakfast every morning I wake up. plants
 Doing household  Cooking
Breakfast like eggs, hotdog, etc. are the
kinds of food I cook.

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