Link L4 U5 Unit Testb

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Vocabulary 2 This is my brother having my breakfast

at 8 a.m.
1 Ułóż w kolejności i ponumeruj (1–6) nazwy
codziennych czynności.
3 This is my sister getting the bus
go home go to school at 8.30 a.m.
get up 1 have breakfast
4 These are my friends having lunch
have lunch have dinner
at 1 p.m.
2 Uzupełnij zdania wyrażeniami z ramki. 5 This is my brother going to bed
at 9 p.m.
in the afternoon at dinnertime at lunchtime
in the morning at bedtime every day 5

Example: I get up early every day.

5 Zakreśl właściwe przysłówki częstotliwości.
Example: I sometimes / never read a book in the morning
1 I feel tired after a big lunch. but today I was late.
2 We all eat together . Then my little 1 Today was a bad day. I always / never wake up at
brother goes to bed. 7 a.m., but today I woke up at 8 a.m!
3 She likes reading . It makes her feel 2 In the morning, I usually / never walk to school,
tired. but today I got the bus.
4 He likes walking before breakfast. 3 I usually / never eat breakfast, but I didn’t eat any
5 , I eat with my friends at school. this morning. I ate a big lunch instead!
5 4 I don’t usually / never have a snack in the
afternoon, but today I did.
5 I sometimes / never see my friends after school
3 Z podanych wyrazów i wyrażeń ułóż zdania. and we play basketball.
Example: at 7.15 a.m. / get up / I I get up at 7.15 a.m. 5
1 at 3 p.m. / with my brother / I go home Reading
6 Przeczytaj opis tygodnia Claudii. Oznacz
2 and again at 8 p.m. / at 5 p.m. / I watch TV literą T (true) zdania prawdziwe, a literą F (false)
zdania fałszywe.

3 at 7.30 a.m. / my hands and face / I wash Hi, I’m Claudia and I love sports.
On Mondays, I always get up at
7 a.m. and go running. I run for an
4 my teeth / I brush / at 7.25 a.m. hour, sometimes in the park but
usually in the gym. Then I have a very
big breakfast.
5 a snack / at 11 a.m. / I have
I go to the school gymnastics club
at lunchtime on Tuesdays and
Thursdays. I always feel very tired on these days because I
5 also go swimming after school.
4 Przepisz zdania, używając czasowników On Wednesday evenings, I usually play football with my
określających codzienne czynności w czasie present friends. I’m not very good at football, but I enjoy it.
simple oraz właściwych zaimków osobowych. I don’t do much on Fridays. I like to watch TV in the
Example: This is me getting up at 7.15 a.m. evening but I usually feel better if I run for 20 minutes too.
I get up at 7.15 a.m. Saturday is my favourite day of the week. We sometimes
drive to the mountains and I do lots of walking
1 This is me getting dressed for school On Sundays, I never get up early. I usually eat a lot, sleep a
at 7.30 a.m. lot and read a lot!

Link dla Klasy lV Unit 5 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press

Example: Claudia goes running on Monday
in the evening.
1 Claudia doesn’t go running every day.
9 Pomyśl o swoim ulubionym dniu tygodnia. Opisz
ten dzień w sowim pamiętniku. Użyj 25–40
2 She goes swimming every Thursday wyrazów. Napisz:
and Friday. • które rutynowe czynności wtedy wykonujesz,
3 She usually plays football on Wednesday. • o czynnościach, których nie wykonujesz nigdy,
4 She loves Saturdays because she sometimes które wykonujesz czasami, zwykle lub zawsze.
goes to the mountains.
5 She usually wakes up early on Sundays.

7 e 09 Wysłuchaj rozmowy i oznacz zdania literą A,
jeśli odnoszą się do Anny, a literą K, jeśli odnoszą
się do Kamila.
1 never likes Tuesdays 5
2 usually goes to gymnastics club on Tuesdays Total Marks 45
3 always has a lot of homework on Tuesdays
4 sometimes goes swimming on Thursdays Extra
5 likes every day 10 Uzupełnij zdania właściwymi wyrażeniami.
has her breakfast get up do my homework
lunch go to bed get the bus
8 Uzupełnij dialog właściwymi wyrazami. Example: I do my homework in my bedroom.
1 It’s late. You need to .
what please pizza juice like
2 She gets up early and has a shower before she
A: W
 elcome to Konrad’s Café. What would you like
to eat today? 3 Dominik, don’t be lazy, !
B: I don’t know. Erm … 4 He has a sandwich for at
A: Would you 1 a cupcake? school every day.
B: No, thanks. 5 We to school.
A: Sandwich?
B: No, thanks.
A: Chips? 11 Dopisz końcówki zdań, używając informacji
B: No … o sobie lub swoich kolegach i koleżankach.
A: Would you like a 2 ? 1 In the morning, .
B: Yes, please! 2 In the afternoon, .
A: What would you like on it?
B: Erm … chicken, please. 3 Every day, .
A: We never cook meat here. 4 At dinnertime, .
B: Really? Oh, okay. I’d like cheese and tomato, 5 At bedtime, .
A: And 4
would you like to drink? 5
B: Orange 5 please. Total with Extra 55
A: One pizza and one orange juice. Do you need
anything else?
B: No thanks.

Link dla Klasy lV Unit 5 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press

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