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p Tatk about what you do evéry day

b TaLk about what you do on speciat days

k Say how often you do things

b Describe a speciat day

P write a description of a typicat or a speciat day


May Revolution Day


O Look at the pictures anci finci :

1. a reLigious ceLebr.ation o 5. a Rational, hoLiday o
2, a schooL festivaI o 6. happy peopl.e o
3. a fami[y,cetebr.ation o 7. the odd one out o
4-, an inter,nationaL event o

Z Wnat is your favourite special. day? How do you cel.ebrate it?

Let's create a Prezi presentation of an important cetebration!

You witI be creating a Prezi presentation of an important cetebration.

You shoutd describe it and giver, t.nU detaits as you can about what happens that day. Don't
forget to descnbe the music reLated to thrs cetebration. You should also inctude photosl

Look for tips on how to buitd your project on p. 18. You wittcomptete the project on p. 25.
Things we do everv dov vs O Use the activities in Exerc¡se 1to
Things we do on speciol dovs wr¡te about Heten's crazy day. Be
creative !

O Read the activities below. Wri te ED

r. Helen brulhob hor tsolh with both hands.
for everyday activities or SD for
specia I, days activities. 2. at ó.00 in the morning.

3. at midnight
4. at 9.00 in the evening.

3. do my homework 5. in the garden.

4. eat out 6. in the cLassroom.

7. on the bus.
6. get up
7. go on a picnic
8. go home
g. go to bed
@ Use beforeand afterto tel,t your
ctassmate what you usual.Ly do,
10. go to schooL
A: I have a showsr brfore I havo brsaY-fast. What

about you?
12. have a shower
9: I have a show or ñer I have brsa1fast.
have breakfast

have dinner
9. Ms Ioo.
15. have Lunch

O Use the activities in Exercise l to write

17. act in a play four sentences in your notebook about
18. pLant a tree what you do on spec¡at days. Then te[[
19. watchafiLm a classmate.

20. wear new clothes \nce a rnonth I *,r, a film wíth rny parenlre.

O CompLete the fotl,owing sentences

us¡ng words or phrases f rom
Exercise 1.ln some sentences,
more than one option is correct.
1. I sometimes haug some coffee and Prezi presentation of an
sLices of toaEt tor brgaYfast .
important ceLebration
2. Ia Lways ¡n the afternoon

before playing with my pet.

3. After dinner, I watch TV and then day. Use you r mobiLe to record it.

4. At school we usually to Use the activities in Exercise 1 of this section

celebrate Earth Day. as a reference to describe what you do on

this day.
5. I wake up at 6:30 but I al 7:00.
llove staying in bed some extra minutes!
6. We with some popcorn.
rotions ' hotels ' , rrovel,, phoros,
-^..-¡-:--L.-,-_--.. lE:Siln*
resrouronrs ,

rund thg WOdd""ntries

ffi ffi## ' w$wfuruffiwffi.m #m ffiw mm$ m#. rff

Hi! l'm Aptkalia and I livein Kailua, a beautiful o\
in Hawaii. My favounte celebration is Luau.
Mum and Dad love parties and plan orcry detail of this celebration. First, they make a list of
guesB. they invite all my extended family . .. and a lot of friendst There are somümes eó pmple
in my house.

our house is on the coost, so mum prepares a tikt bar on the beach and decorates the tables
with palm tree leaves. She usually prepares cupcakes and decoraks them with colourful paper
umbrellas. There are always jugs of all sorts of fruit juice.

Dad always prepares aquisítefresh salads of mixed veggies, and my brother and t.thread
fruit through bamboo skewen. we love doing itt we prepare lots of trays of them.
veggies or

rhen, we get ready to receive our guests. Mum and I wear our hula costumes, but my dad
and my brother nster put on grass skirts. rhey usually wear loose cotton trous€6.

After that, we receive our guests with the traditional lei (made with paper flowen) to
show them we are happy to welcome them.

I love this celebration because all my fnends and relatives come tn my house. we play i
luau games and dance until very late at night. And we can celebrate it any day, for no w(qd

special reasonl

Read about Apikalia's favourite

celebration. True or fa[se?
O Choose the correct opt¡on.

1. This blog is about a city in

1. ApikaLia has a s¡ster. @ o. Cancun
@ Hawaii

2. ApikaLia's parents Love parties.

o 2. ApikaLia invites friends
3. They have a house on the beach.
o and the extended famiLy.
o. ma ny
4. They wear traditionaL costumes. o b.few
5. There are a Lot of vegetabLes and fruits o Er. ha rd Ly eve r wea rs b. doesn't wear
on the tabLes.
4. Lei is made with
6. ApikaIia Likes this ce[ebration because

she gets presents.

o o. a rtif icia L b. naturaL
f Lowe rs.

7. Luau is ceLebrated on a fixed day.

8. ApikaLia's father never heLps with

the party preparations.

@ Are there any ceLebrations in
O Answer. your country that are similar
to Luau? Are there any in the
1. Where is Apikal.ia from?
town where you Live?
2. What do she and her mother wear for Luau?

3. Who is invited to the ceLebration? O What is your favourite

4. What do guests receive? ce[ebration ?

5. Why do they ce[ebrate Luau?

Pre$ent slmple G cffirmütive O Comptete the text w¡th the correct F
Study and comptete the box. form of the verb.
New Year's Eve is speciaL in my house. Every

I go to schooL. yearmyfamily'hat tnaveJ aparty.

You to school.
H e brushes h is te et h .

She al7 o'clock. tpLay) the

It pLays with a baLL

We our teeth.
[tat<eJ photos.0h, and our
They get up al7 o'cLock
- dog Bobby u

) See Grammar Reference 2, Extra Practice Book, p. ó. At midnight we 7 [sing) an old

Scottish song caLLe d Auld Lang Syne. Then my
O Choose the correct form of the verb to
pa re nts B
Iopen] the cha m pag ne
describe a speciat day in Lit¡'s famity 'H
and e
Isay) ap py N ew Yea r'.
1. Christmas dry@/ are aLways speciaL!
2. My grandmother make I makes tasty snacks O Choose the correct option.
to share with the famiLy. 1. He breakfast in the kitchen.
3. I decorates ldecorafe the house before a. does b. has G. drinks
guests com e I comes home. 2. My friends the theatre once
4. After Christmas, da d pl.ants I planf the tree a month.
in gr-andma's garden. a. go to b. goesto c. see
5. I wear I wears new cLothes to match my 3. PauLand John c ra f two rk.
Christmas hat. a. do b. does G. prepare
6. Early in the morning, mum give I gives the 4. I new cLothes. A
presents. A. USC b. uses c. wea r 5r

@ Look at the words and make


A: My grandmother
9: l¡ves
A: in a palace

pLayIs) the guitar.
My dog / cat
goIes] a m oto rb ike.
My mother lfather
My grandmother / eat I sJ in a paLace.
@ 11 Listen to the -s sound. grandfather watchIes] The Simpsons.
lsl makes, helps, writes My neighbour
Live Is J to bed Late.
lzl pLays, goes, reads My teacher
d rive IsJ ice cr-eam.
lrul watches, d a nces, closes My friends
Now read and say the verbs. My cousins
Present simple - negotive G) Put the adverb of frequency in the
Study and complete the box. right ptace.
1. Bobpy Ooes his homework. [atwaysl
I don't go to school.. áoblll|y al,waye do_os h¡e hornaworK.
You don't to school.
He doesn't brush his teeth. 2. H e eats veg eta b Les. [oftenl
She doesn't at 7 o'clock.
It ptay with a baLL.

We don't - . -. _ our teeth. 3. He uses his mobil.e.fsometimesl

They don't get up al7 o'clock.

4. He is Late for schooL. fneverl

) see Grammar Reference 2, Extra practice book, p. ó

5. He goes to the cinema. Iusuattyl

O Correct the sentences that are not
true for you.
1. I get up Late on weekdays. O Order the words to make sentences.
I don't get u? late on weeKda\6. 1. ts I always I on Decembe r 25 I christmas Day
2. lget dressed in the bathroom. Lhristmab Da\ is always 0n December ?5.
3. My best f rie n d rid es a ye LLow b ike. 2, good programmes / are I sometimes lThere /
4. My mum sometimes has dinner with on TV

her friends.
5. My dad cooks very weLL. 3. usuaLLy / pLays I Danny I computer games /
after schooL
6. My friends go to bed at B o'clock.

Adverbs of frequencv 4. emaiLs / write I I lto my grandparents / often

Study the box.
5. ;;;;; / r;,; ; ;;.; ñ;; il;, /0,.,
Adverbs of f req uency go after the verb
to be and before other verbs.
6. Late for school. / on Monday morn ing I
He is sometimes Late for school.
always larelWe
He usuaLty goes to the cinema.

) See Grammar Reference 2, Extra practice book, p. ó ffiilllliii ffirM

100 G) a. Think of things you do. TeLL
your classmate about them.
1. I always...
2. I usua LLy ...
3. I ofte n
4. I sometimes ...
5. I never ...
b. Now telt the class about
your classmate.
?edro alwap does hn homeworK.

ffis$*rlbm ffi $p#ffil*l CmV O @ 13 Listen again and write the

activities that were not inctuded in
O Find these things in the pictures. Exercise 2.
et u? aI b:V7,
. candles o apresent
o aballoon o acake
o a sleeping bag o pancakes

n @ @ M Listen to lmran and Jenny

O @ Listen to Bianca and Selena
describing their birthdays a nd write
and put the activities in the order
Bianca does them. There is one extra each name next to the correct picture.
activity in the tist below. Which is it?
o brush my teeth o
o have a snack o
o do my homework o
I watch TV o
o put on my pyjamas o
. do the dishes o
o take a shower o

Tclk sbmut urhat Veu LArant

to do 0n Vsur next birthd#V
() a. @ rc Listen to Nicote and ALex
answering questions about their
birthdays. Complete the sentences.
1. NicoLe ceLebrates her birthdaywith
2. ALex ceLebrates his birthday with

b. @ 17 Listen again and match.

1. On her next birthday, NicoLe wants to
2. On his next birthday, ALex wants to
Q, O
o. Listen to music d. have a burger
and dance €. hang around
b. go to a shopping aLL day
centre f. invite friends and
G. eat pizza have a party

O a. TaLk about your next birthday, Say

what you want to do and what you
don't want to do.

.my nort birthda,¡, I don't want to got u?

earl,¡. I want to gü u? late.

b. Write about your classmate.

$ofía doesn't want to got u? earl,¡,
íhe wants to goI u? láte.

O Think about the foLLowing speciat

O @ 15 Listen aga¡n and choose the days and discuss the fotlowing
correct answer. questiof'15.

1. lmran wakes up al ó.00 / 7.00.

2. He has pancakes and chocolate /
oApril oJune20 oseptember2l
ice cream.
oMay25 rJuLy9 .December25

3. He has breakfast in bed / tne kitchen.

4. 0n her birthday, -Jenny usuaLLy has a 1. What do we celebrate this day?
sleepover / nig party. 2. How do you ceLebrate it at schooL?
5. Jenny and her f rien ds go danctng / dance |h 3. Which one is your favourite day? Why?
Jenny's bedroom.
6, They aLso watch a DVD / go to the ctnema.
7. They have pizza or sandwiches / burgers.
Student B: tu rn to pa ge 7 4.

9th JuLy is a nationaL hoLiday. Students don't go to schooL and many peopte
don't work. 0n this day, peopLe get together with their famiLies. Some stay
$.^+,*" at home and some others go to the city centre to watch the parades. Th"r.

are many traditions! Food, drink and dance are very important!

Many people decor-ate their windows or baLconies wlth the nationaLfLag

They love doing that. ln many houses,
they get together to cook traditionaL
dishes, such as fried saLty pastries
and carbonada, which is made with
maize, meat, sweet potatoes and a
dash of chiLLi, that adds a spicy flavour
to the dish. lt is deLicious and perfect
for winter! ln the afternoon, peopLe
and sweet pastries as wetl
as many other types of-r cakes.

Long live the land of the free)


Read the text and answer the @ Reread the text. True or faLse?
q uestions. Correct the false statements.
1. When is lndependence Day?
1. 0n 9th JuLy peopLe ceLebrate that they
are free from the king of EngLand.
2. Many famiLies cook deLicious dishes on this
2. How do peopLe ceLebrate it?
day, such as sa Lty pastries a nd carbonada .

3. ChiLdren g0 to schooL on 9th JuLy.

3. Which dishes do famiLies cook?
O What do you do on 9th JuLy? Do you
celebrate ¡t? How?
Mg fovourite dovs

O a. Use the phrases in the box to @ a. Use the chart to classify the
com ptete the sentences. activities.

* brush my teeth e eat out I dir+fter & Lunch

a ptantatree s hasLunch & forapicnic & ashower
s go to bed s prepares tasty snacks 6 breakfast ,, €& home
8 dinner & to the theatre
1. I watch TV after dinner and then I
I go to bed & to school

2. At school we to
celebrate the Earth Day.
3. She hardly ever
the canteen.
4. Grandma

5. l a Lways bef o re
going to bed.
6. Sam and Susie usuaLty
b. Match the verbs [1-ól to the
for their anniversary.
nou ns I phrases [a-fl.
b. Reread the sentences in 1. wea O. in a play
Exercise a. Write 5D for special, day
'l 2. act \, b. craftwork
or ED for every day activities. \ ww
3. do C. new c[othes

1. 4. 4. ta ke d. tasty snacks

2. 5. 5. prepare €. p rese nts

3. 6. 6. get / give Í. ph otos

O U.ry McFl.y is a fLight attendant on a plane. Look at her timetabLe and write
about her day. Write the times in words.
I aet uD aI auarler Io 6ix in ?raaue. f ...



O Read the descriptions. Match them to the pictures.

O write the correct titLe for each text.

* Jaleo a Burns Night e The Festiva l. of the Tooth

@ the sentences to the festivaL. @ nnO in the texts the words for the
1. They eat speciaL food.
foLlowing defi nitions.
2, It's a religious festivaL.
o 1. a very oLd object ro_lic
3. An ima Ls a re im po rta nt.
o 2. has speciaI powers
4. It's in winter.
o 3. a type of church
5. It's the festivaLof a famous man.
o 4. a royaI person
6. It's not a European festivat.
o 5. surprising and very good


@ Cotptete the third person singutar G) ffi,-ga, a. Listen and compl,ete the tabte
form of these verbs. with informat¡on for Robby and Rita.
1. O--6: She go 2. She eat
3. She rea d 4. He ha

5. Hefinish 6. She watch

She write

O Correct the sentences.

1. At HaLloween, we make melon [anterns.
ht H?illo_ygein we do_n't maKo- melon
I ant s:yn6_, W_o maKe_ pump_Yrn I a:nt eirn6_, b. Use the informat¡on above and
2. ln Sri Lanka, peop[e visit a museum to see a
wr¡te sentences about Robby and
tooth. Rita.

r. Rob by usual\ güt uP brfore 1;7-0-,

3. At Jateo festiva[, cows dance in the streets.

4. 0n Burns Night, peopLe write poetry.

O Write the adverbs of frequency in the c. Complete the column about you
correct ptace. and write five sentences in your
& always e ftet/ef s often
* sometimes &usually
O Complete the sentences about you

a. novor
go to schooL by bus.
t::: :.::t:.: .:: ::::

lE::¡. I drink orange

::lt:t ::::!:i,ilti


:: |:::: : : :: : :::
:: :: ::


$..r, cooks dinner.

Late for schooL.
10o/o 20Yo 30% 40Yo 50% 600/o 70Yo 80% 90o/o 100o/o
pLay f ootba LL in the
G) comptete with the correct form of
want and a verb from the box.
O wl;' Listen and number the special

e see * go r wear s have

1. María




O comptete the crossword and find the


O a. CompLete the sentences wlth

these words.

ü sometimes r Lights
s Love ü came[
ü t-shirt r you
ü red ü chicken
6 presents s Thanks

1. Everymorninglhavea in 1. Here,thisisfor :{0U

the bathroom.
2. I read before I go t o .
a greal
3. We atL -- TV on Sunday afternoon.
3. Roses a re -

4. I usualty *:- _: lunch at school. 4. I you.

5. I in a beautifu[country.
5. They rideona
6. 0n Saturdays I don't up 6. The next day we get
before ten o'ctock.
7. lalways have before lgo to school. 8. Can I have ?
8. Sometimes we wake up Late and

to school.. b. ffi; ltii' Listen and check.

9. My siste r

The message iS; -._--

,',ii i ,Í'r

ffi G

R I T I ru

O a. Read this text about a speciaL day. c. Write about David's day.
Complete it with the words in the Remember the s.
box. 1
First David gets u? and then he

s I {xZJ e lt {x2J s Mum

* My na me s Today r They After that, the postman ó Fina[Ly,
Davi d 7

O a. Read the text about a festival.

HL, Ls DavLd and. qy Complete it with these sentences.
s7eoLal doJt Ls tfth FebrucLrJl .
alwcLJls ?et ul2 e.arly s There is aLso a Lot of music and
and go d.ownstaLrs to huve. dancing
breal<{c-;st wLth qy {urnLly. * I live in Men doza and my favourite
's r1y {avourLte. rne.crl . festivaL is "La Fiesta de La Vendimia".
ulwcLJs o-ool<s & q>ecLal 6 lt's about work in the fieLd,grapes
b¿g breal<fasr wLth ull qy and wine.
f avourLte thLrtgs. Thert, L have.
cL shower and wash ryJ hc.Lr,
lLl<e. to look nLo-e. FLrtallV, l'm from Argentina and we have a

the. VostrncLrl arrLve.s cLt Lot of speciaL days in my country.

8 ,OO cLrn and lots o{ o,ards
aorne. through the. letter bo*. It starts on the Last Sunday in February
'r€ a;ll for rne! Today Ls and it ends on the first Saturday in
St, ValentLne's DoJ and March. There are parades and fireworks.
the. postrn&n thLnks L have.
lots o{ glrlfrlends. But
Ls r1y bLrthdcLJt! 8 - 's
The festivaL is about the present and the

also Nlond.cLJt and L have. to

It's great.
go to sa-hool ,

DavLd b. Read this text about the last day

of the festival and add connectors.

b. Why is 14th February a speciaL The last day

day for David? 0n this day we go to an amph¡theatre
with space for ove r 20,000 peo p Le. lt's
in a park near the city of Mend oza.
there is a Lot of
music and dancing. ---.-.-,
there is a beauty contest and we
choose the "Queen" of the festival". And

Lig hts and fireworks.

VOCABULARY O Order the words to make sentences.
1. Hector I to school. / aLways I alnine
O Complete the text. o'c[o ck I goes

H¡, my name's Mark and l'm twelve. Every

morning I1 at 7.30,12 2. PauL / sometimes I tale I for schooL / IS
I3 and Igo to school. School
at 8.30 ands at 3.00. 3. Tony and Theresa I online gam es I
Then I ó and 17 ln the usuatly / pLay I in the afternoon
evening, lB and watch television.

4. /
O Complete the text. Luke and Meg I at night / television
watch / often
Lei[a's favourite festivaL is DiwaLi. She
cel.ebrates it with her famiLy. During DiwaIi,
5. wear I to / SaLLy lclothes I Oirthd ay I
they the house with I.ig hts. They wants/forlher/new T

new clothes and they go and

friends and famil.y. Th ey 4..----

them presents. They5.-.... a big party.

O Complete w¡th before or after. () Comptete the sentences with true
1. Flalf past ten is nine o'c[ock. informat¡on.
2. Matt always brushes his teeth he
1. 0n Mondays, I get up
goes to school.
2, Then, I

3. Shei[a usuaLl.y goes to bed at 11 o'clock.

3. And after that, I

She never goes to d be - midnight. 4. 0n Saturdays and Sundays, lget up

4. We prepa re the f ood the pa rty.

5. ln the afternoon ,
GRAMMAR 6. In the evening, I

@ Choose the correct opt¡on. 7. My favourite special. day is

8. It is my favourite day because

1. Matitda don't speak / speaks very good
ItaLian. 9. 0n this day, I

2. I Like music but I don't play / not play 10. Ia friend s name) speciaL
an instrument. day is
3. Betty is a vegetarian. She doesn't eat / 11. It is favourite day because
not eafs meat.
4. Bobby and CLara live / lives in Granada. 12.
5. My grandparents don't comes / come to my
house every Sunday for [unch.
6. Juan wants t o go / goes home after school.



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