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The research is conducted on the Chinhony University Technology farm.It is carried out on a
small area which is 190 centimetres consist of eight treated rows. The purpose of the
project is to come up with the optimum sowing depth of soya beans by exploiting the
different sowing depth.It focus on the impact of each depth in terms of emergency
percentage, average growth rate and finaly the grain yield.
The experiment site is 190 square metres.In this plot eight rows were placed each row with
different treatment.The allocation of treatment was randomised ton reduce chances of
getting biased results.The experiment had rows with different depth which ranges from one
centimetres to eight centimetres.Emergence rate in rows was done by counting the
emerged seedlings by day eight after sowing per each treatment. Our project show that
treatment four of four centimetres produced the highest germination percentage. This stage
was affected by heavy rain which reduced the germination percentage. It was also affected
by the soil which is heavy. It was wise to carry out out project on loam soil which light and
have high infiltration rate so that the seeds will easly emerg. The top soil was made hard by
the heavy rain ,we should have carried the study early the season where there is low rain so
that will produce accuracy results.
The average height in soya beans was determined by using metre rule and a string on a
weekly interval as from week four after emergence to week of maturity. Treatment four of
four centimetres deep produced the best result which is 45cm. This stage was affected by
the out break of pest and disease. We should have carried the experiment mid season
where there is low rain because heavy rainfail cause the out break of pest and disease.This
cost us a lot of money because of the expects we hired to examine our crops and to treat
them.The heavy clay soil where we grow our soya beans also affect our results so the
project should have been done in mid season where there is less rainfail.The underlying
layers of the soil tend to be compacted so roots penetration could have been less efficient
resulting in reduced nutrients uptake by the seedlings. This also attributed to the
anaerobiosis hence reduced oxygen and respiration rate and less of nutrients uptake. We
should have carry out our project on the loam soil for the easy penetration of roots and add
some fertiliser and organic matter to produce the best and accurate results.
We have the final stage in process which will be carried out after harvesting each treatment.
We are going to weigh the products of each and every treatment and record the results.This
stage is not going to take much of our time and resources as it easy. We are hoping to find
treatment four of four centimetres producing the best results as it has shown on the
previous stages.We have faced a lot of challenges during this study but we overcomed them
so we hope to produce the better results at the final stage. The project should be completed
by the end of January of 2022 as planned.

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