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Dejah Sumrall

Professor Houston

Christian Ethics

2022 January 20

Culture Relativism.

Thank you for your opinion about the cultural relativism of both western cultures.

Typically, I presume that the background culture that a person is brought up in shapes their entire

psychology in how they respond and relate and react to the environment. According to

psychology, the human mind's perception says that the good and bad thing is all about a person's

consciousness (Burke, p. 469). The intended in this scenario is what is impacted in the person's

mind since childhood and continues to develop and strengthen as one keeps growing. In

comparison between the western and eastern cultures on matters of marriage, I side with the

culture of the west. Days are gone when Children’s future of marriage got decided by their

parents based on the suitability analysis of their spouse. It makes sense somehow about parents

choosing the best suitor for their children. Parents are known to have the most acute psyches and

can tell if the spouse is suitable or not. However, this practice has limitations since the

satisfaction of the parent's spouse is not the same as that of their children.

The western culture on marriage matters is the best since it's intensely cultivated by

upbringing. The culture relativism in the culture of the west prepares the children; the earlier, the

better in many forms. For instance, the children that play together from the neighborhood may

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end up being future couples (Burke, p. 470). The culture from the western prepares the children

for their future marriage by allowing them to have freedom of socialization with opposite

genders. By doing the space above, it makes them have more opportunity to explore more about

other genders. Henceforth, the western culture of relativism makes the children psychologically

believe in their freedom of choice and trust their decisions. The culture of the west gives the

adults preparing for marriage to have a courtship period or know their spouse's lovers better. The

period of courtship makes the spouses learn a lot from each other before the wedding. On the

contrary, the eastern culture makes the couples be at risk of splitting up after a short period of

marriage since they never learned from each other.

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Work cited

Burke, Roland. "Universal Rights, Systemic Violations, and Cultural Relativism in Morocco."

British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, vol 44, no. 3, 2017, pp. 469-471. Informal UK


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