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Child Development, September/October 2018, Volume 89, Number 5, Pages 1821–1838

Unpicking the Developmental Relationship Between Oral Language Skills

and Reading Comprehension: It’s Simple, But Complex
Arne Lerv
ag Charles Hulme
University of Oslo University of Oxford

Monica Melby-Lerv
University of Oslo

Listening comprehension and word decoding are the two major determinants of the development of reading
comprehension. The relative importance of different language skills for the development of listening and read-
ing comprehension remains unclear. In this 5-year longitudinal study, starting at age 7.5 years (n = 198), it
was found that the shared variance between vocabulary, grammar, verbal working memory, and inference
skills was a powerful longitudinal predictor of variations in both listening and reading comprehension. In line
with the simple view of reading, listening comprehension, and word decoding, together with their interaction
and curvilinear effects, explains almost all (96%) variation in early reading comprehension skills. Additionally,
listening comprehension was a predictor of both the early and later growth of reading comprehension skills.

The ability to read text with understanding is one of Kintsch, 1988; McNamara & Kintsch, 1996; Perfetti &
the core aims of primary school education, and ade- Stafura, 2014). However, for elementary school chil-
quate reading comprehension skills are essential for dren, by far the most commonly cited theoretical
educational success and adult well-being. It is well framework is the simple view of reading (Gough &
established that the development of reading compre- Tunmer, 1986). In this view, understanding written
hension depends critically on word decoding and lis- text is the product of decoding and listening compre-
tening comprehension (the simple view of reading; hension. Decoding refers to the ability to convert print
Hoover & Gough, 1990; Gough & Tunmer, 1986). into sound and to read fluently (see NICHD Early
However, many questions remain about the relative Child Care Research Network, 2005). The simple view
importance of different oral language skills (e.g., vocab- implies that when decoding skills are poor, they will
ulary, grammatical, and inferential skills) as influences place important constraints on reading comprehen-
on the development of listening and reading compre- sion. In contrast, when decoding skills are stronger,
hension. There is also a lack of consensus about the listening comprehension becomes a more important
exact form of the relationships between word reading influence on reading comprehension. In the last
and listening comprehension as determinants of read- 30 years, the simple view of reading has been used in
ing comprehension. Here we answer these critical ques- a number of studies across different languages, partic-
tions using data from a large-scale longitudinal study. ularly in studies of children in early elementary school
but also in some studies of later elementary school
children (see Garcıa & Cain, 2014 for a meta-analysis).
The Simple View of Reading The basic tenets of the simple view of reading are
supported by a large body of evidence. According to a
There are several different models that have been recent meta-analysis (Garcıa & Cain, 2014), there is a
used as frameworks for understanding how reading strong concurrent correlation between decoding and
comprehension develops (Cromley & Azevedo, 2007;

This research was funded by the Department of Education, © 2017 The Authors
University of Oslo and by a grant from the Research Council of Child Development published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc on behalf of Society
Norway’s UTD2020 programme (Grant 203335). We thank the for Research in Child Development.
research assistants for their help with data collection, and the This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons
teachers, schools, children, and parents for their participation. Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to distribution in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited,
Arne Lerv ag, Department of Education, University of Oslo, P.O. the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.
Box 1092 Blindern, NO-0317 Oslo, Norway. Electronic mail may 0009-3920/2018/8905-0027
be sent to DOI: 10.1111/cdev.12861
1822 Lerv
ag, Hulme, and Melby-Lerv

reading comprehension (r = .74), though, as predicted,

The Components of Listening Comprehension and Their
this correlation becomes weaker in older age groups
Relationship With Reading Comprehension
where the correlation between listening comprehen-
sion and reading comprehension becomes stronger Although listening comprehension appears to be
(see also Chen & Vellutino, 1997; Foorman, Koon, a crucial influence on reading comprehension
Petscher, Mitchell, & Truckenmiller, 2015). A critical (Gough & Tunmer, 1986), the nature of the lan-
limitation of this evidence is that it comes from concur- guage skills that provide the foundations for listen-
rent studies. Evidence from longitudinal studies is ing comprehension need to be clarified. Evidence
needed to provide evidence of putative causal effects. suggests that vocabulary knowledge is one critical
Longitudinal studies of reading comprehension influence on listening comprehension (Clarke,
typically concentrate on the early stages of learning to Snowling, Trulove, & Hulme, 2010; Kim, 2015,
read, typically up to third grade (Aarnoutse, van 2016; Lerv ag & Aukrust, 2010; Protopapas, Mouza-
Leeuwe, & Verhoeven, 2005; Kendeou, Van den ki, Sideridis, Kotsolakou, & Simos, 2013; see also
Broek, White, & Lynch, 2009; N€ aslund, 1990; NICHD Senechal, Ouellette, & Rodney, 2006).
Early Child Care Research Network, 2005; Roth, Few studies, however, have examined the possi-
Speece, Cooper, & De la Paz, 1996); studies that fol- ble role of other language-related skills as predictors
low children over longer periods of time (i.e., to of listening comprehension. It has been suggested
fourth grade or later) are scarce (Geva & Farnia, 2012; that variations in verbal working memory capacity
Limbird, Maluch, Rjosk, Stanat, & Merkens, 2014; may place constraints on listening comprehension.
Storch & Whitehurst, 2002; Verhoeven & van Leeuwe, For example, a study by Florit, Roch, and Levorato
2012). The main finding from these studies is that (2011) found that preschool children’s working
reading comprehension can be largely predicted from memory was a significant concurrent predictor of lis-
listening comprehension and word decoding. As age tening comprehension after the effects of vocabulary
increases, the role of word decoding as a predictor of were controlled (see also Dufva, Niemi, & Voeten,
reading comprehension (after reading comprehension 2001; Kim, 2016). However, the opposite has also
at an earlier time point has been taken into account) been suggested, that is, that performance on verbal
decreases and the role of listening comprehension working memory tasks merely reflect variations in
increases (Verhoeven & van Leeuwe, 2012; see also language skills (MacDonald & Christiansen, 2002;
Geva & Farnia, 2012; Storch & Whitehurst, 2002). see also Klem et al., 2015; Melby-Lerv ag et al., 2012).
These studies all use autoregressive models that One other cognitive skill that is clearly related to
essentially assess whether the rank order of children language skills is the ability to draw inferences
changes over time, but they do not model differences from spoken texts. It has been suggested that infer-
in relative rates of development among children. One ential skills are critical for the development of lis-
exception is the study by Quinn, Wagner, Petscher, tening comprehension, and Lepola, Lynch,
and Lopez (2015), which used a latent change score Laakkonen, Silven, and Niemi (2012) found that
model. This study provides support for a causal these skills were a unique predictor of later listen-
influence of vocabulary on reading comprehension ing comprehension beyond vocabulary and prior
because previous levels of vocabulary knowledge listening comprehension skills.
acted as crucial drivers of reading comprehension It has also been suggested that syntax (under-
growth (Quinn et al., 2015). Another limitation of standing the rules governing how words are com-
most longitudinal studies is that few have used latent bined to convey different meanings) is a critical
variables with multiple indicators of each construct determinant of listening comprehension. Two con-
to control for measurement error (e.g., de Jong & van current studies showed that listening comprehen-
der Leij, 2002; Storch & Whitehurst, 2002). sion was directly predicted by inference skills in
addition to grammatical knowledge and verbal
working memory (Kim, 2015, 2016).
Unresolved Issues in the Development of
Reading Comprehension Influences on Reading Comprehension Beyond Listening
Although the main elements of the simple view of
reading have been strongly supported by previous According to the simple view of reading (Gough
research, there remain several unresolved theoretical & Tunmer, 1986), once a text has been decoded, the
issues concerning the nature and form of influences only limit on comprehension is variations in listen-
on the development of reading comprehension. ing comprehension. This is a simple and radical
Development of Reading Comprehension 1823

proposal. However, others have suggested that listening comprehension (R = D 9 C; Reading Com-
other skills, including the language skills underly- prehension = Decoding 9 Listening Comprehension)
ing listening comprehension, may have direct rather than a simple additive one. This implies that
effects on reading comprehension which are not the associations between reading comprehension, lis-
fully mediated by listening comprehension (Geva & tening comprehension, and decoding will change
Farnia, 2012; Joshi & Aaron, 2000; Kirby & Savage, during the course of development. Early in develop-
2008; Silva & Cain, 2015). These authors have ment, decoding skills will vary widely and provide
argued “for a slightly less simple view of reading” powerful constraints on reading comprehension.
(Kirby & Savage, 2008, p. 75). Conversely, among older children who have profi-
For example, it has been suggested that verbal cient decoding skills, reading comprehension will be
working memory is crucial because reading com- more heavily influenced by listening comprehension
prehension requires the ability to process and store skills. Studies that have examined the possible multi-
information concurrently (Daneman & Carpenter, plicative effect of decoding and listening comprehen-
1980; Just & Carpenter, 1992). Some cross-sectional sion as determinants of reading comprehension have
studies (Cain, Oakhill, & Bryant, 2004; Christopher produced highly inconsistent results. In a seminal
et al., 2012) and one longitudinal study (Seigneuric study, Hoover and Gough (1990) examined this rela-
& Ehrlich, 2005) have provided support for this tionship in a sample of second-language learners in
claim, finding that verbal working memory kindergarten through fourth grade. The best fit to
uniquely explains variations in reading comprehen- the data was obtained with a regression model that
sion after controlling for the effects of vocabulary, included a product term in addition to the linear
decoding, and earlier reading comprehension. How- effects of decoding and listening comprehension. In
ever, another cross-sectional study failed to find contrast, Chen and Vellutino (1997) examined the
any predictive relationship between verbal working simple view of reading in a concurrent study with
memory and reading comprehension after control- samples of monolingual English children in Grades
ling for decoding, listening comprehension, and 2, 3, 6, and 7, and failed to find any evidence for the
vocabulary (Cutting & Scarborough, 2006). interaction.
It has also been suggested that inferential skills
are critical for the development of reading compre-
hension and that it has a direct influence on read-
The Current Study
ing comprehension in addition to its effect on
listening comprehension (Cromley & Azevedo, An inconsistent pattern emerges from prior studies
2007; Kintsch, 1988; Oakhill & Cain, 2000; Yuill & of the relationship between decoding, component
Oakhill, 1991; see also Perfetti & Stafura, 2014). language skills, listening comprehension, and read-
Consistent with this, Oakhill and Cain (2012) ing comprehension skills. Some of these inconsisten-
demonstrated that inference skills predicted reading cies may reflect a failure to take account of
comprehension after controlling for prior levels of measurement error (which may serve to distort the
reading comprehension ability. pattern of predictive relationships present if mea-
Finally, it has been suggested that syntax is not sures have different reliabilities). Measurement
only vital for listening comprehension but also has error will also serve to reduce the power to detect
a direct influence on reading comprehension as it, interactive effects between decoding and listening
together with word meaning, constitutes a lexicon comprehension (R = D 9 C) because when the reli-
that is critical for comprehension processes (see fig- ability of measures is less than perfect, product
ure 1 in Perfetti & Stafura, 2014). However, Kim terms are inherently less reliable than the simple
(2015) found that the effects of syntax were medi- terms they are derived from. One other important
ated through listening comprehension and that it methodological point is that it is critical to assess
had no additional direct effect on reading compre- the extent to which predictors show linear (rather
hension. than curvilinear) relationships with reading com-
prehension (see Ganzach, 1997).
The current study provides a clearer picture by
Moderation of the Relationship Between Listening
using a large set of predictors that allow us to
Comprehension and Reading Comprehension
examine the underlying structure of listening com-
The simple view of reading (Gough & Tunmer, prehension and how it relates to other language-
1986) claims that reading comprehension reflects a related skills, such as vocabulary, verbal working
multiplicative relationship between decoding and memory, inference skills, and grammar. We use
1824 Lerv
ag, Hulme, and Melby-Lerv

latent variables to control for measurement error. starting in the middle of Grade 2 (age 7.5 years)
We test the following hypotheses: and ending in the middle of Grade 7. From the
middle of Grade 2 until the end of Grade 3, chil-
1. Individual differences in listening comprehen-
dren were tested on four occasions at 6-month
sion will primarily reflect variations in a latent
intervals. Subsequently, they were tested in the
language factor that can be measured by
middle of Grade 6 (i.e., after a 2.5-year interval)
diverse measures of component language skills
and the middle of Grade 7 (i.e., after a 1-year inter-
(vocabulary, grammatical [syntactic and mor-
val). All testing was performed individually in
phologic skills], verbal working memory, and
school, and the tests were given in a fixed order to
inference skills).
all participants. In order to minimize possible fati-
2. There will be an interactive effect of decoding
gue effects for the later measures, and to reduce the
and listening comprehension on reading com-
stress on the children, the test battery was divided
prehension (R = D 9 C) such that variations in
into three and administered on different days. Test
decoding will place stronger constraints on
administrators were instructed to give children
reading comprehension earlier in development.
breaks if there were any signs of fatigue.
3. As listening comprehension is believed to
become more important for reading compre-
hension in older children, we expect that listen- Tests and Materials
ing comprehension will also predict variations
At Time 1, nine tests were used to measure lan-
in the growth of reading comprehension skills.
guage comprehension, two to measure word decod-
4. Finally, we test “a less simple view of reading”
ing, and one to measure reading comprehension.
by examining whether the specific factors of
The reading comprehension test was readministered
vocabulary, grammar, verbal working memory,
at Times 2–6.
and inference skills predict the development of
Reading comprehension was measured using a
reading comprehension after accounting for the
Norwegian translation of the Neale Analysis of
effects of listening comprehension.
Reading Ability, 2nd ed. (NARA–II) Form A (Neale,
1997). The test consists of six stories of increasing
difficulty. The children were asked to read each
Method story aloud and answer four questions about the
Participants first story and eight questions about each of the
other five stories. The test administrator asked all
One hundred and ninety-eight Norwegian sec- questions, and the test was discontinued after the
ond-grade children (93 girls and 105 boys) were child reached the number of decoding errors speci-
recruited 4 months after formal reading instruction fied in the manual. The test involves open-ended
had started (average age 7 years 6 months). All questions and narrative texts that draw more heav-
spoke Norwegian as their first language (L1). None ily on the comprehension component of reading
of the children had diagnosed developmental dis- comprehension than tests with multiple choice or
abilities or sensory impairments at the beginning of cloze procedures (Bowyer-Crane & Snowling, 2005;
the study. Informed consent for the children to par- Cain & Oakhill, 2006; Keenan, Betjemann, & Olson,
ticipate was obtained from their parents. In Nor- 2008).
way, children begin school in August of the year Word decoding was measured using a Norwegian
that they turn 6 years of age. Formal literacy translation of the Test of Word Reading Efficiency
instruction started in the first grade for all the chil- (TOWRE) Forms A and B (Torgesen, Wagner, &
dren in the sample. The children were recruited Rashotte, 1999). The children read as many words
from schools located in working-class and middle- as they could in 45 s from a list of 104 words.
class areas. The sample attrition was 0.5%, 7.6%, Vocabulary was measured using the vocabulary
8.1%, 11.6%, and 19.2% at Times 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, test from the Norwegian adaption of the Wechsler
respectively. The main cause of attrition was chil- Intelligence Scale for Children, 3rd ed. (WISC–III;
dren moving out of a school’s catchment area. Wechsler, 2003) and a Norwegian translation of the
first 144 words of the Peabody Picture Vocabulary
Test, 3rd ed. (PPVT–III—Form A; Dunn & Dunn,
Design and Procedure
1997). The tests were administered according to the
The children were tested on six occasions over a test manual, except that all children started at Set 3
period of 5 years (December 2006–January 2012), (ages 6–7) on the PPVT.
Development of Reading Comprehension 1825

Grammatical skills were measured using the Nor- A child scored 2 points for a full definition and 1
wegian adaption of the Test for Reception of Gram- point for a relatively vague definition. The instruc-
mar, Version 2 (TROG-2; syntactic skills; Bishop, tions, an example of one of the stories, and exam-
2009) and the grammatic closure test (morpheme ples of the scoring criteria are presented in Data S1.
generation) from the Illinois Test of Psycholinguistic Two tests were administered on different days, and
Abilities (ITPA; Gjessing & Nygaard, 1995). each contained eight stories. The first six of these
Verbal working memory was measured using a stories contained one nonword, and the last two
Norwegian translation of the listening recall subtest stories contained two nonwords. The maximum
from the Working Memory Test Battery for Chil- possible score on each of these tests was 20.
dren (Pickering & Gathercole, 2001). In this test, the
child had to listen to sentences read aloud by the
administrator, judge whether each sentence was
true or false, and then repeat the last word in each
sentence in the correct order. Descriptive statistics for all measures are presented
Listening comprehension was measured using a in Table 1. All measures had relatively high reliabil-
Norwegian translation of the oral comprehension ities at all time points and none of the children
test from the Woodcock–Johnson III battery (Wood- reached ceiling on any of the measures. The correla-
cock, McGrew, & Mather, 2001) and a Norwegian tions between measures at all time points are
translation of NARA–II Form B (Neale, 1997). The shown in Table S1. All further analyses were per-
Oral Comprehension test from the Woodcock– formed using full information maximum likelihood
Johnson III battery is a cloze test in which the child estimators with robust (clustered) standard errors
is required to complete a sentence or paragraph as implemented in Mplus version 7.4 (Muthen &
with an appropriate word. Muthen, 1998–2015).
In our listening comprehension version of the
NARA–II test, we administered six stories of
increasing difficulty. The test administrator read
each story aloud and the child had to answer four In order to test our hypotheses, we used struc-
questions about the first story and eight questions tural equation models with latent variables. In these
about each of the other five stories. To emphasize analyses we compared how well our hypothesized
comprehension rather than memory, the test admin- models fitted the data and if comparable (nested)
istrator stopped after reading approximately half of models differed significantly from each other. A
each of the stories with eight questions and asked good fit tells us that the model is plausible given
the first four questions. After the child had the data. Following the recommendations of Hu
answered those questions, the tester read the rest of and Bentler (1999), a good model fit was indicated
the story and then administered the last four ques- by a root mean square error approximation
tions. The test stopped after a score of zero was (RMSEA) < .06 combined with a standardized root
obtained for two consecutive stories. mean square residual (SRMSR) < .06 or a compara-
Inference skills were measured using two experi- tive fit index (CFI)/Tucker–Lewis index (TLI) of
mental tasks modeled after those used by Cain, above .95–.96 in combination with an SRMSR
Oakhill, and Elbro (2003). In these tasks, the admin- below .08.
istrator read aloud a sentence containing a non- In addition, a nonsignificant chi-square value for
word. The child was then asked if she or he could a model indicates that there is no significant differ-
tell what the nonword meant. On the first presenta- ence between the model (the model implied covari-
tion, there was not enough contextual information ance matrix) and the data (the estimated covariance
for the child to answer the question; it was merely matrix). In order to test the difference between com-
an introduction to the nonword. The child was then parable models, we used chi-square difference tests.
asked to work out the meaning of the nonword by
listening to the rest of the story. After reading the
Growth in Reading Comprehension Skills
rest of the story, which contained sufficient contex-
tual information to provide a reasonable explana- Figure 1 shows the observed individual growth
tion of the meaning of the nonword, the curves between the middle of Grade 2 and the mid-
administrator again asked the child what the non- dle of Grade 7. To fit these growth curves, we esti-
word meant. The answer was given a score of 0, 1, mated a piecewise growth model in which the
or 2 according to specific criteria for each nonword. children’s growth in reading comprehension skills
1826 Lerv
ag, Hulme, and Melby-Lerv

Table 1
Number of Participants, Means, Standard Deviations, Range, Skewness, Kurtosis, and Cronbach’s Alpha for All Variables at All Time Points

n M SD Range Skewness Kurtosis a

Reading comprehension
T1 NARA 198 9.71 5.93 0–28 .695 0.082 .883
T2 NARA 197 13.94 6.85 0–34 .421 0.019 .892
T3 NARA 183 18.08 7.06 0–35 .047 0.334 .871
T4 NARA 182 22.36 7.41 0–40 .399 0.021 .889
T5 NARA 175 28.63 7.34 0–43 .615 0.579 .876
T6 NARA 160 30.89 6.61 4–43 1.059 2.065 .866
T1 WISC–III vocabulary 198 18.55 4.19 6–30 .157 0.023 .721
T1 PPVT–III 198 99.16 14.25 56–137 .474 0.302 .930
T1 TROG–2 syntactic skills 198 13.54 3.38 3–20 .821 1.904 .742
T1 ITPA grammatic closure 198 22.17 4.30 10–33 .209 0.167 .757
Working memory
T1 WMTB-C listening recall 198 9.69 3.26 0–17 .217 0.183 .809
Inference skills
T1 Inference skills A 198 12.61 5.03 0–22 .555 0.317 .754
T1 Inference skills B 198 10.29 4.43 0–21 .232 0.206 .705
Listening comprehension
T1 NARA listening comprehension 198 15.12 5.38 3–32 .125 0.117 .820
T1 W–J listening comprehension 198 15.20 3.44 6–25 .277 0.144 .702
Word decoding
T1 TOWRE A 198 27.67 15.05 0–74 .535 0.191 .974a
T1 TOWRE B 198 26.07 17.06 0–75 .720 0.096 .974a

NARA = Neale Analysis of Reading Ability; WISC–III = Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, 3rd ed.; PPVT–III = Peabody Pic-
ture Vocabulary Test, 3rd ed.; TROG = Test for Reception of Grammar, Version 2; ITPA = Illinois Test of Psycholinguistic Abili-
ties; WMTB-C = Working Memory Test Battery for Children; W–C = Woodcock–Johnson; TOWRE = Test of Word Reading Efficiency.
Correlation between Form A and Form B.

was represented by three latent growth constructs. between the middle of third grade and the middle
The first construct reflected the score at the first of seventh grade (later growth).
time point in the middle of second grade (initial
status), the second reflected the early linear growth
The Structure of Listening Comprehension and Word
rate per year from the middle of Grade 2 to the end
of Grade 3 (early growth), and the third reflected
the later linear growth rate per year from the end Before predicting the growth of reading compre-
of Grade 3 to the middle of Grade 7 (later growth). hension skills, we used confirmatory factor analyses
As these growth constructs are latent variables, (CFA) to examine the structure of the predictor
measurement error will not influence their relation- variables. This allowed us to test if it was possible
ship with other latent variables. This model pro- to capture all the variance from the language, infer-
vides an excellent fit to the data: v2 = 7.162 (12), ence, and verbal working memory variables in a
p = .847; CFI = 1.00; TLI = 1.01; RMSEA = .000, common language factor. The model fit indices for
90% CI [.000, .041]; SRMSR = .032. Figure 2 shows the different models are listed in Table 2. First, we
a graphical description of the model together with estimated a six-factor CFA model in which WISC
the means of the growth constructs, the correlations vocabulary and PPVT reflected a vocabulary factor,
between them, and the standardized residual vari- NARA and Woodcock–Johnson listening compre-
ances of the observed variables. The model shows hension reflected a listening comprehension factor,
that on average, the children answered 8.36 more the two tests of inference skills reflected an infer-
questions correctly each year between the middle of ence factor, TROG and ITPA grammatical closure
second grade and the end of third grade (early reflected a grammatical skills factor, and the two
growth), and 2.49 more questions per year correctly TOWRE tests reflected a word decoding factor. To
Development of Reading Comprehension 1827




NARA Scores











Years From The Beginning Of The Study

Figure 1. Individual growth curves for reading comprehension from the middle of second grade to the middle of seventh grade.



-.103 -.375** SD = 1.39**

SD = 5.60** Reading Reading
Comprehension SD = 2.89** Comprehension Comprehension
Inial Status Early Growth Later Growth


.124 .273 .237 .208 .378 .260

Figure 2. The unconditional growth model of reading comprehension skills from the middle of second grade to the middle of seventh
grade. The means are unstandardized, but the correlations shown between the growth constructs and the residuals of the observed
variables are standardized. ** = p < .01.

create a latent variable for verbal working memory, divided the test into odd- versus even-numbered
and thereby estimate verbal working memory with- items. As can be seen from Table 2, this six-factor
out measurement error, we used item parceling and model provided an excellent fit to the data, which
1828 Lerv
ag, Hulme, and Melby-Lerv

Table 2
Fit Indices for the Confirmatory Factor Analyses Models of the Language, Listening Comprehension, and Word Decoding Tasks

v2(df), p Dv2(df), p RMSEA [90% CI] CFI TIL SRMSR

1. Six-factor model 39.704 (42), .572 000 [.000, 044] 1.00 1.00 .030
2. Second-order model 59.458 (50), .169 20.810 (8) .008 .031 [.000, .058] .992 .990 .045
3. Modified second-order model (Figure 3) 52.516 (49), .339 13.161 (7), .068 .019 [.000, .051] .997 .996 .042

RMSEA = root mean square error approximation; CFI = comparative fit index; TLI = Tucker–Lewis index; SRMSR = standardized root
mean square residual.

demonstrates that the different language measures matter. This final CFA model provided an excellent
cluster together well in their hypothesized cate- fit to the data (see Table 2).
gories (vocabulary, grammar, inference, verbal Figure 3 shows the structural equation model
working memory, listening comprehension, and where listening comprehension was regressed on
word decoding). the common language factor (same model fit in the
Next, we estimated a model in which the four last CFA above). As Figure 3 shows, the standard-
first-order factors of vocabulary, grammatical skills, ized path from language to listening comprehension
verbal working memory, and inference skills was strong (.95), and language explained 90% of
reflected a second-order language factor. This sec- the variance in listening comprehension. Thus, the
ond-order factor reflects the common variance common language factor is almost isomorphic with
shared by the four first-order constructs. This was the latent listening comprehension factor. The factor
important because we wanted to determine loadings of the language factor were high for all of
whether the unique parts of these four factors could the four first-order constructs except verbal work-
predict the development of listening comprehension ing memory, which had a moderate factor loading.
and reading comprehension after what is common The correlation between the language factor and
to all of them (i.e., the language factor) is con- word decoding was weak, and there was no corre-
trolled. This method of partitioning the language lation between listening comprehension and word
part of these four constructs into a common lan- decoding when we controlled for language.
guage factor made it possible for us to use the To test whether the first-order factors were asso-
unique error-free variance of the first-order factors ciated with listening comprehension after the effects
(the residuals) as predictors. This model fitted the of the language factor were accounted for, we
data very well, but the fit was significantly worse regressed listening comprehension directly on the
than that of the six-factor first-order model indicat- residuals (residual factors) one at a time. These
ing that there was more than one general language paths were not significant for any of the residuals
dimension in the data (see Table 2). (vocabulary: p = .805; grammatical skills: p = .428;
The modification indices for this model revealed verbal working memory: p = .067; inference skills:
that verbal working memory and inference skills p = .873), showing that only what they have in
shared variance in common (a dimension) that was common is related to listening comprehension.
not accounted for by the common language factor.
When allowing the residuals of these two factors to
Additive, Product, or Nonlinear Effects of Listening
correlate, there was no significant difference
Comprehension and Word Decoding on Reading
between this second-order model and the six-factor
first-order model, scaled Dv2 = 13.161(7), p = .068.
We judged the correlation between the unique parts We estimated two models to assess the role of
of verbal working memory and inference skills to the interaction term (Listening Comprehen-
be justifiable for two reasons: first, they both sion 9 Decoding) in predicting reading comprehen-
involve inference skills; second, because our main sion. First, we ran an additive model and then a
purpose was to determine whether any of the five product model with interactions and curvilinear
first-order factors could predict reading comprehen- effects included. In these models, later growth con-
sion beyond the common variance for all of them, structs were regressed on the earlier growth con-
the correlation between the residuals of verbal struct to avoid confounding the relationship
working memory and inference skills did not between the earlier growth constructs and the two
Development of Reading Comprehension 1829

Figure 3. The structure of listening comprehension and word decoding: listening comprehension regressed on the common language
skills of vocabulary, grammar, working memory, and inference skills. Parameters shown are standardized. ** = p < .01.

predictors of listening comprehension and word with relatively poor reading comprehension tend to
decoding. catch up with their peers. This model provided an
The left portion of Table 3 shows the results of excellent fit to the data: v2 = 134.89 (128), p = .321;
the additive model. Both listening comprehension CFI = .997; TLI = .996; RMSEA = .016, 90% CI
and word decoding were strong predictors of initial [.000, .039]; SRMSR = .045.
status in reading comprehension skills. Seventy- The right portion of Table 3 shows the results of
seven percent of the variance in the initial status of the product model, with both interactions and
reading comprehension was explained by this curvilinear effects included. Word decoding moder-
model. Furthermore, both listening comprehension ated the path from listening comprehension to the
and word decoding predicted early growth in read- initial status of reading comprehension (significant
ing comprehension after initial status was con- interaction). For good decoders, the relationship
trolled; in addition, listening comprehension, but between listening comprehension and the initial sta-
not word decoding, predicted later growth. The tus of reading comprehension was stronger than for
negative associations between initial status and poor decoders. Furthermore, the relationships
early/later growth and between early growth and between the initial status of reading comprehension
later growth indicate that children who start out and the two predictors were nonlinear (as indicated
1830 Lerv
ag, Hulme, and Melby-Lerv

by the significant curvilinear effects). There was a


Later growth
stronger relationship between listening comprehen-

b [95% CI]

Product model with interaction and curvilinear effect sion and the initial status of reading comprehension
for those with better reading comprehension skills.

The relationship between word decoding and the

initial status of reading comprehension was weaker
for those with better reading comprehension skills.
Thus, when decoding skills are good, variations in
2.03 [ .342, .640]

.209 [ .134, .552]

.050 [ .151, .252]
.324 [ .590, .058]
1.49 [.464, .209]
1.01 [.347, 1.67]

.615 [.261, .970]

decoding are not of much importance for reading
Early growth
b [95% CI]

comprehension, whereas the opposite seems to be

the case for listening comprehension. A negative

curvilinear effect was also found between word
decoding and the early growth of reading compre-
hension. Figure 4 shows this model after removing
nonsignificant interactions and curvilinear effects.
[ .198, .096]
[ .011, .127]

For reasons of simplicity, the observed variables of

[.609, .750]
[.396, .574]
[.073, .209]
[.074, .202]
Initial status

the first-order language constructs are not shown in

b [95% CI]

the figure. Additionally, nonsignificant regressions

on listening comprehension and word decoding are


not shown (but were estimated).

Figure 5a shows the nature of the moderated
relationship between listening comprehension and
[ 1.88, .533]
[ 1.10, .156]

[ .147, .510]

the initial status of reading comprehension: At 1 SD

[.288, 1.44]

.520 [.203, .836]

Later growth

above the mean of word decoding, the strength of

b [95% CI]

the path from listening comprehension increases

.17 SD units, equaling .85 (.68 + .17). At 1 SD


below the mean of word decoding, the path

Growth in Reading Comprehension Predicted From Linguistic Comprehension and Word Decoding.

decreases to .51 (.68 .17). Thus, the association

between listening comprehension and reading com-
prehension is stronger for good decoders than for
Additive model

1.02 [ 1.54, .506]

.944 [.510, 1.38]

.424 [.142, .707]

.706 [.393, 1.20]

poor decoders.
Early growth
b [95% CI]

The nature of the curvilinear relationships are

illustrated in Figure 5b (initial status on word

decoding) and 5c (initial status on listening compre-
hension). At 1 SD above the mean on word decod-
ing, 1 SD change in word decoding is associated
with a .35 (.49 .14) SD change in the initial status
Note. Standardized coefficients; bold values denote p < .05.
.700 [.630, .769]
.397 [.312, .483]

.229 [.121, .336]

Initial status

of reading comprehension. At 1 SD above the mean

b [95% CI]

on listening comprehension, the path from listening

comprehension to the initial status of reading com-

prehension becomes .81 (.68 + .13) for the initial sta-
tus of reading comprehension. Because the
interaction between listening comprehension and
Linguistic comprehension curvilinear

word decoding was significant, we must also take

this into account. As an example, at 1 SD above the
mean on both listening comprehension and word
Word decoding curvilinear

decoding, the path from listening comprehension to

Linguistic comprehension

the initial status of reading comprehension becomes

.98 (.68 + .13 + .17). At 1 SD below the mean on
Word decoding

both listening comprehension and word decoding,

Early growth
Initial status

the path from listening comprehension to the initial



status of reading comprehension becomes .38

Table 3

(.68 .13 .17). Figure 5d illustrates the curvilin-

ear effect of word decoding on early growth.
Development of Reading Comprehension 1831

Figure 4. The final structural equation model in which the growth of reading comprehension skills is regressed on listening comprehen-
sion and word decoding. Nonsignificant paths from listening comprehension and word decoding are estimated but not shown. The initial
status of reading comprehension is also regressed on the interaction between listening comprehension and word decoding plus the curvi-
linear effects of these two predictors. The early growth of reading comprehension is also regressed on the curvilinear effect of word
decoding (other nonsignificant interactions and nonlinear relations are not estimated in this final model). Parameters shown are standard-
ized. For simplification, the observed variables of the first-order language constructs is not shown (see Figure 3). * = p < .05; ** = p < .01.
1832 Lerv
ag, Hulme, and Melby-Lerv

30 25
a c

Reading Comprehension - Initial

Reading Comprehension - Initial

20 Low
Word 15
15 Decoding


Word 10
5 5

Low Listening High Listening
Low Listening Comprehension High Listening Comprehension
Comprehension Comprehension

14 18
b d
Reading Comprehension - Initial


Reading Comprehension - Early

8 10

6 8
0 0
Low Word Decoding High Word Decoding Low Word Decoding High Word Decoding

Figure 5. Regression slopes indicating the moderating effect of word decoding on (a) the relationship between listening comprehension
and the initial status of reading comprehension, (b) the curvilinear association between word decoding and the initial status of reading
comprehension, (c) the curvilinear association between listening comprehension and the initial status of reading comprehension, and (d)
the curvilinear association between word decoding and the early growth of reading comprehension.

In this final model with interactions and curvilin- Hochberg, 1995) to correct for the number of possi-
ear effects included, listening comprehension pre- ble combinations of predictors and dependent
dicted both the early and the later growth of growth constructs (4 9 3 = 12), none of the four
reading comprehension, whereas word decoding constructs are significant predictors of the growth
predicted only the early growth. The model of reading comprehension skills after controlling for
explained 95% of the variance in reading compre- the effects of the general language factor. Addition-
hension skills in the middle of second grade (initial ally, in the final model (Figure 4), the language fac-
status), 27% of the early growth and 64% of the tor (defined by vocabulary, grammar, verbal
later growth. working memory, and inference skills) explained
95% of the variance in listening comprehension,
indicating that this factor is virtually isomorphic
Simple View or Augmented Simple View?
with listening comprehension. Regressing the three
Finally, we tested whether vocabulary, grammar, reading comprehension constructs simultaneously
verbal working memory, or inference skills pre- on the common language factor did not improve
dicted the development of reading comprehension the model fit, Wald test (3) = 4.174, p = .243, indi-
skills after the effects of listening comprehension cating that the influence of the language factor on
were controlled. We tested this by regressing the reading comprehension growth is fully mediated
three growth factors on the residuals of these four through listening comprehension.
first-order constructs (i.e., on the unique parts of
these constructs) one predictor at a time. Table 4
shows the results of these regressions. Only verbal
working memory predicted the initial status
of reading comprehension skills after controlling This longitudinal study has tested several important
for listening comprehension. However, if we use hypotheses about the development of reading com-
the Benjamini–Hochberg procedure (Benjamini & prehension across a period of major developmental
Development of Reading Comprehension 1833

Table 4
Growth of Reading Comprehension Regressed on the Unique Parts (Residuals) of the Five Linguistic Comprehension Constructs.

Initial status Early growth Later growth

Predictors b [95% CI] b [95% CI] b [95% CI]

Vocabulary skills .077 [ .051, .205] .034 [ .558, .491] .352 [ .001, .705]
Grammatical skills .082 [ .128, .293] .199 [ .128, .526] .187 [ .219, .593]
Working memory .069 [.007, .131] .016 [ .223, .191] .167 [ .092, .425]
Inference skills .056 [ .073, .186] .284 [ .701, .133] .176 [ .036, .588]

Note. Standardized coefficients; bold value denotes p < .05.

change. We found that variations in listening com- underlying language skills on which they depend
prehension were almost entirely explained by the (Allen & Hulme, 2006; MacDonald & Christiansen,
variance that is shared by our collection of oral lan- 2002) rather than the idea that verbal working
guage measures (vocabulary, grammar [syntax and memory is a separate “language-learning device”
morpheme generation], verbal working memory, (Baddeley, Gathercole, & Papagno, 1998; Gather-
and inference skills). The unique parts of these four cole, Willis, Emslie, & Baddeley, 1992).
constructs did not explain additional variance in lis-
tening comprehension after controlling for the vari-
Additive, Product, and Nonlinear Effects of Listening
ance shared by them. The simple view of reading is
Comprehension and Word Decoding Explain the Growth
very strongly supported by our results, because lis-
of Reading Comprehension
tening comprehension and decoding skills, together
with their interaction, explained almost all of the As predicted by the simple view of reading, the
variance in reading comprehension at the beginning relationship between listening comprehension and
of the study. In addition, listening comprehension reading comprehension in Grade 2 varied as a func-
continued to predict both the early and later tion of decoding skills. For good decoders, varia-
growth of reading comprehension, whereas decod- tions in listening comprehension are more
ing only predicted the early growth for those with predictive of how well they understand written
poor decoding skills. There was no evidence that texts than for poor decoders. Without adequate
vocabulary, grammar, verbal working memory, or levels of decoding, oral language comprehension
inference skills uniquely explained variation in skills cannot be engaged to allow the comprehen-
reading comprehension beyond their role as part of sion of a written text.
this common language factor. The curvilinear relationship between decoding
and reading comprehension shows that individual
variations in word decoding skills are less impor-
The Structure of Listening Comprehension
tant among good decoders than poor decoders.
We found that variations in listening comprehen- Once decoding skills are sufficient to decode a text,
sion were almost entirely explained (95% in the further improvements in decoding skill are irrele-
final model) by a factor defined by vocabulary, vant. However, when decoding skills are poor,
grammar (syntax and morpheme generation), ver- slightly better decoding skills can lead to better
bal working memory, and inference skills. This understanding of a text. A similar relationship was
result is at odds with several prior studies using found between word decoding and the early
observed variables that found unique contributions growth of reading comprehension skills. For good
to listening comprehension from inference skills decoders, individual variations in decoding skills
and verbal working memory (Kim, 2015, 2016; have little effect on the development of reading
Lepola et al., 2012). The difference between our comprehension skills. In contrast, for poor deco-
study and earlier ones most likely reflects the fact ders, individual variations in decoding skills may
that we have eliminated the problems caused by play an important role in how fast their reading
measurement error by using latent variable models. comprehension skills develop. These findings are a
Theoretically, our finding that verbal working further illustration of the bottleneck function that
memory correlates so well with other measures of word decoding seems to have when a child is try-
language ability is consistent with the view that ing to comprehend a written text. In contrast, listen-
these tasks essentially reflect differences in the ing comprehension continued to predict growth in
1834 Lerv
ag, Hulme, and Melby-Lerv

both early and later reading comprehension skills decoding is mastered quickly (see also Caravolas,
for all participants and no interaction was found Lerv ag, Defior, Malkova, & Hulme, 2013). Because
here. These results underline the long-lasting and of this, variations in language comprehension start
important role that listening comprehension plays to play a role in limiting reading comprehension
in the development of reading comprehension relatively earlier than for children learning to read
skills. in English (in the current sample around second
grade, in English speaking samples third–fourth
grades, see Storch & Whitehurst, 2002). Children
Augmented Simple View
learning to read in consistent orthographies seem to
According to the augmented simple view of surpass English children’s decoding skills quickly
reading, certain component language skills (e.g., after the start of formal reading instruction even
inference making and verbal working memory though formal reading instruction in English starts
skills) make a direct contribution to reading com- 1–2 years earlier (see Caravolas et al., 2013 for a
prehension in addition to any role they might play comparison between Spanish and Czech vs. English
in fostering listening comprehension. In contrast, readers). However, despite the difference between
the simple view of reading posits that these compo- orthographies, the patterns of development found
nent language skills only affect reading comprehen- here correspond closely with earlier findings from
sion via their effects on listening comprehension. English-speaking samples (Hjetland et al., submit-
Contrary to some earlier studies using observed ted). Therefore, the pattern of predictors of reading
variables (e.g., Geva & Farnia, 2012; Oakhill & comprehension seems to be relatively consistent
Cain, 2012), we found no support for the aug- across orthographies that differ in orthographic
mented simple view because the effects of compo- consistency. The current model explains an impres-
nent language skills on reading comprehension sive 95% of the variation in listening comprehen-
were entirely accounted for by their effects on lis- sion, and 96% of the variance in the initial level of
tening comprehension. Similar findings were reading comprehension, which suggests that there
obtained by Kim (2015), in a concurrent study. We is little variance left to explain in these constructs. It
believe measurement error is a likely reason for the is still possible however that other constructs not
discrepancy between our study and many of the included in the current study might play a role in
prior studies that found differentiated effects of the development of reading comprehension. For
vocabulary, grammar, verbal working memory, and example, Kim (2016) found that attention explained
inference skills on reading comprehension skills variance in listening comprehension, and this was
(see Cole & Preacher, 2014). not assessed here. Background knowledge has also
been suggested to be important for reading compre-
hension (Cromley & Azevedo, 2007; Kintsch, 1988;
Strengths and Limitations
McNamara & Kintsch, 1996; Perfetti & Stafura,
There are several strengths of the current study. 2014). However, the effects of background knowl-
We have a relatively large sample who were edge on reading comprehension may depend on
assessed repeatedly over a period of significant differences in vocabulary knowledge, because
developmental change (second–seventh grades) recent studies with children that have suggested
using a rich test battery. In addition, the use of that these are not separable constructs (see Kim,
latent variables for all constructs allowed us to con- 2016). The percentage of variance explained in the
trol for measurement error. Controlling for mea- early and later growth of reading comprehension
surement error is particularly important when was less than in the initial level of reading compre-
assessing the relative importance of different pre- hension suggesting that unmeasured construct
dictors and when testing for interactions between might play a more important role here. However,
predictors. the residual variance in the later growth of reading
The majority of earlier studies that have related comprehension was not significantly different from
the development of reading comprehension to a zero indicating that little if any variance in growth
large set of predictors over time have been con- remains to be explained.
ducted with children learning to read in an opaque Notwithstanding the very high proportion of
orthography—English (Hjetland, Brinchmann, variance in both reading and listening comprehen-
Scherer, & Melby-Lerv ag, submitted). The current sion accounted for by the models presented here,
study involved children learning to read in the rela- there is always the possibility that if other variables
tively consistent Norwegian orthography, where had been used to represent the constructs (e.g.,
Development of Reading Comprehension 1835

working memory and inference skills), the results controlled trials that have examined the effects of
might have been different. Because we used a ver- interventions to improve language comprehension
bal working memory measure that is closely related (e.g., Clarke et al., 2010; Fricke, Bowyer-Crane,
to reading comprehension, it does not seem plausi- Haley, Hulme, & Snowling, 2013; Rogde, Melby-
ble that a nonverbal working memory task would Lerv ag, & Lervag, 2016; see also Melby-Lerv
ag &
have produced better predictions of reading com- Lerv ag, 2014). Several studies support the claim
prehension. Similarly, the inference task we used that interventions can improve language compre-
focused on word learning from context, because we hension skills in young children (Fricke et al.,
wanted to see whether such language inference 2013; Rogde et al., 2016) and improvements in oral
skills were unique predictors of both listening com- language skills appear to lead directly to improve-
prehension and reading comprehension beyond the ments in reading comprehension both in younger
general language skills that such tasks contain. It (Fricke et al., 2013) and older children Clarke
might be, however, that other tasks more directly et al., 2010). Such findings provide strong support
associated with making inferences from written text for the simple view of reading, and for the causal
(e.g., making inferences within sentences and across theory that the development of reading compre-
parts of texts) would have been even more success- hension is dependent on underlying oral language
ful in predicting reading comprehension skills. In skills.
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