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These are the words that are used to apply for a job

 Advertisement: Anuncio/Oferta de trabajo

 Apply for a job: Solicitar un trabajo
 Application form: Formulario/Solicitud
 CV: Currículum Vitae
 Appointment: Cita (recuerda que debes solicitarla para realizar la entrevista)
 Interview: Entrevista
 Accept an offer: Aceptar una oferta
 Reject an offer: Rechazar una oferta
 To hire: Contratar

These are the words that are usually used for details about the job posting in any
 Part-time job/worker: Trabajo/trabajador a media jornada.
 Full-time job/worker: Trabajo/trabajador a jornada completa.
 Temporary job: Trabajo temporal.
 Permanent job: Trabajo permanente.
 Shift work: Turno de trabajo.
 Starting date: Primer día de trabajo.
 Notice period: Periodo de antelación.
 Volunteer: Voluntario.

You start by saying your name, age, place where you live, studies or profession you
have, hobbies you might have, and you can also say some things you want to
accomplish in the future.
Here’s a little pattern of how you should introduce yourself
Después de los puntos que hemos tratado, puedes tomar este modelo de referencia e
intercambiar tu información y gustos personales en el lugar adecuado.
Hello, I’m Alicia and I’m 27 years old. Although I was born in Barcelona I have lived in
London since I was a child. I work in a travel agency as a business analyst. I like
dancing and swimming in my free time. What I like the most is to walk around in the
countryside. I really hate to get up late, because I think it’s better not to waste time! –
Hola, soy Alicia y tengo 27 años. Aunque nací en Barcelona, vivo en Londres desde
que era una niña. Trabajo en una agencia de viajes como analista de mercado. En mi
tiempo libre, me gusta bailar y nadar. Lo que más me gusta es salir a caminar al
campo. Odio levantarme tarde, ¡porque creo que es mejor no perder el tiempo!

Personal presentation in English: the importance of knowing how to describe

We know that one of the first things you will want to do as you progress in English is to
talk about yourself and express who you are. What do you like? What motivates you?
What do you do and what are your hobbies? Do you live in the city or do you prefer the
tranquility of the countryside or a smaller town?

In English, as in any other language, there are certain basic aspects to take into
account if what we want is to make a personal presentation in English with feet and
A personal introduction in English involves talking about yourself in detail.
You have to provide objective data about yourself and also talk about more personal
aspects, such as your interests.
Pay special attention to grammatical issues to be able to say what you want correctly.

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