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andra Install************************************************************

//Install java jre

====> sudo apt install openjdk-8-jre-headless

//chek the current path

====> pwd

//the current path

====> /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64

//to launch nano text editor

====> sudo nano ~/.bashrc

// add this to nano text editor

====> JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64

//install curl packages

====> sudo apt install curl

//add the repository for version 4.0

====> echo "deb 40x main" | sudo tee -a

//Add the Apache Cassandra repository keys

====> curl -L | sudo apt-key add -

// update the package index from sources

====> sudo apt-get update

//install cassandra with apt

====> sudo apt-get install cassandra

//check the status

====> sudo service cassandra status

//start the server

====> sudo service cassandra start

//stop the server

====> sudo service cassandra stop

// check the status of cassandra

====> nodetool status

// install cqlsh libraries

====> pip install cqlsh

//start a cassandra query services

====> cqlsh

***********************************cassandra queries

//start a cassandra query services

====> cqlsh

//create db
====> CREATE KEYSPACE school_db WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy',
'replication_factor': '1'} AND durable_writes = 'true';

//list all dbs


//switch to db
====> USE school_db ;

//create a table students

====> CREATE TABLE students(id timeuuid PRIMARY KEY, name text, fees double,
address text);
====> DESC TABLE students

// drop a table
DROP TABLE students ;

//insert into table using timeuuid

====>INSERT INTO students(id, name, fees, address) VALUES(now(), 'Hamid Khalil ',
25000, '+23566200135');
====> select * from students;

//update into table using timeuuid

====> update students set address='+23566300000', name = 'Hamid Khalil' where id =
====> select * from students;

//delete into table using timeuuid

====> delete from students where id = eeaf8ad0-8119-11ec-9161-e77bb6b30ec2;
====> select * from students;

*********************************************** Alter table for one to one

====> ALTER TABLE students ADD level map<text, text>;

====> DESC TABLE students;

//insert into table by timeuuid for one to one

INSERT INTO students(id, name, fees, address, level) VALUES(now(), 'Hamid Khalil',
25000, '+23566200135', {'Classe':'3eme', 'Description':'last classe of college'});
// list all in the table
====> select * from students;

*********************************************** Alter table for one to many

====> ALTER TABLE students ADD courses map<text, frozen<course>>;

====> DESC TABLE students;

//insert into table using timeuuid

INSERT INTO students (id, name, fees, address, level, courses)
VALUES (now(), 'Halime Khalil ', 25000, '+23566200135',
{'Classe':'3eme', 'Description':'last classe of college'},
'courses1' : {
name: 'Bio',
description: 'Biologie Humaine'
'courses2' : {
name: 'Math',
description: 'Mathematiques Analyse'

====> select * from students;

*********************************************** Alter table for one to many second
//alter table for one to many
====> ALTER TABLE students ADD teachers map<text, frozen<teacher>>;

//insert into table using timeuuid

INSERT INTO students (id, name, fees, address, level, courses, teachers)
VALUES (now(), 'Zahara Khalil ', 25000, '+23566200135',
{'Classe':'3eme', 'Description':'last classe of college'},
'courses1' : {
name: 'Bio',
description: 'Biologie Humaine'
'courses2' : {
name: 'Math',
description: 'Mathematiques Analyse'
'Teacher1' : {
name: 'Halima Hisseine',
description: 'Biologie Tcheacher'
'Teacher2' : {
name: 'Jean Bernard',
description: 'Math Teacher'

====> select * from students;

====> desc school_db;

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