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Ransom 1

Creation, The End, & The Epic of Me

By Jesse Ransom

Book I: Creation

Verse I: Pin & the void

In the beginning there was only the endless void sea and Pin. Pin was the alpha of all that comes

and sat motionless for 10,000 eternities before she developed want. At first, she was not sure

what she wanted but slowly, over thousands, of years she developed a whisper of an idea. She

was unsure of what exactly that idea was, but she knew the first step: she had to move. So, Pin

gave herself form and picked a shape that she felt would best allow this. She turned herself into a

gigantic titanium ball 6.5 times the size of Jupiter. For the first time she felt the cold void around

her and shivered. She no longer enjoyed her lonesome existence and decided to journey the void

to see what could be done about this. Though before her journey could start, she needed to learn

how to move her new massive form. With great effort, she pushed herself forward and began to

roll. As her form moved forward, it compressed the void into a fine amber dust that began proto

stars and gaseous nebulas. From this matter developed a celestial rail for Pin to travel on that

held the fledgling pieces of matter together. For the first time Pin felt purpose and drive. She

looked back and the smooth set of rails that lay behind her and felt pride in her accomplishment

in brightening the void.

Verse II: The God Piston

For the first time she spoke to herself, “how can I make this brighter?”. She felt the urge to build

more complicated things and do it faster, so she created a husband, Emvolo. Known as the God

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Piston he was a massive metal cylinder that was 20 times larger than his wife. Pin had created

her husband with great strength and gave him 10,000 arms made of pure energy with which to

assist her in her great task. Emvolo awoke from his birth and looked at his new wife. His mighty

voice rippled across the void as he thanked her for his creation. He was born loving beyond his

will. Emvolo was completely enthralled with his wife and wanted only to spend the rest of their

days lovingly embracing each other but that was not his purpose. Pin had created Emvolo so he

would hoist her onto his ginormous metal shoulders and launch her with great speed and energy

into the cosmos so that she could continue her mission of creation. They would not see each

other till the end of time. Though Pin knew that when they next saw each other they would no

longer be lovers. she kept this from her new husband for she loved him too.

Verse III: The Launch

When Pin explained this to Emvolo he was distraught, but his love bound him to his wife’s

eternal will. He gave her 5,000 of his arms as a gift for her great journey and she thanked him.

He kissed his wife for the first and only time and lifted her with his mighty arms. Slowly locking

each one behind the other he readied his precious cargo for the great journey that was ahead of

her. With a fantastic burst of energy, he threw his wife forth into the void with such ferocious

energy that the ripple across the void began to smash together. Their shavings became the first

stardust. Pin shot forth across the void smashing into existence wild creation as she went. Her

great size and power bursting both matter and energy forth in wild tentacles of chaos that spread

forth as she covered billions of miles in seconds. Without form or function the wild plasma

quickly fizzled out and its brightness faded. This bothered Pin as the wild amalgam of energy

and matter was like weeds left untended and refused to allow anything to coalesce into

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something more. If Pin were to brighten the void, she would need to separate the two into the

parts needed to build something more.

Verse IV: The Sisters Fundamental

Pin, upon realizing this great challenge, deemed it necessary to take action. With great pain she

separated 1,000 of the gifted arms of cosmic energy from her body and fashioned them into a

might lance. Then, with great force and iron spirit, she plunged the lance into the chaos the

spilled forth from her cosmic wake. Energy and matter were immediately split, and huge clouds

of gas and elements were separated from the wild energies of the splitting cosmos. But energy

was still too powerful it battled and lashed at Pin and the infant masses of matter. With precise

drive and clarity Pin drove her lance into Energy and split it into the sisters of energy known as

the Sisters Fundamental. The first sister to spring forth was Gravita and she was relieved to

finally have form and be free of mindless chaos. She asked her mother what she may due to

assist. Pin, already longing for her husband and seeing the formless matter dissipate into the

endless void, responded, “provide your matter with a way to embrace itself”. And so Gravita

went forth and formless matter began to attract itself to one another. The next to come forth from

the lances gash in energies wild side were the twins Ischyros and Adynama. Ischyros was the

embodiment of strength and determined warrior. She was born in love with her twin Sister

Adynama and like, Emvolo, plagued by her love as Adynama was unattainable. Always with her

eyes to the horizon, Adynama would always pull away from her lover in search of something

more. The twins were born selfish and enthralled in the own preoccupations of adventure and

adoration. The shot off into the fledgling cosmos without asking their mother for how they could

assist. This angered Pin and she skewered them both with her Divine Lance before they could get

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far. Pin then took 1,000 more of her gifted arms and fashioned a Godly cage for the thoughtless

twins. Locked in a cage their chase created the brightest light that Pin had ever created. That was

when Pin took her lance and sliced the cage, with the twins in it, into a trillion pieces and

separated their being with it. She then took these bright little pieces and flung them across the

cosmos to create the stars we see today. With the 3 sisters carved from the body of energy all

that was left was Electromagnetica and she was a loyal daughter to her mother. Finally free of

her sister’s chaos she asked her mother how she may help. Pin, looking back at the vastness of

what she had already created, felt overwhelmed and worried that she would be unable to care for

it. She looked to her youngest daughter and said, “You, child, must be my eyes everywhere along

with my breath. You shall connect all creation and bind it to the form that best suits it”.

Electromagnetica agreed and spread herself across the cosmos, pushing herself into the space

between spaces. With forces of energy wrangled, matter was able to take shape and the

foundation of the cosmos was laid forth. It was now that Pin could truly let herself roll and she

pushed forward, blasting a path of creation as she went as her daughters shaped its wild form

behind her. As she gained speed, she urged to change her path and with a blast of creation she

snapped an entire galaxy into existence while simultaneously bouncing off of it. Then she did

another, then another, filling our night sky with homes for the twins to settle in as the continue

their eternal chase through a trillion cages. With every bounce and snap of creation the cosmos

brightened, and Pin could feel nothing but pride for her creation. She marveled at what she

created and hoped that Emvolo would find some solace in her work as he looked on from the

beginning of the universe. Though what Pin did not realize is that not everything in the cosmos

enjoyed the light.

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Verse V: The Void Awakens

It stirred in anger. It was the brightness that had created it. Squashed it and squeezed it as it

spread across the cosmos. The blackness had compressed and grown cold with thought and if it

knew anything, even about itself, it knew it was angry. The void cried aloud, “what is this

luminous poison squeezing me from all sides!”. It reached its thoughts out across itself and felt

Pin tearing across his surface, ripping him up from the inside and exposing him to light so bright

that it cut into his mind. He watched her and his anger grew as he realized that she was utterly

heedless of even his existence. He was a callous and empty being with only want and rancor as

his motivations. But even with all his malice, he knew he was no match for Pin and had no hope

of stopping her rampage across is scalp. For the first time ever, fear was felt, and the Void King

hated that even more then Pin. He desperately reached his thoughts across the blossoming

cosmos looking for an answer.

Verse VI: The Void King’s First Lie

Looking inside one of the billions of suns that Pin had created he found one of the many pairs of

sisters. As the tumbled and ran through the labyrinth like golden cage that Pin had created for

them, the Void King had an idea. He would unite the lovers so that their intimate embrace would

burst the walls of the cage and thus would all at once, blow out the cosmos. He went to Ischyros

and asked, “Why do you tire yourself chasing the one who cares more for the chase then for your

heart?”. And

the strong warrior responded, “She is the one I love, and I know she loves me. If it be her destiny

to wander, then it will be mine to follow”.

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“Your love touches me,” The Void King lied, “Allow me to help you so that you may finally

have a chance to hold your lover for a moment.

Ischyros was overjoyed and agreed to listen to the Void King’s proposal. The void king handed

her a pan flute and told her the first love song ever to be sung. He told her that when she played

it that her lover would come to her, and they would spend eternity in loving embrace. The Void

King neglected to mention that this was not the way they had been created and there would be no

way to get Adynama to stay. The proud warrior learned the notes and readied the pan flute. The

song that was sung was so perfect and holy that when it was sung for the first time, the sun-cage

they were in radiated an energy it never had before. The light left the cage and travelled to infant

planets that had made their home around it. Electromagnetica, being everywhere, felt this energy

and it gave her the urge to dance for the first time. As she danced her feet slammed the ground

and the matter changed and morphed into something knew. She wrote the words that she heard in

her head down on the ground and from them plants grew. She cried a trillion tears that filled a

billion ocean across the cosmos for the lovers whose melody she heard. As Electromagnetica

danced across a trillion planets, Ischyros played on. Over thousands and thousands of years the

loving music radiated through the labyrinth that Pin had created for them until it reached

Adynama’s ears. Enthralled in the blissful tune she was drawn to her longing sister. As they drew

close to each other, the void king reveled in his own cleverness and felt the hour of darkness

coming. The lovers came within arm’s reach and when they did Ischyros stopped playing and

reached out to touch her long out-of-reach lover. As she did, Adynama screamed a scream so

loud and blood curdling that it burst the walls of their cage. The explosion rippled out

threatening to envelope all of creation as each sun learned the song of love a destruction. But

Gravita was ready, she held out her great arms and held back the chasing lover’s energy.

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Charged with being the cosmos’ shepherd she had seen he Void King’s plot coming and massed

her energy around every sun. Beaten and outsmarted the Void King retreated back to one of the

few dark corners of the Cosmos left.

Verse VII: Creation of Sentients

The treachery of Void king had reaped some unexpected gains. Life had sprung from

nothingness but complete happenstance and the sisters and their mother discussed this. After

several hundred thousand years they finally agreed that life should be allowed some sentience as

well. So, they created conscious life and placed it on 1,000 worlds throughout the cosmos. Each

world would be given one of Pin’s arms to help nurture its upbringings. The result was a

stunning success with sentient thoughtful creatures springing up on every world. With this

success Pin had to admire the fact the Void King had inspired something far greater then even

she imagined. She smiled inwardly and soldiered on glancing, only for a moment, back towards

the beginning of the universe.

Verse VIII: The hole in all conscious life

Dejected, beaten and utterly desperate the Void King stomped around his shrinking domain. Not

only had his plan not worked but it had inadvertently created life. Life that was now being

shaped into sentient thoughtful life. It had an ace up its sleeve for the final day, but it needed to

do something about these sentient beings. They could become allies of its great enemy, Pin. So,

the Void King quietly went to each world that All-mother and her daughters seeded with

conscious life, and he placed a small hole in the spirit. Something that they could never fill so

that they may always consume themselves. Cunning and thoughtful was the Void King in his

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placement as he had to leave their will intact. Otherwise, the goddesses would catch wind of it

and correct his sabotage. The plan unfortunately worked and that is why we all must be vigilant

of the hole within us begging to be filled. The void has no limit, and that hole is unfillable. But,

with the all-mother’s guidance, control is possible through life’s fulfillment. That is why we

must all find our own path toward happiness less we fall victim to our inner void.

(End of Book I)

*Thanks for reading, reach out if you would like to read the end.

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