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Biological Theory (2019) 14:267–279


Reciprocal Causation and the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis

Andrew Buskell1 

Received: 1 January 2019 / Accepted: 30 June 2019 / Published online: 5 September 2019
© The Author(s) 2019

Kevin Laland and colleagues have put forward a number of arguments motivating an extended evolutionary synthesis. Here I
examine Laland et al.’s central concept of reciprocal causation. Reciprocal causation features in many arguments supporting
an expanded evolutionary framework, yet few of these arguments are clearly delineated. Here I clarify the concept and make
explicit three arguments in which it features. I identify where skeptics can—and are—pushing back against these arguments,
and highlight what I see as the empirical, explanatory, and methodological issues at stake.

Keywords  Causation · Evolutionary theory · Explanation · Extended evolutionary synthesis

Introduction evaluating candidate explanations. Such shared practices

are inculcated in researchers through their education, train-
Over the last 40 years researchers of many stripes have ing, and hands-on experience with evolutionary reasoning.
critiqued the structure of evolutionary theory on causal Though such inculcation is likely to be highly individual-
grounds.1 This line of criticism has been developed in new ized, it can be approximated by the structure and presenta-
ways by Kevin Laland and colleagues. Their arguments have tion of evolutionary theory as found in standard textbooks
attracted significant attention, especially those arguing for (e.g., Futuyma and Kirkpatrick 2017; see Love 2010).
a new evolutionary framework, what they call an extended One important feature of the EES argument concerns
evolutionary synthesis (EES) (see: Laland et al. 2014, 2015, the overall integration of evolutionary theory as enacted by
2017; Laland 2015). The EES is just one of a number of consensus practice. Such integration can be more or less
recent attempts to craft a new evolutionary framework,2 yet centralized or eclectic (Lewens 2015). The difference hinges
has quickly assumed a central role in such discussions. There on the extent to which the consensus practice has a central
are now a number of publications either building upon (e.g., theoretical, conceptual, or methodological core. The more
Mesoudi et al. 2013; Fuentes 2016; Piperno 2017; Zeder that consensus practice has a central and well-integrated set
2017; Lu and Bourrat 2018; Uller and Helanterä 2019) or of models, theories, assumptions, and standards of explana-
critiquing its proposals (e.g., Dickins and Rahman 2012; tion the more centralized and “core-like” its organization.
Dickins and Barton 2013; Calcott 2013; Wray et al. 2014; By contrast, when there is a loose patchwork of research
Charlesworth et al. 2017; Welch 2017). methods and explanatory criteria, perhaps put in the service
Central to the EES critique is whether the consensus of multiple distinct sets of research aims, the more eclectic
practice of current evolutionary theory suffices to explain the organization of consensus practice.
evolutionary phenomena. Following Kitcher (1993), I use Broadly speaking, EES proponents have argued that
consensus practice to refer to the persisting and shared prac- consensus practice is centralized, and thus that there is a
tices within a scientific domain that enact typical approaches “core-like” organization of consensus practice. Thus they
to carrying out research, determine the salience and impor- argue that “core assumptions” (Laland et al. 2015), “central
tance of research questions, and set up the standards for tenets” (Pigliucci and Müller 2010), or “core logic” (Müller

* Andrew Buskell  For instance: Levins and Lewontin (1985), Griffiths and Gray (1994), Oyama (2000), and Gould (2002).
 Such recent attempts include Raff (1996); Robert (2004); Carroll
Department of History and Philosophy of Science, (2005, 2008); Müller (2007, 2017); Pigliucci (2007, 2009); Pigliucci
University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK and Müller (2010).

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2017) need updating and change.3 To put it another way, Reciprocal Causation
EES proponents are optimists: they see new tools, models,
and concepts as expanding the core of evolutionary theory What is reciprocal causation? As I see it, EES research-
through methodological and conceptual revision. Oppo- ers use the concept in two ways. The first is in a straight-
nents of the EES (again, speaking broadly) are skeptics: they forwardly causal sense. This takes reciprocal causation to
hold that consensus practice stands in good stead and that be a kind of causal relationship, one where two processes
the phenomena motivating optimists’ arguments—at least exert a mutual influence on one another (Laland et al. 2011,
inclusive inheritance, developmental bias, and phenotypic 2013a; Mesoudi et al. 2013). In many places, this is all that
plasticity—are either non-existent, marginal, already well- EES optimists have in mind when they use the concept. As
understood, currently within reach of standard evolutionary Laland et al. (2015, p. 6) write: “The term ‘reciprocal causa-
models, or some combination thereof. Such skeptics thus tion’ simply means that process A is a cause of process B,
deny that EES research challenges or radically alters the and subsequently, process B is a cause of process A, with this
shared core of consensus practice. feedback potentially repeated in causal chains.” Though the
To shed some light on these conflicting evaluations of causal detail of such mutual influence may differ from case
the EES, I analyze one of the optimists’ central concepts: to case, the idea is at root a simple one: two causal processes
reciprocal causation (Laland et al. 2011, 2013a, b, 2015, are reciprocally linked insofar as they are coupled processes
2015). Reciprocal causation is a “defining” and “unifying” where the state of one is a function of the other (and vice
theme of the EES, and one taken to challenge causal assump- versa).
tions embedded in the models and explanations of consensus On this understanding, reciprocal causal processes con-
practice. Yet the positive epistemic merits of this concept trast with unidirectional ones–causal relationships where
are unclear, as a range of competing interpretations seem to mutual influences are negligible or non-existent. So stated,
show (Calcott 2013; Dickins and Barton 2013; Martínez and unidirectional causation characterizes many familiar cases
Esposito 2014; Watson et al. 2016; Svensson 2018). of causation: rocks falling to the ground, billiard balls col-
In light of these interpretive differences, the central task liding, and solar radiation warming the earth. Speaking more
of this article is identification and clarification: to interpret generally, unidirectional causation characterizes situations
and carefully distinguish those places where the positive with asymmetric relationships between causes and effects.
epistemic value of reciprocal causation might be used to To use Woodward’s (2003) terminology, these are situations
argue for changes to consensus practice. Below I find three where there are no significant influences feeding back from
such arguments. Though supported by quotes and arguments the changed effect variable to a subsequent change in the
from the EES and its interpreters, these lines of argumenta- cause variable.
tion have not received full articulation by proponents. They Researchers in the life sciences are familiar with this
are thus best understood as extrapolations or interpreta- construal of reciprocal causation. It is the causal relation-
tions—possible ways in which the concept of reciprocal ship enacted in runaway sexual selection, in the positive
causation might be used to argue the case for the EES. and negative frequency-dependent selection of population
This exegetical and evaluative strategy is important. genetics, in gene-network diagrams of evolutionary devel-
As the dialectic between EES optimists and skeptics has opmental biology, and the complex interactions of cellu-
progressed, there have been increasing claims of misunder- lar metabolism. In all of these domains and more besides,
standing on both sides.4 It is important to move past the researchers model coupled processes of mutual influence
rhetoric and isolate what the potential benefits of the EES between elements.
are taken to be, whether there are arguments to support these Yet EES proponents also use reciprocal causation in a
claims, as well as where the concepts and methods of a new more substantial manner, often taking it to be central to a
synthesis break from the empirical, conceptual, and theoreti- revised picture of evolution and evolutionary change (Laland
cal understanding of current consensus practice. et al. 2014, 2015; Watson et al. 2016; Laland et al. 2017).
This construal of reciprocal causation incorporates feedback
and interaction across multiple causal levels, with a particu-
lar emphasis on organismic behavior as a central cause mod-
ulating selection regimes. On this conception of reciprocal
causation, organismic activity is locked in relationships of
  Though see Love (2010, 2013, 2017) who criticizes the represen- mutual influence with developmental and evolutionary envi-
tations of the structure of evolutionary theory that the language of
“core” suggests. ronments through trophic exchange, excretion, and move-
  For an example, see the heated back-and-forth between Gupta et al. ment. More evocatively, this is a picture where “developing
(2017a, b) and Feldman et al. (2017). A more subdued confrontation organisms are not solely products, but are also causes, of
can be found in Laland et al. (2014) and Wray et al. (2014).

Reciprocal Causation and the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis 269

evolution” (Laland et al. 2015, p. 6). To optimists, the radi- 20th century, the assumptions of fractionation have become
cal theoretical implications of this more substantial construal so cemented in consensus practice that they are no longer
of reciprocal causation are conspicuous in processes of niche visible as assumptions, but are instead taken to be veridical
construction, particularly where the activities of a popula- representations of the evolutionary processes.
tion generate systematic changes in the developmental and Walsh’s position is contentious, and one I have considered
selective environments of downstream generations (Odling- elsewhere (Buskell and Currie 2017). Still, even if one were
Smee et al. 2003). to take Walsh’s argument at face value, one could still be
Again, in the interest of evenhandedness, one should note that skeptical about its scope: fractionation does not seem to char-
consensus-practice researchers are familiar with this more sub- acterize much of evolutionary developmental biology, quan-
stantial construal of reciprocal causation. Organismic effects on titative genetics, or ecology. To the extent it has purchase, it
selection regimes are especially prominent in evolutionary ecol- is on particular modelling strategies in behavioral ecology
ogy as exemplified in the rich empirical and theoretical work on and population genetics (Welch 2017). It is not unreasonable
predator–prey dynamics, parental effects, and social evolution. to wonder, then, what the broader implications of reciprocal
So acknowledging the explanatory value of a more substantial causation might be. After all, if reciprocal causation contrasts
construal of reciprocal causation need not necessitate further with fractionation, and this merely characterizes a small sub-
methodological and conceptual change. Indeed, skeptics note set of methods in evolutionary biology, the broader edifice of
that niche construction is most often presented—and perhaps the EES seems to be built on shaky ground.
is best understood—in a deflationary way. This deflationary Here EES optimists adopt a distinctive strategy: they
understanding takes work in niche construction as an attempt to suggest that fractionation does in fact characterize much
model a range of novel selection dynamics, rather than a radical of consensus practice. This is because population genetics
challenge to consensus practice (e.g., Wray et al. 2014). forms the core of consensus practice in evolutionary theory.
Nonetheless, EES optimists see the substantial view Drawing together a range of historical sources, optimists
of reciprocal causation as supporting their claims of an construct a historical narrative where population genetics
expanded and extended consensus practice. Their argument is central to the rise of “The Modern Synthesis.” This, they
here relies not just on reciprocal causation, but on an idi- take to be a broad theoretical framework still in place today.
osyncratic understanding of the history and organization of Recall above I suggested that one important dividing line
evolutionary theory. This is visible when EES optimists char- between EES optimists and skeptics is the extent to which
acterize the modelling assumption of consensus practice they they see new research as requiring an overhaul of core
call fractionation (Walsh 2015; Uller and Helanterä 2019). consensus practice. Optimists see such changes as either
Fractionation is a strategy for representing and modelling incipient or currently ongoing, while skeptics deny that
evolutionary dynamics that takes the component processes of EES research substantially alters consensus practice. What
evolution to operate autonomously. “Autonomous” here means the optimists’ historical framing aims to achieve is both the
that causes underpinning evolutionary change—development identification of a core to consensus practice—the fraction-
and survival, replication and inheritance, and the generation ated assumptions of population genetics—as well as a dem-
of novelty and variation—are distinct realms of causal activ- onstration of plausible, empirically fruitful alternatives.
ity with negligible causal links holding between them. On a Yet these arguments are contentious. First, it is unclear
fractionated picture of evolution, for instance, the processes to what extent consensus practice is, or was, centralized,
involved in generating mutations and innovations (e.g., copying around population genetical models, theories, and assump-
errors, chromosomal recombination) do not directly affect the tions. Love’s (2010, 2013), for instance, adopts an erotectic
developmental machinery that generates phenotypes. Instead, approach and argues that evolutionary theory may be eclecti-
mutations merely transform the content-carrying genetic vehi- cally organized around a range of discipline-specific research
cles that are translated by such developmental machinery. questions. Second, the historical narrative is questionable.
Fractionation is an epistemic strategy, one that represents Historians, philosophers, and evolutionary researchers have
evolution as occurring in a sequence of noninteracting steps. consistently criticized narratives that posit a single event,
In this way, fractionation is no different than other model- the Modern Synthesis, dominated by formal mathematical
ling assumptions in evolutionary theory, for instance, the models of population genetics.5
assumption of infinite population size present in many popu-
lation genetic models. Yet when viewed over historical time,
representational strategies can become so entrenched that 5
 Perhaps the most congenial narrative to the optimists’ historical
alternatives become difficult to imagine; the strategies begin framing comes from Provine (1971), though Provine himself denied
the centrality of population genetics to evolutionary theory, for
to seem foundational, perhaps even ontological. Indeed, this
instance, as seen in his (1980) work. Other historians have also chal-
claim is central to Walsh’s (2015) historical reconstruction lenged the idea of a single event that could be called the Modern Syn-
of contemporary evolutionary theory: over the span of the thesis, such as Smocovitis (1996), Cain (2009), and Milam (2010).

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Still, even if this historical framing is suspect, that EES Rigging the system: reciprocal causation partly explains
optimists argue against fractionation does mean arguing stable selection pressures by highlighting the role of top-
against prevailing theoretical and modelling assumptions in down developmental and behavioral constraints;
high-profile areas of evolutionary research. To the extent that Keeping an open mind: reciprocal causation provides a
their arguments for theoretical or methodological change are causal framework that can correct for insidious practices
convincing, then, they might still motivate changes to how limiting the power of evolutionary theory.
consensus practice understands, represents, and theorizes
about evolution. If organisms are in constant interaction with As suggested above, these arguments involve a certain
the world, involved in complex webs of mutual causal influ- amount of interpretation and extrapolation. What follows
ence—perhaps generating environmental regularities in the is thus a consideration of several possible ways that recip-
world that can “flip” latent developmental switches (West- rocal causation might positively contribute to evolutionary
Eberhard 2003)—then the causal assumptions of consensus research. In identifying and articulating these lines of argu-
practice may be called into question. ments, I identify those places where skeptics might push (or
As all of this makes clear, the positive epistemic value of are already pushing) back against EES claims.
reciprocal causation is linked to how well it brings complex
webs of mutual influence into view. This might involve iden-
tifying new kinds of reciprocal causal links, providing new Empirical Aptness
empirical tools, or showing how consensus practice fails to
represent crucial causal features in evolutionary change. Yet Reciprocal causation is not new to biology. Causal rela-
a key problem for EES proponents is in articulating how tionships between key evolutionary processes are familiar
exactly reciprocal causation facilitates or renders visible from work on sexual selection, parent–offspring conflict,
such mutual causal influence. While EES proponents suggest frequency-dependent selection, and density-dependent
that reciprocal causation is part of a package of ideas that selection. In each of these, parameter or trait values of a
“is more than simply ‘business as usual’ science: it requires conspecific (for instance, female preference) can both influ-
conceptual change” (Laland et al. 2015, p. 10), there are ence, and be influenced by, the parameter or trait value of
countervailing claims. Those most closely aligned with what another conspecific (for instance, male displays). To these
I identify as the “skeptical” position hold that reciprocal conspecific examples, one can add a host of interspecies
causation is ubiquitous in consensus practice and thus that coevolutionary phenomena including mutualism, crypsis,
the concept brings about no radical conceptual or theoretical mimicry, and Red Queen effects. EES optimists, therefore,
change (Dickins and Barton 2013; Futuyma 2017; Svensson are in good company when they assert “reciprocal causation
2018). Somewhere between the two positions are research- to be a typical, perhaps even universal feature of evolving
ers who argue that while reciprocal causation does bring and developing systems” (Laland et al. 2015, p. 7). The ubiq-
added conceptual resources to evolutionary theorizing, these uity of reciprocal causation is an assumption shared with
merely facilitate the generation of new empirical tools, and consensus evolutionary practice.
that only these further resources can possibly challenge con- On the back of such consensus, then, it seems somewhat
sensus practice (Martínez and Esposito 2014; Watson et al. unusual to claim that the approach of the life sciences needs
2016). What these various interpretations show is that the to change; that, because of its ubiquity, “reciprocal causation
concept of reciprocal causation is ambiguous, and poten- should now be regarded as the norm, rather than the excep-
tially pressed in the service of multiple aims. tion” (Laland et al. 2013a, p. 738). Remarks such as these
Here I suggest that one can identify three plausible lines call out for interpretation.
of argumentation for the positive empirical value of recipro- One weak interpretation would take this claim to be an
cal causation. These strategies differ in how reciprocal cau- empirical hypothesis about the ubiquity of reciprocal causa-
sation brings added conceptual, theoretical, and empirical tion in biology, without assuming that theoretical or method-
resources to bear in understanding complex webs of causal ological implications follow. This, for instance, seems to be
interaction—and as a result, how the concept is supposed to the position of Svensson (2018) who suggests that reciprocal
challenge consensus evolutionary practice. These three lines causation draws our attention to the complexity of evolution-
of argumentation are: ary phenomena and the need for greater collaboration among
researchers. While this is one possible interpretation of the
Empirical aptness: reciprocal causation is ubiquitous role of reciprocal causation, EES optimists seem to think
among causes that underpin evolutionary phenomena, it has broader implications. These come into view if one
and models that employ reciprocal causation are thus holds not only that reciprocal causation is ubiquitous, but
more likely to be empirically apt for investigating at least also that some important causal processes in evolution need
some aspects of these phenomena; to be modelled as such. Embedded within such a stance is a

Reciprocal Causation and the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis 271

corollary claim—that current consensus practice does not do and hypotheses. The positive merits of these, I’ve suggested,
such modelling or does not have the resources to carry it out. are tied to their abilities in rendering visible complex webs
Interpreting reciprocal causation in this way generates an of mutual influence at multiple levels. Is there evidence that
empirical issue: are there kinds of evolutionary phenomena reciprocal causation aids in the generation of such tools?
that require, or would be better investigated by, representing While the EES points to a wide range of sources as being
evolution in terms of reciprocal causation? amenable to, and perhaps supporting, a picture of recipro-
We can construe this as a problem of empirical aptness: cal causation (reviewed in Laland et al. 2015), much of this
does the concept of reciprocal causation help make progress work antedates the conceptual and theoretical innovations
towards the goals of inquiry? Empirical aptness, in other of the ESS. It is thus unclear whether and to what extent the
words, is a relationship between a researcher’s resources EES or the concept of reciprocal causation is central to these
and the generation of epistemic goods (e.g., explanations, empirical endeavors. Still, I think there are two examples
understanding, the articulation of theory). Such goods are that support the claim that reciprocal causation does in fact
produced in the pursuit of what Brigandt and Love (2010, provide a novel conceptual resource that generates new kinds
2012) call “problem” or “explanatory agendas,” research of tools for researchers, and identifies new lines of research
questions that structure and set goals for empirical inquiry. to pursue.
As Brigandt and Love argue, what counts as satisfactory pro- The first comes from Uller and Helanterä (2019) who
duction of goods will be determined and refined as research argue that various niche-construction models and concepts
progresses: empirical investigation reveals “assumptions are better suited to exploring evolvability. Here, evolvability
about what it means to generate an adequate explanatory is understood as the possible trajectories that populations
framework” (Brigandt and Love 2010). Determining the could take through some abstract multidimensional trait
empirical aptness of reciprocal causation means not only space (see also Brown 2014). Uller and Helanterä’s reason-
evaluating its role in generating empirical methods and tools ing hinges on the contrastive character of causal explana-
for everyday research, but also its place in structuring and tions; why for example, do orchid mantises look like this
guiding inquiry across a community of researchers. orchid rather than that one? As they suggest, given knowl-
Understanding that reciprocal causation may have this edge about the developmental resources, behavioral flexibil-
dual role—a role in generating empirical tools and also ity, and environmental resources of a particular population,
structuring empirical investigations—can help to explain the the reciprocal causation concept provides added resources to
otherwise puzzling strategy of EES optimists who attempt consider a wider range of explanatory contrasts—especially
to argue for change to consensus practice on the back of those where organismic activity alters the circumstances of
widespread consensus about empirical matters of fact. development.
Above I showed that reciprocal causation is widely rec- Their case study considers beach mice (Peromyscus
ognized as an important phenomenon in a number of popu- polionotus). Prior work has revealed that a single-nucleotide
lational genetic, ecological, and developmental domains. polymorphism modulates the coat color of these mice and
Interestingly, there is also widespread consensus that the aids in the avoidance of predators by selecting for lighter-
reciprocal causal phenomena EES optimists see as central coated mice on light, sandy beaches, and darker-coated
to their framework—at least niche construction, inclu- mice on inland terrain (Hoekstra et al. 2006). Yet Uller and
sive inheritance, phenotypic plasticity, and developmental Helanterä argue that this gene-based story is not the only
bias—are real bona fide phenomena. Nonetheless, whether evolutionary trajectory that populations of beach mice could
these phenomena should be central targets for evolutionary have taken; with the aid of reciprocal causation, a broader
research is another matter. Laland et al. (2014) suggest that range of evolutionary possibilities come into view. Uller and
consensus practice “consistently frames these phenomena Helanterä focus their energies on characterizing develop-
in a way that undermines their significance” (p. 164). Yet mental niche construction, where systematic changes in the
a response by Wray et al. (2014) argues that, “none of the parent generation can structure the developmental resources
phenomena championed by Laland et al. are neglected in of daughter generations. Here they suggest that such sys-
evolutionary biology… [the] prominence that these four tematic changes could have involved changes to burrow-
phenomena command in the discourse of contemporary ing behavior, sensitivities to the signals of aerial predation,
evolutionary theory reflects their proven explanatory power, movement into new terrains. Importantly, several of these
not a lack of attention” (p. 163). Understanding this debate counterfactual trajectories hinge on the role of social learn-
as about pursuit-worthiness and the broader theoretical and ing, where the behavioral strategies of the parent generation
empirical significance—rather than theoretical and empirical influence the daughter generation’s exposure to and affective
validity—helps to clarify what is at stake. valence of stimuli.
Nonetheless, EES researchers do think that their pro- Uller and Helanterä’s example is speculative, but draws
posed framework also brings with it new empirical tools on the rich literatures on parental effects, social transmission,

A. Buskell

and niche construction. If they are right, then consensus Evolution can pick up on “deep regularities”—structural
practice does seem to neglect certain kinds of explanatory clusterings of properties—that facilitate adaptive responses
contrasts—particularly those involving intergenerational at multiple temporal and spatial scales. In this way, evolu-
effects that shape the plastic capacities of organisms. The tion can generalize to novel, though structurally similar,
concept of reciprocal causation might thus play an important selective environments. As they suggest, “evolution thus
role in drawing attention to, and providing theoretical mod- acquires information from past selection in the same prin-
els for, these underinvestigated evolutionary phenomena. cipled way that simple learning systems acquire informa-
Yet there are reasons to be skeptical that such explana- tion from past experience” (Watson and Szathmáry 2016,
tory contrasts are, in fact, ignored. There is a large litera- p. 148).
ture within ecology on the plastic responses of populations Reciprocal causation is central to this story, as it intro-
and individuals within changing environmental circum- duces a way of tweaking the parameters of evolutionary
stance (reviewed in Schlicting and Pigliucci 1998; West- change (selection, variation, and heritability) that represent
Eberhard 2003; DeWitt and Scheiner 2004). Moreover, constraints on the mappings between networks and behavior.
this literature covers a wide range of finely demarcated These reciprocal linkages are seen in the kind of reciprocal
scenarios including “switch-like” change brought about causal phenomena highlighted by EES optimists, things like
through threshold responses (e.g., Lively 1986), graded developmental bias, niche construction, and inclusive inher-
change based on continuous variation (e.g., Schoeppner itance, as well as those phenomena highlighted by Watson
and Relyea 2008), and variable temporal expression such et al. such as major transitions in individuality (Maynard
as seasonal polyphenism (e.g., Brakefield and Frankino Smith and Szathmáry 1995) and ecosystem dynamics (Lean
2009). Perhaps most important for current purposes, there 2018). These phenomena are characterized by feedback
is now a growing body of empirical and theoretical work between different kinds and levels of causation that gener-
investigating the costs of evolving plasticity itself and how ate “correlations or covariations between components that
this might factor into the understanding of long-term evo- were previously independent” (Watson and Szathmáry 2016,
lutionary trends (Murren et al. 2015). So when it comes p. 153). So, for instance, what they call “EvoDevo” interac-
to understanding the role of plasticity in bringing about tions involve causal links between gene-regulatory networks
evolutionary change—even change within one or a few and environmental parameters which together can modify
generations—it is unclear that the concept of recipro- the distribution of phenotypic variation; “EvoEco” how the
cal causation is central in bringing to light unnoticed or cumulative interactions among communities of organisms
underrepresented explanatory contrasts. modify selection pressures; and “EvoEgo,” how the interac-
Yet consider a second example drawn from the work of tions among entities at various levels transform and change
Watson and colleagues (Watson et al. 2014, 2016; Watson the mechanisms of inheritance.
and Szathmáry 2016; Kouvaris et al. 2017), who develop To sum up: one way in which optimists seem to argue for
an analogy between evolution and learning theory—par- the value of reciprocal causation, and for the EES framework
ticularly between gene networks and neural networks more generally, is by emphasizing its empirical aptness. But
(Vohradsky 2001a, b). Building on a rich body of for- as I hope to have shown, proponents of the EES argue for
mal theorizing, Watson et al. suggest that the tools and such aptness on the back of widespread consensus as to the
methods from learning theory provide added traction on existence and importance of a range of evolutionary phe-
a number of outstanding theoretical and philosophical nomena. So far, little in the debate between optimists and
issues in evolutionary theory, including major transitions skeptics suggests that reciprocal causation illuminates new
in individuality, ecosystem dynamics, the evolution of explanatory contrasts as of yet undiscovered by evolutionary
genome architecture, and intriguingly, the ability of natu- researchers. Yet the concept may play a central role in new
ral selection to generalize and “anticipate” future selective directions of research, where mutually influencing causal
environments. relationships at multiple levels are important. I have high-
Anticipation and generalization are features familiar lighted the research of Watson et al. here, but I could have
from the literature on network architectures (Clark 1993). equally pointed towards the exciting graph theoretical and
After training on a set of stimuli, networks can general- dynamical systems models of gene-network effects (e.g.,
ize to similar stimuli—a feat called “signal” or “prototype Salazar-Ciudad 2006b; Jaeger et al. 2012). In short, though
extraction.” So, for instance, after being exposed to a train- reciprocal causation may not identify or isolate “new’’ or
ing set of unusual dogs—say, obscure breeds like Pulis “neglected” evolutionary phenomena, it may already be
or Lagotto Romangolos—a connectionist network would playing a role in structuring ongoing research into funda-
be able to recognize and categorize more familiar breeds mental evolutionary questions.
(Labradors, terriers). Watson et al. suggest that evolution
is able to achieve similar feats at multiple causal levels.

Reciprocal Causation and the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis 273

Rigging the System Similar arguments can be found in evolutionary develop-

mental biology. Kirschner and Gerhart (2005, 2007) have
One interesting empirical hypothesis floated by EES opti- argued that structural features of developing organisms—
mists concerns how the complex web of feedforward and notably, suites of modularized, exploratory, and weakly
feedback causal interactions that characterize biologi- regulated processes—facilitate genetic change over evolu-
cal phenomena might ultimately underpin the models of tionary time (here we should read “facilitating” in terms of
consensus practice. As Laland et al. (2013a) suggest, the making possible). This is because these structural features
empirical success of standard evolutionary models may engender that organisms are built with sufficient robustness,
occur in virtue of underlying reciprocal causation. That is, redundancy, and plasticity to accommodate variation among
reciprocal causation explains why the fractionated, unidi- a number of elements. Such variation is constantly tested for
rectional causal models work: viability, in part through interactions with the environment.
On this account, variation is generated, accumulated, and
The external world is likely to be capricious but the expressed in a manner sensitive to organismic functioning.
selective environment is what matters to evolving Selection on variation thus only comes about in virtue of the
organisms and if the selective environment retains stabilizing characteristics of organisms.
some constancy across generations (or is changed in Like other EES arguments considered above, there are
predictable ways), inductive gambles are more likely two ways of interpreting the claims being made here. A
to pay off. This means that we would expect evolu- weak interpretation has it that structural and behavioral fea-
tionarily successful organisms to transform their selec- tures help to keep organisms viable. This is the idea that
tive environment in predictable ways … effectively, to organisms act so as “to increase the chance that [they] and
“load the dice” as well as predicting the outcome of their descendants will remain within their tolerance spaces”
the roll. (Laland et al. 2013a, pp. 739–740) (Laland et al. 2013a, p. 739). So stated this weak interpreta-
Here, organisms that “transform their selective environ- tion is obvious. After all, organisms engage in a wide range
ment” are those engaged in the reciprocal process. of activities—acquiring food, excreting waste, fighting path-
I take it that the argument goes something like this: ogens—in order to increase their viability and opportunities
(1) differences in trait fitnesses reflect the relationship for reproduction.
between traits and environments; (2) unless the fitnesses A stronger interpretation has it that structural features of
of particular traits are (somewhat) stable over time, direc- organisms and some aspects of behavior provide constraints
tional and cumulative selection cannot occur; (3) key on the variation available for selection. Constraint, here,
components ensuring the stability of selection pressures should be read like “facilitated” above: constraints structure
over time are the activities of the organisms themselves; the variations visible to selection by rendering some more
and (4) such organismic activities are best characterized likely, and others less likely. On this stronger interpretation,
in terms of reciprocal causation. Thus, to the extent that counteractive niche construction and facilitated variation are
the models of consensus practice assume relatively stable instances of constraints generated by reciprocal causal pro-
selection pressures in their models, they tacitly appeal to cesses. These causal interactions—among organisms, their
the stabilizing effect of organismic activity. parts, and their environments—together “rig the system” so
This is a substantial empirical claim. Laland et  al. as to underpin both the stability of selection, and make some
(2013a, p. 739) argue in support of it by pointing to a selective outcomes more likely than others.
range of “buffering” activities, notably, the “counterac- Constraints can be part of evolvability explanations—why
tive” niche-constructing activities of termites, birds, and certain populations are more likely to evolve certain out-
mammals. Perhaps the clearest example of what they comes than another population—as we saw with the work of
call “counteractive niche construction” comes from the Watson et al. above. Selection can only act upon viable vari-
mound-building activity of termites (Turner 2000). Ter- ation, and constraints determine what kind of viable variants
mites in the genus Macrotermes build large complex struc- are made available (Lewens 2004). Understanding selective
tures with distinct chambers for food storage, breeding, trajectories should indeed include considerations about the
and the like. What is remarkable about these structures is typical range of variants that populations are likely to pro-
the way in which they are constantly modified and changed duce in addition to considering how different environments
so as to maintain viable living conditions. In the face of might affect the distribution of such variation (cf. Brown
wide variation in climatic conditions, these termite colo- 2014). But one should not oversell ideas around stabilization
nies are able to modify the structure of the mound in order and constraint. It may be true that the way that organisms are
to regulate the circulation of oxygen and carbon dioxide, put together and interact with their environment constrains
as well as to modulate the temperature of the colony. both possible and viable variation. But unless determinis-
tic, constraints do not determine outcomes, only modify the

A. Buskell

likelihood of certain variations occurring. So even acknowl- Evolutionary externalism is an “outside-in” style of inves-
edging constraints on variation leaves open the possibility tigation. It holds that understanding the evolution of organ-
that selection might play a powerful creative and directional isms, and why they have the forms that they do, requires
role. Indeed, as Lewens (2004) argues, both the nature of, knowledge about the environments that have shaped the
and relationship between, constraints and selection are com- organism. Two alternatives to externalism are internalism
plex and sensitive to the empirical concerns at hand. There and constructivism (Godfrey-Smith 1996). Internalism
will not be a one-size-fits-all approach that determines how contrasts with externalism in being an “inside-out” style
constraints should be weighed against selection. of investigation. Here, the evolution of organismic form is
In this way, the EES represents the latest iteration of the related to constraints, limitations, and directionality imposed
long debate about the relationship between constraint and by the organism itself. Both contrast with evolutionary con-
selection (Amundson 1994; Salazar-Ciudad 2006a). As the structivism, where the organism structures or co-constitutes
above makes clear, EES optimists take constraints to rep- its environment leading to evolutionary changes in form
resent an underappreciated area of research. Yet skeptics (Lewens 2004; Walsh 2015).
continue to—reasonably, one might add—push back on the So when EES proponents argue that consensus practice
idea that developmental or behavioral constraints play an in evolution is blinkered, what they mean is that consensus
outsized role in shaping the variation visible to selection practice implicitly endorses evolutionary externalism. Yet
(e.g., Hoekstra and Coyne 2007)—perhaps by assuming how do EES optimists see this favoring taking place? Unsur-
that such constraints are equally present or invariant across prisingly, they see the problem as having to do with causa-
multiple phyla or selection events (cf. Lewens 2004). These tion: the “manner in which biologists think about causality
are questions that are increasingly under investigation, for has acted like a meta-theoretical conceptual framework to
instance, in empirical studies exploring the constraints on stabilize the dominant scientific paradigm” (Laland et al.
brain size (Logan et al. 2018) and limb length (Young et al. 2013a, p. 740). Because of this metatheoretical framework,
2010), as well as sophisticated simulation studies that test EES optimists argue, alternative internalist investigatory
optimization hypotheses (e.g., Salazar-Ciudad and Marín- practices (EvoDevo, DevoEvo) or constructivist ones (niche
Riera 2013). The prevalence and importance of developmen- construction, gene-culture coevolution, EcoEvoDevo) have
tal and behavioral constraint is a source of genuine disagree- been unfairly marginalized. So if this is the problem, what
ment between EES optimists and skeptics. While both camps is the solution?
put forward competing bets about the causal relevance of The methodological revision that EES optimists push for
constraints on evolutionary change—these are bets that can- is one where “potential causal influence should not be ruled
not be settled without substantial empirical investigation. out a priori” (Laland et al. 2013a, p. 738). For this to occur,
proponents argue, evolutionary theory needs a framework
“that allows for feedback encompassed in dynamic cycles
Keeping an Open Mind of cultural evolution, gene-culture coevolution and organ-
ism-environment coevolution” (Laland et al. 2013a, pp.
EES optimists hold that reciprocal causation both motivates 737–738). Reciprocal causation, we are told, can provide
theoretical and methodological pluralism and that such plu- the foundations of such a framework.
ralism is increasingly needed in the biological sciences What this new framework entails is not, as far as I can
(Laland et al. 2011, 2013a, b, 2014, 2015). Underpinning tell, the wholescale replacement of externalist investigative
the urgency of their concerns is a diagnosis that current work strategies with internalist or constructivist ones.6 Instead,
in evolution is in some way blinkered. “Blinkered” is used externalist investigations merely need to be reframed. Such
here as a term of art that highlights the way that theoretical investigations should be understood to be occurring in
frameworks render evidence, concepts, and methodologies unique circumstances; they are a “special case of recipro-
invisible or inaccessible to consensus practice. cal causation where feedback is negligible” (Laland et al.
This blinkered perspective is manifest in the lack of rec- 2013a, p. 738).
ognition afforded to the empirical and conceptual posits of There is a substantive worry motivating these arguments.
the EES. This includes the phenomena described above, at Yet it is hard to see. To make these worries more visible,
least niche construction, organismic constraints, and evolv- I want to develop an analogy to Elisabeth Lloyd’s (2005,
ability. EES optimists blame this parochialism on assump-
tions that stabilize consensus practice. Key among these is
evolutionary externalism. This position holds that organisms
fare better or worse in virtue of the way their organismic 6
 Others have made the case that a new synthesis should have a
form is apt to deal with external circumstances. strong internalist bent (notably Robert 2004; and Pigliucci and Müller

Reciprocal Causation and the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis 275

2015) well-known arguments around the role of adaptation- marginalizes such evidence and downplays the byproduct
ist thinking in evolutionary thinking. account. Though a plausible evolutionary hypothesis with
Broadly, adaptationism is a position holding that the evidence adduced in its favor, this account “is not on their
adaptiveness or seemingly well-designed character of organ- list of possible answers, which only includes answers like:
isms is important, if not central, to the consensus practice of ‘The function of the female orgasm is to preferentially mate
evolutionary theory. Precisely what it means to be “impor- with high-quality males,’ or ‘the function of female orgasm
tant” here is more contentious, and commentators have is to aid the pair bond,’ etc.” (Lloyd 2015, p. 358; emphasis
identified and evaluated a range of adaptationist positions in original).
(Godfrey-Smith 2001; Lewens 2009). Here what we are con- Lloyd’s discussion as to how methodological adaptation
cerned with is methodological adaptationism. dismisses nonselective hypotheses is subtle, and I do not
Methodological adaptationism can exist in stronger or have the space to get into its details here. Suffice to say that
weaker forms. Keeping with current concerns, consider Lloyd blames false explanatory dichotomies, lack of “stop-
Lloyd’s picture of insidious methodological adaptationism.7 ping rules,” an inability to recognize alternative sources of
This insidious adaptationism plays a role in setting research evidence, and a marginalization of nonselective hypotheses
objectives and structuring investigations by determining as uninteresting “nulls.” These standards perpetuate insidi-
the legitimacy of hypotheses, setting explanatory contrast ous methodological adaptationism and lead consensus prac-
classes, and regulating standards of evidence. Operating tice to ignore other important sources of explanation.
under insidious methodological adaptationism, investiga- With this in hand, let us shift back to consider reciprocal
tions target the adaptive character of traits and are not com- causation. As I see it, EES optimists are running an analo-
plete until the most plausible adaptationist hypothesis has gous argument. That is, they argue that unidirectional causa-
been settled upon. Only when no adaptationist hypothesis is tion is part of an explanation for insidious methodological
well supported can alternate frameworks be considered. As externalism: a blinkered approach to understanding evolu-
Lloyd argues, this adaptationist-first strategy marginalizes tionary phenomena that marginalizes internalist or construc-
other explanations; for instance, that traits are the result of tivist alternatives. Here is how the argument works. There is
exaptation, drift, or developmental constraint. This margin- a default assumption in evolutionary biology that organismic
alization is where a “nonselective hypothesis is often treated traits persist in populations because they solve environmen-
as the failure to find an explanation” (Lloyd 2015, p. 356) tal problems. Researchers thus explain why organisms have
rather than an alternative hypothesis worthy of investigation. evolved the way that they have by understanding the selec-
Lloyd’s (2005) key example of such insidious methodo- tive environments of the past. But this investigative strategy
logical adaptationism centers on the evolution of the female ignores other kinds of explanatory contrasts that frontload
orgasm. She champions the view that the female orgasm the role of constraints, genomic architectures, niche con-
is a byproduct resulting from selection on male orgasms: struction, and the like. Moreover, this investigative strategy
the tissue and nervous connections that support female is in fact insidious; it leads to the neglect and marginaliza-
orgasms result from developmental structures common to tion of internalist or constructionist alternatives.
all humans, yet the reason why these structures and pathways This reconstruction of EES optimists’ argument helps to
exist at all is because of prior selection for such structures in make sense of a number of their claims; for instance, the one
males deep in the mammalian clade. On this account, even cited above that causal assumptions “stabilize” consensus
though the female orgasm has no adaptive function—being practice. Causal assumptions can play such a role insofar
a byproduct of selection on male orgasms—it is nonethe- as they lead researchers to neglect or discount alternative
less real. causal models. So too can this interpretation make sense
As Lloyd convincingly shows (2015, pp. 351–359), of Laland et al. (2013a) claims that, “whether a process is
despite empirical evidence for the byproduct account of characterized as proximate or ultimate depends critically on
female orgasm, insidious methodological adaptationism the conceptual framework of the researcher” (p. 720) with
such a conceptual framework acting to “constrain the set of
hypotheses that are deemed to be competing” (p. 729).
Take an instance of reciprocal causation, say, the dam-
  Though I call such methodological adaptationism insidious, this is constructing behavior of beavers. Such a behavior exists
not meant to suggest a vast conspiracy. Historians and sociologists of
science have long noted how regimes of teaching (Kuhn 1996), tech- because of previous instances of selection: there was either
nologies (Kohler 1994), as well as social structures and power rela- selection for proto-dam-constructing behavior or selection
tions (Shapin and Schaffer 1985) can lead to the perpetuation of some for plastic mechanisms that could be later co-opted into
research objectives, investigative strategies, tools, and explanations at processes of dam-constructing. In either instance, popula-
the expense of others. It is this mundane sense—that the practice of
science is influenced by material, sociological, and political causes— tions of beavers reacted to environmental circumstances, and
that I have in mind here. those that survived had a genetic predisposition to produce

A. Buskell

dams or to acquire behavior to produce dams. Note that Along the same lines, I pointed to work from Love (2010,
according to this story, reciprocal causation has a limited 2013) that suggests that work in the life sciences may be
explanatory role in evolution, characterizing the causal rela- more eclectically organized.
tionships of proximate mechanisms whose dynamics are the Taken together, these considerations put pressure on the
expression of latent genetic variation resulting from past claims of a blinkered evolutionary science. Though some
selective episodes. areas of consensus practice may be inimical to internalist or
Such a narrative vindicates evolutionary externalism: constructivist claims, others will be more welcoming. And
proximate mechanisms are merely the outcome of previous unsurprisingly, work in evolutionary developmental biol-
instances of externalist selection. But this strategy achieves ogy and on gene-regulatory networks is precisely where one
success by ignoring or downplaying internalist or construc- would expect internalist assumptions to hold sway.
tivist alternatives. It ignores the possibility that plastic mech- Yet just because few individuals are bold enough to
anisms may have both been central to the origin and main- articulate radically externalist views should not be taken as
tenance of dam-constructing behavior in virtue of their role evidence that such views are rare. And just because some
in creating a suitable dam-constructing environment. This, domains of evolutionary research are open to internalist and
EES optimists might argue, is an instance of how evolution- constructivist positions does not mean that all are. But what
ary investigations can be blinkered. The narrative denies that these skeptical lines of engagement do show is that to secure
reciprocal causal processes, like niche construction, play an a claim of insidiousness, EES optimists will require a great
important evolutionary role insofar as it reinterprets niche deal of evidence and analysis.
construction merely in terms of previous rounds of selection. Unfortunately, I do not have the time nor space to try and
Just as there is insidious methodological adaptationism, so marshal such evidence here—though I note that Uller and
too may there be insidious evolutionary externalism. Helanterä (2019) do provide a clear articulation of the logic
This is an important line of argument. Yet its success that might underpin such an insidious position. And such a
requires that optimists secure a number of contentious task is demanding. Consider that Lloyd (2005) dedicated
claims. These are points where skeptics might reasonably an entire manuscript—surveying all available accounts at
push back. the time—in order to document the methodological and
First, skeptics might reasonably doubt that insidious empirical flaws at work in empirical research around the
externalism is as central or widespread as insidious adapta- female orgasm. In addition, she then showed how such flaws
tionism. There are, to be sure, radical externalists. Williams could plausibly be attributed to background assumptions of
(1992), for instance, is barefaced in espousing this position, adaptationism, human uniqueness, and androcentrism. Lloyd
stating that, “Adaptation is always symmetrical; organisms not only demonstrates the existence of problems, but also
adapt to their environments, never vice versa” (p. 484). Yet devotes considerable effort to showing how such problems
to what extent are these views of Williams representative of derive from insidious assumptions. A similar evidentiary bar
consensus practice? Work in evolutionary ecology, evolu- would be required by EES optimists to secure their claims
tionary developmental biology, and ecological evolutionary of insidious externalism.
biology seems to show that there is room in contemporary So while EES optimists have some reasons for their
evolutionary science for internalist and constructivist expla- claims, their claims here are at best promissory. At the
nations. The increasing prevalence of work examining the moment, they amount to showing that the assumptions of
architecture of gene-regulatory networks in development— fractionation and externalism highlight certain kinds of
the homeobox-regulated development of crustacean limbs, explanatory contrasts over others. What they also show is
to take just one example (Martin et al. 2016)—suggests that how such assumptions might plausibly lead to a kind of
insidious externalism may not be embedded in the practice insidious logic. This is not nothing. But what they have not
of all evolutionary researchers. yet done is secured a claim of insidiousness.
These concerns can be amplified. Let me return to con-
sidering the image of consensus practice projected by EES
optimists. Above I noted that such optimists tend to put for- Conclusion
ward a historical narrative that sees contemporary consensus
practice as organized around a central core constituted by the Concepts find a range of different uses in scientific practice.
models and assumptions of population genetics. Yet above Often, they are directly engaged with empirical practice,
I also noted that many historians, evolutionary research- picking out specific categories, mechanisms, or processes in
ers, and philosophers voice skepticism about such a nar- the world relevant to researchers. Yet even while deeply tied
rative: both its identification of a single event that could be to empirical use, concepts overlap with a range of other func-
called the Modern Synthesis, and that there was a coalescing tions. They can facilitate exchange and collaboration, mark
around the modelling assumptions of population genetics. out and distinguish communities of like-minded researchers,

Reciprocal Causation and the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis 277

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