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1. Kate has been talking to ______ customer who has just come into ______ shop.

2. She went to ______ zoo, but she didn't see ______ monkeys there. She hates ______

3. John uses ______ Internet a lot.

4. You won't like that restaurant. ______ food isn't very good there.

5. People don't write ______ letters nowadays. They write ______ emails. But I
haven't written ______ email for ages.

6. In England you must go to ______ school until you're 16.

7. Well Mary, here's ______ first question and it's ______ easy one.

8. Jerry works in ______ office in ______ centre of ______ London

9. He lives in ______ apartment in ______ middle of ______ Bronx.

10. Statistics say that ______ women live longer than ______ men.

11. Can you describe ______ wristwatch that Amy found? – Well, I only know that it
had ______ metal band.

12. Jamaica is ______ island in ______ Caribbean Sea.

13. He chose ______ school that has ______ best teachers.

14. I saw ______ interesting documentary on ______ TV ______ other day.

15. I don't like ______ museums. I never go to any when I'm in ______ London.

16. My dad thinks ______ Italian food is better than ______ Spanish food.

17. I like ______ coffee but I don't like ______ coffee they make at ______ office.

18. She has ______ job in ______ shop in ______ Oxford Street.

19. My friend Zoe went to ______ hospital to see her father.

20. Larry went to ______ bed very late last night.


21. She's looking for ______ work but at ______ moment she doesn't have any hope of
getting ______ job.

22. I have ______ aunt in Sydney and ______ few other relatives in ______ New Zealand.

23. Jim wants to go to ______ USA, but he hasn't got ______ money for ______ trip.

24. Angela is looking for ______ romantic holiday somewhere in ______ south.

25. The man went to ______ prison because he had killed two women.

1. We had ______ very nice meal. ______ cheese was exceptionally good.

2. Are you interested in ______ science or ______ music?

3. They got married but ______ marriage wasn’t very successful.

4. Do you know any of ______ people who live across ______ road?

5. After ______ work the boss usually invites his staff to ______ pub.

6. 6. When mom was ill ______ lot of her friends came to ______ hospital to visit her.

7. 7. Many people hate ______ violence, but they like to watch it in ______ movies.

8. 8. Have you ever visited ______ Madame Tussaud’s in London?

9. 9. ______ life would be difficult without ______ useful machines and gadgets we

have today.

10. I’m on ______ night duty this week.

11. I know someone who wrote ______ book about ______ American presidents.

12. ______ World War II ended in 1945.

13. ______ fumes of cars and factories are ______ primary reasons for ______ air


14. He was ______ unsuccessful musician when he came to this town.

15. Don’t stay in that hotel. ______ beds there are very uncomfortable.

16. The car sped away at ______ hundred km ______ hour.


17. John doesn’t usually go to ______ church on ______ Sundays.

18. He was sent to ______ prison for ______ murder.

19. At ______ beginning of his speech he spoke about ______ tourism in general.

20. We usually go by ______ train, but today we’re taking ______ bus.

21. Every child was given an apple for ______ lunch.

22. ______ British Prime Minister resides in ______ 10 Downing Street.

23. Hundreds of thousands of old people live in ______ solitude throughout the


24. ______ freedom and ______ independence are very valuable in ______ modern life.

25. ______ third of ______ Netherlands is in danger of being flooded.

1. _________ boys like playing with cars.

2. _________ Amazon is South America’s largest river.

3. I never listen to _________ radio. In fact, I haven’t even got _________ radio.

4. What _________ amazing idea he had yesterday evening.

5. _________ rich should do more to help _________ poor.

6. My dad always liked to go to _________ school.

7. Did you see the film on _________ television or at _________ cinema?

8. There’s half _________ litre of milk left in _________ fridge.

9. _________ Uncle Norman and _________ Aunt Lydia stayed with us over the weekend.

10. Austria was ruled by _________ Habsburgs for many centuries.

11. Dad told us to go to _________ bed at ten.

12. What’s _________ highest mountain on _________ earth?

13. I met _________ few American tourists when I was in Italy.

14. _________ earth moves around _________ sun every 365 days.

15. _________ Soviet Union was _________ first country to send _________ human being
into _________ space.

16. I had to stay in _________ hospital for two weeks in order to recover.

17. _________ oranges and apples have a lot of vitamins.

18. This is _________ most wonderful present I’ve ever had.

19. _________ President Bush is from Texas.

20. I’m not very hungry. I had _________ big breakfast

21. Peter lives in Tokyo, _________ capital of Japan.

22. In Britain, drinking _________ tea is more common than drinking _________ coffee.

23. She is such _________ clever girl. She’s bound to go to _________ university later on.

24. It was _________ long journey. We were at _________ sea for two months.

25. _________ women are often said to be better teachers than _________ men.

1. _______ money doesn’t always lead to _______ happiness.

2. _______ finals will be played in _______ O2 arena.

3. _______ more you eat, _______ fatter you’ll get.

4. _______ aluminium is made from _______ bauxite.

5. The old woman was not afraid of _______ death.

6. _______ fruits and _______ vegetables have got a lot of _______ vitamins.

7. _______ moon travels around _______ earth.

8. The ship was seen off _______ coast of Florida.

9. We are going to _______ Netherlands next summer.

10. Do your parents ever go to _______ church?

11. He wrote a book about _______ lives of former presidents.

12. My sister kissed me on _______ cheek.


13. _______ Mount Everest is the highest peak on _______ earth.

14. Liverpool will probably win _______ Champions League this year.

15. _______ Mississippi River is _______ largest in North America.

16. As a tourist you have to visit _______ Tower of London and _______ Piccadilly Circus.

17. He will not have a chance to compete at _______ 2020 Olympics.

18. _______ cancer is a very serious disease.

19. People say that _______ British are very polite people.

20. _______ public transport is an effective way of travel.

21. Someone stole valuable paintings from _______ gallery last week.

22. _______ last time I saw him he was preparing for _______ university.

23. One of _______ most serious environmental problems is _______ pollution.

24. He went to _______ prison because he had mugged an old lady.

25. When I was 5 I got _______ measles.

1. Jake took out _________ bottle of beer from __________ fridge.

2. Emma looked at _______ letter she received from ______ company she wanted to join.

3. She is on _________ diet, so she ordered _________ low-calorie meal.

4. We are planning on having _________ wedding in _________ early fall, probably in

_________ September.

5. The plane was climbing up through _________ sky.

6. Winston Churchill was _________ Prime Minister who led England during _________
World War II.

7. Our father ruled our family with _________ iron fist.

8. _________ Marmalade is usually made from _________ oranges.

9. She is currently driving at _________ enormous speed.


10. The TV show portrays the lives of _________ Royal Family.

11. She gave us _________ umbrella because it started to rain.

12. Carol’s father works as _________ electrician.

13. We left Rome and flew across _________ Alps to Munich.

14. Most _________ children like _________ sweets.

15. Have you got _________ idea about how we can solve _________ problem?

16. Our friends, the Millers, moved to _________ Netherlands last winter.

17. Our children go to _________ school by _________ bus.

18. She likes ______ Indian tea but she doesn’t like ______ tea that comes from Sri Lanka.

19. The two countries reached _________ peace after a long, disastrous war.

20. We needed _________ place to live whenever we were in London.

21. Over 20 people were buried by _________ avalanche last weekend.

22. She had laughing eyes and _________ very charming expression on her face.

23. We need to be at _________ airport in just over _________ hour.

24. _________ Milk is rich in _________ nutrients.

25. Some people say _________ money is the most important thing in _________ life.

1. _________ little knowledge is _________ dangerous thing.

2. _________ Tower is one of _________ main attractions of London.

3. Where are _________ scissors you borrowed from me last week?

4. _________ Elephants are very intelligent animals.

5. I need _________ little bit of time to think about _________ offer you made.

6. _________ President of _________ United States is going to give _________ interesting

speech tonight.

7. There was _________ time in my life when I enjoyed _________ skating.

8. I haven’t been to _________ concert like that before.

9. Neill Armstrong made _________ first footprint on _________ moon.

10. I was in _________ pain after I had twisted my ankle.

11. _________ Teachers are people who normally like _________ students.

12. It’s a long way by _________ train to _________ south of France.

13. I’m so tired. I think I’ll be going to _________ bed.

14. _________ Prime Minister is scheduled to give _________ speech this afternoon.

15. The worst part of living in _________ tent is the lack of _________ space.

16. _________ French drink a lot of wine.

17. _________ Dogs are wonderful pets.

18. Jane’s husband got home early from _________ work.

19. Of all the cars available I prefer _________ Japanese one.

20. This is _________ book on _________ Irish history.

21. I live in _________ apartment, which is brand new.

22. Most cars start badly on _________ cold mornings.

23. Does anyone know who invented _________ digital camera?

24. Before we landed at _________ JFK airport we saw _________ Statue of Liberty and
_________ Empire State building.

25. It was _________ cold morning on _________ first Monday in April.

1. I’ve just had __________ great idea.

2. Columbus was __________ first navigator to cross __________ Atlantic Ocean.

3. __________ British drink __________ lot of tea.


4. John F. Kennedy was __________ American president who was very popular.

5. It is __________ only theatre in __________ neighbourhood.

6. __________ Netherlands are a land which is almost completely below __________ sea

7. He was __________ first mountaineer to reach the top.

8. I try to go for __________ run three times __________ week.

9. Sally went to __________ prison to visit her husband.

10. He was driving 80 miles __________ hour on __________ motorway.

11. __________ Thames flows into __________ North Sea.

12. The burglar hit me in __________ back of my neck.

13. Maria earns $ 2,000 __________ month.

14. Do you go to __________ church on Sundays?

15. This is exactly __________ job I was looking for.

16. As captain of __________ ship I have __________ complete authority.

17. How many hours do you work on __________ average?

18. I always have __________ egg for breakfast.

19. I went to __________ exciting musical performance last night.

20. Did you read __________ book I gave you?

21. __________ Football is his whole life.

22. This is __________ nice man I told you about.

23. __________ people we met on holiday come from __________ north eastern part of
__________ USA.

24. What’s on __________ TV today?

25. __________ Trafalgar Square is near __________ Charing Cross Station.


According to _______National Weather Service, __________ cyclones are _______ areas of

circulation winds that rotate counterclockwise in __________ Northern Hemisphere
and clockwise in _________ Southern Hemisphere. They are generally accompanied by
some kind of _____ precipitation and by ________ stormy weather. _________ tornadoes
and ________ hurricanes are ________ types of cyclones, as are _______ typhoons, which
are _______ storms that occur in ________ western Pacific Ocean. _________ hurricane is
______ cyclone that forms over _______ tropical oceans and seas and has ______ winds
of at least seventy-four miles ______ hurricane rotates in _______ shape of _____ shape
of _______ oval or ______ circle. ______ hurricanes can cause _______ great
environmental damage. ______ Hurricane Andrew, which hit ______ coasts of
Louisiana and southern Florida in August 1992, caused ______ extreme devastation.
In terms of ______ environmental damage, ________ Hurricane Andrew is one of ______
most devastating hurricanes ever to hit _______ United States. Fourteen people died
because of _______ Andrew's effects.

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