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Version 2.0

November 2019

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BASIC INSTRUMENT FLIGHT .......................................................................................3
I-1.1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................3
I-1.2 AIM ..............................................................................................................................3
I-1.3 OBJECTIVES .................................................................................................................3
I-1.4 PRINCIPLES ..................................................................................................................4
I-1.4.1 Basic considerations of full panel technique .......................................................4
I-1.4.2 Control and performance instruments ................................................................4
I- Control instruments .....................................................................................5
I- Performance instruments ............................................................................ 6
I-1.4.3 Attitude Indicator (AI) .........................................................................................7
I-1.4.4 Power control .....................................................................................................8
I-1.4.5 Aircraft control....................................................................................................9
I-1.4.6 Selective radial scan ........................................................................................11
I-1.4.7 Balance ............................................................................................................13
I-1.4.8 Trim .................................................................................................................13
I-1.4.9 Changing scans ...............................................................................................13
I-1.5 PHYSIOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF INSTRUMENT FLIGHT .......................................................13
I-1.5.1 Sight ................................................................................................................14
I-1.5.2 Muscle sense (proprioceptive system) .............................................................14
I-1.5.3 Vestibular sense ..............................................................................................14
I-1.5.4 Other factors ....................................................................................................14
I-1.5.5 The 'leans'........................................................................................................14
I-1.6 APPLICATION .............................................................................................................17
I-1.6.1 Departure and emergency brief........................................................................17
I-1.6.2 Instrument take-off (DA40) ...............................................................................17
I-1.6.3 Straight and level .............................................................................................18
I- Height control ............................................................................................ 18
I- Heading control ......................................................................................... 18
I-1.6.4 The Climb ........................................................................................................19
I-1.6.5 The descent .....................................................................................................22
I- Glide .........................................................................................................22
I- Cruise descent .......................................................................................... 22
I-1.6.6 The instrument final descent ............................................................................23
I-1.6.7 Turns ...............................................................................................................24
I-1.6.8 Steep turns ......................................................................................................26
I-1.6.9 Unusual attitudes .............................................................................................27
I-1.7 AIRMANSHIP ...............................................................................................................29
I-1.8 SUMMARY ..................................................................................................................29
I-1.9 GUIDE ATTITUDE/POWER SETTINGS FOR DA40 ............................................................30

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I-1.1 Introduction
The visual flying technique that has been used until this stage of the course has
required the setting and maintaining of pitch, roll and yaw attitudes by external
reference to the natural horizon. This technique is fine in VMC, but is inappropriate
in IMC, when the natural horizon is no longer available for reference. The artificial
horizon or attitude indicator (AI) was developed to provide attitude reference when
the natural horizon is no longer visible. The basic instrument flight (IF) technique
relies on the same control methods learned previously, but with internal reference to
the flight instruments, especially the AI instead of external reference to the natural
In certain situations the natural horizon may not be available, or could be deceptive.
On these occasions the pilot is reliant on the flight instruments and his/her ability to
interpret them. Low light levels, reduced visibility and visual illusions, may combine
to produce situations where flight judgement must come from the instrument
representation of flight situation. This instrument based judgement must often be
used in opposition to postural and visual sensors, (the normal and strong inputs to
the brain), so in order to make safe and effective use of the flight instruments, pilots
must be correctly and thoroughly trained to operate the aircraft by reference to the
flight instruments, and must maintain a level of recency comparable to the
operations to be encountered.

I-1.2 Aim
The aim of this chapter is to describe the techniques and procedures used to fly an
aircraft solely by reference to the aircraft instruments.

I-1.3 Objectives
At the end of this chapter you should be able to:
• State the selective radial scan patterns for straight and level, climbing,
descending and turning.
• Calculate the angle of bank required for a rate one turn at various airspeeds.
• Describe the initial attitude to be selected at rotate during an IF take-off.
• State when the flaps are retracted after take-off.
• State the recovery technique used to recover from an unusual attitude.
• List the airmanship checks required after recovery from an unusual attitude.

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I-1.4 Principles

I-1.4.1 Basic considerations of full panel technique

During visual flight, the aircraft's performance was controlled by selecting a desired
external visual attitude and a known power setting. This can be stated simply as:
So far in your training, emphasis has been placed on visual attitude flying. During
instrument flying, since the natural horizon is no longer available for attitude
reference and selection, the attitude indicator (AI) in the aircraft is used. There is no
change in the aircraft control technique that has been used so far for aircraft control.
The AI is employed in instrument flying in the same way that the natural horizon was
employed in visual flight. The AI is the master instrument for selecting attitude and
controlling the aircraft.

I-1.4.2 Control and performance instruments

The combination of power and attitude is fundamental to aircraft performance. The
performance of an aircraft can be controlled by setting the correct attitude and
power. The location of the Control and Performance Instruments is shown at Figure
1 below.
Control Instruments and Performance Instruments

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Engine Instruments

Control Instruments and Performance Instruments

I- Control instruments

Control instruments are used to control the power and attitude of the aircraft. The
control instruments in the DA40 are:
• MAP / RPM for power control
• AI / BALANCE BALL for attitude and balance control; as shown in Figure 1

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I- Performance instruments

Performance instruments display information about the achieved aircraft
performance and therefore the data that is expected to result from the combination
of the attitude and power setting. The performance instruments are:

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Figure 2: Performance Instruments

I-1.4.3 Attitude Indicator (AI)

The attitude indicator is much smaller than the natural horizon, however accurate
changes in attitude can still be observed by careful reference to the instrument. The
'gull wings' on the AI represent the aircraft, and the relationship of the gulls wings to
the movable sphere of the AI gives the aircraft attitude. Pitch information is given by
the lines marked on the sphere parallel to the horizon, whilst bank information is
displayed by the gull wings and sky pointer at the top of the AI. (Figure 3)
Each time the AI is referred to in flight, there is an internal scan of pitch attitude (dot)
and bank attitude (wing bars, pointer) that must be conducted. Fixation on either of
the displays for pitch or bank attitude information will result in an error in the other;
when using the AI remain aware of both of the displayed attitudes.

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Figure 3: Attitude Indicator

I-1.4.4 Power control

The same techniques you currently use to control power for visual flight are used for
instrument flight. However, instead of looking at a visual attitude whilst changing
power, you must now make all changes while scanning the AI. When the attitude
has stabilised, the power setting may be checked and refined if required. This will
allow attitude on the AI to be correctly maintained with changing trim.
Controlling and setting the power correctly results from knowing the required power
for each configuration, and when to make these settings for the appropriate
During instrument flying the power control instruments must be referred to one at a
time in the radial scan. When making the power changes, focus attention primarily
on the AI and then use an instrument scan to observe the power control

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instruments. Remember MAP will change with changing altitude, thus requiring
adjustment to the pitch attitude in order to maintain the desired performance.
If any alteration is made to the power setting it will affect the pitch trim of the aircraft,
and in addition there will be the less marked but still significant effect of slipstream
and torque.
Therefore the control pressures that are necessary during the transition period must
be anticipated, and during instrument flight it will also assist if the rate at which the
throttle and/or propeller pitch control movements are reduced. This will allow you the
pilot to achieve smoother control over the aircraft.

I-1.4.5 Aircraft control

It is important to recognise when changes to attitude and power are required. It is
equally important to know what must be changed, i.e. pitch, bank or power, and how
much change is required. Correct interpretation of the performance instruments will
provide the answers.
If the desired performance is not achieved or a new performance associated with
another phase of flight is required, it will be necessary to vary the attitude and/or
power. How much of a change is based on familiarity with the aircraft and the
amount you desire to change the performance. The procedure for establishing a
new performance is the same as that for visual flight, as follows:
• Select: Select the required attitude and power setting, (power to be set by
feel initially) which should give the desired performance.

• Hold: Ensure that these settings are held and wait for the aircraft and
performance instruments to stabilise.

• Trim: As with visual flight, the trim must not be used to change the
performance, only to remove the control loads.

If the aircraft settles with other than the desired performance it will be necessary to
re-select, hold and trim again.
All changes to attitude and power are made while looking at the AI. Performance
instruments are scanned after the new attitude is stabilised and trimmed out.

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When changing an aircraft’s attitude to a new position, e.g. raising the nose, a small
reverse pressure on the control column will be required immediately following
completion of the initial movement. This is necessary to prevent the nose continuing
to rise beyond the point selected.
Trend Vectors (G1000) and Use of assigned altitude bug.
Once an attitude has been set, any trend in altitude will be displayed by a magenta
line on the left side of the altitude tape which will indicate the approximate altitude
that will be reached in six seconds given the current vertical speed.

The altitude bug is used to help your awareness of where your assigned altitude is
in relation to your current altitude. In the diagram you are able to see the bug is
BELOW your current altitude, so a small attitude correction would be applied nose
down to descend to your assigned altitude as indicated above. It is important to not
chase this trend and to identify the trend is indicating the correct direction.
This altitude bug indicates +/- 20ft either side of your assigned altitude, so if you are
very close to this altitude, then very small adjustments would need to be made to

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I-1.4.6 Selective radial scan

During instrument flying, attention must be divided between the AI, the power and
the performance instruments. The technique employed is to scan systematically out
from the AI to the performance instruments and back to the AI. Furthermore, since
the performance information required differs for each manoeuvre, the scan is made
selectively. In this way, each performance instrument will be interrogated according
to its importance at any given moment. The overriding consideration is that the
control instruments take priority over the performance instruments in the scan —
80% of the time should be spent on the AI, and the remainder of time should be
used scanning the performance instruments. This method is known as the selective
radial scan. Figure 4 gives the general radial scan for straight and level.

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Figure 4: Radial Scan

For example, the first scan above might be in order of: AI – HSI – AI – Alt - AI – HSI-
AI – ASI –AI – HIS. However, the starting point and order of the performance
instruments is varied to supply whatever information is needed at the time for the
particular manoeuvre.
Control and performance instruments are scanned alternately; every second
instrument in the scan is the AI. When employing the selective radial scan, two
points must be emphasised:
• The greater part of concentration must be given to the AI in order to SELECT
and HOLD a correct attitude. Do not stare. Ensure that when looking at the
AI, individual bank and pitch information is being recognised.

• It is necessary to know the selective radial scan for each phase of flight. The
scan must refer back to the AI after reading any other instrument. All thinking
about performance instrument indications should take place while you are
scanning the AI. That is you are maintaining your awareness of bank and pitch
whilst considering the just observed performance data.

Approximately 80% of the selective radial scan should be devoted to the attitude
indicator, with the remaining 20% left for the performance instruments, checklists,
briefs and other cockpit duties.
The selective radial scan will vary for each specific configuration and configuration
change. Changes in indications on the performance instruments will lag slightly
behind changes of attitude and/or power. This is due to:
• Aircraft and fluid (air) inertia

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• Instrument lag

Do not allow lag in the performance instruments to lure you into control movements
in direct response to the performance instruments. Control of the aircraft in this
manner is called performance flying, and is a totally incorrect and an unsuccessful
means of aircraft control. Allow the aircraft and instruments to stabilise before using
the radial scan.

I-1.4.7 Balance
As for visual flight, speed and/or power changes will require rudder input to maintain
balanced flight. Therefore the slip/skid indicator must also be incorporated into the
AI scan when attitude, power and/or speed are going to be changed.

I-1.4.8 Trim
Correct trimming technique is essential for smooth and accurate instrument flying. It
is much easier to maintain an attitude while scanning the performance instruments,
and performing other tasks if the aircraft is trimmed.
Use the correct technique of relieving the control pressures, no matter how slight,
and avoid sudden movements or any temptation to change the attitude by using the
trim. The aircraft is properly trimmed when a desired attitude is maintained on the
AI with 'hands off'. Instrument flying will be made more difficult if you are continually
fighting an out-of-trim aircraft.

I-1.4.9 Changing scans

When changing from one flight mode to another, the selective scan will change to a
new scan pattern. The advantage of the radial scan system is that, provided that
aircraft control is maintained via the control instruments, any required performance
information can then be selected in the radial scan of the peripheral instruments as
desired. The change in scan pattern can be done smoothly to suit the 'data
acquisition' needs of the pilot.
These scans are primary scans only, peripheral instruments should also be viewed
as often as time permits, according to workload. This includes system indications
such as engine temperature and pressure, fuel quantities, volts, suction, MAP, RPM,
CHT, and EGT; such awareness can give early warnings of developing problems.

I-1.5 Physiological aspects of instrument flight

The human ability to maintain equilibrium and orientation depends on the following:
a. The sense of sight;

b. The muscles of postural sense which includes touch, pressure and tension;

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c. Vestibular sense of sensation from the motion sensing organs of the inner ear.

I-1.5.1 Sight
During visual flight, the pilot controls the aircraft attitude largely by what he sees
outside the cockpit. These visual impressions are so strong that the pilot is only
vaguely aware of the other senses. Once external visual aids are lost, the pilot
becomes fully aware of the impressions of the muscle and vestibular senses, for
example standing is more difficult as usual when blindfolded.

I-1.5.2 Muscle sense (proprioceptive system)

Muscle sense is an attempt by the brain to interpret the loadings placed on the
muscles, joints and internal organ in terms of attitude. In visual flight, this sense
does produce sensations that give some guide to attitude, but only when cross
referred to visual ones.

I-1.5.3 Vestibular sense

The vestibular sense that originates in the inner ear is very important to a person in
their normal environment—on the ground. The inner ear registers both linear and
rotational accelerations; thus it is able to distinguish turns, slips and skid during
flight. Unfortunately, it is not able to distinguish between centrifugal force and
gravity; nor is it capable of detecting a constant velocity or small changes in velocity.
Centrifugal force and gravity are often fused together in flight and the resultant force
cannot be interpreted without visual aids.

I-1.5.4 Other factors

While sight is the most important source of orientation, it is not infallible in the air.
For example, at night, reflection of surface lights on the cockpit canopy may be
mistaken for stars, giving the impression of being inverted.
Also, a gently sloping bank of cloud may be mistaken for the normal horizon.
Hearing and imagination can confuse the pilot. A change in noise level may be
interpreted as a change in attitude or speed. Hypnosis or tunnel vision can be
caused by concentrating on one instrument. The technique of cross-reference
normally prevents hypnosis, but the best method of prevention is by relocation of
attention and familiarity with instrument flying.

I-1.5.5 The 'leans'

With the onset of fatigue and nervous tension, the pilot may find it increasingly
difficult to ignore the misleading sensations regarding the aircraft's attitude and
performance. This may lead to a complete breakdown in cross-reference and false
impression of aircraft attitude. The pilot may even find himself leaning to one side in
the cockpit to align him with this false attitude. This phenomenon is known as the

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'leans'. It is very disorientating and causes more nervous tension. Because of the
multiple sensory inputs that the brain can read, any confliction between the senses
perceived by the brain, whether real or not, can lead to confusion. This can be at a
subconscious level that is not readily apparent to the pilot and may be the precursor
to disorientation by itself, or together with the 'leans'. This shown symbolically at
Figure 5 below.

Figure 5: Sensory confusion leading to disorientation

This occurs because acceleration forces acting on the vestibular apparatus and
accelerations from more than one direction are additive according to vector addition
rules, which means an additional acceleration in one plane can increase the
acceleration in a direction at 90° to it, as indicated at Figure 6.

The semicircular tubes are arranged at approximately right Angles to each other, in the roll, pitch and
yaw axis. A sensory organ, which consists of small sensory hairs that project into a gelatinous
substance, is located in each tube. When the head starts to turn (angular acceleration), or speed up,
slows down, or stops its turning are temporarily due to the motion of the fluid lagging behind the motion
of the tube wall. This causes the sensation of turning.

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Figure 6: Vestibular organ in Relation to Aircraft X-Y-Z axes

So to minimise the accelerations on the vestibular and thereby the chances of
getting the 'leans', one should minimise head movements in the cockpit; in particular
avoid moving the head up or down in the pitching plane during turning flight or
manoeuvres. A classic demonstration of this effect is to drop a pencil on the floor
during an instrument turn and then pick it up: most people will usually feel at least a
disorienting feeling or the onset of the 'leans'. This phenomenon is experienced by
all pilots.
Recovery is quick if the correct procedure is followed. Consciously and deliberately
confirm the AI is correct by cross-checking against the turn needle and altimeter.
Then hold a straight and level attitude on the AI and consciously commence the
correct scan. If this is done conscientiously, the feeling of apprehension will
disappear. Alternatively, an unusual attitude recovery can be carried out. To lessen
the chance of getting the leans, follow these simple rules:
• When looking around the cockpit, use the eyes only and minimise head
movements, and specifically avoid head movements in the pitching plane
during turning flight. This avoids vector addition of accelerations in the three
planes, which would maximise them in the direction of the vestibular sensors.

• When selecting flaps or changing power, make the selection by feel whilst
looking at the AI, then check the selection using glances.

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To overcome physiological problems, it is necessary to fly:

• 'Attitude'

• Use small, smooth and slow control movements.

VISUAL – sight

VESTIBULAR – inner ear

PROPRIOCEPTIVE – touch and pressure


To sum up, false sensations or sensory illusions may occur at any time during flight
and are far from uncommon. These illusions are most likely to occur when
attempting to fly visually without adequate external cues, or during any period when
sole reference to the aircraft instruments are required. Therefore, in order to operate
an aircraft safely during instrument flight a pilot must learn to ignore false sensations
and rely on his correct visual interpretation of the instruments.

I-1.6 Application

I-1.6.1 Departure and emergency brief

The departure brief (using the CTWO cards) and emergency brief used for general
flights now needs to be modified to include what actions you will perform if you have
an emergency while in IMC.

I-1.6.2 Instrument take-off (DA40)

Prior to lining up, the IF hood is placed on the student’s head.
Visually align the aircraft (after clearance has been received) on the runway
centreline and complete the line-up checks. ATC will advise your departure
instructions, which must be read back before the take-off is commenced.
When cleared for take-off, release the brakes and maintain runway centreline
visually until rotate speed. At rotate speed transfer your attention to the AI and
select 8°nu (using a pitch rate of 3°/sec) and wings level.
Ensure the attitude is accurately maintained at this critical stage, and that the aircraft
is accurately balanced. Trim in elevator and stabilator at this stage. When above
200’ feet AGL positive rate of climb and safe speed, select flap up and maintain
8°nu. Approaching climb speed select 9° nu on the AI and complete the after take-
off checks, minimising head movements as much as possible.

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Adjust attitude as required to maintain climb speed. Do not operate rudder trim (if
aircraft is fitted with one) until after power has been reduced to the climb power.
Runway track is to be maintained during the take-off, adjusting heading to counter
any drift.

I-1.6.3 Straight and level

For straight and level flight at 110 kts, initially select zero pitch on the AI with wings
level. Minor adjustments to the attitude may be required to achieve and maintain an
accurate heading and height. Keep applying the ‘Select-Hold-Trim’ cycle. Having
the aircraft properly trimmed for ‘hands-off’ level flight is fundamental to accurate
level flight on Instruments, as it is for visual flight.
I- Height control
When a deviation from the desired altitude occurs, exercise good judgement in
determining the amount of pitch change and the rate of climb or descent to correct
the altitude error. The correction on the AI should be in one degree increments to
ensure the rate of climb or descent obtained is not excessive. A pitch change of 1°
at a TAS of 120 KTS will create a 200 fpm rate of change of height. So, errors in
height less than 200’ can be corrected by making small but calculated pitch
changes. Deviations greater than 200’ from the desired altitude should be corrected
by using a normal climb or cruise descent.
I- Heading control
As discussed previously, similar principles of visual level flight still apply to flying
level on instruments, except that the AI is used instead of the natural horizon. If the
wings are kept level on the AI and the turn rate is zero, then the heading should
remain constant except for the effect of the airborne environment, i.e. gusts and
turbulence. Small deviations from heading of about 5° can be corrected with rudder
alone as a primary yaw control. With larger heading errors, refer to the AI and
smoothly select a definite angle of bank, which will produce a suitable rate of turn to
return to the required heading. As a guide, the bank attitude change on the AI
should equal the heading deviation in degrees, i.e. if the heading deviation is 10°
then select 10° AOB to produce a suitable rate of correction. To correct heading
deviations that is greater than 20°, use a rate one turn. The control instruments for
wings level flight are the AI, and the balance ball indicator and the main
performance instruments are the HSI and altimeter.
Every effort should be made to maintain the scan of all instruments and systems as
in Figure 8. The order of importance of this scan is: AI-HSI, altimeter; then equally
ASI, turn rate and balance, and VSI. Safety can be maximised by remaining aware
of systems status during sustained periods of level flight, and detecting potential
problems in the early stages (e.g. engine and fuel), then applying a suitable solution
before time becomes critical.

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Figure 7: Selective Radial Scan for Straight and Level

I-1.6.4 The Climb

To enter a climb from cruise IAS, simultaneously:
• Select full power (advancing prop lever ahead of the throttle)

• Select climb attitude expected for climb speed

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• Apply right rudder to balance the aircraft

• Trim progressively as the speed reduces

• Adjust attitude as required to maintain climb speed

• Establish climbing work cycles; MOATA checks every 1000’.

Because the engine power decreases with increasing altitude (DA40 has a normally
aspirated engine), the attitude must be progressively lowered during a prolonged
climb in order to maintain nominated climb speed of 90 KIAS.

Figure 8: Climb Attitude

The initial climb attitude is 9° nose up (Figure 9). All attitudes will require adjustment
• Days of high ambient temperature (engine power output is degraded)
• Variations in aircraft A.U.W
The control instruments are the AI and the slip/skid indicator; while the primary
performance instruments required in the scan for climbing in order of importance are
the turn rate, HSI, ASI; then equally the altimeter and VSI as shown in Figure 7.
Note that during a climb (and descent) a 1° change in pitch attitude will vary the
speed by 5KIAS.
Climb checks (MOATA) are to be carried out every 1000’ in the climb, which allows
us to monitor the actual power settings set, engine temperatures and pressures,
plus items such as carburettor heat and altimetry considerations.

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Level-off is carried out in the same manner as for visual flight. Using 10% of the
climb rate as a lead for level off, then lower the nose to 2° nose up in order to
maintain the aircraft in level flight, and then progressively readjust the pitch attitude
as airspeed increases. At 110 kts, power is reduced to cruise power whilst watching
and holding the attitude on the AI. Do not forget to balance the aircraft as speed
increases. Keep applying the ‘Select-Hold-Trim’ cycle. Once the engine
temperatures and pressures have stabilised, the mixture can be set for cruise.

Figure 9: Selective Radial Scan for Climbing

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The basic corrections during climbing concern the airspeed, heading and the
balance. Any pitch correction needed should be limited to ¼ or ½ wing bar widths,
allowing the airspeed to stabilise before continuing with a further correction.

I-1.6.5 The descent

The performance required in the descent, i.e. the IAS and rate of descent (ROD),
will depend on the actual pitch attitude and power setting that is set.
• Pitch attitude: controls IAS
• Power: controls ROD
I- Glide
It is important to know what pitch and power settings to use in order to obtain a
specified descent configuration. In the case of the glide descent, the principle is still
really the same; without power, the pitch setting then controls both IAS and ROD.
The procedure for the glide is to close the throttle (as for visual flying) and set the
pitch attitude (0–1°nd) to give the required glide IAS of 85 Kts; and then accept
whatever ROD results. In the glide, pitch is adjusted to give the required IAS. Keep
applying the ‘Select-Hold-Trim’ cycle.
I- Cruise descent
The cruise descent is entered directly from level flight by selecting 2°nd and 18’
MAP/2400RPM. Cruise speed and cruise descent speed will be the same.
If entering a descent from a cruise IAS significantly less than 110KIAS, delay the
reduction in power to allow the speed to increase to 110 KIAS. ROD will be 500 fpm.
The MAP will increase during the descent, at about 1’ MAP per 1000’ altitude
change from cruising height. To allow for this, reset the throttle each 1000’ as
required to maintain the required power setting for the descent performance.
To level off from a descent at 110 kts back to normal cruise, anticipate by using
again 10% of the descent rate as a lead and simultaneously restore cruise power
whilst smoothly raising nose to level pitch attitude. The control instruments are still
the AI, balance ball indicator and power. For descending, the main performance
instruments in order of importance are the ASI and HSI together, followed by the
altimeter and VSI. Refer to Figure 8.

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Figure 10: Selective Radial Scan for Descent

I-1.6.6 The instrument final descent

The final segment of an instrument approach in the DA40 is flown using a pitch
attitude of 1°nd, 15’ MAP/2400RPM.
The basic corrections during a descent concern the airspeed, rate of descent,
heading and balance. Any attitude or power corrections that are needed should be

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confined to small changes. All control movements should be slow and smooth, with
care being taken to avoid a fixation on any one instrument.

I-1.6.7 Turns
During instrument flight it is normal to limit a turn to the ‘standard rate’ (rate 1), i.e.
3° per second.
Prior to entering a turn, the pilot must decide on an angle of bank to be used and set
the heading bug. A way of remembering the order of actions for turning manoeuvres
or when responding to ATC vectors is: ‘Bug (set heading bug) – turn (enter turn) –
talk (read back of instruction) - bug – turn - talk).
The angle of bank required to achieve a rate one turn depends on airspeed. The
following rule is used to determine the required bank angle:
AOB = (TAS/10) +7
For example: 110 KTAS ⇒ AOB = (110/10) + 7 = 18°
85 KTAS ⇒ AOB = (85/10) + 7 = 15°

Figure 11 - Medium Level Turn Attitudes

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Entry to the turn is made initially with sole reference to the AI to ensure that correct
bank and pitch attitudes are selected, and then scanning the altimeter and turn
indicator to ensure that height and turn rate is correct. Bank control should then be
maintained throughout the turn by monitoring the AI, then referring to the turn
needle, confirming that a rate one performance is being maintained. If necessary,
adjustments to attitudes are then made on the AI.
To roll out of the turn onto a desired heading, anticipate the roll-out by 5° before the
nominated heading (divide the bank angle by 3 and that figure becomes the degrees
of anticipation required for turn recovery), then exit the turn referring to the AI to
again smoothly select wings level and zero pitch in a coordinated manner. In a turn,
the control instruments are the AI and balance ball indicator; whereas the main
performance instruments are the turn needle, then the altimeter, followed equally by
the HSI, VSI and ASI as shown below in Figure 13.

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Figure 12 - Selective Radial scan for Turning

Both the turn entry and recovery will affect the pitch control of the aircraft, therefore
as an aid to smooth precise flying it is important to apply and remove the angle of
bank slowly, so that the pilot can more easily keep up with the changes of
instrument indications and affect the correct control response at the appropriate
The small reduction of airspeed resulting from a rate one turn, can normally be
ignored, and the power setting may remain unchanged, but keep in mind that any
change of bank angle will also affect the aircraft’s pitch attitude and balance.
If altitude is lost during the turn, the subsequent pitch alteration to the index aircraft
(on the AI) should be kept small and a gradual return to the original altitude made,
as any marked change in pitch will significantly affect the airspeed and lift or attitude
of the aircraft.

I-1.6.8 Steep turns

The technique for a steep turn on instruments is the same as for visual flying,
although 45° AOB is used. Looking at the AI, roll smoothly around the ‘pitch dot’.
Passing 30° AOB, apply full power and raise the nose attitude to 1° nu. Adjust this
attitude as required after referring to the altimeter and VSI. To exit the turn, use 15°
anticipation and initially roll out to a pitch attitude that is commensurate with the turn
exit speed. The aircraft will normally lose 10–15 kts during the turn.

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Adjust the attitude in pitch as the speed increases. Due to the gimballed error in the
compass system it is difficult to roll out close to your selected heading as for a rate 1
turn. Therefore an adjustment will be required to accurately achieve your selected
heading. Steep turns on instruments are normally only done as an exercise in
aircraft handling.

Figure 13 - 45° Bank Level Attitude

I-1.6.9 Unusual attitudes

An unusual attitude (UA) is an aircraft attitude that has occurred inadvertently, and
generally is a large deviation from the standard pitch, bank and yaw attitudes used
in the phases of IF discussed previously. It may result from one factor or a
combination of factors such as turbulence, distraction from cockpit duties,
instrument failure, inattention and spatial disorientation. Should you find yourself in
an unfamiliar attitude, there is only one correct course of action: carry out an
unusual attitude recovery.
Note the attitude of the aircraft on the AI and then cross refer to the altimeter and
airspeed indicator so than an appreciation of the overall picture of the UA is
obtained (viz: ‘what is happening to the aircraft?’). Then recover from the U/A as

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Figure 14 - Unusual Attitude

• Check the pitch attitude and then decide if nose high or nose low. If nose
high, roll the wings level and pitch to the normal level attitude.

• Check the IAS. If the IAS is low, < 95 kts and or rapidly decreasing, apply full
power (propeller full increase; full throttle). If the IAS is relatively stable
between 95 and 115 Kts, leave the power set. At the end of the recovery, the
wings should be level on the AI and slip/skid indicator centred, and attitude
held until the performance instruments have stabilised.

• AI erect. Confirm correct operation of the AI by comparing its indications with

the turn needle, HSI, altimeter and VSI. This should take several seconds and
is only to identify gross errors in the AI due to toppling.

Now quickly identify whether the aircraft has been ‘stabilised’ in level flight below a
MSA/ LSA; if so, then an immediate climb is required.

For a nose low U/A with increasing airspeed, close the throttle, remove any ‘G’
force being felt (a heavy feeling in the seat), and then roll wings level before
pitching up to the normal cruise attitude. Do not under any circumstances apply ‘G’
loading while the aircraft is being rolled wings level during the recovery. Applying
‘G’ while banked is known as ‘rolling G’, and is not a good technique because the
airframe loads are increased proportionately (e.g. wing spar stresses may increase
about 50%) according to the amount of roll input while a ‘pitch-up’ is increasing the
dynamic loading. An effect can be that the asymmetric lift on the wings during a roll
input results in additional wing twist, causing increased wing-spar stress (and other

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airframe parts) above the 'symmetrical' loading case. For example, the '+4.4G limit'
for the DA40 in the utility category could be exceeded if excessive rolling occurred
whilst flying at or below this limit.
With a nose low UA, increasing airspeed will necessitate closing the throttle,
releasing ‘G’ before rolling wings level. Once this has been accomplished, ease out
of the dive to normal cruise attitude; restore normal cruise power as speed
approaches normal cruise speed.
As with a nose high UA, ascertain the serviceability of the AI and then check to see
whether you are above or below MSA/ LSA levels. Climb as required.
The objective of a U/A recovery is MINIMUM HEIGHT LOSS

I-1.7 Airmanship
The major airmanship point is a thorough serviceability check of the instruments is
always required before and after engine start, taxiing and before take-off; including
reading of the checklists.
In training under the hood in VMC, ask your instructor to conduct the LOOKOUT.
The correct altimetry procedures must be followed at all times.

I-1.8 Summary
The technique used in instrument flying is no different to that used in visual flight.
The basic concept of all flying is still:
The fact that the aircraft has inertia and that instruments are affected by lag will be
more apparent than during visual flight. When flying is being carried out entirely on
instruments, it is very important to know the principle of operation, errors and limits
of these instruments.
Finally: Fly smoothly, fly attitude, and relax and trim.

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I-1.9 Guide Attitude/Power Settings for DA40


Take-Off (Flap T/O) ASI 65 KIAS Full power 8° NU

Climb (Clean) ASI 90 KIAS Full power 9° NU

Straight and level ALT/VSI; Compass 24”/2450 RPM 0°

(Normal cruise)

Straight and level ALT/VSI; Compass 18-20”/2400RPM 2-3° NU


Cruise Descent ASI 110 KIAS 18”/2450 RPM 2° ND


Descent ASI 85 KIAS 10”/2450 RPM 2° ND


Level Rate one turn Turn and balance 24”/2450 RPM 1° NU, 18° AOB

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