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Supplementary Materials for Compact PET By English Division-TLU

Unit 1: All about me

(Yourself, Your study & Your university)

Suggested questions:
*** Your personal information
1. What’s your name?
___________________________________my name is lInh, my full name is bui viet
2. How old are you?
3. Where are you from?
4. Where do you live?
5. What do you like doing in your free time?
6. What sort of person are you?
_________________________quiet person
*** Your study & Your university
7. Where is your university?
8. What facilities does your university have?
9. What do you like most about your university?
10. Describe your university with 3 different adjectives.
___________________________big, beautiful,
11. Do you enjoy being at TLU university? Why (not)?
12. What’s your major? Name some subjects you have to study for your major.
13. What’s your favourite subject? How do you learn it?
14. Do you have to wear uniforms to school?
15. Can you join clubs at your university? What clubs?
Supplementary Materials for Compact PET By English Division-TLU


Unit 2 – Compact PET – Questions for Speaking Test

A. Hobbies & Leisure/Free-time Activities

1. What is your hobby?

2. When did you start (doing) it?
3. Is it an expensive hobby? Explain.
4. How much time do you spend doing it?
5. Why do you like it?just push on your earphone and enjoy it

Further questions can be asked by the examiner:

6. Do you prefer indoor or outdoor activities? Why?

7. What else do you like doing in your free time? Why?
8. Do you need any equipment to do it? If yes, what equipment is needed?
9. Are there any activities that you would like to do but you can’t? Why?
10. What other things do young people like doing in their spare time in Vietnam?

B. Sports

1. What is your favourite sport?

2. When did you start doing it?
3. Who taught you how to play? Or did you learn it yourself?
4. How often do you do it? Where? With whom?
5. Why do you like it?

Further questions can be asked by the examiner:

1. What sports equipment/ facilities do you need to do your favourite sport?

2. How popular is football in Vietnam?
3. What sports lessons do you have at Thuyloi university?
4. What do you like about them?
5. What do you dislike about them?

Supplementary Materials for Compact PET By English Division-TLU

Unit 3- Let’s shop

Speaking questions
Topic 1: Shopping
1. Do you like shopping?
2. How often do you go shopping?
3. What do you often shop/buy?
4. Where do you usually shop?
5. What is the most popular place to shop in your hometown?

Further questions:
6. Who do you often go shopping with?
7. Do you like online shopping?
8. What is the most favorite item that you have bought?
9. What is the most expensive item that you have purchased?
10. Where do young people often buy things these days?
11. Is shopping a popular activity in your country?

Topic 2: Clothes
1. What clothes do you like wearing? Why?
2. Can you name some popular patterns of clothes?
3. What patterns of clothes do you like best?
4. Do you prefer shopping clothes alone or with others?
5. Where do you often get your clothes from?

Further questions:
6. What clothes did you last buy?
7. What sorts of clothes do young people often wear these days?
8. Did you wear a school uniform when you were younger?
9. what type of clothes don’t you like to wear?
10. Are there many clothes shop where you live?
11. Do you think the clothes we wear say something about who we are?

Supplementary Materials for Compact PET By English Division-TLU

Speaking questions Unit 4

1. Can you tell me some kinds of films?

2. Do you prefer watching films on TV or at the cinema?

2a. If the answer is “prefer watching films on TV” (or on mobile phone/computer):

- Why do you like watching films on TV?

- On what TV channel do you usually watch films?

- How long have you watched films on that channel?

- How often do you watch films on TV?

- Who do you usually watch films on TV with?

- What kinds of films do you usually watch on TV?

2b. If the answer is “prefer watching films at the cinema”:

- Why do you like watching movies at the cinema?

- At which cinema do you usually watch movies?

- How often do you go to the cinema?

- What kinds of films do you usually watch at the cinema?

- Who do you usually go to the cinema with?

3. What is your favourite film?/ What is the most interesting film that you’ve ever watched?

- What is the name of the film?

- What kind of film is it?

- Who were the main actors and actress?

- What is it about?

- When and where did you watch it?

- Who did you watch it with?

- How did you feel about it?

- Why do you like it?

Supplementary Materials for Compact PET By English Division-TLU

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