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Đề Thi Ielts Speaking

Examiner to ask questions from EITHER Frame 1 or Frame 2

Frame 1 (Where you live now)

Let’s talk about where you live now

- Which town or city do you live in now?

- Are there any things you don’t like about your area? (What are they?)

- Do you think you will continue to live there for a long time? (Why? Why not?)

- What are some changes in the area recently?

- Do you live in a house or an apartment?

- What is your favourite room in your home? (Why?)

- What things make your home pleasant to live in? (Why?)

- Are the people in your neighborhood nice and friendly?

- Do you know any of your neighbours?

- Do you know any famous people in your area?

Frame 2 (Work/ Study)

Let’s talk about what you do. Do you work or are you a student?

- What kind of work do you do?

- What do you find most interesting about your work? (Why?)

- Which is more important to you – the people you work with or the work you do?

- Do you work best in the morning or the afternoon? (Why?)

- What do you study?

- What do you find most interesting about your studies? (Why?)

- Which is more important to you—the teachers or the other students on your course?

- How much time do you spend studying every week?

- How do you usually travel to the city where you study?

- Do you study best in the morning or the afternoon? (Why?)

- Have you always wanted to study this subject/ these subjects (Why/ Why not?)
Examiner to choose TWO further frames from frames

Part 1

1. Learning about Science

1. Do/did you enjoy science lessons at school? (Why/Why not?)

I do enjoy some science classes such as Chemistry as I have interests in learning about
chemical reaction (phản ứng hoá học)

2. Would you like to know more about science? (Why/Why not?)

If I had more time, I would love to know more as it gives me a lot of essential

3. Do you watch science programmes on TV? (Why/Why not?)

To be honest, I do not usually watch them on TV because I find it quite time


4. Are science museum popular in /your country? (Why/Why not?)

I am not sure. I have only heard about one of the most famous science musems in my
country which is located in Quy Nhon.

2. History

1. Do you like history as a subject in your school? Why?

I don’t really like history because I have to learn by heart all dates, times and figures.

2. When was the last time you read a book bout history?

It’s been a long time since I last read a book and learning materials for exams in my

3. Have you visited any history museums?

I visited War Museum last year. I had a chance to see a display of artifacts and
remnants. I also listened to audio commentaries about past events.

4. Do you like watching documentaries/movies related to history?

Personally, I am not interested in watching documentaries because they have lots of

time-consuming explanations, so whenever I come across a video I skip it.

5. What historical event do you find most interesting?

It is Vietnam War, which lasted from 1955 to 1975. The war ended with the fall of
Saigon and led to the reunification of Vietnam.

6. Do you think history is important?

Absolutely yes because it provides students with insights into the past and instills a
sense of national pride.

3. Public Transport

1. What do people think of public transport?

In my opinion, we all have the same thought. I think it can help us save a lot of money
and help reduce traffic jam.

2. Do you like long distance public transportation?Why?

I don’t like traveling far distance. It makes me tired, so I don’t think using long distance
public transportation is suitable for me.

3. What form of transport do you usually use?

My dad often takes me to school by car. However, when I hang out with my friends, I
use my electronic bike.

4. How often do you use public transportation?

I don’t often use public transport because I think it is not as conveninent as private

5. How is the transport in your country?

I would admit that there are lots of vehicles (xe cộ) in my country, which always causes
traffic congestion during rush hour.

6. Is there lots of traffic jam?

I would say yes. There are a lot of vehicles in my country. Most of them are motorbikes
which cause traffic jam during rush hour.

4 . Free Time & Weekend

1. Do you like to go to the cinema/movies at weekends?(Why/Why not?)

Absoltely, I like spending time hanging out with my friends to the cinema to chill out

2. Who do you go with? Alone or with others?

I always have a group of friends, so I usually go with them.

3. What do you enjoy doing most at weekends?( Why/Why not?)

I love eating out with my family to recharge my battery (nạp lại năng lượng)

4. Are you planning to do anything special next weekend?( Why/Why not?)

Actually, I haven’t decided yet. I think I am going to Vung Tau beach to blow some
steam off (relax) after hard-working days.

5. What kinds of activities do you often do in your spare time?

In my free time, I am quite into cooking and watching Netflix at home because it gives
me a sense of comfort (cảm giác thoải mái).

6. How do you often relax yourself on weekends? (cách trả lời giống câu trên)

7. How do your surrounding friends relax?

I don’t know. Some of them are extroverts (người hướng ngoại), so I think they love
spending time outside.

5. Number

1. What numbers do you like?

I like number in my date of birth because I believe they are my lucky numbers.

2. What numbers are important to you? (lấy ý tưởng từ câu trên)

3. Can you remember phone numbers?

Of course. I can even remember others’ phone numbers such as my mom’s and my

4. Do you need to use numbers in the future?

Why not? I believe we use numbers in many aspects (khía cạnh) in our life

5. Are you good at math?

I would say yes. I am addicted to numbers and Math is my favorite subject.

7. Art

1. Do you like art?

I do like arts, but I won’t go out of my way to enjoy it.

2. Did you take art lessons in your childhood?

Yes I used to. I learned simple lessons about different colors and shapes.

3. Have you ever been to the art gallery?

To be honest, I haven’t, but if I have a chance, I will give it a go.

4. Do you often go to art galleries? (Giống câu trên)

5. Is it interesting to become an artist?

It is cool to become an artist. However, I am not capable of making arts.

6. Are there any paintings on the wall of your home?

I don’t have any paintings in my home. I can’t buy them because they are waste of

7. What kind of pictures do you like to put up in your home?

I would like to hang on some pictures that illustrate landscape because it can uplift my

8. Pen and Pencil

1. Which one do you often use: pen or pencil?

Well, it depends. If I have to do test in schools, I use pen. Otherwise, I use pencils most
of the time.

2. When was the last time you bought a pen or pencil?

It’s been a long time since I last bought a pen. I bought it at stationery

3. How do you think if someone send you a pen as a gift?

Personally, I think it’s weird, not a top-of-mind choice (lựa chọn hàng đầu).
However, I would appreciate if someone sent me a pen with my name on it

9. Wild animal

1. Do you like to see animals in the zoo?

Yes, I love going to the zoo to see animals. I can learn more about them. However,
sometimes it hurts me to see animals in captivity (bị giam cầm)

2. What is your favourite wild animal?

I love pandas so much. To me, they are the most amiable (dễ thương) animal with
fluffy body and chubby face (cơ thể đầy lông mịn và gương mặt bầu bĩnh)

3. Are there many wild animals in VietNam?

I would say yes. There is a rich diversity of wilde animals due to its vaired ecosystems.
In my country, there are numerous species (loài) such as tigers, bears, monkeys and

10. Make Plans

1. Do you usually make plans?

Oh yes, I do it all the time because I want to keep up with the tasks and don’t want to
miss any deadlines.

2. What about your time management ability?

It’s a shame to admit that I’m not good enough in time management. I usually find
myself juggle between tasks.

3. Is it easy to manage time for you? (giống câu trên)

4. Do you like planning things?

Absolutely yes because it helps me create a sense of structure and discipline (tạo ra

tính sắp xếp và kỉ luật)

5. Do you like doing things step by step or making a long term plan?

I prefer doing things step by step because they are easier and more practical to carry out

11. Languages

1. What languages can you speak?

My mother tongue (tiếng mẹ đẻ) is Vietnamese. I can also communicate (giao tiếp) a
little in English.

2. What languages would you like to learn in the future?

I would like to pick up English and German because these languages attract me with
their beauty. Moreover, I love travelling, so learning languages would be beneficial.

3. How do you learn a foreign language?

I try to learn English through videos on Youtube. Also, I also watch movies in English
and read books to gain more knowledge.

4. How are languages taught and learned in your school?

Most knowledge is just theoretical framework (kiến thức rập khuôn). Students often
don’t know how to pronounce correctly and don’t have ability to use language in real-
life contexts.

12. Street Market

1. What do people usually buy on the street market?

Lots of stuff such as fresh vegetables, handcrafted goods or clothing.

2. Are there many supermarkets in your country?

Oh yes, Viernam has a growing number of supermarkets, particularly in urban areas and
larger cities.

3. Why do so many people prefer street market than supermarket?

I think because it might be cheaper. Moreover, it gives them a sense of familiarity

(cảm giác thân thuộc và gần gũi) because shoppers can interact with (tương tác với)
vendors in local community)

13. Taking Photos

1. Do you take photos by camera or phone?

I used to use camera. However, everything changes with the development of

technology, so it is much more convenient for me to use a phone to take photos
whenever I need.

2. How to deal with pictures after you take them?

Normally, most of the photos that I take are often saved and adjusted digitally.

3. Do you want to learn the photography to improve your skills of taking photos?

I don’t think it is necessary unless I am pursuing (theo đuổi) photography


4. How will people in the future take photos?

As I mentioned before, the development of smart phones is increasing. In the future,

smart phones may feature more powerful with enhanced image quality. (chất lượng
hình ảnh được nâng cao)

5. Is it good to reserve photos in a cellphone?

Storing photos in a cellphone is convenient. However, phones have limited capacity

(dung lượng giới hạn) compared to other devices.


1. Do you use perfume?

Yes, I sometimes use perfume on special events as I want to bring me a sense of

confidence. (cảm giác tự tin)

2. What kind of perfume do you like?

I’m not sure about different kinds, but I prefer something that is not too sweet and not
too sharp.

3. What does perfume mean to you?

For some people, it is a kind of accessory (loại phụ kiện). For me, it holds
sentimental value (giá trí về mặt tinh thần)

4. Do you give perfume as a gift?

If I give someone a gift, I would not go for perfume as it costs an arm and a leg (rất
mắc). Moreover, it’s hard to pick a right scent (mùi hương)

15. Sharing

1. Do you have anything to share with others recently?

Oh yes, I have some learning materials to prepare for IELTS test. I decided to share
them with my classmates.

2. Did your presents teach you to share when you were a child?

It is one of the first lessons that my parentts taught me. They always emphasized the
value of sharing and kindness.

3. What kind of things do you like to share with others?

Personally, I find it hard to say. I would like to share with others as along as they are
within my means (có trong khả năng của tôi)

4. What kind of things are not suitable for sharing?

In my opnion, I shouldn’t share something related to you personal information

because it’s your privacy. Moreover, something such as rumors (lời đồn) or
negative information about others shouldn’t be shared as well.

17. Daily routine

1. What’s your morning /weekend routine?

Wake up/ eating breakfast/ go to school.

2. Is breakfast important?

It’s one of the most important meals, and I cannot work or study without it.

3. Do you have breakfast everyday? (trả lời là Yes + idea giống câu trên)

4. Do you like to do the same thing everyday?

I would say no because it will be a barrier to my creativity (sự cản trở cho tính sáng
tạo của tôi)

20. Flowers

1. Do you like flowers?

Yes, but not all of them. I like some kinds of flowers because of their vibrant smell
(mùi hương thơm ngát)

2. Do you like to receive flowers as gift ?

As a women, I think that is the best gift because it can convey emotions without saying


3. Have you planted any flowers?

Actually, I’m maintaining (duy trì) a small balcony garden where I plant lots of
daisies (hoa cúc)

4. What kinds of flowers do you know?

Honestly, I am not a flower lover, so I don’t really know much about them. I only know
some of them such as roses and daisies.

5. Are there any flowers that have special meanings in VietNam?

Oh yes. We have Lotus (hoa sen) which is known as the national flower (quốc hoa) in
Vietnam. This kind of flowers are often seen in freshwater ponds (những cái ao trong

22. Evenings

1. What do you usually do in the evening? (Why?)

Normally it is the time for me to finish homework because I have to go to school the
next day.

2. Do you spend your evenings in the same way on weekdays and

at weekends?(Why/why not?)

Actually no. During weekdays, I spend most of my energy learning at school, while I
often spend time with my family or friends to relax.

3. How did you spend your evenings when you were younger?(Why/Why not?)

When I was younger, I often attended extra classes such as music class or participate in
outdoor activities with my friends.

4. Is there anything you don’t like to do in the evenings?(Why/Why not)

To be honest, working is the last thing I would like to do in the evenings. I would rather
chill out (=relax) to recharge my battery (nạp lại năng lượng)

23. Collecting things

1. Do you collect things?

Oh yes. I’m a shopaholic, so I collect a lot of clothes and put them in my wardrobe

2. Are there any things you keep from childhood?

I have kept a pillow since my mother bought it for me three years ago. It has a power to
make me sleep easier.

3. Would you keep old things for a long time?Why?

I don’t really want to keep old things for a long time as I don’t know what to do with

4. Where do you usually keep things you need?

To be honest, I am not an organized person so I don’t have a specific spot to keep


24. Watches

1. Did you wear a watch when you were a child? (Why/Why not?)

Yes, I did. It was a watch that my mom gave to me on my 6th birthday.

2. Have you ever received a watch as a gift? (When/Who from?)

To be honest, I have never had a watch as gift. I only got other common gifts such as
clothes, cosmetics and accessories.

3. Do you usually wear a watch now? (Why/Why not?)

I have a personal phone now so I don’t need a watch because it helps keep track of time
more conveniently.

4. Why do you think some people like to wear expensive watches?

In my opinion, they want to manifest their social status. Moreover, I also like to to catch
up with the latest trends.

27. Writing

1. Did you like writing when you were a child? Why/Why not?

Well, I would say no because it was time-consuming at that time.

2. What kinds of things do you write during a typical day? Why/Why not?

I’ve been writing a diary for years. I love doing this because it helps me keep the most
beautiful memories in my life.

3. Do you think the kinds of things you write will change in the future? Why/Why

I think yes. Everything changes over time, right. If something changes, I will jot it
down to make it an important milestone (làm cho nó trở thành cột mốc quan trọng)

4. Do you prefer typing or writing things by hand? Why?

I used to like writing by hand. However, I prefer typing because it’s more
convenient and faster.

28. Chocolate

- Do you like eating chocolate?

If it’s dark chocolate, then yes. I love its combination of sweeness and bitterness.

- Did you give chocolate to someone as a gift?

I did not, honestly. However, I think it’s sweet and romantic to give chocolate to show
your love to each other.

- Did you like chocolate when you were a child?

When I was a kid, I ate a lot of chocolate because it stimulate my sense of taste (kích
thích vị giác)

- When was the first time you ate chocolate?

I tried chocolate when I was 6. My father took me to a grocery store near my house
and bought me a bar of chocolate.

Is chocolate good for our health?

It depends. If you eat moderately, it is healthy. However, it will be harmful to your

body if eaten in excess. (sử dụng quá mức)

29. Outer space and stars

- Do you learn about outer space and arts at school?

Well, I do not have formal lessons, most of my knowledge has been self-taught.

- Do you enjoy watching films about the outer space and stars?

Well, sometimes I go for these movies because they trigger my curiosity. I can delve
into the exploration of other life forms.

Do you want to study about outer space and stars?

I think it is interesting to learn about outer space. However, making it as a subject

would not be practical.

- Do you want to travel to the outer space in the future?

It sounds interesting but I won’t put myself in a place where we do not really
understand. It’s too risky for me.

30. T-shirt

- Do you usually wear T-shirts?

Yes I do wear T-shirt most of the time. Even I am at school, I also wear a uniform
which is a T-shirt.

- Do you like T-shirts with pictures or prints?

Personally, I prefer something simple so I would like to wear a plain T-shirt.

- Do you think older people who wear T-shirts are fashionable?

I think it depends because some people simply wear T-shirts because they are

Part 2

1. Describe a person you know who you think is very intelligent

You should say:

- Who this person is

- How you know this person

- Why you think this person is very intelligent

And explain how you feel about this person

Part 3:

Intelligence in children

- the kinds of games that can help children to become more intelligence

- taking to children is the best way to develop their

intelligence Intelligence at work

- the kinds of jobs where intelligence is particularly important

- being very intelligence can sometimes be a disadvantage in the

workplace Artificial intelligence

- whether artificial intelligence could ever match human intelligence - any potential
risks to humanity of replying on artificial intelligence
2. Describe a story about Space That You Have Read

3. Describe a person who often buy at the street market at cheaper price

4. Describe a vehicle you would like to buy

5. Describe a historical building you like to visit and can learn from it

6. Describe a person who encouraged you to do something

7. Describe a natural talent you want to improve like sport , music,etc..

8. Describe an astronomy event you saw


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