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Blame game: Who has to most blame for the start of the First World War?

In 1914 a sort of cataclysm of events started the First World War. The main aggressors are:
Germany, France, Serbia, Russia, Great-Britain


What is the most direct cause of the war?

Change of power in 19th century………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Who threatened the peace in Austria-Hungary and wanted to take parts of their lands?

………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………Who was the first to
start a small regional war?

Who was the first super power to mobilize?


Why was mobilization such a big threat and escalation of the war?
It were a lot of men and they had to travel far, destroyed everything on their path?
Who was the main instigator of a regional war?

Who was the main instigator of a big European war?

………………………………….……………………………………………………………………………….……………What was the
main instigator of the World War? (other continents got involved?)

After the war the victors put all the blame on Germany for starting the war. The Germans had to pay
for all the cost and lose a lot of territory.
Do you think it this is fair?
yes and
Blame game: Who has to most blame for the start of the First World War?

Why do you think a normal German wouldn’t agree with the idea that they started the war?
Because they weren’t the only

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