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The Probability Lifesaver: All the Tools You Need to ...

- Page 43 › books Steven J. Miller · 2017 FOUND INSIDE – PAGE 43
This is related to the Banach-Tarski paradox, which we briefly discuss in §2.6. To get around
our inability to consistently assign probabilities to all possible subsets, we must be careful about
which events we assign probabilities.

Probability density function (pdf) for discrete random variables: Let X be a

random variable on a discrete outcome space _ (so _ is finite or at most countable).
The probability density function of X, often denoted fX , is the probability that X
takes on a certain value:

Probability & Statistics 1 editor Julian Gilbey

Why are errors quite normal?

If you study any of the sciences, you will be required at some time to measure a quantity
as part of an experiment.

What Is a Random Variable, Really? Article by Julian Gilbey Published 2018 Revised 2019
We first need the concept of a probability space.  This consists of two things.[1]  The first is
a sample space Ω, which is a set of possible outcomes.
The second ingredient for a probability space is a probability function, P. 
therefore, that a random variable is neither random nor a variable: it is just any function we
care to choose

What is the advantages of Wasserstein metric compared to Kullback-Leibler divergence?

Asked 4 years, 11 months ago
What is the practical difference between Wasserstein metric and Kullback-Leibler divergence?
Wasserstein metric is also referred to as Earth mover's distance.

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