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25/6/22, 22:22 1st.

P-P8: Revisión del intento

Área personal / Mis cursos /

2022-C-2-1355-472-ING-004 /
1st. P-P8

Comenzado el Monday, 13 de June de 2022, 16:42

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en Monday, 13 de June de 2022, 16:43
Tiempo empleado 25 segundos
Calificación 100.00 de 100.00

Pregunta 1

Se puntúa 100.00 sobre 100.00

Choose the correct words.

1. The young man pleaded  not guilty to robbery.

2. After a 3=month trial James was convicted of  arson.

3. The judge examined  the evidence  against the accused man.

4. The jury reached  a verdict and the criminal was taken to prison.

5. The court found  the accused guilty.

6. Jack is going to testify  against his friend in court  .

7. You have to swear  to tell the truth in court.

8. The thief was sentenced  to ten years in prison.

◄ 1st. P-P7

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1st. P - P9 ► 1/1

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