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Exam 4 Review (Units 9-16)

A. Gerunds & short responses (page 65): Circle the correct response
to each statement:

1. I don’t like hamburgers.

a. So do I. b. Neither do I. c. Neither am I.
2. I love action films.
a. So am I. b. So I do. c. So do I.
3. I am hungry.
a. So am I. b. So I am. c. So do I.
4. I’m not prepared for this exam.
a. Neither do I. b. Oh, I am. c. So am I.
5. I want to go to the movies.
a. Oh, I do. b. So am I. c. So do I.
6. I can´t stand traffic.
a. Neither do I. b. Neither can I. c. So can I.
7. I don’t mind horror movies.
a. Neither I do. b. Neither do I. c. Neither am I.

B. Past tense- Simple vs. Continuous(pg.79)-Fill in the blank with the

appropriate form of the verb:

1. As/while I was driving (drive), a dog ran (run) in front of my car.

2. I studied (study) English while I was living (live) in Ecuador.

3. She got (get) in a car accident while she was sleeping (sleep) on the wheel.

4. We saw (see) a great movie today!

5. Last week I was (be) sick, but now I feel better.

C. Write a reported statement for each direct request(pg.107):

1. “Mary, can you help me with my homework?”, Caroline asked.

Caroline asked Mary to help her with her homework

2.“John, will/would you open the window?”, Patrick asked.

Patrick asked John to open the window

3. “Susan, can you lend me $5?”, George asked.

George asked Susan to lend him $5

D. Write a reported statement for each direct statement(pg.109):

1. “Carla, we haven’t spoken English in a while,” said Tami and Eric.

They said _______________________________________________

2. “Hey friends, we are having a party this weekend,” said Jackie and her sisters.

They told_________________________________________________

3. “Dad, I think I’ll go to the store,” said Rebecca.

She said__________________________________________________

4. “Teacher, I don’t understand,” said James.

He told__________________________________________________

E. Circle the correct reported statement(pg.109):

1. “Don’t be mean to your brother.”

a. My mom told me don’t be mean to my brother.

b. My mom told me not to be mean to my brother.
c. My mom said me not to be mean to my brother.

2. “We can’t come to the picnic. We already made plans.”

a. They said they already made plans.

b. They said they had already made plans.

3. “We have to go to the grocery store.

a. They told me they have to go to the grocery store.

b. They told me they had to go to the grocery store.
c. They told me they had to went to the grocery store.
d. They told me they had had to go to the grocery store.

F. Unreal conditional sentences with if clauses(pg.101) - Complete

the sentence:

1. What would you do if _____________________________________?


2. If you had one week left to live,________________________________?


3. If I __________ (be) a lion, I _______________________________.

G. Past modals(pg.103):

a. “What would you have done if you were born 100 years ago?”


b. “What wouldn’t you have done if you were born 100 years ago?”


c. Daniela saw her boyfriend on a date with her best friend and she yelled at him.

What should she have done?


What shouldn´t she have done?


H. Complete the sentences(pg.87) (-ING vs. –ED):

I am fascinat___________ by horror movies.

I am interest____________ in that girl with the red hair.

He has a bor____ personality.

She thinks they are an amaz____ group of people.

My cousins think comics are fascinat__, but when I read comics, I feel bor____.

I. Vocabulary: (Study Word Power page 102 & page 108) Circle the
correct word:

The murderer was obviously guilty but said he was innocent. He

(refused/denied/expressed) the truth.

Could you (lend/offer/borrow) me your pen?

Can I (lend/offer/borrow) your pen?

He asked her to marry him, but she said no. She (denied/refused/disliked) his


1. If you don’t save your money, you (are going to/can/may) spend it all.
2. You’ll have more money to spend if you (have/had/will have) a high
paying job.
3. I would make/do a good journalist because I enjoy (researching/to
research) things and writing about them.
4. The pyramids ______________ (build) by the ancient Egyptians.
5. Some Ecuadorians _______________ (grow) bananas.
6. The Euro ___________ (use) in many European countries.
7. Spanish ___________ (speak) in many Latin American countries.
8. Brazilians __________ (speak) Portuguese.
9. What (have you been/have you/were)
10. English class is very fascinat__ . I never feel bor___ during class.
11. She is wrinkling her nose. It definitely (mean/means) she is
12.He is rolling his eyes. Maybe it (mean/means) he is (nervous/
13.Permission: You (have to/ could/ are allowed to) smoke here.
14.Obligation: You (can’t/ have to/ can) take off your shoes.
15.Prohibition: You (can’t/ have to not/ are allowed) feed the animals.

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