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Name : Alfin Meila Natasya

Class : PPKH-2B
UTS : Bahasa Inggris

1. Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is a highly contagious virus disease of animals.
2. The clinical signs are fever followed by the appearance of vesicles (fluid-filled blisters)
between the toes and on the heels, on mammary glands and especially on the lips, tongue
and palate.
3. animals can become infected through inhalation, ingestion and direct contact.
4. MD is a viral disease that spreads rapidly between animals. Virus is excreted in breath,
saliva, mucus, milk and faces. The virus can be excreted by animals for up to four days
before clinical signs appear. FMD virus can also be spread on wool, hair, grass or straw;
by the wind; or by mud or manure sticking to footwear, clothing, livestock equipment or
vehicle tires.
5. Movement controls and removal of infected animals (along with other complementary
control measures such as cleaning and disinfection) are essential to eradicate this disease.
Vaccination can be an important tool to assist in containing and eradicating FMD, but its
use will have trade implications.
1. Simple Sentence :
- Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is a highly contagious virus disease of animals.
- MD is a viral disease that spreads rapidly between animals
compound sentence :
- Vaccines can protect against the disease but do not necessarily prevent animals from
being infected
- FMD is not very lethal in adult animals, but it can kill young animals and cause
serious production losses.
2. a) Students need to submit the assignment on time, because hey have a midterm test
b) I still come to class but It rains heavily
c) All farmers have subsidized fertilizers and they are happy with their corps.
d) They need some water altough It is hard to get some.
3. a) animals can be effect by this disease quickly
b) to build animal body protection with vaccines effectively
4. a) Animal saliva transmits this virus
b) This virus kills young animals
5. create your own sentence (ONE SENTENCE EACH)
a. Simple sentence
I will always love your everyday
b. Compound sentence
My mom was busy, so I went to the market with my dad.
c. Complex sentence
I will love you if you love me to
d. Passive sentence
My clouth was repaired by my mom.

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