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What is your name?

My name is Helena
How old are you? I will turn twenty on June 27th
Where do you live? I live in Omignano, a small town
not far from Vallo della Lucania, about an hour from

 Who do you live with?

Talk about your family, - number of members, occupation, animals -
There are four people in my immediate family including my parents, my sister and me. I just have
one sister, who’s twenty two years older than me; I’m the youngest in the family. My father really
enjoys gardening, and he always spends his leisure time taking care of flowers and plants in his own
garden; My mother is the best cook in my familiy, she often cook delectable dishes for us and my
older sister works in office. I don’t see her every day now, because last month she started living
with her future husband, but I see her one a week for spend time togheter and we still keep in touch
through Skype, Whatsapp etc. So, My immediate family is quite small, but my father is one of five
children, so i have a lot of cousins, who are kind of like my sister. I’m very close to my family, we
have lunch together every weekend at grandmother’s house; She always cook something delicious!
I try to spend as much time as possibile with my cousins, we play cards, watch films, or go to the
park in the weather’s nice. I’d like to have a big family one day.
 What do you like and dislike?
About yourself, society, your friends –
What do I like and what I don't like about myself? Good question! In general, I have a
good self-esteem, I try to congratulate myself on the results achieved and I don't blame my
mistakes, it is from them that we grow;
▫ Let's start with what I like: I am a positive person and I always try to see the good in every
situation, especially in the most difficult one. It's never that simple, but it doesn't have to be
that complicated either. It can be started by trying to be the least critical that I can become
and by keeping myself surrounded by people who believe in staying positive.
Furthermore, I am a good listener and a good problem solver.
▫ What don't I love instead? I don't tolerate my being a little reluctant to ask for help even
when I need it. Honestly, I think this depends on my wanting to be perfect in the eyes of all
which leads me to fear the help of others, however when I was in trouble the help of my
family and friends was essential, absolutely a thing to change in me.

As far as society is concerned, - in my opinion -, I have a hopeful ideal, I believe that every human
being can make mistakes, repent and be the best version of himself from that point on; for this
reason, the hope is that: fall after fall, there will be no more malice, envy, indifference towards the
weakest, here these are things that I do not tollerate; the hope of change, on the other hand, is a
positive side, as is generosity, sensitivity, kindness towards others.

As for my friends, I love the way only they know how to listen to me and understand me, never
judging me and always being ready to give me advice. Also, I like their open mindedness, their
being outgoing and great company, but what I just can’t stand is their lack of iniative, sometimes
they are so lazy.

 If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change?
Probably everything and nothing; Probably anything that needs to be changed will be changed and /
or improved by time and experience. I am in this moment, exactly as I must be.
Am I perfect in someone else's eyes? I don't know, but after having spent years worrying
unnecessarily about the judgment of others, today I tell you that I don't care because in the end I
have to be comfortable with myself and also with all the imperfections that make me unique. My
journey continues to be fascinating, exhausting, exhilarating, frustrating and, despite everything,
miraculous. I know everyone else's is too, and when the time is right, they'll know.
Expressed this thought, a little philosophical, a little optimistic, if I have to be objective, I say that
by analyzing myself, I should probably learn to be less instinctive in moments of anger.

 If you could change anything about society, what would you change?
If I could change one thing about society, I would eliminate human greed. Human greed is at the
core of most of our world’s biggest problems. Greed is like newborn seed that grows into a
poisonous vine, eventually dominating the human soul like an infectious disease, spreading to every
corner of society. Ultimately, blinding us from the truth.
There are many things that should be changed about the world. There should be less emphasis on
grades. There should be education, housing, healthcare for all. There should be better treatment of
animals, more openness towards ideas that conflict our own. We should be more openness towards
ideas that conflict our own. We should end global warming, crime, war, racism, terrorism, poverty
and more. Those are all things that many people would change about the world but I want everyone
to think bigger. Why are there so many problems in our world today? One word: human greed.

 What do you do in your spare time?

I love reading human psychology books, real stories and even philosophical novels. First of all I
enjoy reading them, but I also believe they help me broaden my horizons, and learn a lot of things I
can use in my sales worls. If nothing else, they help me improve my vocabulary and communication
skills, and they also help my mind relax a little. I also love to write poetry, to let the emotions of my
soul fly on paper. It must be said, among other things, that what I do in my spare time depends a lot
on my mood and my energy levels. Some days I feel great and try to organize something for friends,
or work in the garden, or just walk around enjoying the sun. On some other days, however, they are
tiered. This is the time to listen to some music, or watch a documentary film on my laptop, or even

 What instrument do you play? How long have you been studying?
I have been playing the violin for five years.
 What do you expect from this course of study?
I expect from myself to learn all the skills that the masters can give me, so as to achive the
professional goals that I dream of as a musician as well as the essential personal growth.
 Have you already completed a bachelor’s degree or a master’s degree at another
No, absolutely not; music is my priority but I would like to pursue a bachelor’s degree after
completing my conservatory studies.

 What is your favourite colour, book, film, animal, music genre? Why?
Pink, because is relaxing colour associated with love, kindness and feminity. Some shades of pale
pink are described as relaxing while very bright, vibrant shades can be stimulating energizing.
My favourite book is “Redeeming Love”; it is based on a true story and is one of the greatest love
stories I have ever read. The author is also quite amazing.
My favourite movie of all time is “It’s a wonderful life”; this movie really displays the true meaning
of life. It is an old movie, buti t is a classic. The actors and actresses doan excellent job in the
My favourite animali s the dwarf bunny, he is so loving and cute, he is a faithful friends like dog,
other animal I love.
Is perhaps the most complicated question for music lovers? I listen to music of all kinds and this
also depends on the days and my moods, but one thing is certain, in my hearth there is a special
place for classical music, it is so relaxing, it envelops you and whispers emotions.

 What is your favourite composer? Why?

My favourite composer is Ludwing Van Beethoven. What makes his many compositions so
breathkingly spectacular is not only the many dynamic contrasts and musical complexity they
exhibit, but the heavy emotional weight they carry. Unknow to many, a great deal of Beethoven’s
arrangements reflect the complex feelings he was experiencing at the time of their composition, His
emotional intensity and attention to music make him my favourite composer.

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