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 Small frequent , low fat meals

 Dry crackers before arising
 Avoid brusing of teeth after arising
 Avoid fried foods and spicy foods
 Drink liquids between meals rather than at meals.

Urinary frequency

 Try Kegel exercises to increase control over leakage.

 Empty your bladder when you first feel a full sensation.
 Avoid caffeinated drinks, which stimulate voiding.
 Reduce your fluid intake after dinner to reduce night time urination
 Limit fluid intake @ 2000mL during the day


 Schedule a daily rest time..

 Attempt to get a full night’s sleep, without interruptions.
 Eat a healthy balanced diet.
 Schedule a nap in the early afternoon daily.
 When you are feeling tired, rest.

Breast tenderness

 Wear a supportive bra, especially during sleep if breast tenderness interferes with sleep..
 As her breasts increase in size, advise her to change her bra size to ensure adequate support.
 Avoid using soap on nipples and areola

Vaginal discharge

 Wear cotton underwear

 Avoid tight-fitting pantyhose.
 Bathe daily.


 Avoid standing for long periods.

 Apply local heat, such as a heating pad (set on low) or a hot water bottle. Make sure to place
a towel between the heat source and the skin to prevent burning.
 Stoop to lift objects—don't bend.
 Wear low heeled, comfortable and supportive shoes


 Increase your intake of foods high in fiber and drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of fluid
 • Exercise each day (brisk walking) to promote movement through the intestine.
 • Reduce the amount of cheese consumed

Round ligament pain

 Slowly rise from a sitting position.

 Bend forward to relieve pain.
 Avoid twisting motions.

Ankle edema

 Avoid standing for long periods.

 Rest with the feet elevated.
 Avoid wearing garments that constrict the lower extremities.


 Avoid eyestrain.
 Rest with a cold cloth on the forehead

2nd Trimester- Back ache

 Maintain correct posture, with head up and shoulders back.

 Wear low-heeled shoes with good arch support.
 When standing for long periods, place one foot on a stool or box.
 Use good body mechanics when lifting objects.
 When sitting, use foot supports and pillows behind the back.


 Walk daily to improve circulation to extremities.

 Elevate both legs above heart level while resting.
 Avoid standing in one position for long periods of time.
 Don’t wear constrictive stockings and socks.
 Don’t cross the legs when sitting for long periods.
 Wear support stockings to promote better circulation.
 Stay within recommended weight gain range during pregnancy

Leg cramps

 Straighten the leg and dorsiflex the ankle.

 Avoid pointing the toes.
 Rest frequently with feet elevated.
 Elevate legs above heart level frequently throughout the day.
 Ask your health care provider about taking additional calcium supplements, which may reduce
leg spasms.

 Rest on the left side with the hips and lower extremities elevated to provide better
oxygenation to the placenta and fetus.
 Avoid constipation.
 Apply witch hazel pads to the hemorrhoids.
 Get adequate exercise.
 Take sitz baths with warm water as often as needed to relieve discomfort.
 Apply ice packs for reduction of swelling, if preferred over heat.

Third Trimester


 Avoid spicy or greasy foods and eat small frequent meals.

 Sleep on several pillows so that your head is elevated.
 Stop smoking and avoid caffeinated drinks to reduce stimulation.
 Avoid lying down for at least 2 hours after meals.
 Try drinking sips of water to reduce burning sensation.
 Take antacids sparingly if burning sensation is severe.

Braxton Hicks Contractions

 Keep in mind that these contractions are a normal sensation.

 Try changing your position or engaging in mild exercise to help reduce the sensation.
 Drink more fluids if possible.

Dependent Edema

 Elevate your feet and legs above the level of the heart.
 Wear support hose when standing or sitting for long periods.Change position frequently
throughout the day.
 When taking a long car ride, stop to walk around every 2 hours.
 When standing, rock from the ball of the foot to the toes .
 Lie on your left side to keep the gravid uterus off the vena cava
 Avoid foods high in sodium, such as lunch meats,potato chips, and bacon.
 Drink six to eight glasses of water daily

Shortness of breath

 Taking frequent rest periods

 Sitting and sleeping with the head elevated or on the side
 Avoid overexertion

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