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Communication is an absolute requirement of the business organization.

This means
making common certain policies, procedures, objectives, beliefs, feelings, and
actions. James Q. du Pont, administrative assistant in public relations for Du Pont &
Co., offered these ten suggestions to all firms, large and small, in his "Pattern for
Success" talk before the Tulsa Chamber of Commerce on November 1, 1956: 
a. Make a product or sell a service that fills a need. 
b. Master know-how of job. 
c. Meet competition squarely. 
d. Research to make it (product or service) better and safer. 
e. Practice thrift and economy; waste nothing. 
f. Assure additional capital when needed by conducting your business soundly
and honourably. 
g. Plough back earnings heavily. 
h. Diversify products and departmentalize organization. 
i. Give personal attention to your business. Owner-management is a priceless
j. j)Always try to treat people right. Intention should precede performance. 
a) Which of these ten points is central to the whole pattern? 
b) Show why a company must use communication to accomplish each point above. 
c) Is communication, in the final analysis, a means or an end? Explain. 

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