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Advances in Space Research 56 (2015) 1627–1634

Backward smoothing for precise GNSS applications

Pavel Vaclavovic ⇑,1, Jan Dousa
Geodetic Observatory Pecny, Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography, Czech Republic

Received 2 February 2015; received in revised form 16 July 2015; accepted 17 July 2015
Available online 26 July 2015


The Extended Kalman filter is widely used for its robustness and simple implementation. Parameters estimated for solving dynamical
systems usually require certain time to converge and need to be smoothed by a dedicated algorithms. The purpose of our study was to
implement smoothing algorithms for processing both code and carrier phase observations with Precise Point Positioning method. We
implemented and used the well known Rauch–Tung–Striebel smoother (RTS). It has been found out that the RTS suffer from significant
numerical instability in smoothed state covariance matrix determination. We improved the processing with algorithms based on Singular
Value Decomposition, which was more robust. Observations from many permanent stations have been processed with final orbits and
clocks provided by the International GNSS service (IGS), and the smoothing improved stability and precision in every cases. Moreover,
(re)convergence of the parameters were always successfully eliminated.
Ó 2015 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: GNSS; Kalman filter; Backward smoothing; Ambiguity; Precise Point Positioning

1. Introduction are updated based on new observations. The Kalman filter

is a recursive algorithm, and every estimated parameter
The Extended Kalman filter, Anderson and Moore depends on current as well as all previous epochs. Due to
(1979), is widely used in many technical branches for its this fact, required unknowns need certain time to converge.
robustness and simple implementation. Compared to batch Assuming that someone is interested in parameters esti-
least squares adjustment when many observations from mated during initialisation period, the precision must be
many epochs are processed, and no parameter is improved by applying a smoothing algorithm. Such
pre-eliminated, the Kalman filter can work with matrices approach cannot be actually used in real-time but only in
of lower dimension. The reason is that the Kalman filter post-processing mode because observations from all previ-
processes epoch by epoch. Therefore; the processing is ous epochs as well as from all next epochs contribute to
computationally more efficient, particularly in kinematic an estimation. This procedure exploits converged precise
applications. The filtering technique became entirely pow- parameters and recalculates the parameters in every epoch
erful especially in solving dynamical systems in real time. in the backward direction. Nevertheless, many researchers,
The filter is initiated with a priori state vector with its such as geophysics, and climatologists do not need only real
covariance matrix and then all the unknown parameters time processing, but they are also often interested in pro-
cessing historical data with the best accuracy. Moreover, a
⇑ Corresponding author.
smoothing helps not only to improve the accuracy after cold
E-mail address: (P. Vaclavovic).
start but also along the entire processing interval.
URL: (P. Vaclavovic). Several scientific papers dealing with a smoothing in
The author is currently a Ph.D. student at the Faculty of Civil the field of geodesy or mathematics were published.
Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague.
0273-1177/Ó 2015 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1628 P. Vaclavovic, J. Dousa / Advances in Space Research 56 (2015) 1627–1634

Rauch et al. (August 1965) developed the recursive algorithm epochs. A state vector x at the epoch k can be expressed
known as Rauch–Tung–Striebel smoother (RTS) which is as a conditional mean given observations z from epochs
based on results from the previous forward filter in each 1; 2; . . . ; N :
epoch. Zhang et al. (1996) pointed out that the smoother ^xkjN ¼ E½X k jz1 ; z2 ; . . . ; zN 
covariance recursion is very sensitive to the round off error
and suggested to implement the new robust algorithm based Three cases can occur: k > N ; k ¼ N or k < N which are
on Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). An alternative termed as prediction, filtering or smoothing. As this paper
for the RTS was published by Bryson et al. (1962) but with is dealing only with smoothing, the prediction and filtering
the equivalent numerical problem. Park et al. (1994) devel- issues are referred to a literature for details (e.g. Anderson
oped new square root forms for smoothing formulas. and Moore, 1979).
Cao et al. (2008) implemented the RTS for carrying out There are three types of smoother: fixed point, fixed lag
the GPS positioning with code data from low cost receiver. and fixed interval. The fixed point smoother estimates xk
However, they have not confronted the numerical weakness for constant k and all N. The fixed lag smoother addresses
because the precise carrier phase data were not used. achieving xk for constant delay between observation recep-
Therefore, the aim of our study was to use the backward tion and state vector estimation. The fixed interval
smoothing for processing the most precise carrier phase smoother, which will be discussed in this paper, uses all
observations. We processed both code and phase observa- data from fixed N epochs to estimate the state at each
tions on undifferenced level, and we used precise satellite epoch. Therefore, it can be used only for post-processing.
orbits and clocks products provided by the International The distinct advantage of all kinds of smoothers is that
GNSS service (IGS), Dow et al. (2009). We applied all nec- more data are used than in case of forward filtering only,
essary correction models, such as tidal displacements, so the estimation is expected to be more precise. The stan-
atmospheric effects, phase wind-up, antenna phase center dard RTS algorithm works with stored results from the
offsets and variations. Introducing the precise satellite Kalman filter and can be expressed in the recursive formula
orbits and clocks is the principle of Precise Point ^xkjN ¼ ^xkjk þ C k ð^xkþ1jN  ^xkþ1jk Þ ð1Þ
Positioning (PPP), Kouba and Heroux (2001). The imple-
mentation was done within the framework of the project C k ¼ Rkjk UR1
at the Geodetic Observatory Pecny in the Czech Republic
RkjN ¼ R1 T
kjk þ C k ðRkþ1jN  Rkþ1jk ÞC k ð2Þ
dealing with development of the software library called
G-Nut, Vaclavovic et al. (2013). This software employs where ^xkjN ; RkjN are smoothed state and covariance matrix,
the PPP strategy for precise positioning or troposphere ^xkjk ; Rkjk are updated state and covariance matrix, and
monitoring in post-processing as well as in real time. ^xkþ1jk ; Rkþ1jk are predicted state and covariance matrix. C
The first section of this investigation will summarize the is usually called smoother gain. U was identity in our study
smoothing theory. The next sections will describe the non- because we did not assume receiver motion. However, the
linear system model and the processing scheme. The plots algorithm works also with data from moving receivers
of achieved coordinates and tropospheric time series will because a transition matrix does not influence the equa-
be presented afterwards. Finally, in the conclusion, we will tions stability. The recursion starts at N th epoch and con-
summarise results, limitations, and usage of the backward tinues down to the first one.
smoothing. As mentioned in the previous paragraph, these equa-
tions suffer from numerical problems. This shortcoming
2. Smoothing theory is addressed, for instance, in Zhang et al. (1996). Since
the smoothed covariance matrix is computed by differenc-
The Kalman filtering and smoothing are based on min- ing two matrices it is not guaranteed that the matrix remain
imum variance estimation where both parameters and positive semidefinite. A solution based on SVD is proposed
observations comply with Gaussian distribution. They are in the mentioned paper. The new proposed approach differ
generally developed for discrete linear systems, neverthe- from the standard RTS technique only in estimating
less, each nonlinear system can be linearised via Tailor smoothed covariance matrix because equations for
Series. Such a linear system can be described by the follow- smoothing state vector are robust enough. The
ing equations SVD-based modified equations can be derived as follows.
If RkjN is symmetric and positive semidefinite it can be
xkþ1 ¼ Uk xk þ ek
decomposed by SVD for all k and N
Rkþ1 ¼ Uk Rk UTk þ Rek
z k ¼ Ak x k þ v k RkjN ¼ U kjN DkjN U TkjN ð3Þ

The subscript is a time argument. e is a state noise, and Re where U ; D are an orthogonal and a diagonal matrix,
is a noise covariance matrix. A is usually called design respectively. The problem is transformed into seeking for-
matrix and v post fit residuals. U is a transition matrix mulas for U kjN and DkjN . Let us introduce temporal vari-
describing state transformation between two consecutive ables T 1 and T 2 and their SVD decomposition
P. Vaclavovic, J. Dousa / Advances in Space Research 56 (2015) 1627–1634 1629
2 qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 3
1 every epoch as a white noise process. The receiver coordi-
T1 ¼ 4 Rek Uk 5 ¼ U k Dk V Tk ð4Þ nates were modelled also as a white noise with different
D1 T
kjk U kjk variances for a static and a kinematic solution. The ZWD
" # was described with the random walk process and the ambi-
D1k Vk
guities with constants according to their definition.
T2 ¼  kD
¼U  k V T
Dkþ1jN U kþ1jN C Tk

4. The processing scheme

After multiplying both sides by their transpose and making
several algebraic manipulations, the quantities U kjN ; DkjN
The state vector dimension is usually not constant in
are expressed as
GNSS applications. As new satellites are observed or
U kjN ¼ V k another satellites disappeared behind the horizon, ambigu-
DkjN ¼ D k DT ities are introduced or removed from the state vector. This
section will describe the processing scheme and highlight
Finally, the resulted smoothed covariance matrix is com- weaknesses of this approach.
posed by the Eq. (3). The state is given by the Eq. (1). Fig. 1 illustrates filtering and smoothing algorithm
implemented in our software. The processing started with
3. Observation model a priori state and appropriate covariance matrix. A priori
receiver coordinates with their precision can be introduced
The proposed algorithms were used for processing in our software by a user or calculated from code data. A
undifferenced GNSS code (P) and carrier phase (L) obser- priori receiver clocks had to be determined from code data
vations to produce state vector containing receiver coordi- independently every epoch, and ZHD was taken from the
nates, tropospheric zenith total delay (ZTD), receiver Saastamoinen model. After the state vector is initialized,
clocks and ambiguities. Dual frequency P and L data were it is predicted to the next epoch. The prediction consisted
used to form ionosphere-free (IF) linear combinations of adding the noise matrix into the covariance matrix
(subscript 3 in Eqs. (5) and (6)) to eliminate first order of and adding or removing ambiguities from the state vector
the ionospheric effect. The observation equation for the if necessary. A new ambiguity was introduced when new
IF linear combination can be formulated for receiver A satellite started to be observed, and it was removed when
and satellite i as either particular satellite disappeared behind the horizon,
or when a cycle slip occurred. The flowchart demonstrated
P iA3 ¼ qiA þ cdA þ mf ZTDA þ cDP A3 þ cDP i3 ð5Þ by Fig. 1 does not contain preprocessing because it is
LiA3 ¼ qiA þ cdA þ mf ZTDA þ cDLA3  cDLi3 þ kf N iA3 ð6Þ
q is a geometry distance between phase centres of a satellite Initialization of X and Q k = N -1
at signal emission time and a receiver at signal reception k=1
time, respectively. c is the speed of light in vacuum, d is a
receiver clock bias. ZTD is mapped to slant delays by an synchronisation epoch
elevation dependent mapping function mf . DP is a code Kalman filter k with epoch k+1
bias and DL is a phase bias. k and N are the IF wavelength (Square root)

and the IF ambiguity, respectively. DP includes hardware

delays of code signals at a receiver and a satellite. While smoother prediction

such delays at a satellite can be modelled by Differential save predicted

Code Bias (DCB), delays at a receiver vanish in the receiver and updated X, Q

clock parameter. DL was not modelled but absorbed by smoother update

ambiguity float values and receiver clocks. Additional

k = k +1
modelling of DL is necessary for integer ambiguity resolu-
k = k -1
tion, Mervart et al. (2008).
The precise IGS orbits are referred to the satellite center YES
of mass; therefore, phase center offsets and variations had k<N print smoothed X, Q
to be considered. Other corrections, such as solid earth NO
tides, ocean tide loading, phase wind-up, and relativistic
effect were applied. The zenith total delay was separated
into two parts: hydrostatic (ZHD) and wet (ZWD). k>1
While the ZHD can be corrected by the Saastamoinen tro-
pospheric model the ZWD had to be estimated. Both com- NO
ponents were mapped to slant delays by different mapping END

functions. All the parameters were modelled as stochastic

processes. The receiver clock was estimated independently Fig. 1. Flowchart of the Kalman filter with the backward smoothing.
1630 P. Vaclavovic, J. Dousa / Advances in Space Research 56 (2015) 1627–1634

performed before the processing part. The transition Table 1

matrix was equal to identity. The next step was a filter The processing strategy.
update. The Kalman filter is sufficient for less precise obser- Software G-Nut/Tefnut
vations (i.e. code data), but for precise carrier phase mea- Processing technique PPP
Orbits, clocks IGS final
surements, the square root formula, Anderson and Adjustment Square root Kalman filter, backward
Moore (1979), is necessary for increasing the numerical sta- smoothing
bility. The state vector with covariance matrix were stored GNSS GPS
from the prediction as well as from the update. Sampling rate 300 s
When all N epochs were filtered the smoothing could Ionosphere First order eliminated by the ionosphere-
free combination
start in the backward direction. Since the algorithm was Data weight P 3: 2 m
recursive, two consecutive epochs need to be synchronised. L3 : 1 cm
It means that only common parameters remained, and the Troposphere ZHD: Saastamoinen
rest of them were removed. It is extremely important that ZWD: estimated
every elements in the state vector belong to the right row Mapping function GMF DRY, GMF WET
Elevation angle cutoff 5 degrees
and column in the covariance matrix after each manipula- ZWD random walk 5 mm/sqrt(hour)
tion. Removing a parameter in the forward pass means that Ambiguity float
the same parameter had to be introduced in the backward Tidal ocean loading: GOT00.2
pass. However, if the parameter has not converged within solid earth tides: IERS convention 1996
the forward filter, its variance on the diagonal of the atmospheric loading: not applied
Phase center PCO + PCV
covariance matrix had to be increased by additional noise
in the smoothing. It was important because each ambiguity
was estimated as a constant, and, consequently, the
smoothing did not allow ambiguity to change in time. demonstrates achieved pseudo-kinematic daily positioning
This procedure is called the smoothing prediction in the for a station DYNG in Greece during April 10, 2013.
flowchart, and it was necessary, particularly when observa- The three top plots demonstrate north, east, and up coor-
tion data contained short intervals for initialisation of dinate components, and the zero lines represent their medi-
ambiguities. When it was omitted it behaved like a system- ans. The bottom plot shows number of satellites used in the
atic error. After that, the state vector could be smoothed processing. The both plots demonstrates typical conver-
according to the Eq. (1). gence effect of all the parameters when only forward filter
Determination of the smoothed covariance matrix was is applied. It took up to one hour until all coordinates
more difficult since the Eq. (2) suffers from numerical insta- and ZTDs became stable. A priori coordinates were calcu-
bilities. Therefore, the alternative procedure based on SVD lated using code data obtaining precision of about several
decomposition described in the theory section was used. meters. A priori zenith wet delay was taken from the
However, Eq. (3) requires inversion of the noise covariance Saastamoinen troposphere model. Fig. 2 shows that all
matrix, which usually contains zero elements on the diago- the components of the achieved coordinates from the for-
nal for parameters estimated as constant. Since the inver- ward Kalman filter lost their stability between 9 p.m. and
sion of such a matrix is not allowed, all zero values were about 10 p.m. Looking at the bottom plot of the Fig. 2 dis-
increased by very small noise 1e10. We used such value playing number of processed satellites indicates that the
without thorough investigation but only due to our good instability could be caused by decreased number of visible
experience. If the noise of the static coordinate or the ambi- satellites. However, the results from the backward smooth-
guity was 1e10 instead of 0 the algorithm worked stably ing are very stable during such period. The smoothing is
and the parameters remained constant in practice. dependent on filter results and starts from the end of the fil-
ter processing. Therefore, if the filter finishes with con-
5. Results verged stable results the smoothing is well initialized, and
precise parameters can be exploited in recomputing in a
The presented algorithms were implemented in the backward direction. Due to this fact, short (re)conver-
G-Nut software developed at the Geodetic Observatory gences can be avoided and smoothed. Smoothed ZTDs,
Pecny in Czech Republic. Data from many permanent sta- see Fig. 3, could be also considered as more accurate and
tions worldwide were processed in a post-processing mode can be found more consistent with the EUREF final
with IGS final orbits and clocks following the PPP method. products.
Table 1 provides summary of the processing strategy. Fig. 3 The state vector was sufficiently estimated by the stan-
shows estimated ZTDs together with EUREF (Regional dard RTS formula, but the RTS algorithms usually failed
Reference Frame Sub-Commission for Europe) final com- in smoothing the covariance matrix. The reason is
bined products for the same station at the same period as explained in the second section of the paper. Fig. 4 shows
the coordinates. We kept coordinates static in this solution formal errors of estimated ZTDs. While the top plot shows
when we focused on ZTDs estimation. However, we tried errors of smoothed ZTDs estimated by the RTS, the bot-
also to estimate coordinates as pseudo-kinematic. Fig. 2 tom plot shows achieved precision estimated by SVD
P. Vaclavovic, J. Dousa / Advances in Space Research 56 (2015) 1627–1634 1631


N [m]
-0.30 backward
00:00 02:00 04:00 06:00 08:00 10:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 18:00 20:00 22:00 00:00
E [m]

-0.30 backward
00:00 02:00 04:00 06:00 08:00 10:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 18:00 20:00 22:00 00:00
U [m]

-0.30 backward
00:00 02:00 04:00 06:00 08:00 10:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 18:00 20:00 22:00 00:00



Number of satellites used in the processing
00:00 02:00 04:00 06:00 08:00 10:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 18:00 20:00 22:00 00:00

Fig. 2. Kinematic solution for coordinates based on the forward filter and the backward smoothing. The three top plots show north, east, and up station
coordinate components and the bottom plot shows number of satellites used in the processing during the day.


ZTD [m]


EUREF reference product
00:00 02:00 04:00 06:00 08:00 10:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 18:00 20:00 22:00 00:00

Fig. 3. Kinematic solution for troposphere based on the forward filter and the backward smoothing. Zenith total delays are displayed together with the
EUREF final combined products.
1632 P. Vaclavovic, J. Dousa / Advances in Space Research 56 (2015) 1627–1634

modification. The bottom plot shows that the alternative results are station dependant. It can be explained by vari-
approach using SVD is more robust and sufficient because able length of time parameters become stable after cold
negative values were obtained by the RTS time to time. start, which is caused by different quality of code observa-
Fig. 4 also demonstrates that smoothed parameters are tions at different stations. The backward smoothing
more precise than filtered ones along the entire processing exploits already stable parameters, particularly carrier
interval. Similar figure could be shown for all remaining phase ambiguities, and therefore the RMS of smoothed
parameters besides ZTD. ZTDs is less station dependant.
We processed RINEX (Receiver Independent Exchange Pseudo-kinematic coordinates solution has been per-
Format) files with daily observations of sixteen stations of formed for the same sixteen EPN stations and the same
the EUREF Permanent network (EPN) since day of year period. Fig. 6 shows RMS of achieved kinematic coordi-
001 until 100 of 2014, and we estimated ZTDs for those nates from the forward filter only, and Fig. 7 shows
stations via forward filter only as well as backward RMS of achieved coordinates from the backward smooth-
smoothing. Coordinates were kept static in this analysis. ing. We can see that the precision has been improved at
We compared achieved ZTDs to EUREF combined final every station by applying the smoothing algorithm. The
products, and Fig. 5 shows RMS of the differences. It RMS has been decreased mainly due to improving preci-
can be inferred that smoothed ZTDs are more accurate sion after cold starts and after all re-convergences, which
with respect to the EUREF final products at all the sta- can be seen, for instance, on Fig. 2 before 10 p.m. The
tions. We can also see that the RMS of forward filter coordinates of the station DRES has been estimated with

sqrt(Qii) [mm]

00:00 02:00 04:00 06:00 08:00 10:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 18:00 20:00 22:00 00:00
sqrt(Qii) [mm]

00:00 02:00 04:00 06:00 08:00 10:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 18:00 20:00 22:00 00:00

Fig. 4. Achieved precision from the algorithm based on standard RTS formula (top) and SVD modification (bottom). The curve with triangles illustrates
square root of variance of ZTD from forward filter and the curve with circles from the backward smoothing.

Forward filter Backward smoothing
ZTD RMS [mm]











Fig. 5. The RMS of differences between EUREF final combined ZTDs and our achieved ZTDs from forward filter or backward smoothing. The plot
shows the comparison for 16 EPN stations.
P. Vaclavovic, J. Dousa / Advances in Space Research 56 (2015) 1627–1634 1633


Coordinates RMS [cm]












Fig. 6. The RMS of coordinates from pseudo-kinematic solution based on forward filter only. The plot shows the RMS for 16 EPN stations.

Coordinates RMS [cm]











Fig. 7. The RMS of coordinates from pseudo-kinematic solution based on backward smoothing. The plot shows the RMS for 16 EPN stations.

worse precision compared to other stations. It needs our problems were caused by round off error when subtracting
further investigation and improving robustness of our soft- two very similar matrices. This problem was solved with
ware. On the other hand, it demonstrates that the smooth- reformulating the equations exploiting the SVD matrix
ing algorithm depends on results from forward filter, decomposition.
therefore, if a processing fails in the forward run due to The disadvantage of the algorithm is the need of invert-
low data quality or undetected cycle slips it cannot be very ing the noise matrix containing zero elements for constant
precise neither after backward run. parameters, such as carrier phase ambiguities or static
coordinates. However, if the noise for all those parameters
were increased by very small noise 1e-10 the inversion was
6. Conclusion
accurate enough, and the parameters remained static as
We described the implementation of the backward
Finally, the combination of both mentioned algorithms
smoothing algorithm for enhancing a state vector using
can be used in post-processing solution. In particular, the
converged parameters, in particular ambiguities. The
kinematic solution was improved significantly since fre-
Kalman filter is a very good technique for a real time pro-
quent re-convergences caused by cycle slips were avoided.
cessing, however, if any delay in the production of a state
It is possible to use the smoothing only for off-line process-
vector estimate can be accepted, the backward smoothing
ing; however, there are also applications where a short
is proper technique for improving precision and making
delay can be permitted, and the real time processing is
the solution much more stable and robust. The main goal
not required. An example is a real-time water vapour mon-
of this investigation was to find out whether the RTS
itoring for modern meteorology applications (Dousa and
smoother could be used in the Precise Point Positioning
Vaclavovic, 2014). Our further development will focus on
for processing undifferenced code and carrier phase obser-
using backward smoothing for troposphere parameters
vations with IGS final orbits and clocks products.
estimation with a 5–15 min delays.
Implementation in GNSS was different from other
branches because a number of unknown parameters
changes due to the initial ambiguities of carrier phase Acknowledgments
observations. The synchronisation of state and covariance
matrix between two consecutive epochs had to be done The development of the G-Nut/Tefnut software was
carefully. It has been shown that the RTS was stable and funded by the Czech Scientific Foundation
robust only for smoothing the state, but it usually failed (P209/12/2207). The implementation of the backward
in determination the covariance matrix. The numerical smoothing was supported by the Student Grant
1634 P. Vaclavovic, J. Dousa / Advances in Space Research 56 (2015) 1627–1634

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