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Arcane: male older brother reader insert


NOTE: I don't know much about the LOL universe so I'm going to make this completely Arcane
based, sorry if there are any mistakes

Name: Y/N

Age(fist 3 episodes): 19

Age(after): 26


“boy” given by Vander, despite being simple, it is used affectionately by your adoptive father

“N/N” given by Vi but also used by Powder, you can choose whatever you want, from a
diminutive, a title, or simply a different version of your name, it’s your choice, let your
creativity run wild

“tough guy” given by Cayde used from time to time by Mylo and Claggor, thanks to your angry
and decisive personality your best friend ends up calling you that

“Silverhand” & “dead face” both given in a pejorative way by Jinx, insulting or making fun of
your appearance in the future, although you end up taking the title of Silverhand yourself later


>>Malorian Arms 3516

a powerful pistol, given to you by your father in his final moments along with a promise

>>Silver arm / mechanical prosthesis

despite not being born without your right arm, after a mysterious accident with a blue
explosion you lose that limb, and so you replace it with a resistant silver prosthesis, even if you
don't like to use it as a weapon the arm has an injection of morphine and adrenaline, which
can be useful in battle (besides the arm can also do a lot of damage, taking into account the
weight and hardness)


Your basic personality is someone easily irritable, decisive and responsible, but above all you
are a rock lover (but hey, don't be shy about putting personal likes and your personality traits
here too)

>>gun master<<

You have a genius for upgrading guns, especially pistols

>>rocker boy<<

As a rock lover, you also love to play and compose, even having your own fingering style and
even some original songs

(you only know how to play guitar and bass, you also know how to sing)

>>bullet point<<

you have extreme accuracy for shooting, in fact you are the one who teaches Powder how to
shoot properly

>>heavy hand<<

it's no surprise that you know how to fight, however, you end up not being as fast as Vi in this
regard, losing to her in speed but winning in strength

(not that you're a slow slug or anything, you're fast, however, Vi by training more constantly
ends up being faster)

>>fast runner<<

one more basic skill that you must have if you live a mercenary life or even an ordinary one in
Zaun, but you are simply ultra skilled in this regard, whenever you are angry or play some
music or run across the roofs and thanks to that you are very fast and skilled in parkour


Violet (sister)

Powder (sister)

Vander (adoptive father)

Mylo (adoptive brother)

Claggor (adoptive brother)

Cayde (best friend)

Looks (First 3 episodes):

Face: you or an OC, you choose

Hair: the color is your choice, but your hair is long, falling down to your neck

think about the coat but without that green thing that goes from the shoulder to the chest,
forget about the choker too, the rest of the outfit doesn't change

Y/N- your name

N/N- nickname

H/C- hair color

anyway, we've reached the end I believe, as soon as I have the first chapter written I'll post it

 Welcome to the Playground. 43m. ...

 Some Mysteries Are Better Left Unsolved. 41m. ...
 The Base Violence Necessary for Change. 44m. ...
 Happy Progress Day! 41m. ...
 Everybody Wants to Be My Enemy. 41m. ...
 When These Walls Come Tumbling Down. 42m. ...
 The Boy Savior. 40m. ...
 Oil and Water. 40m.

<Welcome to the Playground>

Dear friend across the river. . .

. . .my hands are cold and bare. . .

. . .dear friend across the river. . .

I don't think I'll ever forget that day

I’ll take what you can spare. . .

. . .i ask of you a penny. . .

. . .my fortune it will be. . .

"Son, what are you doing here?" I heard my father's voice, letting out a cough at the end "you
shouldn't be here" he told me, I couldn't answer, the sight of my mother's lifeless body left me
speechless "look into my eyes, you have to leave It's too dangerous here, I don't want you to
get hurt too"

I ask you without envy. . .

. . .we raise no mighty towers. . .

. . .our homes are built of stone. . .

my father looks down towards his own belly checking the wound that covered his hand with
blood, he goes up then looks at me i dug him scared and worried "don't worry about me i'll be
fine, you have to get out of here" he stops letting out a bloody cough, I look at the blood still
unable to speak "your sisters need you" my father takes a deep breath letting his eyes well up
with tears "I need you to protect them, protect them for me" he looked into my eyes , even
though I wanted to answer, words didn't come out of my mouth "I want you to promise me,
that you'll protect your sisters, that you'll be there whenever they need you" He raised his
other hand and handed me a silver gun, his pistol "take this and protect them" i couldn't
answer "promise me"

So come across the river. . .

. . .and find. . .

"look who I found" I heard my best friend Cayde's hoarse voice wake me up from a short
daydream "what's up? did you find the assholes who owed you money?" I said adjusting the
holster on my waist that carried my silver heirloom "I wish, actually i found your troupe
heading towards guess what? That's right, problems, what do they want in topside?" I looked
towards him and took the binoculars he used to admire the view "where?" he pointed towards
a group of kids who were crossing the bridge to Piltover, looking through the binoculars, i saw
a girl with pink hair helping a girl with blue hair over a wall "shit, what does she think she's
doing this time?" I thought out loud putting the binoculars down and looking at Cayde "Do you
think you can keep pace with me?" I asked going to the end of the building that we were "sure
no, but let's go anyway" he replied while stretching "great" I said then jumping off the roof
"What are we going to do anyway?" Claggor asked adjusting his glasses while Vi helped
Powder down the wall "a real job for a change" Mylo replied leaning against a wall looking at
Vi "Vander and Y/N keep saying we have to earn a place in this world, so we're gonna make
them respect us, okay?" The pink haired girl spoke lowering her sister who murmured in
agreement "okay, but what are we going to do exactly?" Claggor asked again "I'll tell you when
we get there, now come here Mylo I need you to help me up there" Vi said pointing to a roof a
little above

“dammit, I always forget how fast you are” Cayde said to me, panting, with his hands on his
knees, clearly tired "cut this one, we're almost there, and it wasn't even a big deal, remember
when we did all the undercity courses in one day?" I said taking the binoculars to check the
distance "you mean: you did all the courses, I lost your trail after the second one and I was
already dead tired by the third, I know you like to practice parkour but sometimes I prefer only
listen to you play" he said taking a canteen of water and taking a sip "if you have the breath to
talk so much we can go on" I said looking through the binoculars and see Claggor pulling
Powder up to a roof "let me breathe some more and then we can go" he said taking another
sip "no time, let's go" I said putting down the binoculars handing them over to him and taking
the canteen "dude you live in a bar, couldn't we stay there drinking?" he asked me, i took a sip
of water and put the canteen in my coat pocket "stop crying and come with me" I replied, then
jumping back down the path towards Vi

"So we're going to rob a house?" Claggor recapped as he climbed the wall along with the
others "yes" Vi replied "and the little man gave us that tip?" Claggor asked again "yeah" Mylo
said right behind Claggor "how long till we get there?" Powder asked, carefully climbing up the
wall "actually..." Vi said, then jumping up "we're almost there" she said looking down towards
the rest of the group "aw man" Mylo grumbled leaning on a pipe, it didn't take long for the
pink haired girl to finish the climb, reaching the top of the building she had a view that until
now she only heard in stories from her older brother when he did some jobs in Piltover "hey
Powder" Vi called from the top "come take a look" she finished walking forward, soon after her
little sister stopped beside her enjoying the view "Whoa" she said "it’s nice getting above all,
huh?" the eldest asked, even though she already knew the answer
“surely, just wish N/N were here too" Powder said missing his older brother "maybe next time
we'll go along with him, as long as you don't ruin everything" Mylo said getting an irritated look
from Violet who poked him, insinuating that he needed to shut up "Vi, are, are you sure about
this?" Claggor spoke uncertainly about the plan "look, if we get caught, we're--" he spoke
when he was suddenly cut off by someone "you already got caught" a familiar voice said from
behind everyone

"yeah we, we got you, yeah, fuck i wasn't born for this" Cayde said exhaustedly behind me,
taking a breath at the end of the sentence "what the fuck do you think you're doing?" I said
angry looking into my sister face, who answered me with a surprised look, and we stayed
looking at each other for a few seconds until "why is everyone so quiet?" Mylo broke the
silence, making me and the others look at him, I sighed trying to calm down "what a stupid
idea you guys had to come here?" I asked turning my gaze to the group, waiting for an answer
"we just wanted to do a real job" Vi replied, I can't say I'm surprised "fuck, you looking like a
scratched record, is this always that shit? this is not a real job, its madness, what kind of idiot
comes to do the first job in fucking Piltover?" I said irritated again "and you still come to do
this shit alone? is the reward worth that risk? Risk everyone's lives here? Risk Powder's life?” I
ended up crossing my arms and looking into my sister's eyes "I, I don't know" Vi told me
uncertainly, looking away in embarrassment and guilt, I took a deep breath and thought for a
moment, maybe I regret this but let's see what she's capable of "fine, what's the plan?" I
asked, bringing a surprised look to everyone's face, which soon after turned into an excited
look "fuck are we going to run again?" Cayde said stopping by my side "so are you coming with
us?" Powder asked excitedly ignoring Cayde's tired question "It seems i can't stop you guys
from wanting to do this, so I guess I'll have to go along, just to make sure you guys don't blow
up a building or something" I said jokingly and then getting closer and caressing my younger
sister's head, soon after i turned my attention to Vi i saw her looking at me with a smile "so . . .
what's the plan?" I asked and was caught off guard by a hug from Vi "thanks for believing in
me" I could hear her talking softly as she hugged me, i return the hug and stroke his hair "yeah,
yeah, I know, cut that sentimentalism now ok?" i said and then she walked away "now tell us
the plan" i finished looking at her "we are going to rob a house" Claggor spoke first looking
away when i looked at him surprised "are you going to rob a house?" I repeated in disbelief
and slowly turned back to Vi "are you going to rob a house?" I repeated again "i know, i know,
but i think we'll be fine, no one will be there, and we will discreetly enter through the balcony,
and with you here too i feel more safe" she said and then jumped to the lower roof "we'll be in
and out before anyone notices" she said taking one last look at me "I hope you're right" I said
going after her "all right, everybody, follow me" she said stopping at the edge of the roof,
staring at the height "just don't look down" she ends up, then slipping, hanging from the
window and then jumping to the roof of the building on the other side of the street, not bad, I
think to myself

I stopped for a few seconds analysing the jump, just in case there was an easier way, and
although there are other ways, none of them are safer or easier for the rest of the group, so I
just end up doing the same as Vi and landing next to her, with hardly a few seconds of waiting I
see Cayde land behind me and walk up to me tired looking "couldn't we have at least, just
walked there?" he asked as I handed him the water canteen "gotta stay out of sight for this
one" Vi replied and soon after Mylo and Claggor landed next to us, Claggor finished putting a
whole cupcake in his mouth, missing someone I look for my little sister and found her in the
top of the other roof looking scared to the fall, fuck, I should stayed there with her, she is just a
kid, he need help, I need to help her, to protect her

"called it" Mylo says waking me up from a quick break, ok I have to help her but how? "it's up
to you two" Mylo said looking at me and then at Vi, I think for a moment: how did I do it the
first time? "ill get her" Claggor said about to go there ""no"" Vi and I said at the same time, we
looked at each other for a moment and then I started "Powder look at us" I called out gaining
her attention "What did i tell you?" VI said " ready" Powder replied looking back at the
fall and taking a step back "hey calm down ok?" i said "take a deep breath and look at me" i
continued and Powder kept looking down "you're scared i know i was too in the first time and
i'm scared now to be honest" i said making her look at me again "being afraid is normal, it's
just not normal to let fear win" I said "then take a deep breath, and go, after all..." I said
"you're ready" Vi completed looking at Powder, so she did, slid across the ceiling, hung from
the window and jumped, falling right in front of Vi, I sighed in relief, but then she stumbled
backwards about to fall, I walked over to catch her but Vi ended up being faster and caught her
“thanks” I could hear Powder thankful say, I took a step back and try to calm down, that was
close "hey tough guy, relax a bit" Cayde said putting a hand on my shoulder and handing me
the canteen "here" he said, I took the canteen and took a sip "okay guys, everyone be more
careful from now on, okay?" I warned, putting away the canteen and started to climb the rest
of the roof "why do we have to be more careful? she's the problem here man" Mylo
complained when I passed him "everybody" I reinforced still going up

“what if Vander finds out we’re all the way up here?” Claggor asked with a little fear of the
situation he was in “look around you” Vi replied “You think anyone topside’s going hungry?
Besides, this is exactly the sort of job Vander would’ve pulled when he was our age” Vi said,
deep down I think we're more alike than I thought "im going, are you with me or not?" she
asked facing the rest of the group, Claggor turned to Mylo who nodded in agreement with
what Claggor chooses, Vi turned away to look at me and Cayde "damn you guys talk too much
huh?" Cayde responded by jumping onto the porch "Vander's gonna kill us" Claggor said
sighing in defeat "yeah, only if we screw up" Vi said "so dont screw up" I finished when Cayde
called from the porch "all clear" he said, and then then we all went down, me going down last
to help Powder "who locks their balcony?" I hear Mylo say and then I see him crouch at the
lock "there's tones of enforcers down there" Claggor pointed looking down "means we're in
the right place" Vi replied next to Powder "quite the opposite actually pinkie" Cayde said
leaning against the banister "you gonna get that door open any time soon?" i asked Mylo
looking at him "working on it" he replied still trying to pick the lock, I sighed impatiently
"seeing as i'm the only one who knows how to pick locks, i suggest--" i interrupt him breaking
down the door with a kick, Mylo stood still without reaction "the nickname didn't come for
nothing" Cayde said crouching down and handing the pick lock to him again and then he went
in, Vi passed last leaving a slap on the back of Mylo's head who looked indignantly at the group
"animals" he said getting up and entering shortly after

We stood there looking at the room, full of machines, books and papers, whoever owns it has
plenty of money, at least, which in my opinion just makes stealing more fun, nothing is better
than fucking rich motherfuckers who lived fucking the people of Undercity (a lot of fucks here
huh?) , Vi walks to the middle of the room and leaves the empty backpack on the floor, and
goes to check the books left on the shelf, Claggor, Powder and Mylo begin to prowl the room
looking curiously at everything, I approach from a table in front of a window " you know,
Cayde, for once you're right" i said getting his attention "we are definitely not supposed to be
here" i ended up looking for something of value on the table "that's exactly what makes it fun,
doesn't it?" he responds by checking his revolver's ammo, while everyone filled the backpack
with loot I was looking curiously for what is most expensive here, I want to hit where it hurts
"must be an inventor" I heard Vi say looking at the blackboard "Whoa, i think this is a real
Valdiani" I heard Powder speak and soon after a low music played "oh yeah? What about
this?" Mylo spoke convinced showing a kind of claw, maybe and very likely it was a nose hair
trimmer "That's a nose hair trimmer" Powder replied confirming my suspicions "Keep an eye
out for anything that looks valuable, Powder" I warned my little sister while I put some more
items in the bag "before Mylo fills the bag with junk" I ended up looking at him stick the
trimmer up his own nose and then throw it away "uuh... guys?" Mylo called standing in front
of the table where I was before, me and the rest approached, I see then on the table a kind of
strange invention that piqued my curiosity "wait, Vi, how the hell did you find this place?" I
asked staring curiously "it was a tip from Little Man" Vi replied, while Mylo got a short shock
on his finger for touching the blue stone "Little Man?" Cayde repeated, curious too "just leave
it" Vi ordered, going back to looking for anything worth money "come on" she said making us
scatter around the room again

“how can anyone have so much stuff?” Claggor asked taking one last look at the weird thing
"simple, just get born lucky" Mylo replied, meanwhile Powder discreetly explored the rest of
the apartment, walking through the door she found a smaller room, but more stuffed than the
other, there were, books, parchments, papers probably from notes and research,
unpretentiously she wandered around the room looking for something that seems valuable
just like her older brother asked "woo-hoo" she hummed happily, finding about three
sandwiches left on a blue paper that contained schematics about some machinery, without
thinking much she goes towards and takes one, obviously eating it, and while chewing she
looked curiously to the way the paper is lifted, it looked like he covered something, leaving the
sandwich again on the table she removed the paper from the top of a kind of chest decorated
with gold and important appearance, she tries unsuccessfully to lift the trunk, it was too heavy
for her, maybe, so there is something of great value inside, she looks for a way to open it,
finding a button on the side, she presses it and it opens, before her eyes she saw six
gemstones, blue and slightly shiny, they undoubtedly looked valuable, she thought as she
examined one of them closely

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