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1.1. Background of the Study

Today, English is one of the most widely used international languages.

According to the Encyclopedia Microsoft Encarta (2009), the number of

native English speakers ranks fourth in the world with a total of 341 million

speakers, and if you add second-language speakers, English ranks second in

the world with a total of 508 million speakers. English is the first language in

several countries, such as the United Kingdom, United States of America,

Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and is also the second or official language in

the member countries of the British Commonwealth, such as India, Nigeria,

Pakistan, South Africa, Singapore. , and Malaysia.

In Indonesia itself, English only acts as a foreign language. Although

taught since elementary school, many Indonesians find it difficult to master

English. Of course, this is a problem that must be found a way out, because

considering how important English is. Therefore, in learning and teaching

English, suitable, effective, and efficient methods and techniques continue to

be sought and developed.

In language teaching, four skills must be taught to achieve language

proficiency, namely: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Naturally, in

language acquisition, humans first learn to listen, then speak, then read, and

then write. Humans cannot speak until they listen. Wallace et al (2004: 13)

write that listening skills are very important skills because these skills allow

humans to gain insight, understanding, knowledge, and information, and

achieve success in communicating with others. Therefore, listening skills are

very important skills in the language. However, listening is not a simple

process. Someone who listens must distinguish between sounds, capture and

understand vocabulary and grammatical structures, interpret stress and

meaning, remember and interpret all of them at almost the same time, and

adapt them to the socio-cultural context of the speech heard (Vandergrift,

2012). . Therefore, effective techniques and methods are needed in teaching

listening skills so that students or students can listen and understand well.

Listening is one of the skill areas in learning English, nowadays a person's

listening ability is a measure to be a measure of a person's success in

understanding English lessons, listening skills are not only obtained from just

listening to lessons, nowadays improving listening skills can be obtained from

listening to songs, watching movies, and listening to English dialogues on

social media.

Today's learning must be made as interesting as possible so that students

can easily and quickly digest various lessons such as listen music in English


. Music is a sound that is received by individuals and varies based on

history, location, culture and individual tastes. The true definition of music

also varies, including (1) music is / the impression of something that is

captured by the listener, (2) music is a work of art with non-essential sounds

and their supporters, and (3) music is all sounds that intentionally produced by

a person or by a group of individuals presented as music. From some of these

definitions, music is all sounds produced by humans intentionally that are

presented as music. Various studies have shown that improving students'

musical intelligence can be done in various ways, including (1) introducing

music in class, (2) listening to music, (3) making music in class. For each

purpose, the class is enriched with music using a variety of different

techniques. The use of music in the classroom will help increase students'

excitement in learning and at the same time can increase the effectiveness of

achieving goals. No less important is learning through music and or learning

with music, and learning about music can provide many benefits for students'

physical and mental development.

Today, young Indonesians have a great interest in music. For example,

English songs are now a trend on social media and many students just hum the

song but don't know the meaning, because they only follow the trend, but

songs in English can improve one's ability to practice listening skills. And

based on these explanations, it can be assumed that if a person has an interest

in the song, then he indirectly gets the benefits from the lyrics and the music.

Based on that background above, the writer will try to investigate the

influence of Western music on the listening skill at Twelve Grade of MA NW

TEKO in the academic year 2021/2022

1.2. Problem Identification

To identifity students problem the writer played some music to the

students and than gave a test to complete the lyrics of the song. After that

the writer will analyze the result of the test.

1.3. Limitation of Problem

According to Sukardi (2003:30) in formulating or limiting problems in a

study is very varied and depends on the pleasure of the researcher. Therefore,

it is necessary to be careful and observant in evaluating the formulation of

research problems, and summarized into several clear questions.

To keep away from amplifying the discussion in the main problems, the

writer limited only the influence two westrn music on the listening skill.

1.4. Research Questions

This research was taken because it deals with the problems wich were

being faced by the students. The writer formulated the research problem in the

form of questions as follows :

1. What the influence of westrn music on the listening skill at tweleve

grade of MA NW Teko in the academic year 2021/2022?

2. How the Westrn music improving students’ listening skill ?

1.5. Research Objections

1. To know What the influence of westrn music on the listening skill at

tweleve grade of MA NW Teko in the academic year 2021/2022

2. To know How the Westrn music improving students’ listening skill

1.6. Research Significant

The significance of the study have both theoretical and practical


1. Theoritically

1. The English teachers would be able to devise effective lesson and

develop teaching material.

2. The English teachers would find out the cause of mistakes that the

students made.

2. Practical Significances

1. Give information, especially to English teachers,about the influence of

westrn music on listening skill

2. Give information, how to undersand the students problem

3. To motivate the English teacher to apply media in teaching English.

1.7 Definition of Key Terms

1. Influence

In the Big Indonesian Dictionary (2015:1045), "influence

is power" that exist or arise from something (people, things) that

contribute to the formation of character, beliefs, or actions of a

person. Influence is a power or the power that arises from

something, be it people or things and everything that exist in

nature so that it affects what is around it (Yosin, 2012:1).

According to Surakhmad (2012: 1), Influence is a power

that arises from something object or person and also internal

symptoms that can provide change that can shape trust or change.

It can be concluded that influence is a power or strength that can

be arise from something, be it character, people, things, beliefs and

actions someone who can influence the environment around him.

2. Westrn Music

Western music is a form of country music composed by and

about the people who settled and worked throughout the Western

United States and Western Canada. Western music celebrates

the lifestyle of the cowboy on the open ranges, Rocky Mountains,

and prairies of Western North America. Directly related musically

to old English, Irish, Scottish, and folk ballads, also the Mexican

folk music of Northern Mexico and Southwestern United

States influenced the development of this genre,

particularly corrido, ranchera, New Mexico and Tejano. Western

music shares similar roots with Appalachian music (also

called country or hillbilly music), which developed around the

same time throughout Appalachia and the Appalachian Mountains.

The music industry of the mid-20th century grouped the two

genres together under the banner of country and western music,

later amalgamated into the modern name, country music.

3. Listening Skill

Listening is the vital skill providing the basis for the

successful communication and successful professional career.

Effective listening skills enhance the ability to learn and adapt new

information, knowledge, and skills. Listening comprehension is

more than extracting meaning from incoming speech. It is a

process of matching speech with the background knowledge, i.e.

what the listeners already know about the subject.

Listening skills are essential for learning since they enable

students to acquire insight and information, and to achieve success

in communicating with others. Life within and outside school

affords many listening opportunities, but some students fail to

seize them because they let their minds wander or they may

concentrate on what they want to say themselves rather than on

what a speaker is saying. is a communication method that requires

the listener to understand, interpret, and assess what they hear. The

ability to listen actively can improve personal interaction through

reducing problems, increasing cooperation, and fostering




2.1 Listening Skill

Listening is very important in second and foreign language

study. It is a skill that looks like passive activity but actually it is not.

It not only listens what the speaker said but the receiver processes

what he/she listens to. In processing the information that listeners

listen at least they do five elements inside the process- hearing,

attending, understanding, responding, and remembering.If the

elements are incomplete, it’s only hearing not listening.

In addition, Michael Rost said listening in language teaching

refers to a unique complex process that allows the listeners to

understand spoken language by pacing, units of encoding, and

paucing factually.In short, listening asks the listeners to process what

they hear to gain information that informed by the speaker. Also,

Harmer categorizes listening as a receptive skill and including in

sub-skill area and he also stated there are differences how people

understand for specific and general information through their

listening.3 In short from some definitions above, listening is a

language skill that has complex process which need some elements

to complete that process for gathering information of spoken

language by hear sense that human has.

The definitions above are about listening in general. While

listening skill is a core component of second-language proficiency. It

is one of skill that uses one of human sense, ears, as the first part

to entrance the information in audio form before it comes to the

human brain. In addition Tyagi said that listening skill is a key to

receive messages effectively. The effectiveness can be seen from the

combination of hearing what someone says and psychological

involvement with the person who is talking.5 From those definitions

it can be concluded that listening skill is important element in

English language proficiency that has some factors inside and

outside of the listener that will affect the output of this skill itself.

Whether the information is received effectively or not.

2.2 Music

Music is an integral part of life, therefore, music should be an

integral part of the school experience. There have been many research

results that reveal that music has been used to provide motivation in

the fields of mathematics, social sciences, language arts, science,

history, and so on. Music is a universal language, so it can be

integrated in all fields of study to deliver. Because music can help

school become a fun place, and music belongs to children together.

Thus, teachers should take advantage of this music-stimulated learning

motivation. (Brunk, 1981; Cohen-Taylor, 1981; McTeer & Bailey,

1980; Weisskoff, 1981).

To integrate music in learning, it can be done through various

strategies. As at the time of learning, the teacher can play music to

create relaxation and excitement for students. Music becomes student

motivation. They are eager to participate in learning activities and let

go in completing activities. Studies prove that music provides many

benefits to humans or students such as building the mind, improving

concentration and memory, and being able to emotional intelligence.

Music can also balance the functions of the right brain and left

brain, which balances the balance of intellectual and emotional

development. Until now there is an assumption that music that can

have a positive influence and educate the brain is classical music.

Gallahue (Sri: 2005), said "The rhythm, melody, and harmony of

classical music can be a stimulus to improve children's learning

abilities. Through classical music it is easy to capture the relationship

between time, distance and sequence (sequence) which are skills

needed to learn thinking, mathematics and problems.

Human life cannot be separated from rhythm. Human pulse and

heartbeat also have a special rhythm. The right hemisphere, shows

work activity when music is played, and what kind of reaction the

brain will show, depending on the type of music that affects it. Music

is widely believed to be able to jump-start the imagination and bring

out the hidden things that are kept by a person. Music can also trigger

connections between neurons. So when someone listens to music it

means that there are certain parts of the nerves that are stimulated to

always connect. When someone listens to music, especially soft

music, it can make the atmosphere comfortable and when the brain

feels comfortable here, the brain will usually work optimally.

2.3 Westrn Music as Media In English Learning

Learning with music and song is supported by integrating complex

interactive roles creating a positive environment with high levels of

student achievement. Action research supports a connection between

language and song, as wstudents as actively engaging learners in

stimulating activities and discovery. This publication outlines

strategies for using songs, song parody and lyrics to introduce and

strengthen students in the context of musical patterns, melodies,

rhymes and creative vocabulary. Once students engage in students

through music lyrics, the next step is to customize learning by

composing their own lyrics and, for the capable and creative, set their

lyrics to original self-composed melodies.

The value of songs for language teaching and learning is, thus,

viewed somewhat controversially. However, ultimately we know very

little about how songs are actually used in the language classroom.

While teachers’ recommendations, lesson plans and anecdotal accounts

are a valuable source of information and insight, they cannot replace a

more thorough empirical investigation of teachers’ beliefs and

teaching practices. Language instructors are at the centre of

pedagogical decision-making and the implementation of

methodological approaches in the L2-classroom, and it is essential to

get a better understanding of their views and experiences. Until now,

however, only few studies have explored the use of songs in language

teaching from the point of view of the teachers (Edwards, 1997;

Bjorklund, 2002; Pérez Aldeguer & Leganés Lavall, 2012).

Unfortunately, while providing some interesting first insight, the few

existing studies have been limited in scope and in the number of

participants. In addition, they did not explore the details of actual

classroom practices. A focus on teachers, their views, thoughts and

beliefs but also their teaching practices locates this study in the

vicinity of teacher cognition research, that is, research into “what

teachers think, know, and believe and the relationship of these mental

constructs to what teachers do in the language classroom” (Borg,

2003, p. 81).

Murphey (1990) suggested that many English teachers have long

recognized that song and music work well in language classes. The

statement shows that teachers can use song as a media to overcome the

students difficulties in listening and improve their listening ability.

Creative teacher can also use songs to teach English through songs

since they provide a break from the textbook and work book. It is new

and interesting for them. Therefore, with this situation, they will be

motivated especially in learning English.

2.4 Advantage using Music Media in Learning English

Based on the experience of English teachers and according to

linguists as stated by Abdulrahman Al-Faridi, English songs can help

teachers to create active, creative and fun learning (Alfaridi, 2006).

Singing and music are used as techniques in the process of learning

English. Music that has various elements of content in it can be used

as a form of facility to develop children's cognitive abilities. High

pitch provides an opportunity for students to practice their hearing.

Changes in the rhythm or rhythm of music train children to distinguish

internal rhythms and their motor skills (for example, when combined

with movement exercises according to the lyrics). Advantages of

teaching English using singing:

1. Through songs will motivate students to be more happy to learn


2. By singing, students become happy and it is easier to understand

the teaching material presented. The teacher's ability to choose songs

and create movements that are appropriate to the students

developmental age will also have an impact on the success of the

English learning process at an early age.

3. Through singing and various learning activities, educators can

foster student's interest to be more happy and active in learning, and

can even make it easier for children to understand the subject matter


4. Students are made happy, not bored, and interested in

participating in the learning process.

Thus singing an activity that is very liked by students. In general,

singing for students functions more as a play activity than a learning

activity or message delivery. Singing can provide satisfaction, joy, and

happiness for students so that it can encourage children to study

harder (Joyful Learning). By singing a student will learn, master, and

practice a teaching material delivered by the educator faster. In

addition, children's ability to listen (listening), sing, and be creative

(creative) can be done through this activity.

2.5 Disadvantages using Music Media in Learning English

Although there are some advantages of using music in learning

listening, it also found by the researcher when did the observation

before doing the experiment that there are some disadvantages such as:

a) Music is not something that “live longer”, it makes the

teacher should choose carefully.

b) Most music in recent years did not have good content to

be use as material learning for Indonesian young learners

c) The speed speech of the singer is mostly too high for

junior high school level.

The disadvantages above challange the teachers to be more

selective and careful. They must be aware about the popular songs that

they want to use in the classroom. The lyric content of the songs must be

appropriate for his/her students background, whether cultural or social.

2.6 Relevan of Study

In making the thesis proposal, the researcher will consider previous

of study which have revelance with the research, that are:

From the results of research conducted by Afin Hidayat in 2013

with the title “ The use of songs in Teaching students ability of

Indonesia university”. In this study the data will taken using

quantitative method. This study used quasi experimental design. The

sample is divided into two classes; experimental class and control

class. Both classes were tested by pre-test and post-test. Before giving

the post-test, songs were given to the experimental class as the

treatment. Besides, the control class was taught by conventional

methods; the researcher taught listening explaining through TOEFL

based test and speaking in front of the. Afterwards, the data which are

taken from experimental class and control class were compared and

analyzed to find out its significance. The data were analyzed by using t

test formula to determine the means score of two classes so that the

effectiveness of the use of songs could be sought.

2.7 Hypothesis

The hypothesis is a temporary answer to the problem formulation

where the problem formulation is stated in the form of a question.

(Sugiyono 2018:63) Based on this statement, the writer makes a

hypothesis "Does western music affect the listening ability of 12th

grade students at MA NW Teko?"

2.8 Research framework

The title of my proposal is “ The Influence of Western Music on

the listening skill at Twelve Grade of MA NW Teko in the school year

2021/2022”. The frame works of this proposal :

Problems Styling/Desigining
Identification problem Analysing data
Analysing problem Identification data
Limitation problem Collecting data
Purpose of study Finding the result
Statement problem

From the table above, writer told the readers how to process this

proposal in order make research became perfect and found what she

wanted from her research.



3.1 Place and time Research

This research was conducted at MA NW TEKO, Pringgabaya District,

East Lombok Regency. Researchers chose the location in MA NW Teko because

of its strategic location and easy reach by researchers and save on expenses. While

the time used in the study will be starting from research preparation, submitting

proposals, collecting data related to the influence of western music on the

listening ability of twelve students of MA NW Teko academic year 2021/2022,

followed by data processing, then data analysis was carried out and ended. with

the preparation of research reports

3.2 Research Method

The research method that will be used for this research r is a quantitative

method. In this study, the researcher used westrn music as the independent

variable and students' listening skills as the dependent variable. It is one

approaches of research that uses two groups; those are experimental group

and controlled group. The group that receives the new or specific treatment is

called the experimental group and the group that receives no treatment or is

treated as usual is called controlled group . This study focused on giving

treatment to the experimental group by westrn music in teaching listening

skills, and then the researcher observed and analyzed the result through the


There were two variables which were involved in this research. They were

the use of popular songs as the independent variable and students' listening

skills as the dependent variable.

Table 3.1

Pre and Posttest Design

Select Pretest No Treatment Posttest

Select Pretest Experimental Posttest
Experimental Treatment

3.3 Population and Sample

1. Population

Population is a generalization area consisting of: objects/subjects

that have certain qualities and characteristics determined by researchers to

study and draw conclusions. (Sugiyono 2018:80)

The opinion above is one of the references for the author to

determine the population. The population that will be used in this study is

MA NW Teko which is the place of research.

2. Sample

The sample is part of the number and characteristics possessed by

the population. If a large population of researchers is not possible to study

all of the existing population, for example due to limited funds, manpower,

and time, the researcher can use samples taken from that population.

(Sugiyono 2018:81)

Arikunto (2006) states of the sample is a part of representative of

population that are examination of investigate. Furthermore, she also states

that if the population less than 100, the whole noumber of population are

than 100, it can be take between 10-15%, or more than it (arikunto,2006.)

From the opinion above, the researcher determines the sample,

namely the twelfth grade students of MA NW Teko, who are part of the


3.4 Instrumen of Research

Arikunto (2006:13)says that research method is a way is used to collect the

data, but instrument is a tool that will be use to collect the data. The further

says that instrument can be set of question or exercise or other tools which are

use to measure skill, knowledge, intlelligence, achievement, and attitude of

some one or a group of people.

Base on the above opinion researcher will be used instrumen in this study

is to present students with music that will be listened to repeatedly three

times, along with giving a test to complete the music lyrics that have been

deleted by the researcher. the author will give 20 vacant lyrics by giving a

score of 5 for every one correct answer

3.5 Method of Collecting Data

In collection the data, the writer take the data from pre-test and post-

test. The writer will give pre-test to the subject before doing listening

comprehension processes by the using listen Westrn music. Mean while, the

writer give post-test after applying the Westrn music in the listening

comprehension processes.

The writer uses the steps as follow :

1. Pre-test

The students do/answer the test before the writer teaches listening

comprehension using westrn music, it is aim to know the basic ability

of the students listening skill.

2. Treatment

The writer gave the test for two groups, that was experimental and

control group. There was different gained between the listening skill of

the experimental control group. Which were the experimental group

used the listening westrn music with fill the blank lyric musik it while

the control group used the listening music but not fill the blank lyric

3. Post test

The writer give post-test after applying treatments. This is aim to know

students ability ( improve or not ) in listening comprehension or to

know interesting and enthusision of students toward westrn music in

listening skill.

3.6 Method of Analyzing Data

According to Sugiyono (2018: 244) said that data analysis is the process of

systematically searching and compiling data obtained from interviews, field

notes, and other materials, so that they can be easily understood and the

findings can be informed to others.

In quantitative research, the data analysis technique used is clear, that is, it

is directed to answer the problem formulation or test the hypothesis that has

been formulated in the proposal. because the data is quantitative, the data

analysis technique uses available statistical methods. (Sugiyono.2018:243).


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