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The Goal, Good to Great...

biz books for new batch students

| 15 June, 2011 1053IST MBA education is not just about learning business management, but also about applying the learning at the right place, right time, to get the right return

The session for new admissions are soon going to commence at B-schools. The finally selected students will finally enter the world of management education. MBA education is not just about learning business management, but also about applying the learning at the right pla ce, right time, to get the right return. Once you get started with your classroom learning you will get to study numerous books written by economists, management experts, top bankers, Nobel laureates, etc, but these will alone not suffice for developing your management thinking power. For this you will need to read books that have been time tested., as part of its special series on Best Books on Business presents to you today the greatest books of all times on business written by international authors. These books give you experienced insights into the world of business and management thinking. These are the books which are a must for your mini library at your hostel room: The Goal, By Eliyahu M. Goldratt, Jeff Cox, David Whitford Written in a fast-paced thriller style, The Goal is the gripping novel which is transforming management thinking throughout the world. Alex Rogo is a harried plant manager working ever more desperately to try and improve performance. His factory is rapidly heading for disaster. So is his marriage. He has ninety days to save his plant - or it will be closed by corporate HQ, with hundreds of job losses. It takes a chance meeting with a colleague from student days - Jonah - to help him break out of conventional ways of thinking to see what needs to be done. The story of Alex's fight to save his plant is more than compulsive reading. It contains a serious message for all managers in industry and explains the ideas which underline the Theory of Constraints (TOC) developed by Eli Goldratt. The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid, By C. K. Prahalad This book discusses new business models targeted at providing goods and services to the poorest people in the world. It makes a case for the fastest growing new markets and entrepreneurial opportunities being found among the billions of poor people 'at the bottom of the [financial] pyramid'. According to Bill Gates, it "offers an intriguing blueprint for how to fight poverty with profitability."

The book consists of a number of case studies, one to a chapter, about businesses that have thrived with such models. These include the businesses Casas Bahia, Patrimonio Hoy, Bank of Madura, Aravind Eye Hospital, Jaipur rugs and Project Shakti and how they were founded. Good To Great, By Jim Collins Good to Great answers the compelling question: Can a good company become a great one and, if so, how? After a five-year research project, Collins concludes that good to great can and does happen. In this book, he uncovers the un derlying variables that enable any type of organization to make the leap from good to great while other organizations remain only good. Rigorously supported by evidence, his findings are surprising - at times even shocking - to the modern mind. Losing My Virginity by Richard Branson Losing My Virginity is the unusual, frequently outrageous autobiography of one of the great business geniuses of our time. When Richard Branson started his first business, he and his friends decided that "since we're complete virgins at business, let's call it just that: Virgin." Since then, Branson has written his own "rules" for success, creating a group of companies with a global presence, but no central headquarters, no management hierarchy, and minimal bureaucracy. Many of Richard Branson's companies--airlines, retailing, and cola are good examples--were started in the face of entrenched competition. The experts said, "Don't do it." But Branson found golden opportunities in markets in which customers have been ripped off or underserved, where confusion reigns, and the competition is complacent. Naked Economics, By Charles J Wheelan, Burton G Malkiel Naked Economics demystifies key concepts, laying bare the truths behind the numbers, and answering those questions you have always been too embarrassed to ask. Wheelan brings economics to life. Amazingly, he does so with nary a chart, graph, or mathematical equation in sight-certainly a feat to be witnessed firsthand. Economics is a crucial subject. There's no way to understand the important issues without it. Who Says Elephants Can't Dance? By Louis V Gerstner "Who Says Elephants Can't Dance?" sums up Lou Gerstner's historic business achievement, bringing IBM back from the brink of insolvency to lead the computer business once again. Offering a unique case study drawn from decades of experience at some of America's top companies -- McKinsey, American Express, RJR Nabisco -- Gerstner's insights into management and leadership are applicable to any business, at any level. Ranging from strategy to public relations, from finance to organization, Gerstner reveals the lessons of a lifetime running highly successful companies.

Leadership Challenge, By James M Kouzes, Barry Z Posner This leadership classic continues to be a bestseller after three editions and twenty years in print. It is the gold standard for research-based leadership, and the premier resource on becoming a leader.

Inspirational books for the nerve wracking B-school life

| 07 June, 2011 0215 IST brings to you the list of best inspirational books, which have been selected carefully

All the finally selected students must be eagerly waiting for the classes to begin at their dream B-schools. But you should keep in mind that B -schools are no bed of roses. The daily routine can wreck your spirits sometimes. In these times you need some book that will pep you up for the next day with full energy. But which are the best inspirational books? This is the question that will come in the mind of most students. To help you in this context brings to you the list of best inspirational books, which have been selected carefully. These books have made a big impact on people and are some of the most classic inspirational works. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey: The author presents a holistic, integrated, principle-centered approach for solving personal and professional problems. With penetrating insights and pointed anecdotes, Covey reveals a step-by-step pathway for living with fairness, integrity, service, and human dignity -- principles that give us the security to adapt to change and the wisdom and power to take advantage of the opportunities that change creates. How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie: How to Win Friends and Influence People is the first, and still the finest, book of its kind. One of the best -known motivational books in history, Dale Carnegie's groundbreaking work has sold millions of copies, has been translated into almost every known written language, and has helped countless people succeed in both their business and personal lives. First published in 1937, Carnegie's advice has remained relevant for generations because he addresses timeless questions about the fine art of getting along with people: How can you make people like you instantly? How can you persuade people to agree with you? How can you speak frankly to people without giving offense? The ability to read others and successfully navigate any social situation is critically important to those who want to get a job, keep a job, or simply expand their social network.

Power of Positive Thinking by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale: The Power of Positive Thinking has helped millions of men and women to achieve fulfillment in their lives. In this phenomenal bestseller, Dr. Peale demonstrates the power of faith in action. With the practical techniques outlined in this book, you can energize your life -- and give yourself the initiative needed to carry out your ambitions and hopes. You'll learn how to: believe in yourself and in everything you do; build new power a nd determination; develop the power to reach your goals; break the worry habit and achieve a relaxed life; improve your personal and professional relationships; assume control over your circumstances be kind to yourself. The Road Less Traveled by M. Scott Peck: Confronting and solving problems is a painful process which most of us attempt to avoid. Avoiding resolution results in greater pain and an inability to grow both mentally and spiritually. Drawing heavily on his own professional experience, Dr M. Scott Peck, a psychiatrist, suggests ways in which facing our difficulties and suffering through the changes - can enable us to reach a higher level of selfunderstanding. He discusses the nature of loving relationships: how to distinguish dependency from love; how to become one's own person and how to be a more sensitive parent. This is a book that can show you how to embrace reality and yet achieve serenity and a richer existence. Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach: Jonathan Livingston Seagull, the most celebrated inspirational fable of our time, tells the story of a bird determined to be more than ordinary. This bestselling modern classic, reissued with a beautiful new cover design, is a story for people who want to follow their dreams and make their own rules and has inspired people for decades. `Most gulls don't bother to learn more than the simplest facts of flight how to get from shore to food and back again,' writes author Richard Bach in this allegory about a unique bird named Jonathan Livingston Seagull. `For most gulls it is not flying that matters, but eating. For this gull, though, it was not eating that mattered, but flight.' Flight is indeed the metaphor that makes this story soar. This bests elling modern classic is a fable about seeking a higher purpose in life, even if your flock, tribe or neighbourhood finds your ambition threatening (at one point our beloved gull is even banished from his flock). By not compromising his higher vision, Jona than learns the meaning of love and kindness and gets the ultimate payoff transcendence. The dreamy illustrations by Russell Munson provide just the right illustrations for this spirituality classic that has inspired thousands of readers to follow their own path in life and so fulfill their true potential. The Art of War by Sun Tzu: The Art of War is more than just a ancient Chinese war manual: It is a store of wisdom that answers the perennial question, How are we to act effectively within a never-ending flow of change? The text provides us with an understanding of how to achieve victory over war-how we can win without fighting-in practical terms that anyone can apply to conflicts in our everyday lives. This new edition includes engaging essays and commentary to deepen the reader's understanding of how to apply Sun Tzu's insights in modern day life. In The Art of War, Sun Tzu teaches us how to overcome our adversaries without destroying them. The essence of this approach lies in the

concept of "taking whole"-bringing the opponent into one's own sphere. How can readers apply this wisdom? If they assume the perspective of the Sage Commander, noting the conditions of every conflict, then skillful action becomes apparent in any given situation. Original essays and commentary clearly articulate this perspective. Awareness of the present moment, the translators show, holds the key to implementing Sun Tzu's principles in our daily lives. "Develop an intimate understanding of the text as a living practice," they advise. "Then, like its earlier lineage holders, we can move outward into our world and act."

MBA Survival Guide: Time to sharpen the tools you will use
| 16 June, 2011 1228IST Before you reach the campus, or your classes start, you should prepare yourself so that while your classes start in full fledge, you don't feel too much out of place

In the previous article of the special series Survival Guide to MBA, you came to know from the students of the IIMs that relaxing and networking are the two important aspects you should focus right now, before joining your B -School. Today s article of the series will give you the practical guide of how you need to prepare yourself technically and theoretically for your life at the B-School. Before you reach the campus, or your classes start, you should prepare yourself so that while your classes start in full fledge, you don t f eel too much out of place or things don t seem much alien to you, though it won t be an absolutely uncommon thing. As IIM Bangalore student Aditya Mukherjee states, Many of us will find the subjects taught, and the culture at a B-school a bit alien. A lot of IIM students are engineers and will find the soft side of subjects to be frustratingly vague, with no sense of a right answer. However, being flexible, curious and again, having an open -mind can really help enjoy the experience at the institute. So what are the factors or what sort of preparation can you take in these few days? As Rajbir Singh, student of the first batch of IIM Raipur suggests, Before coming to the B School, you could work on sharpening skills of Excel and PowerPoint as these two are needed almost in each and every course of your study. If you want to pursue marketing, having prior knowledge of SPSS and Minitab for statistical analysis is an added advantage. You should also spend some time in brushing up your areas of weakness b e it Quantitative Ability or Verbal Ability. Once you reach the classrooms and the faculty members start taking the classes, it will be hard for you to cope up if you do not have the proper understanding of a particular area. Hence along with having fun, you should also spend a little time for your own intellectual development to ensure that you have a relatively smooth future in the up

coming two years. If you are a book worm, you can also engage in reading some of the most acclaimed books that will not only help and inspire you as a future manager, but throughout your life as well. Bibliophiles can read books such as CK Prahlad s Fortune at the Bottom of Pyramid , The GOAL by Goldratt. While you are packing that suit case of yours, don t forget to put the bare essentials that will help you in the times of crises. You are the best person to know what your must haves should be in your hostel life. What the students suggest, Formal clothes will be required from time to time for certain classes. For students with work experience, getting recommendations with verification of resume points will save time later, says Aditya Mukherjee of IIM Bangalore. As of now, just get your stuff in order, put that camera in your bag, and get your Business Suits ready, reminds Vishal Goel of IIM Shillong.

Best business books for the MBA student life

| 09 June, 2011 0523IST The academic session for the batch of 2011-13 is soon going to kick off at several B-schools of the country, including the IIMs and other leading B-schools

The academic session for the batch of 2011-13 is soon going to kick off at several B-schools of the country, including the IIMs and other leading B -schools. If you are one of those students who is readying himself to join the new gang of students at the B-schools then you should pack a few books on business world as well. These books will become your practical guide to the business world and make you comfortable with the things being taught in the classroom. presents to you the best Indian books on the business world. These books written by Indian writers have been carefully selected based on several parameters, such as relevance, popularity etc. The books are a must for every MBA student. The listing is in random order: Simply Fly - A Deccan Odyssey, by Capt Gopinath The book by Capt Gopinath, the man who revolutionized Indian airline industry with its low cost Air Deccan for common man, offers an inspirational read to those willing to soar. The book traces Capt Gopinath s journey from being an Army man, to a village farmer, to starting an airline and then selling it off to Vijay Mallya only to turn entrepreneur again with his latest venture Deccan 360! Simply Fly is not just an entrepreneurial journey. It is a story of triumph over adversity -- a tale that can inspire all of us. The Professional, By Subroto Bagchi, CEO, MindTree Consulting

The Professional is Subroto Bagchi's most deeply-felt book. In The Professional he gives us his knowledge, based on his lifelong experience, of what it takes to be a professional, what qualities you need to become a great professional, and what are the challenges of the future a professional must be prepared for. Most importantly, he asks, and gives answers, to the toughest question every professional faces: Is what I am going to do now, faced with a difficult decision and multiple options, the professional ch oice to make? Stay Hungry Stay Foolish, By Rashmi Bansal The inspiring stories of 25 IIM Ahmedabad graduates who chose to tread a path of their own making. Ten Much, By A. G. Krishnamurthy, Founder, Chairman and MD of Mudra Communications This book written by the man behind the setting up of Mudra Institute of Communications Ahmedabad (MICA), is a collection of stories of people -- some famous, some fairly unknown -- who went on to be successful despite severe adversities being thrown at them; simply by following a few basic processes. Some of the highly revered names that Krishnamurthy has written about are: Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, Dhirubhai Ambani, K.R. Narayanan, Ray Croc and several others who fought poverty, criticism, hurdles to emerge successful in life. Imagining India: The Idea of a Renewed Nation, By Nandan Nilekani In this book Nandan points out that the country's future rests on more than simply economic growth; it also depends on reform and innovation in all sectors of public life. Looking cl osely at our recent history, he examines the ideas and attitudes that have evolved with the times and contributed to our progress, as also those that keep us shackled to old, unproductive and fundamentally undemocratic ways. He discusses how, despite good intentions and astonishing idealism, our early socialist policies stifled growth and weakened our democracy; how, contrary to received wisdom, India's large and overwhelmingly young population has now become our greatest strength; how information technology is revolutionizing not just business but also governance in the everyday life of a vast majority of Indians; and how rapid urbanization is transforming both our society and our politics. When the Penny Drops: Learning What is not Taught, By R. Gopalakrishnan, Executive Director, Tata Sons Using the framework of the Tata Management Training Centre (TMTC) and the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL), Gopalakrishnan explores in the book: the three worlds of the manager the inner world, the world of relationships and the world of getting things done; the importance of emotional quotient (EQ) to progress as well as intelligence to get ahead in your career; the deadly personal qualities of bonsai-trapped leaders; the deadly traps for organizations.

India and the Global Financial Crisis: Managing Money and Finance, By Dr Y.V. Reddy, Former Governor, RBI This collection of essays provides insights into the making of public policies across a spectrum of areas between the years 2003 and 2008, a period of rapid growth of the Indian Economy as well as extraordinary challenges for the conduct of monetary policy. It was during this period that Dr Y.V. Reddy was the Governor of the Reserve Bank of India. He has earned universal acclaim for managing, as Governor of RBI, India's calibrated financial integration with the global economy. The Habit of Winning, by Prakash Iyer The book will change the way you think, work and live, with stories about self -belief and perseverance, leadership and teamwork, stories that will ignite a new passion and a renewed sense of purpose in your mind. The stories in The Habit of Winning range from cola wars to cricketing heroes, from Michelle Obama's management techniques to Mahatma Gandhi's generosity. There are life lessons from frogs and rabbits, sharks and butterflies, kites and balloons. Together they create a heady mix that will make the winner inside you emerge and grow. The Comeback, By Suhas Mantri When the chips are down, instead of quitting and losing hope on life, one has to st age a fight back against the odds to regain the lost glory and make a Comeback, is the mantra given by Suhas Mantri in this book. This book is a story of an entrepreneur going to the brink of bankruptcy and not only surviving, but bouncing back to business as usual.

MBA Survival Guide: Sharpen your networking skills

Sreetama Datta | 14 June, 2011 0335IST Let us hear it from the horses' mouth on what you should do before you step into your campus and start your MBA student life

The day is not far away when you have to finally leave the cool comforts of your home and start your travel to your B-School for occupying the seat, which you have won for yourself with sheer hard work and performance. With just few days left for the brand new start of your life, feeling jittery is a very common thing amongst the new MBA admits. To beat this stress and get the answer to most of your common questions on What to expect in the first month at the B-School is starting the special series - MBA Survival Guide . In this special series, you will find out what to expect at your B-school, what are the Dos & Don ts, and the unique features of your campus as told by the seniors from the top B -

schools of the country. In today s article, you will know what you should do when just few days are left before you step into your B-School. There is still some time left for you and you should make the most of it. Let us hear it from the horses mouth on what you should do before you step into your campus and start your MBA student life. As Vishal Goel, student of IIM Shillong puts it, Do spend the remaining time at home with your family and friends. Having fun should be the key word for you right now. Though it does not mean that you won t have fun later, but the peace of mind that you have now, sans the fear of approaching deadlines to complete assignments, projects and presentations are definitely not there at the moment. Akash Gaurav, student of IIM Ranchi suggests, Have loads of fun. Go out on a trip with friends. Take a holiday. The two years of MBA School is going to be hectic and demanding. Make sure you get your fair share of fun before you join MBA. But apart from having your share of fun, the important thing which you should start now is to finetune your networking skills, as it will be required regularly in your B -School life. For a management student, networking is an ongoing process and the best time to start building your network is now. Networking is by far the most important aspect of business s chool routine. Being active on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and other social networking sites is another way to know your peers and seniors, says Rajbir Singh, student of the first batch of IIM Raipur. Knowing how to utilize social networking platforms beforehand gives you a head start that you need in the initial phase of your B-school life, he adds. A lot is happening on the World Wide Web as well, which will help you in strengthening your networking power. To answer your queries and doubts, your seniors must have already created specific groups in the social networking sites, such as Orkut, FaceBook etc. Joining them would be the best option to keep yourself updated. Network with your potential classmates and seniors. These days, most seniors start a FB group or forums for juniors. Join them and mix around. Go for meets that seniors conduct during their summers. You would get to know the expectations from you for the next two years, assures Gaurav. Goel of IIM Shillong mentions, Keep a check on Synapse for all the details and drop in any query at for us to help you out. Apart from having fun, you should also brush up some basic knowledge application skills which you will need when your regular classes will start and you will face the actual stress of being an MBA student. We shall talk about these and more in the next articles under this series. ==========

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