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Speaker 1 (00:18)

A Filipino sociologist. So it's sociology of youth work and education. And so over the number of years, I've
problematizing questions about growing up, questions about educational quality, questions about work,
particularly on the phenomenon of Istanbul. And so in 2015 2016, I became the Director of the Research
Center for.

Speaker 2 (00:56)
Culture, Education and Social Issues.

Speaker 1 (00:59)
And that gave me enough opportunity to really look at the spans the expanding world of social research in
different dimensions, and one of which is Champra Life course and intergenerational studies and church
social issues. And so I was tasked by the University of Santa Tomas to actually establish from RCC two
centers, the Now Research Center for Social Sciences and Education and the Research Center for
Culture, Arts and the Humanity. So we have Arsi, Said and Arctica, which was my mandate to establish
the two. And so in 2017, we already had the two centers. But amidst all those things, when I was the
Director amidst the 500 years Celebration of Christianity, the Episcopal Commission and.

Speaker 2 (02:06)
Categories and Catholic Education of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines, so it's.

Speaker 1 (02:12)
Cbcph approach our center if it's possible to do a study on the catechist, on the state of catechatical
ministry in the country. And so I was really was hesitant because I am a sociologist of youth and not a
sociologist of religion, but I was told that the University of Saturday Mass is the research arm of the
CBCP, so I have to do the test of looking into and applying social sciences research into the Katychetical
Ministry study. And so I accepted it in 2016. And then starting from that time on, I was hooked. And that's
therefore we had the new project as commissioned by Cbcph, the National Categorical Study, which
started in 2016 and then until 2018, and then by 2019 we got an international grant to pursue the study.
And thus it became the national category 2021 Pastoral Action Research and Intervention Project. And so
over the past six years, including the Pandemic.

Speaker 2 (03:50)
We did a study.

Speaker 1 (03:52)
On understanding Catechista young manga. We are projecting between 60 to 80,000 of them alive,
kicking and sharing the Catholic doctrines. But I bang Bahagging and adding in behind. And so that
national category study started in 2016 and ended in 2021. And now we have implemented entered so
many projects over the number of years we focused on Catholic Ministry in five dimensions.

Speaker 1 (05:12)
Human resources. And so, after so many years.

Speaker 2 (05:43)
Is a hypothesis.

Speaker 3 (06:25)
With that general hypothesis we looked into the lives of of the catechist and see what are the
characteristics of this catechist that we could say we could at least explain the phenomenon of serving
God. They are faith driven servants.

Speaker 1 (07:06)
They are mainly volunteers.

Speaker 2 (07:10)
Expect interview questionsname, a survey question snaming malina among acatiquista and in the end
declaration name findings name Nasila Frontliners.

Speaker 1 (07:59)

Speaker 2 (08:00)
Baja baja.

Speaker 3 (09:38)
We were saying on the one hand.

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