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Since we are the third group in the class we are going to do the questions

starting from the 31-40.

31. We send a digital signal from one station on a LAN to another station. Is this baseband
or broadband transmission?
It is baseband transmission because Baseband transmission is used in the E-LAN or Ethernet LAN is a method of transmission that uses single direction channel for data transmission.and
also it is a technique used for transmissions that cover short distances.

32. We modulate several voice signals and send them through the air. Is
this basebandor broadband transmission?
This is broadband transmission. since it uses analog signals,it can transfer
voice signals efficiently and for long distance.the reason why we chose
broadband transmission is because voice signals are signals that are
transferred through optical cables and have multiple frequencies that
carry different signals and broadband transmission is suitable for this
purpose and can transfer many signals at a time.
33. List three techniques of digital-to-digital conversion.
Three techniques of digital to digital conversion are
➢ Line coding
➢ Block coding and
➢ Scrambling
34. Distinguish between a signal element and a data element.
data element is the smallest entity that can represent a piece of
information and In digital data communications, a signal element carries
data elements. A signal element is the medium that carries the data and
data element is the one to be carried.

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