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Keith Darroll |

za 1

Introduction 4
Life is About Choices 4
The Big Picture – Opium Trade 4
The Drug Companies – 5 Step Plan to Eliminate the Real Doctors 5
My Story 6
“Modern Medicine” – The Greatest Fraud Ever 7
What is Disease? 8
How does the Toxic Environment Come About? 8
One Disease but Two Perceptions 9
Healing Action or House Cleaning Symptoms to Expect When you Improve your Diet or Lifestyle 10

The Eight Causes of Disease 12

1. Clogging 12
2. Poisons 18
How Do Drugs (Poison Chemical) Hide Symptoms of Disease? 18
Can We Be Made Immune to Disease? 18
The Poison Needle 20
Voodoo Medicine and Witchcraft as Practiced by Doctors in the 21st Century 21
Damaging Evidence 21
Death by Medicine 22
Vaccines 26
Genocide 27
Murder By Injection 27
Human Sacrifices and Ritual Murders 28
Reject, Do Not Inject 29
Illogical Logic 30
Doctors Have Immunity 30
Scare Tactics 30
FACT – Death By Doctors 31
Patients’ Rights in South Africa 31
Refuse to Be Intimidated and Coerced 31
Doctors of Death 32
Doctor/Nurse Warranty of Vaccine Safety 32
More Poisons 34
3. Deficiencies 38
4. The Loss of Energy 40
5. The Removal of Organs 41
6. The Wrong Instructions 44
7. Parasites 46
The Role of Scavengers and Parasites in our World 46
8. Acidosis 49

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Eight Tools to Health 53
1. Ten Principles of Health 53
2. Rest and Sleep 56
3. High Water – High Energy Alkaline- forming Food 59
4. Food Separation 62
5. Mono-eating 65
6. Resting the Digestive System 65
7. Eat the Right Foods First 66
8. Correct Mind Instructions 66

The Five Needs, Elements and Conditions of Health 68

1. Fresh Air 68
2. Pure Water 68
3. Full Spectrum Light 72
4. Correct Food 74
5. Improving Conditions 77

The Six Steps to Regaining Health 78

1. Gaining Awareness, Understanding, Courage and Experience 78
2. Remove the Cause 78
3. Save Existing Energy 78
4. Work With the Body to Clean Itself and Begin the Repair Process 78
5. Provide the Needs of the Body 78
6. Healing 79

All information contained in this book is copyright 2015.

All rights reserved.
All information contained in this publication may not be copied, published, distributed, broadcast, posted on the internet, or
otherwise used for any purpose whatsoever without the prior written consent of the author.


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If you have not seen the picture on the box of the 10 000 piece puzzle, it makes it very difficult to put all the little
pieces (ideas) together. But if you have seen the picture and you know, for example, a red car is in the one corner,
and you have just picked up a red piece, it is so much easier to put the whole puzzle together.

We have been bombarded with information regarding health. Most of it is misinformation. We become confused,
and make decisions based on emotions, and then we try and justify it logically. We believe what we want to believe.

We become trapped by our beliefs and ideas. We run horror movies in our minds, or scare ourselves with “angry
gods”, “invading armies” of germs and viruses that are attacking us.


Choices’ regarding whom to believe and whom to trust - and what has this person got to gain by influencing us in this
way? What are their vested interests?

We are generally very trusting. We don’t expect these authority figures to be lying to us. After all, they went to
university. Therefore they should know what they are doing or talking about, shouldn’t they?

For example - when we were little our parents told us about Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy. We
obviously believed them. Why shouldn’t we? The presents were under the Christmas tree, and the money in your
slipper was real. It took maturity and experience to face the facts of life and to recognize the truth.

So, now as adults –

We have authority figures called doctors, who tell us that disease is caused by an “attacking entity”, which is out of
our control. Once again the evidence seems so convincing, as they have names for the diseases and the “bugs” that
supposedly cause them.

They have, and do the tests for them. They also have the ‘weapons’ (i.e. drugs) to kill them.

But –
- just as we found out that we had been lied to regarding Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, etc. so too, have we been
lied to about what causes health problems (i.e. disease).

The Big Picture

Understanding the forces – the vested interests – behind the scenes of the so-called ‘health industry’.

We were told at school that two big companies, namely the Dutch East India Company and the British East India
Company, who were fighting for the ‘spice trade’ to the East, started the provisioning station here in South Africa. The
“spice” was Opium, and their main aim was to hook the Easterners on this drug.

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The biggest companies in the world are these pharmaceutical drug companies, whose income is greater than most
countries. These companies were so big 350 years ago that they commanded the British and the Dutch governments
to fight for the Cape.

These same Internationalists conceived the idea of Communism. It pretends to be a movement of the downtrodden
masses, but in reality it is an instrument of taking the wealth and control from the people and then consolidating it for

Anyone who gets in the way gets killed. 135 million people have died since the start of communism – now that is a
holocaust ! Not the propaganda myth created during the 2nd World War!

These international ‘killers’ realized that taking control of the health industry could make huge profits and also weaken
the health of the nation - ripe for the picking. They discovered that when you poison a person who is sick, his symptoms
disappear and the person appears to be well. But they needed something to blame for the sickness. When Louis
Pasteur created the ‘Germ Theory’ of disease, they jumped onto the bandwagon.

The first problem was that not many people believed the theory. They put a plan into action to control the information
and the beliefs of the public in order to take over the health industry.

Their 5-step plan

Step 1
To control and subsidize the medical field and education (universities, schools, and hospitals, institutions etc.)

Step 2
To popularize the idea that germs cause disease (now “viruses”).

Step 3
To reduce the number of doctors and to keep tight control over them.

Step 4
To create ‘controlling bodies’ by pretending to act in the ‘best interests’ of the public and to control public opinion,
such as the F.D.A. (Food and Drug Administration), the A.M.A. (American Medical Association) and in South Africa the
M.C.C. (Medical Control Council).

Step 5
To create and influence insurance organizations that only approve of orthodox methods of treatment (i.e. drug

This information was given to point out that these internationalists are ruthless killers and they have no problem
poisoning, maiming, and stealing and killing people in order to gain control of money and power.

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My Story
By the age of eight, I was in hospital urinating blood. My heart valves were malfunctioning and my kidneys were
packing up.

I was constantly sick and my parents had a “good medical aid’, so they were always taking me to the doctor. My
mother had been taught that in order to be a good mother, she had to provide her children with three well (and I
mean well!) cooked meals each day, consisting of the three food groups – meat, starch and vegetables.

Therefore almost every meal was literally served with all three of these food groups –
‰ Breakfast consisted of bacon and eggs with toast;
‰ Lunch at school consisted of bread with ham;
‰ And for supper we had chops or sausage with potatoes and vegetables.

Every time I sneezed I was rushed off to the doctor and medicated. My mother was relieved from her “parental
distress” and I had to suffer the consequences of being ‘poisoned’ (drug therapy).

At first I was in absolute awe of these god-like figures of knowledge and authority. But after a period of time I realized
that they did not know anything; because if they did, how come I was always sick and seemed to be getting sicker. I
wanted to become a doctor, but then I had to ask myself, “What is the point if they cannot help?”

Forty years later, after much life experience, I now run my own Health Science Clinic. I have helped hundreds of people
get rid of their so-called “incurable” health problems.

My mission is to help as many people as possible achieve what they want and need. This is what has led me to writing

Through my own failures, adversity and subsequent education in the University of Life, my aim is to teach you how to
choose health and happiness. I want to give you information to save you from being preyed upon; to save you time
and trauma, and instead, to give you more energy so that you can enjoy life. You can then regain control of your life,
feel good and to save yourself money. You can then protect your children and therefore have successful copies of
yourself. In short, you will be an evolutionary success

The fact that you are reading this already shows that you have an open mind. I respect and appreciate that. I hope
that this information will be of great benefit to you and your family.

“I have learned more from my failures than my successes”

‰ Richard Branson

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“Modern” Medicine –
The Greatest Fraud Ever to Take Place

“Modern medicine has surrounded itself with mystique so intimidating that most patients accept their doctors orders
and his poisonous potions without doubt or question. Theirs is not to reason why, theirs is but to take the pills and die”

“I believe that the greatest danger to your health is the doctor who practices modern medicine. I believe that their
treatments for disease are often more dangerous than the ailments they’re employed to treat.”
- Robert Mendelsohn MD

The medical sect would have us believe that disease is complex and very difficult to understand. They have created
23 000 so-called diseases (with long Latin and Greek names to make it sound mysterious) so they can charge you more.

They have done their best to fill our minds with false theories of germs, viruses and “amazing” new cures that lead us
off in the wrong direction.

Our schools and churches train our children in these false beliefs in order to protect the existing power hierarchy of
the day. These internationalists thrive when the population is ignorant, full of superstition and magical thinking.

Doctors are not evil or bad. Most of them got into the profession because they want to help the sick. During their
seven years of study their brains are filled with theories to blame germs, viruses, genetics and old age as reasons for
our health problems / “causes” of disease. Doctors have been trained to categorize symptoms, as disease – they blame
the symptom as the cause of disease (symptomology). In this manner doctors supposedly can tell one disease from
another, that each one has different treatments. Modern medicine sees symptoms as the enemy. Doctors are trained
to try to do away with them, even if that means poisoning, cutting, bombarding the body with x-rays, radiation or
radical surgery.

Doctors have no idea what causes disease. In fact doctors are often sicker than the average person and they suffer
from depression more too. Going to a doctor to “cure” you is the equivalent to asking a hobo for financial advice.

The medical sect stigmatizes and outlaws the real doctors and health therapists, calling them “quacks” and “alternative
medicine”, when it is the “original medicine” that humans have been using for millions of years. Drug therapy
(chemical medications) were only introduced about 100 years ago.

“I believe these dangers are compounded by widespread use of dangerous procedures to treat non-disease, procedures
that produce real diseases that the doctor will then address with even more dangerous procedures in his efforts to
repair the damage he has done.”

“I believe that most doctors are the willing, if unwitting, tools of pharmaceutical manufacturers. I believe that more
than 90% of modern medicine could disappear from the face of the earth – doctors, hospitals, drugs and equipment –
and the health of the nation would immediately and dramatically improve.”
- Robert Mendelsohn MD

It is not that they cannot do anything. They can hold your leg still so the bones can grow back together after you broke
it. They can help in emergency=type situations where you are involved in an accident, and many other ways.

But what they don’t want to be good at is preventing long-term illness, or indeed curing any illness. Why, because it
is not in their interest! No sick people, no sick industry – the income of the medical sect in the USA is reported to
exceed a trillion dollars a year. Add in the rest of the world and the amount is staggering!

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Whereas, in teaching someone not to break the conditions of their being, so they do not get ill, there is almost no
money to be made. Once you become aware of and understand this knowledge, and make the right choices, your
health is back in your control and you never have to see a doctor again. This is bad for business, but good for you.
Life is about choices. You choose which system you want to believe in.

Doctors pour drugs of which they know little, for diseases of which they know less, into patients about whom they know
- Voltaire 1694 – 1778

I simply cannot overemphasize the importance of the plant-based diet to my performance. No meat, no dairy products,
no toxins.
- Mike Fremont, 91y old marathon runner

What is disease?
We feel like powerless victims of disease. We blame things on the outside of ourselves to explain our misfortune.
“We caught the bug that is going around”. “It is this bad weather that gave me this cold.”

We fail to understand how we created the problem, mainly by our poor choices and lack of understanding of what or
how disease comes about.

We rush off to the doctor and expect him to reverse the consequences of our actions, as if they (doctors) are gods.
They can no more do that than bring back yesterday.

Almost everyone at one stage believed that evil spirits caused disease. If someone sneezes, even to this day, we say,
“Bless you!” Why? Because people believed that these evil spirits entered just after the sneeze and by blessing the
person they prevented the evil spirit from entering. We all know that that was not true. We also believed the earth
was flat - and that germs caused disease.

Disease symptoms are the body’s reaction to protect itself from the toxic environment and are therefore not
something to be fought.

How does the toxic environment come about?

As you move about and function, your cells create waste. This builds up if you have overworked, overeaten (i.e.
overloading the body), or have not had enough sleep.
We can also build up a toxic state by eating foods that don’t go well together. This creates a problem and, as a result,
the food stays in the digestive tract for too long. If it is a sugar or starch, it ferments and turns to poisonous alcohol
and other toxins. If it is meat it rots and produces a lot of toxic waste.
By consuming the wrong type of food (biologically incorrect), we clog up (constipation) and suffer from the lack of
We consume food that contains toxic chemicals. We are told that they are not harmful as “they help to keep the food
fresh” – preservatives, salt, MSG, etc.
Toxic drugs are also to blame.

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By not providing for the needs of your cells, the cells then malfunction. It boils down to false beliefs as to what is going
We have the wrong beliefs. We run horror movies in our minds.

To Sum up Disease
There is Only ONE so-called “disease”

Ignorance or False Perceptions

People get angry at people who point out the truth because the truth they speak contradicts the lie they live.
- Dr Steve Maraboli

The loss of energy is the first step into health problems. We are our genes’ survival machines. Our bodies are made
up of 125 trillion cells. Each cell is like a little person with needs, working for the good of the whole body.

False perceptions and ignorance leads to cellular malfunction and is the main cause of disease.

Toxins enter the body by being eaten, by being breathed in, toxic thoughts, false information, and damage to skin via
cuts, injections and through the mucus membrane.

Toxins enter into the –

• Mouth
• Lungs
• Skin
• Injections
• Mind (false beliefs and superstitions)

When the body has a lot of energy it uses every channel to eliminate and neutralize the toxin being introduced.

The first line of defence is the tongue, as it will taste bitter or burn, and therefore we would spit it out.

If the toxin is breathed in, the first response is to stop breathing and to turn away, then to sneeze and cough.

The skin protects itself with blisters and hardening, and the mind protects itself with being critical and faultfinding.

These defences can be overridden by –

‰ Acquiring the taste or habit for the drink, non-food, toxic fumes (smoking).
‰ What is hidden in the food (camouflaged with sugar, etc.).
‰ What is hidden in capsules – “medication”.

The next line of defence is the digestive system. It now does its best to keep the poisons out of the body, by means
of vomiting or diarrhoea. If some of it is absorbed, the liver then tries to prevent the substance from damaging the
body. Alkaline minerals are used to neutralize the acidity before it enters the blood stream. The blood then goes to
the organs of elimination, which are the kidneys, lungs and intestines. The blood needs to remain alkaline or else it
leads to death.

In order to slow down the loss of alkalinity, the liver begins to store toxins and so they begin to clog. Therefore, the
more clogged up the liver gets, the less effective it becomes.

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Healing Action or House Cleaning.
As soon as we improve our diet or lifestyle our bodies begin to clean out. Because the medical sect has us “trained” so
very well we immediately jump to the false conclusion that the cleaning out symptoms are “disease”. “We are getting
sick” – when, in reality, you are getting healthier as your body cleans out.

Symptoms to Expect when You Improve Your Diet or Lifestyle

Headaches, low energy, mucus discharge, coughing, bad breath, rapid breathing, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, itchy
skin, pimples, hair loss, heavy periods, smelly mucus, discharge from the vagina, heart palpitations, fever,
hemorrhoids, kidney pains, muscle joint and body pain, bad mood, depression, irritability, general weakness, poor
mental ability, drop in body temperature, bad dreams and disturbed sleep are all just symptoms of cleaning out -
getting better, not sicker.

If you stop or suppress the symptoms you are working against your body and inner intelligence.

If you have been using more energy over a period of time than your body has available (drawing on your reserves),
three types of toxins build up in various places in the body. This causes skin problems and other so-called diseases,
i.e. arthritis, diabetes, cancer, etc.


1. Waste products produced by the cells as part of normal function;

2. Self-produced waste (caused by incorrect food combining);
3. Toxic substances consumed, i.e. salt, drugs of any kind, coffee, tobacco, preservatives, colourants, and toxic
foods such as sugar and refined foods.

Examples of what we mean by improving your lifestyle –

- Cutting out stress (which burns an incredible amount of energy);

- Stopping / cutting down on eating biologically incorrect foods, such as animal products (which take more from the
body than they give by way of energy);
- Increasing the intake of biologically correct foods (high-water content foods such as fruit and soft vegetables);
You will find that your body will have more energy and time to clean out the toxic waste products that it has been
storing up for just such a day.

So, if your body has been using alternative channels to eliminate wastes, i.e. via the skin on the hands, feet, face or
the mucous membrane, the symptoms will tend to get worse before the improvement starts. The body now has the
energy to get the cleansing over with.

Your available energy level drops (that is the energy to the non-cleansing organs, i.e. the muscles and the brain) as all
energy from the body has been diverted to cleansing.

Cleaning symptoms such as headaches, itchy skin, dizziness, lightheadedness (as all possible blood supplies have also
been diverted to the cleansing organs), lack of appetite and depression. The body, in its intelligence, is telling you “not
to eat!” as digestion requires a tremendous amount of energy. Do not move around more than necessary – hoard
energy. Hence depression (you don’t feel like doing anything when you are depressed.)

This is all normal and natural. It is the incredible intelligence of your body that has instituted these actions in order
to raise the operational standard of your body (to increase / improve what we call “health”).

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Depending on the amount of toxins, the vitality of your body and the degree to which you are following the health-
producing principles, once it has cleaned out the bulk of the toxins, your energy levels will rise, and therefore a greater
sense of well being is felt.

Your body then proceeds to the next phase – recharging its reserves for the future overhauling of major organs and
joints. These are called healing action, and they become less and less, as your body reaches peak running condition,

So, when you get a “cold” celebrate - because you are slimming down and your body is cleaning out, and therefore,
you are gaining shape and gaining health.


(- by using drugs, medication, herbs, homeopathic drugs, vitamins, mineral supplements and coffee or by eating the
corpses of animals, acupuncture or anything else).

This is not an “invasion” or ”infection”. This cleansing action has been brought about, because of the improved
conditions - the quality of the food and improved lifestyle.

Your body is constantly doing it’s best under the present conditions to clean itself of waste/poisons and repair itself.
You are either moving towards vibrant health and energy or towards health problems and loss of energy. When you
start putting higher quality food in your body (biologically correct) and/or provide the needs of your body, it begins a
program of cleansing, overhauling the various systems in the body. Symptoms appear, such as a runny nose, coughing,
headaches, pimples, or existing symptoms get worse before getting better. The medical sect sees this as “disease”,
but in actual fact you are getting healthier.

Start following the health principles and/or begin to improve the quality of your food, your water intake, quit smoking,
reduce stress, take forest walks, and you start to work with your body, instead of against it, by using the eight tools.
Remove the cause(s) by saving energy and getting more rest, etc. In fact, you do not have to do them all. Sometimes
you only need to improve one aspect of your diet or lifestyle; and because your body now has more energy, it begins
the process of cleaning itself.

If you are experiencing symptoms, those symptoms normally get worse. You may start new symptoms, such as
headaches, dizziness; your arthritic knee may swell up, your skin condition gets worse.

To understand why this is so: if you were to be on some toxic “recreational” drug such as LSD and were to cut down
or stop taking it, you would very shortly go into a de-tox. Your body is obviously cleaning out and the power within is
busy improving your functional level. The medical sect, including most people sees this as “disease” – but in reality
you are busy moving towards health. If you rush off and ask the wrong person or people for advice, which are usually
the reps for the big Drug companies (Doctors), they will assess your symptoms and pronounce that you have some
kind of “disease”. They will then prescribe some toxic potion that will rapidly use up the energy that the body was
using to clean itself and the symptoms disappear. Now you are heading towards sickness.

The medical sect proclaims disease to be an invasion. They do not want you to understand or recognize the difference
between healing and survival symptoms.

This is clearly not “disease”, but most see it as such, and that is why there is sometimes a false perception that the
healthy diet was “not good for one” or “did not agree with me.”

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In reality there is only one disease, known as FALSE PERCEPTIONS and IGNORANCE which results in wrong choices -
that ends in the malfunctioning of the cells and the body.

You need to decide, are you going to be the victim or the victor.
‰ Health is a choice. Learn how to choose it.


Clogging and build up of waste and/or poisons in the body. This builds up until it reaches a point where the body can
no longer tolerate the waste/poison, so it resorts to a state of emergency, an action designed to try and deal with the
present conditions and raise the level of functioning of the body by eliminating the waste/poison. In simple terms the
body’s incredible intelligence brings about an emergency “house cleaning”. This process uses massive amount of
energy and resources, but the body is forced to use this route.

As the body clogs up and/or is poisoned, the cells cannot be fed properly, so they start suffering from lack of oxygen
and essentials in order to survive and function. The body also uses vital resources to (a) clean and (b) neutralize the
acidic poisons, by drawing on its own minerals, enzymes, vitamins, as well as whatever else to deal with the problem
this causes, such as deficiencies in the cells. Eating the wrong foods also causes deficiencies, e.g. drinking pasteurized
cows milk. Milk was designed for baby cows, not for the human consumption, and it is too high in protein and the
calcium is not absorbable. Cows milk is acidic, and as a result, the body has to use its own calcium from the bones to
balance and neutralize the acidity. And if this goes on long enough, the person will suffer from weak bones, which is
known as Osteoporosis.

1. Clogging
2. Poisons
3. Deficiencies
4. Excessive Loss of Energy
5. Removal of Organs
6. Wrong Instructions
7. Parasites
8. Acidosis

1. Clogging
“In the 50 years I have spent helping people overcome illness, it has become crystal clear that constipation (clogging)
lies at the root of most health problems.”
‰ Dr. Bernard Jensen

If you had a petrol car and you filled it up with diesel, what do you think would happen? It would clog up and would
not run very well! The same happens to us. If we put the wrong fuel in our mouths, we clog up and have all sorts of
problems, including experiencing low energy and getting sick.
Therefore, if you have a vehicle, you need to establish what fuel it runs best on.

Some Age Old Wisdom

‰ Start with the end in mind.

‰ We learn more from our mistakes than from our successes.
‰ Decide what you don’t want, then contrast it to what you do want.
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The biggest killers, all of which are symptoms of clogging,
‰ Circulation problems
‰ Strokes
‰ Heart Attacks
‰ Renal Failure
‰ Arteriosclerosis
‰ Gangrene
‰ High Blood Pressure
‰ Diabetes

What causes the blood vessels to clog, the blood cells to become sticky and stick together and block the blood vessels?

FAT – Animal Fat!

Animal fat is solid at body temperature.

Plant fat is liquid at body temperature.
Plant fat includes Olive and Sunflower oil.
While you are busy cooking those chops, the fat is liquid – but once it cools down, it solidifies. You will find this fat in
butter, cheese, eggs, milk, meat (including chicken), as well as in ice cream.
The Finnish people from Finland have the highest heart attack rate – higher than any other country in the world. Why?
Because they eat large amounts of cheese, butter, milk, meat and eggs. This animal fat chokes off the arteries and
slowly causes our lives to deteriorate.

During the Second World War, there was a massive drop in cardiovascular deaths in Norway, Holland and Britain, due
to reduced intake of meat, dairy products and cigarettes. But after the War there was a prompt rise in deaths when
these products became abundant again.

If people did not eat animal products, various health problems such as heart attacks, diabetes, multiple sclerosis and
arthritis would be unheard of.

Arthritis –

Education, not medication, is what is required.

Uric acid is one of the most potent poisons. Flesh foods are the major source of uric acid. We do not have the enzymes
to break it down, such as the Carnivores do. These uric acid crystals are deposited between the joints, which causes
the excruciating pain. Uric acid is also caused by excessive bread, fast food, coffee, sugar, chocolates. We need to
lower the toxic load in the body which is one of the major causes.

Evidence shows that the animal fat cholesterol (which accumulates on the lining of the blood vessels) prevents the
normal transfer of oxygen to the joint tissues. This causes inflammation, resulting in Arthritis.

At Wayne State University Medical School a few medical researchers were willing to investigate the heresy that diet
might have something to do with Arthritis. They took six Rheumatoid Arthritis patients and put them on a fat free
diet. The results were startling. Within seven weeks, ALL six subjects showed total disappearance of their symptoms.
When fats were re-introduced into their diets it took only three days for the symptoms to reappear.

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A 30-year study in Scandinavia showed an indisputable link between milk and Arthritis. One study described a patient
with serious Rheumatoid Arthritis. He improved dramatically when dairy products were removed from his diet, but
immediately relapsed when they were re-introduced. This evidence makes it very clear that dairy and animal products
are a major culprit and causes these agonizing problems.

Drugs complicate everything. Whatever relief they offered is paid for dearly in terms of weakened organ function and
retention of toxins. Short term relief but long term more problems and damage.


This also developed due to clogging. The inside of the blood vessels become lined with the animal fat. The cells then
become starved of sugars and oxygen, and so they scream for food. The body releases more sugar and insulin into the
blood to push the sugar into the cells. Eventually, you have excess sugar in your blood that you start urinating it out.
That’s when they tell you that you have “Sugar Diabetes”! But it is not the sugar that is the main enemy, but the
animal fat.

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reported that a study in which 20 Diabetics, all of whom need Insulin, were
put on a high fibre and a very low fat diet. After only 16 days 45 % of these patients were able to discontinue the
Insulin injections.

Multiple Sclerosis

This is the most common disease of the Central Nervous System. Sufferers generally start getting the problem around
20 to 50 years of age. The medical sect cannot offer a cure (as usual) to a person with this problem.

During the two World Wars evidence showed that when the intake of animal fat decreased, so did the incidents of
Multiple Sclerosis.

Studies also revealed that children who are fed cow’s milk formula grow up into adults with higher susceptibility to
Multiple Sclerosis than children who are breastfed.

Dr. Roy Swank, Head of the Department of Neurology at the University of Oregon, began treating “incurable” Multiple
Sclerosis patients with a very low animal fat diet. The results bordered on miraculous. 90 % not only arrested the
problem, but also improved it. The other 10 % had started the change too late. They only managed to halt the

Next is the clogging of the intestines (constipation), which is again due to fried meat, overcooked foods, refined wheat,
bread, and processed foods. These foods leave a coating of slime on the inner walls of the colon like plaster on a wall.
In due course of time, this coating gradually gets thicker and thicker, until there is only a small hole through the centre.
The result is starvation, self-poisoning, various health problems, old age and senility.

In order to have life and energy in your body, you must simply eat the right ‘fuels’, which would ideally consist of raw,
unprocessed foods.

We know from history that cancer of the colon is the direct result of eating meat. No animal in nature destroys his
food before he eats it. We do this by cooking it. Cooking turns food into a ‘drug’.
The average meat is mostly processed and cooked, so that it is devoid of life and completely lacks in enzymes, which
is the very essence of life. This lifeless food clogs our bodies, giving minimal nourishment and energy.

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If the body cannot eliminate waste products you will die.

“The average person suffers from the retention of excessive quantities of waste within the body.”(clogging)
‰ Joel Fuhrman, M.D.

What other waste clogs our system (body) besides poisons?

When you put low-grade acid-forming food in your mouth, such as grains, animal products, sugar, condiments (salt,
curry, etc.) and cooked food, you have a waste build up. When it reaches your body’s toleration point - it comes out
(mucus: out the nose, lungs, back of throat and the vagina) – the body is “washing out” the waste with a lot of liquid,
and therefore the cure is the Flu/Cold. If you don’t wish to have Colds or Flu symptoms, do not indulge in the causes.

So now we have seen how eating or drinking the wrong fuel can cause major health problems. So what is the correct
fuel that does not clog our bodies?

If you were to dig up a fossil that has been dead for millions of years, you would be able to tell what defense equipment
it had and what food it ate just by looking at its teeth. So it is the same with us.

It is very clear that we belong to the FRUIT eating group! -

‰ Herbivores live on grass and have multiple stomachs and have grinding teeth.
‰ Omnivores eat any food with impunity. A pig’s intestinal is 10 times the length of its body, unlike ours, and its
teeth are also different to ours. That is why it is clear that we experience problems when we eat everything -
We bloat like pigs when we eat like them.
‰ We are not grain eaters. If you go into any health store, you will find that almost all products/foods state
“wheat-free”. Man has a very limited ability to digest starches. Grain eaters are supplied with gizzards.
‰ We are also not meat eaters - look at all the problems eating meat creates. Meat eaters have ten times more
Hydrochloric Acid, as well as various types of enzymes such as Uri-case, to help break down the meat. Their
digestive system is also much shorter than ours, to prevent purification.

Killer Foods

“The time will come when men such as myself will look on the murder of animals as they now look on the murder of
‰ Leonardo da Vinci

Eating a high animal protein diet tends to cause inflammation of the kidneys and puts a tremendous load on the liver.
People are chopping down the forests to produce more grazing fields to feed cattle. This causes a lot of other
problems, such as shortage of food and insufficient oxygen for us to breathe. Land used to produce food crops for
direct human consumption feeds 14 times as many people as the land used for growing food for animals, that are in
turn, used for human consumption.

Many people think that chicken and fish are healthier, but this is not so. People will say that they don’t eat red meat,
only chicken and fish. Chicken has the same amount of animal fat/cholesterol as beef, and it is normally packed with
growth hormones. Fish has twice the cholesterol of pork and beef, and it doesn’t contain any fibre.
Eating animal products does not have a single redeeming factor.

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It is utter madness to think that we need to eat animal protein in order to make human protein. It is like saying you
need to drink milk in order to produce milk.

The strongest animals are all plant eaters - elephants, rhino’s, and buffalo. The ape is so strong; he is the real king of
the jungle and no animal will dare approach him. He lives off fruit and vegetables.

When a plant is threatened or dying, the life cycle is sped up and it goes to seed. The same happens with us. Girls
used to begin menstruating from the ages of between 15 and 17, but due to the growth hormones and the toxicity of
meat and chicken, girls are now menstruating from the ages of between nine and 11, sometimes even younger.

Meat and dairy products should be stamped with signs that read “hazardous” to warn the public of the dangers (just
like the warnings they indicate on cigarette boxes).

“While we ourselves are the living graves of murdered beasts, how can we expect any ideal conditions on this Earth?”
‰ George Bernard Shaw

There is absolutely no reason why anyone should be consuming corpses of animals.

Most of the top athletes do not eat animal products. Every animal has a class of food to which it is naturally adapted.
We as humans are therefore no different. We are part of this world and we have to abide by the principles that govern

Numerous studies have shown that we developed on the face of this Earth eating fruit. Although we have changed
our choice of food, our bodies have not changed, and that is the main reason we are clogging up and getting sick.

During the last 40/50 years our food has been processed (damaged). We have these big food “manufacturers” who
add various preservatives to the food in order to make their products look and taste better, and to prolong shelf life.
Most of this involves cooking and adding poisonous chemicals to the food, which destroys the minerals, enzymes and
vitamins in it. Heat damages the food in many ways. This processing turns food into a ‘drug’, and then we can’t
understand why we are so addicted and overeat.
This processed food is absorbed into the body, rapidly creating a massive “high”, and so we link that feeling to that
particular food. But the negative effects are attributed to all sorts of other things, except to the real offender – the
‘drug like’ food.

Most people believe that the food on the shelf in supermarkets is fit to eat. They don’t realize that the food contains
poisons. They also believe that there is some kind of control (i.e. a group of people who test the food and ensure that
it is safe and healthy to eat), which is also not true. The more processed and poisoned the food, the more addictive
the food becomes, which makes it VERY GOOD FOR BUSINESS!

This processed food clogs our bodies. Our bodies were not designed or adapted to run on food that has been
“interfered/tampered” with, and therefore the body does not have the ability to rid itself of the waste that is left
behind. Al this ‘debris’ builds up, causing major health problems.

When we understand and become aware of the danger we can make better choices. We cause our own sickness by
making bad food choices. But the good news is that we can learn to become and stay healthy by making good choices.

Men dig their graves with their own teeth. We create our own heaven or hell by the choices we make.

The first thing people ask is, “If you don’t eat meat, where do you get your protein intake?” Cows do not eat meat,
but they get more than enough protein, minerals and vitamins from their natural diet of plant food. The same is

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therefore true for us… protein, minerals and vitamins are more easily secured from a plant or fruit source rather than
from an animal source.

All foods are damaged by boiling, baking, steaming, heating, frying, freezing, shredding, and canning, or by processing
them in any way.

“A good reliable set of bowels is worth more to a man than any quantity of brains.”
‰ Henry Shaw

We are not what we eat – we are what we don’t excrete!

If you are constipated, the answer is not to take laxatives or to indulge in a pig’s (omnivore’s) diet, which is high in
animal fat and a lot of conflicting foods.
The real answer is a diet low in animal fat and high in plant fibre. Sprouts, vegetables and fruit create well-formed
moist stools that glide along easily through the intestines.

White South Africans have the highest rate of haemorrhoids (piles) in the world, because they consume one of the
highest animal fat and low fibre diets. Cannibals call their victims (people) “long pigs”, because they taste just like
pigs. A large percentage of people think they are omnivorous, and so they bloat up like pigs, because they eat like

Remember, a health supporting high fibre diet is not achieved by merely adding fibre to a low fibre diet.

Constipation, haemorrhoids, hiatus, hernias, diverticulitis, spastic colon and appendicitis all correspond very closely to
the amount of animal fat and saturated fat in people’s food choices.

Health is a choice – learn how to choose it.

The meat, dairy and egg industries have spent millions to promote the belief that carbohydrates, such as potatoes
and breads, cause excessive weight gain. But thousands of independent studies (which are not financed by these
industries) have proven that this is not true, and that it has no factual basis, but that it is in fact the animal fat that
causes weight gain.

“If you eat a diet high in carbohydrates and low in animal fats, you will lose weight.”
‰ Dr Jean Mayer, renowned Harvard Nutritionist

Dr. Michael Klaper, a medical doctor, discovered after many years of study that there is no reason why anyone should
be eating animal products. Man has no need to eat animal products. Everything needed is easily obtainable from the
plant kingdom. We are not Vegetarians – our bodies are designed to digest fruit, although not exclusively. We have
the ability to digest a large variety of plant-based foods too.

“When we kill animals to eat them, they end up killing us; because their flesh, which contains cholesterol and saturated
fat (which is solid at body temperature), clogs the human body.”
‰ William Clifford Roberts, M.D.

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2. Poisons

“The primary cause of illness can be summed up in one word – Toxicosis, which is the self pollution that destroys our
bodies from the inside out as a result from wrong living and wrong eating.”
‰ Joel Fuhrman, M.D.

The definition of a Poison is anything in excess of the body’s needs, or anything that has a detrimental effect on the
body - anything that it cannot use.

How Do Drugs (poisononous chemicals) hide Symptoms of Disease?

Please note that I did not say, “How do they cure disease?” The medical sect does not cure a single health problem
– not the common cold, not Diabetes, not Arthritis, and not even cancer. There is not a single thing they can cure –
they only offer symptomatic relief.

“In the administration of medicines, we cure one disease by producing another.”

‰ Prof. Martin Paine, M.D. New York University of Medical School

“Trust me, I’m a Doctor!” (No more than a buck should trust a lion)

What happens when you drive along in your car and your oil warning light comes on? You decide to drive to the nearest
mechanic. Instead of putting oil in the engine he pulls the wires off the light on the dash. So, when you get back into
your car you think that everything has been sorted out. You pay your money and off you drive. 300 km down the road
you car seizes. Would you trust that mechanic again? I doubt it! That is exactly what doctors do.

This is what happens : If you suppress a cold or cough with the ‘poison’ of your choice (antibiotics, opium, “cold
remedy”, alcohol), your body has to stop dealing with the cleansing (the cold) in order to defend itself from the
incoming poison. So, temporarily you will get symptomatic
relief and the cold will seem to have “disappeared”. Then one or two weeks later, when your body has built up some
energy and recovered from the poison, it goes back to the ‘cleansing process’, and the cold returns.

The cold is the cure – it is a cleansing action implemented by the incredible intelligence of the body (the power within).

If you continue down this path of suppressing symptoms (kicking the body into submission), the body retains the waste
and the toxins are driven deeper into the body, setting the stage for a more toxic, more serious and more chronic
disease. You would then at a later stage inevitably develop bronchitis or asthma if you continued on this path of poison
drug therapy. It would be pushed deeper into the body, coming out in the form of pneumonia or T.B., for example.

This is what “modern” medicine specializes in – creating major problems out of minor problems. They take colds and
headaches (acute illnesses) and turn them into Pneumonia and T.B. (chronic diseases) or Cancer and Aids
(Degenerative diseases).

“I believe that more than 90 % of modern medicine could disappear from the face of the earth – doctors, hospitals,
drugs and equipment – and the health of the nation would immediately and dramatically improve.”
‰ R.S. Mendelsohn, M.D.

If you have a headache, the doctor prescribes aspirin. The headache disappears and everyone is happy. One asks
what caused the headache. Based on the treatment prescribed and the resultant “cure”, we can conclude that the
headache was caused by an aspirin deficiency. However, a little research tells us that aspirin is composed of salicylic
acid, which is completely poisonous to the body. Thus, an aspirin deficiency is out of the question. In fact, any drug

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on the market we find is composed of chemical toxins, which are poisonous to humans. How then can drugs alleviate
symptoms and make us feel better in general if they are so poisonous?

In order to understand how drugs “cure” symptoms, let us take a closer look at how aspirin actually takes away pain.
Ask the pharmacist how aspirin works and he will probably tell you that it has some sort of numbing effect over the
entire body. The reality is that every aspirin causes a teaspoon worth of bleeding in the stomach – the effects of the
salicylic acid. This bleeding is creates a more life-threatening problem in your body. The body temporarily stops
dealing with the headache in order to deal with the bleeding in the stomach; and it seems as if the headache has
disappeared. But once the body has dealt with the problem in the stomach, it goes back to dealing with the headache
a day or two later. You think it is another headache, so you take another aspirin. So what you are actually doing is
working against the body and maintaining the headache.

A drug so-called “cures” your complaint by creating a more life-threatening problem in

another part of your body.

If the poison of the drug, whether it be opium, antibiotics or whatever drug you want to name, is more life-threatening
to the body than the symptom for which you took the drug, your symptoms will disappear. If the drug is not more life
threatening than the problem, it will not produce symptomatic relief, and the doctor will prescribe a stronger, more
poisonous and more life-threatening drug. Now the body will be forced to focus on the drug so that the drug literally
doesn’t kill the body. You become symptom-free! Yet the cause of the disease was not removed or addressed, and
therefore the problem has not been solved but made far more serious. It just looks as if you are fine. In other words,
the medical sect’s “cure” (drug/medication) is always worse than the disease itself. This is why the medical sect is
such a danger to you.

Since there is no such thing as drug/poison deficiency, the body simply puts the disease (health problem) process on
hold to eliminate the drug. How many children do you know who take antibiotics for so-called “infections”? The
antibiotic merely stops the symptoms. Soon after the antibiotic is stopped the “infection” returns. If the taking of the
antibiotic was so devitalizing/damaging to the body, lowering its vitality, the “infection” may not return – only a more
serious chronic disease/problem will emerge at a later stage.

So, now you have pain in your arm, or arthritis in your knee, and you rush off to the doctor for help (he tells you that
he has not been trained to create health in you) “Sorry, there is no cure for Arthritis” - but that he would be able to
relieve the pain. He tells you to look out the window and with that, hits your finger with a hammer. Tell me, would
you go back to that doctor again? I don’t think so (This is how doctors and drug therapy “cure” you).

No doctor can absolve you of your past actions. If you put the wrong fuel in your mouth, or poison yourself, you will
suffer the consequences. Taking more poison in the form of a pill is not going to help.
It will only make the situation worse. You cannot go to the doctor and ask him to “sober you up” with a pill, but you
keep on drinking! It is impossible – and so it is the same with “disease”.

Can we be made immune to disease?

The medical sect cannot prove that an immune system even exists. They will tell you it has always been assumed. It
is rather a joke to read about and hear everyone talking about the immune system – our “conferred immunities” or
our “anti-bodies”, as it is only a made up theory. It is a made up lie to validate the “germ theory” and allow them to
inject their poisons into your body.

The medical sect doesn’t understand what the word “immunity” actually means. The dictionary defines immunity as
“being able to indulge in an act and not to be subject to the consequences”. Hence when we say that an individual
has diplomatic immunity, that person can violate the laws of the land and not be prosecuted for the violations.

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Is there such immunity in the body? Can we poison ourselves and not suffer any consequences? Can we be made
immune to the effects of wrongdoing or any act that normally begets illness? This is like slashing yourself with a razor
and not expecting to suffer from the cuts.

The medical sect claims that we can be made immune to bacteria and germs. But we don’t need, nor do we have to
be made immune to them. We live with them symbiotically (i.e. we help them and they help us). In fact, humans
cannot live without them.

Logic dictates that if something is claimed to cause a disease, it must always be present if that disease is present.
Likewise, its presence must always cause the disease for which it is responsible. But
this is not the case. Germs and bacteria, said to be responsible for disease, are almost always present in all organisms,
even for the healthiest person who has never suffered from sickness in their lives. Many suffer disease without a trace
of the bacteria or germ said to cause them.

Your life will be as you make it. You cannot indulge in the causes of disease and expect to be made free of its

If we drink alcohol we can expect to suffer drunkenness. If we foul up our bodies with unwholesome substances, we
can expect toxemia and suffer as a result.

Therefore, “immunity” is a lie! Energy is the only thing the body can use to deal with any problem. Only death, or the
loss of vitality, brings so-called “immunity”. It is only when your body has been depleted by the poison needle that it
has no energy for resistance (disease is the body’s reaction to toxins or one of the other causes).

When the medical sect injects highly toxic substances directly into the body, bypassing the protective systems, the
body has to use a massive amount of energy or vitality to try and deal with this folly.
The body therefore has very little energy to clean itself, or to get rid of the toxins. From an outside point of ignorance
or “understanding”, it appears as though the person has been made “immune”. But in reality, the person, who has
been “doctored”, is now enfeebled (their body has been “kicked into submission”) and therefore has no energy to
resist - you are sicker than before.

You have paid twice – (1) Loss of your health and life (no energy to
enjoy life).
(2) Financial loss (paying for the fraud).

The Poison Needle – Vaccination

Vaccination is a combination of superstition, delusion, fraud, genocide and a moneymaking racket - at the expense of
your health.

Vaccines are based on the “germ theory” which has been destroyed years ago. The inventor, Pasteur, even apologized
on his deathbed for the suffering and the deaths he had caused. He also admitted that “Bernard was right – the germ
is nothing, the soil is everything!”
Immunization has been so artfully and aggressively marketed by these huge drug companies that most parents believe
them to be a miracle and one of the greatest discoveries of so-called “modern medicine.” The reality is somewhat
different. Dr. Charles Creighton called it “a grotesque superstition.”

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Vaccines and the “germ theory” mean big money. These drug companies understand that man believes what he
wants to believe. To some extent we all tend to blame others for our decisions. Man wants to believe that these
terrible little germs cause all his health problems. Germs are also excellent scapegoats for the doctors.

The bottom line is that the purpose of vaccinating is to make money for the pharmaceutical companies.

The reason you have to sign an indemnity agreement is because the authorities know that each vaccine is potentially
lethal, and is therefore at least damaging, and they want to protect themselves from repercussions.

The drug companies are selling “protection” just like the Mafia to all who can be scared into buying it. For example,
with the Rabies vaccine - the actual vaccine often causes Encephalitis (inflammation of the brain).

Voodoo Medicine and Witchcraft as practiced by doctors in the 21st Century

“All of our curative agents are poisons and as a consequence every dose diminishes the patient’s vitality”
„ Prof Alonzo Clark M.D.,
New York College of Physicians and Surgeons.

Doctors and many people claim that it is just unfortunate that some people suffer negative effects, but the vaccines
do more good than bad. That is absolute madness! How can injecting major poisons like mercury into people be

There is no science behind this madness – the philosophy is wrong! By injecting poisons into your body they merely
increase the load on your system. The body is now so busy trying to survive it no longer has any energy or resources
to clean itself, or deal with problems, and this is seen as being made “immune”. Just because the body no longer has
the energy to exhibit symptoms it does not mean that it is healthy. The symptoms have just been suppressed and the
waste is building up, to cause an even bigger health problem later.

So, what the medical sect have done is traded common, non-life threatening symptoms (body cleansing itself) that
children recover from without any unwanted side effects, into a slew of life long illnesses and neurological problems
with a lifetime of suffering.

Damaging Evidence
The evidence is so overwhelmingly clear – with the sharp rise in the vaccination schedule from 1 or 2, to now many,
many more. The numbers don’t lie – the media and the pharmaceutical companies do! Vaccinations do not prevent
illness – they create them!
The numbers speak for themselves…
Vaccines Autism Rate
1983 10 1 : 10 000
2008 36 1 : 150
2012 46 1 : 88
2013 49 1 : 50
49 doses of vaccines by the age of 6 years old

There is no evidence whatsoever of the ability of vaccines to prevent any diseases. To the contrary, there is a great
wealth of evidence that they cause serious health problems. - Dr Viera Schreibner

A single vaccine given to a six lb newborn is the equivalent of giving a 180 lb adult 30 vaccinations on the same day.
- Dr Brian Haby, Toxicologist
Prof. of Chemistry, Univ.of Kentucky

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There is a great deal of evidence to prove that immunization of children does more harm than good. - Dr
J.Anthony Morris
Chief Vaccine Control Officer, FDA

I am no longer trying to dig up evidence to prove vaccines cause autism. There is already abundant evidence. – David
Ayoub M.D.

The further I looked into it, the more shocked I became. I found that the whole vaccine business was indeed a gigantic
- Archie Kalokelinos Amm

Vaccines are the backbone of the entire pharmaceutical industry. The vaccinated children become customers for life.
- Dr Sherri Tenpenny

The world today has 6.8 billion people ….that’s headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on the
new vaccines …. We could lower that by about 10 to 15%. - Bill Gates

Vaccines are being used to cull the world population. Are you or your children or grandchildren going to be part of
the culling?
Vaccines are perfect as they usually kill people slowly, over 10 to 30 years. They reduce fertility. In fact, it has been
proven that some of the vaccines have sterilizing chemicals in them. But the poisons lower the person’s vitality so
much that people become sterile. They weaken the population, making people sicker, so they can be good customers
for the medical sect, to enrich them and create more power for them. It dumbs the population down so that they can
be easily controlled and lead to their ultimate demise. As people begin to drop like flies, these events will be used like
a tool to urge more people to get vaccinated yet again – to “save themselves.”

The Thimerosol in the vaccines are broken down by the body. First ethyl mercury is metabolized into toxic
methylmercury, which is then again metabolized into inorganic mercury …. yes, I said inorganic mercury! The most
deadly and toxic substance known to exist on this planet!

I think that the biological case against Thimerosol is so dramatically overwhelming that only a very foolish, or a very
dishonest person, with the credentials to understand this research, would say that Thimerosol wasn’t most likely the
cause of autism. - Boyd Haley PhD

Death by Medicine
In my research for my book, Death by Modern Medicine, I found that almost 900 000 people in America had died due
to medical interventions with a price tag of $283 billion in 2008.
The way it works is big business owns the central bank which creates money out of nothing. With this it buys the
government. The government is then used to force you to buy into the monopolistic “health” care system.
- Dr Carolyn Dean

The amount of mercury allowed in drinking water is 2 parts per billion. The amount of mercury found in vaccines is
51 000 parts per billion. If this does not ring warning bells then nothing will.

The entire vaccine program is based on nonsense, fear and concocted fairytales. Dr Russell Blaylock M.D.

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Dear Parent
Ask yourself – if vaccines are so “safe” then why do these chemical companies need laws to keep you from suing them
from any injury they may cause your child?

If you read the vaccine inserts there are over 65 adverse reactions, ranging from brain swelling to death. Perhaps that
would give you a clue?

Dr Denise Harper, was a leading expert responsible for phase 2 and phase 3 safety and effectiveness studies for the
HPV (human papilloma virus) vaccines, Gardisil and Cervorix. At the 4th International Conference on Vaccination,
instead of promoting the HPV vaccine she chose instead to point out that it is all a giant, deadly scam, saying that 15
037 girls had already reported severe, adverse effects of poisoning such as paralysis, suffocation, lupus, seizures, brain
inflammation, to name but a few. 44 had already died from these vaccines. She did this to clear her conscience so
she could sleep at night. On top of this, there is absolutely no evidence that the vaccine can prevent cancer. In fact
there are indications that it causes cancer.

If you put the any of following substances into a syringe and injected it into someone, you would be arrested for
attempted murder – and if they died, for murder. The US Centre for Disease Control says that the following ingredients
are routinely used as vaccine additives :

Aluminum phosphate – this is a neuro toxin and causes dementia and Alzheimer’s ie. your brain begins to die.

Antibiotics - this toxin kills bacteria, which are very similar to the cells of your body, including your neuro cells.

Formaldehyde - this poison is so toxic that they use it for preserving mummies / cadavers. For hundreds of years no
microorganisms would dare to eat them.

Monosodium glutamate (MSG) - this neurotoxic chemical is called an excitotoxin – it literally excites the brain cells to
the point of death. It is the number one headache causing substance. It is toxic even when eaten. Can you imagine
what happens when it is injected directly into your body?

Thimerosol / methyl mercury - it causes severe, permanent damage to the nervous system and is highly toxic to the
brain. It is also known to cross the blood-brain=placenta barrier, which makes it extremely toxic and deadly to babies.
They are playing Russian roulette with our children.

There are no safe vaccines. Some of the effects of the above poisons –
Shaken baby syndrome;
Chronic ear infections;
Death, SIDS, seizures – add asthma, autism, diabetes, meningitis, swelling of the brain and polio.

The greatest threat of childhood diseases lies in the dangerous and inefficient efforts made to prevent them through
mass immunization …. There is not convincing scientific evidence that mass inoculations can be credited with
eliminating any childhood disease.
- Dr Robert Mendelsohn MD.

You need to ask yourself – do you care more for your child’s health or your pediatrician’s feelings? So many women
are afraid to offend their doctors by rejecting their advice.

So let us see – in the vaccines there are a number of extremely poisonous neurotoxins which are capable of damaging
the nerves and brain. They go ahead and inject it into your child, who then gets autism or inflammation of the brain,
or dies. Then the medical sect claims that your child’s death had nothing to do with the injection. They must clearly
think that we are stupid.

Okay, here is another one – compare the symptoms of mercury poisoning and autism.

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Symptoms of Autism Symptoms of Mercury Poisoning
Loss of speech. Loss of speech.
Social withdrawal. Social withdrawal.
Reduced eye contact. Reduced eye contact.
Repetitive behaviours. Repetitive behaviours.
Hand flapping, toe walking. Hand flapping, toe walking.
Temper tantrums. Temper tantrums.
Sleep disturbances. Sleep disturbances.
Seizures. Seizures.

I do not believe you need to be a “doctor” to see the connection.

If you want to be kind you will call vaccines an unproven remedy, but if you want to be accurate you’ll call the people
who give vaccines quacks.
- Dr Robert Mendelsohn MD

The medical sect runs a group called Quack Watch, to prevent people from trying other modalities of health. Quack
is a word used as a stigmatizing, smear term. It comes from the German quacksalber , meaning quicksilver / mercury,
used by early doctors to “cure” their customers. It is clear who are the “quacks”, because who uses mercury? The
medical sect!

Dr Edward Jenner is considered the “father of vaccinations” and pioneer of the smallpox vaccine. He vaccinated his
own son several times, who eventually became a sickly child with neurological brain damage, and then died from a
form of tuberculosis, which kills a large number of people who are immunocompromised.

Are you going to follow this sick nut and inject your child? All vaccines are experimental because they cannot
guarantee the outcome or that it will not harm your child.

Educate – don’t vaccinate!

Most lethal diseases in the last 200 years were reduced due to cleaner drinking water, water borne sewerage, improved
sanitation, nutrition or better living conditions. Vaccines were introduced when the battle had already been won, and
they claimed the victory that was not theirs.
- Dr Dave Mihalovic

Vaccines contain substances which are so noxious that they should not ever be injected into a human body.
- Dr Viera Schreibner Ph.D, Australia

The medical authorities keep lying. Vaccination has been a disaster. Vaccination is the biggest crime against humanity.
- Dr G. Lanctot; author of The Medical Mafia

Scamming young parents into believing that injecting heavy metals and animal and human DNA and chemicals and
aborted human fetal cells into their little children will keep them healthy is the biggest crime against humanity.
- Dr Sherri Tenpenny DO.

The difference between dietary aluminum which is excreted quickly; Vaccine injected aluminum stays in the body and
travels to the brain. The same aluminum, when injected into mice induces motor neuron death. -
Family Health Freedom Network

The figures don’t lie

There has been a 4250% increase in fetal (baby) deaths since doctors started recommending that pregnant mothers
have flu shots. Doctors claim the mercury is “safe”. Why would you trust the medical sect that claimed thalidomide

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to be safe for the pregnant mother, and hundreds of other toxic substances (BPA, mercury fillings, and cigarettes).
“Trust me – I’m a doctor!” – like hell!

The medical sect murdering our daughters

1 girl out of every 912 girls who received the Gardacil vaccine died. Yet the cervical cancer death rate is only 1 in 40
000. The cure is clearly more deadly than the concocted illness.


The medical sect claims that there is no causal relationship between vaccines and autism. Yet in the small print in the
insert for the DTP vaccine (Tripedia) claims as an adverse effect - autism. Already in 2004 in Italy, the court ruled that
the MMR vaccine caused autism. Ask your doctor is the following effects are right for your child – autism, inflammation
of the brain, lowered IQ, speech disorders, learning disorders, diabetes, the list goes on and on.

Illogical logic or just plain depopulation

The so-called theory behind vaccines was that weakened viruses would give the immune system a rehearsal, so that
it would be ready when the real thing cam along. How does your body, or your baby’s body, benefit from 49 998 parts
of mercury per billion, more than the safty limit for drinking water? Where does this fit in with the theory? Vaccines
are designed with chemical additives to poison the population, not to protect them.

Know a person by his actions, not his words or tell a tree by its fruits.

Their words are clearly in contradiction to their actions and their actions speak volumes!

A real life study

The Amish in America do not get autism or any learning disabilities. Why? … because they reject so-called modern
medicine. They do not vaccinate their children. The results are that they are healthier and do not have any diseases
like cancer, heart attacks and diabetes. The children are also categorically more intelligent.

These facts are becoming an embarrassment to the medical sect. We need to just learn to question and think. Not
everyone has your wellbeing at heart. Most people have their own agendas. The medical sect is one of the most
formidable predators known to mankind. Health is a choice – learn to discriminate. Your life, and those of your loved
ones, depends on it.

The brew consists of pus taken from animals (the stuff that their own bodies rejected) – toxic, chemical concoctions
such as neomycin, streptomycin, sodium chloride, sodium hydroxide, mixed together with Formaldehyde (used to
embalm bodies) - are so toxic that nothing would attempt to eat the flesh, and perhaps even added in some proteins
to really get the attention of the body!

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Depopulation is the highest priority of US foreign policy towards the Third World. – Dr Henry Kissinger

Multiple vaccine doses have resulted in up to 145 000 child deaths in the past 20 years, according to the government
of the US (VAERS) Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System. This is only the tip of the iceberg because most of the
deaths were claimed to be God’s will, SIDS or something else, and not related to the toxic vaccines. The shocking fact
is that most parents are not aware of this. That is like 3 x the 9/11 twin towers victims murdered every year for the
last 20 years. The worst part is no-one does anything. No-one is outraged.

It was just reported on Natural News that Sesame Street has rolled out an autistic muppet to “normalize” vaccine
injured children. These damaged children are depicted as happy, “amazing” children, rather than admitting the truth
that vaccines cause autism, and do away with the vaccines. The vaccine manufacturers contend that vaccines are
scientifically based when, in fact, they are based on fraud and marketing. Dr William Thompson admitted this.

Former Merck virologists have filed a False Claims Act with the federal government, saying that they were ordered by
Merck management to falsify vaccine research data in order to get approval for the MMR vaccines, even though they
do not work and cause serious disease.

The concentration of mercury in a flu shot is 25 000 times more than the concentration allowed in drinking water, set
by the EPS (Environmental Protection Agency). It is reported that the vaccine industry makes over $1,6 billion annually
just on the flu shot.

The best way to predict the future is to look back

Take the 1918 “flu” epidemic. For years people thought that it was a flu virus that killed +- 40 million people world
wide. An investigation into what really happened found that the expiration of Bayer’s aspirin patent in February 1918
had allowed many manufacturers into the lucrative aspirin market. Bayer’s fought back with a massive marketing

The aspirin packages contained no warnings about toxicity and the instructions were twice that of the safe limits of
today – equivalent to taking 25 tablets within a 24 hour period. This was recommended by the AA. These coal tar
products relieved pain fast but the people were unaware of the internal damage they were doing.

Aspirin bears no curative relation to any disease and it aught to be prohibited. - Guy Beckly Stroms MD. NY

All the people that died of the “flu” actually died from salycilatis (aspirin) poisoning. The symptoms were all of salcylate
toxicity: hyperventilation; vomiting; sweating; headaches; drowsiness; confusion; dysapnea; vertigo; pulmonary
edema; hemorrhage; respiratory failure; circulatory collapse; convulsions and death. The people who survived went
to natural health healers, the ones that died took aspirin in lethal amounts.

In 2009 it almost happened again. Bayer had created a vaccine that was so toxic that it killed anything that was injected
with it. If it had not been for a single lab technician who blew the whistle millions of more people would have died.

1. Ignorance of the toxicity and amount.
2. Massive corporate advertising.
3. Government collusion and pressure to use the drug (forcing its captive markets to take them – Army and

These massive drug companies are using people’s ignorance to claim that the “flu” struck once and is going to strike
again. The highly toxic squalene that caused the Gulf War Syndrome is now being added to flu vaccines.

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George Carlin stated: “Government and corporations do not want well informed, well educated people capable of
critical thinking. That is against their interests.

So besides the +- 40 million people killed by aspirin, over 100 000 people are hospitalized for GI bleeding, and of these
16 500 die each and every year. These figures are considered very conservative, and this is just in the US in 1998.

It was not a virus but a pharmaceutical induced mass murder as millions of people died. How much money did Bayer

I want you to close your eyes now –

Imagine and listen to the screams of babies and small children who have been sacrificed for a quick buck - massive
fevers, swelling on the brain and seizures, so they scream and cry until they die. Imagine the final moments of torment
and fear. The people who were meant to protect them (i.e. their parents) did not inform themselves about the
dangers of trusting the representatives (i.e. the doctors) of these ‘drug lords’ (the chemical companies).

Don’t play Russian roulette with your children. Become aware of the dangers of trusting these doctors. Your children
are not “pus or poison deficient”. Don’t allow your fear (parental distress) to override your logical, rational mind.

This is what the American Medical Association has to say about vaccinations –

The dangers of DPT (Pertussis Vaccine) are nothing new. The components are partially purified toxoids. The pertussis
antigen of the DPT is universally acknowledged to be relatively crude and toxic, and the effects thereof are fever,
crying bouts, shock-like state, skin effects (swelling; redness), pain, convulsions, and permanent brain damage,
including death (sudden infant death syndrome – S.I.D.S.).

Murder By Injection

This has been verified over and over.

Here are just 3 studies that prove this - Dr. William Torch, from the University of Nevada School of Medicine found
that 2/3 of 103 children, who died of S.I.D.S., had been immunized with the DPT vaccine three weeks prior to their
deaths, many of whom had died within a day after being injected with the vaccine.

Another study carried out by the UCLA School of Medicine also had similar results - Dr. Archie Kaloherinas from
Australia recorded and noticed that 50 % of Aborigines children died a few days after receiving the DPT Vaccine.

“I would urge you to reject all inoculations for your child. They are all dangerous. The DPT Vaccine is the most
poisonous of them all. There is no convincing scientific evidence proving that inoculations can be credited with
eliminating any childhood disease. In fact, they create chronic and degenerative disease.”
‰ Dr. Mendelsohn

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Human Sacrifices & Ritual Murder

For example –
The only smallpox-related deaths are a result of the smallpox vaccinations.
We continue to inject these toxic substances into our children due to our fears, superstitions and ignorance.

Dr. Henry R. Bybee from Narfold Virginia publicly stated –

“My honest opinion is that vaccine is the cause of more disease and suffering than anything I could name. I believe
diseases, such as cancer, syphilis, cold sores, as well as many other disease conditions, are directly as a result of

Dr. W.B. Clarke from Indiana claims that Cancer was practically unknown until the compulsory vaccination known as
“Cowpox” was introduced. “I have had to deal with at least 200 Cancer cases; yet not one case of cancer in an
unvaccinated person.”

After the use of cowpox vaccination became widespread and compulsory in England, a smallpox epidemic broke out,
killing 22, 081 people. The smallpox epidemics became worse each year that the vaccine was increased. In 1872
44,480 people were killed by it.
England finally changed the Law in 1948 to make it voluntary. Despite this mass murder, it was heralded as modern
medicine’s greatest contribution to the world.

The Great Flu Epidemic in 1918 was solely attributed to the widespread use of vaccines and aspirin. It claimed the
lives of 40 million people. The people who survived were the ones who had refused the vaccine and aspirin.

During the Franco-Prussian War every German soldier was vaccinated. The result was that 53,288 otherwise healthy
men developed smallpox.

During the Gulf War thousands of soldiers were vaccinated with Botulism, Anthrax and Pyridostigine. 43,000 of the
men developed Alzheimer symptoms; bleeding gums, rashes, muscle aches, swollen joints, chronic fatigue, diarrhea,
and hair loss. 65 % of their children born since the war were physically damaged. All their records were mysteriously
lost (how convenient)!

A quote from one of these men –

“I got lost while going to fetch my children from school”.

The deadly ingredient is called squalene, a type of oil. Besides causing Gulf War Syndrome, it also causes Lou Gehrig’s
disease, multiple sclerosis (MS), Lupus, transverse myelitis and many, many more health problems. Using tracers, it
has been shown to that it regularly enters the brain following vaccination. Remember; once this toxic substance is
injected there is little you can do to protect yourself. It will mean a lifetime crippling illness and early death. This is the
consequence of prolonged brain inflammation. - Dr Russell Blaylock, MD.

Every vaccine produces harm. – Dr Andrew Moulden

The Canadian doctor, Andrew Moulden, provided clear, scientific evidence to prove that every dose of vaccine given
to a child or an adult produces harm. He stated: “Vaccines have produced the most profound damage to humankind,
by humankind, in the history of humanity.
Because of corporate greed to advance self interests to make money. Commercialization has overtaken the
fundamental human value of ‘do unto others as you would have others do unto you’”.

Dr Moulden said that to understand what happens with vaccines is to understand what happens with something
foreign to the body, like a splinter or asbestos. The body violently reacts to protect itself. Another example is a pimple,

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a minute amount of pus which causes inflammation and pain. Only when the pus has been expelled does the swelling
and pain disappear. Instead of helping it ( pus/foreign matter) out they inject it in – dead bacteria, residue of the
media to culture the “viruses” or bacteria, human fetal tissue, cells from monkey organs, mouse brains, calves blood,
latex, gluten, soya, peanut oil, MSG, formaldehyde, mercury.

He further stated: “I personally could see the evidence of cranial nerve damage caused by vaccines when I observed
the abnormal facial expressions and movements of the eyes of those who had been exposed to vaccines”.

He was convinced because of the widespread use of the large numbers of vaccines. It did not mark the beginning of
a new age of disease-free living, rather they introduced a new era of universal illness.

A study done in 2011 in Germany on 8000 unvaccinated children, from newborn up to 19 years, showed that
vaccinated children had up to 5 times more diseases and disorders than unvaccinated children.

For example, there was a ten fold increase in the incidence of tonsillitis in the children who were vaccinated. It proved,
with solid scientific evidence, that unvaccinated children are healthier and more intelligent than their vaccinated

There is no rational doctor or scientist in the world who can say they believe that injecting infants and children with
mercury, formaldehyde, MSG and aluminum is somehow “safe”, yet doctors do every day in the form of vaccines.
Doctors who inject children with vaccines are delusional. They are practicing a medical holocaust against humanity.
- Mike Adams The Health Ranger, Natural News Editor
(an excellent site – SUBSCRIBE)

If the medical sect insists that you or your children be injected with their filthy needles, get the doctor or nurse to sign
the form attesting that vaccines are safe.

The system is corrupt, agencies meant to protect us aren’t; they are puppets for the drug companies. It’s not about
public health – it’s about profits. - Brandy Vaughn, former Merck rep

Overwhelming evidence of their toxicity -

In 1970, Australia made vaccines non-mandatory. 50% of parents opted out of the program. SIDS and autism numbers
dropped by 50% that year.


We know from experience that heavy metals, such as the ones they put in the vaccines, cause a massive loss of energy
and vitality. We also know that the body does everything in its power to get rid of pus (which causes inflammation
and massive pain), the very stuff they inject in the form of vaccines.

We also know that energy and vitality is all the body has to deal with any problem. Therefore, the body has been
depleted of energy by having heavy metals, pus and poisons injected into your body and bypass all your defensive
systems (such as skin, mouth, digestive track and organs of elimination like the liver, kidneys and tonsils). It now has
to deal with these foreign poisonous substances. It no longer has the energy or capacity to deal with any other
problems. Our bodies are now forced to tolerate a much higher level of toxins/waste products, and this is where the
illusion occurs. This is why the person does not display any symptoms of disease. So, from the outside, it seems, (due
to a lack of understanding and ignorance) as though the person has been made immune. But in reality, the person is
sicker and weaker than before - having to deal with this new additional load on his body.

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Illogical Logic
To be forewarned is to be forearmed!

The Medical sect claims that vaccinated children are “protected”(their immune system has been “improved”). If
vaccines were able to protect, only the unvaccinated would then be at risk of disease. The Medical sect, schools and
“authorities” claim that unvaccinated children are a danger to everyone who is vaccinated – even though the
vaccinated are supposed to be the “protected ones” - what a joke.
And the families who decline those filthy needles are somehow supposedly “reaping the benefits” from those who are
gullible enough to have their children vaccinated!

Doctors have immunity

Yes! Doctors have immunity! They are the only ones who can maim, damage, poison, injure, cripple and kill people -
and not be held responsible for it by law. The drug companies in America have got the government to pass a law to
protect them from being sued for millions of dollars for killing and damaging children and people.

They blame disease on germs, viruses, poor genetics and old age, when in reality they are a major causative factor. It
is almost impossible to sue a doctor, because you need another authority figure to counter the existing authority figure
(i.e. the doctor). When they qualify as doctors, they all sign a pact that they would not testify against each other. So,
they basically have the ‘right’ to poison you to death and be immune from the consequences of murder. Stand up,
unite and fight back.

They use attacking methods to divert blame. Some parents who are still grieving over their dead babies (due to the
vaccinations) are charged with homicide.
For example, a mother, whose healthy baby died just two days after having received the DPT and MMR vaccinations,
was so outraged at the Government sanctioned criminal activity, that she tried to fight back in a lawsuit. But the
Authorities responded by charging her with the murder of her child!

A 13-year-old girl from Pennsylvania suffered irreversible brain damage from a measles vaccine received during a
mandatory mass vaccination program at her school. However, a court decision made it clear that neither the vaccine
manufacturers, nor the Government, could be held responsible, because the vaccines are unsafe and dangerous. Every
vaccine is a medical experiment (in other words, parents are compelled to play the medical establishment’s brand of
Russian roulette!). The court also claimed the vaccine-maker adequately delineated risks on its package insert.
Consequently, these parents were deemed solely responsible for the case, without compensation for their now
mentally retarded daughter. Will you or your children be the next victims, or will you prepare yourself by learning
how they trick and catch you? Are you gullible or are you teachable?

Scare Tactics

Vaccine promoters broadcast that there is an outbreak of a certain disease - for example Bird Flu, Swine Flu, H1N1,
Russian Flu. People are scared and terrified of being “infected”, and are herded like animals into clinics. This obviously
makes a lot of money, which is also great for the hospitals. The more poison you allow to be injected into yourself, the
faster you will end up in hospital.

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FACT – Death caused by doctors

“You the patient always pay the costly and sometimes mortal price of seeking their services” Robert Mendelsohn M.D.

More American soldiers were killed and damaged by their “army doctors”, than were killed in the Gulf War. Do not
accept their lies that vaccines are not dangerous - for whatever reason. Doctors often claim that vaccines are
mandatory, in other words, compulsory – but they are not!

Damning evidence that cannot be denied – Autism (brain damage) rates explode in Asia after introducing Western

Schools often refuse to admit a child into their schools, unless parents can prove that their child has had all the
necessary vaccinations. This is against the constitution - as the constitution states that no one can be forced to be a
part of a medical experiment (and that is precisely what vaccination is). The Medical sect cannot prove/claim its
effectiveness, or its safety.

We also have patient rights in South Africa

Those that are applicable are –

‰ The right to the choice of health service.
‰ The right to a second opinion.
‰ The right to information and consent.
‰ The right to decision making.
‰ The right to the refusal of treatment. (The right to refuse vaccines)


For example –
Mothers are supposed to take their babies for regular check-ups, otherwise you, as parents, are seen as neglecting
and/or abusing your child. They may even put the social services or your local clinic onto you for not vaccinating your

We also have a section in the constitution that protects your right to freedom of beliefs, e.g. religious, and the right to
a choice - which is at the very heart of this so-called democracy – THE RIGHT TO CHOOSE!!

Therefore, if you do not want your child to develop learning disabilities, brain damage, hyperactivity, Asthma, Chronic
Fatigue Syndrome, Lupus, Rheumatoid, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (S.I.D.S.) Arthritis, Convulsions, Multiple
Sclerosis, seizures, Autism, fevers, swelling of the brain, Encephalitis and hundreds of other symptoms of chronic
poisoning, refuse to have him or her vaccinated.

You as parent are responsible for the protection and the bringing up of your children. The “Authorities” will try to
make you out to be incompetent, ignorant guardians, who are incapable of weighing up information and making wise
decisions, but you are not!

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Doctors of Death
“Creative diagnoses are words coined to describe the indefensible behavior of doctors who keep themselves busy by
finding diseases where none exist. They do it by redefining the norms of health and sickness and employing other
deceptions to create artificial need for their services” Robert Mendelsohn M.D.

Don’t allow doctors to violate and damage your precious children’s bodies with their filthy needles. Don’t bother to
argue with them – simply CHOOSE TO REFUSE! Do not play along, and tell your friends to do the same. Don’t sign any
forms to help them escape responsibility for their crimes against humanity.

Vaccines are damaging and dangerous, and cause minor childhood “ailments” to become major chronic diseases. Most
doctors do not vaccinate their own children.

Dr. Mendelsohn says that childhood diseases that have been vaccinated against are not life-threatening; and if allowed
to run their course, will only last a few days with a couple of unpleasant symptoms - such as headaches, bumps or

No one can deny the damaging effect of vaccines - the evidence is clear in the thousands of children killed, damaged
and injured.

The fear of needles and vaccines are justified. Follow your instincts and listen to the voice within you.

Ask your doctor if a chemical lobotomy is good for your child. Ask the doctor to name the ingredients in the vaccine.
If he cannot answer, ask him then what qualifies him to make a decision to inject your child.

If they insist that you have your child vaccinated, get the attending doctor/nurse to sign the following – which no-one
has up to this point :

Doctor / Nurse Warranty of Vaccine Safety

Name of Doctor / Nurse ...................................................................

Degree / qualification ...................................................................
ID number ...................................................................
Residential address ....................................................................
Business address .....................................................................
License practice number ...................................................................
Length of time practicing ..................................................................
My medical speciality is ...................................................................
I have a thorough understanding of the risks of the medication that I am about to prescribe or administer to my

Customer name ..........................................................Age .....................

whom I have examined and find in good health.
I realize that if the patient/customer is sick that I cannot administer.
The following is a list of risks :
Sudden infant death (SIDS); inflammation of the brain;
Brain damage (autism); lowered IQ;
Cranial nerve damage;

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I, the administering doctor/nurse, have read the insert and taken note of all the damaging effects of the foreign toxic
substances, some examples contained in vaccines – aluminium hydroxide (neurotoxin), MSG monosodium glutamate

I am aware that mercury (Thimerosol) is one of the most toxic substances to the human body BUT, knowing this, I still
think it would be beneficial for my patient.
(The EPA has set a limit for drinking water of 2 parts per billion but vaccines contain 50 000 parts per billion.)

I have listed all other toxins that are specific to the vaccine that I am about to administer to my customer:
Make list here
I am aware that there have been court cases that mercury Thimerosol causes severe neurological damage, such as
autism, and find that they are not credible.

I have taken note of them and hereby warrant that these ingredients are safe for injection into the body of my

I hereby warrant that the vaccines I am recommending for my customer will enhance his/her health and will not injure
him/her in any way.

I have taken the following steps to guarantee that vaccines I will use will contain no poisonous chemical contaminants,
cancer causing substances, human baby tissue, monkey tissue, washed sheep blood, or any other such substances.

Steps taken to ensure the above –

1. .................................................................
2. ..................................................................
3. .................................................................

I have personally investigated what is regarded as poisonous or represents a foreign body to the human body.

I have also investigated why something that is supposed to make the person stronger and healthier actually kills or
damages them, sometimes for life.

I have also personally investigated the studies that have compared people and children who have been vaccinated
with those that have not been vaccinated, and find that vaccinated people are healthier in the short term, and the
long term, despite the claims to the contrary.

Regardless of the legal entity under which I normally practice medicine, I am issuing this Warranty of Vaccine Safety
and Effectiveness in both my business and individual capacities and hereby waive any statutory, common law,
constitutional, international treaty and any other legal immunity from liability lawsuits in this instant case. I issue this
document of my own free will. I hereby declare that I understand the contents of this document.
Name of attending doctor / nurse ............................................................
Signature of above ...........................................................
Date of signing ...........................................................
Place ...........................................................
Witnesses 1............................................................

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More poisons
One study after the next has proven that 95 % of toxic chemical residues came from eating animal products. To
overcome this, you need to choose to eat your correct fuel – fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds. You are then eating at
the bottom of the food chain, and thus, only taking in small amounts of toxins (not in the concentrated form). For
example – when hormones were first introduced in the production of livestock, the meat industry was extremely
happy. Diethylstilbestrol, known as D.E.S., was hailed as the most important moment in the history of food production,
because it produced more fat and weight, and therefore, more profit! It was called a “miracle.” If Farmers accidentally
absorbed, inhaled or ingested even the slightest amounts, they showed symptoms of impotence, infertility, breast
enlargements, etc.

Researchers from the National Cancer Institute discovered that only one molecule of D.E.S. in 340,000,000,000,000
particles of meat could trigger human cancer.

Dieldrin is one of the most toxic substances ever; even in microscopic amounts it can cause convulsions, severe liver
damage and rapid destruction of the central nervous system. The World Health Organization used it for an anti-
malarial programme. Workers foamed at the mouth, went into convulsions and died.

These poisons go into the soil and then the animals grazing on it get contaminated. The poison ultimately ends up
inside people who eat meat like omnivores, high up in the food chain.

There are literally thousands of these extremely toxic compounds that remain in the ground for years and years,
contaminating and becoming more and more concentrated higher up the food chain – like Dioxin, Heptachlor and
D.D.T. It is difficult for us to grasp the magnitude of today’s toxic chemical pollution.

The reason why we don’t notice or associate the poison with all the health problems is due to the delay from the time
of ingestion to the formation of cancer cells. So, the two are never connected.

Tests done at several major universities discovered that 25 % plus students were sterile. Thirty-five years ago the
sterility rate was less than one half of one percent. Scientists believe it to be caused by the huge toxic increase of
chemicals during this time.

These toxins taken in when eating animal products also accumulate in our bodies. So, if you are planning to have
children you need to understand that these chemicals are stored in the mother’s fat tissues and are passed on to the
child in the mother’s breast milk.

The same thing happens to men. These chemicals are collected in the male reproductive tract. The high rate of birth
defects today stem largely from this build-up of chemicals.

So by eating wisely today, you will not be poisoning your future children.

Cattle, pigs, sheep and other livestock are often routinely dipped in chemicals such as Toxophene to kill the parasites
that breed on them. This poison is absorbed into the fat and only a few parts per trillion causes birth defects and other
major health problems.

When cattle die of Toxophene and the flesh is eaten by, for example, dogs, the dogs die. People seem to think that
the Government has strict control and that inspectors monitor these poisons – but this is not so.

Detection of toxic chemicals requires complex laboratory equipment and a great deal of time and expense.

The prime source of toxic pesticides and other chemicals is found in foods with a high fat content. A plant-based diet
will greatly reduce the intake of these toxic chemicals.

Health is a choice – learn how to choose it!

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White Flour
White flour is toxic to humans. It is an anti-nutrient. It is not the staff of life, but the skull-and-cross bones of death.
It irritates the digestive tract and saps your energy, because it is a partial food. Your body has to supply the missing
enzymes and nutrients and this upsets the whole chemical balance, causing a loss of energy. Flour is a major factor
that causes depression. White flour makes good “glue”, as it causes constipation.

Bread equals pain. Bread eating is clearly linked to arthritis, eczema, sinusitis, asthmatic, colds, flu and other mucous

Breakfast cereals
These are also made from grains. They therefore are acid forming and mucous creating in the body.

There are different ways poisons get into your food –

a) The Deliberate Addition of toxic chemicals to food is not new, but has rocketed in the last few years. Every day we
take in hundreds of these chemicals. Becoming aware of them and how they affect your health is the first step to
making correct food choices. Chocolate contains Theo bromide. Examples are – chemical colouring, emulsifiers,
taste enhancers, preservatives (poisons) to increase shelf life and chemicals used in processing food – all to increase
the addictive quality.
b) Accidental Contamination – Examples are heavy metals that enter your food while cooking or processing ie.
aluminium poisoning from the aluminium pots.
c) Natural Occurrence – Certain foods contain toxic substances, e.g. garlic contains toxic mustard oil and herbs
contain a high percentage of toxic substances.
d) Residue of Agricultural Poisons – The build-up of chemicals with each step up the food chain - eating
concentrated amounts when eating meat, dairy and seafood.

Herbs are defined as non-flowering plants, which are used for seasoning and medicinal purposes.

Because a drug (herb) is extracted from a plant, this does not lessen its toxicity. Plant extracts can be extremely
poisonous. Opium is a plant extract; from foxgloves come belladonna, and many other extremely poisonous
substances. Herbal and homeopathic books are common and are part of the swing away from chemical drugs, but not
in the right direction. They still offer the gullible public a way of avoiding personal responsibility. They claim that all
you need to do is to take this herb, powder or tincture and you won’t have to change your disease=building habits of

Health cannot be bought. Health is a choice – there is no remedy for bad living habits, other than choosing better

Herbalists use herbs to “stimulate” the body to promote detoxification. They are used as teas, poultice, tinctures and

Herbs do not heal the body or have a healing effect. This is exactly the same as poison or drug therapy. It is the body
responding to the incoming toxins in the herbs that cause the body to divert its attention; thus bringing about
symptomatic relief when herbs are taken in.

Herbs, just like drugs or any other poisons, should not be used in any form because –

1. Herbs have a large toxic content. You are not poison deficient. Health problems are not as a result of herbal

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2. Man is not naturally attracted to consuming herbs, as they do not appeal to our senses, nor are they palatable.
We do not relish eating them and they take preparation to use.
3. Herbs are not conducive to health or healing and do contain a certain amount of nutrients essential for life - but
the toxic content of herbs overrides, outweighs and overshadows that. The toxins in the herbs are not conducive
to human life. Some examples are mustard oil, tannin, alkaloids, etc. Herbs are low in nutrient level and high
in toxin content.
4. The body uses massive amounts of energy to neutralize and expel toxins. This energy is supplied at the expense
of the body and your health. While it is dealing with toxic herbs, it cannot clean itself or deal with any other
health problems.
5. Herbs, just like drugs/poisons, are administered to remove symptoms. You are well aware by now that the
symptoms are not the problem, but that it is actually the body’s response or effort to deal with and eliminate
the problem. The use of herbs in this manner is no better than drug therapy, as the original problem remains;
and now this “herbal remedy” has added to the load that the body must deal with.
6. Because the person feels they have dealt with the health problem (symptoms having been suppressed), they
continue with their disease-causing diet or lifestyle, and setting themselves up for a bigger health problem later.
7. It is not logical to give a healthy person toxic herbs - they will get sick as a result. It is therefore madness to give
the sick herbs to make them well.

Alcoholic drinks (a protoplasmic poison) contain ethyl alcohol.
Beer 2 – 6%
Whisky 45%
Wines 9%
Champagne 10 – 14%
All substances which are poisonous in large amounts are still poisonous in smaller amounts, only less so.

Does alcohol (wine) aid digestion? No, it actively interferes with digestion because it inhibits gastric secretions. All
the beverages and wine promoters push this idea as they want to make a profit, and also because we choose to think

Too many people are counting calories and being terrified of bugs and viruses, but the real enemy and danger are
poisonous toxins that are all around us – pushed and marketed to make a killing (pun intended).

Hidden poisons
Take, for example, nail polish. Nail polish contains TPHP (tripheryl phosphate, a plasticizer and flame retardant used
for furniture) was detected in the urine of every woman who used it on their nails. This chemical is a neurotoxin and
has been known to cause reproductive and developmental problems.

Smoking teeth – Dental amalgam fillings contain around 50% mercury. Every time you chew or drink hot liquids the
fillings release mercury. It has even been filmed and measured that they release around 15micrograms per filling per
day. It looks like your teeth are “smoking”. Go onto YouTube and watch it there.

Mercury is a neurotoxin so it causes concentration problems, impaired memory and IQ, an inability to think clearly –
almost as if you have cotton wool for a brain; nervousness; dizziness; depression; gastrointestinal problems; bad
temper; MS; fatigue … the list goes on and on. And dentists are taught that it is perfectly safe …. And yet they are also
taught that the amalgam is a hazardous waste and cannot be thrown in the dustbin.

Mercury also causes Alzheimer’s disease, even in trace amounts. Dental amalgam continually releases toxic mercury
vapours which cross the placental barrier. Dr Haley, a well-known scientist, stated that mercury is a well known,
potent neurotoxin and when used exacerbates all neurological disorders, such as Parkinson’s, autism, MS, Alzheimer’s

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and more. It affects the dentists too. They have twice the rate of brain tumors, divorce and suicide than the average.
Their IQ is lower and they suffer from many mental and nervous problems.

So dentists say that mercury fillings are safe, fluoride is good for your teeth, and root canals are safe - all despite the
overwhelming evidence that proves they are not. Dentists that use mercury fillings are clearly quacks (the definition
of a doctor who uses mercury on his patients).

Genetically Modified Food - Over 40 rodent feeding studies show that GM foods are disastrous to health.
These are just some of the problems caused by GM foods :
Intestinal infections;
Birth defects;
Weight gain;
Higher incidence of mortality;
Organ failure.
If you think that it is safe – go ahead and eat it - life is about choices.
Russia and a number of other countries have banned GM foods.

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3. Deficiencies

How Do Deficiencies Come About?

Everyone jumps to the same conclusions –

“Well, the ground is depleted and that is why we have deficiencies.”

“We need to eat everything in exact proportion, otherwise we will have deficiencies.”

“We need to eat at every meal – meat, starch and vegetables, otherwise we will have deficiencies.”

“We need to drink plenty of Calcium rich milk, otherwise we will have a Calcium deficiency.”

…………………… And so on!

‰ Some Deficiency Diseases

- Scurvy, Rickets, Multiple Neuritis (Beri—Beri) and Anemia.

So what causes these diseases?

Over 100 000 men in the Royal Navy died from Scurvy. We know from history that they were eating an incredibly
acidic diet of meat, rum, wine, pudding, grains, biscuits, sugar, jams, and jellies – all of which are acidic foods.

In 1740 fifteen thousand men left England aboard six ships. Four years later only 335 men returned on one ship. One
thousand and sixty-five (80 %) men had died of Scurvy (Acidosis). As soon as alkaline foods (lime and sprouts) were
introduced into their diet, the symptoms of scurvy disappeared. It is that simple!

It was, therefore, not a deficiency of vitamins as commonly believed, but as a result of their consumption of too much
of the wrong foods (i.e. acidic instead of alkaline foods).

This is commonly believed to come from a deficiency of Vitamin D.

Once again, we find people and children eating a sugary diet of sweets, ice cream and puddings. Sugar is very acidic,
so the body uses the calcium in the bones to neutralize the acidity. After some time, the person suffers from Rickets
(loss of Calcium in the bones).

Beri-Beri (Multiple Neuritis) occurs by eating only refined food.

The Chinese have been eating rice for thousands of years, without having contracted beri-beri. But the moment the
rice gets processed by the food manufacturers, the people start experiencing symptoms of Beri-Beri. Then as soon as
they go back to the unprocessed rice, the symptoms disappear.

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The consumption of a processed / junk food diet, inhibits the absorption of iron. Taking supplements in the form of
tablets worsens the situation. The evidence is clear in the toxic symptoms that appear when taking in this pill.

So, there are almost no deficiency diseases. As such, the deficiencies come from eating processed or wrong foods,
causing a problem in the body by leaching out minerals such as calcium.

Experiments prove this to be true, even when carried out on animals. For example dogs that are fed on de- mineralized
food died within twenty-six to thirty days; whereas dogs completely deprived of all foods lived for up to forty to sixty
days. This highlights the importance of eating whole foods (not processed and denatured foods damaged by Man).

Therefore, what you don’t eat is more important than what you do eat.

Often, when a person is suffering from a deficiency and has stopped eating, the chemical balance is restored; and
therefore, the symptoms of deficiency disappear.

Eating even small amounts of denatured foods upset the body’s chemistry, which causes problems such as rickets,
scurvy, fevers, diarrhea, etc.
The body is forced to draw on its own reserves of minerals and enzymes in order to deal with these incomplete foods.

The moral of the story – AVOID unwholesome, processed foods (i.e. foods, which have been damaged by Man) like
the plague…….or you will become part of the plague.

For Example – For years, pellagra was thought to be an infectious, tropical germ-related disease. The Medical sect
obviously tried their usual “poisonous potions”, such as arsenic as a “cure” for it. People who had money for medical
treatment died, but the poor just barely survived.

Then Doctor Goldberger enquired as to how pellagra could be contagious, since the nurses or doctors never contracted
the actual disease themselves! He then investigated what the “affected” people had been eating, only to discover
that they had been eating refined grains and sugar. He fed them on whole foods; within a short time the symptoms
of pellagra disappeared. As soon as they were back on a diet based on refined flour and sugar, the symptoms returned.

Was Dr. Goldberger awarded the Nobel Prize for solving the problem? No, in fact, the Medical sect vilified him.

The economic sector learnt that they could make money refining the foods, therefore causing the problem. They also
made money in selling the “cure” in the form of vitamins.

The body cannot use starch or carbohydrates, unless the proteins, vitamins, minerals, as well as enzymes attached to
it. It is Nature that supplies these elements for it to be digested.

The intake of drugs, whether under or over the counter, are also all poisonous. The body has to use a tremendous
amount of resources in order to defend itself. This results in a loss of energy, minerals and vitamins - poisons cause

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4.The Loss of Energy

Health or Disease? It’s a CHOICE!

Energy is all that your body has in order to deal with any problem. Logic dictates you should use it wisely.

Toxic Input
The first step into disease is the loss of energy. For example – if your body is so busy defending itself from poisons
that you are either breathing in the form of smoking or poisons ingested in the form of pills, you body has to put on
hold all its repair and maintenance projects. As a result, the waste builds up, clogging the body, therefore leading to
more serious health problems.

In Which Other Ways Do We Lose Energy?

If you put diesel in a petrol car, it will suffer a massive loss in energy. In fact, it would not even go. The same is true
for us when we take in the wrong type of fuel – it either clogs the body, and causes indigestion or constipation.

Due to the body’s not being ideally suited to this kind of food, the body is forced to use energy and its own resources
to deal with it.

™ Partial foods (processed, fragmented) – e.g. white sugar and refined flour.
™ Miscombined foods (e.g. proteins and starches).
™ Toxic foods (animal and dairy products).
™ Toxic drinks (fermented alcoholic beverages and coffee).
™ Non-foods (e.g. salt, MSG, condiments and herbs).
™ Cooked, heated foods and oils.
™ Too much acidic foods (grains, nuts, meats and sugars).

Too Much Food

Eating and digesting food takes more energy than anything you can do. A light, well-combined meal takes the same
amount of energy as a 10 km run.

The sickest of all people are the ones that constantly eat in excess of their body’s needs. Overeaters generally live
short lives.

A poison is, in fact, defined as “anything in excess of the body’s needs”. Once that food is inside of you, your body has
to use a tremendous amount of energy to rid itself of it.

Insufficient Sleep
While you are sleeping your body generates energy.

Stress (fear) – Emotional/Mental

When you project some negative catastrophic event into the future, we become stressed, focusing on what we don’t
want. Stress uses a tremendous amount of energy.

Excessive Exercising
You should only exercise when you have more energy than your body requires just running its systems, repairing, as
well as cleaning itself. If you exercise when you are exhausted and overweight, you are looking for trouble. How many

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times have you not heard of a person who exercised on a daily basis, was supposedly very fit, but got a stroke or a
heart attack?

Even excessive sexual intercourse can lead to health problems (over expenditure of energy). When you take away the
energy the body has to repair, clean, as well as maintain itself, you are forcing the body to retain waste and toxins,
which eventually lead to the malfunctioning of organs and cells (i.e. causing disease).

Loss of Body Heat

You lose body heat by not keeping warm enough, or your body struggles to cool down when you get too hot.

5. Removal of organs (by surgeons)

“A doctor is someone who still has his adenoids, tonsils and appendix.”
- H.L. Mencken
“The door to the doctor’s office aught to bear a surgeon general’s warning that routine physical examinations are
dangerous to your health.”
- R.S. Mendelsohn. M.D.

Every year millions of people get butchered like cattle, enduring great pain and damage, shelling out millions in
hard=earned money for surgeries they do not need. The only people who benefit from these unnecessary “medical”
procedures are the “medical” butchers who make exorbitant amounts of money for performing them. A report in
1995 by M & Robertson, Inc. concluded that 60% of all surgeries performed are medically unnecessary.

By attacking the body with a scalpel, by poisoning it with anesthetic when performing the op, and then removing an
organ, increases load on the body, and so now the body has less functionality and is now weaker. But seen from the
outside, it appears that the person is better, but all that has been achieved is that the symptom is now hidden once
again. The body, now with fewer organs to function with, is moved faster in the direction of more severe health
problems – so-called “disease”.

A typical example is the tonsils and lymph system. The lymph system is one of the main cleansing systems in the body.
Removing it, or parts of it, is absolute madness. Cancer and most illness is caused by clogging, loss of energy, toxemia,
all as a result of the body’s inability to clean itself.

There are no spare organs in your body. Women are ideal targets for these predators – scaring women into having
their breasts removed “in case” they get cancer.

Treating pregnancy as though it were a disease requiring radical surgery. Intervention rather than a gorgeous,
perfectly normal, natural event.

I have a friend who is a midwife. I asked her how many women had needed to be hospitalized while she was in
attendance. She told me 1%, and of those 1% all had given birth normally. But if a woman does not go to a midwife
and has her child in a private clinic / hospital, the caesarian rate jumps to 80%. Thereafter, women are forced to have
their babies butchered out (c section) and the cost jumps 1000% - from R5000 to R50 000. Now that is “business”!

Having all these “spare” organs removed creates repeat customers, for example, hysterectomies. After having
removed the uterus the digestive tract often falls down into the gap, causing more problems and creating more
opportunities to make more money out of these gullible victims. Over 75 000 US women yearly have hysterectomies
or rather are butchered in this way, and 2500 of them die during the op.
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Another example is coronary artery bypass surgeries. In 1994 it was estimated in the US that over 500 000 bypass
surgeries, at $44 000 each, had been performed. That is over a million Rand each at today’s values – over R500 000
000. Big business keeps the medical sect fat and happy.

“Surgery should be avoided… even if there is some short-term reduction in symptoms, as arteriosclerosis then
accelerates in arteries after they have been subjected to bypass or angioplasty, sometimes within four to six months.”
- Joel Fuhrman MD.

“The greater the intervention, the greater the benefits(for the doctors).”
- Mendelsohn M.D.

“Bypass surgery has lots of complications like heart attacks, strokes, bleeding, kidney failure, infections, brain damage,
intellectual impairment, memory loss and personality change.”
- Joel Fuhrman MD.

Compare this above to fasting and natural diet which rapidly reduces the load to the heart and strips the body of its
cardiovascular risk – which costs nothing.

Health or disease is a choice – you choose.

It may be hard to swallow that doctors are capable of operating out of greed for more money, but it is the
uncomfortable truth. Wisdom is realizing that each person has their own agenda. You need to ask what is in it for
them. How are they manipulating the “facts” to influence you to benefit them?

The economic incentives for doctors to operate on you are great. Surgeries make doctors a lot of money, at great
expense to your health and bank account.

You have to get rid of the mental image you have of the kindly, competent, trustworthy, caring doctor, and see your
doctor as he really is. During their medical education through the pharmaceutically controlled and funded universities,
doctors are taught how to make you believe that they are God. Some of them even begin to believe it themselves.

The effects of having your tonsils removed –

There is not a single organ in your body that is not vital in the functioning of the total organism – and the tonsils are
no different.

If you do not use an organ or muscle for a while, it starts to waste away (being re-absorbed). For example, look what
happens when you break a leg. After 6 weeks of being in a plaster cast, when you remove the cast you can immediately
see how shriveled your leg muscle has become.

The tonsils are organs of purification. They become inflamed and irritated when their owner, who is taking in large
quantities of toxic junk foods, overworks them. The removal of the tonsils cripples the body.

It is the equivalent of having your leg muscles removed after running the Comrade’s Marathon, merely because they
are hurting, swollen, inflamed and irritated. Logic dictates you should rest them. The same goes for the tonsils.
Tonsillitis means that the tonsils are irritated. Germs no more cause tonsillitis than flies cause garbage.

Two Italian doctors, the brothers I. & G. Calderoli, conducted a 30-year study into the effects of tonsillectomy. They
found that the removal of the tonsils greatly reduces the functional capacity of the body.

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The person who has been mutilated by having his vital organs of purification removed is found to be constantly tired.
His body cannot function properly when it constantly has to operate in a dirty environment. People with
malfunctioning kidneys know what this is like because the kidneys are also organs of elimination.

In 1952, England had to import hundreds of mine workers from Italy. Why? Some 60 % of the British youth were
without tonsils and consequently, were too tired for this kind of work. Italy, having the lowest percentages of
tonsillectomy in Europe, had men who were still virile and vigorous.

Tonsillectomy reduces vigor and vitality in its victims. Having your tonsils removed is the closest thing to castration
(sexual energy is excess energy).

When you have no energy your libido is generally low.

The famous Calderoli brothers proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that tonsils are so essential in the life of an
individual that their removal can have devastating effects and repercussions for the rest of that individual’s life.

Additional problems that result from their removal are:

¾ The body ages much faster when the cells operate in a dirty environment.
The person is more prone to other organ failure since now the rest of the organs must now work harder to
maintain normal function.
¾ Weight gain and bloating due to the body’s inability to cope with toxins; water retention to dilute the poisons.
¾ More prone to depression and negative outlook on life.
¾ Loss of income (missed opportunities) due to constant fatigue – not having the energy to do anything.
¾ Fewer offspring.
¾ More health problems such as mucous, lung irritations or abscesses, throat problems, T.B. and many more.
¾ The rest of the body must assume the additional burden of detoxification, which the absence of the tonsils
places upon it, often with disastrous results.
¾ To remove diseased organs is simply the removal of the most seriously stressed organ and is by no means
removing the input of toxic materials. It would be just as illogical to remove the kidneys if they became
overwhelmed in their purification tasks.
¾ There is a danger in anesthetization as a part of the operation.
¾ Tonsil operations are always immediately followed by shock and depression.
¾ There is always surgical shock and its effects are severe and long lasting.
¾ Ear abscesses frequently result.
¾ There is often damage done to the other structures of the throat.
¾ Disease occurs more frequently in those who have had tonsillectomies.
¾ Most tuberculosis occurs in those who have had tonsillectomies, even though only one third of our population
has had their tonsils removed.

All this, besides the dangers that are involved with any operation, results in a predictable number of deaths. Over 80
% of those who have had their tonsils removed have deformed and damaged throats as a result.

If your child’s tonsils are swollen, be smart and make a check on what he/she is putting into their mouth. Remove the
problem and the tonsils will not have to work so hard. They will then return to normal.

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6. The Wrong Instructions

“The subconscious mind (if given the instructions) can and does produce the symptoms of any ailment known to medical
science” Dr Shindler

If you want to walk you do not say to yourself: “Relax this muscle; tighten this muscle; breathe faster; increase your
heart rate” (and a million other instructions) in order to walk. All you do is have a thought and visualize yourself
walking at that speed, and your Body Manager (your goal-seeking mechanism) ensures the achievement of that goal.

Whatever you choose to give your attention to, your subconscious does its best to bring it about. It does not know
the difference between right and wrong, good or bad. Like a Manager, it simply acts upon achieving the instruction.

When children suffer from a lack of attention from their parents, they become aware that as soon as they are sick,
their parents give them attention. They start relating being sick with being loved and getting attention. This can lead
to being a hypochondriac later in life. Behavior, which is rewarded, is repeated. So, if you focus on disease, you will
attract disease.

The THREE mind-focusing tools are used to this end –

- I am always sick.
- I am an anxious person.
- I worry a lot.

The most important words you will ever hear are the ones you tell yourself!
You live up to your labels.
You don’t respond to reality – you respond to how you talk to yourself.

- What’s wrong with me?
- Why am I always sick?

The quality of your life depends on the quality of your questions.

- Picturing yourself sick.
- Visualizing yourself getting fatter.

These are powerful instructions to your Body Manager to achieve this.

If you choose to use these three mind-focusing tools to focus on disease, you will inevitably attract disease into your

Health or disease – it is a CHOICE!

Incorrect instructions to your subconscious / Body Manager

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Most of us have heard about the Placebo effect. For example, a well-respected authority figure hands a person a sugar
pill and tells him or her that this pill will sort out his or her health problem 100 %. The person believes and pictures
himself getting well, and so his subconscious creates that health.

Then we have the Nacebo effect. Once again a person goes to a doctor, complaining about a health problem. The
doctor tells the person that he cannot “cure” the problem and that statistically he only has a 3 % chance of survival.
The person believes it and once again, his subconscious follows the instructions and pulls the plug on his life.

Whatever instruction you give your Body Manager / Goal Seeking Mechanism (subconscious), it does not argue with
you, but simply follows the instructions given via your thought pattern.

Pain and pleasure

Why does the Meat Board use the words veal, or beef instead of carrion or corpses of dead cows? They are trying to
hide the fact that that is what it is. The number 1 killer of man is clogging via animal products.

Wisdom starts when we use the right words. By using the wrong words we are lying to ourselves. We must learn to
tell ourselves the truth by using the correct words. Put the pain and pleasure in the right place. Turn yourself off your
corpse addiction by calling it just that. Vegan food is real food. We need to reclaim our language in order to reclaim
our health and control over our lives.

Wrong instructions

Even as children at school, we knew this to be true – that your health depends on your thinking. I can still remember
playing the game where we would get 5 or 6 children to go up to another child and ask him /her if they were alright.

The first person would go up to the victim and say: “Are you alright, because you look a little sick?” They would
respond: “No, I feel fine.” They would go off to the bathroom and investigate why they looked “sick”. Then a short
while later, another would go up to the target and once again, would ask if he was alright. This time he would be
shocked that someone else has noticed. In his mind he starts to look for any signs of aches or pains, and what you
look for you will invariably find.

Then a short while later another would go up, and in a very concerned tone of voice and manner, express how worried
he is that the target looks so ill. By this time he is beginning to feel slightly ill and is concerned that someone else has
also noticed he is not well. He goes to the teacher and tells her that he is not feeling well. She gives him a disprin and
tells him to sit quietly in the corner. Then another friend goes across and asks why he is looking ill. By this stage he is
beginning to feel really sick and is beginning to wonder if he will make it to the end of the school day.

When finally the last friend approaches him to cover the same trick, he by now convinced that he is really sick and
goes up to the teacher again and asks to be taken home as he is really, really ill.

I can remember playing this game a number of times and it worked EVERYTIME! In essence, we were directing his
focus and influencing his beliefs. These are the only two things we have control over, and if you do not use them
yourself, someone else will use them to push their own agenda, like the pharmaceutical companies, the government
or religion – or all of them, and perhaps your friends, like we did.

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7. Parasites

Definition: People, animals or plants that live off another and give no useful returns. Amongst these are Tapeworm,
Trichina, doctors, as well as the drug companies, to name just a few.

Tapeworm eggs are found in the flesh of animals and when eaten, the tapeworm lives off their host, causing health

Man, biologically considered, is the most formidable of all parasites and indeed the only one who lives systematically
off his own kind.

We base our actions on a set of ideas/beliefs about the world and how it works. This “knowledge” comes from an
environment full of false or misleading information. The medical sect thrives on false “knowledge”, ignorance,
superstition, gullibility, as well as on weak (mentally and physically), and fearful people.

In order to increase their clientele, doctors and vested interests are very active in propagating this false “knowledge”.

“One third of what you eat keeps you alive; the other two thirds keep your doctor alive!”
- An inscription on a pyramid – 6 000 B.C.

“The greatest enemy to your health is the well-meaning physician (doctor) who starts the patient on powerful,
poisonous drugs.”
- Joel Fuhrman, M.D.

“Doctors are brainwashed in medical schools. All doctors are influenced to varying degrees by the dogma imposed on
them in medical school. You, the patient, always pay the costly and, sometimes, mortal price of seeking their services.”
- Robert S. Mendelsohn, M.D.

The role of scavengers and parasites in our world

In the animal kingdom, if an animal dies or it is culled, the scavengers appear almost from nowhere. The vultures and
the hyenas are there to clean up the dead and the weak.

The lion’s job is that of an inspector. He inspects the herds, and if he finds any weak animals (broken legs, born
deformed, or mentally weak) he finds them unfit to survive - killing them and living off them. A springbok
“pronks”(jumps up and down) to demonstrate its fitness to the predator. Lions provide an important service for the
herd. They prevent the proliferation of weak animals, and therefore prevent the species from degenerating and its
eventual extinction.

Let us have a look at the plant kingdom. One of the greatest agriculturalists who has ever lived, Sir Albert Howard said

“Pests are not the real and basic cause of sick plants, but only a symptom. The real and basic cause lies in unsuitable
varieties or crops grown improperly. The pests that eat and live off these sick plants are just sensors, pointing out crops
growing on infertile soil, crops improperly nourished, crops that are unfit to survive. The insects or other pests are
simply carrying out nature’s law that only the fittest shall survive. This implies that if your plants have serious pest
damage, the plants have ‘been inspected’ and found unfit to survive.”

Resistance to insects and disease is conferred by humus and minerals in the soil (plant food).

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Now let us look at the microcosm. Whatever happens in the microcosm happens in the macrocosm. Germs and
bacteria are also scavengers. Our world is filled with micro-organisms. If you look at a drop of water under a
microscope, it is teeming with them. If there is food and the conditions are right, they will be there. If you take poisons
(such as anti-biotics) that kill your cells, or fill your body with processed, chemicalized, denatured so-called ‘food’, or
break any of the health laws, the scavengers will be there to clean up the mess.

Germs or bacteria help us to digest our food. They help us keep our skin clear of dead skin cells. Women have a colony
of them in their vaginas. In fact, germs and bacteria are an integral part of every living cell. These useful organisms
are dormant until the cell has finished its life cycle, or is killed by a toxin. Then the germ springs into action, like a
vulture, to decompose the dead cell and help to eliminate it from the body.

The germs work largely symbiotically within the body. They are only part of the symptom. Just as in plants, the cause
is mainly incorrect feeding and an incorrect lifestyle.

Germs no more “cause” disease than flies “cause” garbage. Killing the germs still does not remove the garbage.
Disease is the body’s reaction to a toxic environment, and is not something to be fought. It is the incredible intelligence
of the body, while in a state of emergency, trying to maintain the highest functional standard under less than perfect
conditions. Therefore, by fighting the symptom (germs, pain, bumps, coughs, swelling, irritation) you are actually
fighting against the body.

The cause must be removed, in other words the “garbage”- poisons that caused the scavengers to flourish. But before
that can happen, the “garbage” between our ears must first be removed. The programming or
mis-education, misperception (junk in – junk out) created by the “mess media” and our compulsory mis-education
system are simply tools of the largest companies in the world – i.e. the drug companies, used to maintain power,
wealth and control .

The so-called “democracy” (Mock Democracy, old terminology – communism) is really a disguise, a “plutocracy” (a
government by the rich). Power is wielded by a small number of very rich men, who regard the acquisition of wealth
as their principal purpose in life, and who make laws to suit their own interests (not that of yours or the people’s).

Now let us look at man on our level. These Internationalists have, by their vast influence, filled our minds with pictures
of invading armies of “little beasties”. The fear of germs drives the sick into the arms of these “doctor parasites”. The
doctors “inspect” the population and live off the sick and the weak (both mental and physical). This includes those
who are gullible enough to believe that a “drug” (poisonous chemical) can be found that will set aside the law of cause
and effect, and therefore erases the natural consequences of their actions.

The people are programmed to believe, via the hypnotic television and the controlled media, that one can continually
violate all the laws of their being and that drugs (poisons) will restore them back to health.

These “parasites” do provide a service to humanity by eradicating the people that have been found unfit to survive -
people that are gullible enough to believe that you can poison yourself back to health. Due to their lack of energy and
funds (brought about by hospital bills and poisoning), they leave fewer offspring behind and so, ultimately, they will
die out. The doctors are living off the ignorant, the gullible and the weak.

People spend their whole lives building up a financial nest egg, and when they become sick the medical sect removes
it. People attempt to save themselves by handing over their wealth and try buying back their health. This cannot be
done! These ‘little gods’ (doctors) cannot reverse the consequences of your actions, or make you healthy while you
continue in the disease-causing lifestyle. The doctors inspect man and live off the people who believe in this lie.

There are really only two kinds of people in the world – “the eaters and the eaten”. You just have to make up your
mind in which group you are going to be. Health is a choice - learn how to choose it.

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8. Acidosis

No disease, including cancer, can exist in an alkaline environment.

- Dr Otto Warburg, 1931 Nobel prize winner for cancer discovery

Dr W.Tipper , MD, worked for 20 years in inland tropical Africa. “I rarely had a cancer case but when i took charge of
a coastal station where the conditions approximated western, first world civilization constipation was marked where
cold storage meat was abundant and cheap. I attended more and more cancer patients. Cancer is a slow process of
degeneration of the body’s chemistry (acidosis).”

High protein diet (which is acidic) has long been known to induce cancer, especially in the colon and rectum.

Cancerous tissues are acidic, whereas healthy tissues are alkaline. All normal cells have an absolute requirement for
oxygen, but cancer cells can live without oxygen. The root cause of cancer is oxygen deficiency which creates an acidic
state in the human body. Cancer cells live off sugar, which is extremely acidic.

Animal products and their solid fats at body temperature, line the blood vessels and prevent the cells from getting
sufficient oxygen. Meat is also acidic. The complete solution – stop eating corpses and start eating alkaline foods such
as vegetables and fruits to alkalize the body.

Professor Arnold Erret was one of the first pioneers to lead the way. He wrote a book called The Mucusless Diet,
where he pointed out how certain foods created mucus and the way to not get colds, hay fever and flu was not to eat
these foods.

What happens when you continue to eat predominantly acidic foods is that your whole body becomes acidic. The
body tries to clean itself to reduce the load. The liver is the first line of defence. It takes responsibility to prevent your
body from being too acidic and toxic. It uses alkaline minerals to do this before it enters the blood stream. If the ph
of your blood drops below 7.2 you die.

But this cannot continue. Eventually the liver begins to store the acidic toxins, but if this continues the liver will die.
So it allows some of the acidic toxins to enter the blood. The cells are the next line of defence. They begin to absorb
some of the acidic waste as they only die at around 3.5 ph. If you continue to eat or take in toxins, your body moves
the acidic waste towards your skin to be eliminated. The lymph system is also involved.

Your body uses the mucus membrane in your nose (a cold), your eyes (hay fever), back of your throat (asthma), lungs
(pneumonia), your skin (eczema); women have an extra mucus membrane in their vagina which is also used at time;
under your arms (sweat glands).

The storage of toxins in the tissues of the body is known as a toxic state, whereas no toxins are to be found in any
tissue at any time during health.

This elimination of acidic toxins is not through the normal channels of elimination, because this would require the
toxins to pass through the blood stream. This would then become acidic and you would die.

Most people think it is normal to feel stiff and have aches and pains, but this is, most of the time, a build up of acidic
waste in the system.

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Testing for acid or alkaline

Testing your saliva ph , or your urine, is not accurate as so many things affect it – your emotions, what you put in your
mouth the day before. As soon as you start to improve your diet or lifestyle your body will begin to throw off acidic

If you allow the waste to stay in your body it will cause a myriad of health problems – arthritis, aching muscles, colds,
flu, hay fever, - depending on the severity, even death.

The balance

It is all about a balance between acid and alkaline. Your body functions better in an alkaline environment. The problem
is that most of the foods we eat are not food but food-like substances, and these are all extremely acidic.

Ideally, to maintain this balance we should eat roughly 80% alkaline and 20% acidic. Unfortunately, from my
experience, most people eat 99% acidic and 1% alkaline. They will say something like “I am not a rabbit so I don’t eat
salads” or “I don’t like fruit”.

Some interesting information

Your heartbeat is altered by acid wastes. The heart is affected tremendously by alkalinity and acidity, as acidity steals
oxygen from the blood, affecting the heart.
The lungs primary job is keeping your body alkaline. When a person has been poisoned and their blood ph has dropped
or is dropping below 7.2, they start breathing as if their life depended on it, and it does.
The kidneys main function is to rid the body of acid wastes. If you have ever experienced kidney problems you will
know what it feels like for your body to be filled with acid waste.

The lymph system

It is also heavily involved in removing acid waste from the system. Not drinking enough water will slow down this

Hydrochloric acid

This is the only acid our body produces. It is essential for maintaining the acid alkaline balance. If your body does not
produce enough it has a major effect in this balance.

How natural food is made acidic

1. When food has been cooked, frozen or canned add 0.5 towards the acidic side;
2. When it has been grown with chemicals, processed with preservatives (code word for poisons) or preserved with
sugar add 1 towards the acidic side.


The sweeter, the fresher in the raw state the more alkaline it is.

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All fruits, except plums, blueberries, cranberries and prunes which are acid-forming, are alkaline-forming.


All vegetables are alkaline-forming. Asparagus is especially powerfully alkaline and is often used to eradicate cancer.
It rapidly helps people to detox.


Grains are all acid=forming except for millet. When grains are sprouted they become alkaline-forming.


Green beans and peas are alkaline-forming, all the rest are acid=forming but become alkaline when sprouted.


When soaked overnight in distilled water their acid reading is improved by 0, 5 but cooking or roasting reduces the
alkalinity by 1 and makes them harder to digest.
All nuts, except almonds and coconut, are acid-forming.


Most seeds are alkaline if sprouted, with the exception being sesame seeds. These are alkaline even when not
sprouted, otherwise seeds are acidic.

Meats and animal products

All are acid-forming, and when cooked, canned and so on, the processing makes them even more so. The only ones
that are ph neutral are butter and raw milk.


Most oils are neutral. Canola oil is not recommended as it is 100% GMO.

Sugars and artificial sweeteners

All are extremely acidic and artificial sweeteners are toxic and should never be taken unless you want to die a painful
death. The only sweetener that is alkaline forming is honey (raw and unheated).

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Juices, vegetable and fruit

Fresh and raw juices are extremely alkaline-forming. Everything else – wine, beer, coffee, fizzy drinks - are all acid-

Drugs, chemicals, tobacco

All are extremely acidic.

Soft drinks

Coca Cola and other soft drinks are loaded with toxins and are extremely acidic. Experiment – put a tooth in a glass of
coke and it will become soft and almost dissolved in less than a week.

Keith Darroll | 52


TOOL 1: Ten Principles of Health

1. Good health is normal. Many people think getting sick with arthritis, diabetes, high blood pressure and
circulation problems are normal. Having headaches, colds or flu is not normal. When you follow the basic
principles of health you live a long, active and healthy life right until the day you die. Colds, bronchitis, diarrhoea,
coughing, pimples (acute disease) are the means by which the body resists noxious influences (from within or
without). It is a modification of the normal process made by the exaggeration
of some functions and the shrinking of others designed to remove poisonous substances from the body and to
repair damages.

2. Symptoms of disease are the body’s efforts (reaction) to deal with the problem in a less than ideal situation.
The incredible intelligence that created you from two microscopic cells is still within you. It knows what to do –
how to repair itself, maintain, as well as deal with any problems. When you fight the symptom you are going
against the body

When you –

(a) Understand the principles and allow the body to do what it has to do.
(b) Remove the cause.
(c) Hoard your energy.
(d) Provide the conditions to clean itself.
(e) Provide the correct food – provide the body with its needs and better conditions.

3. There is no power on the outside (that has any substance) that can repair, clean or deal with problems (There
are no “cures” as the body is self-repairing). Once you have complied with the 5 points above, you need to trust
that it (i.e. the power within) will work at constantly raising your level of functionality and vitality. The power
within will never damage or destroy itself on purpose.

4. The normal elements of life are all that the body/the power within is ever capable of utilizing –

(a) Sunlight
(b) Fresh air
(c) Pure water
(d) Correct foods
(e) Correct conditions (warmth, love, security, fasting when necessary, etc.) Whether one is well or sick, only those
materials, influences and conditions that are good, useable and necessary in a state of health must be supplied
to the body in a state of sickness.
(f) Energy

5. Clogging, poisoning, deficiencies, and loss of energy, removal of organs, wrong beliefs, parasites and acidosis
are the basic causes of disease. Just because most people have been conditioned to believe that germs/viruses,
genetics and old age cause disease does not change the reality.

6. Anything poisonous and non-useable when taken in a state of health must also, and always be, poisonous and
non-useable when taken in a state of disease. You cannot poison yourself back to health. For example, mustard
gas was used to kill people in the First World War…and now it supposed to cure people of cancer.

7. Healing is a biological process; an extension of the normal body process that repairs, cleans and renews the body
on a daily basis in all individuals, using its own forces and means in a principled and orderly manner.

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8. Plant/fruit/nuts/seeds/sprouts are a human’s biological food group. The more you move away from it, the
sicker you become, and thus, the more you suffer. A plant-based diet is clearly superior.

9. The elements (needs) are used for the same purposes in the case of a sick person, as they are used in the case
of one who is healthy. Food, for example, is used to fill a need and not to “cure” a disease.

10. Undamaged (raw) food is better than damaged (cooked) foods, and the same goes that uncontaminated food
is better than foods that are contaminated with toxic chemicals (i.e. food additives, chemical sprays and

Humans are adapted to eating a low protein diet. In other words, we suffer the consequence of eating too much

Health is not something anyone can give to you, nor can you buy it from your local chemist. You definitely will not
have health if you have a “good” medical aid. Radiant health must be earned through knowledge, understanding,
awareness - then choosing the right thing over and over until it becomes a habit. Only then can one reap the
reward of a healthy body.

“The world and everything in it is governed by natural laws (principles) – not by opinion or beliefs.”
- Aristotle

“Get your principles right and the rest is a matter of detail.”

‰ Napoleon

We are living on this earth and in this universe, which are governed by principles and these principles affect us,
whether we know about them or not. We are part of this world just as a drop of water is part of the ocean. Just
because everyone at one stage thought disease was due to an invasion of the body by evil spirits (an invention by the
church to scare and control people) does not make it true. Today most people believe that disease is the invasion of
the body by germs and/or viruses (an invention propagated by the drug companies to scare people into taking their
toxic potions). Even today, people say that their supreme deity inflicted disease upon men, women and children, and
even causing death. For example, a child is vaccinated with pus, formaldehyde, heavy metals and other extremely
toxin substances. The child screams and cries for days, then dies. “It had nothing to do with the vaccine”; they say it
was “God’s will”.

There was no thought that man might bring disease upon himself and his children, due to his lack of awareness and
understanding of his violation of the natural principles/laws that govern his being.

This world is governed by the universal laws/principles of cause and effect. These principles are even inside us.
Everything that happens in our body or in our consciousness happens in accordance with it. We ourselves evolved
around these principles. These principles are everywhere and you cannot escape them. You violate them at your own

If we don’t die immediately, there is the possibility that we can learn from our mistakes. So through this temporary
defeat we can gain experience to improve our future.

When you obey and follow these principles you prosper and are rewarded with health, energy and abundance. When
you deviate from these principles, you become sick, you lose energy, have many unpleasant symptoms, lose income,
and have fewer children. If you are unaware of these principles and how they work or govern your being, you will
most probably rush off to the nearest “parasitic” doctor, who will poison you into temporary relief, as you continue
down this path of blaming germs, and looking for cures that don’t exist. You are actually following the path of oblivion
and the path to extinction. Ignorance of these principles is no excuse…you will pay! But if you become aware of these
principles, in time, before extensive damage, you will be rewarded. These principles will save you months, or even
years of pain and sickness. You will have more energy and vitality to enable you to enjoy your life.

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“We cannot succeed in this world, unless we obey her laws.”
- Francis Bacon

“Nothing can bring you inner peace, but the triumph of principles.”
- R.W. Emerson

When awareness of reality comes, the veil of ignorance is removed. As long as we perceive things falsely, our fake
perception distracts us and makes us fearful and miserable. When our false perception is corrected, misery also ends.
When our level of awareness of these principles is raised, we can live a less fearful way of living - with more joy, a
sense of power, control, love, happiness, energy, health, respect, freedom, abundance, less suffering and more
personal power to take action - the more action, the greater the satisfaction fulfilment and results.

These principles work virtually under all circumstances. The more you use them, the better they will work for you.

“Ignorance is the primary cause of all misery and vice.”

- Victor Cousin

“The only good is knowledge and the only evil is ignorance.”

- Socates 470 BC

“When a man falls from a ten storey building, he does not nullify the law of gravity, he illustrates it. The same is true
with the natural principles that govern man’s being.”
- Dr. Herbert Shelton

Power / Energy in reserve is the surest guarantee against disease.

Keith Darroll

“Science is knowledge of nature and the scientific method is that which studies the principles/laws of nature and
applies them to achieve results. These principles that govern life form a unique harmonious system and no man are
exempt from them.”
- Dr. Herbert Shelton

Because the body and its parts are inseparable, the body functions as a whole. If one organ is having a problem, it
indicates the whole body is having a problem. Health is derived from the various parts that function in harmony for
the good of the whole. The body influences the mind and the mind directs the body. Keith

“Disease is the result of accidental, ignorant or wilful violation of the laws of nature.”
- Dr. Herbert Shelton

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Tool 2: Rest & sleep
Studies have shown that during sleep deprivation the waste / toxins / acid builds up, disease begins to develop, cell
damage occurs throughout the body and especially the lungs, small intestine and the liver. During this time cells die
at a rate 5x faster than normal. The correct amount of sleep helps your body to repair any damage and remove waste.

Sleep deprivation can lead to a decreased pain tolerance, but getting in a few more hours of sleep each night is more
effective than the best pain killers / drugs at reducing the body’s sensitivity to pain.

People are more stressed out, working harder and sleeping less. This is leading to major problems.

Insufficient sleep also tends to make a person want to eat junk food, as it acts like ‘medication’, to temporarily distract
the attention of the body that is not feeling good. This leads to all sorts of other problems, such as weight gain and
waste build-up, leading on to ill health. Therefore, contrary to popular belief, more sleep helps you lose weight.

It is during periods of rest and sleep that the body repairs and cleans itself. It is during sleep that your body catches
up on the backlog, because during sleep the body uses less nerve energy and generates less waste. Your eyes are
closed, so the intake of information is cut off. You are lying down, so you stop using energy. Your body accumulates
energy and recharges its electrical system (i.e. nerve energy) while you are resting and asleep.

While you are moving around, working and living, you are creating waste faster than your body can deal with it. This
waste builds up and at some stage has to be eliminated. If you are not getting enough sleep and rest, you will start
getting symptoms of disease. It is essential to get enough sleep in order to maintain health.

While you are sleeping you are not eating, so you are also resting your digestive tract. During sleep, you are also
acquiring emotional and mental rest. It is during sleep that your body can concentrate all its energy to repairing and
cleaning itself. During sleep the body restocks its cells and organs with fuel.

Anyone who has had children will know that as the child gets closer to his sleep time, he becomes more irritable, cries
easily, gets upset easily and is less confident. On the other hand, when the child has just woken up, all the waste has
been cleaned out. Children are generally much happier, more confident and will want to explore further. (The internal
“dirt” was the difference in his mood and confidence)

When I have not had enough sleep I feel terrible. It feels as though I am dragging my entire body through the day.
Every bodily function suffers poor digestion and low energy, and that’s when we suffer. When we have been deprived
of sleep, we seek sleep more than anything else.

Eating just before you go to bed interferes with sleep too. The body has to direct its energy to digesting instead of
cleaning. A draft of fresh air enhances sleep. The night air is good for you.

The more toxic and damaged your food is (consisting of condiments, additives, preservatives, alcohol, micro waved,
and cooked) - the greater requirement for sleep. The more natural and correct the food intake, the less sleep is
required. While we are not eating (e.g. fasting) only 3 – 5 hours of sleep is required.

People who eat meat need massive amounts of sleep, and then still wake tired when they get up in the morning.
Overeating requires a great deal of energy to rid the body of excess food therefore again more sleep is needed. ”A full
stomach does not like to work”. More sleep is needed to produce more energy. Poor food combinations cause
problems, which result in poor sleep - resulting in a requirement of more sleep.

Tension, worry and stress increase the need for sleep, while also making it difficult to sleep.

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Napping also helps to refresh you and contributes to your health. It is a good investment to nap for about 30 minutes
during the day, because you will work more efficiently and effectively, and you will feel much better afterwards and
will be able to absorb more information.

Favourable conditions for sleep –

¾ We must feel sleepy and tired.

¾ Noise free.
¾ As dark as possible.
¾ Empty stomach.
¾ Establish a time and ritual before sleep.
¾ Feel safe.

Inability to Sleep

Your subconscious carries out any instruction you give it – whether good or bad for you. It is like a servant to you. If
you picture yourself struggling to go to sleep and being exhausted in the morning, your subconscious will do its best
to carry that out. Rather imagine what you do want – the end result – and talk to yourself in the right way, “I sleep
easily and deeply and I wake up refreshed.”

Follow the principles of sleep. If you are missing breathing for short periods (apnoea), fasting, healthy living as well as
mental rehearsal will return you to normal sleep.


Most people suffer from extremely low energy (exhaustion) and breaking the principles of their being (such as eating
meat, drinking alcohol, etc.). When they go to sleep their bodies let go completely and the palate blocks the airflow,
making noises as it moves with each breath. To stop, follow the suggestions above. Abnormal behaviour comes from
abnormal conditions.

Mock Sleep

Sleeping pills are extremely poisonous and harmful. They do not make you sleep. They force your body into a “state
of emergency” – a coma unconsciousness, which appears as sleep – in order to free up energy to deal with this folly.
Alcohol also has a similar effect.

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Facts & Effects of “sleeping” tablets – “MOCK SLEEP”
(By Dr. Herbert Shelton)

Real sleep is complete rest of body and mind.

Dreaming indicates imperfect rest and inability to sleep. It indicates some disturbing cause, some source of irritation
and worry, such as poisoning, indigestion, worry, fear or mental excitement, or wrong instructions to the subconscious.

Those who are most active will require most sleep. The sick require more sleep than the well. During the cold season
when the nights are longer, more sleep is also required.

During sleep there is greatly lessened production of waste and a great increase in the elimination of waste and renewal
and repair of tissue and energy.

Rest must be followed by effort. Human energy is not an inexhaustible quantity. It is only by a night of sleep that the
fatigued body becomes renewed.

Mock Sleep (drug induced narcosis– poison therapy)

In the state of poisoning, the body must devote its entire attention and almost all of its energies to resisting and
expelling the poison; otherwise it will die.
This is an exhausting process. It is followed by drowsiness, headaches, lassitude and weakness. No man needs sleep
like the man who has just awakened from a period of “mock sleep”.

So-called “sleep”-producing drugs are all virulent poisons. They do not produce sleep, but a coma, which is mistaken
for sleep. They actually induce sleeplessness. Death from an “overdose” of these drugs is of frequent occurrence.
To take a so-called “sleep” inducing drug is to invite disaster. No sane man can ever prescribe such poisons for his

During the early morning many people wake up with nightmares (terrible dreams). They are left feeling anxious
and, at times, with panic attacks. The reason being is that during this time your body goes through its maximum
detox, trying its best to reverse the consequence of your poor choices of junk, toxic food and “medication” taken
the previous day.

The cells and body age rapidly when they have to operate in a dirty environment. This happens when you have not
had enough sleep and when your body has not had enough time to clean itself out properly.

We also require more sleep from sexual activity. The act depletes nerve and muscle energy. Most men collapse into
an exhausted sleep after making love.

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High Water – High Energy Alkaline-forming Food

The first step is to put the high-octane food into your mouth to produce the energy you need for your body to operate.
Cleanse, repair and have plenty left, so you will want to jump up and enjoy life.

This tool will help you understand and raise your level of awareness as to what foods give you go.


Definition of Alkaline and Acid-forming Reactions

1. An alkaline-forming reaction refers to any chemical alteration in the body that produces an increased ability to
energize the system and leaves an alkaline residue in the urine.

2. An acid-forming reaction refers to any chemical alteration in the body that produces a decreased ability to
energize the system and leaves acid residue in the urine.

Whether a substance is alkaline or acid is determined by its pH (potential Hydrogen), which measures the number of
(OH- ) ions, which are negative and alkaline-forming, as opposed to the amount of Hydrogen (H+ ) ions that are positive
and acid-forming.

From an energy point of view, pH is the measurement of electrical resistance between negative and positive ions in
the body. So, from this perspective, alkaline and acid-forming reactions are purely electro-chemical. The body’s
electricity alters in exact proportion to the amount of alkaline and acid-forming chemicals present internally at any
one moment.

General rules

1. For any food that has been cooked, frozen or canned subtract 0.5.

2. For any food that is grown with chemicals, processed with preservatives, or prepared with sugar, subtract 1,0.

3. The fresher and sweeter the food tastes, the higher the alkalinity.

The body functions best between 7,0 and 8,0. If the pH in the cells drops below 7,0 we feel sick. The more acidic the
cells become, the sicker we are and feel. The cell can handle a lot more acidity and starts dying at about 3,5.
Meanwhile, the pH of the blood is very specific. Normal blood pH is 7,4. If it drops below 7,2 we die.

Our bodies produce acid as a by-product of normal metabolism. Our bodies do not manufacture alkalinity; therefore
we must supply it from an outside source to keep ourselves from becoming too acidic and dying. We get this alkalinity
from alkaline foods.

In a study, dogs were divided into 3 groups. The first two groups were fed on beef, tea and other acid residue-forming
foods. The third group was given just water. The first two groups of dogs died a long time before the third group,

Keith Darroll | 59

which were just given water. Just before they began to die, the third group was then fed on alkaline-forming foods.
Within a short time they were totally healthy and full of energy.

From this, the picture is becoming clear – the foods that give the body energy to operate…and the foods that sabotage
and steal from the existing resources of the body.

Another way our bodies become acidic is by what we breathe in or inject into ourselves. All drugs, whether called
vaccines or stimulants, are extremely acidic and poisonous.

Scurvy is a good example of how eating only acidic foods can lead to death. Thousands of British sailors died while
living on the standard Royal Navy diet:
- Rum (raw sugar), mutton, puddings with sugar, boiled biscuits with sugar, and jellies and jams.
- Supper consisted of barley, rice and currants, sago and wine. All acidic foods except the currants.
In 1740, 1 500 men left England in six ships. Four years later only 335 men returned on one ship; 1 165 (80 %)of the
men had died of scurvy (acidosis). As soon as alkaline food (limes and sprouts) was introduced into their diet, the
symptoms of scurvy disappeared. It is that simple – no bugs, viruses or angry gods!
It is estimated that 100 000 men died in the Royal Navy from taking in the wrong fuel into their bodies.

“Health is a choice learn how to choose it”

Keith Darroll | 60




Apples 5.5 – 6.0 Asparagus 6.5 Millet 4.5 Almonds 5 Alfalfa (sprouted) 6
Apricots 6.0 Beetroot 5.5 Barley 3 Coconut 5 Sesame 4.5
Bananas (ripe) 6.0 Broccoli 5.5 White rice 1.5 Brazil 3.5 Pumpkin 3
Cherries 5.0 Brussels sprouts 5 Brown rice 2.5 Cashews 3 Sunflower 3
Dates (dried) 7.0 Carrots 6 Buckwheat 2.5 Coconut(dried) 3.5
Figs 7.0 Cauliflower 5.5 Corn meal 3 Macadamia 3
Grapes 6.0 Celery n 6 Oats 2.5 Peanuts 2.5
Grapefruit 6.0 Sweet corn 5.5 Rye 3 Pecans 3.5
Guavas 6.0 Cucumbers 5 Wheat (whole) 2 Pistachios 3
Lemons 7.5 Lettuce 5.5 Wheat(bleached) 1
Melons (all) 7-7.5 Mushrooms 4.5 Bran 3
Nectarines 6 Onions 4.5 Bread 1.5
Oranges 5.5 Spring onions 5 Crackers 2
Papaya 7 Red peppers 5.5 Pastas 1
Peaches 5.5 Potatoes 5.5 Pastries 1
Pears 6 Pumpkin 5.5 Popcorn(salted) 2.5
Pineapples 6.5 Spinach 6
Raisins 6.5 Squash 5
Strawberries 5.5 Tomatoes 5
Turnips 5.5

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Olives 3.5 Beef 1 Butter 4
Plums 3.5 Chicken 1.5 Butter (salt/proc) 3
Prunes 3.5 Fish 2 Cheese 2.5 – 3.5
Lamb 1 Cows milk (raw) 4
Shrimps 2 Milk (homog./past) 3
Lobster 2 Eggs 2.5
Oysters 2
Pork 1
Turkey 1.5


Fruit juice (fresh) 6-7.5 Herbs 5 Cane 1 Olive 4.5
Vegetable juice 6-7 Salt 1.5 Artific. sweetener 0.5 Sunflower 4
Herbal teas 6 Vegetable salt 6 Fructose (processed) 2
Liquor (rum/gin) 0.5 Spices (curry, cloves) 3.5 Honey 3
Wine/Beer/Coffee 1-3 Vinegar (proc.) 1.5 Molasses (proc/sulph) 2
Carbon. soft drinks 1-3 Ketchup 2.5
Fruit juice (box&sw) 2 Mayonnaise(proc/sug) 2.5
Vinegar (apple/cider) 5

Keith Darroll | 62

Tool 4: Food Separation
Food separation frees up energy, prevents digestive problems and helps you slim down. It promotes the removal of
wastes via the normal channels – as a result skin problems clear up.

⇐ ⇐ ⇐ ⇐ ⇐ SEPARATE ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒

Nuts Lettuce / Spinach Carrots
Seeds Cabbage Pumpkin
*Dairy products Brussels spouts Green peas
*Corpses of animals Red/yellow peppers Potatoes
(meat) Cucumbers Sweet pot.
Celery / Broccoli Butternut
Green beans Avocados
Squash / Cauliflower Grains
Sprouts Rice / Millet
Beans Sweet corn
Peanuts* Wheat Prod


Tomatoes do not go with starches - the fruit acid prevents digestion
Eat fruit on its own on an empty stomach - then wait until it has left the stomach before eating other foods.

‰ Bananas & grapes do not go together. Melons (Eat alone)
‰ Sweet fruits should ideally not be eaten with other fruits.
‰ Dates, bananas, raisins, dried fruit. Fresh fruit juices.

Exceptions to Rules
Lettuce & celery combine well with anything except melons.
Nuts & seeds may be eaten with citrus fruits.

First in disease is the loss of energy and then the clogging of the elimination.

The body’s digestive system is designed to efficiently handle most real food eaten in good combination. Each food
type requires specific digestive enzymes for that food group, as well as varying digestive enzymes for their proper
breakdown and assimilation. Eating food out of proper combination will result in poor digestion; produce toxic by-
products and gas, not to mention that the nutritional benefit of the food (to various degrees) is lost.

The salient principles underlying food combining are –

• The digestive enzymes for the initial breakdown of protein in the stomach require an acid medium in order for
them to be activated.
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• Starchy foods (including fruit) require an alkaline medium for their digestive enzymes to function. Thus, when a
starchy food is consumed with a protein food, the digestive juices of each neutralize one another, and the
digestive enzymes are rendered inactive. This leads to a breakdown of these foods through rotting processes –
putrefaction for protein, and fermentation for carbohydrates.
• The digestive enzymes of non-starchy vegetables are active in either an acid or an alkaline medium. Protein foods
generally take longer to broken down. Non-starchy vegetables and the complex starch foods (i.e. potatoes and
grains) spend very little time in the stomach during digestion. Thus, if a protein food is eaten with a simple
carbohydrate, the fruit must stay in the stomach longer than necessary, and therefore will break down through
fermentation, and not digestion. This in turn will affect the digestion of the protein food in a negative way. Fruit
sugars very quickly turn to toxic alcohol.

Compatible eating is especially effective in gradually reducing weight without even trying to do so, without feeling
hungry and without dieting.

The best breakfast is either fruit or nothing!

After years of informing people to cut down on carbohydrates (like sugar) and eat a high fat diet, there has been a
total turn-around. Rather avoid animal products and eat fruit and vegetables.

Dr. Hay told his patients to quit meat, eggs and fish, and to eat baked potatoes, including all desired fruit. A cure
would result as long as no grave organic change has taken place.

When proteins are incompletely broken down and imperfectly digested, they split up into large protein molecules(that
are toxic) instead of into amino acids. Some of them, known as histamines, which are a toxic protein and are
responsible for many common allergies – hay fever, asthma, eczema, migraines and urticaria.

When food separation was introduced, many people lost their symptoms entirely. Large quantities of bread and butter
are especially bad for asthma sufferers.

Skin diseases
All skin problems cleared up after food separation was instituted.
Dr. Hay said, “Treat all skin eruptions as external evidences of internal intoxication.”
These problems arise from fermentation and putrefaction of incompletely digested carbohydrates – sugar and white
flour foods which are also very acidic.

The Common Cold

Dr. Hay said that no progress would ever be made until the germ theory was dropped. Every cold is merely an
expression of the body’s effort to “clean house”. Feed a cold and you will end up having to starve a fever.

Every cause of headaches marks a toxic state. A migraine attack is nature’s effort to unload these toxins in order for
the body to be restored to a less toxic state and to improve its function, hence the loss of appetite.

Even domestic pets, such as dogs, benefit from food separation.

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Clear Thinking
This depends on the right foods and the correct combination.
The negative outcomes of miscombined foods are – depression, suicide, hyperactivity, as well as mental problems.
The rise in sugar consumption has exactly paralleled the rise in violent crimes.

Asthma, as well as every other health problem, will clear up when you use food separation, because it frees up energy
and stops the self-poisoning of putrefaction and fermentation.

Tool 5: Mono-eating
We, as human beings, developed on the face of this earth eating very simple foods. The fact that we are predominantly
hairless means we developed in the warm tropics, where our foods are fruit. Just imagine Man in small groups,
wandering along and coming across a few banana trees, and eating until they were full, then playing around and
moving on.

Our bodies developed by eating one thing at a time over about 60 million years. In order to work with your body, you
should simplify your eating as much as possible. When you do this you will free up a tremendous amount of energy.
For example, if you are eating a banana and you are still hungry, eat another one; and if you are still hungry, have
another one, and so on, until you are full.

Tool 6: Resting the Digestive System & Body

Eating takes a tremendous amount of energy. It is good to rest your digestive system, especially when your body has
a problem repairing or cleaning out waste.

How do you rest your digestive system? - By simply skipping a meal or two. The average person can live at least a
month without food; many others have been said to survive for three months without food

The benefits –

‰ Relieves inflammation (waste / poison causes inflammation - when you stop eating the body can use that extra
energy to rapidly clean itself).
‰ Assists with relieving pain.
‰ Provides the best conditions for the body to heal and repair itself.
‰ It gives the vital organs a complete rest.
‰ Stops the fermentation and putrefaction, because you have cut off the fuel and therefore, also stopped the self-
‰ Allow the organs of elimination to catch up on the backlog, to clean out and to be more effective in their ability
to clean.
‰ Promotes the normalization of body chemistry.
‰ Restores the youthful conditions of the cells.
‰ Permits the temporary redirection of energy to where it is most needed.
‰ Increases the power of digestion and therefore, increasing strength and energy.
‰ Clears and strengthens the mind.
‰ Improves functioning throughout the body.

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Tool 7: Eat the Right Foods First
When you wake up in the morning, start the day with the right foods (i.e. foods that are high octane fuel) – FRUIT. In
that way you set the tone for the day. This is very important because of the length of time each food takes to digest.
Fruits are the fastest, then salads followed by vegetables, starches and then proteins. If the slow or hard to digest
foods are eaten first, digestive problems are created.

Have you noticed that when you have a large meal of incorrectly combined food, such as Christmas lunch, you feel
sleepy and tired afterwards? But when you eat fruit, you find that it is so easy to digest and therefore, you do not feel
sleepy. Fruit is 90 % efficient for the human body, meaning it takes only 10 % of the energy available from the fruit to
digest and process it.

If you are going to have a cooked meal, eat a large salad 30 minutes or an hour before the time. So fill up on the right

When you go shopping

Make a list of the right foods you want, and only carry the right amount of money with you. Stock up only on the right
foods in your house.

If you want to put yourself off junk food, overdo it and remember the discomfort and the pain you feel afterwards
(the real effect of the substance).

Tool 8: Correct mind instructions

Bruce Lipton stated that 98% of all illness is environmental, while a mere 2% of disease can be traced to genetic
predisposition, whereas the chemistry within the body is far reaching. The main key to disease or health is in the mind.

Our beliefs and focus, control over our thoughts and emotions all run the chemistry show within our bodies. When
we run little “horror movies” in our minds and become fearful, bio chemicals flood the system with messages of illness
and shutting down of normal function. Our subconscious does its best to bring about what we have ordered.
Napoleon said that it is imagination (beliefs) that rule this world. That is why children are brainwashed in schools from
an early age to believe in germs and viruses, attacking entities that we must be petrified of.

Placebo effect

So we can change our biology simply by what we believe to be true. The placebo effect is dismissed by the medical
sect as it does not make them any money, give them power and does not create repeat clients when their toxic drugs
damage our bodies and we end up in hospital.

The surgeons in the medical sect believe that there is no placebo effect in surgery but they are wrong. Take this classic
study for example: the patients were divided into 3 groups.

The surgeons shaved the damaged cartilage in the knees of one group. For the second group they flushed out the
knee joint, removing all of the material believed to be causing inflammation. Both of these processes are the standard
surgeries people go through who have severely arthritic knees. The third group received a “fake” surgery; the patients
were only sedated and tricked into believing that they had actually had knee surgery. The surgeons made incisions
and splashed salt water on the knee as they would normally do during surgery, then sewed up the cut. All three groups
went through the same rehab process. The results were astonishing. The placebo group improved just as much as
the other two groups who had gone through surgery.

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The surgeon who was involved in the study, Dr Moseley stated: “My skill as a surgeon had no benefits on these
patients. The entire benefit was the placebo effect.”

In another study on depression, Prof. Irving Hirsch found that 80% of the effect of antidepressants was attributed to
the placebo effect.
So what does this mean? Your beliefs and focus create your thoughts, feelings and emotions, which are directly
responsible for changing your biology. We have been brainwashed into believing that we need something outside of
ourselves to heal when, in fact, that is not true.

Weight and stress

One of the causes of cellulite is increased levels of stress hormones, especially cortisol. Stress is caused by focussing
on what you don’t want, running horror movies through your mind. Rather than focussing on what you do want,
calming yourself down with self-talk and the other focussing tools - walking in nature while barefoot, getting sunshine
on your skin and realizing that there is no stress. We create it by our beliefs and focus.

For example, one day my mouth started to swell up. It was on a Saturday morning and I was scheduled to give a talk
to a large group of people on the Monday. I had experienced this previously, a few years before, and it had taken
about 8 days for the swelling to go down. I realized that i had to come up with a plan as I could not talk with my whole
face swollen up.

I realized that it was some pus at the root of one of my teeth, causing the inflammation and swelling. The dentist was
not available until Tuesday and there would be no time anyway. So I decided to tell my body what to do, using

I know that the body can create a hole or channel to the surface to get rid of waste. I needed to turn the instructions
into pictures and so I pictured a little volcano forming on the gum, swelling up and then erupting and expelling all the

So I took myself down into the Alpha state and gave the instructions a few times, imagining the pimple volcano coming
up, bursting and expelling all the waste coming out. Once that was finished I visualized the swelling going down and
seeing myself healed and happy once again.

I brought myself out and carried on working in the garden. About 30 minutes later I felt with my tongue that there
was a lump forming in the area of the swelling. I went into the bathroom to have a look in the mirror. As I opened my
mouth the pus actually spurted out onto the mirror! I had never heard or experienced anything like this before. I ran
down the passage to show my wife and as I opened my mouth it spurted out again. She was so surprised! I told her
what I had done and she could not believe it. Within another 30 minutes the pain and swelling had subsided. This
was one of the most incredible realizations in my life that I had the power to tell my body what to do. Whenever I
used to tell anyone about it for years afterwards I used to get goose bumps.

The next part of the story is just as amazing. A few months later a friend of mine from another part of the country
phoned me. He told me that his mouth was swollen. He had not heard about my experience but trusted me. He said
that if anyone could help him I was the one. I already knew that he did not believe in hypnosis (he had told me a year
or so earlier) so I told him how to relax himself and then what he needed to do, without using the word ‘hypnosis’. He
phoned me about a month later, relating to me the incredible experience he had had, almost identical to mine. His
sister is a doctor and when he told her she refused to believe him.

We have far more control and power than we have been conditioned to believe. It is in the interest of the medical
sect to keep us powerless and turn us into sheep, in order to live off us. When we are filled with fears, superstition
and ignorance, the bounty that they harvest from us is plentiful.
Take back your power – health is a choice ... learn how to choose it!

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1. Fresh Air
Air is a normal need of life and breathing is nature’s way of supplying our bodies with air. Breathing is the most
automatic and unconscious of all our bodily functions. We can go for weeks, even months, without food and days
without water, but going for only a few minutes without air results in death.

Women in Iceland wrap their babies up warmly in their prams outside in the icy cold air. Fresh air is the opposite of
stale air. Stale air is air that has been breathed out and expelled (the oxygen has been taken out and the body releases
the waste carbon dioxide along with other waste gases). If you put your head in a plastic bag, sealed it around your
neck and breathed in the stale air constantly, you would also not live long.

Most people do not realize how important it is to breath in fresh air, and not air polluted by tobacco smoke, exhaust
fumes, aerosol sprays, amongst many other contaminants.

Your lungs are one of the biggest organs of elimination. When the quality of your food, air and lifestyle is improved
your body begins a ‘house cleaning’ to raise your level of vitality.

Our brains and bodies require large amounts of oxygen all the time. Improve the quality of the air you breathe in,
increase the use of your lungs and your health will improve. Cancer cells thrive in an anaerobic environment, where
the oxygen supply is poor.

2. Pure Water
Pure water consists only of Hydrogen and Oxygen.
Any contamination causes problems. Pure water is the only kind of water the body needs to function (for the blood
and the lymph).

Humans need distilled water (rain water) to function.

Minerals that have been through the plant process are “alive” (organic) and are useable to the body. Minerals that
have not gone through the plant process are “dead” (inorganic). Microscopic amounts – such as one part per million,
can cause major health problems, and can even kill you.
Scientists can’t tell the difference between the two – alive or dead – but seen by the way it affects us, there is a major
difference between the minerals in the soil and the ones in our body.

The liver has no selective ability to determine whether any item, which comes into contact with it, is “alive” or “dead”,
or whether it is constructive or destructive.

Water that has come into contact with the soil (earth) is full of minerals, which are “dead” - toxic as well as unusable.
What happens to the “dead” minerals in the water? Your cells need food that they can swallow (use) without choking
or poisoning themselves. These “dead” minerals that have contaminated the water cannot be used, and therefore,
interfere with the cells’ function.

Drinking distilled water helps to remove these “dead” minerals. Distilled water is water that has gone from a liquid
into a gas / vapour. During this process it leaves all the impurities behind. It is then condensed and then turns back
into water that is pure. Distillation is the most effective way to purify water, leaving it odourless, colourless and tasting
pure and refreshing.

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The other source of water comes from fresh vegetables and fruit. These also provide the body with distilled water
and quality food, as well as usable minerals and enzymes. If you eat the correct food (i.e. high water content food
such as fruits) you do not have to drink water from the tap - which contains “dead” minerals such as lime, and calcium
– to be deposited in the blood vessels and joints in your body, making you stiff and old before your time.

The other advantages of eating the correct foods (i.e. fruit, salads and vegetables, which are high in water content)
you will be able to avoid the intake of extremely toxic substances such as chlorine, heavy metals (magnesium and
aluminium) and fluoride.

Tap water is often contaminated with heavy metals, pesticides and other toxic chemicals that have been washed off
the farmland and into our rivers. Some municipalities compound the problem by adding in other chemicals
deliberately, such as fluoride, chlorine and other toxins, to “purify” the water. If a terrorist did this they would be sent
to jail for attempted murder, but nothing happens to the government.

Bottled water

A lot of bottled water is just tap water in bottles. I once went to a bottled water supplier. There was no-one in the
front office so i walked around to the bottling section and, to my horror, there they were filling the bottles with tap
water! When i confronted the manager he said: “So what!”

The bottled water is more toxic than tap water. The reason being is that the plastic bottle leaches thousands of
chemical into the water, one being BPA (bisphenol-A), which upsets your hormones and endocrine system. It lowers
testosterone in men and reduces your sperm count, and can even make you completely sterile.

If we do not learn from history we will be doomed to repeat it. During the Roman Empire, people were drinking out
of lead cups, which made them sick and sterile. Historians claim that this is one of the reasons that the empire
collapsed, as the Europeans had fewer children and got weaker and weaker. This being one of the reasons why they
imported immigrants to do the work and fighting their wars – the rest is history!

BPA is deadly to the developing brains of babies in utero, because it mimics the action of oestrogen. This affects the
central nervous system, causes developmental problems, disrupts the endocrine system which affects behaviour,
weight, causes reproductive problems and more, such as type 1 diabetes, Downs syndrome and autism.

The pharmaceutical industry does not create cures, they create customers. If there were no sick people, there is no
sick industry.

Medical science has made such tremendous progress that there is hardly a healthy human left. -
Aldous Huxley

Learn to discriminate, learn to question, learn to protect yourself. Health is a choice..... learn how to choose it!

Water is so important

Our bodies are constantly generating waste from the billions of old, dead and dying cells that get used up and die
every day. Water is used to transport this waste to the lymph system and organs of elimination, to be removed. Saliva
is almost all water. Your food would not be digested as digestive juices are almost all water. Our body is over 70%
water. The fluid between the joints is 90% water.

When we breathe we lose lots of water. Water is used to cool us down and so many other functions. If we do not get
enough water each day, it dramatically affects our ability to function. Our body cannot clean itself via the urine,
perspiration and lymph system

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We cannot live longer than 15 days without water. Quality water is imperative for our health and survival.

If you want health, you need to choose the right water in the right quantity.

The Devastating Effects of Fluoride

Fluoride, even in massive dilution of water (like one part per million), is extremely damaging and toxic. Fluoride is used
as a pesticide - how can it be good for you or your teeth?

Some of the effects of fluoride result in tumours, cancer, chalking of teeth and bones, premature aging, wrinkling skin,
damaged arteries and arthritis. It attacks the “glue”(collagen) that holds your cells together - which causes you to
literally fall apart.

Poisoned By an Idea

“Imagination (ideas) rules the world” - Napoleon

That adding fluoride to our drinking water can prevent tooth decay is just an idea - it is not reality. It, in fact, does
exactly the opposite. It makes your teeth and bones of your whole body chalky (fall apart). It is 15 times more toxic
than arsenic and therefore slowly kills the whole body. It is propaganda, produced by the chemical companies who
want to sell their toxic waste by-product for a profit, and not to have to pay massive amounts of money to have it
safely disposed of. We now pay to have our out-of-control, dictatorial, communist governments put it in our drinking
water - forced “medication” (so much for our patient rights - the right to refuse medication, the right to participate in
decision making, the right to informed consent, the right to choice of health service).
Due to our having been made to believe that fluoride is good for our teeth (also by brushing with fluoride toothpaste),
the thugs in the government love fluoride because it makes the people docile and reduces dissent and the I.Q. of the
population. If a child were to swallow a tube of fluoride toothpaste, it would kill him.

Summary of the benefits to phosphate mining industry/chemical companies and the communist governments
1.Huge profits for selling toxic waste to the municipalities.
2.Save massive amounts of money from having to dispose of the toxic waste.
3.It is a big money creator for a number of other industries.
*The dentists (from all the teeth collapsing).
*The chemical companies that supply the mercury filling and all the other chemicals, tools and everything
else the dentist needs (like false teeth etc).
*The medical sect benefits big time from all the people getting sick.
*The hospitals, the chemical companies - from supplying more drugs to those sick people, the doctors, the list goes
on and on……..
4.The big, out-of-control, dictatorial, communist government also benefits tremendously. It makes lots of money out
of all the taxes from these industries. The various department heads of the government also make personal gains in
huge bribes and pay outs to override the obvious criminal act of blatant poisoning of the water and the population.
The other benefits to the communist government are that fluoride has a calming effect on the population and reduces
resistance of the people while they are being raped.
Fluoride has also been proved to reduce brain function and IQ in the population, especially in the first world nations.
This is good for those in control because communism, in a nutshell, is a taking away the wealth, power and control
from the people through various tools and methods (one of which is arrested development).
History has also shown that the Kings and church worked to keep the people obedient to their wills.
Tyranny and ignorance were welcomed, while freedom and education were distasteful to those in authority. We see
it in the burning of the witches (witch coming from the word Wicca, meaning “wise one”).We see it in the Bible how
God was angry because Adam and Eve dared eat from the tree of knowledge. The priest constantly cautions the people

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not to think for themselves but to just believe. Knowledge was sinful and ignorance was a virtue. Those who resisted
where labelled infidels or heretics and were excommunicated or burned at the stake.
The church controlled the “sheeple” through fear; fear of offending the god or gods, fear of being rejected by the herd,
fear for their lives - being burned at the stake, fear of the unknown.

Nothing has changed, only the face of the slave masters. The people in power do not want thinking, questioning,
knowledgeable, intelligent people who are emotionally and physically healthy. People that are in control of their lives
would be difficult to control and use.

Communism is well known for it’s mass murders of the intelligencia. At least 135 million people have died since the
beginning, when the Jew Karl Marx wrote Das Kapital, the philosophy of the communist killing and destruction
machine. For example, when they took over Poland the communists rounded up all the army officers and leaders and
marched them into the Katyn Forest where they shot them like rabid dogs - 27000 of them. Of course they blamed it
on the “evil” Nazis, and even had a few Germans executed for that crime - to hide their own mass murder. The same
tools of the church are used now on a larger scale, using the mass media to scare anyone who resists by labelling them
anti-Semitic, separatists, extremists, racists - making them out to be politically incorrect and held up for public censure.
“Equality” is the club used to beat everyone into submission - fear of being rejected once again from the herd.

So now you can see why they are poisoning the water - to “dumb down” the population and make them docile.

Health is a choice choose it if you dare.

Fluoride For Rapid Ageing

The people (including young girls and women) from a village in Kizileaaern, Turkey, all have brown teeth. Thirty-year
old men and women walk with hunched up shoulders and backs, painfully dragging themselves around, leaning on
sticks to support themselves. These men and women are wrinkled and look old. Women constantly give birth to dead
babies, or have miscarriages after only a few months.

After investigation, researchers discovered why these people were suffering. The underground water they were
drinking contained fluoride, which had 5,4 parts per million.

In other parts of the world, such as India, similar problems were also experienced.

Other symptoms of fluoride poisoning include skin eruptions, dermatitis, eczema, urticaria, gastric distress, diarrhoea,
headaches, brittle bones, damaged teeth, abnormal bone growth, nausea, vomiting, sinusitis, lethargy, stiffness, lack
of co-ordination, incoherent drowsiness, forgetfulness, acne, genetic damage, birth defects, lethargy and depression.
Fluoride toothpaste generally contains a 1 000 parts per million fluoride. There is no safe level of fluoride; even minute
amounts cause massive health problems.

“Fluoride is 15 times more poisonous than arsenic and is routinely used as a rodenticide and insecticide. Fluoride
causes more human cancer deaths, and causes it faster, than any other chemical.”
- Deon Burk, Chief Chemist
“Health is a choice learn how to choose it”

Choose high water content foods, then you will not be thirsty, and be forced to drink water and tea contaminated with
“dead” minerals - fluoride, chlorine and other toxic chemicals.

Judge Flaherty in the U.S.A. pointed out that he was “compellingly convinced” of the adverse effects of fluoridation.
So he ordered a halt to prevent the Government putting it in the water, as it is a public health hazard.

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In 1976 Dr. Ali Mohammed from the University of Missouri reported that as little as one part per million of fluoride
added to the drinking water of his experimental animals produced genetic damage.

Scientific evidence has progressed to the point where it can be proven in the court of law that fluoride is an absolute
poison. It has also been proven in the U.S.A. that fluoridation accounts for more than 30 000 deaths a year. This is just
the tip of the iceberg.

Fluoridation brings in huge amounts of money for the chemical companies. Manufacturers of aluminium had a waste
problem – sodium fluoride - which represented a serious disposal problem. It could not be dumped on the ground,
because it poisoned vegetation and animals, as well as humans. It was costing them huge amounts to get rid of it, and
so they saw this as a unique opportunity to sell it to the municipalities to use in public drinking water. These multi-
national companies have big budgets to pump out skewed studies and masses of propaganda, claiming that fluoride
is safe and good for preventing tooth decay. They quote institutions that are controlled and funded by them to support
their “theory”.

“Where there is no sickness, the sickness treaters cannot exist.”

Dr. Herbert Shelton

In other words, if there is no sickness, CREATE it then – by poisoning the population through their water!(how

The drug companies said that Thalidomide was safe. We have thousands of children damaged as a result of this
Thalidomide. Over and again we are told that this drug or chemical is safe only to discover the opposite after many
people have been negatively affected by it. Do these drug companies admit they have made a grave mistake? They
knew all along how toxic the substance was - they just did not care. We know all their products are toxic, including
fluoride. No one is poison deficient.

3. Full Spectrum Sunlight

As man’s environment has become more industrialized, he spends less and less time outdoors in the natural sun. More
and more time is spent under artificial light and behind glass windows (whether it’s in his car or in his house, or even
windowless buildings). The type of wavelength of light and energy entering the eye has changed a huge amount from
natural sunlight.

Light has huge effects on human health. Ordinary glasses, windows of homes and cars’ windows screen out most of
the ultra-violet light, and this has a very negative effect on our health.

John Ott discovered in his research that mielies grew much more normally under plastic than they did under glass.
Glass prevents the passage of over 99 % of certain spectrums of natural light, namely ultra-violet, whereas plastic
allows it to pass through.

It has been found that controlling slight variations in colour or wavelength can bring either male of female flowers

Many people think that they are “saving the planet” by using fluorescent “energy-saving” bulbs. These bulbs contain
mercury and if broken indoors and the vapour breathed in, can cause major health issues such as seizures, fatigue,
inability to concentrate and more permanent types of brain damage. They also emit radiation. If you want to save
electricity, rather use LEDs.

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The Light Spectrum

The ordinary light bulb (incandescent) light contains virtually no ultraviolet and is lacking in the blue end of the
spectrum. The fluorescent light can be changed to emit different types of light – for example cool, white or daylight.

It was discovered by John Ott that if ultraviolet light is prevented from reaching the apple tree, the apples do not ripen.
The length of light and dark periods also has a tremendous effect on fish and when they would produce eggs. The
colour of light also affected the sex of the fish that are born.

Changing the colour of the light under which their mothers live can alter the sex of mammals at birth. The amount of
light that enters the eyes of chickens stimulates various glands, which then stimulate egg production.

John Ott’s arthritis was getting worse. By chance he broke his glasses, and while they were in for repairs, he spent
more time in the sun. The first thing he noticed was that he no longer needed a cane. His arthritis got better and his
eyesight improved tremendously.

Light energy affects the basic body chemistry. The body also has more energy to deal with problems when you are
exposed to natural sunlight.

It is interesting to note that one of the most severe punishments used is to place a person alone in a dark cell with no

Mice that were kept in a room under pink fluorescent light got cancer much sooner than the controlled mice; they
also only produced very small litters of offspring.

Light entering the eyes affects the hormonal release in your body. This also affects your fertility as well as causes many
other health problems if you don’t get enough full spectrum light.

It is clear that if you do not expose your skin to the sun for long periods of time, various health problems occur.

When office blocks have their ordinary fluorescent lights replaced with full spectrum lighting, there is a noticeable
increase in productivity – Everyone is happier and in better spirits.

One radio station replaced all the bulbs with a deep pink colour. After two months they began to have personal
problems. Everyone became irritable; but as soon as the pink lights were replaced, within a week, the staff was back
to their normal behaviour.

Minks that were exposed to a deep pink light also became aggressive and difficult to manage. Once the light was
changed to blue they became friendly and docile.

The Eskimos get sick when they haven’t been exposed to sunlight for long periods of time. Weak, ailing, depressed
and anaemic people are also sun-starved. In fact, many people are sick due to not filling the need of sunshine.


There are so many benefits of sunlight that it would be difficult to list them all. Man and the sun are so intimately
connected that it is like an umbilical cord.

Just some of the benefits of a small amount of sunlight each day –

• Reduces depression and anxiety.
• Increases energy levels.
• Studies claim that it helps prevent and reverses cancer along with other steps.

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• Reduces pain.
• Reduces weight.
• Helps with digestion.
• Helps to strengthen your muscles.
• Reduces cavities in the teeth.
• Strengthens bones.
• Reduces sleepiness, sleep disturbances and inflammation in the body.
• Regulates blood pressure.
• Improves skin health.
• Improves fertility.
• Boosts testosterone, and therefore your sex drive.
• Increases calcium absorption.
• Women are most fertile near the end of the summer season.
The list goes on and on, and i am sure we will never find them all.

We are just surrounded by a never-ending barrage of warnings to avoid sun exposure. You need to be sensible and
not allow the sun to burn you. Sun block creams are very bad and prevent production of Vit D. These products have
also been indicated as cancer causing. Whenever possible, allow a little sun exposure - approximately 10 minutes (this
amount varies from person to person) to shine on your skin. Sunlight is essential for our health.

4. Correct Food
We do not have fur, and we have very little hair. So it is clear that Man developed on the face of the Earth in warm,
tropical regions, where we did not need a protective fur. The type of food in these regions is fruit. Fruit is so easily
digested and assimilated by Man that they say it is pre-digested, and it also happens to be 90 % efficient. Fruit only
uses +- 10 % of its calories to digest/process it. The remaining 90 % is usable for us to enjoy life and have the energy
to take action.

The reason we eat food is to gain energy. Glucose is our main fuel. Fruit is high in glucose and thus, has plenty of

Because we are very protein efficient, humans are designed to eat a low protein plant-based diet. Fruit, vegetables,
salads, sprouts, nuts and seeds have a more than adequate supply of protein.
Examples are: All fruit, vegetables (carrots, squash, potatoes, peas, cabbage, peppers, sprouts, and cauliflower) and
nuts (except for peanuts, as they are difficult to digest).

Every animal, including Man, is designed to eat a specific fuel. If you eat the right fuel/food your body will function
correctly. The correct fuel provides energy and life for the body, and therefore, will not clog up the system.

There are a number of factors that indicate what the correct foods are –

i. The food must look good.

ii. It must smell good.

iii. It must taste good.

iv. An entire meal can be prepared from it.

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v. It must be a whole food, in other words, have everything with it necessary for the body to process and
assimilate it.

vi. It must be able to be eaten without having to be processed.

vii. It must come from the Plant Kingdom.

viii. An entire meal from just that one substance / food. Your first line of defence is your (a) eyes [sight], (b) nose
[smell] and then your (c) tongue [taste].

If something is poisonous it is usually very bitter and you will spit it out. The problem today is that the food
manufacturers understand this and therefore have ways to hide it. An example is Theo bromide - which is extremely
bitter and poisonous, and this is found in chocolate. The bitterness is hidden by the sugar, and it is this poison that
gives the chocolate its addictive qualities. Chocolate is the food manufacturer’s ‘dream food’, because we humans
have sweet cravings; yet this does not satisfy our cravings. This is a typical “non-food” – a refined substance that is
very harmful to us. Besides the poison in it, it also upsets the acid and alkaline balance of the body. The body has to
use its own minerals, such as calcium, to bring the body back to the correct alkalinity - otherwise it can cause death.

These “non-foods” are processed, partial fragmented or incomplete foods. Correct food is complete foods as the
way Nature provided. These are complete (i.e. whole) packages containing all that is needed for the body to process
and assimilate the nutrients in that food in order to create health and energy for life.

Once Man begins to do anything to the food, it starts to create problems and then loses nutrients and quality as a
food, becoming only part of the whole. The more that is done to the food, the less complete it becomes.

Some common “non-foods” are sweets, chocolates, cool drinks, biscuits and breads/refined flour.

The basic qualities of correct food must have –

1) Energy
2) Low Protein
3) Correct fats
4) Minerals
5) Vitamins
6) Water
7) It must be non-toxic
8) It must have sensory appeal

ix. Must be able to be eaten in the raw state

x. The body must be able to digest it easily on its own or when combined correctly with other foods.

xi. Must have an alkaline reaction in the body.

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Fruit has the highest glucose content followed by vegetables.

The body does not use protein for energy, unless in an emergency. Mother’s milk (the ideal food) contains only 1,6 %
per volume protein. Fruit and vegetables contain between 0,5 – 6 %, and nuts and seeds contain up to 12 % protein.
Like any other drug or poison, the first and immediate response to eating meat is the body freeing up sugar and energy
to deal with this problem. This release of energy makes us feel good for a time, so we associate feeling good with the
meat. The real effects come later – i.e. the loss of nutrients (such as calcium) and energy; the build up of wastes/toxins
and clogging. Meat was one of Mankind’s first “drug addictions” and still is.

The protein that comes from our natural food (plants) is more than enough and therefore, less costly to the body than
animal protein. The strongest animals in the world (elephants, gorillas, etc.) get their protein from plants.

If the fat (animal fat) is saturated it is useless to the body and therefore poisonous. Unsaturated fats (unheated plant
oils/fats) are able to carry nutrients/vitamins to where they are needed, whereas saturated fats cannot do this.

Plastic fats, such as margarine, are more harmful than any other oils or fats. We need the oil/fat found in avocado
pears, nuts and seeds. These fats are essential for the functioning of our bodies.

Inorganic substances cannot be converted in the body to organic substances. Only plants can do that.

The minerals that we take in must be living and organic.

Cow’s milk, which has been pasteurized (made inorganic) and fed back to each cow’s own calf, resulted in the death
of the calves within six months of these experiments. If the body was capable of changing inorganic substances into
organic substances for the use of maintaining life, then why did the calves die?

Any form of processing of natural food damages and breaks the bond between the food and protein enzymes. Without
this bond and attachment, it becomes difficult for the body to utilize the food and nutrients/minerals.

The same is true in this case - you cannot go straight to the earth and get your calcium from a rock.

Almost all fruit, vegetables, nuts, sprouts and seeds contain some form of calcium. If you eat the correct fuel, you will
have enough calcium. The same applies for iron and other minerals.

Vitamin Content
Some people think they can eat the wrong foods or foods contaminated with chemicals, and then swallow a mouthful
of vitamin pills, believing they will maintain a healthy life.

People decide emotionally and justify logically. They use all kinds of logic to enable them to continue eating junk
food. (Sober me up while I keep drinking). They say that fruit and vegetables have almost no nutrients, compared to
the amount of nutrients they had in the past. This may be true to some extent, but it is as if saying “I’m going to start
using diesel in my petrol car, because the petrol is not as good as it used to be.” You still have to use petrol!

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Must have enough water content
As most ground water is contaminated with “dead” minerals it becomes clear that we are not meant to be drinking
litres and litres of this water. Our natural food contains between 75 % – 90 % of water. So, if you are eating correctly
you are also drinking correctly. When you eat the right foods you very rarely need to take in additional water.

But you will notice an increase in thirst when you eat cooked food. You also need more water if you eat processed,
incomplete non-foods, additives (salt, spice, preservatives, etc.), drugs/medication, tobacco, toxic drinks (alcohol, cold
drinks, etc.) while you are de-toxing.

5. Improving Conditions
Just as a fern needs shady and damp forest conditions, so we too need certain conditions in order to flourish. If you
do not supply the conditions of your being, to the degree that you don’t meet those conditions, you will suffer. But
the more you meet those needs, the greater the functional level and joy you will have. When you break a leg it is clear
that you have to improve the conditions to allow the bone to knit together - so we put on a plaster cast and take it
easy by using crutches. The same applies when you are sick - you need to lighten the load so that the body can recover.

The more you use the TEN PRINCIPLES OF HEALTH, the more you will be able to work with your body to provide its
needs. The more you understand how to fill your emotional needs to feel good and be happy, the better health you
will have. You will have more energy, you will be able to achieve more and you will feel fulfilled and in control.

You are what you eat –

- You are what you think.

For example: Just think of a factory that produces a certain product - in order for this product to be produced, certain
conditions and needs have to be met. On the physical side, it is the building that protects the workers from the
elements (i.e. the machinery used to produce them). They need the correct material to make them. Then there is the
personnel and the management team. Everything needs to work together to create the end product.

The same goes for producing health and happiness.

Just think of it in this way: if you want to get to the top of a hill you need to follow the path that leads to the top. In
order to get there you need to take one step at a time. It is not necessary to try and jump to the top in one giant leap.
Little by little, taking it step by step in that direction. Make it a habit – a way of life!

Keith Darroll | 77


1. Awareness, Understanding, Courage/Experience

The healing process proceeds in a very predictable way. Most people do not trust natural healing, because they don’t
understand that they got sick as a result of breaking the conditions of their being. They were taught to believe in the
invasions of micro-bugs and other fairy tales.

For most people, this is a massive shift in their thinking, as well as in their understanding. It sometimes involves
discomfort. This is the price you pay for breaking and violating these natural principles.

In order to comfort yourself and give yourself courage to take these steps, tell yourself –

‰ I cannot poison myself back to health. Health does not come from a needle, herbs, pharmacies or doctors. Only
the intelligence within my body heals.

‰ When I provide improved conditions for my body, it will do its best to return to its highest functional level possible.

‰ With experience you will learn to trust that the body will not damage itself, and that it knows what it is doing.

‰ That you need to simply follow the six steps to regaining health.

2. Remove the Cause

You need to eliminate the cause of disease as set out in the eight causes of disease.

3. Save Existing Energy

You need to use the eight tools to free up energy to lighten the load on the body. You need to generate energy so
that the body can use the energy to clean and repair itself.

4. Work with the Body to Clean itself and begin the Repair Process

Once the body has cleaned itself (de-tox) and generated sufficient energy, it will initiate a healing process.

5. Provide the Needs of the Body

Providing the body with the five needs in order for it to function properly.

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6. Healing

How long to get back to health

Just as you don’t get sick overnight, you cannot expect to regain your health overnight. People spend years working
against their bodies, assaulting them with wrong foods and poisons and breaking the principles of their being.
Therefore, a quick fix is impossible.

If you want to get to the top of the hill, it is best to follow the winding path, step by step, rather than trying to do it all
at once. It is a step-by-step upgrading of our belief system and lifestyle, and learning from cause and effect. Every
time you make a mistake you can now learn from it.

The Factors influencing the time it will take before you are symptom-free.

1) How quickly you grasp and accept the concepts of the health principles.
2) How quickly you adopt the five needs, elements and conditions of health.
3) How quickly and how often you use (take the action) the 8 tools of health (desire for health).
4) How quickly you go through the six steps to regaining health.
5) What is your existing level of health(how much energy and vitality) or inherited vitality from your mother.
¾ The degree of damage/degeneration of the body.
¾ The amount of clogging and concentration of toxins.
¾ The level of acidity of the body.
6) Your personal power (i.e. your ability to feel good from the inside and your ability to get yourself to take action
and perseverance/determination).
7) Your ability to gain inner tranquility - that there is order, security and control in using these scientific principles.
In other words – your ability to get out of the way, allowing your body/inner power to do what it has to (not
trying to find “remedies/cures”).
8) How quickly you change the meaning of the things you eat and used to eat. Whether you feel you are denying
yourself or giving yourself the greatest gift.
9) Your ability to create new habits.
10) The degree to which you notice the improvement and are happy with it. (Asking the question what am I

Just think - no more headaches; instead, having a great sense of power and control over your life. No more wasting
your life. You will have more energy to enjoy life and experience greater freedom from painful symptoms. You will
notice a greater sense of inner tranquility, you will be more optimistic. Your mind will be sharper- you will have an
excellent memory. You will be saving on health insurance and doctors’ bills, and your food costs will be a lot less.

This is the reversal of the disease process.

THE FIRST STEP into disease is the loss of energy. Therefore, the reverse of this is gathering energy and resources to
begin the cleaning and repairing process. Once the body has gathered enough energy to complete its main priority,
the process will begin.

The healing works on a priority basis. The body will only heal to the degree that it has the resources and energy, above
the normal operating living requirement. So, the body takes this built-up energy to deal with the problem.

THE SECOND STEP into disease is the build up of wastes and toxins. The reverse of this is the removal of these wastes
and toxins.

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THE THIRD STEP into disease is suppressing the symptoms - by suppressing the body’s response. So, the reverse of
this is that the body starts up (or begins again) its original programme to sort itself out. It causes the original symptoms
to return.

Wisdom is using the right words, so when these symptoms show up again we don’t say, “I am sick” / “I have an
infection”, but we say, “I have a healing action” / “The body is cleaning and repairing itself.” This is good. The body
may use extraordinary means to do this.

Some of the symptoms are –

‰ Nose: Mucus discharge from the mucus membrane in the nose area; phlegm.

‰ Lungs: Coughing; bad breath; rapid breathing.

‰ Digestive Tract: Diarrhoea; vomiting; nausea; mucus.

‰ Kidneys: Dark, smelly urine; acidity; protein.

‰ Skin: Skin eruption; pimples; pus; blisters; hair loss.

‰ Uterus: Pain; pus; discharge; a foul, smelly mucus discharge; heavy periods.

As the system becomes overloaded, other systems kick in to assist with the cleaning process.

Lymph System
Swelling of the lymph nodes - tonsils, underarm, breasts and groin.

Fluid Retention
Water dilutes the toxins so they are less concentrated, therefore causing less damage – usually in the feet and legs,
but sometimes also in other parts of the body, as well as in the blood.

Headaches, Light-headedness and Heart Palpitations

These occur due to increased circulation of toxins (old drugs) in the blood, which are destined for elimination.

The body heats up to burn off the waste and to speed up the elimination.

Swelling of the liver; haemorrhoids, due to overload of liver from toxic blood; white tongue.

Joint, Muscle & Back Pain – Irritability

Increased acidity and waste, as well as temporary storage of toxins.

These take strain due to the increased load they have to handle.
Pain in lower back.

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Bad Mood & Depression
General weakness; poor mental ability; loss of appetite due to the body redirecting energy to repair and clean itself.

Poor Sleep
Bad dreams; disturbed sleep due to increased toxins and waste in circulation; destined for elimination.

Craving for Energy to Feel Good

We are all addicted to feeling good and having energy. The worse we feel, the greater the desire to feel better. We
have been conditioned to want to eat “toxic foods” to stimulate a release of energy in order to deal with feeling bad.
Initially, you will have more healing actions. In other words, the cleaner the body becomes, the less frequent and
intense the healing action will be.

Stopping the Healing Action

It is not a good idea to try and suppress or stop the healing action. Your inner intelligence or force knows best.

Easing the Pain

By taking painkillers, for example, you are actually working against the body, creating more problems. Thus, it actually
prolongs the pain and discomfort. You cannot poison yourself and expect not to pay.

You also cannot stimulate or poison your body into a “cleaning action”. Poisoning requires masses of energy for the
body to deal with it. Therefore, the body has less energy to repair and clean itself. You have also forced the body to
drop what it is doing in order to deal with the poisoning. You are dictating to the body when the body knows best.

What to do during a “Healing Action”

Do not do anything unnecessarily. Instead, conserve energy, keep still, stay in bed and drink only a little water now
and then.

Do not take any “cures” or “remedies” – sleep and rest as much as possible, and keep warm. Wash with clean water
(no soaps or shampoos).

If you have improved your diet and/or lifestyle, the healing action is to raise your functional level; in other words, you
are getting healthier, not sicker.

As soon as some people start eating fruit, their body has more energy at its disposal, so it starts to clean out. They
then come to the wrong conclusion that “fruit does not agree with them”, saying that they “get sick every time they
eat fruit”! The reality is that their body uses the opportunity to clean itself out and that it is, in fact, busy heading
towards health, instead of disease.

All health problems are curable by the body itself. This is done by adhering to natural healing principles –
- As long as no organs have been removed,
- Or the disease process has not gone too far, and the damage is too advanced, so the person’s vitality is too low to
overcome the problem that had been building up.

According to the medical sect all diseases are incurable. They only make the symptoms disappear for a certain amount
of time.

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If you read those notes inside medication boxes, it always indicates “for symptomatic relief of …………………… (whether
it be arthritis, asthma, etc.).” What they are actually saying is that “we cannot cure arthritis, but we can take away
the pain for a few hours.”

This is what creates the belief that there are so many incurable diseases.

The body never “forgets” how to create health. We simply need to stop violating the principles of our being. When
you do that the body can get out of the survival mode, and the symptoms will disappear.

The longer the body has been “kicked into submission” the longer it will take to regain its health. All health problems
are curable when you follow the natural health principles.

The only reasons which prevents this from happening are -

1) When you have had organs removed.

2) When you have poisoned and kicked your body into submission for so long that your body no longer has the energy,
time, ability or the vitality to return to health.

3) When you have not got the personal power to take the correct actions; for example, when you know all about the
toxic junk foods, but you are still emotionally driven to eat them; or when you fail to learn from your mistakes (addicted
to old ways).

4) When you have intellectual baggage in the way, or if your mind has been so filled with false beliefs that there is no
longer any place for the truth/reality – in other words “don’t confuse me with the facts!”

All health problems are curable – but not all people are!

It is sometimes impossible for some people to begin to learn what they think they already know. They find it extremely
difficult to change their mindset (their programming) and to take responsibility for correcting their beliefs in order to
take the correct action.

“It is better to be ignorant than to know so much that is not so.”

This programme teaches you to learn from your mistakes, to unlearn the old beliefs and habits, so you can create new
ones. It puts you back in the driver’s seat and appoints you as Director and Architect of your life, so that you can take
control of both your life and health.

We are not denying ourselves anything. We are giving ourselves more life, energy and enjoyment. We are learning to
put the pain where it belongs and to change the meaning of junk food. We are learning to change the way we feel
about ourselves and to focus on what we want, on the life we want and not on what we choose not to eat - instead
of focusing on what we don’t want.

We need to find out what great objectives or missions/dreams we have for our lives - learning to feel good from the
inside rather than trying to poison ourselves into feeling good from the outside.

Once we have learned these principles that create inner fulfilment and health, we have the choice to live abundant
and joyful lives.

Keith Darroll | 82




* There are the principles of your being: * That you can do anything, eat anything,
what you do think anything, it has nothing to do with
what you eat healthy
what you think
you have the power
you are responsible
if you break them you will suffer the

* We have complete control, health or disease * You have no control over disease
is a choice when you have the knowledge,
understanding faith and personal power to
follow the principles

* Conditions/terrain is everything. The bugs are * That disease is contagious, the disease there
because the conditions are right for them is there because of the bugs. Even the
to flourish inventor of this false theory apologized
for it on his deathbed

* We need them, they help us survive they *That these little bugs attack us and that
break down our food so we can absorb it, they are bad
help us clean our bodies. These little bugs
are everywhere, in us, around us, they don’t
attack us when the conditions are right they
flourish, as the waste builds up so do their

*We cannot break the principles of our * That we can be made immune. This
being and not pay the price. It has taken idea is one of their biggest money
us millions of years to evolve into what generators/ spinners. This idea gives
and who we are and this cannot be changed them the power and also creates
by injecting a little toxic fluid into our bodies. massive wealth because it encourages
For example: If you take a fern that needs damp people to break the conditions and
shaded conditions and put it in hot arid principles of their being. This idea
conditions, it will shrivel up and die. entraps people completely.
Nothing will make it immune to the hot sun Generally the initial results seem
and lack of water, it needs to be returned convincing, long term it makes you sick.
to the right conditions to save it before it dies. By then you are mentally and physically

Keith Darroll | 83

trapped and enslaved. The cure, “the vaccines”, and
the mindset/belief makes you sick and the medical
sect wealthy and powerful.

*There is no power on the outside (that has any *That there is something, a “cure”
substance) that can repair, clean or deal with power, a missing something on the
problems within the body. There are no “cures” outside that will take or get rid of
the disease is the bodies effort to deal with the disease. They are constantly
problem. We need to just remove the cause, misdirecting the peoples attention into
hoard your energy. Provide the conditions to falsely believing they have found a
clean and heal itself and provide the body “cure” for whatever. They make a huge
with its needs and better conditions. fanfare about it then over a period of
Sunlight, fresh or pure water, correct food, time people see the folly of it
correct conditions, love warmth security, and it is quietly dropped and the next
the normal elements of life and all that miracle cure is promoted.
the body/the power within is capable
of utilizing.

* By attacking the symptoms they are working *That the symptoms are problems/
against the body/intelligence within thereby disease. The symptom is like the oil
increasing the problems and not solving them warning light on the dash, the light
is not the problem, the shortage of oil is.

* There are no accidents. When you break * That disease just happens like
the principles of your being you suffer. “shit happens” Whatever you
Health and Happiness is a choice learn expect you begin to realize
how to choose them

* There is only one disease and that is *That there are thousands of diseases

* When the cause is removed the symptom * When the symptom is gone the disease
and the problem is gone and you are is cured. That is just an illusion. The cure
wiser and healthier is always worse than the original problem this diverts
the attention
away to deal with the new problem

*The body responds to defend itself. * Drugs act on the body and remove the
The body is not poison deficient problem.
If this was the case then it should work even on dead people

*To generate energy you need to rest * Stimulants (poison) generate energy.

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and sleep, eat the right food. Energy is only felt in its use and release. It is using
(wasting it) energy, not in generating energy.

*If you cut yourself and a doctor puts a plaster * That a pill can cure/heal you or make
on the cut. What healed the cut? The doctor, well. No-one is poison deficient,
the plaster or the body?you cannot poison
yourself back to health

*Life science we don’t use herb potions. * That drugs do more good than harm.
The only thing we give is knowledge and They just have unfortunate
understanding and faith that your body has the “side effects”. The side effects
ability to create health if given the right are the poisoning effects they
conditions. are the symptoms of poisoning.

*We lived on this planet for millions of years * That you need to be inspected often.
without the medical sect, very healthily. Just like the lions inspect the buck, by
If you adhere to the principles of your being volunteering you are offering yourself
you will never get sick. up as a sacrifice to the god of the medical sect.

*Our results speak for themselves we don’t *That the medical sect are the only ones
need licenses from them or pieces of paper to that can cure disease, everyone else
validate our ability or reality. that is not licensed by them are criminals and quacks.
Clearly the medical sect are the criminals, if anyone
needs to be outlawed it is them.

*Everything that is good and useable and *When you are sick small amount of
necessary in a state of health must be supplied poisons are good for you but if you
to the body in a state of sickness are healthy they make you sick.
Try work that one out.

Keith Darroll | 85

The Science of Health Medical Sect

1. This is based on pure science which 1. They pretend that it is based on Science
is the symptomatic observation of natural but the only science it is based on is the
phenomena for the purpose of discovering science of making money and creating
general underlying laws (principles) that govern power for themselves, and the way they do
the phenomena. It is based on the unchanging that is they have created a series of delusional
laws of nature of cause and effect. ideas and stimulated the peoples imagination
scaring them, herding, manipulating them for their
profits and power.

2. This understanding and knowledge 2. It’s a transfer of power from you, (the
empowers you to take back control of your people) to the owners of the drug companies.
life and health and quality of life. Its about enslavement and dependency
It turns the people into victims.

3. It is based on the reality that is all around us 3. Because it is based on deception and lies
this simple and natural principle are here to give they treat their patients like mushrooms,
you freedom from illness. They keep them in the dark and feed them
on bullshit.

4. It encourages people to follow the principles 4. It encourages people to break the principles
of their being. They are shown what is the cause of their being because they have been lead to
and how to get long lasting relief. believe that the health problem was solved
with the symptomatic relief.

5. It has no products to sell and no vested interests 5. It is about vested interests, if there is no
to serve. It is a symbiotic relationship of helping each disease this massive money making industry
other. of death and suffering would not exist.

6. Short term discomfort but long term radiant health 6. It’s a short term relief but a long term loss
and quality of life. of health, wealth and control

7. It is about fulfilling your needs and improving 7. Its about denial and suppression of needs.

8. Its about redirecting your attention back to your 8. Its about re-directing attention away from
control/power. It is about taking responsibility and things that you control to blaming things
understanding that there is but one disease, that is outside of your control. Old age bugs, the
ignorance. The lack of discipline and personal power weather, faulty organs and so on it is like
to do the right thing. Health or disease is a choice blaming the flies for the garbage.

9. Its about liberating people, unlocking their minds 9. These massive companies create this vast
with knowledge, understanding and give them back wealth by first enslaving the people mentally
control of their lives. by instilling a series of false beliefs. They become
trapped by their beliefs, then are herded by their

Keith Darroll | 86

fear to hand over their children, power, wealth and
even their own lives to these super capitalists.

10. Its about lightening the load so the body and 10. People want quick fixes like fast food.
intelligence within can use that freed energy to They say: “Sober me up while I carry on
deal with the problem. Slow but sure route back drinking”
to health When the medical sect introduces a poison or
increase the load of the body, the body responds
immediately to defend itself and the person gets
temporary relief.

11. The principles are simple and easy to understand. 11. It is based on mystery, mystery, mystery.
It’s about destroying the darkness with light. The medical sect, especially gives everything Greek
and Latin names, almost like using different language
to confuse, hide and make it sound complicated.

12. Removing the cause, hording, energy assisting 12. Its about hiding symptoms, diverting the
the body to clean itself and provide the needs of attention away from the original health problem
the body. Then we get symptom relief. The to a more life threatening health problem.
symptoms disappear when the cause is cause by drugs, traumatizing it with surgery,
removed and conditions are improved. increasing the load by removing organs
poisoning and radiating the body

13. Its about teaching people how to get healthy 13. Its not about curing, because if they cure
and stay healthy by revealing the root cause. the person of the problem they will not come back
and doctors will go out of business. They do not cure because they never deal with the cause but only the symptom.

14. It turns major health problems into minor problems 14. The medical sect turns minor problems into
then to disappear completely. major ones by suppressing the minor one over and
over, then the body clogs up more and more eventually coming out in a major problem.

15. The symptom is not important. 15. It is based on a collection of symptoms,

What is important is removing the cause but the cause is never investigated.

16. Our bodies are always full of germs they help 16. Germs and viruses are the main cause of
us with lots of things, digesting our food, breaking disease. The medical sect claims they are
down dead cells, cleansing our skin and so on. the primary cause of disease.
We don’t want to kill them, we suffer when they
are killed. The multiply according to conditions,
the more debris , the more germs. The environment
determines if they will flourish or die, not the other
way around. They are part of the effect, not the cause.

17. In reality there is only one and that is ignorance 17. It is based on that there are thousands
and lack of understanding. of diseases.

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18. We already have the “cure” it is knowledge, 18. They are constantly looking for new cures
understanding and power to carry it through. Some outside agent, new high tech machinery
The intelligence within knows how to create wizardry, some new herb drug magic bullet.
health once conditions improve. It is mans mistake For example, they will never find the “cure”
and inability to fill his bodies needs. It is the bodies for the cold/flu because it is the cure the body
attempt to protect and free itself from the harmful brought about to help it clean out.
effects of wrong living. The fact that they are still looking for “new
cures” means the old ones are useless at dealing
with the problem otherwise that is why they are still looking for a new one.

19. There is a reason and a cause for everything. 19. Disease just happens. It is their philosophy,
like “shit happens”

20. Every cell of the body is working for the good 20. Based on, that each part is a separate entity
of the whole. If the one part is suffering, it is because and that in some diseases, the body attacks itself
the whole is having a problem. And that removing that part will solve the problem.
That parts can be removed with little or no effect.

21. It is the road to freedom and being in control of 21. It is a trap, because as they turn minor
your life. problems into major one’s, the person becomes
more and more desperate, requiring more and more
drugs just like any other addict, trying to stay symptom free.

22. Even animals know when they have been injured 22. Must eat to keep up your strength.
or are sick, they do not eat except drink a little water.

23. Use the mind focusing tool to direct the attention 23. they use mental curses, they tell the person
to seeing themselves happy and healthy. they have an incurable disease and you only have a
few months to live (that is a curse) The person believes it
and the subconscious brings it about.

24. You cannot transfer filth. There were hundreds 24. That disease is contagious. This is to
of diseases on the contagious list, now where are they? generate fear.

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You don’t see the world as it is. We see the world through our belief systems.

Beliefs are like windows, you look through one window you get a view, them you walk
across to the other side of the building and look through the window you get a completely
different view.

Napoleon said: “Imagination rules the World” This is so true.

To this day when a person sneezes we all say bless you. Why? Well the church was the
controlling authority they stimulated the world’s imagination to believe that evil spirits
were the attacking entity and as you sneezed it left a gap in your spiritual armor and the
evil spirits would enter if you were not blessed. So during that time everyone believed that
evil spirits caused disease and clearly we know that today that is not true.

Nothing is different today, the drug companies with their incredible resources are in control
and they have stimulated our imagination to believe in bugs and viruses as the attacking
entity. That they (the medical sect) only have the weapons and the magic bullets in the
form of drugs to destroy the enemy and (just like the African voodoo witch doctors) claim
they can make us immune to the bugs.

They scare us to believe that diseases are contagious and that we need to be inspected at
least once every 6 months.

If there is no sickness there is no sick industry so they create the ideas that your actions
have no influence on your health. By creating this belief system they encourage the “herd”
to break the conditions of their being so they become sick. (This is a good business strategy)

How they trap us is that when they administer their poisonous “medicine” it gets the
attention of our bodies so rapidly that the person thinks they are cured. This creates the
belief that it works. The ploy is no different from the trap of recreational drugs.

You can no more poison yourself into happiness than you can poison yourself back to
health. We are clearly not poison deficient.

Thank you for taking the time to read my version of reality.

Keith Darroll | 89

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