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“A Walk to the Jetty” by Annie John

Name ____________________


Date _____________________

Lesson Plan – “A Walk to the Jetty” by Annie John

Learning Objectives:
*Students will read and annotate a text to analyze the author’s word choice.
*Students will make inferences about the author’s word choice and analyze the impact those
choices have on the reader.

Essential Question:
How does an author’s choices impact readers? _______________________________________

Warm Up:
A. Discuss a time you questioned or challenged a belief or idea.
B. Discuss a problem you’ve solved or would like to solve.

Guided Practice:
A. Discussion: Warm up questions
B. Review: Inference, analyze, and diction/word choice

Independent Practice:
A. Read AND annotate: “A Walk to the Jetty” by Annie John
B. Record responses on the example, inference, and impact chart.

A. Complete the Performance Task (My Write Smart) p. 44 of Collections
Writing Activity: Letter – At the end of the selection, Annie realizes that leaving home is
harder than she expected. Write a letter from Annie to her parents after she arrives in
England. In the letter, have her reflect on what she has given up and whether she feels
the sacrifice was worthwhile.
● Maintain a consistent first-person point of view.
● Include details that develop readers’ understanding of Annie’s feelings and the
circumstances causing those feelings.
“A Walk to the Jetty” by Annie John

Name ____________________


Date _____________________
● Incorporate elements of Kincaid’s style to capture Annie’s voice.

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