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The State shall recognize, respect, and protect the rights of indigenous
• ARTICLE XII National Economy and Patrimony cultural communities to preserve and develop their cultures, traditions, and institutions.
SECTION 6. The use of property bears a social function, and all economic agents shall It shall consider these rights in the formulation of national plans and policies.
contribute to the common good. Individuals and private groups, including corporations, SECTION 18. (1) The State shall ensure equal access to cultural opportunities through the
cooperatives, and similar collective organizations, shall have the right to own, establish, educational system, public or private cultural entities, scholarships, grants and other
and operate economic enterprises, subject to the duty of the State to promote incentives, and community cultural centers, and other public venues.
distributive justice and to intervene when the common good so demands. (2) The State shall encourage and support researches and studies on the arts and culture.
SECTION 14. The sustained development of a reservoir of national talents consisting of
Filipino scientists, entrepreneurs, professionals, managers, high-level technical B. Definition of trademarks
manpower and skilled workers and craftsmen in all fields shall be promoted by the State. Section 121.1, IPC - "Mark" means any visible sign capable of distinguishing the goods
The State shall encourage appropriate technology and regulate its transfer for the (trademark) or services (service mark) of an enterprise and shall include a stamped or
national benefit. marked container of goods.
The practice of all professions in the Philippines shall be limited to Filipino citizens, save
in cases prescribed by law. 1. Distilleria Washington v. CA, 263 SCRA 303, G.R. No. 120961 [17 October 1996]
• ARTICLE XIV Education, Science and Technology, Arts, Culture, and Sports Science and ISSUE: WON replevin can prosper? (NO)
SECTION 10. Science and technology are essential for national development and progress. La Tondeña Distillers, Inc. ("LTDI") filed a complaint against Distilleria Washington
The ("Washington") for replevin with damages. La Tondena sought to seize 350 c.c. white
State shall give priority to research and development, invention, innovation, and their flint bottles bearing the blown-in marks of "La Tondeña Inc." and "Ginebra San
utilization; and to science and technology education, training, and services. It shall Miguel" it allegedly owned. These bottles were allegedly being used by Washington
support indigenous, appropriate, and self-reliant scientific and technological capabilities, for its own "Gin Seven" products without the consent of LTDI.
and their application to the country’s productive systems and national life. LTDI asserted that, being the owner and registrant of the bottles, it was entitled to
SECTION 11. The Congress may provide for incentives, including tax deductions, to the protection so extended by R.A. 623, notwithstanding its sale of the gin product 1
encourage private participation in programs of basic and applied scientific research. contained in said bottles.
Scholarships, grants in aid, or other forms of incentives shall be provided to deserving Washington countered that R.A. No. 623 should not apply to gin, an alcoholic
science students, researchers, scientists, inventors, technologists, and specially gifted beverage which is unlike that of "soda water, mineral or aerated water, ciders, milks,
citizens. cream, or other lawful beverages" mentioned in the law, and in any case, ownership
SECTION 12. The State shall regulate the transfer and promote the adaptation of of the bottles should be held lawfully transferred to the buyers upon the sale of the
technology from all sources for the national benefit. It shall encourage the widest gin and containers at a single price. It asserts that it is the lawful owner of the
participation of private groups, local governments, and community-based organizations personal properties (18,157 empty bottles) involved in the petition.
in the generation and utilization of science and technology.
SECTION 13. The State shall protect and secure the exclusive rights of scientists, inventors, It is a fact that R.A. No. 623 extends trademark protection in the use of containers
artists, and other gifted citizens to their intellectual property and creations, particularly duly registered with the Philippine Patent Office. The pertinent provisions of R.A. 623
when beneficial to the people, for such period as may be provided by law. reads:
Arts and Culture Sec. 1. Persons engaged or licensed to engage in the manufacture, bottling,
SECTION 14. The State shall foster the preservation, enrichment, and dynamic evolution or selling of soda water, mineral or aerated waters, cider, milk, cream or
of a other lawful beverages in bottles, boxes, casks, kegs, or barrels, and other
Filipino national culture based on the principle of unity in diversity in a climate of free similar containers…with their names or the names of their principals or
artistic and intellectual expression. products, or other marks of ownership stamped or marked thereon, may
SECTION 15. Arts and letters shall enjoy the patronage of the State. The State shall register with the Philippine Patent Office a description of the names or
conserve, promote, and popularize the nation’s historical and cultural heritage and marks, and the purpose for which the containers so marked are used by
resources, as well as artistic creations. them, under the same conditions, rules, and regulations, made applicable
SECTION 16. All the country’s artistic and historic wealth constitutes the cultural treasure by law or regulation to the issuance of trademarks.
of the nation and shall be under the protection of the State which may regulate its Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person, without the written consent of
disposition. the manufacturer, bottler, or seller, who has successfully registered the
marks of ownership in accordance with the provisions of the next
preceding section, to fill such bottles, boxes, kegs, barrels, steel cylinders, comprising that ownership. The incorporeal right, however, is distinct from the
tanks, flasks, accumulators, or other similar containers so marked or property in the material object subject to it. Ownership in one does not necessarily
stamped, for the purpose of sale, or to sell, dispose of, buy or traffic in, or vest ownership in the other. Thus, the transfer or assignment of the intellectual
wantonly destroy the same, whether filled or not to use the same for property will not necessarily constitute a conveyance of the thing it covers, nor
drinking vessels or glasses or drain pipes, foundation pipes, for any other would a conveyance of the latter imply the transfer or assignment of the intellectual
purpose than that registered by the manufacturer, bottler or seller. Any right.
violation of this section shall be punished by a fine of not more than one
thousand pesos or imprisonment of not more than one year or both. R.A. No. 623 evidently does not disallow the sale or transfer of ownership of the
Sec. 3. The use by any person other than the registered manufacturer, marked bottles or containers. In fact, the contrary is implicit in the law. Ownership
bottler or seller, without written permission of the latter of any such of the containers passes to the consumer albeit subject to the statutory limitation
bottle, cask, barrel, keg, box, steel cylinders, tanks, flask, accumulators, or on the use of the registered containers and to the trademark right of the registrant.
other similar containers, or the possession thereof without written
permission of the manufacturer, by any junk dealer or dealer in casks, While it may be unwarranted then for LTDI to simply seize the empty containers, this
barrels, kegs, boxes, steel cylinders, tanks, flasks, accumulators or other Court finds it to be legally absurd, however, to still allow petitioner to recover the
similar containers, the same being duly marked or stamped and registered possession thereof. The fact of the matter is that R.A. 623, as amended, in affording
as herein provided, shall give rise to a prima facie presumption that such trademark protection to the registrant, has additionally expressed a prima facie
use or possession is unlawful. presumption of illegal use by a possessor whenever such use or possession is without
the written permission of the registered manufacturer, a provision that is neither
HELD: arbitrary nor without appropriate rationale. Indeed, the appellate court itself has
Citing Cagayan Valley Enterprises, Inc., vs. Court of Appeals, the court held that the made a finding of such unauthorized use by petitioner. The Court sees no other
mere use of registered bottles or containers without the written consent of the logical purpose for petitioner's insistence to keep the bottles, except for such
manufacturer is prohibited, the only exceptions being when they are used as continued use. The practical and feasible alternative is to merely require the
containers for "sisi," "bagoong," "patis" and similar native products. The contention payment of just compensation to petitioner for the bottles seized from it by LTDI.
that the aforementioned bottles without the words "properly of" indicated thereon Conventional wisdom, along with equity and justice to both parties, dictates it. 2
are not the registered bottles of LTI, since they do not conform with the statement
or description in the supporting affidavits attached to the original registration C. Functions of trademarks
certificate and renewal, is untenable. 2. Ang v. Teodoro, 74 Phil. 50 [14 December 1942]
Republic Act No. 623 which governs the registration of marked bottles and 1) WON the words “Ang Tibay” is a descriptive word and hence cannot be
containers merely requires that the bottles, in order to be eligible for registration, registered as a trademark? (NO)
must be stamped or marked with the names of the manufacturers or the names of 2) WON the doctrine of secondary meaning applies? (NO)
their principals or products, or other marks of ownership. No drawings or labels are 3) WON pants and shirts are similar goods? (YES)
Toribio Teodoro has continuously used "Ang Tibay," both as a trade-mark and as a
The law clearly shows the legislative intent to give protection to all marked bottles trade-name, in the manufacture and sale of slippers, shoes, and indoor baseballs
and containers of all lawful beverages regardless of the nature of their contents. The since 1910. He formally registered it as trade-mark and as trade-name and spent for
words "other lawful beverages" is used in its general sense, referring to all beverages advertisement from 1919 to 1938. Ang registered the same trade-mark "Ang Tibay"
not prohibited by law. Beverage is defined as a liquor or liquid for drinking. Hard for pants and shirts and established a factory for the manufacture of said articles.
liquor, although regulated, is not prohibited by law, hence it is within the purview The records do not shows how much Ang has spent or advertisement. But Toribio in
and coverage of Republic Act No. 623. his brief says that Ang "was unable to prove that she had spent a single centavo
advertising "Ang Tibay" shirts and pants prior to 1938.
A trademark refers to a word, name, symbol, emblem, sign or device or any
combination thereof adopted and used by a merchant to identify, and distinguish Ang contends that the phrase "Ang Tibay" is a descriptive term because it means
from others, his goods of commerce. It is basically an intellectual creation that is "strong, durable, lasting."
susceptible to ownership and gives rise to its own elements of jus posidendi, jus
utendi, jus fruendi, jus disponendi, and jus abutendi, along with the applicable jus lex,


• He invokes section 2 of Act No. 666, which provides that words or devices • This doctrine is to the effect that a word or phrase originally incapable of
which related only to the name, quality, or description of the merchandise exclusive appropriation with reference to an article of the market, because
cannot be the subject of a trade-mark. geographically or otherwise descriptive, might nevertheless have been
• He cites Baxter vs. Zuazua which involved the trade-mark "Agua de used so long and so exclusively by one producer with reference to his
Kananga" used on toilet water, where the court held that the word article that, in that trade and to that branch of the purchasing public, the
"Kananga," the name of a well-known Philippine plant, could not be word or phrase has come to mean that the article was his product.
appropriated as a trade-mark any more than could the words "sugar," • Had the phrase "Ang Tibay," not originally capable of exclusive
"tobacco," or "coffee." appropriation as a trade-mark, the application of the doctrine of secondary
meaning applies because, in any event, by Toribio’s long and exclusive use
On the other hand, Toribio contend that the words "Ang Tibay" are not descriptive of said phrase with reference to his products and his business, it has
but merely suggestive and may properly be regarded as fanciful or arbitrary in the acquired a proprietary connotation.
legal sense. They cite several cases in which similar words have been sustained as
valid trade-marks, such as "Holeproof" for hosiery, "ideal for tooth brushes, and Since 1916, a growing sentiment began to arise that in the selection of a famous
"Fashionknit" for neckties and sweaters. mark by a third party, there was generally the hidden intention to "have a free ride"
on the trade-mark owner's reputation and good will.
We find it necessary to go into the etymology and meaning of the Tagalog words Although two noncompeting articles may be classified under two different classes
"Ang Tibay" to determine whether they are a descriptive term, i.e., whether they by the Patent Office because they are deemed not to possess the same descriptive
relate to the quality or description of the merchandise to which respondent has properties, they would, nevertheless, be held by the courts to belong to the same
applied them as a trade-mark. The phrase "Ang Tibay" is an exclamation denoting class if the simultaneous use on them of identical or closely similar trade-marks
administration of strength or durability. would be likely to cause confusion as to the origin, or personal source, of the second
user's goods. They would be considered as not falling under the same class only if
The phrase "ang tibay" is never used adjectively to define or describe an object. One they are so dissimilar or so foreign to each other as to make it unlikely that the
does not say, "ang tibay sapatos" or "sapatos ang tibay" is never used adjectively to
purchaser would think the first user made the second user's goods.
define or describe an object. One does not say, "ang tibay sapatos" or "sapatos ang
tibay" to mean "durable shoes," but "matibay na sapatos" or "sapatos na matibay." There can be unfair competition or unfair trading even if the goods are non-
competing, and that such unfair trading can cause injury or damage to the first user
"Ang Tibay" is not a descriptive term within the meaning of the Trade-Mark Law but of a given trade-mark, 1) by prevention of the natural expansion of his business
rather a fanciful or coined phrase which may properly and legally be appropriated as and, 2) by having his business reputation confused with and put at the mercy of
a trade-mark or trade-name. In this connection we do not fail to note that when the the second user.
petitioner herself took the trouble and expense of securing the registration of these
same words as a trademark of her products she or her attorney as well as the Experience has demonstrated that when a well-known trade-mark is adopted by
Director of Commerce was undoubtedly convinced that said words (Ang Tibay) were another even for a totally different class of goods, it is done to get the benefit of the
not a descriptive term and hence could be legally used and validly registered as a reputation and advertisements of the originator of said mark, to convey to the public
trade-mark. a false impression of some supposed connection between the manufacturer of the
article sold under the original mark and the new articles being tendered to the public
The function of a trade-mark is to point distinctively, either by its own meaning or under the same or similar mark. The owner of a trade-mark or trade-name has a
by association, to the origin or ownership of the wares to which it is applied. "Ang property right in which he is entitled to protection, since there is damage to him
Tibay," as used by Toribio to designate his wares, had exactly performed that from confusion of reputation or goodwill in the mind of the public as well as from
function for 22 years before the Ang adopted it as a trade-mark in her own business. confusion of goods. The modern trend is to give emphasis to the unfairness of the
Ang Tibay shoes and slippers are, by association, known throughout the Philippines acts and to classify and treat the issue as a fraud.
as products of the Ang Tibay factory owned and operated by the respondent Toribio
Teodoro. Shoes and shirts are not as unrelated as fountain pens and razor blades. The mere
relation or association of the articles is not controlling. The proprietary connotation
In view of the conclusion we have reached above, it is unnecessary to apply here the that a trade-mark or trade-name has acquired is of more paramount consideration.
doctrine of "secondary meaning" in trade-mark parlance. By uninterrupted and exclusive use since 1910 of respondent's registered trade-


mark on slippers and shoes manufactured by him, it has come to indicate the origin WHOLISTIC TEST: A practical approach to the problem of similarity or dissimilarity is
and ownership of said goods. to go into the whole of the two trademarks pictured in their manner of display.
Inspection should be undertaken from the viewpoint of a prospective buyer. The
It is certainly not farfetched to surmise that the selection by petitioner of the same trademark complained of should be compared and contrasted with the purchaser's
trade-mark for pants and shirts was motivated by a desire to get a free ride on the memory (not in juxtaposition) of the trademark said to be infringed.
reputation and selling power it has acquired at the hands of the respondent. The
field from which a person may select a trade-mark is practically unlimited, and (a) Westmont’s label underscores the trademark Atussin in bold, block letters
hence there is no excuse for impinging upon or even closely approaching the mark horizontally written. In Etepha’s, Pertussin is printed diagonally upwards
of a business rival. In the unlimited field of choice, what could have been and across in semiscript style with flourishes and with only the first letter
petitioner's purpose in selecting "Ang Tibay" if not for its fame? "P" capitalized.
(b) Each label plainly shows the source of the medicine: petitioner's at the foot
3. Etepha v. Director of Patents, 16 SCRA 495, G.R. No. L-20635 [31 March 1966] bears "Etepha Ltd. Schaan Fl", and on top, "Apothecary E. Taeschner's";
ISSUE: May trademark ATUSSIN be registered, given the fact that PERTUSSIN, respondent's projects "Westmont Pharmaceuticals, Inc. New York, USA" at
another trademark, had been previously registered in the Patent Office? the bottoms, and on the lower left side the word "Westmont" upon a white
diamond shaped enclosure and in red ink — a color different from that of
Westmont Pharmaceuticals sought registration of trademark "Atussin" placed on its the words above and below it.
"medicinal preparation of expectorant antihistaminic, bronchodilator sedative, (c) Printed prominently in petitioner's label are indications of the use: "for
ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) used in the treatment of cough". The trademark is used bronchial catarrh — whopping-cough — coughs and asthma".
exclusively in the Philippines since January 21, 1959. Respondent's for its part briefly represents what its produce actually is - a
"cough syrup".
Etepha objected because it will be damaged because Atussin is so confusedly similar (d) The two labels are entirely different in colors, contents, arrangement of
to its Pertussin used on a preparation for the treatment of coughs, that the buying words thereon, sizes, shapes and general appearance.
public will be misled into believing that Westmont's product is that of Etepha’s which (e) The contrasts in pictorial effects and appeals to the eye is so pronounced
allegedly enjoys goodwill. that the label of one cannot be mistaken for that of the other, not even by 4
persons unfamiliar with the two trademarks.
We are to be guided by the rule that the validity of a cause for infringement is
predicated upon colorable imitation. The phrase "colorable imitation" denotes such We now consider exclusively the two words — Pertussin and Atussin — as they
a "close or ingenious imitation as to be calculated to deceive ordinary persons, or appear. These words are presented to the public in different styles of writing and
such a resemblance to the original as to deceive an ordinary purchaser, giving such methods of design. One look is enough to denude the mind of that illuminating
attention as a purchaser usually gives, and to cause him to purchase the one similarity so essential for a trademark infringement case to prosper. Moreover, there
supposing it to be the other. is not much phonetic similarity between the two.

The word "tussin" figures as a component of both trademarks. It is "the common In the solution of a trademark infringement problem, regard too should be given to
practice in the drug and pharmaceutical industries to 'fabricate' marks by using the class of persons who buy the particular product and the circumstances ordinarily
syllables or words suggestive of the ailments for which they are intended and adding attendant to its acquisition.
thereto distinctive prefixes or suffixes."The "tussin” was derived from the Latin root- • The medicinal preparation clothed with the trademarks in question, are
word "tussis" meaning cough. unlike articles of everyday use which may be freely obtained by anyone,
anytime, anywhere. Cough syrups are to be dispensed upon medical
"Tussin" is merely descriptive; it is generic; it furnishes to the buyer no indication prescription. The respective labels say so.
of the origin of the goods; it is open for appropriation by anyone. It is accordingly • An intending buyer must have to go first to a licensed doctor of medicine;
barred from registration as trademark. While "tussin" by itself cannot thus be used he knows what he is to buy. He is not of the unsuspecting type; he
exclusively to identify one's goods, it may properly become the subject of a examines the product sold to him; he checks to find out whether it
trademark "by combination with another word or phrase". And this union of words conforms to the medical prescription.
is reflected in petitioner's Pertussin and respondent's Atussin, the first with prefix • Similarly, the pharmacist or druggist verifies the medicine sold. The margin
"Per" and the second with Prefix "A." of error in the acquisition of one for the other is quite remote.


4. Mirpuri v. Court of Appeals, 318 SCRA 516 (1999) been manufacturing the goods covered by said registrations and selling
ISSUE: WON the Convention of Paris affords protection to a foreign corporation them to various countries. As a result of Escolin’s misappropriation of the
against a Philippine applicant for the registration of a similar trademark? (NO) BARBIZON trademark, Philippine Lingerie Corporation is prevented from
selling its goods in the local market, to the damage and prejudice of
Escobar, the predecessor-in-interest of Mirpuri, filed an application for the Barbizon and its wholly-owned subsidiary.
registration of the trademark "Barbizon" for use in brassieres and ladies (e) The Opposer's goods bearing the trademark BARBIZON have been used in
undergarments. Escobar alleged that she had been manufacturing and selling these many countries, for at least 40 years and has enjoyed international
products since 1970. reputation and good will for their quality.
(f) Opposer has procured the registration of the trademark BARBIZON in the
Barbizon Corporation, a foreign corporation, opposed the application. It claimed following countries: Australia, Austria, Abu Dhabi, Argentina, Belgium,
that: Bolivia, Bahrain, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Denmark, Ecuador, France, West
1) The mark BARBIZON of Escobar is confusingly similar to the trademark Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Hongkong, Honduras, Italy, Japan, Jordan,
BARBIZON which opposer owns and has not abandoned. Lebanon, Mexico, Morocco, Panama, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden,
2) BARBIZON will be damaged by the registration of the mark BARBIZON and Switzerland, Syria, El Salvador, South Africa, Zambia, Egypt, and Iran,
its business reputation and goodwill will suffer great and irreparable injury. among others;
3) ESCOBAR's use of the said mark BARBIZON which resembles the trademark (g) BARBIZON has extensively advertised its products, trademarks and name
used and owned by Barbizon, constitutes an unlawful appropriation of a in various publications which are circulated in the United States and many
mark previously used in the Philippines and not abandoned and therefore countries around the world;
a statutory violation of Section 4 (d) of Republic Act No. 166. (h) The trademark BARBIZON was fraudulently registered in the Philippines by
one Lolita R. Escobar in violation of Article 189 (3) of the Revised Penal
Escobar was issued a certificate of registration for the trademark "Barbizon." The Code and Section 4 (d) of the Trademark Law.
trademark was "for use in "brassieres and lady's underwear garments like panties." (i) Besides, Certificate of Registration has been cancelled for failure of either
Escobar later assigned all her rights and interest over the trademark to Mirpuri who, Lolita Escobar, to seasonably file the statutory affidavit of use. By applying
under his firm name then, the "Bonito Enterprises," was the sole and exclusive for a re-registration of the mark BARBIZON subject of this opposition, 5
distributor of Escobar's "Barbizon" products. respondent-applicant seeks to perpetuate the fraud and criminal act
committed by Lolita Escobar.
Escobar failed to file the Affidavit of Use of the trademark required under Section 12 (j) Opposer's BARBIZON as well as its BARBIZON and Bee Design and
of the Philippine Trademark Law. Due to this failure, the Bureau of Patents cancelled BARBIZON and Representation of a Woman trademarks qualify as well-
Escobar's certificate of registration. Escobar reapplied for registration of the known trademarks entitled to protection under the Convention of Paris for
cancelled trademark and this application was opposed by private respondent. the Protection of Industrial Property.
(k) The trademark applied for by respondent applicant is identical to
In its opposition, private respondent alleged that: Opposer's BARBIZON trademark and constitutes the dominant part of
(a) BARBIZON adopted the trademark BARBIZON (word) in 1933 and has then Opposer's two other marks namely, BARBIZON and Bee design and
used it on various kinds of wearing apparel. BARBIZON obtained a BARBIZON and a Representation of a Woman. The continued use by
Certificate of Registration covers the following goods — wearing apparel: respondent-applicant of Opposer's trademark BARBIZON on goods
robes, pajamas, lingerie, nightgowns and slips; belonging to Class 25 constitutes a clear case of commercial and criminal
(b) BARBIZON further adopted the trademark BARBIZON and Bee design and piracy and if allowed registration will violate not only the Trademark Law
used the said mark in various kinds of wearing apparel. BARBIZON secured but also Article 189 of the Revised Penal Code and the commitment of the
from the United States Patent Office a registration of the said mark under Philippines to an international treaty.
2nd Certificate of Registration.
(c) BARBIZON adopted the trademark BARBIZON and a Representation of a Replying to private respondent's opposition, petitioner raised the defense of res
Woman and thereafter used the said trademark on various kinds of judicata.
wearing apparel and had a registration of the said mark.
(d) All the above registrations are subsisting and in force and BARBIZON has DOCTRINE: A "trademark" is defined under the Intellectual Property Code of the
not abandoned the use of the said trademarks. In fact, through a wholly- Philippines, as "any visible sign capable of distinguishing goods."
owned Philippine subsidiary, the Philippine Lingerie Corporation, it has


The function of a trademark is Intellectual and industrial property rights cases are not simple property cases.
1) to point out distinctly the origin or ownership of the goods to which it is Trademarks deal with the psychological function of symbols and the effect of these
affixed; symbols on the public at large. Trademarks play a significant role in communication,
2) to secure to him, who has been instrumental in bringing into the market a commerce and trade, and serve valuable and interrelated business functions, both
superior article of merchandise, the fruit of his industry and skill; nationally and internationally. For this reason, all agreements concerning industrial
3) to assure the public that they are procuring the genuine article; property, like those on trademarks and tradenames, are intimately connected with
4) to prevent fraud and imposition; and economic development. Industrial property encourages investments in new ideas
5) to protect the manufacturer against substitution and sale of an inferior and and inventions and stimulates creative efforts for the satisfaction of human needs.
different article as his product. They speed up transfer of technology and industrialization, and thereby bring about
social and economic progress. These advantages have been acknowledged by the
Modern authorities on trademark law view trademarks as performing three Philippine government itself. The Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines
distinct functions: declares that "an effective intellectual and industrial property system is vital to the
(1) they indicate origin or ownership of the articles to which they are attached; development of domestic and creative activity, facilitates transfer of technology, it
(2) they guarantee that those articles come up to a certain standard of quality; attracts foreign investments, and ensures market access for our products."
(3) they advertise the articles they symbolize. A major proportion of international trade depends on the protection of intellectual
property rights. Since the late 1970's, the unauthorized counterfeiting of industrial
Today, the trademark is not merely a symbol of origin and goodwill; it is often the property and trademarked products has had a considerable adverse impact on
most effective agent for the actual creation and protection of goodwill. It imprints domestic and international trade revenues. The TRIPs Agreement seeks to grant
upon the public mind an anonymous and impersonal guaranty of satisfaction, adequate protection of intellectual property rights by creating a favorable economic
creating a desire for further satisfaction. In other words, the mark actually sells the environment to encourage the inflow of foreign investments, and strengthening the
goods. The mark has become the "silent salesman," the conduit through which direct multi-lateral trading system to bring about economic, cultural and technological
contact between the trademark owner and the consumer is assured. It has invaded independence.
popular culture in ways never anticipated that it has become a more convincing The Philippines has acceded to the WTO Agreement. This Agreement has 6
selling point than even the quality of the article to which it refers. In the last half revolutionized international business and economic relations among states, and
century, the unparalleled growth of industry and the rapid development of has propelled the world towards trade liberalization and economic
communications technology have enabled trademarks, tradenames and other globalization. There is now "a new era of global economic cooperation, reflecting
distinctive signs of a product to penetrate regions where the owner does not actually the widespread desire to operate in a fairer and more open multilateral trading
manufacture or sell the product itself. Goodwill is no longer confined to the system." Conformably, the State must reaffirm its commitment to the global
territory of actual market penetration; it extends to zones where the marked community and take part in evolving a new international economic order at the
article has been fixed in the public mind through advertising. Whether in the print, dawn of the new millenium.
broadcast or electronic communications medium, particularly on the
Internet, advertising has paved the way for growth and expansion of the product by Doctrine: functions of trademarks, locus standi affirmed by Paris Convention.
creating and earning a reputation that crosses over borders, virtually turning the
whole world into one vast marketplace. D. How Are Marks Acquired?
Section 122. How Marks are Acquired.
The Convention of Paris for the Protection of Industrial Property is a multilateral The rights in a mark shall be acquired through registration made validly in accordance
treaty that seeks to protect industrial property consisting of patents, utility models, with the provisions of this law.
industrial designs, trademarks, service marks, trade names and indications of source • Under the IP Code, prior actual use is no longer required but you must use if 2
or appellations of origin, and at the same time aims to repress unfair months after registration.
competition. The Convention essentially provides that foreign nationals are to be • Actual use is evidenced by Declaration of Actual Use (DAU).
given the same treatment in each of the member countries as that country makes
• Now: first to file system.
available to its own citizens. Nationals of the various member nations are thus
assured of a certain minimum of international protection of their industrial Contrast this with Sec. 2-A of Republic Act No. 166 and cases decided under R. A. No.
property. 166:


Section 2. What are registrable. - Trade-marks, trade-names and service-marks may be business or services for the FIVE YEARS NEXT PRECEDING the date of the filing of the
registered in accordance with the provisions of this Act. application for its registration .

Section 3. Application by non-residents. - Any person filing an application for the 5. Unno Commercial Enterprises v. General Milling Corp., 120 SCRA 904, G.R. No. L-
registration of a mark or trade-name, who is not a resident of the Philippines, must 28554 [28 February 1983]
appoint an agent or representative in the Philippines upon whom notice or process
relating to the application or registration of the mark or trade-name may be served. In Doctrine: Only the owner of a trademark, trade name or service mark may applly
the event of death, absence or inability of the agent or representative, a new agent or for its registration and an importer, broker, indentor or distributor acquires no
representative must be appointed, and notice thereof must be filed in the Patent Office. rights to the trademark of the goods he is dealing with in the absence of a valid
Upon failure to maintain an agent or representative of record in the Patent Office, transfer or assignment of the trade mark.
service on the Director shall be deemed sufficient.
ISSUE: WON right to register is based on ownership? (YES)
Section 4. Registration of trade-marks, trade-names and service-marks. - The owner of
a trade-mark, trade-name or service-mark used to distinguish his goods, business or General Milling filed an application for the registration of the trademark "All
services from the goods, business or services of others shall have the right to register Montana" to be used in the sale of wheat flour. But the same trademark was
the same, unless it: previously registered in favor of Unno Commercial, hence the Chief Trademark
(a) Consists of or comprises immoral, deceptive or scandalous matter; or matter which Examiner declared an interference proceeding, to determine which party has
may disparage or falsely suggest a connection with persons, living or dead, previously adopted and used the trademark "All Montana".
institutions, beliefs, or national symbols, or bring them into contempt or disrepute;
(b) Consists of or comprises the flag or coat of arms or other insignia of the Philippines General Milling, in its application for registration, alleged that it started using the
or any of its political subdivisions, or of any foreign nation, or any simulation trademark "All Montana" in 1955 and subsequently was licensed to use the same by
thereof; Centennial Mills by virtue of a deed of assignment. On the other hand Unno
(c) Consists of or comprises a name, portrait, or signature identifying a particular living Commercial argued that the same trademark had been registered in its favor in 1962
individual except by his written consent, or the name, signature, or portrait of a 7
asserting that it started using the trademark in 1956, as indentor or broker for S.H.
deceased President of the Philippines, during the life of his widow, if any, except Huang Bros, a local firm.
by the written consent of the widow ;
(d) Consists of or comprises a mark or trade-name which so resembles a mark or trade- The Director of Patents ruled in favor of respondent General Milling as the prior-user
name registered in the Philippines or a mark or trade-name previously used in the of the trademark ALL MONTANA.
Philippines by another and not abandoned, as to be likely, when applied to or used
in connection with the goods, business or services of the applicant, to cause Unno based its claim of ownership over the trademark in question by the fact that it
confusion or mistake or to deceive purchases; or acted as an indentor or broker for S. H. Huang, a local importer of wheat flour,
(e) Consists of a mark or trade-name which, when applied to or used in connection offering as evidence the various shipments, documents, invoices and other
with the goods, business or services of the applicant is merely descriptive or correspondence of Centennial Mills, shipping bags of All Montana to the Philippines.
deceptively misdescriptive of them, or when applied to or used in connection with It maintained that anyone, whether he is only an importer, broker or indentor can
the goods, business or services of the applicant is primarily geographically appropriate, use and own a particular mark of its own choice although he is not the
descriptive or deceptively misdescriptive of them, or is primarily merely a surname. manufacturer of the goods he deals with. Petitioner insists that "the appropriation
and ownership of a particular trademark is not merely confined to producers or
Except as expressly excluded in paragraphs (a), (b), (c) and (d) of this section, nothing manufacturers but likewise to anyone who lawfully deals in merchandise who
herein shall prevent the registration of a mark or trade-name used by the applicant renders any lawful service in commerce, like petitioner in the case at bar.
which has become distinctive of the applicant's goods, business or services.
The Director may accept as PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE that the mark or trade-name has The right to register trademark is based on ownership. The term owner does not
become distinctive, as applied to or used in connection with the applicant's goods, include the importer of the goods bearing the trademark, trade name, service
business or services, proof of SUBSTANTIALLY EXCLUSIVE AND CONTINUOUS USE mark, or other mark of ownership, unless such importer is actually the owner
thereof as a mark or trade-name by the applicant in connection with the sale of goods, thereof in the country from which the goods are imported. A local importer,
however, may make application for the registration of a foreign trademark, trade


name or service mark if he is duly authorized by the actual owner of the name or
other mark of ownership. Where the applicant's alleged ownership is not shown in In the case at bar, the Director of Patents found that ample evidence was presented
any notarial document and the applicant appears to be merely an importer or in the record that Centennial Mills was the owner and prior user of the trademark
distributor of the merchandise covered by said trademark, its application cannot 'All Montana' through a local importer and broker. Use of a trademark by a mere
be granted. importer, indentor or exporter inures to the benefit of the foreign manufacturer
whose goods are identified by the trademark. The Junior Party has hereby
When the applicant is not the owner of the trademark being applied for, he has no established a continuous chain of title and, consequently, prior adoption and use"
right to apply for the registration of the same. Under the Trademark Law only the and ruled that "based on the facts established, it is safe to conclude that the Junior
owner of the trademark, trade name or service mark used to distinguish his goods, Party has satisfactorily discharged the burden of proving priority of adoption and use
business or service from the goods, business or service of others is entitled to and is entitled to registration."
register the same.
6. Kabushi Kaisha Isetan v. IAC, 203 SCRA 583, G.R. No. 75420 [15 November 1991]
In the case at bar, the trademark "All Montana" was owned and registered in the DOCTRINE: Actual use in commerce in the Philippines is a pre-requisite to the
name of Centennial Mills which was transferred to General Milling by way of a deed acquisition of ownership over a trademark or a tradename.
of assignment. In 1955, Centennial Mills exported flour to the Philippines, through
its distributor Unno which acted as broker for the firm S. H. Huang. However, Isetan is a Japanese corporation. It is the owner of the trademark "Isetan" and the
because of increased taxes and subsidies, Centennial Mills discontinued shipments "Young Leaves Design". It alleges that it first used the trademark Isetan in 1936. It
of flour in the Philippines and eventually sold its brands for wheat flour, including states that the trademark is a combination of "Ise" taken from "Iseya" the first name
"All Montana" brand to General Milling. General Milling, since the start of the of the rice dealer in Kondo in which the establishment was first located and "Tan"
operation in 1961 of its flour mills has been manufacturing and selling "All which was taken from "Tanji Kosuge the First". The petitioner claims to have
Montana" flour in the Philippines. expanded its line of business internationally from 1936 to 1974. The trademark
"Isetan" and "Young Leaves Design" were registered in Japan covering more than 34
Director of Patents found ample evidence was presented that Centennial Mills was classes of goods. It applied for the registration of "Isetan" and "Young Leaves Design" 8
the owner and prior user of the trademark "All Montana" through a local importer with the Philippine Patent Office.
and broker. The Deed of Assignment itself constitutes sufficient proof of its
ownership of the trademark "All Montana," showing that Centennial Mills was the Isetann Department Store is a domestic corporation. It claims that it used the word
absolute and registered owner of several trademarks for wheat flour, all of which "Isetann" as part of its corporated name and on its products particularly on shirts in
were assigned by it to respondent General Milling. The deed of assignment was duly Joymart Department Store sometime in 1979. The suffix "Tann" means an altar, the
acknowledged before a notary public for the State of Oregon, accompanied by a place of offering in Chinese and this was adopted to harmonize the corporate name
certification issued by the Secretary of State of the State of Oregon stating that the and the corporate logo of two hands in cup that symbolizes the act of offering to the
said James Hunt is a duly qualified Notary Public with full power and authority to Supreme Being for business blessing.
take acknowledgments of all oaths and that full faith and credit should be given to
his official acts as notary public. Philippine Isetann registered "Isetann Department Store, Inc." and Isetann and
Flower Design in the Philippine Patent Office, as well as with the Bureau of Domestic
Trademarks used and adopted on goods manufactured or packed in a foreign Trade. But Japanese Isetan filed petitions for the cancellation of Certificates of
country in behalf of a domestic importer, broker, or indentor and distributor are Supplemental Registration stating that:
presumed to be owned by the manufacturer or packer, unless there is a written • . . . except for the additional letter "N" in the word "Isetan", the mark
agreement clearly showing that ownership vests in the importer, broker, indentor or registered by the registrant is exactly the same as the trademark ISETAN
distributor. Thus, petitioner's contention that it is the owner of the mark "All owned by the Japanese Isetan and that the young leaves registered by the
Montana" because of its certificate of registration issued by the Director of registrant is exactly the same as the young leaves design owned by the
Patents, must fail, since ownership of a trademark is not acquired by the mere fact petitioner.
of registration alone. Registration merely creates a prima facie presumption of the • Philippine Isetann's act of registering a trademark which is exactly the
validity of the registration, of the registrant's ownership of the trademark and of same as its trademark and adopting a corporate name similar to that of
the exclusive right to the use thereof. Registration does not perfect a trademark the petitioner were with the illegal and immoral intention of cashing in on
right. Prior use by one will controvert a claim of legal appropriation, by subsequent the long established goodwill and popularity of the petitioner's reputation,
users. thereby causing great and irreparable injury and damage to it.


• Both the petitioner's and respondent's goods move in the same channels use. The underlying reason for all these is that purchasers have come to
of trade, and ordinary people will be misled to believe that the products of understand the mark as indicating the origin of the wares. Flowing from this is the
the private respondent originated or emanated from, are associated with, trader's right to protection in the trade he has built up and the goodwill he has
or are manufactured or sold, or sponsored by the petitioner by reason of accumulated from use of the trademark.
the use of the challenged trademark.
• The Philippines' adherence to the Paris Convention committed to the In fact, a prior registrant cannot claim exclusive use of the trademark unless it uses
government to the protection of trademarks belonging not only to Filipino it in commerce.
citizens but also to those belonging to nationals of other member countries
who may seek protection in the Philippines. The Trademark Law is very clear. It requires actual commercial use of the mark prior
to its registration. "Samples" are not for sale and therefore, the fact of exporting
Meanwhile, the petitioner also filed with SEC a petition to cancel the mark "ISETAN" them to the Philippines cannot be considered to be equivalent to the "use"
as part of the registered corporate name of Isetann Department Store. This petition contemplated by the law.
was denied. Director of Patents held Petitioner has not successfully made out a case
of cancellation. Hence, Respondent's Certificate of Supplemental Registration The records show that the petitioner has never conducted any business in the
covering the tradename "ISETANN DEPT. STORE, INC. & FLOWER DESIGN" are Philippines. It has never promoted its tradename or trademark in the Philippines.
ordered to remain in full force and effect for the duration of their term unless sooner It has absolutely no business goodwill in the Philippines. It is unknown to Filipinos
or later terminated by law. The decision of the Patent Office has long become final except the very few who may have noticed it while travelling abroad. It has never
and executory. So has the Court of Appeal decision. paid a single centavo of tax to the Philippine government. Under the law, it has no
right to the remedy it seeks.
The trademark Law, Republic Act No. 166 provides: The petitioner's witnesses, Takayama and Murakami, admitted that:
1) The petitioner's company is not licensed to do business in the Philippines;
SEC. 2. What are registrable.- Trademark, tradenames and service marks owned
2) The petitioner's trademark is not registered under Philippine law; and
by persons, corporation, partnerships or associations domiciled in the Philippines 3) The petitioner's trademark is not being used on products in trade, 9
and by persons, corporations, partnerships or associations domiciled in any foreign manufacture, or business in the Philippines.
country may be registered in accordance with the provisions of this Act:
Provided, That said trademarks, tradenames, or service marks are actually in use in In the case at bar, petitioner has never engaged in promotional activities in the
commerce and services not less than two months in the Philippines before the time Philippines to popularize its trademark because not being engaged in business in
the applications for registration are filed:
the Philippines, there is no need for advertising. The claim of the petitioner that
And provided, further, That the country of which the applicant for registration is a
citizen grants by law substantially similar privileges to citizens of the Philippines, and millions of dollars have been spent in advertising the petitioner's products, refers
such fact is officially certified, with a certified true copy of the foreign law translated to advertising in Japan or other foreign places. No promotional activities have been
into the English language, by the government of the foreign country to the undertaken in the Philippines, by the petitioner's own admission.
Government of the Republic of the Philippines.
Any goodwill, reputation, or knowledge regarding the name Isetann is purely the
SEC. 2-A. Ownership of trademarks, tradenames and service marks; how acquired. work of the private respondent. Evidence was introduced on the extensive
– promotional activities of the private respondent.
Anyone who lawfully produces or deals in merchandise of any kind or who engages
in any lawful business, or who renders any lawful service in commerce, by actual
use thereof in manufacture or trade, in business, and in the service rendered, may What is involved in this case is not so much a trademark as a tradename. Isetann
appropriate to his exclusive use a trademark, a tradename, or a service mark not so Department Store is the name of a store and not of product sold in various parts of
appropriated by another, to distinguish his merchandise, business or service from the country. This case must be differentiated from cases involving products bearing
the merchandise, business or service of others. The ownership or possession of a such familiar names as "colgate", "Singer". "Toyota", or "Sony" where the products
trademark, tradename, service mark, heretofore or hereafter appropriated, as in are marketed widely in the Philippines. There is no product with the name "Isetann"
this section provided, shall be recognized and protected in the same manner and to popularized with that brand name in the Philippines. Unless one goes to the store
the same extent as are other property rights known to the law. called Isetann in Manila, he would never know what the name means. Similarly, until
a Filipino buyer steps inside a store called "Isetan" in Tokyo or Hongkong, that name
Adoption alone of a trademark would not give exclusive right thereto. Such right
grows out of their actual use. Adoption is not use. For trademark is a creation of
would be completely alien to him. The records show that among Filipinos, the name 2) since PM are "not doing business in the Philippines" coupled the fact that
cannot claim to be internationally well-known. the Director of Patents has not denied their pending application for
registration of its trademark "MARK", the grant of a writ of preliminary
The mere origination or adoption of a particular tradename without actual use injunction is premature.
thereof in the market is insufficient to give any exclusive right to its use, even
though such adoption is publicly declared, such as by use of the name in Philip Morris maintain that their trademarks are entitled to protection by treaty
advertisements, circulars, price lists, and on signs and stationery. The Paris obligation under Article 2 of the Paris Convention.
Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property does not automatically
exclude all countries which have signed it from using a tradename which happens There is no question that defendant has been authorized by the Bureau of Internal
to be used in one country. Revenue to manufacture cigarettes bearing the trademark "MARK". However, this
authority is qualified, that the said brands have been accepted and registered by the
The Treaty provision clearly indicated the conditions which must exist before any Patent Office not later than six (6) months after you have been manufacturing the
trademark owner can claim and be afforded rights such as the Petitioner herein cigarettes and placed the same in the market." However, this grant does not give
seeks and those conditions are that: you protection against any person or entity whose rights may be prejudiced by
a) the mark must be internationally known or well known; infringement or unfair competition in relation to your indicated trademarks/brands".
b) the subject of the right must be a trademark, not a patent or copyright or As aforestated, the registration of defendant's application is still pending in the
anything else; Philippine Patent Office.
c) the mark must be for use in the same or similar kinds of goods; and
d) the person claiming must be the owner of the mark. HELD:

The respondent registered its trademark in 1979. It has continuously used that name To sustain a successful prosecution of their suit for infringement, petitioners, as
in commerce. It has established a goodwill through extensive advertising. The people foreign corporations not engaged in local commerce, rely on section 21-A of the
who buy at Isetann Store do so because of Isetann's efforts. There is no showing that Trademark Law reading as follows:
the Japanese firm's registration in Japan or Hongkong has any influence whatsoever Sec. 21-A. Any foreign corporation or juristic person to which a mark or trade-name 10
on the Filipino buying public. has been registered or assigned under this act may bring an action hereunder for
infringement, for unfair competition, or false designation of origin and false
7. Philip Morris v. CA, 224 SCRA 576, G.R. No. 91332 [16 July 1993] description, whether or not it has been licensed to do business in the Philippines
under the Corporation Law, at the time it brings complaint:
Provided, That the country of which the said foreign corporation or juristic person
1) WON preliminary injunction should be granted? (NO, no clear right) is a citizen or in which it is domiciled, by treaty, convention or law, grants a similar
2) WON there has been an invasion of plaintiffs' right of property to such privilege to corporate or juristic persons of the Philippines.
trademark or trade name.
to drive home the point that they are not precluded from initiating a cause of action
Philip Morris is a US corporation not doing business in the Philippines but is suing on in the Philippines on account of the principal perception that another entity is
an isolated transaction. As registered owners "MARK VII", "MARK TEN", and "LARK" pirating their symbol without any lawful authority to do so. Judging from a perusal
per certificates of registration issued by the Philippine Patent Office, Philip Morris of the aforequoted Section 21-A, the conclusion reached by petitioners is certainly
asserted that Fortune Tobacco has no right to manufacture and sell cigarettes correct. The foreign corporation is allowed thereunder to sue "whether or not it has
bearing the allegedly identical or confusingly similar trademark "MARK" in been licensed to do business in the Philippines" pursuant to the Corporation Law.
contravention of Section 22 of the Trademark Law, and should, therefore, be
precluded during the pendency of the case from performing the acts complained of However, the provision was qualified to the effect that a foreign corporation not
via a preliminary injunction. doing business in the Philippines may have the right to sue before Philippine Courts,
but it is not sufficient for a foreign corporation suing under Section 21-A to simply
Fortune Tobacco alleged that allege its alien origin. Rather, it must additionally allege its personality to sue.
1) it has been authorized by the BIR to manufacture and sell cigarettes Relative to this condition precedent, it may be observed that petitioners were not
bearing the trademark "MARK", and that "MARK" is a common word remiss in averring their personality to lodge a complaint for infringement especially
which cannot be exclusively appropriated so when they asserted that the main action for infringement is anchored on an
isolated transaction.


Invoking the provisions of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial and
A fundamental principle of Philippine Trademark Law is that actual use in commerce Intellectual Property (Paris Convention, for brevity), to which the Philippines is a
in the Philippines is a pre-requisite to the acquisition of ownership over a trademark signatory, [petitioners] pointed out that upon the request of an interested party, a
or a tradename. Adoption alone of a trademark would not give exclusive right country of the Union may prohibit the use of a trademark which constitutes a
thereto. Such right grows out of their actual use. Adoption is not use. One may make reproduction, imitation, or translation of a mark already belonging to a person
advertisements, issue circulars, give out price lists on certain goods; but these alone entitled to the benefits of the said Convention. They likewise argued that, in
would not give exclusive right of use. For trademark is a creation of use. The accordance with Section 21-A in relation to Section 23 of Republic Act 166, as
underlying reason for all these is that purchasers have come to understand the mark amended, they are entitled to relief in the form of damages xxx [and] the issuance
as indicating the origin of the wares. Flowing from this is the trader's right to of a writ of preliminary injunction which should be made permanent to enjoin
protection in the trade he has built up and the goodwill he has accumulated from perpetually the [respondent] from violating [petitioners’] right to the exclusive use
use of the trademark. In fact, a prior registrant cannot claim exclusive use of the of their aforementioned trademarks.
trademark unless it uses it in commerce. [Respondent] filed its Answer xxx denying [petitioners’] material allegations and xxx
averred [among other things] xxx that "MARK" is a common word, which cannot
In other words, petitioners may have the capacity to sue for infringement particularly identify a product to be the product of the [petitioners] xxx
irrespective of lack of business activity in the Philippines on account of Section 21-A
of the Trademark Law but the question whether they have an exclusive right over A "trademark" is any distinctive word, name, symbol, emblem, sign, or device, or any
their symbol as to justify issuance of the controversial writ will depend on actual use combination thereof adopted and used by a manufacturer or merchant on his goods
of their trademarks in the Philippines in line with Sections 2 and 2-A of the same law. to identify and distinguish them from those manufactured, sold, or dealt in by
others. Inarguably, a trademark deserves protection.
In view of the explicit representation of petitioners in the complaint that they are
not engaged in business in the Philippines, it inevitably follows that no conceivable The protection of trademarks is the law’s recognition of the psychological function
damage can be suffered by them not to mention the foremost consideration of symbols. If it is true that we live by symbols, it is no less true that we purchase
heretofore discussed on the absence of their "right" to be protected. goods by them. A trade-mark is a merchandising short-cut which induces a purchaser
to select what he wants, or what he has been led to believe what he wants. The 11
8. Philip Morris v. Fortune Tobacco, G.R. No. 158589, 27 June 2006 owner of a mark exploits this human propensity by making every effort to
In the Complaint with prayer for the issuance of a preliminary injunction, impregnate the atmosphere of the market with the drawing power of a congenial
[petitioners] alleged that they are foreign corporations not doing business in the symbol. Whatever the means employed, the aim is the same - to convey through the
Philippines and are suing on an isolated transaction. They averred that the countries mark, in the minds of potential customers, the desirability of the commodity upon
in which they are domiciled grant xxx to corporate or juristic persons of the which it appears. Once this is attained, the trade-mark owner has something of
Philippines the privilege to bring action for infringement, xxx without need of a value. If another poaches upon the commercial magnetism of the symbol he has
license to do business in those countries. [Petitioners] likewise manifested [being created, the owner can obtain legal redress.
registered owners of the trademark "MARK VII" and "MARK TEN" for cigarettes as
evidenced by the corresponding certificates of registration and an applicant for the Petitioners assert that,
registration of the trademark "LARK MILDS"]. [Petitioners] claimed that they have 1) as corporate nationals of member-countries of the Paris Union, they can
registered the aforementioned trademarks in their respective countries of origin and sue before Philippine courts for infringement of trademarks, or for unfair
that, by virtue of the long and extensive usage of the same, these trademarks have competition, without need of obtaining registration or a license to do
already gained international fame and acceptance. Imputing bad faith on the part of business in the Philippines, and without necessity of actually doing
the [respondent], petitioners claimed that the [respondent], without any previous business in the Philippines.
consent from any of the [petitioners], manufactured and sold cigarettes bearing the 2) these grievance right and mechanism are accorded not only by Section 21-
identical and/or confusingly similar trademark "MARK" xxx Accordingly, they argued A of the Trademark Law, but also by Article 2 of the Paris Convention for
that [respondent’s] use of the trademark "MARK" in its cigarette products have the Protection of Industrial Property.
caused and is likely to cause confusion or mistake, or would deceive purchasers and 3) there is actual use of their trademarks in the Philippines as evidenced by
the public in general into buying these products under the impression and mistaken the certificates of registration of their trademarks. The marks "MARK TEN"
belief that they are buying [petitioners’] products. and "LARK" were registered on the basis of actual use in accordance while
the registration of "MARK VII" was on the basis of registration in the
foreign country of origin.


4) That they are not doing business in the Philippines, if that be the case, does is a creation of use and, therefore, actual use is a pre-requisite to exclusive
not mean that cigarettes bearing their trademarks are not available and ownership; registration is only an administrative confirmation of the existence of
sold locally. the right of ownership of the mark, but does not perfect such right; actual use
5) petitioners would press on their entitlement to protection even in the thereof is the perfecting ingredient.
absence of actual use of trademarks in the country in view of the
Philippines’ adherence to the TRIPS Agreement and the enactment of the The registration of a trademark unaccompanied by actual use thereof in the
Intellectual Property Code, both of which provide that the fame of a country accords the registrant only the standing to sue for infringement in
trademark may be acquired through promotion or advertising with no Philippine courts. Entitlement to protection of such trademark in the country is
explicit requirement of actual use in local trade or commerce. entirely a different matter.

HELD: Considering that R.A. No. 166 mandates actual use of the marks and/or 9. Shangrila v. DGCI, G.R. 159938, 31 March 2006
emblems in local commerce and trade before they may be registered and ISSUE:
ownership thereof acquired, the petitioners cannot, therefore, dispense with the 1. WON DGCI had the right to file an application for registration of the "Shangri-
element of actual use. Their being nationals of member-countries of the Paris La" mark and "S" logo although it never had any prior actual commercial use
Union does not alter the legal situation. thereof; (NO)
2. WON SHANG should be prohibited from continuing their use of the mark and
Following universal acquiescence and comity, our municipal law on trademarks logo in question. (NO)
regarding the requirements of actual use in the Philippines must subordinate an
international agreement inasmuch as the apparent clash is being decided by a At the core of the controversy are the "Shangri-La" mark and "S" logo.
municipal tribunal. Withal, the fact that international law has been made part of the
law of the land does not by any means imply the primacy of international law over Developers Group of Companies, Inc. (DGCI) claims ownership of said mark and logo
national law in the municipal sphere. Under the doctrine of incorporation as applied in the Philippines on the strength of its prior use thereof within the country. As DGCI
in most countries, rules of International Law are given a standing equal, not superior, stresses at every turn, it filed in 1982 an application for registration covering the
to national legislative enactments. subject mark and logo. The BPTTT (Bureau of Patents, Trademarks and Technology 12
Transfer) issued in favor of DGCI the corresponding certificate of registration
In other words, (a foreign corporation) may have the capacity to sue for infringement therefor. Since then, DGCI started using the "Shangri-La" mark and "S" logo in its
… but the question of whether they have an exclusive right over their symbol as to restaurant business.
justify issuance of the controversial writ will depend on actual use of their
trademarks in the Philippines in line with Sections 2 and 2-A of the same law. It is On the other hand, the Kuok family owns and operates a chain of hotels with interest
thus incongruous for petitioners to claim that when a foreign corporation not in hotels and hotel-related transactions since 1969. It adopted the name "Shangri-
licensed to do business in the Philippines files a complaint for infringement, the La" as part of the corporate names of all companies organized under the aegis of the
entity need not be actually using its trademark in commerce in the Philippines. Such Kuok Group of Companies. The Kuok Group has used the name "Shangri-La" in all
a foreign corporation may have the personality to file a suit for infringement but it Shangri-La hotels and hotel-related establishments around the world which they
may not necessarily be entitled to protection due to absence of actual use of the owned. All hotels owned, operated and managed by the aforesaid SLIHM Group of
emblem in the local market. Companies adopted and used the distinctive lettering of the name "Shangri-La" as
part of their trade names.
Contrary to what petitioners suggest, the registration of trademark cannot be
deemed conclusive as to the actual use of such trademark in local commerce. As it From the records, it appears that Shangri-La Singapore commissioned a Singaporean
were, registration does not confer upon the registrant an absolute right to the design artist, a certain Mr. William Lee, to conceptualize and design the logo of the
registered mark. The certificate of registration merely constitutes prima facie Shangri-La hotels. Since 1975 and up to the present, the "Shangri-La" mark and "S"
evidence that the registrant is the owner of the registered mark. Evidence of non- logo have been used consistently and continuously by all Shangri-La hotels and
usage of the mark rebuts the presumption of trademark ownership, as what companies in their paraphernalia, such as stationeries, envelopes, business forms,
happened here when petitioners no less admitted not doing business in this country. menus, displays and receipts. The Kuok Group and/or SLIHM caused the registration
of, and in fact registered, the "Shangri-La" mark and "S" logo in the patent offices in
Most importantly, we stress that registration in the Philippines of trademarks does different countries around the world.
not ipso facto convey an absolute right or exclusive ownership thereof… trademark


Shang filed with the BPTTT a petition, praying for the cancellation of the registration Petitioners' first argument is that the respondent had no right to file an application
of the "Shangri-La" mark and "S" logo issued to DGCI on the ground that the same for registration of the "Shangri-La" mark and "S" logo because it did not have prior
were illegally and fraudulently obtained and appropriated for the latter's restaurant actual commercial use thereof. To respondent, such an argument raises a question
business. They prayed for the registration of the same mark and logo in their own of fact that was already resolved by the RTC and concurred in by the CA.
Until 1987 or 1988, SHANG did not operate any establishment in the Philippines, Under the provisions of the former trademark law, which was the law in force at the
albeit they advertised their hotels abroad since 1972 in numerous business, news, time of respondent's application for registration of trademark, the root of ownership
and/or travel magazines widely circulated around the world, all readily available in of a trademark is actual use in commerce. Section 2 of said law requires that before
Philippine magazines and newsstands. They, too, maintained reservations and a trademark can be registered, it must have been actually used in commerce and
booking agents in airline companies, hotel organizations, tour operators, tour service for not less than two months in the Philippines prior to the filing of an
promotion organizations, and in other allied fields in the Philippines. Hence, DGCI application for its registration.
filed a complaint for Infringement and Damages against the SHANG.
Registration, without more, does not confer upon the registrant an absolute right to
The complaint alleged that DGCI has, for the last eight (8) years, been the prior the registered mark. The certificate of registration is merely a prima facie proof that
exclusive user in the Philippines of the mark and logo in question and the the registrant is the owner of the registered mark or trade name. Evidence of prior
registered owner thereof for its restaurant and allied services. SHANG, in and continuous use of the mark or trade name by another can overcome the
promoting and advertising their hotel and other projects had been using a mark and presumptive ownership of the registrant and may very well entitle the former to be
logo confusingly similar, if not identical, with its mark and "S" logo. Accordingly, DGCI declared owner in an appropriate case.
sought to prohibit the SHANG from using the "Shangri-La" mark and "S" logo in their
hotels in the Philippines. Ownership of a mark or trade name may be acquired not necessarily by registration
but by adoption and use in trade or commerce. As between actual use of a mark
SHANG accused DGCI of appropriating and illegally using the "Shangri-La" mark and without registration, and registration of the mark without actual use thereof, the
"S" logo, adding that the legal and beneficial ownership thereof pertained to SLIHM former prevails over the latter. This is because actual use in commerce or business 13
and that the Kuok Group and its related companies had been using this mark and is a pre-requisite to the acquisition of the right of ownership.
logo since March 1962 for all their corporate names and affairs. In this regard, they
point to the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property as affording While the present law on trademarks has dispensed with the requirement of prior
security and protection to SLIHM's exclusive right to said mark and logo. They further actual use at the time of registration, the law in force at the time of registration must
claimed having used, since late 1975, the internationally-known and specially- be applied, and thereunder it was held that as a condition precedent to registration
designed "Shangri-La" mark and "S" logo for all the hotels in their hotel chain. of trademark, trade name or service mark, the same must have been in actual use in
the Philippines before the filing of the application for registration. Trademark is a
Presented as DGCI's witness was its President and Chairman of DGCI's Board of creation of use and therefore actual use is a pre-requisite to exclusive ownership and
Directors Ramon. The witness testified that: its registration with the Philippine Patent Office is a mere administrative
1. The restaurant bears the name "Shangri-La" and uses the same and the "S-logo" confirmation of the existence of such right.
as service marks.
2. He had traveled widely around Asia prior to 1982, and admitted knowing the By itself, registration is not a mode of acquiring ownership. When the applicant is
Shangri-La Hotel in Hong Kong as early as August 1982. not the owner of the trademark being applied for, he has no right to apply for
3. The "S-logo" was one of two (2) designs given to him, scribbled on a piece of registration of the same. Registration merely creates a prima facie presumption of
paper by a jeepney signboard artist. The unnamed artist supposedly produced the validity of the registration, of the registrant's ownership of the trademark and
the two designs after about two or three days from the time he (Syhunliong) of the exclusive right to the use thereof. Such presumption is rebuttable and must
gave the idea of the design he had in mind. give way to evidence to the contrary.
4. DGCI was incorporated with the primary purpose of "owning or operating, or
both, of hotels and restaurants". Here, respondent's own witness, Ramon Syhunliong, testified that a jeepney
5. DGCI obtained Certificate of Registration for the "Shangri-La" mark and "S" logo. signboard artist allegedly commissioned to create the mark and logo submitted his
designs only 2.5 months after the filing of the respondents trademark application
with the BPTTT. Respondent cannot now claim before the Court that the certificate


of registration itself is proof that the two-month prior use requirement was complied saying that the mark must not have been so appropriated by another. Additionally,
with, what with the fact that its very own witness testified otherwise in the trial it is significant to note that Section 2-A does not require that the actual use of a
court. And because at the time (October 18, 1982) the respondent filed its trademark must be within the Philippines. Hence, under R.A. No. 166, as amended,
application for trademark registration of the Shangri-La mark and S logo, respondent one may be an owner of a mark due to actual use thereof but not yet have the right
was not using these in the Philippines commercially, the registration is void. to register such ownership here due to failure to use it within the Philippines for
two months. Recognition of international reputation of Shang
As to DGCI’s bad faith, “When a trademark copycat adopts the word portion of
another's trademark as his own, there may still be some doubt that the adoption is While the petitioners may not have qualified under Section 2 of R.A. No. 166 as a
intentional. But if he copies not only the word but also the word's exact font and registrant, neither did respondent DGCI, since the latter also failed to fulfill the 2-
lettering style and in addition, he copies also the logo portion of the trademark, the month actual use requirement. What is worse, DGCI was not even the owner of the
slightest doubt vanishes. It is then replaced by the certainty that the adoption was mark. For it to have been the owner, the mark must not have been already
deliberate, malicious and in bad faith.” appropriated (i.e., used) by someone else. At the time of respondent DGCI's
registration of the mark, the same was already being used by the petitioners, albeit
It is truly difficult to understand why, of the millions of terms and combination of abroad, of which DGCIs president was fully aware.
letters and designs available, the respondent had to choose exactly the same mark It is respondent's contention that since the petitioners adopted the Shangri-La mark
and logo as that of the petitioners, if there was no intent to take advantage of the and S logo as a mere corporate name or as the name of their hotels, instead of using
goodwill of petitioners' mark and logo. them as a trademark or service mark, then such name and logo are not trademarks.
The two concepts of corporate name or business name and trademark or service
One who has imitated the trademark of another cannot bring an action for mark, are not mutually exclusive. It is common, indeed likely, that the name of a
infringement, particularly against the true owner of the mark, because he would be corporation or business is also a trade name, trademark or service mark.
coming to court with unclean hands. Priority is of no avail to the bad faith plaintiff.
Good faith is required in order to ensure that a second user may not merely take The new Intellectual Property Code (IPC) undoubtedly shows the firm resolve of the
advantage of the goodwill established by the true owner. Philippines to observe and follow the Paris Convention by incorporating the relevant
portions of the Convention such that persons who may question a mark (that is, 14
This point is further bolstered by the fact that under the Paris Convention, no time oppose registration, petition for the cancellation thereof, sue for unfair competition)
limit is fixed for the cancellation of marks registered or used in bad faith. This is include persons whose internationally well-
precisely why petitioners had filed an inter partes case before the BPTTT for the known mark, whether or not registered, is identical with or confusingly similar to or
cancellation of respondent's registration, the proceedings on which were suspended constitutes a translation of a mark that is sought to be registered or is actually
pending resolution of the instant case. registered.

Admittedly, the CA was not amiss in saying that the law requires the actual use in However, while the Philippines was already a signatory to the Paris Convention, the
commerce of the said trade name and S logo in the Philippines. Hence, consistent IPC only took effect on January 1, 1988, and in the absence of a retroactivity clause,
with its finding that the bulk of the petitioners' evidence shows that the alleged use R.A. No. 166 still applies. Under the prevailing law and jurisprudence at the time, the
of the Shangri-La trade name was done abroad and not in the Philippines, it CA had not erred in ruling that:
is understandable for that court to rule in respondents favor. Unfortunately, what The Paris Convention mandates that protection should be afforded to
the CA failed to perceive is that there is a crucial difference between the internationally known marks as signatory to the Paris Convention, without
aforequoted Section 2 and Section 2-A of R.A. No. 166. For, while Section 2 provides regard as to whether the foreign corporation is registered, licensed or
for what is registrable, Section 2-A, on the other hand, sets out how ownership is doing business in the Philippines. It goes without saying that the same
acquired. These are two distinct concepts. runs afoul to Republic Act No. 166, which requires the actual use in
commerce in the Philippines of the subject mark or devise. The apparent
Under Section 2, in order to register a trademark, one must be the owner thereof conflict between the two (2) was settled by the Supreme Court in this wise
and must have actually used the mark in commerce in the Philippines for 2 months –
prior to the application for registration. Since ownership of the trademark is Following universal acquiescence and comity, our municipal law on
required for registration, Section 2-A of the same law sets out to define how one trademarks regarding the requirement of actual use in the Philippines
goes about acquiring ownership thereof. Under Section 2-A, it is clear that actual use must subordinate an international agreementinasmuch
in commerce is also the test of ownership but the provision went further by as the apparent clash is being decided by a municipal tribunal. Withal, the


fact that international law has been made part of the law of the land does (a) Consists of immoral, deceptive or scandalous matter , or matter which
not by any means imply the primacy of international law over national law may disparage or falsely suggest a connection with persons, living or
in the municipal sphere. Under the doctrine of incorporation as applied in dead, institutions, beliefs, or national symbols, or bring them into
most countries, rules of international law are given a standing equal, not contempt or disrepute;
superior, to national legislative enactments (b) Consists of the flag or coat of arms or other insignia of the Philippines or
any of its political subdivisions, or of any foreign nation, or any
Consequently, the petitioners cannot claim protection under the Paris Convention. simulation thereof;
Nevertheless, with the double infirmity of lack of two-month prior use, as well as bad (c) Consists of a name, portrait or signature identifying a particular living
faith in the respondent's registration of the mark, it is evident individual except by his written consent, or that of a deceased President
that the petitioners cannot be guilty of infringement. It would be a great injustice to of the Philippines, during the life of his widow, if any, except by written
adjudge the petitioners guilty of infringing a mark when they are actually the consent of the widow;
originator and creator thereof. (d) Is identical with a registered mark belonging to a different proprietor or
a mark with an earlier filing or priority date, in respect of:
Nor can the petitioners' separate personalities from their mother corporation be an (i) The same goods or services , or
obstacle in the enforcement of their rights as part of the Kuok Group of Companies (ii) Closely related goods or services, or
and as official repository, manager and operator of the subject mark and logo. (iii) If it nearly resembles such a mark as to be LIKELY to deceive or cause
Besides, R.A. No. 166 did not require theparty seeking relief to confusion;
be the owner of the mark but any person who believes that he is or will be damaged (e) Is identical with, or confusingly similar to, or constitutes a translation of
by the registration of a mark or trade name. a mark which is considered by the competent authority of the Philippines
to be well-known internationally and in the Philippines, whether or not
10. Shangrila v. DCCI, G.R. 159938, 22 January 2007 it is registered here, as being already the mark of a person other than the
Movant DGCI would make capital on the alleged danger the subject Decision might applicant for registration, and used for identical or similar goods or
wreak upon Philippine trademark law, claiming that the decision in question would services:
render nugatory the protection intended by the trademark law to all Philippine • Provided, That in determining whether a mark is well-known, 15
trademark registrants. This assertion is a baseless and sweeping statement. The account shall be taken of the knowledge of the relevant sector of
interpretation of Republic Act No. 166 in the Decision does not in any way diminish the public, rather than of the public at large, including knowledge in
the protection afforded to valid trademark registrations made under said law. It was the Philippines which has been obtained as a result of the
glaringly obvious, however, from the testimony of movants own witness that DGCIs promotion of the mark;
registration of the subject mark and logo was void due to the existence of bad faith (f) Is identical with, or confusingly similar to, or constitutes a translation of
and the absence of the requisite 2-month prior use. a mark considered well-known in accordance with the preceding
Despite movant's melodramatic imputation of an abandonment of the territoriality paragraph, which is registered in the Philippines with respect to goods or
principle, the Decision actually upholds the principle but found that respondent DGCI services which are not similar to those with respect to which registration
was not entitled to protection thereunder due to the double infirmity which is applied for:
attended its registration of the subject mark and logo. • Provided, That use of the mark in relation to those goods or services
It would be a great injustice to adjudge SHANG guilty of infringing a mark when would indicate a connection between those goods or services, and
they are actually the originator and creator thereof. Nor can the SHANG’s separate the owner of the registered mark:
personalities from their mother corporation be an obstacle in the enforcement of • Provided further, That the interests of the owner of the registered
their rights as part of the Kuok Group of Companies and as official repository, mark are likely to be damaged by such use;
manager and operator of the subject mark and logo. (g) Is likely to mislead the public, particularly as to the
Besides, R.A. No. 166 did not require the party seeking relief to be the owner of the • nature,
mark but any person who believes that he is or will be damaged by the registration • quality,
of a mark or trade name. (even if petitioners were not the owners, they would still • characteristics or
have a right of action under the law.) • geographical origin of the goods or services;
E. Standard of Registrability (h) Consists exclusively of SIGNS THAT ARE GENERIC for the goods or services
F. What Marks CANNOT Be Registered? MEMORIZE for midterms that they seek to identify;
Section 123. Registrability. - 123.1. A mark CANNOT be registered if it:


(i) Consists exclusively of SIGNS OR OF INDICATIONS THAT HAVE BECOME partnership for a period of five years, under the firm name and style of "Baxter &
CUSTOMARY OR USUAL to designate the goods or services in everyday Company," the object of which said partnership was the manufacture of toilet water
language or in bona fide and established trade practice ; and perfumery. This trade-mark is actually used by the plaintiffs to designate the
(j) Consists exclusively of signs or of indications that may serve in trade to ownership and origin of a certain toilet water manufactured and sold by them under
designate the kind, quality, quantity, intended purpose, value, the said name of "Agua de Kananga."
geographical origin, time or production of the goods or rendering of the
services, or other characteristics of the goods or services; The plaintiffs brought this action for unfair competition. It is alleged that the
(k) Consists of shapes that may be necessitated by defendant Zosimo Zuazua, for the purpose of imitating and fraudulently simulating
• technical factors or by the "Agua de Kananga" manufactured by plaintiffs, placed on the market for sale a
• the nature of the goods themselves or certain toilet water under the name and denomination of "Kananga Superior" and
• factors that affect their intrinsic value; "Kanangue", and disposed of the same in bottles with labels similar to those used by
(l) Consists of color alone, unless defined by a given form; or the plaintiffs for their own goods.
(m) Is contrary to public order or morality .
Zuazua admitted that he had manufactured certain toilet water under the
123.2. As regards signs or devices mentioned in paragraphs (j), (k), and (l), denomination of "Kananga Superior" and "Kanangue", and that he had also sold the
nothing shall prevent the registration of any such sign or device which has become same in bottles labeled as alleged in the complaint. As to the bottles, it was
distinctive in relation to the goods for which registration is requested as a result of the stipulated that "those used by the Zuazua, as well as those used by the plaintiffs,
use that have been made of it in commerce in the Philippines. were universally used by all persons engaged in the manufacture of toilet water, and
that the fact that they were used by the defendant did not, of itself, constitute a
The Office may accept as prima facie evidence that the mark has become distinctive, as violation of the rights of the plaintiffs, nor a fraud or deceit upon the public."
used in connection with the applicant's goods or services in commerce, proof of
substantially exclusive and continuous use thereof by the applicant in commerce in the The trial court enjoined the defendants from the further manufacture of toilet water
Philippines for five (5) years before the date on which the claim of distinctiveness is under the trade-mark of "Kananga Superior" and "Kananga", and the selling of the
made. (it has attained secondary meaning) same in bottles of the size and form of those introduced in evidence at the trial, 16
labeled as aforesaid.
123.3. The nature of the goods to which the mark is applied will not constitute • The judgment was based upon the ground that the labels, words, and bottles in
an obstacle to registration. (Sec. 4, R.A. No. 166a) question, taken together, were an imitation of those used by the plaintiffs, and
tended to deceive the public by making it appear that the toilet water
11. Etepha v. Director of Patents, same as above manufactured and sold by the defendants was the same toilet water
Applicable clause: manufactured by the plaintiffs, and that the use of the said labels, words, and
• (j) Consists exclusively of signs or of indications that may serve in trade to bottles was therefore illegal, and constituted a violation of plaintiff's rights.
designate the kind, quality, quantity, intended purpose, value, • The grant did not give the plaintiffs an exclusive right to the use of the word
geographical origin, time or production of the goods or rendering of the "Kananga," but to the phrase "Agua de Kananga;" that "Kananga" was the name
services, or other characteristics of the goods or services; of a well-known tree of the Philippine Islands, and held that, although the
• Test used: holistic plaintiffs had a right to the exclusive use of the phrase "Agua de Kananga," it
did not follow that they had an exclusive right to the use of any of the words
12. Baxter v. Zuasua, 5 Phil. 160, G.R. No. 1750 [26 October 1905] contained in the said phrase.
• It’s easier to establish trademark infringement than unfair competition.
• (j) Consists exclusively of signs or of indications that may serve in trade to The main reliance of the defendant is that the labels used on his goods differed from
designate the kind, quality, quantity, intended purpose, value, those used by the plaintiffs as to the drawing, color, and general appearance of the
geographical origin, time or production of the goods or rendering of the design, and he denies emphatically that he had any intention to deceive the public
services, or other characteristics of the goods or services; thereby, alleging that the people clearly distinguished the goods of the plaintiffs
from those of the defendants, the former being known from the picture on the bottle
Guillermo Baxter secured the right to use the trade-mark described as "Agua de as the "Payo Brand" and the latter as the "Señorita Brand."
Kananga", as well as the labels annexed thereto. Baxter associated himself with
certain merchants of the city of Manila for the purpose of organizing a limited
HELD: there is no identity nor even any similarity whatsoever between them, 13. Compania Gral de Tabacco v. Alhambra Cigar, 33 Phil 485, G.R. No. 10619 [10
either in detail or as a whole. The difference between the two is so apparent that it February 1916]
can be readily noticed. We do not believe that the public could have been deceived Applicable provision:
by the appearance of the labels to the extent of taking the goods of the plaintiffs for • Is likely to mislead the public, particularly as to the nature, quality,
those manufactured and sold by the defendant. characteristics or geographical origin of the goods or services;
This is a proceeding to punish the defendant for contempt of the court in violating a
We make no finding as to the bottles because they were not forwarded to this court permanent injunction issued against it in the above entitled action.
for inspection, and, moreover, because it was stipulated by the parties that the said
bottles were universally used by all manufacturers of toilet water, and that their The action was one to recover damages for the violation of the trade-name "Isabela"
particular use by defendant was not, therefore, an act of fraud or deceit practiced and for unfair competition based on the same facts and to obtain a perpetual
by him upon the plaintiffs or the public generally. injunction against the defendant prohibiting it from using said trade-name or one
confusingly similar thereto.
Section 7 of Act No. 666 provides in part as follows:
• And in order that the action shall lie under this section, actual intent to RTC: plaintiff has appropriated and was entitled to the exclusive use of the word
deceive the public and defraud a competitor shall affirmatively appear on "Isabela" as a trade-mark in connection with its cigarettes and that the word Isabelas
the part of the person sought to be made liable, but such intent may be as employed in the phrases "Alhambra Isabelas" used by the defendant on its
inferred from similarity in the appearance of the goods as packed or cigarettes was a violation of the trade-mark "Isabela" the exclusive property rights
offered for sale to those of the complaining party. in which belonged to the plaintiff.
• The court issued a permanent injunction prohibiting the defendant from
The plaintiffs have not proved, or attempted to prove, the fraudulent intent the use of the word "Isabelas" or any word confusingly similar thereto, as
attributed to the defendant Zuazua by any means other than the alleged similarity follows: the Alhambra Cigar and Cigarette Manufacturing Company are
between the labels used by him and those used by the defendant to designate his hereby perpetually prohibited from employing or making use of the word
own goods. There being no such similarity between the labels, we find no reason for 'Isabelas' or any equivalent thereof, or of any other word or name
even inferring that the defendant had any such intention, and therefore the action confusingly similar thereto as a distinguishing brand or name for cigarettes 17
brought by the plaintiffs in this case cannot be maintained under the law. manufactured by said defendant.

We agree, however, that the ownership of the trade-mark "Agua de Kananga" did The defendant appealed. That motion was denied and the defendant later made the
not give the plaintiffs a right to the exclusive use of the word "Kananga." same motion to the Supreme Court, which was also denied.
• The defendant alleged in his answer that the word "Kananga" could not be
used as a trade-mark because it was the name of a flower. In spite of the existence of the injunction the defendant continued to use the words
• RTC held the word "Kananga" represents the name of a well-known tree in "Alhambra Isabelas" on its cigarettes; and plaintiff began a proceeding in the trial
the Philippines. This finding has not been disputed by the plaintiffs, who court to punish the defendant for a violation of the injunction. Defendant was found
simply allege that the spelling of the said word indicates that it is foreign guilty of competent of court for the violation of the injunction referred to. Thereafter
to the Spanish language. the defendant placed on its cigarettes the words, "Alhambra Isabela," simply
• It is apparent, therefore, that the said word could not be used exclusively changing the word "Isabelas" to "Isabela." It also placed on the back of the packages
as a trade-mark, any more than could the words "sugar," "tobacco," or the words "Blue Ribbon Cigarillos" as a distinctive name or brand for its cigarettes.
• "A designation or part of a designation which relates only to the name, Believing that defendant was still violating the injunction, plaintiff began another
quality, or description of the merchandise ... cannot be the subject of a proceeding to punish it for contempt. Defendant was found guilty of violating the
trade-mark." The denominations generally used in commerce for the injunction. From that judgment defendant appealed to this court and that is the
purpose of designating a class of goods could not be the subject of labels appeal we are now considering.
or trade-marks.
The appellant contends here:
The finding of the court that the plaintiffs have no right to the exclusive use of the word 1) The injunction is indefinite and uncertain to such an extent that a person
"Kananga" is sustained. of ordinary intelligence would be unable to comply with it and still protect
his acknowledged rights;


2) The injunction is void for the reason that the judgment of the court on
which it is based is not responsive to the pleadings or to the evidence in 14. Ang v. Teodoro, same as above
the case and has nothing in the record to support it;
3) The court had no jurisdiction. 15. Arce Sons v. Selecta Biscuits, 1 SCRA 253, G.R. No. L-14761 [28 January 1961]
• (j) Consists exclusively of signs or of indications that may serve in trade to designate
While the complaint set forth an action on trade-name and for unfair competition, the kind, quality, quantity, intended purpose, value, geographical origin, time or
accepting the plaintiff's interpretation of it, the trial court based its judgment on the production of the goods or rendering of the services, or other characteristics of the
violation of a trade-mark, although the complaint contained no allegation with goods or services;
respect to a trade-mark and no issue was joined on that subject by the pleadings and
no evidence was introduced on the trial with respect thereto. Selecta Biscuit Company filed with the Philippine Patent Office a petition for the
registration of the word "SELECTA" as trade-mark to be use in its bakery products alleging
There was, however, some evidence in the case with respect to the plaintiff's that it is in actual use thereof for not less than two months before said date and that "no
ownership of the trade-name "Isabela," for the violation of which the plaintiff was other persons, partnership, corporation or association ... has the right to use said trade-
suing, and there was some evidence which might support an action of unfair mark in the Philippines, either in the identical form or in any such near resemblance
competition, if such an action could be sustained under the statute. Therefore, thereto, as might be calculated to deceive."
although the judgment of the trial court was based on the violation of a trade-mark, • Its petition was referred to an examiner for study who found that the trade-mark
there was some evidence to sustain the judgment if it had been founded on a sought to be registered resembles the word "SELECTA" used by the Acre and Sons
violation of the trade-name or on unfair competition. The judgment was erroneous and Company, in its milk and ice cream products so that its use by respondent will
and was reversed for that reason; but having some evidence to sustain it, it was cause confusion as to the origin of their respective goods. Consequently, he
not void and the injunction issued in that action was one which the court had recommended that the application be refused. However, upon reconsideration, the
power to issue. Although the judgment was clearly erroneous and without basis in Patent Office ordered the publication of the application for purposes of opposition.
law, it was, nevertheless, a judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction which
had authority to render that particular judgment and to issue a permanent In due time, petitioner filed its opposition thereto on several grounds
injunction thereon. (1) that the mark "SELECTA" had been continuously used by petitioner in the 18
manufacture and sale of its products, including cakes, bakery products, milk and ice
The appellant complains that it did not use the word “Isabelas” as a distinguishing cream from the time of its organization and even prior thereto by its predecessor-
brand or name but simply as a word describing the quality of tobacco which in-interest, Ramon Arce;
composed the cigarettes to which the name was attached. (2) that the mark "SELECTA" has already become identified with name of the petitioner
and its business;
HELD: While we agree with defendant that the word "Isabela is primarily a (3) that ARCE had warned SELECTA BISCUITS not to use said mark because it was already
geographical name and descriptive word, that fact does not signify that an being used by the former, but that the latter ignored said warning;
injunction prohibiting the use of that word is void for that reason. (4) that SELECTA BISCUITS is using the word "SELECTA" as a trade-mark as bakery
products in unfair competition with the products of petitioner thus resulting in
The question is not was the judgment correct on the law and the facts, but was it a confusion in trade;
valid judgment? If so, and if the injunction issued thereon was definite and certain (5) that the mark to which the application of SELECTA BISCUITS refers has striking
and was within the subject matter of the judgment, the defendant was bound to resemblance, both in appearance and meaning, to petitioner's mark as to be
obey it, however, erroneous it may have been. mistaken therefor by the public and cause respondent's goods to be sold as
petitioner's; and
The defendant will not be permitted to say that it sought to use a different word or (6) that actually a complaint has been filed by the ARCE against SELECTA BISCUITS for
phrase and that by reason of the indefiniteness of the injunction it fell into error, unfair competition in the Court of First Instance of Manila asking for damages and
although in good faith it attempted to obey its terms. It continued to use the for the issuance of a writ of injunction against respondent enjoining the latter for
prohibited word in precisely the manner prior to the injunction; and it cannot be said continuing with the use of said mark.
that it was misled by the vagueness of the injunction, for, however vague the
injunction may have been, the defendant could not have been ignorant of the fact CFI rendered decision in the unfair competition case perpetually enjoining SELECTA
that it had been prohibited from using the word "Isabelas" the word that had been BISCUITS from using the name "SELECTA" as a trade-mark on the goods manufactured
the very center of the controversy in which the injunction was issued. and/or sold by it.


The Director of Patents dismissed ARCE’s opposition and stating that the registration of to index cards information was furnished to the effect that defendant could register
the trade-mark "SELECTA" in favor of applicant Selecta Biscuits Company, Inc. will not the name 'Selecta' with the Bureau of Patents.
cause confusion or mistake nor will deceive the purchasers as to the cause damage to 3. Defendant actually operated its business factory on June 20, 1955, while the petition
petitioner. Hence, petitioner interposed the present petition for review. for registration of trade-mark 'Selecta' was filed with the Philippine Patent Office
only on September 1, 1955, for the Philippine Patent Office informed the defendant
Facts of ARCE: that the name should first be used before registration.
1. The war that broke out did not stop Ramon Arce from continuing with his business. 4. The factory of defendant is located at Tuazon Avenue, Northern Hills, Malabon, Rizal,
After a brief interruption of about a month, he resumed his business using the same showing plainly on its wall facing the streets the name 'SELECTA BISCUIT COMPANY,
trade-name and trade-mark, but this time, on a large scale. He entered the INC.'
restaurant business. 5. It is significant to note that Eulalio Arce, Managing Partner of the plaintiff resided
2. However, Ramon Arce was again forced to discontinue the business when American and resides near the defendant's factory, only around 150 meters away ; in fact, Arce
planes started to bomb Manila and one of his sons who was managing the business, use to pass in front of the factory of defendant while still under construction and up
was seized by the Japanese. Liberation came and immediately thereafter. to the present time. Neither Eulalio Arce nor any other person in representation of
3. Ramon Arce once more resumed his business, even more actively, by adding another the plaintiff complained to the defendant about the use of the name 'Selecta Biscuit'
store located at the corner of Lepanto and Azcarraga Streets. until of the present complaint.
4. Continuing to use the name 'Selecta,' he added bakery products to his line of 6. There are other factories using 'Selecta as trade-mark for biscuit; defendant in fact
business. Incidentally, Arce's bakery was transferred to Balintawak, Quezon City — uses different kinds of trade-mark.
another expansion of his business. 7. The biscuits, cookies, and crackers manufactured and sold by defendant are wrapped
5. Like the other products, special carton boxes in different sizes, according to the in cellophane pouches and place inside tin can; the products of defendant are sold
bakery products, with the name 'Selecta' on top of the covers are provided for these through the length and breadth of the Philippines through agents with more than
bakery products. For the cakes, special boxes and labels reading 'Selecta Cakes for one hundred 600 stores as customers buying on credit.
all occasions' are made. For the milk products, special bottle caps and bottles with 8. Defendant advertises its products through radio broadcast and spot announcement;
the colored words 'Quality Always Selecta Fresh Milk, One Pint' inscribed and blown the broadcasts scripts announced therein through the radio clearly show, among
on the sides of the bottles - an innovation from the old bottles and caps used others, that Selecta Biscuit are manufactured by Selecta Company. 19
formerly. Similar, special boxes with the name 'Selecta 'are provided for fried chicken 9. Besides the signboard, 'Selecta Biscuit Company, Inc.' on the building itself,
sold to customers. defendant has installed signboard along the highways to indicate the location of the
6. Business being already well established, Ramon Arce decided to retire, so that his factory of defendant; delivery trucks defendant are plainly carrying signboards
children can go on with the business. For this purpose, he transferred and leased to Selecta Biscuit Company.
them all his rights, interest and participations in the business, including the use of 10. The defendant sells its product throughout the Philippines, including Luzon , Visayas,
the name of 'Selecta.’ Mindanao; its customers count, among others, 600 stores buying on credit; its stores
7. He further wrote the Bureau of Commerce letter, requesting cancellation of the buying on cash number around 50.
business name 'Selecta Restaurant' to give way to the registration of the same 11. Sales in Manila and suburbs are minimal, (Exh. 12). Defendant is a wholesaler and
'Selecta' and asked that the same be registered in the name of Arce Sons & Company, not a retailer of biscuits, cookies and crackers. This is the nature of the operation of
a co-partnership entered into by and among his children. the business of the defendant."
8. Pursuing the policy of expansion adopted by their predecessor, Arce Sons &
Company established another store the now famous 'Selecta Dewey Boulevard', with HELD:
seven (7) delivery trucks with the 'Selecta ' conspicuously painted on them, to serve, • It appears that Ramon Arce started his milk business as early as 1933. He sold his
deliver, and cater to customers in and outside of Manila." milk products in bottles covered with caps on which the words 'SELECTA FRESH MILK'
were inscribed. Expanding his business, he established a store at Lepanto Street, City
The case for SELECTA BISCUITS: of Manila, where he sold, in addition to his products, ice cream, sandwiches and
1. The name 'Selecta' was chosen as a translation of the Chinese word 'Ching Suan' other food products, placing right in front of his establishment a signboard with the
which means 'mapili' in Tagalog, and Selected' in English. name 'SELECTA' inscribed thereon. Special containers made of tin cans with the word
2. The same name Selecta Biscuit Company, Inc. was also subsequently registered with 'SELECTA' written on their covers were used for his products. Bottle with the same
the Bureau of Internal Revenue which issued Registration Certificate. Inquiries were word embossed on their sides were used for his milk products. The sandwiches he
also made with the Patent Office of 'Selecta'; after an official of the Patent referred sold and distributed were wrapped in carton boxes with covers bearing the same
name. He used several cars and trucks for delivery purposes on the sides of which


were written the same word. As new products were produced for sale, the same o It tried to establish that respondent was organized as a corporation under the
were placed in containers with the same name written on their covers. After the war, name of Selecta Biscuit Company, Inc. on March 2, 1955 and started operations
he added to his business such items as cakes, bread, cookies, pastries, and assorted as a biscuit factory on June 20, 1955; that the name 'SELECTA' was chosen by
bakery products. Then his business was acquired by petitioner, a co-partnership the organizers of respondent who are Chinese citizens as a translation of the
organized by his sons, the purposes of which are "to conduct a first class restaurant Chinese word "Ching Suan" which means "mapili" in Tagalog, and "Selected" in
business; to engage in the manufacture and sale of ice cream, milk, cakes and other English; that , thereupon, it registered its articles of incorporation with the
products; and to carry on such other legitimate business as may produce profit." Securities and Exchange Commission and the name 'SELECTA' as a business
• The foregoing unmistakably show that petitioner, through its predecessor-in- name with the Bureau of Commerce which issued to it Certificate of
interest, had made use of the word "SELECTA" not only as a trade-name indicative of Registration No. 55594; and that it also registered the same trade-name with
the location of the restaurant where it manufactures and sells its products, but as the Bureau of Internal Revenue and took steps to obtain a patent from the
trade-mark is used. This is not only in accordance with its general acceptation but Patent Office by filing with it as application for the registration of said trade-
with our law on the matter. " name.
• Verily, the word 'SELECTA' has been chosen by petitioner and has been inscribed on • The suggestion that the name 'SELECTA' was chosen by the organizers of
all its products to serve not only as a sign or symbol that may indicate that they are respondent merely as a translation from a Chinese word "Ching Suan" meaning
manufactured and sold by it but as a mark of authenticity that may distinguish them "mapili" in the dialect is betrayed by the very manner of its selection, for if the only
from the products manufactured and sold by other merchants or businessmen. The purpose is to make an English translation of that word and not to compete with
Director of Patents, therefore, erred in holding that petitioner made use of that word the business of petitioner, why chose the word 'SELECTA', a Spanish word, and not
merely as a trade-name and not as a trade-mark within the meaning of the law. "Selected", the English equivalent thereof, as was done by other well-known
• The word 'SELECTA', it is true, may be an ordinary or common word in the sense enterprises? In the words of petitioner's counsel, "Why with all the words in the
that may be used or employed by any one in promoting his business or enterprise, English dictionary and all the words in the Spanish dictionary and all the phrases
but once adopted or coined in connection with one's business as an emblem, sign that could be coined, should defendant-appellant (respondent) choose 'SELECTA'
or device to characterize its products, or as a badge of authenticity, it may acquire if its purpose was not and is not to fool the people and to damage plaintiff-
a secondary meaning as to be exclusively associated with its products and business. appellee?"
o In this sense, its used by another may lead to confusion in trade and cause 20
damage to its business. And this is the situation of petitioner when it used the 16. Kabushi Kaisha Isetan v. IAC – same
word 'SELECTA' as a trade-mark.
o In this sense, the law gives its protection and guarantees its used to the 17. Asia Brewery v. CA, 224 SCRA 437 (1993), G.R. No. 103543 [5 July 1993]
exclusion of all others. • Confusing because infringement considered as a form of unfair
o "The ownership or possession of a trade-mark shall be recognized and competition
protected in the same manner and to the same extent, as are other property ISSUE: WON ABI, by manufacturing and selling its BEER PALE PILSEN in 320 ML
rights known to the law," thereby giving to any person entitled to the exclusive amber colored steinie bottles with a white painted rectangular label has
use of such trade-mark the right to recover damages in a civil action from any committed trademark infringement and unfair competition against SMC? (NO)
person who may have sold goods of similar kind bearing such trade-mark.
• The term 'SELECTA' may be placed at par with the words "Ang Tibay" which this Court SMC filed a complaint against Asia Brewery for infringement of trademark and unfair
has considered not merely as a descriptive term within the meaning of the Trade- competition on account of the ABI’s BEER PALE PILSEN or BEER NA BEER product
mark Law but as a fanciful or coined phrase, or a trade-mark. which has been competing with SMC's SAN MIGUEL PALE PILSEN for a share of the
o Even if 'AngTibay', therefore, were not capable of exclusive appropriation as a local beer market.
trade-mark, the application of the doctrine of secondary meaning could RTC dismissed SMC's complaint because ABI "has not committed trademark
nevertheless be fully sustained because, in any event, by respondent's long and infringement or unfair competition against" SMI. CA reversed, holding that ABI is
exclusive appropriation with reference to an article on the market, because GUILTY of infringement of trademark and unfair competition.
geographically or otherwise descriptive, might nevertheless have been used so
long and exclusively by one producer with reference to his article that, in that HELD:
trade and to that branch of the purchasing public, the word or phrase has come Infringement of trademark is a form of unfair competition. The Trademark Law,
to mean that article was his product." defines what constitutes infringement:
• But respondent claims that it adopted the trade-mark 'SELECTA' in good faith and
not precisely to engage in unfair competition with petitioner.


Sec. 22. Infringement, what constitutes. — Any person who shall use, without the
consent of the registrant, any reproduction, counterfeit, copy or colorable imitation Does ABI's BEER PALE PILSEN label or "design" infringe upon SMC's SAN MIGUEL
of any registered mark or trade-name in connection with the sale, offering for sale, PALE PILSEN WITH RECTANGULAR MALT AND HOPS DESIGN? The answer is "No."
or advertising of any goods, business or services on or in connection with which such
use is likely to cause confusion or mistake or to deceive purchasers or others as to
the source or origin of such goods or services, or identity of such business; or • Infringement is determined by the "test of dominancy" rather than by
reproduce, counterfeit, copy or colorably imitate any such mark or trade-name and differences or variations in the details of one trademark and of another. T
apply such reproduction, counterfeit, copy, or colorable imitation to labels, signs, • Similarity in size, form and color, while relevant, is not conclusive.
prints, packages, wrappers, receptacles or advertisements intended to be used • If the competing trademark contains the main or essential or dominant
upon or in connection with such goods, business or services, shall be liable to a civil features of another, and confusion and deception is likely to result,
action by the registrant for any or all of the remedies herein provided. (Emphasis infringement takes place.
• Duplication or imitation is not necessary; nor is it necessary that the infringing
label should suggest an effort to imitate.
This definition implies that only registered trade marks, trade names and service
• The question at issue in cases of infringement of trademarks is whether the
marks are protected against infringement or unauthorized use by another or others.
use of the marks involved would be likely to cause confusion or mistakes in
The use of someone else's registered trademark, trade name or service mark is
the mind of the public or deceive purchasers.
unauthorized, hence, actionable, if it is done "without the consent of the registrant."
• The test was similarity or "resemblance between the two (trademarks) such
as would be likely to cause the one mark to be mistaken for the other. . . .
The registered trademark of SMC for its pale pilsen beer is: San Miguel Pale Pilsen
[But] this is not such similitude as amounts to identity."
With Rectangular Hops and Malt Design.
What are the dominant features of the competing trademarks before us?
As described by the trial court in its decision:
1. A rectangular design [is] bordered by what appears to be minute grains • There is hardly any dispute that the dominant feature of SMC's trademark is the
arranged in rows of three in which there appear in each corner hop designs. name of the product: SAN MIGUEL PALE PILSEN, written in white Gothic letters
with elaborate serifs at the beginning and end of the letters "S" and "M" on an 21
2. At the top is a phrase written in small print "Reg. Phil. Pat. Off." and at the
bottom "Net Contents: 320 Ml." amber background across the upper portion of the rectangular design.
3. The dominant feature is the phrase "San Miguel" written horizontally at the • On the other hand, the dominant feature of ABI's trademark is the name: BEER
upper portion. PALE PILSEN, with the word "Beer" written in large amber letters, larger than
4. Below are the words "Pale Pilsen" written diagonally across the middle of the any of the letters found in the SMC label. Hence, there is absolutely no similarity
rectangular design. in the dominant features of both trademarks.
5. In between is a coat of arms and the phrase "Expertly Brewed." • Neither in sound, spelling or appearance can BEER PALE PILSEN be said to be
6. The "S" in "San" and the "M" of "Miguel," "P" of "Pale" and "Pilsen" are written confusingly similar to SAN MIGUEL PALE PILSEN. No one who purchases BEER
in Gothic letters with fine strokes of serifs. PALE PILSEN can possibly be deceived that it is SAN MIGUEL PALE PILSEN. No
7. Below "Pale Pilsen" is the statement "And Bottled by" (first line, "San Miguel evidence whatsoever was presented by SMC proving otherwise.
Brewery" (second line), and "Philippines" (third line). (p. 177, Rollo; Emphasis • Besides the dissimilarity in their names, the following other dissimilarities in the
supplied.) trade dress or appearance of the competing products abound:
(1) The SAN MIGUEL PALE PILSEN bottle has a slender tapered neck. The
On the other hand, ABI's trademark, as described by the trial court, consists of: BEER PALE PILSEN bottle has a fat, bulging neck.
1. A rectangular design bordered by what appear to be buds of flowers with (2) The words "pale pilsen" on SMC's label are printed in bold and laced
leaves. letters along a diagonal band, whereas the words "pale pilsen" on
2. The dominant feature is "Beer" written across the upper portion of the ABI's bottle are half the size and printed in slender block letters on a
rectangular design. straight horizontal band.
3. The phrase "Pale Pilsen" appears immediately below in smaller block letters. (3) The names of the manufacturers are prominently printed on their
4. To the left is a hop design and to the right, written in small prints, is the phrase respective bottles.
"Net Contents 320 ml." (4) SAN MIGUEL PALE PILSEN is "Bottled by the San Miguel Brewery,
5. Immediately below "Pale Pilsen" is the statement written in three lines Philippines," whereas BEER PALE PILSEN is "Especially brewed and
"Especially brewed and bottled by" (first line), "Asia Brewery Incorporated" bottled by Asia Brewery Incorporated, Philippines."
(second line), and "Philippines" (third line), (p. 177, Rollo; Emphasis supplied.)
(5) On the back of ABI's bottle is printed in big, bold letters, under a row characteristics, and thus limit other persons in the use of language
of flower buds and leaves, its copyrighted slogan: "BEER NA BEER!" appropriate to the description of their manufactures, the right to the use
Whereas SMC's bottle carries no slogan. of such language being common to all.
(6) The back of the SAN MIGUEL PALE PILSEN bottle carries the SMC logo, • This rule excluding descriptive terms has also been held to apply to trade-
whereas the BEER PALE PILSEN bottle has no logo. names.
(7) The SAN MIGUEL PALE PILSEN bottle cap is stamped with a coat of • The true test is not whether they are exhaustively descriptive of the
arms and the words "San Miguel Brewery Philippines" encircling the article designated, but whether in themselves, and as they are commonly
same. The BEER PALE PILSEN bottle cap is stamped with the name used by those who understand their meaning, they are reasonably
"BEER" in the center, surrounded by the words "Asia Brewery indicative and descriptive of the thing intended. If they are thus
Incorporated Philippines." descriptive, and not arbitrary, they cannot be appropriated from general
(8) Finally, there is a substantial price difference between BEER PALE use and become the exclusive property of anyone.
PILSEN (currently at P4.25 per bottle) and SAN MIGUEL PALE PILSEN • A descriptive word may be admittedly distinctive, especially if the user is
(currently at P7.00 per bottle). One who pays only P4.25 for a bottle the first creator of the article. It will, however, be denied protection, not
of beer cannot expect to receive San Miguel Pale Pilsen from the because it lacks distinctiveness, but rather because others are equally
storekeeper or bartender. entitled to its use.
• In view of the visible differences between the two products, the Court
• The fact that the words pale pilsen are part of ABI's trademark does not believes it is quite unlikely that a customer of average intelligence would
constitute an infringement of SMC's trademark, for "pale pilsen" are mistake a bottle of BEER PALE PILSEN for SAN MIGUEL PALE PILSEN.
generic words descriptive of the color of a type of beer.
• "Pilsen" is a "primarily geographically descriptive word," hence, non- The fact that BEER PALE PILSEN like SAN MIGUEL PALE PILSEN is bottled in amber-
registerable and not appropriable by any beer manufacturer. colored steinie bottles of 320 ml. capacity and is also advertised in print, broadcast,
• The Trademark Law provides: Sec. 4 The owner of trade-mark, trade- and television media, does not necessarily constitute unfair competition.
name or service-mark used to distinguish his goods, business or services • Unfair competition is the employment of deception or any other means 22
from the goods, business or services of others shall have the right to contrary to good faith by which a person shall pass off the goods
register the same [on the principal register], unless it: Consists of a mark manufactured by him or in which he deals, or his business, or services, for
or trade-name which, when applied to or used in connection with the those of another who has already established goodwill for his similar
goods, business or services of the applicant is merely descriptive or goods, business or services, or any acts calculated to produce the same
deceptively misdescriptive of them, or when applied to or is primarily result.
geographically descriptive or deceptively misdescriptive of them, or is
primarily merely a surname." In this case, the question to be determined is whether ABI is using a name or mark
• The words "pale pilsen" may not be appropriated by SMC for its exclusive for its beer that has previously come to designate SMC's beer, or whether ABI is
use even if they are part of its registered trademark, any more than such passing off its BEER PALE PILSEN as SMC's SAN MIGUEL PALE PILSEN.
descriptive words as "evaporated milk," "tomato ketchup," "cheddar • The universal test question is whether the public is likely to be deceived.
cheese," "corn flakes" and "cooking oil" may be appropriated by any single • Nothing less than conduct tending to pass off one man's goods or business
manufacturer of these food products, for no other reason than that he was as that of another will constitute unfair competition. Actual or probable
the first to use them in his registered trademark. deception and confusion on the part of the customers by reason of
• No one may appropriate generic or descriptive words. They belong to the defendant's practices must always appear.
public domain. • The use of ABI of the steinie bottle, similar but not identical to the SAN
• A word or a combination of words which is merely descriptive of an article MIGUEL PALE PILSEN bottle, is not unlawful. As pointed out by ABI's
of trade, or of its composition, characteristics, or qualities, cannot be counsel, SMC did not invent but merely borrowed the steinie bottle from
appropriated and protected as a trademark to the exclusion of its use by abroad and it claims neither patent nor trademark protection for that
others inasmuch as all persons have an equal right to produce and bottle shape and design.
vend similar articles, they also have the right to describe them properly • There is no infringement of plaintiff's bottle, firstly, because according to
and to use any appropriate language or words for that purpose, and plaintiff's witness Deogracias Villadolid, it is a standard type of bottle called
• no person can appropriate to himself exclusively any word or expression, steinie, and it is not a San Miguel Corporation design but a design originally
properly descriptive of the article, its qualities, ingredients or


developed in the United States by the Glass Container Manufacturer's fraudulent simulation is to be found in the likelihood of the deception of persons in
Institute and therefore lacks exclusivity. some measure acquainted with an established design and desirous of purchasing the
• Secondly, the shape was never registered as a trademark. commodity with which that design has been associated. The test is not found in the
• Thirdly, the neck of defendant's bottle is much larger and has a distinct deception, or possibility of the deception, of the person who knows nothing about
bulge in its uppermost part. the design which has been counterfeited, and who must be indifferent as between
that and the other. The simulation, in order to be objectionable, must be such as
The petitioner's contention that bottle size, shape and color may not be the exclusive appears likely to mislead the ordinarily intelligent buyer who has a need to supply
property of any one beer manufacturer is well taken. and is familiar with the article that he seeks to purchase.
• Nobody can acquire any exclusive right to market articles supplying simple
human needs in containers or wrappers of the general form, size and When as in this case, the names of the competing products are clearly different
character commonly and immediately used in marketing such articles. and their respective sources are prominently printed on the label and on other
• Protection against imitation should be properly confined to parts of the bottle, mere similarity in the shape and size of the container and label,
nonfunctional features. does not constitute unfair competition.
• The steinie bottle is a standard bottle for beer and is universally used. SMC
ABI does not use SMC's steinie bottle. Neither did ABI copy it. ABI makes its own did not invent it nor patent it.
steinie bottle which has a fat bulging neck to differentiate it from SMC's bottle. • The fact that SMC's bottle is registered under R.A. No. 623 simply prohibits
• The amber color is a functional feature of the beer bottle. As pointed out manufacturers of other foodstuffs from the unauthorized use of SMC's
by ABI, all bottled beer produced in the Philippines is contained and sold bottles by refilling these with their products.
in amber-colored bottles because amber is the most effective color in • It was not uncommon then for products such as patis (fish sauce) and toyo
preventing transmission of light and provides the maximum protection to (soy sauce) to be sold in recycled SAN MIGUEL PALE PILSEN bottles.
beer. Registration of SMC's beer bottles did not give SMC a patent on the steinie
• A merchant cannot be enjoined from using a type or color of bottle where or on bottles of similar size, shape or color.
the same has the useful purpose of protecting the contents from the • Most containers are standardized because they are usually made by the
deleterious effects of light rays. same manufacturer.
• Moreover, no one may have a monopoly of any color. Not only beer, but • Just as no milk producer may sue the others for unfair competition because
most medicines, whether in liquid or tablet form, are sold in amber- they sell their milk in the same size and shape of milk can which he uses,
colored bottles. neither may SMC claim unfair competition arising from the fact that ABI's
That the ABI bottle has a 320 ml. capacity is not due to a desire to imitate SMC's steinie bottles.
bottle because that bottle capacity is the standard prescribed under Metrication
Circular No. 778, of the Department of Trade, Metric System Board. The record does not bear out SMC's apprehension that BEER PALE PILSEN is being
With regard to the white label of both beer bottles, ABI explained that it used the • This is unlikely to happen for consumers or buyers of beer generally order
color white for its label because white presents the strongest contrast to the amber their beer by brand.
color of ABI's bottle; it is also the most economical to use on labels, and the easiest • In supermarkets and tiendas, beer is ordered by brand, and the customer
to "bake" in the furnace. surrenders his empty replacement bottles or pays a deposit to guarantee
• No one can have a monopoly of the color amber for bottles, nor of white the return of the empties. In sari-sari stores, beer is also ordered from the
for labels, nor of the rectangular shape which is the usual configuration of tindera by brand. The same is true in restaurants, pubs and beer gardens
labels. — beer is ordered from the waiters by brand.
• Needless to say, the shape of the bottle and of the label is unimportant.
What is all important is the name of the product written on the label of the Considering further that SAN MIGUEL PALE PILSEN has virtually monopolized the
bottle for that is how one beer may be distinguished form the others. domestic beer market for the past hundred years, those who have been drinking
no other beer but SAN MIGUEL PALE PILSEN these many years certainly know their
. . . . In order that there may be deception of the buying public in the sense necessary beer too well to be deceived by a newcomer in the market. If they gravitate to ABI's
to constitute unfair competition, it is necessary to suppose a public accustomed to cheaper beer, it will not be because they are confused or deceived, but because
buy, and therefore to some extent familiar with, the goods in question. The test of they find the competing product to their taste.


• CA affirmed the decision of the Director of Patents dated 19 July 1988 in all
There is no confusing similarity between the competing beers for the name of one respects. It held that “Whether or not a trademark causes confusion and is likely
is "SAN MIGUEL" while the competitor is plain "BEER" and the points of to deceive the public is a question of fact which is to be resolved by applying
dissimilarity between the two outnumber their points of similarity. the "test of dominancy", meaning, if the competing trademark contains the
main or essential or dominant features of another by reason of which confusion
Petitioner ABI has neither infringed SMC's trademark nor committed unfair and deception are likely to result, then infringement takes place; that
competition with the latter's SAN MIGUEL PALE PILSEN product. While it’s BEER duplication or imitation is not necessary, a similarity in the dominant features
PALE PILSEN admittedly competes with the latter in the open market, that of the trademark would be sufficient.”
competition is neither unfair nor fraudulent. Hence, we must deny SMC's prayer • The word "LEE" is the most prominent and distinctive feature of the
to suppress it. appellant's trademark and all of the appellee's "LEE" trademarks. It is the
mark which draws the attention of the buyer and leads him to conclude
18. Emerald Garment Manufacturing v. CA, 251 SCRA 600, G.R. No. 100098 [29 that the goods originated from the same manufacturer.
December 1995] • While it is true that there are other words such as "STYLISTIC", printed in
ISSUE: the appellant's label, such word is printed in such small letters over the
1) WON HD Lee is barred by estoppel to file the present case for infringement? word "LEE" that it is not conspicuous enough to draw the attention of
(NO) ordinary buyers whereas the word "LEE" is printed across the label in big,
2) WON there’s confusing similarity between HD Lee’s “LEE” and Emerald’s bold letters and of the same color, style, type and size of lettering as that
“Stylistic Mr. Lee”? (using holistic test, NO) of the trademark of the appellee.
• The alleged difference is too insubstantial to be noticeable.
• H.D. Lee, a US corporation filed with the Bureau of Patents, a Petition for • Even granting arguendo that the word "STYLISTIC" is conspicuous enough
Cancellation of Registration (Supplemental Register) for the trademark to draw attention, the goods may easily be mistaken for just another
"STYLISTIC MR. LEE" used on clothing under Class 25, issued in the name of variation or line of garments under the appelle's "LEE" trademarks in view
petitioner Emerald Garment, a domestic corporation. of the fact that the appellee has registered trademarks which use other
• HD Lee, invoking Sec. 37 of R.A. No. 166 (Trademark Law) and Art. VIII of the
words in addition to the principal mark "LEE" such as "LEE RIDERS",
Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, averred that Emerald "LEESURES" and "LEE LEENS".
Garment’s trademark "so closely resembled its own trademark, 'LEE' as • The likelihood of confusion is further made more probable by the fact that
previously registered and used in the Philippines, and not abandoned, as to be both parties are engaged in the same line of business.
likely, when applied to or used in connection with petitioner's goods, to cause • It is well to reiterate that the determinative factor in ascertaining whether
confusion, mistake and deception on the part of the purchasing public as to the or not the marks are confusingly similar to each other is not whether the
origin of the goods." challenged mark would actually cause confusion or deception of the
• Emerald Garment contended that its trademark was entirely and unmistakably purchasers but whether the use of such mark would likely cause
different from that of private respondent and that its certificate of registration confusion or mistake on the part of the buying public.
was legally and validly granted. Then, Emerald caused the publication of its • The appellee has sufficiently established its right to prior use and
application for registration of the trademark "STYLISTIC MR. LEE" in the registration of the trademark "LEE" in the Philippines and is thus entitled
Principal Register. HD Lee filed a notice of opposition to petitioner's application to protection from any infringement upon the same. It is thus axiomatic
for registration also on grounds that petitioner's trademark was confusingly that one who has identified a peculiar symbol or mark with his goods
similar to its "LEE" trademark. thereby acquires a property right in such symbol or mark, and if another
• Director of Patents rendered a decision granting private respondent's petition infringes the trademark, he thereby invokes this property right.
for cancellation and opposition to registration. The Director found HD Lee to be • The merchandise or goods being sold by the parties are not that expensive
the prior registrant of the trademark "LEE" in the Philippines and that it had as alleged to be by the appellant and are quite ordinary commodities
been using said mark in the Philippines. Moreover, using the test of dominancy, purchased by the average person and at times, by the ignorant and the
he declared that petitioner's trademark was confusingly similar to private unlettered. Ordinary purchasers will not as a rule examine the small
respondent's mark because "it is the word 'Lee' which draws the attention of letterings printed on the label but will simply be guided by the presence of
the buyer and leads him to conclude that the goods originated from the same the striking mark "LEE". Whatever difference there may be will pale in
manufacturer. It is undeniably the dominant feature of the mark.” insignificance in the face of an evident similarity in the dominant features
and overall appearance of the labels of the parties.
• Petitioner alleges that it has been using its trademark "STYLISTIC MR. LEE" since emblems used; the nature of the package, wrapper or container; the character
1975, yet, it was only on 1981 that private respondent filed a petition for of the product's purchasers; location of the business; the likelihood of
cancellation of petitioner's certificate of registration for the said trademark. deception or the mark or name's tendency to confuse;
Similarly, HD Lee’s notice of opposition to Emerald’s application for registration etc.
in the principal register was belatedly filed on 1984. • Proceeding to the task at hand, the essential element of infringement is
HELD: colorable imitation.
• Petitioner's trademark is registered in the supplemental register. o This term has been defined as "such a close or ingenious imitation as
o The Trademark Law (R.A. No. 166) provides that "marks and tradenames to be calculated to deceive ordinary purchasers, or such resemblance
for the supplemental register shall not be published for or be subject to of the infringing mark to the original as to deceive an ordinary
opposition, but shall be published on registration in the Official Gazette." purchaser giving such attention as a purchaser usually gives, and to
o The reckoning point, therefore, should not be the date of alleged use by cause him to purchase the one supposing it to be the other."
petitioner of its assailed trademark but the date the certificate of • Colorable imitation does not mean or require such similitude as amounts to
registration was published in the Official Gazette and issued to identity nor that all the details be literally copied.
petitioner. o Colorable imitation refers to such similarity in form, content, words,
o It was only on the date of publication and issuance of the registration sound, meaning, special arrangement, or general appearance of the
certificate that private respondent may be considered "officially" put on trademark or tradename with that of the other mark or tradename
notice that petitioner has appropriated or is using said mark, which, after in their over-all presentation or in their essential, substantive and
all, is the function and purpose of registration in the supplemental distinctive parts as would likely mislead or confuse persons in the
register. The record is bereft of evidence that private respondent was ordinary course of purchasing the genuine article.
aware of petitioner's trademark before the date of said publication and • In determining whether colorable imitation exists, jurisprudence has developed
issuance. Hence, when private respondent instituted cancellation two kinds of tests — the Dominancy Test and the Holistic Test.
proceedings on 18 September 1981, less than a year had passed. o The test of dominancy focuses on the similarity of the prevalent
• The pertinent provision of R.A. No. 166 (Trademark Law) states thus: features of the competing trademarks which might cause confusion
o Sec. 22. Infringement, what constitutes. — or deception and thus constitutes infringement.
o Any person who shall use, without the consent of the registrant, any § If the competing trademark contains the main or essential
reproduction, counterfeit, copy or colorable imitation of any or dominant features of another, and confusion and
registered mark or trade-name in connection with the sale, offering deception is likely to result, infringement takes place.
for sale, or advertising of any goods, business or services on or in Duplication or imitation is not necessary; nor it is necessary
connection with which such use is likely to cause confusion or mistake that the infringing label should suggest an effort to imitate.
or to deceive purchasers or others as to the source or origin of such § The question at issue in cases of infringement of trademarks
goods or services, or identity of such business; or reproduce, is whether the use of the marks involved would be likely
counterfeit, copy or colorably imitable any such mark or trade-name to cause confusion or mistakes in the mind of the public or
and apply such reproduction, counterfeit, copy, or colorable imitation deceive purchasers.
to labels, signs, prints, packages, wrappers, receptacles or o On the other side of the spectrum, the holistic test mandates that the
advertisements intended to be used upon or in connection with such entirety of the marks in question must be considered in determining
goods, business or services; shall be liable to a civil action by the confusing similarity.
registrant for any or all of the remedies herein provided. § In determining whether the trademarks are confusingly
• In the history of trademark cases in ascertaining whether one trademark is similar, a comparison of the words is not the only
confusingly similar to or is a colorable imitation of another, no set rules can be determinant factor. The trademarks in their entirety as they
deduced. Each case must be decided on its own merits. appear in their respective labels or hang tags must also be
• In determining whether a particular name or mark is a "colorable imitation" of considered in relation to the goods to which they are
another, no all-embracing rule seems possible in view of the great number of attached. The discerning eye of the observer must focus not
factors which must necessarily be considered in resolving this question of fact, only on the predominant words but also on the other
such as the class of product or business to which the article belongs; the features appearing in both labels in order that he may draw
product's quality, quantity, or size, including its wrapper or container; the his conclusion whether one is confusingly similar to the
dominant color, style, size, form, meaning of letters, words, designs and other.


• We considered the trademarks involved as a whole and rule that petitioner's • Another way of resolving the conflict is to consider the marks involved from the
"STYLISTIC MR. LEE" is not confusingly similar to private respondent's "LEE" point of view of what marks are registrable pursuant to Sec. 4 of R.A. No. 166,
trademark. particularly paragraph 4 (e):
o Petitioner's trademark is the whole "STYLISTIC MR. LEE." Although on o Sec. 4. Registration of trade-marks, trade-names and service-
its label the word "LEE" is prominent, the trademark should be marks on the principal register. — There is hereby established a
considered as a whole and not piecemeal. The dissimilarities register of trade-marks, trade-names and service-marks which shall
between the two marks become conspicuous, noticeable and be known as the principal register. The owner of a trade-mark, trade-
substantial enough to matter especially in the light of the following name or service-mark used to distinguish his goods, business or
variables that must be factored in. services from the goods, business or services of others shall have the
o First, the products involved in the case at bar are, in the main, right to register the same on the principal register, unless it:
various kinds of jeans. These are not your ordinary household items o (e) Consists of a mark or trade-name which, when applied to or used
like catsup, soysauce or soap which are of minimal cost. Maong pants in connection with the goods, business or services of the applicant is
or jeans are not inexpensive. Accordingly, the casual buyer is merely descriptive or deceptively misdescriptive of them, or when
predisposed to be more cautious and discriminating in and would applied to or used in connection with the goods, business or services
prefer to mull over his purchase. Confusion and deception, then, is of the applicant is primarily geographically descriptive or deceptively
less likely. misdescriptive of them, or is primarily merely a surname; (Emphasis
§ Among these, what essentially determines the attitudes of ours.)
the purchaser, specifically his inclination to be cautious, is • "LEE" is primarily a surname. Private respondent cannot, therefore, acquire
the cost of the goods. To be sure, a person who buys a box exclusive ownership over and singular use of said term. It has been held that a
of candies will not exercise as much care as one who buys personal name or surname may not be monopolized as a trademark or
an expensive watch. As a general rule, an ordinary buyer tradename as against others of the same name or surname.
does not exercise as much prudence in buying an article for • We are constrained to agree with Emerald’s contention that HD Lee failed to
which he pays a few centavos as he does in purchasing a prove prior actual commercial use of its "LEE" trademark in the Philippines
more valuable thing. Expensive and valuable items are
before filing its application for registration with the BPTTT and hence, has not
normally bought only after deliberate, comparative and acquired ownership over said mark.
analytical investigation. But mass products, low priced • Actual use in commerce in the Philippines is an essential prerequisite for the
articles in wide use, and matters of everyday purchase acquisition of ownership over a trademark pursuant to Sec. 2 and 2-A of the
requiring frequent replacement are bought by the casual Philippine Trademark Law (R.A. No. 166).
consumer without great care. . . . o Said trade-marks, trade-names, or service marks are actually in use in
o Second, like his beer, the average Filipino consumer generally buys his commerce and services not less than two months in the Philippines
jeans by brand. He does not ask the sales clerk for generic jeans but before the time the applications for registration are filed: And
for, say, a Levis, Guess, Wrangler or even an Armani. He is, therefore, Provided…
more or less knowledgeable and familiar with his preference and will o Anyone who lawfully produces or deals in merchandise of any kind or
not easily be distracted. who engages in lawful business, or who renders any lawful service in
o Finally, in line with the foregoing discussions, more credit should be commerce, by actual use hereof in manufacture or trade, in business,
given to the "ordinary purchaser." Cast in this particular controversy, and in the service rendered…
the ordinary purchaser is not the "completely unwary consumer" but • Undisputably, private respondent is the senior registrant, having obtained
is the "ordinarily intelligent buyer" considering the type of product several registration certificates for its various trademarks "LEE," "LEERIDERS,"
involved. and "LEESURES" in both the supplemental and principal registers, as early as
• There is no cause for the apprehension that petitioner's products might be 1969 to 1973. However, registration alone will not suffice.
mistaken as "another variation or line of garments under private respondent's o Adoption alone of a trademark would not give exclusive right
'LEE' trademark." As one would readily observe, private respondent's variation thereto. Such right "grows out of their actual use." Adoption is not
follows a standard format "LEERIDERS," "LEESURES" and "LEELEENS." It is, use.
therefore, improbable that the public would immediately and naturally o One may make advertisements, issue circulars, give out price lists on
conclude that petitioner's "STYLISTIC MR. LEE" is but another variation under certain goods; but these alone would not give exclusive right of use.
private respondent's "LEE" mark. For trademark is a creation of use. The underlying reason for all these


is that purchasers have come to understand the mark as indicating • For lack of adequate proof of actual use of its trademark in the Philippines
the origin of the wares. Flowing from this is the trader's right to prior to petitioner's use of its own mark and for failure to establish confusing
protection in the trade he has built up and the goodwill he has similarity between said trademarks, private respondent's action for
accumulated from use of the trademark. infringement must necessarily fail.
o Registration of a trademark, of course, has value: it is an
administrative act declaratory of a pre-existing right. Registration G. Application for Registration
does not, however, perfect a trademark right. 1. Application
• Moreover, the credibility placed on a certificate of registration of one's • Sec. 3, International Conventions and Reciprocity. –
trademark, or its weight as evidence of validity, ownership and exclusive use, • Refers to Paris Convention or the TRIPS Agreement
is qualified. A registration certificate serves merely as prima facie evidence. It Any person who is
is not conclusive but can and may be rebutted by controverting evidence. 1) a national or
Moreover, the aforequoted provision applies only to registrations in the 2) who is domiciled or
principal register. 3) who has a real and effective industrial establishment
o Registrations in the supplemental register do not enjoy a similar in a country which is
privilege. A supplemental register was created precisely for the a. a party to any convention, treaty or agreement to which the
registration of marks which are not registrable on the principal Philippines is also a party, relating to
register due to some defects. i. intellectual property rights or
• The Director of Patents and the CA relied mainly on the registration ii. repression of unfair competition, or
certificates as proof of use by private respondent of the trademark "LEE" b. extends reciprocal rights to nationals of the Philippines by law,
which, as we have previously discussed are not sufficient. shall be entitled to benefits to the extent necessary to give effect to any
o We cannot give credence to private respondent's claim that its "LEE" provision of such convention, treaty or reciprocal law, in addition to the rights
mark first reached the Philippines in the 1960's through local sales by to which any owner of an intellectual property right is otherwise entitled by
the Post Exchanges of the U.S. Military Bases in the Philippines based this Act. (n)
as it was solely on the self-serving statements of Mr. Edward Poste, 27
• Section 124, Requirements of Application. –
General Manager of Lee, a wholly owned subsidiary of the H.D. Lee, 124.1. The application for the registration of the mark shall be in Filipino or in
Co., Inc., U.S.A., herein private respondent. English and shall contain the following:
o Similarly, we give little weight to the numerous vouchers representing (a) A request for registration;
various advertising expenses in the Philippines for "LEE" products (b) The applicant’s name and address;
which were incurred only in 1981 and 1982 by LEE (Phils.), Inc. after it (c) The name of a State of which the applicant is a national or where he has
entered into a licensing agreement with private respondent on 11 domicile; and the name of a State in which the applicant has a real and
May 1981. effective industrial or commercial establishment, if any;
• On the other hand, Emerald has sufficiently shown that it has been in the Test of domicile: real and effective incorporation
business of selling jeans and other garments adopting its "STYLISTIC MR. LEE" (d) Where the applicant is a juridical entity, the law under which it is
trademark since 1975 as evidenced by appropriate sales invoices to various organized and existing;
stores and retailers. (e) If the applicant is not domiciled in the Philippines, the appointment of an
o The Trademark Law is very clear. It requires actual commercial use of agent or representative;
the mark prior to its registration. There is no dispute that respondent (f) Where the applicant claims the priority of an earlier application, an
was the first registrant, yet it failed to fully substantiate its claim that indication of:
it used in trade or business in the Philippines the subject mark; it did i) The name of the State with whose national office the earlier
not present proof to invest it with exclusive, continuous adoption of application was filed or if filed with an office other than a national
the trademark which should consist among others, of considerable office, the name of that office,
sales since its first use. ii) The date on which the earlier application was filed, and
o The sales invoices provide the best proof that there were actual sales iii) Where available, the application number of the earlier application;
of petitioner's product in the country and that there was actual use (g) Where the applicant claims color as a distinctive feature of the mark, a
for a protracted period of petitioner's trademark or part thereof statement to that effect as well as the name(s) of the color(s) claimed
through these sales.


and an indication, in respect of each color, of the principal parts of the - In case of incapacity of the representative, by default, the notices shall
mark which are in that color; be sent to the Director.
(h) Where the mark is a three-dimensional mark, a statement to that effect; • Section 126, Disclaimers.
(i) One or more reproductions of the mark, as prescribed in the Regulations; The Office may allow or require the applicant to disclaim an unregistrable
(j) A transliteration or translation of the mark or of some parts thereof, as component of an otherwise registrable mark without prejudice or effect to
prescribed in the Regulations; 1) the applicant's or owner's rights then existing or thereafter arising in the
(k) The names of the goods or services for which the registration is sought, disclaimed matter, or
grouped according to the classes of the Nice Classification, together with 2) the applicant's or owner's right on another application of later date if the
the number of the class of the said Classification to which each group of disclaimed matter became distinctive of the applicant's or owner's
goods or services belongs; and goods, business or services. (Sec. 13, R.A. No. 166a)
(l) A signature by, or other self-identification of, the applicant or his • Section 128, Single Registration for Goods and/or Services. –
representative. Where goods and/or services belonging to several classes of the Nice Classification
124.2. The applicant or the registrant shall file a declaration of actual use of the have been included in one application, such an application shall result in one
mark with evidence to that effect, as prescribed by the Regulations within 3 years registration. (n)
from the filing date of the application. Otherwise, the application shall be refused • Section 130, Signature and Other Means of Self-Identification.
or the mark shall be removed from the Register by the Director. - Reconcile with E-commerce Act.
- Even if registration is pending or not approved, you still have to file DAU to - Just read thru and familiarize.
show that you’re continuously using the mark even if there’s no official 130.1. Where a signature is required, the Office shall accept:
registration and inclusion in the records of the IPO.
a. A hand-written signature; or
- Declaration is under oath. b. The use of other forms of signature, such as a printed or stamped
- Use need not be commercial use. signature, or the use of a seal instead of a hand-written signature:
124.3. One application may relate to several goods &/or services, whether they Provided, That where a seal is used, it should be accompanied by an
belong to 1 or several classes of the Nice Classification. indication in letters of the name of the signatory. 28
- Usually, the client wants you to anticipate the possible areas of expansion. 130.2. The Office shall accept communications to it by telecopier, or by electronic
Trick there is to able to encompass as many classes as possible. You may want means subject to the conditions or requirements that will be prescribed by the
to ask your client his plans of expansion 3 to 5 years from now. Regulations. When communications are made by telefacsimile, the reproduction
- The IPO can deny registration under some classification and approve under of the signature, or the reproduction of the seal together with, where required, the
other classification. indication in letters of the name of the natural person whose seal is used, appears.
124.4. If during the examination of the application, the Office finds factual basis The original communications must be received by the Office within thirty (30) days
to reasonably doubt the veracity of any indication or element in the application, from date of receipt of the telefacsimile.
it may require the applicant to submit sufficient evidence to remove the doubt. 130.3. No attestation, notarization, authentication, legalization or other
(Sec. 5, R.A. No. 166a) certification of any signature or other means of self-identification referred to in the
• Section 125. Representation; Address for Service. – preceding paragraphs, will be required, EXCEPT, where the signature concerns the
o If the applicant is not domiciled or has no real and effective commercial surrender of a registration. (n)
establishment in the Philippines, he shall designate - This is a new provision.
§ by a written document filed in the Office, - Before, everything has to be notarized then Consularized by the PH Consuls. But it
§ the name and address of a Philippine resident who may be became too cumbersome, so they did away with that.
served notices or process in proceedings affecting the mark. - Notarization is only required when the signature concerns the abandonment of a
- Usually they designate the PH licensee or the lawyer representing the registration.
applicant. • Sec. 131, Priority Right. –
o Such notices or services may be served upon the person so designated by 131.1. An application for registration of a mark filed in the Philippines
leaving a copy thereof at the address specified in the last designation filed. o by a person referred to in Section 3, and
o If the person so designated cannot be found at the address given in the last o who previously duly filed an application for registration of the same
designation, such notice or process may be served upon the Director. (Sec. mark in one of those countries,
3, R.A. No. 166a)


shall be considered as filed as of the day the application was first filed in the foreign Once the supplemental registrations have expired, they should be expunged.
country. Now, there’s no more supplemental registrations. Even under old jurisprudence,
131.2. No registration of a mark in the Philippines by a person described in this supplemental registrations do not stand on the same footing as regular registrations.
section shall be granted until such mark has been registered in the country of origin The latter has prima facie presumption of validity.
of the applicant.
If denied sa foreign country, denied din dito. 2. Assignment of Application Number and Filing Date
If approved sa foreign country, approved then dito. • Sec. 127, Filing Date. –
131.3. Nothing in this section shall entitle the owner of a registration granted 127.1. Requirements. –
under this section to sue for acts committed prior to the date on which his mark The filing date of an application shall be the date on which the Office received the
was registered in this country: following indications and elements in English or Filipino:
o Provided, that, notwithstanding the foregoing, the owner of a well- (a) An express or implicit indication that the registration of a mark is sought;
known mark as defined in Section 123.1(e) of this Act, that is not (b) The identity of the applicant;
registered in the Philippines, may, against an identical or confusingly (c) Indications sufficient to contact the applicant or his representative, if any;
similar mark, (d) A reproduction of the mark whose registration is sought; and
§ oppose its registration, or Facsimile must be actual reproduction of the features of the mark applied for. If
§ petition the cancellation of its registration or not, there’s a problem.
§ sue for unfair competition, (e) The list of the goods or services for which the registration is sought.
without prejudice to availing himself of other remedies provided for 127.2. No filing date shall be accorded until the required fee is paid. (n)
under the law. • Sec. 132, Application Number and Filing Date. –
123.1(e): Is identical with, or confusingly similar to, or constitutes a 132.1. The Office shall examine whether the application satisfies the requirements for
translation of a mark which is considered by the competent authority of the grant of a filing date as provided in Section 127 and Regulations relating thereto. If
the Philippines to be well-known internationally and in the Philippines, the application does not, the Office shall notify the applicant who shall within a period
whether or not it is registered here, as being already the mark of a person fixed by the Regulations (usually 60 days) complete or correct the application as 29
other than the applicant for registration, and used for identical or similar required, otherwise, the application shall be considered withdrawn.
goods or services: Provided, That in determining whether a mark is well- 132.2 Once an application meets the filing requirements of Section 127, it shall be
known, account shall be taken of the knowledge of the relevant sector of numbered in the sequential order, and the applicant shall be informed of the
the public, rather than of the public at large, including knowledge in the application number and the filing date of the application will be deemed to have been
Philippines which has been obtained as a result of the promotion of the abandoned. (n)
131.4. (MIGHT COME OUT IN THE EXAM) 3. Examination
In like manner and subject to the same conditions and requirements, the right • Section 133. Examination and Publication. –
provided in this section may be based upon a subsequent regularly filed application o 133.1. Once the application meets the filing requirements of Section 127, the
in the same foreign country: Office shall examine whether the application meets the requirements of Section
o Provided, that any foreign application filed prior to such subsequent 124 and the mark as defined in Section 121 is registerable under Section 123.
application has been withdrawn, abandoned, or otherwise disposed of, o 133.2. Where the Office finds that the conditions referred to in Subsection 133.1
without having been laid open to public inspection and without leaving are fulfilled, it shall upon payment of the prescribed fee, forthwith cause the
any rights outstanding, and has not served, nor thereafter shall serve, as application, as filed, to be published in the prescribed manner.
a basis for claiming a right of priority. (Sec. 37, R.A. No. 166a) o 133.3. If after the examination, the applicant is not entitled to registration for any
• Sec. 239.2, Repeals. reason, the Office shall advise the applicant thereof and the reasons therefor. The
Marks registered under Republic Act No. 166 (old Trademark Law) shall remain in applicant shall have a period of four (4) months in which to reply or amend his
force but shall be deemed to have been granted under this Act and shall be due for application, which shall then be re-examined. The Regulations shall determine the
renewal within the period provided for under this Act and, upon renewal shall be procedure for the re-examination or revival of an application as well as the appeal
reclassified in accordance with the International Classification. to the Director of Trademarks from any final action by the Examiner.
Trade names and marks registered in the Supplemental Register under Republic o 133.4. An abandoned application may be revived as a pending application within
Act No. 166 shall remain in force but shall no longer be subject to renewal. 3 months from the date of abandonment, upon good cause shown and the
payment of the required fee.
Policy is not so much to be exacting on the technical rules. Usual reason for 2) verified by the oppositor or by any person on his behalf who knows the
nonpayment is excusable negligence. facts, and
o 133.5. The final decision of refusal of the Director of Trademarks shall be 3) shall specify the grounds on which it is based and
appealable to the Director General in accordance with the procedure fixed by the 4) include a statement of the facts relied upon.
Regulations. (Sec. 7, R.A. No. 166a) o Copies of certificates of registration of marks registered in other countries or other
Usually period is within 15 days, appeal to the Director General. supporting documents mentioned in the opposition shall be filed therewith,
together with the translation in English, if not in the English language.
• Sec. 126, Disclaimers. –
o For good cause shown and upon payment of the required surcharge, the time for
The Office may allow or require the applicant to disclaim an unregistrable component
filing an opposition may be extended by the Director of Legal Affairs, who shall
of an otherwise registrable mark BUT such disclaimer shall not prejudice or affect
notify the applicant of such extension.
1) the applicant's or owner's rights then existing or thereafter arising in the
o The Regulations shall fix the maximum period of time within which to file the
disclaimed matter, nor
opposition. (Sec. 8, R.A. No. 165a)
2) the applicant's or owner's right on another application of later date if the
Usual time for application for Opposition is 30 days.
disclaimed matter became distinctive of the applicant's or owner's goods,
business or services. (Sec. 13, R.A. No. 166a) • Section 135. Notice and Hearing.
- Anecdote about Bally on disclaimer which led to an enterprising domestic o Upon the filing of an opposition, the Office shall serve notice of
corporation to be allowed registration on the trademark of “Bally” for socks, which 1) the filing on the applicant, and
the foreign corporation which owned Bally disclaimed in one application for 2) the date of the hearing thereof
registration. upon the applicant and the oppositor and all other persons having any right,
title or interest in the mark covered by the application, as appear of record
• Sec. 129, Division of Application. –
in the Office. (Sec. 9, R.A. No. 165)
Any application referring to several goods or services, hereafter referred to as the
"initial application," may be divided by the applicant into 2 or more applications, - We call it inter partes case.
hereafter referred to as the "divisional applications," by distributing among the latter a. Bata Industries v. CA, 114 SCRA 318, G.R. No. L-53672 [31 May 1982]
the goods or services referred to in the initial application. o New Olympian the registration of the mark BATA for casual rubber shoes. 30
The divisional applications shall preserve the filing date of the initial application or the It alleged that it has used the mark since July 1, 1970. Registration was
benefit of the right of priority. (n) opposed by Bata Industries, a Canadian corporation, which alleged that it
owns and has not abandoned the trademark BATA.
- Date of the filing of the initial application is deemed to be that of the divisional
o Bata Industries, Ltd. has no license to do business in the Philippines and it
application. You just reckon with one filing date.
is not presently selling footwear under the trademark BATA in the
- You may want a divisional application if one good or services in the initial
Philippines; it has no licensing agreement with any local entity or firm to
application can be confused with the other goods or services contained therein.
sell its products in the Philippines.
o The Patent Office found that New Olympian has overwhelmingly and
4. Publication
convincingly established its right to the trademark BATA and consequently,
• Sec. 133.2, IPC its use and registration in its favor and has spent a considerable amount of
133.2. Where the Office finds that the conditions referred to in Subsection 133.1 are
money and effort in popularizing the trademark BATA for shoes in the
fulfilled, it shall upon payment of the prescribed fee, forthwith cause the application,
Philippines through the advertising media since it was lawfully used in
as filed, to be published in the prescribed manner.
commerce on July 1, 1970. Therefore, New Olympian’s expense created
the enormous goodwill of the trademark BATA in the Philippines and not
5. Opposition
the Bata Industries.
• Sections 134, Opposition. o Justice Gutierrez found that: Any slight goodwill generated by the
o Any person who believes that he would be damaged by the registration of a mark Czechoslovakian product during the Commonwealth years was completely
may file with the Office an opposition to the application, abandoned and lost in the more than 35 years that have passed since the
§ upon payment of the required fee and liberation of Manila from the Japanese troops. Bata Industries was never a
§ within 30 days after the publication referred to in Subsection 133.2. user of the trademark BATA either before or after the war, nor was it the
o Such opposition shall be successor-in-interest of Gerbec and Hrdina. There was no privity of interest
1) in writing between the Czechoslovakian owner and the Canadian appellant and that
the Czechoslovakian trademark has been abandoned in Czechoslovakia.


o Bata Industries has no Philippine goodwill that would be damaged by the Why would this info be important?
registration of the mark in the New Olympian’s favor. - This is your first line of search, so that if there are other marks already
o The right to the registration and protection of its industrial property, the registered, report that to the client and render a legal opinion / trademark
BATA trademark is with New Olympian. search.
137.4. The Office shall record any change of address, or address for service, which
b. Mirpuri v. Court of Appeals, 318 SCRA 516 (1999) – LANDMARK CASE, KNOW shall be notified to it by the registered owner.
THE FACTS AND RULING 137.5. In the absence of any provision to the contrary in this Act, communications
to be made to the registered owner by virtue of this Act shall be sent to him at his
6. Issuance and Publication of Certificate last recorded address and, at the same, at his last recorded address for service.
• Section 136. Issuance and Publication of Certificate. – (Sec. 19, R.A. No. 166a)
o When the period for filing the opposition has expired, or • Sec. 138. Certificates of Registration. –
o when the Director of Legal Affairs shall have denied the opposition, A certificate of registration of a mark shall be prima facie evidence of
§ the Office upon payment of the required fee, shall issue the certificate of 1. the validity of the registration,
registration. 2. the registrant's ownership of the mark, and
o Upon issuance of a certificate of registration, notice thereof making reference to 3. the registrant's exclusive right to use the same in connection with the goods
the publication of the application shall be published in the IPO Gazette. (Sec. 10, or services and those that are related thereto specified in the certificate. (Sec.
R.A. No. 165) 20, R.A. No. 165)
• Section 137, Registration of Mark and Issuance of a Certificate to the Owner or his • Sec. 139, Publication of Registered Marks; Inspection of Register.
Assignee. 139.1. The Office shall publish, in the form and within the period fixed by the
137.1. The Office shall maintain a Register in which shall be registered marks, Regulations, the marks registered, in the order of their registration, reproducing all the
numbered in the order of their registration, and all transactions in respect of each particulars referred to in Subsection 137.2.
mark, required to be recorded by virtue of this law.
139.2. Marks registered at the Office may be inspected free of charge and any person
137.2. The registration of a mark shall include a reproduction of the mark and shall may obtain copies thereof at his own expense. This provision shall also be applicable to 31
mention: transactions recorded in respect of any registered mark. (n)
1. its number; • Sec. 144 Classification of Goods and Services. –
2. the name and address of the registered owner and, 144.1. Each registration, and any publication of the Office which concerns an application
3. if the registered owner's address is outside the country, his address for or registration effected by the Office shall indicate
service within the country; 1. the goods or services by their names,
4. the dates of application and registration; 2. grouped according to the classes of the Nice Classification, and
5. if priority is claimed, an indication of this fact, and the number, date and 3. each group preceded by the number of the class of that Classification to which
country of the application, basis of the priority claims; that group of goods or services belongs,
6. the list of goods or services in respect of which registration has been 4. presented in the order of the classes of the said Classification.
granted, with the indication of the corresponding class or classes; and • 144.2. Goods or services may NOT be considered as being similar or dissimilar to each
7. such other data as the Regulations may prescribe from time to time. other on the ground that, in any registration or publication by the Office, they appear
Classification is good guidance as to under what class your goods and services are in different classes of the Nice Classification.
registered in. But it’s not binding upon the Courts. • Sec. 4.2, technology transfer arrangements
137.3. A certificate of registration of a mark may be issued to the assignee of the o refers to contracts or agreements involving the transfer of systematic
applicant: Provided, that the assignment is recorded in the Office. knowledge for the manufacture of a product, the application of a process, or
o In case of a change of ownership, the Office shall rendering of a service including management contracts; and the transfer,
§ at the written request signed by assignment or licensing of all forms of intellectual property rights, including
• the owner, or his representative, or licensing of computer software except computer software developed for mass
• the new owner, or his representative and market.
§ upon a proper showing and the payment of the prescribed fee,
issue to such assignee a new certificate of registration of the 7. Duration of Certificate – 10 years
said mark in the name of such assignee, and for the unexpired • Sec. 145, Duration.
part of the original period. A certificate of registration shall remain in force for 10 years:
o Provided, that the registrant shall At what juncture would there arise the need to correct mistakes?
1. File a declaration of actual use and evidence to that effect, OR Depends on what cause: fault of Office or fault of applicant
2. Show valid reasons based on the existence of obstacles to such use, as What usually would be mistakes? Drawings, spellings, colors. Font. Size of logos.
prescribed by the Regulations, But if mistake is on the substance of the trademark, this is not covered by the provision.
within 1 year from the 5th anniversary of the date of the registration of the
mark. 10. Renewal
o Otherwise, the mark shall be removed from the Register by the Office. (Sec. • Sec. 146, Renewal. –
12, R.A. No. 166a) A certificate of registration may be renewed for periods of 10 years at its expiration
DAU should be notarized or under oath. 1) upon payment of the prescribed fee and
2) upon filing of a request.
8. Voluntary Cancellation of Certificate The request shall contain the following indications:
• Sec. 140, Cancellation upon Application by Registrant; Amendment or Disclaimer of (a) An indication that renewal is sought;
Registration. (b) The name and address of the registrant or his successor-in-interest, hereafter
o Upon application of the registrant, the Office may permit any registration to referred to as the "right holder";
be surrendered for cancellation, and upon cancellation the appropriate entry (c) The registration number of the registration concerned;
shall be made in the records of the Office. (d) The filing date of the application which resulted in the registration concerned
o Upon application of the registrant and payment of the prescribed fee, the to be renewed;
Office for good cause may permit any registration to be amended or to be (e) Where the right holder has a representative, the name and address of that
disclaimed in part: representative;
§ Provided, that the amendment or disclaimer does not alter (f) The names of the recorded goods or services for which the renewal is
materially the character of the mark. requested or the names of the recorded goods or services for which the
o Appropriate entry shall be made in the records of the Office upon the renewal is not requested, grouped according to the classes of the Nice
certificate of registration or, if said certificate is lost or destroyed, upon a Classification to which that group of goods or services belongs and presented 32
certified copy thereof (Sec. 14, R.A. No. 166) in the order of the classes of the said Classification; and
What is the practical step after having cancelled? € IPO enters the cancellation. (g) A signature by the right holder or his representative.
Tantamount to removal of the certificate. When? 6 months before or after expiration.
How many times can you renew? Unlimited, so long as its period is for 10 years.
9. Correction of Mistakes
• Section 142, Correction of Mistakes Made by the Office H. Rights Conferred
Whenever a material mistake in a registration incurred through the fault of the Office • Sec. 147, as amended by RA No. 9502 (Universally Accessible Cheaper and Quality
is clearly disclosed by the records of the Office, a certificate stating the fact and nature Medicines Act of 2008) Rights Conferred.
of such mistake shall be issued without charge, recorded and a printed copy thereof 147.1. EXCEPT in cases of importation of drugs and medicines allowed under Section
shall be attached to each printed copy of the registration. 72.1 of this Act and of off-patent drugs and medicines, the owner of a registered mark
Such corrected registration shall thereafter have the same effect as the original shall have the EXCLUSIVE RIGHT to prevent all third parties not having the owner's
certificate; or in the discretion of the Director of the Administrative, Financial and consent from using in the course of trade identical or similar signs or containers for
Human Resource Development Service Bureau a new certificate of registration may be goods or services which are identical or similar to those in respect of which the
issued without charge. trademark is registered where such use would result in a likelihood of confusion.
All certificates of correction heretofore issued in accordance with the Regulations and o In case of the use of an identical sign for identical goods or services, a
the registration to which they are attached shall have the same force and effect as if likelihood of confusion shall be presumed.
such certificates and their issuance had been authorized by this Act. (n) o "There shall be no infringement of trademarks or tradenames of imported or
• Section 143, Correction of Mistakes Made by Applicant sold patented drugs and medicines allowed under Section 72.1 of this Act, as
Whenever a mistake is made in a registration and such mistake occurred in good faith well as imported or sold off-patent drugs and medicines:
through the fault of the applicant, the Office may issue a certificate upon the payment o Provided, That, said drugs and medicines bear the registered marks that have
of the prescribed fee: not been tampered, unlawfully modified, or infringed upon, under Section
o Provided, that the correction does not involve any change in the registration 155 of this Code.
that requires republication of the mark. (n)


147.2. The exclusive right of the owner of a well-known mark defined in Subsection o If the license contract does not provide for such quality control, or if such
123.1(e) which is registered in the Philippines, shall extend to goods and services which quality control is not effectively carried out, the license contract shall not
are not similar to those in respect of which the mark is registered: be VALID.
o Provided, that use of that mark in relation to those goods or services would 150.2. A license contract shall be submitted to the Office which shall keep its contents
indicate a connection between those goods or services and the owner of the confidential but shall record it and publish a reference thereto.
registered mark: A license contract shall have no effect against third parties until such recording is
o Provided further, that the interests of the owner of the registered mark are effected. The Regulations shall fix the procedure for the recording of the license
likely to be damaged by such use. (n) contract. (n)
• Sec. 148, Use of Indications by Third Parties for Purposes Other than those for which the • Sec. 231, Reverse Reciprocity of Foreign Laws. –
Mark is Used. Any condition, restriction, limitation, diminution, requirement, penalty or any similar
Registration of the mark shall NOT confer on the registered owner the right to burden imposed by the law of a foreign country on a Philippine national seeking
PRECLUDE third parties from using bona fide protection of intellectual property rights in that country, shall reciprocally be
1) their names, enforceable upon nationals of said country, within Philippine jurisdiction. (n)
2) addresses, Consistent with the TRIPS agreement.
3) pseudonyms,
4) a geographical name, or Is there infringement even if the goods are non-competing?
5) exact indications concerning the kind, quality, quantity, destination, value, • Section 20, R. A. No. 166 as compared to Sec. 138, IPC
place of origin, or time of production or of supply, of their goods or services: Section 138, IPC. Certificates of Registration. - A certificate of registration of a mark shall
• Provided, that such use is CONFINED to the purposes of mere identification or be PRIMA FACIE evidence of
information and CANNOT mislead the public as to the source of the goods or the validity of the registration,
services. (n) the registrant's ownership of the mark, and
• Sec. 4.2 in relation to Sections 87 and 88, 92, IPC the registrant's exclusive right to use the same in connection with the goods or
• Sec. 149 Assignment and Transfer of Application and Registration. services and those that are related thereto specified in the certificate. (Sec. 20, R.A. 33
149.1. An application for registration of a mark, or its registration, may be assigned or No. 165)
transferred with or without the transfer of the business using the mark. (n) when are goods noncompeting?
149.2. Such assignment or transfer shall, however, be NULL AND VOID if it is liable to -if they belong to different classes
mislead the public, -different niche
particularly as regards the nature, source, manufacturing process, characteristics, -different market
or suitability for their purpose, of the goods or services to which the mark is
applied. 1) Ang Tibay v. Teodoro, 74 Phil 50
149.3. The assignment of the application for registration of a mark, or of its registration, ISSUE:
shall be in writing and require the signatures of the contracting parties. 1) WON the words “Ang Tibay” is a descriptive word and hence cannot be
Transfers by mergers or other forms of succession may be made by any document registered as a trademark? (NO)
supporting such transfer. 2) WON the doctrine of secondary meaning applies? (NO)
149.4. Assignments and transfers of registrations of marks shall be recorded at the 3) WON pants and shirts are similar goods? (YES)
Office on payment of the prescribed fee; assignment and transfers of applications for
registration shall, on payment of the same fee, be provisionally recorded, and the mark, Toribio Teodoro has continuously used "Ang Tibay," both as a trade-mark and as a
when registered, shall be in the name of the assignee or transferee. trade-name, in the manufacture and sale of slippers, shoes, and indoor baseballs
149.5. Assignments and transfers shall have NO EFFECT AGAINST THIRD PARTIES until since 1910. He formally registered it as trade-mark and as trade-name and spent for
they are recorded at the Office. (Sec. 31, R.A. No. 166a) advertisement from 1919 to 1938. Ang registered the same trade-mark "Ang Tibay"
• Sec. 150. License Contracts. – very common form of transaction, particularly in for pants and shirts and established a factory for the manufacture of said articles.
trademark The records do not shows how much Ang has spent or advertisement. But Toribio in
150.1. Any license contract concerning the registration of a mark, or an application his brief says that Ang "was unable to prove that she had spent a single centavo
therefor, shall provide for effective control by the licensor of the quality of the goods advertising "Ang Tibay" shirts and pants prior to 1938.
or services of the licensee in connection with which the mark is used.


Ang contends that the phrase "Ang Tibay" is a descriptive term because it means In view of the conclusion we have reached above, it is unnecessary to apply here the
"strong, durable, lasting." doctrine of "secondary meaning" in trade-mark parlance.
• He invokes section 2 of Act No. 666, which provides that words or devices • This doctrine is to the effect that a word or phrase originally incapable of
which related only to the name, quality, or description of the merchandise exclusive appropriation with reference to an article of the market, because
cannot be the subject of a trade-mark. geographically or otherwise descriptive, might nevertheless have been
• He cites Baxter vs. Zuazua which involved the trade-mark "Agua de used so long and so exclusively by one producer with reference to his
Kananga" used on toilet water, where the court held that the word article that, in that trade and to that branch of the purchasing public, the
"Kananga," the name of a well-known Philippine plant, could not be word or phrase has come to mean that the article was his product.
appropriated as a trade-mark any more than could the words "sugar," • Had the phrase "Ang Tibay," not originally capable of exclusive
"tobacco," or "coffee." appropriation as a trade-mark, the application of the doctrine of secondary
meaning applies because, in any event, by Toribio’s long and exclusive use
On the other hand, Toribio contend that the words "Ang Tibay" are not descriptive of said phrase with reference to his products and his business, it has
but merely suggestive and may properly be regarded as fanciful or arbitrary in the acquired a proprietary connotation.
legal sense. They cite several cases in which similar words have been sustained as
valid trade-marks, such as "Holeproof" for hosiery, "ideal for tooth brushes, and Since 1916, a growing sentiment began to arise that in the selection of a famous
"Fashionknit" for neckties and sweaters. mark by a third party, there was generally the hidden intention to "have a free ride"
on the trade-mark owner's reputation and good will.
We find it necessary to go into the etymology and meaning of the Tagalog words Although two noncompeting articles may be classified under two different classes
"Ang Tibay" to determine whether they are a descriptive term, i.e., whether they by the Patent Office because they are deemed not to possess the same descriptive
relate to the quality or description of the merchandise to which respondent has properties, they would, nevertheless, be held by the courts to belong to the same
applied them as a trade-mark. The phrase "Ang Tibay" is an exclamation denoting class if the simultaneous use on them of identical or closely similar trade-marks
administration of strength or durability. would be likely to cause confusion as to the origin, or personal source, of the
second user's goods.
The phrase "ang tibay" is never used adjectively to define or describe an object. One
does not say, "ang tibay sapatos" or "sapatos ang tibay" is never used adjectively to They would be considered as not falling under the same class only if they are so
define or describe an object. One does not say, "ang tibay sapatos" or "sapatos ang dissimilar or so foreign to each other as to make it unlikely that the purchaser
tibay" to mean "durable shoes," but "matibay na sapatos" or "sapatos na matibay." would think the first user made the second user's goods.

"Ang Tibay" is not a descriptive term within the meaning of the Trade-Mark Law but There can be unfair competition or unfair trading even if the goods are non-
rather a fanciful or coined phrase which may properly and legally be appropriated as competing, and that such unfair trading can cause injury or damage to the first user
a trade-mark or trade-name. In this connection we do not fail to note that when the of a given trade-mark,
petitioner herself took the trouble and expense of securing the registration of these 1) by prevention of the natural expansion of his business and,
same words as a trademark of her products she or her attorney as well as the 2) by having his business reputation confused with and put at the mercy of
Director of Commerce was undoubtedly convinced that said words (Ang Tibay) were the second user.
not a descriptive term and hence could be legally used and validly registered as a
trade-mark. Experience has demonstrated that when a well-known trade-mark is adopted by
another even for a totally different class of goods, it is done to get the benefit of the
The function of a trade-mark is to point distinctively, either by its own meaning or reputation and advertisements of the originator of said mark, to convey to the public
by association, to the origin or ownership of the wares to which it is applied. "Ang a false impression of some supposed connection between the manufacturer of the
Tibay," as used by Toribio to designate his wares, had exactly performed that article sold under the original mark and the new articles being tendered to the public
function for 22 years before the Ang adopted it as a trade-mark in her own business. under the same or similar mark. The owner of a trade-mark or trade-name has a
Ang Tibay shoes and slippers are, by association, known throughout the Philippines property right in which he is entitled to protection, since there is damage to him
as products of the Ang Tibay factory owned and operated by the respondent Toribio from confusion of reputation or goodwill in the mind of the public as well as from
Teodoro. confusion of goods. The modern trend is to give emphasis to the unfairness of the
acts and to classify and treat the issue as a fraud.


• Chua Che claimed that the grounds of opposition are not correct, since said
Shoes and shirts are not as unrelated as fountain pens and razor blades. The mere trademark in favor of oppositor is not being used on soap, but purely toilet
relation or association of the articles is not controlling. The proprietary connotation articles.
that a trade-mark or trade-name has acquired is of more paramount consideration. • The Director of Patents sustained the opposition.
By uninterrupted and exclusive use since 1910 of respondent's registered trade- o Opposer's first use of the trademark X-7 is prior to applicant's first use
mark on slippers and shoes manufactured by him, it has come to indicate the origin of the mark.
and ownership of said goods. o The only question then in this case is whether or not purchasers of X-
7 perfume, lipstick and nail polish would likely upon seeing X-7
It is certainly not farfetched to surmise that the selection by petitioner of the same laundry soap, attribute common origin to the products or assume that
trade-mark for pants and shirts was motivated by a desire to get a free ride on the there existed some kind of trade connection between applicant and
reputation and selling power it has acquired at the hands of the respondent. The opposer.
field from which a person may select a trade-mark is practically unlimited, and o Opposer has spent about P120,000 in advertisement and enjoys a
hence there is no excuse for impinging upon or even closely approaching the mark valuable goodwill in the trademark X-7.
of a business rival. In the unlimited field of choice, what could have been o The products of the parties, while specifically different, are products
petitioner's purpose in selecting "Ang Tibay" if not for its fame? intended for use in the home and usually have common purchasers.
o Furthermore, the use of X-7 for laundry soap is but a natural
2) Chua Che v. Philippine Patent Office, 13 SCRA 67 (1965) expansion of business of the opposer.
• ISSUE: WON Chua Che’s registration of the trademark of X-7 for soaps will be § In fact, prior to the alleged date of first use by Chua Che of
confusingly similar to Sy Tuo’s trademark in toiletries? (YES) the trademark X-7 for laundry soap, Sy Tuo had made steps
• Chua Che presented with the Philippines Patent Office a petition praying for the in expanding the use of this trademark to granulated soap.
registration in his favor the trade name "X-7", a soap. Sy Tuo opposed. Chua Che § Under these circumstances, the average purchasers are
alleges that he, as owner, first used the trademark in the Philippines in 1957 likely to associate X-7 laundry soap with X-7 perfume,
and he has been continuously using the same in trade for more than 1 year. He lipstick and nail polish or to think that the products have
alleges that no other person, partnership, corporation, or association, to the common origin or sponsorship.
best of his knowledge and belief, has the right to use said trademark in the • HELD: The finding of the Director of Patents Office to the effect that opposer-
Philippines, either in the identical form or in any such near resemblance thereto appellee Sy Tuo had priority of use and adoption of the trademark "X-7", is
as might be calculated to deceive. for all intents and purposes, one of fact. This being the case, such finding
• Sy Tuo presented a "Notice of Opposition” as the registration of said trademark becomes conclusive to this Court.
in favor of Chua Che will be confusingly similar to the “X-7” registered to, and • The circumstance of non-actual use of the mark on granulated soap by
being used by Sy Tup, and is not abandoned. appellee, does not detract from the fact that he has already a right to such a
• Sy Tuo alleged that trademark and should, therefore, be protected.
o he has prior use of the trademark "X-7" as he has been using it • The observation of the Director of Patents to the effect that "the average
extensively and continuously since 1952, while the applicant, Chua purchasers are likely to associate X-7 laundry soap with X-7 perfume, lipstick
Che, allegedly used his trademark only since 1957. and nail polish or to think that the products have common origin or
o "X-7" is distinctive and his invented mark and not merely an ordinary, sponsorship," is indeed well taken.
common and weak mark. • While it is no longer necessary to establish that the goods of the parties
o Their products are closely related products. possess the same descriptive properties, as previously required under the
o Sy Tuo has spent a huge amount by way of advertising and advertising Trade Mark Act of 1905, registration of a trademark should be refused in cases
his "X-7" brand and in expanding his business for the manufacture of where there is a likelihood of confusion, mistake, or deception, even though
toilet soap and crystal laundry soap with his already popular "X-7" the goods fall into different categories.
brand. • The products of appellee are common household items nowadays, in the
o The trademark applied for by the applicant Chua Che consists of the same manner as laundry soap. The likelihood of purchasers to associate those
trademark "X-7" and anyone is likely to be misled as to the source or products to a common origin is not far-fetched.
origin by the close resemblance or identity with the trademark "X-7" • Both from the standpoint of priority of use and for the protection of the buying
of the oppositor. public and, of course, appellee's rights to the trademark "X-7", it becomes


manifest that the registration of said trademark in favor of applicant-appellant • We find no substantiation of the charge that the stipulation of facts appearing on
should be denied. pages 33 to 34 of the transcript of stenographic notes taken on 9 August 1963 had
been intercalated; hence, the presumption that the stenographer regularly
3) Sta. Ana v. Maliwat, 24 SCRA 108 performed her duty stands. The integrity of the record being intact, the petitioner is
• ISSUE: WON the parties are bound by their stipulations during pre-trial to the effect bound by it.
that Maliwat has been using the tradename FLORMANN since 1959, while Sta. Ana • We cannot overlook that even if his charges were true, it was plain and inexcusable
has been using FLORMENN only in 1962? (YES) negligence on his part not to discover earlier the defect he now complains of, if any,
Sta. Ana Maliwat and in not taking steps to correct it before the records were elevated to this Court.
FLORMEN FLORMANN • An application for registration is not bound by the date of first use as stated by him
Ladies’ and children’s shoes Shirts, pants, jackets and shoes for in his application, but is entitled to carry back said stated date of first use to a prior
ladies, men, and children date by proper evidence; but in order to show an earlier date of use, he is then
First use is 1962 First use is 1955 under a heavy burden, and his proof must be clear and convincing.
• Florentino Maliwat applied for registration of the trademark FLORMANN, which is o The proof of date of first use (1953), earlier than that alleged in Maliwat's
used on shirts, pants, jackets and shoes for ladies, men, and children, claiming first application (1962), can be no less than clear and convincing because the
use in commerce of the said mark in 1962. The claim of first use was subsequently fact was stipulated and no proof was needed.
amended to 6 July 1955. • Petitioner would confine the respondent to the use of the mark FLORMANN to
• Sta. Ana applied for the registration of the tradename FLORMEN which is used in the tailoring and haberdashery only, but not on shoes, on the ground that petitioner had
business of manufacturing ladies' and children's shoes. His claim of first use in used the name FLORMEN on shoes since 1959, while the respondent used his mark
commerce of the said tradename is in 1959. on shoes only in 1962; but the Director ruled: “it is now the common practice among
• In view of the admittedly confusing similarity between the trademark FLORMANN local tailors and haberdashers to branch out into articles of manufacture which have,
and the tradename FLORMEN, the Director of Patents declared an interference. one way or another, some direct relationship with or appurtenance to garments or
o After trial, the Director gave due course to Maliwat's application and attire to complete one's wardrobe such as belts, shoes, handkerchiefs, and the like,
denied that of Sta. Ana. The latter, not satisfied with the decision, appealed hence shoes and shirts, pants and jackets have the same descriptive properties for
to this Court. purposes of our Trademark Law.”
• HELD: • Modern law recognizes that the protection to which the owner of a trademark mark
o The findings of the Director that Maliwat was the prior adopter and user is entitled is not limited to guarding his goods or business from actual market
of the mark cannot be contradicted, since his findings were based on facts competition with identical or similar products of the parties, but extends to all
stipulated in the course of the trial in the interference proceedings. cases in which the use by a junior appropriator of a trademark or trade-name is
o Sta. Ana, the Junior Party Applicant, is engaged solely in the manufacture likely to lead to a confusion of source, as where prospective purchasers would be
of shoes under the firm name FLORMEN since April 1959. misled into thinking that the complaining party has extended his business into the
o Maliwat has been engaged in the manufacture and sale of menswear field or is in any way connected with the activities of the infringer; or when it
shirts, polo shirts, and pants, since 1953, using FLORMANN as its forestalls the normal potential expansion of his business.
trademark. • Mere dissimilarity of goods should not preclude relief where the junior user's
o Maliwat began using the trademark FLORMANN on shoes on January 1962 goods are not too different or remote from any that the owner would be likely to
and the firm name FLORMANN SHOES under which these shoes were make or sell; and in the present case, wearing apparel is not so far removed from
manufactured and sold was first used on January 1962, having also been shoes as to preclude relief, any more than the pancake flour is from syrup or sugar
registered with the government in 1962. cream or baking powder from baking soda, or cosmetics and toilet goods from ladies'
• And the Rules of Court provide: Admission made by the parties in the pleadings, or wearing apparel and costume jewelry.
in the course of the trial or other proceedings do not require proof and cannot be • Whether or not shirts and shoes have the same descriptive properties, or whether
contradicted unless previously shown to have been made through palpable or not it is the prevailing practice or the tendency of tailors and haberdashers to
mistake." expand their business into shoes making, are not controlling.
• Since the aforequoted stipulation of facts has not been shown to have been made • The meat of the matter is the likelihood of confusion, mistake or deception upon
through palpable mistake, it is vain for the petitioner to allege that the evidence for purchasers of the goods of the junior user of the mark and the goods manufactured
respondent Maliwat is false, fabricated, inconsistent, indefinite, contradictory, by the previous user. Here, the resemblance or similarity of the mark FLORMANN
unclear, unconvincing, and unsubstantial. and the name FLORMEN and the likelihood of confusion, is admitted; therefore, the
prior adopter, respondent Maliwat, has the better right to the use of the mark.


o "CAMIA" has been registered as a trademark not only by PH Refining, but
4) Philippine Refining Company v. Ng Sam, 115 SCRA 472, G.R. No. L-26676 [30 July 1982] by two (2) other persons.
PH Refining Company (Unilever) Ng Sam o A trademark is designed to identify the user. But it should be so
Lard, butter, cooking oil and soap (Class Ham (Class 41) distinctive and sufficiently original as to enable those who come into
4) contact with it to recognize instantly the Identity of the user. "It must be
Camia Camia affirmative and definite, significant and distinctive, capable to indicate
Senior user Junior user origin."
• ISSUE: WON the product of Ng Sam, which is ham, and those of PH Refining o “CAMIA” as a trademark is far from being distinctive.
consisting of lard, butter, cooking oil and soap are so related that the use of the § By itself, it does not identify petitioner as the manufacturer or
same trademark "CAMIA" on said goods would likely result in confusion as to their producer of the goods upon which said mark is used, as contra-
source or origin. (NO) distinguished to trademarks derived from coined words such as
• PH Refining used the trademark "CAMIA" in the Philippines on its products in 1922. "Rolex", "Kodak" or "Kotex".
In 1949, petitioner caused the registration of said trademark. o If a mark is so commonplace that it cannot be readily distinguished from
o Certificate of Registration covers vegetable and animal fats, particularly others, then it is apparent that it cannot identify a particular business;
lard, butter and cooking oil (Class 47), while certificate of registration and he who first adopted it cannot be injured by any subsequent
applies to abrasive detergents, polishing materials and soap of all kinds appropriation or imitation by others, and the public will not be
(Class 4). deceived."
• Ng Sam filed an application with for registration of the identical trademark "CAMIA" o While ham and some of the products of petitioner are classified under
for his product, ham, which likewise falls under Class 47. Alleged date of first use of Class 47 (Foods and Ingredients of Food), this alone cannot serve as the
the trademark by respondent was in 1959. decisive factor in the resolution of whether or not they are related goods.
Emphasis should be on the similarity of the products involved and not on
• PH Refining filed an opposition, based on was Section 4(d) of said law: a mark which
the arbitrary classification or general description of their properties or
consists of or comprises a mark or tradename which so resembles a mark or
tradename registered in the Philippines or a mark or tradename previously used in characteristics.
the Philippines by another and not abandoned, as to be likely, when applied to or o In his decision, the Director of Patents enumerated the factors that set 37
respondent's product apart from the goods of petitioner:
used in connection with the goods, business services of the applicant, to cause
§ I have taken into account such factors as probable purchaser
confusion or mistake or to deceive purchasers.
attitude and habits, marketing activities, retail outlets, and
• The Director of Patents ALLOWED registration of the trademark "CAMIA" in favor of
commercial impression likely to be conveyed by the trademarks
Ng Sam.
if used in conjunction with the respective goods of the parties.
§ Ham on one hand, and lard, butter, oil, and soap on the other
o The right to a trademark is a limited one, in the sense that others may use
are products that would NOT move in the same manner
the same mark on unrelated goods. Thus, the mere fact that one person
through the same channels of trade.
has adopted and used a trademark on his goods does not prevent the
§ They pertain to unrelated fields of manufacture, might be
adoption and use of the same trademark by others on articles of a different
distributed and marketed under dissimilar conditions, and are
displayed separately even though they frequently may be sold
o Where no confusion is likely to arise, as in this case, registration of a
through the same retail food establishments.
similar or even identical mark may be allowed.
§ PH Refining’s products are ordinary day-to-day household items
o The term "CAMIA" is descriptive of a whole genus of garden plants with
whereas ham is not necessarily so. Thus, the goods of the parties
fragrant white flowers. Some people call the "CAMIA" the "white ginger
are not of a character which purchasers would be likely to
plant" because of its tuberous roots, while children refer to it as the
attribute to a common origin.
butterfly flower because of its shape.
o The observation and conclusion of the Director of Patents are correct.
§ Being a generic and common term, its appropriation as a
§ The particular goods of the parties are so unrelated that
trademark, albeit in a fanciful manner in that it bears no
consumers would not in any probability mistake one as the
relation to the product it identifies, is valid.
source or origin of the product of the other.
§ However, the degree of exclusiveness accorded to each user is
§ "Ham" is not a daily food fare for the average consumer.
closely restricted.


§ One purchasing ham would exercise a more cautious inspection La Oriental, one of the rights thus acquired having been the use of the trademark
of what he buys on account of it price. Seldom, if ever, is the ESSO on its cigarettes, for which a permit had been duly granted by the BIR.
purchase of said food product delegated to household helps, • Barely had United Cigarette started manufacturing cigarettes with the trademark
except perhaps to those who, like the cooks, are expected to ESSO, when ESSO commenced a case for trademark infringement.
know their business. o ESSO alleged that
§ Besides, there can be no likelihood for the consumer of § ESSO had been for many years engaged in the sale of petroleum products
respondent's ham to confuse its source as anyone but and its trademark ESSO had acquired a considerable goodwill to such an
respondent. extent that the buying public had always taken the trademark ESSO as
§ The label attached, his business name "SAM'S HAM AND BACON equivalent to high quality petroleum products.
FACTORY" written in bold white letters against a reddish orange § The continued use by United Cigarette of the same trademark ESSO on
background, is certain to catch the eye of the class of consumers its cigarettes was being carried out for the purpose of deceiving the
to which he caters. public as to its quality and origin to the detriment and disadvantage of its
§ In addition, the goods of petitioners are basically derived from own products.
vegetable oil and animal fats, while the product of respondent is • United Cigarette contended that in order that there may be trademark infringement,
processed from pig's legs. it is indispensable that the mark must be used by one person in connection or
• A consumer would not reasonably assume that, competition with goods of the same kind as the complainant's.
petitioner has so diversified its business as to include • RTC found that UC infringed on the trademark of ESSO. CA reversed.
the product of respondent. • HELD:
o While confusion of goods can only be evident, where the litigants are o The law defines infringement as the use without consent of the trademark
actually in competition, confusion of business may arise between non- owner of any "reproduction, counterfeit, copy or colorable limitation of
competitive interests as well. This is true whether or not the trademarks any registered mark or tradename in connection with the sale, offering for
are registered. sale, or advertising of any goods, business or services on or in connection
o But it is not so extensive as to be applicable to cases where the public with which such use is likely to cause confusion or mistake or to deceive
would not reasonably expect the plaintiff to make or sell the same class of
purchasers or others as to the source or origin of such goods or services,
goods as those made or sold by the defendant. or Identity of such business; or reproduce, counterfeit, copy or colorably
o In fine, the business of the parties are non-competitive and their products imitate any such mark or tradename and apply such reproduction,
so unrelated that the use of identical trademarks is not likely to give rise counterfeit, copy or colorable limitation to labels, signs, prints, packages,
to confusion, much less cause damage to petitioner. wrappers, receptacles or advertisements intended to be used upon or in
o Even if unrelated, broaden the coverage of registration. Include likely connection with such goods, business or services."
expansion. o Implicit in this definition is the concept that the goods must be so related
that there is a likelihood either of confusion of goods or business.
5) Esso Standard Eastern, Inc. v. CA, 116 SCRA 336 o But likelihood of confusion is a relative concept; to be determined only
Esso United Cigarette according to the particular circumstances of each case.
Petroleum products Cigarettes o It is undisputed that the goods of the parties are non-competing.
ESSO ESSO § But the question is whether or not the goods are so related that
Senior user Junior user the public may be, or is actually, deceived and misled that they
Rectangular, green Red, white and unique blue came from the same maker or manufacturer.
Gas stations and hardware stores Sari-sari stores, peddlers o For non-competing goods may be those which, though they are not in
• ISSUE: WON United Cigarette, in using the trademark ESSO for cigarettes, infringed actual competition, are so related to each other that it might reasonably
on the trademark of ESSO for petroleum products? (NO) be assumed that they originate from one manufacturer. Confusion of
business could arise out of the use of similar marks.
• Esso Standard is a foreign corporation duly licensed to do business in the Philippines.
It is engaged in the sale of petroleum products which are identified with its o Non-competing goods may also be those which, being entirely unrelated,
could not reasonably be assumed to have a common source.
trademark ESSO.
§ In this case, confusion could not arise.
• United Cigarette is a domestic corporation engaged in the manufacture and sale of
o Goods are related when they belong to the same class or have the same
cigarettes, after it acquired the business, factory and patent rights of its predecessor
descriptive properties; when they possess the same physical attributes


or essential characteristics with reference to their form, composition, o In the Philippines, where buyers of cigarettes, which are low cost articles,
texture or quality. They may also be related because they serve the same can be more numerous compared to buyers of the higher priced petroleum
purpose or are sold in grocery stores. and chemical products of ECCO and where ECCO is known to be in the
o In the situation before us, the goods are obviously different from each business of selling petroleum and petroleum-based chemical products,
other with "absolutely no iota of similitude". They are so foreign to each and no others, it is difficult to conceive of confusion in the minds of the
other as to make it unlikely that purchasers would think that petitioner buying public in the sense it can be thought that ECCO is the manufacturer
is the manufacturer of respondent's goods. of UC’s cigarettes, or that UC is the manufacturer or processor of ECCO’s
o The mere fact that one person has adopted and used a trademark on his petroleum and chemical products."
goods does not prevent the adoption and use of the same trademark by
others on unrelated articles of a different kind. 6) Hickok Manufacturing Co. v. CA, 116 SCRA 387
o The public knows too well that ESSO deals solely with petroleum products Hickok Santos
that there is no possibility that cigarettes with ESSO brand will be HICKOK HICKOK
associated with whatever good name ESSO’s ESSO trademark may have Leather wallets, key cases, money folds Shoes
generated. made of leather, belts, men's briefs,
§ Although ESSO’s products are numerous, they are of the same neckties, handkerchiefs and men's
class or line of merchandise which are non-competing with socks
respondent's product of cigarettes, which is beyond 'HICKOK' is in red with white 'HICKOK' is in white with gold
petitioner's "zone of potential or natural and logical background in the middle of two background between the two
expansion." branches of laurel in light gold. branches of laurel in red, with the
§ When a trademark is used by a party for a product in which the word 'SHOES' also in red below the
other party does not deal, the use of the same trademark on word 'HICKOK'.
the latter's product cannot be validly objected to. At the lower part thereof is a ribbon on The ribbon is in red with the words
o Also, the goods flow through different channels of trade, thus: which are the words 'POSITIVELY 'QUALITY AT YOUR FEET,' likewise in
§ ESSO’s products are distributed principally through gasoline 39
FINER' in light gold. red.
service and lubrication stations, automotive shops and hardware
stores. Although manufactured in the PH, Clearly labelled as made in Marikina
§ United Cigarette’s cigarettes are sold in sari-sari stores, grocery gives impression that it is foreign
stores, and other small distributor outlets, and are even peddled Different channels of trade
in the streets while ESSO’s 'gasul' burners are not.
• ISSUE: Is HICKOK's application would be likely to cause confusion or mistake on the
§ Evidently, in kind and nature the products of the parties are
part of the buying public? (NO)
poles apart.
• While the law does not require that the competing trademarks be Identical, the two
o Moreover, considering the general appearances of each mark as a whole,
the possibility of any confusion is unlikely. marks must be considered in their entirety, as they appear in the respective labels,
§ A comparison of the labels of the samples of the goods in relation to the goods to which they are attached.
submitted by the parties shows a great many differences on the • There must be not only resemblance between the trademark of both parties, but
trademarks used. also similarity of the goods to which the two trademarks are respectively attached.
§ The color of the "ESSO" used by the plaintiff for the oval design • HELD:
where the blue word ESSO is contained is the distinct and unique o The goods have different channels of trade.
kind of blue. o Emphasis should be on the similarity of the products involved and not on
§ United Cigarette never used its trademark on any product where the arbitrary classification or general description of their properties or
the combination of colors is similar to the label of the Esso characteristics.
cigarettes," and generally, the UC’s trademark comes all in either o The mere fact that one person has adopted and used a trademark on his
red, white, blue or any combination of the three colors. Not even goods does not prevent the adoption and use of the same trademark by
a shade of these colors appears on the trademark of the UC’s others on unrelated articles of a different kind.
cigarette. The only color that the ESSO uses in its trademark is o Taking into account that HICKOK, a foreign corporation registered the
green. trademark for its diverse articles of men's wear such as wallets, belts and
men's briefs which are all manufactured here in the Philippines by a
licensee Quality House, Inc. but are so labelled as to give the process, they may find themselves side by side in the "Men's Accessories
misimpression that the said goods are of foreign (stateside) manufacture Section" of the market, thus easily leading the buying public to believe that
and that respondent secured its trademark registration exclusively for the products from the same source, to the undue advantage of FABERGE.
shoes (which neither petitioner nor the licensee ever manufactured or o Again, if after purchasing such briefs, the public finds them to be of non-
traded in) and which are clearly labelled in block letters as "Made in competitive quality, or not of the high quality expected of appellant's
Marikina, Rizal, Philippines," respondent's registration of the same products, then appellant's reputation and goodwill will be ruined, to its
trademark for his unrelated and non-competing product of Marikina shoes damage and prejudice.
should be upheld. o When one applies for the registration of a trademark or label which is
almost the same or very closely resembles one already used and
7) Faberge v. IAC, 215 SCRA 316 registered by another, the application should be rejected and DISMISSED
Co Beng Kay (JUNIOR) Faberge (SENIOR) OUTRIGHT, EVEN WITHOUT ANY OPPOSITION on the part of the owner
BRUTE BRUT and user of a previously registered label or trademark, this not only to
Briefs Shave lotion, shaving cream, talcum avoid confusion on the part of the public, but also to protect an already
powder, deodorant, toilet soap used and registered trademark and an established goodwill.
Prominently displays the Predominantly colored green with a o The test of confusing similarity is not whether the challenged mark would
representation of a muscular man, blue and white band at the middle actually cause confusion or deception of the purchasers but whether the
underneath of which appears the portion of the container use of such mark would likely cause confusion or mistake on the part of
trademark BRUTE with a notation the buying public.
"Bikini Brief" o In short, the law does not require that the competing marks must be so
Equally visible at the other portions of identical as to produce actual error or mistakes. It would be sufficient, for
respondent's labels are the pictorial purposes of the law that the similarity between the two labels be such
representation of "briefs" which that there is a possibility or likelihood of the purchaser of the older brand
unmistakably suggest that the product mistaking the newer brand for it. 40
contained in the box container is that • CO asserts that briefs and cosmetics do not belong to the same class nor do they
of a man's brief have the same descriptive properties such that the use of a trademark on one's
BRUTE means "ferocious, sensual", BRUT simply means "dry", and also, "to goods does not prevent the adoption and use of the same trademark by others on
and in Latin, it signifies "heavy". browse" unrelated articles of a different nature.
• ISSUE: WON Co may appropriate the trademark "BRUTE" for the briefs it • HELD:
manufactures and sells to the public albeit FABERGE had previously registered the o Co may be permitted to register the trademark "BRUTE" for briefs
symbol "BRUT" and "BRUT 33" for its own line of deodorant? (YES) produced by it. In as much as FABERGE has not ventured in the production
• In the course of marketing FABERGE’s "BRUT" products and during the pendency of of briefs, an item which is not listed in its certificate of registration,
its application for registration of the trademark "BRUT 33 and DEVICE" for petitioner cannot and should not be allowed to feign that CO had invaded
antiperspirant, personal deodorant, cream shave, after shave/shower lotion, hair petitioner's exclusive domain.
spray, and hair shampoo, Co Beng Kay of Webengton Garments Manufacturing o FABERGE failed to annex the so-called "proof that FABERGE indeed
applied for registration of the disputed emblem "BRUTE" for briefs. intended to expand its mark "BRUT" to other goods".
§ Even then, a mere application by petitioner in this aspect does
• Opposition was anchored on similarity with its own symbol and irreparable injury to
not suffice and may not vest an exclusive right in its favor that
the business reputation of the first user was to no avail.
can ordinarily be protected by the Trademark Law.
• SC remarked that: the two trademarks are confusingly similar since they are similar
o The certificate of registration issued by the Director of Patents can confer
in appearance, in sound, and in style of presentation.
upon FABERGE the exclusive right to use its own symbol only to those
o Also, on account of the considerable length of time that FABERGE has
goods specified in the certificate, subject to any conditions and
marketed its products and its maintenance of high quality of its products
limitations stated therein.
through the years, FABERGE has earned and established immense goodwill
o One who has adopted and used a trademark on his goods does not
among its customers. Should CO be allowed to use the trademark "BRUTE"
prevent the adoption and use of the same trademark by other for
on the briefs manufactured by him, CO would be cashing in on the goodwill
products which are of different description.
already established by FABERGE, because the products are not entirely
unrelated since both are directed to the fashion trade and in the marketing


o The glaring discrepancies between the two products had been amply and petitioner. CANON is apprehensive that there could be confusion as to
portrayed to such an extent that indeed, "a purchaser who is out in the the origin of the goods, as well as confusion of business, if private
market for the purpose of buying respondent's BRUTE brief would respondent is allowed to register the mark CANON. CANON would
definitely be not mistaken or misled into buying BRUT after shave lotion or allegedly be immensely prejudiced if private respondent would be
deodorant". permitted to take "a free ride on, and reap the advantages of, the goodwill
and reputation of petitioner Canon."
8) Canon Kabushiki v. CA, 336 SCRA 266, G.R. No. 120900 (2000) • HELD:
CANON NSR o Ordinarily, the ownership of a trademark or tradename is a property
CANON CANON right that the owner is entitled to protect. However, when a trademark
Paints, chemical products, toner, and Sandals is used by a party for a product in which the other party does not deal,
dye stuff the use of the same trademark on the latter's product cannot be validly
Class 2 Class 25 objected to.
special chemical stores or distributors grocery stores, sari-sari stores and o CANON had every opportunity to present ex-parte all of its evidence to
department stores prove that its certificates of registration for the trademark CANON cover
• ISSUE: WON CANON can validly oppose the registration of trademark of CANON footwear.
for NSR’s sandals? (NO) o The certificates of registration for the trademark CANON in other
countries and in the Philippines as presented by CANON, clearly showed
• NSR Rubber Corporation filed an application for registration of the mark CANON for
that said certificates of registration cover goods belonging to class 2
sandals. An Opposition was filed by CANON, a foreign corporation duly organized
(paints, chemical products, toner, dyestuff).
and existing under the laws of Japan, alleging that it will be damaged by the
o Hence, since the certificate of registration of petitioner for the trademark
registration of the trademark CANON in the name of private respondent.
CANON covers class 2 (paints, chemical products, toner, dyestuff), NSR
• CANON’s evidence consisted of its certificates of registration for the mark CANON in
can use the trademark CANON for its goods classified as class 25
various countries, including the PH, covering goods belonging to class 2 (paints,
chemical products, toner, and dye stuff).
o Clearly, there is a world of difference between the paints, chemical 41
• The BPTTT gave due course to NSR’s registration. CA affirmed the registration. The
BPTTT and the CA share the opinion that the trademark "CANON" as used by CANON products, toner, and dyestuff of CANON and the sandals of NSR.
for its paints, chemical products, toner, and dyestuff, can be used by NSR for its o CANON failed to attach evidence that would convince this Court that
sandals because the products of these two parties are dissimilar. petitioner has also embarked in the production of footwear products.
• CANON protests the appropriation of the mark CANON by NSR on the ground that o It would be taxing one's credibility to aver at this point that the production
o CANON has used and continues to use the trademark CANON on its wide of sandals could be considered as a possible "natural or normal expansion"
range of goods worldwide. of its business operation.
o The corporate name of CANON is also used as its trademark on diverse o In cases of confusion of business or origin, the question that usually arises
goods including footwear and other related products like shoe polisher and is whether the respective goods or services of the senior user and the
polishing agents. junior user are so related as to likely cause confusion of business or origin,
o CANON has branched out in its business based on the various goods and thereby render the trademark or tradenames confusingly similar.
carrying its trademark, including footwear which covers sandals. § Goods are related when they belong to the same class or have
o And, notwithstanding the dissimilarity of the products, CANON is entitled the same descriptive properties; when they possess the same
to protection when the use of by the junior user "forestalls the normal physical attributes or essential characteristics with reference to
expansion of his business". CANON would be precluded from using the their form, composition, texture or quality.
mark CANON for various kinds of footwear, when in fact it has earlier used § They may also be related because they serve the same purpose
said mark for said goods. or are sold in grocery stores.
o CANON claims that it is possible that the public could presume that CANON o Undoubtedly, the paints, chemical products, toner and dyestuff of
would also produce a wide variety of footwear considering the diversity of petitioner that carry the trademark CANON are unrelated to sandals, the
its products marketed worldwide. product of NSR.
o CANON further argues that the alleged diversity of its products all over the o The two classes of products in this case flow through different trade
world makes it plausible that the public might be misled into thinking that channels.
there is some supposed connection between private respondent's goods


§ The products of CANON are sold through special chemical stores and newsletters. P&D admitted it did not commercially engage in or
or distributors while the products of NSR are sold in grocery market these goods.
stores, sari-sari stores and department stores. o On the contrary, it dealt in electrically operated backlit advertising units
o Thus, the evident disparity of the products of the parties in the case at bar and the sale of advertising spaces thereon, which, however, were not at all
renders unfounded the apprehension of petitioner that confusion of specified in the trademark certificate.
business or origin might occur if NSR is allowed to use the mark CANON. § This being so, petitioners copyright protection extended only to
the technical drawings and not to the light box itself because
9) Pearl & Dean v. Shoemart, 409 SCRA 231 (2003) the latter was not at all in the category of prints, pictorial
• ISSUE illustrations, advertising copies, labels, tags and box wraps.
(1) If the technical drawings of the light box are granted copyright protection o Even if P & D indeed owned a valid copyright, the same could have referred
(copyright certificate of registration) by the National Library, is the light box only to the technical drawings within the category of pictorial illustrations.
ipso facto also protected by such copyright? (NO) It could not have possibly stretched out to include the underlying light box.
(2) Can the owner of a registered trademark legally prevent others from using o What the law does not include, it excludes, and for the good reason: the
such trademark if it is a mere abbreviation of a term descriptive of his goods, light box was not a literary or artistic piece which could be copyrighted
services or business? (NO) under the copyright law.
• P & D’s complaint was that SMI infringed on its copyright over the light boxes when o And no less clearly, neither could the lack of statutory authority to make
SMI had the units manufactured by Metro and EYD Rainbow Advertising for its own the light box copyrightable be remedied by the simplistic act of entitling
account. Obviously, P&D’s position was premised on its belief that its copyright over the copyright certificate issued by the National Library as Advertising
the engineering drawings extended ipso facto to the light boxes depicted or Display Units.
illustrated in said drawings. o During the trial, the president of P & D himself admitted that the light box
• In ruling that there was no copyright infringement, the Court of Appeals held that was neither a literary not an artistic work but an engineering or
the copyright was limited to the drawings alone and not to the light box itself. marketing invention.
o The certificate issued by the Director can confer only the exclusive right
• For the trademark issue, P&D was abe to register its trademark for “Stationeries such 42
as the letterheads, envelopes, calling cards, and newsletters.” to use its own symbol only to those goods specified in the certificate,
• HELD: subject to any conditions and limitations specified in the certificate. One
o We agree with the appellate court. who has adopted and used a TM on his goods does not prevent the
o First, P&D’s application for a copyright certificate as well as Copyright adoption and use of the same trademark by others for products which
Certificate issued by the National Library clearly stated that it was for a are of a different description.
class O work under the Intellectual Property Decree. o Trademark, copyright and patents are different intellectual property rights
§ SEC. 2. The rights granted by this Decree shall, from the moment that cannot be interchanged with one another.
of creation, subsist with respect to any of the following works: § A trademark is any visible sign capable of distinguishing the
§ (O) Prints, pictorial illustrations, advertising copies, labels, tags, goods (trademark) or services (service mark) of an enterprise
and box wraps; and shall include a stamped or marked container of goods.
o Although P&D’s copyright certificate was entitled Advertising Display Units § In relation thereto, a trade name means the name or designation
(which depicted the box-type electrical devices), its claim of copyright identifying or distinguishing an enterprise.
infringement cannot be sustained. § Meanwhile, the scope of a copyright is confined to literary and
o Copyright, in the strict sense of the term, is purely a statutory right. artistic works which are original intellectual creations in the
Hence the rights are limited to what the statute confers. literary and artistic domain protected from the moment of their
o It may be obtained and enjoyed only with respect to the subjects and by creation.
the persons, and on terms and conditions specified in the statute. § Patentable inventions, on the other hand, refer to any technical
Accordingly, it can cover only the works falling within the statutory solution of a problem in any field of human activity which is new,
enumeration or description. involves an inventive step and is industrially applicable.
o P & D secured its copyright under the classification class O work. P & D was o There can be no unfair competition under the law on copyrights although
able to secure a trademark certificate for it, but one where the goods it is applicable to disputes over the use of trademarks. Even a name or
specified were stationeries such as letterheads, envelopes, calling cards phrase incapable of appropriation as a trademark or tradename may, by
long and exclusive use by a business (such that the name or phrase


becomes associated with the business or product in the mind of the specified in the certificate of registration in the well-known
purchasing public), be entitled to protection against unfair competition. mark. This requirement refers to the likelihood of confusion of
§ In this case, there was no evidence that P & Ds use of Poster Ads origin or business or some business connection or relationship
was distinctive or well-known. between the registrant and the user of the mark.
§ Poster Ads was too generic a name. So it was difficult to identify § 3. The interests of the owner of the well-known mark are likely
it with any company, honestly speaking. to be damaged. For instance, if the registrant will be precluded
o This fact also prevented the application of the doctrine of secondary from expanding its business to those unrelated good or services,
meaning. or if the interests of the registrant of the well-known mark will
§ Poster Ads was generic and incapable of being used as a be damaged because of the inferior quality of the good or
trademark because it was used in the field of poster advertising, services of the user.
the very business engaged in by petitioner. o Section 123.1(f) is clearly in point because the Music Lounge of petitioner
§ Secondary meaning means that a word or phrase originally is entirely unrelated to respondents’ business involving watches, clocks,
incapable of exclusive appropriation with reference to an article bracelets, etc. However, the Court cannot yet resolve the merits of the
in the market (because it is geographically or otherwise present controversy considering that the requisites for the application of
descriptive) might nevertheless have been used for so long and Section 123.1(f), which constitute the kernel issue at bar, clearly require
so exclusively by one producer with reference to his article that, determination facts of which need to be resolved at the trial court. The
in the trade and to that branch of the purchasing public, the existence or absence of these requisites should be addressed in a full
word or phrase has come to mean that the article was his blown hearing and not on a mere preliminary hearing. The respondent
property. must be given ample opportunity to prove its claim, and the petitioner to
§ The admission by P&D own expert witness that he himself could debunk the same.
not associate Poster Ads with P & D because it was too generic
definitely precluded the application of this exception. 11) Societe Des Produits Nestle v. CA, 356 SCRA 207 (2001)
• ISSUE: "Does CFC’s trade dress bear a striking resemblance with NESTLE’s
10) 246 Corporation v. Daway, 416 SCRA 315 (2003) trademarks as to create in the purchasing public’s mind the mistaken impression 43
• ISSUE: WON There’s trademark infringement? (NO) that both coffee products come from one and the same source?" (YES)
• Montres Rolex and Rolex Centre Phil., owners/proprietors of Rolex and Crown Nestle CFC
Device, filed against 246 Corporation the instant suit for trademark infringement and Master roast, master blend Flavor master
damages. Coffee Coffee
• ROLEX alleged that 246 has been using without authority the mark "Rolex" in its Senior user Junior user
business name "Rolex Music Lounge" as well as in its newspaper advertisements. Different presentation, color scheme, letters in labels
• 246 argued that ROLEX have no cause of action because no trademark infringement Inexpensive and common household items
exist; • CFC Corporation filed an application for the registration of the trademark "FLAVOR
o No confusion would arise from the use by petitioner of the mark "Rolex" MASTER" for instant coffee. Nestle filed an Opposition, claiming that the trademark
considering that its entertainment business is totally unrelated to the of CFC’s product is "confusingly similar to its trademarks for coffee and coffee
items catered by respondents such as watches, clocks, bracelets and parts extracts, to wit: MASTER ROAST and MASTER BLEND."
thereof. • Nestle claimed that the use by CFC of the trademark FLAVOR MASTER and its
• RTC denied the MTD. CA affirmed. registration would likely cause confusion in the trade; or deceive purchasers and
• HELD: would falsely suggest to the purchasing public a connection in the business of Nestle,
o A junior user of a well-known mark on goods or services which are not as the dominant word present in the three (3) trademarks is "MASTER"; or that the
similar to the goods or services, and are therefore unrelated, to those goods of CFC might be mistaken as having originated from the latter.
specified in the certificate of registration of the well-known mark is • CFC argued that its trademark, FLAVOR MASTER, is not confusingly similar with the
precluded from using the same on the entirely unrelated goods or services. former’s trademarks, MASTER ROAST and MASTER BLEND, alleging that, "except for
§ 1. The mark is well-known internationally and in the Philippines. the word MASTER (which cannot be exclusively appropriated by any person for being
§ 2. The use of the well-known mark on the entirely unrelated a descriptive or generic name).
goods or services would indicate a connection between such
unrelated goods or services and those goods or services


o The other words that are used respectively with said word in the three § This Court cannot agree with the above reasoning.
trademarks are very different from each other – in meaning, spelling, § If the ordinary purchaser is "undiscerningly rash" in buying such
pronunciation, and sound". common and inexpensive household products as instant coffee,
o FLAVOR MASTER, "is clearly very different from any of Nestle’s alleged and would therefore be "less inclined to closely examine specific
trademarks MASTER ROAST and MASTER BLEND, especially when the details of similarities and dissimilarities" between the two
marks are viewed in their entirety, by considering their pictorial competing products, then it would be less likely for the ordinary
representations, color schemes and the letters of their respective labels." purchaser to notice that CFC’s trademark FLAVOR MASTER
• HELD: carries the colors orange and mocha while that of Nestle’s uses
o Colorable imitation denotes such a close or ingenious imitation as to be red and brown.
calculated to deceive ordinary persons, or such a resemblance to the § The application of the totality or holistic test is improper since
original as to deceive an ordinary purchaser giving such attention as a the ordinary purchaser would not be inclined to notice the
purchaser usually gives, as to cause him to purchase the one supposing it specific features, similarities or dissimilarities, considering that
to be the other.9 In determining if colorable imitation exists, jurisprudence the product is an inexpensive and common household item.
has developed two kinds of tests - the Dominancy Test and the Holistic o While this Court agrees with the Court of Appeals’ detailed enumeration
Test. of differences between the respective trademarks of the two coffee
o The test of dominancy focuses on the similarity of the prevalent features products, this Court cannot agree that totality test is the one applicable in
of the competing trademarks which might cause confusion or deception this case. Rather, this Court believes that the dominancy test is more
and thus constitute infringement. While, the holistic test mandates that suitable to this case in light of its peculiar factual milieu.
the entirety of the marks in question must be considered in determining o It is the observation of this Office that much of the dominance which the
confusing similarity. word MASTER has acquired through Opposer’s advertising schemes is
o It must be emphasized that in infringement or trademark cases in the carried over when the same is incorporated into respondent-applicant’s
Philippines, particularly in ascertaining whether one trademark is trademark FLAVOR MASTER. Thus, when one looks at the label bearing the
confusingly similar to or is a colorable imitation of another, no set rules can trademark FLAVOR MASTER, one’s attention is easily attracted to the word
be deduced. Each case must be decided on its own merits. MASTER, rather than to the dissimilarities that exist. Therefore, the 44
o Indeed, the complexities attendant to an accurate assessment of likelihood possibility of confusion as to the goods which bear the competing marks
of confusion require that the entire panoply of elements constituting the or as to the origins thereof is not farfetched.
relevant factual landscape be comprehensively examined. o In addition, the word "MASTER" is neither a generic nor a descriptive term.
o Nestle points out that the dominancy test should have been applied to As such, said term cannot be invalidated as a trademark and, therefore,
determine whether there is a confusing similarity between CFC’s FLAVOR may be legally protected.
MASTER and Nestle’s MASTER ROAST and MASTER BLEND. § Generic terms are those which constitute "the common
o We agree. The determination of whether two trademarks are indeed descriptive name of an article or substance," or comprise the
confusingly similar must be taken from the viewpoint of the ordinary "genus of which the particular product is a species," or are
purchasers who are, in general, undiscerningly rash in buying the more "commonly used as the name or description of a kind of goods,"
common and less expensive household products like coffee, and are or "imply reference to every member of a genus and the
therefore less inclined to closely examine specific details of similarities and exclusion of individuating characters," or "refer to the basic
dissimilarities between competing products. nature of the wares or services provided rather than to the more
o An ordinary purchaser or buyer does not usually make such scrutiny nor idiosyncratic characteristics of a particular product," and are not
does he usually have the time to do so. The average shopper is usually in a legally protectable.
hurry and does not inspect every product on the shelf as if he were § On the other hand, a term is descriptive and therefore invalid as
browsing in a library. a trademark if, as understood in its normal and natural sense, it
o The Court of Appeals held that the test to be applied should be the totality "forthwith conveys the characteristics, functions, qualities or
or holistic test reasoning, since what is of paramount consideration is the ingredients of a product to one who has never seen it and does
ordinary purchaser who is, in general, undiscerningly rash in buying the not know what it is," or "if it forthwith conveys an immediate
more common and less expensive household products like coffee, and is idea of the ingredients, qualities or characteristics of the goods,"
therefore less inclined to closely examine specific details of similarities and or if it clearly denotes what goods or services are provided in
dissimilarities between competing products.


such a way that the consumer does not have to exercise powers o They discovered the presence in the local market of jeans under the brand
of perception or imagination. name "Paddocks" using a device which is substantially, if not exactly,
o Rather, the term "MASTER" is a suggestive term brought about by the similar to the "Dockers and Design" trademark owned by and registered in
advertising scheme of Nestle. the name of LS & Co., without its consent.
§ Suggestive terms are those which, in the phraseology of one • RTC issued the writ of preliminary injunction. The evidence considered by the trial
court, require "imagination, thought and perception to reach a court in granting injunctive relief were as follows:
conclusion as to the nature of the goods." o (1) a certified true copy of the certificate of trademark registration for
§ Such terms, "which subtly connote something about the "Dockers and Design";
product," are eligible for protection in the absence of o (2) a pair of DOCKERS pants bearing the "Dockers and Design" trademark;
secondary meaning. o (3) a pair of "Paddocks" pants bearing respondent’s assailed logo;
§ While suggestive marks are capable of shedding "some light" o (4) the Trends MBL Survey Report purportedly proving that there was
upon certain characteristics of the goods or services in dispute, confusing similarity between two marks;
they nevertheless involve an element of incongruity, o (5) the affidavit of one Bernabe Alajar which recounted petitioners’ prior
figurativeness, or imaginative effort on the part of the adoption, use and registration of the "Dockers and Design" trademark; and
observer. o (6) the affidavit of one Mercedes Abad of Trends MBL, Inc. which detailed
o This is evident from the advertising scheme adopted by Nestle in the methodology and procedure used in their survey and the results
promoting its coffee products. In this case, Nestle has, over time, thereof.
promoted its products as "coffee perfection worthy of masters like • CA held that the trial court did not follow the procedure required by law for the
Robert Jaworski and Ric Puno Jr." issuance of a temporary restraining order as Clinton Apparelle was not duly notified
o The term "MASTER", therefore, has acquired a certain connotation to of the date of the summary hearing for its issuance. Thus, the Court of Appeals ruled
mean the coffee products MASTER ROAST and MASTER BLEND produced that the TRO had been improperly issued. In its opinion, LEVI failed to sufficiently
by Nestle. As such, the use by CFC of the term "MASTER" in the trademark establish its material and substantial right to have the writ issued. Secondly, the
for its coffee product FLAVOR MASTER is likely to cause confusion or survey presented by petitioners to support their contentions was commissioned by
mistake or even to deceive the ordinary purchasers. LEVI. The Court of Appeals remarked that affidavits taken ex-parte are generally 45
considered to be inferior to testimony given in open court. Moreover, the injury LEVI
12) Levi Strauss v. Clinton Apparelle, G.R. No. 138900, 20 September 2005 have suffered or are currently suffering may be compensated in terms of monetary
• ISSUE: WON the issuance of the writ of preliminary injunction by the trial court consideration, if after trial, a final judgment shall be rendered in their favor.
was proper. (NO) • HELD: We find that there was scant justification for the issuance of the writ of
Levi Strauss Clinton Apparelle/Olympian Garments preliminary injunction.
Dockers and Design Paddocks o Section 1, Rule 58 of the Rules of Court defines a preliminary injunction as
Clothing under class 25 pants an order granted at any stage of an action prior to the judgment or final
Prior user Junior user order requiring a party or a court, agency or a person to refrain from a
Wing-shaped logo Same logo particular act or acts. Injunction is accepted as the strong arm of equity or
• Levi Strauss filed a case for trademark infringement against Clinton Apparelle, a transcendent remedy to be used cautiously as it affects the respective
together with an alternative defendant, Olympian Garments. The Complaint alleged rights of the parties, and only upon full conviction on the part of the court
that LS & Co., a foreign corporation engaged in the apparel business, is the owner by of its extreme necessity.
prior adoption and use since 1986 of the internationally famous "Dockers and o An extraordinary remedy, injunction is designed to preserve or maintain
Design" trademark. the status quo of things and is generally availed of to prevent actual or
o This ownership is evidenced by its valid and existing registrations in various threatened acts until the merits of the case can be heard.34 It may be
member countries of the Paris Convention, including the Philippines, it has resorted to only by a litigant for the preservation or protection of his rights
a Certificate of Registration for use of said trademark on pants, shirts, or interests and for no other purpose during the pendency of the principal
blouses, skirts, shorts, sweatshirts and jackets under Class 25. action.35 It is resorted to only when there is a pressing necessity to avoid
o The "Dockers and Design" trademark was first used in the Philippines in or injurious consequences, which cannot be remedied under any standard
about May 1988, by LSPI, its domestic counterpart. compensation. The resolution of an application for a writ of preliminary
o To date, LSPI continues to manufacture and sell Dockers Pants with the injunction rests upon the existence of an emergency or of a special
"Dockers and Design" trademark.


recourse before the main case can be heard in due course of o (1) the trademark sought to be protected is famous and distinctive;
proceedings.36 o (2) the use by respondent of "Paddocks and Design" began after the
• Petitioners anchor their legal right to "Dockers and Design" trademark on the petitioners’ mark became famous; and
Certificate of Registration issued in their favor by the BPTTT. o (3) such subsequent use defames petitioners’ mark. In the case at bar,
o This Certificate of Registration is prima facie evidence of the validity of the petitioners have yet to establish whether "Dockers and Design" has
registration, the registrant’s ownership of the mark and of the exclusive acquired a strong degree of distinctiveness and whether the other two
right to use the same in connection with the goods or services and those elements are present for their cause to fall within the ambit of the invoked
that are related thereto specified in the certificate. protection.
o Section 147.1 of said law likewise grants the owner of the registered mark § The Trends MBL Survey Report which petitioners presented in
the exclusive right to prevent all third parties not having the owner’s a bid to establish that there was confusing similarity between
consent from using in the course of trade identical or similar signs for two marks is not sufficient proof of any dilution that the trial
goods or services which are identical or similar to those in respect of which court must enjoin.
the trademark is registered if such use results in a likelihood of confusion. • The Court also finds that the trial court’s order granting the writ did not adequately
• However, attention should be given to the fact that petitioners’ registered detail the reasons for the grant. The trial court in granting the injunctive relief tersely
trademark consists of two elements: ratiocinated that "the plaintiffs appear to be entitled to the relief prayed for and this
o (1) the word mark "Dockers" and Court is of the considered belief and humble view that, without necessarily delving
o (2) the wing-shaped design or logo. on the merits, the paramount interest of justice will be better served if the status
• Notably, there is only one registration for both features of the trademark giving quo shall be maintained."
the impression that the two should be considered as a single unit. o It was "not enough" for the trial court, in its order granting the writ, to
o Clinton Apparelle’s trademark, on the other hand, uses the "Paddocks" simply say that it appeared "after hearing that plaintiff is entitled to the
word mark on top of a logo which according to petitioners is a slavish relief prayed for."
imitation of the "Dockers" design. • In addition, we agree with the Court of Appeals in its holding that the damages the
o The two trademarks apparently differ in their word marks ("Dockers" and petitioners had suffered or continue to suffer may be compensated in terms of
"Paddocks"). monetary consideration. 46
o It could thus be said that respondent only "appropriates" petitioners’ • We also believe that the issued injunctive writ, if allowed, would dispose of the case
logo and not the word mark "Dockers"; it uses only a portion of the on the merits as it would effectively enjoin the use of the "Paddocks" device without
registered trademark and not the whole. proof that there is basis for such action.
• Given the single registration of the trademark "Dockers and Design" and o Courts should avoid issuing a writ of preliminary injunction that would in
considering that respondent only uses the assailed device but a different word effect dispose of the main case without trial.
mark, the right to prevent the latter from using the challenged "Paddocks" device o There would be a prejudgment of the main case and a reversal of the rule
is far from clear. on the burden of proof since it would assume the proposition which
• Stated otherwise, it is not evident whether the single registration of the trademark petitioners are inceptively bound to prove.
"Dockers and Design" confers on the owner the right to prevent the use of a • After a careful consideration of the facts and arguments of the parties, the Court
fraction thereof in the course of trade. It is also unclear whether the use without finds that petitioners did not adequately prove their entitlement to the injunctive
the owner’s consent of a portion of a trademark registered in its entirety writ. In the absence of proof of a legal right and the injury sustained by the applicant,
constitutes material or substantial invasion of the owner’s right. an order of the trial court granting the issuance of an injunctive writ will be set aside
• It is likewise not settled whether the wing-shaped logo, as opposed to the word for having been issued with grave abuse of discretion.
mark, is the dominant or central feature of petitioners’ trademark. • Conformably, the Court of Appeals was correct in setting aside the assailed orders of
• In sum, there are vital matters which have yet and may only be established through the trial court.
a full-blown trial. From the above discussion, we find that petitioners’ right to
injunctive relief has not been clearly and unmistakably demonstrated. Issue of Parallel Importation
o Petitioners also failed to show proof that there is material and substantial 13) Yu v. CA, 217 SCRA 328
invasion of their right to warrant the issuance of an injunctive writ. Neither • ISSUE: WON writ of preliminary injunction should issue? (YES)
were petitioners able to show any urgent and permanent necessity for the • YU, the EXCLUSIVE distributor of the House of Mayfair wallcovering products in the
writ to prevent serious damage. Philippines, cried foul when his former dealer of the same goods UNISIA, purchased
• To be eligible for protection from dilution, there has to be a finding that:


the merchandise from the House of Mayfair in England through FNF Trading in West petitioner to that of private respondent caused by the latter's
Germany and sold said merchandise in the Philippines. species of unfair competition as demonstrated no less by the
• Even as petitioner was such exclusive distributor, UNISIA, then YU’s dealer, imported sales effected inspite of this Court's restraining order.
the some goods via the FNF Trading which eventually sold the merchandise in the § The injury is irreparable where it is continuous and repeated
domestic market. since from its constant and frequent recurrence, no fair and
• In the suit for injunction, YU alleged that UNISIA acted in concert with the FNF reasonable redress can be had therefor by petitioner insofar as
Trading in misleading Mayfair into believing that the goods ordered by the trading his goodwill and business reputation as sole distributor are
firm were intended for shipment to Nigeria although they were actually shipped to concerned.
and sold in the Philippines. But, UNISIA professed ignorance of the exclusive contract § Withal, to expect petitioner to file a complaint for every sale
in favor of petitioner. effected by private respondent will certainly court multiplicity of
• YU is seeking to enjoin the sale and distribution by private respondent of the same suits.
goods in the market. Unisia was sourcing genuine products. Yu rin. Unisia was allegedly duping House of
• RTC and CA denied the petition for injunction. Mayfair, telling them that the products are to be delivered in Nigeria, but instead it
• According to the appellate court, petitioner was not able to demonstrate the delivered the products in the Philippines.
unequivocal right which he sought to protect and that private respondent is a EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTOR dapat.
complete stranger vis-a-vis the covenant between petitioner and Mayfair. Moreover,
Yu could be fully compensated for the prejudice he suffered. I. Remedies
• In the petition at hand, petitioner anchors his plea for redress on his perception that • Sec. 3. International Conventions and Reciprocity. –
UNISIA has distributed and continues to sell Mayfair covering products in Any person who is a national or who is
contravention of petitioner's exclusive right conferred by the covenant with the domiciled or
House of Mayfair. has a real and effective industrial establishment in a country which is a
• TRO was issued to last until further notice from the SC. Notwithstanding such party to any convention, treaty or agreement relating to intellectual
proscription, UNISIA persisted in the distribution and sole. property rights or the repression of unfair competition, to which the 47
• HELD: Philippines is also a party, or extends reciprocal rights to nationals of the
o Verily, injunction is the appropriate remedy to prevent a wrongful Philippines by law,
interference with contracts by strangers to such contracts where the legal shall be entitled to benefits to the extent necessary to give effect to any provision
remedy is insufficient and the resulting injury is irreparable. of such convention, treaty or reciprocal law, in addition to the rights to which any
o The liability of private respondent, if any, does not emanate from the four owner of an intellectual property right is otherwise entitled by this Act. (n)
corners of the contract for undoubtedly, Unisia is not a party thereto but • Sec. 160, Right of Foreign Corporation to Sue in Trademark or Service Mark
its accountability is "an independent act generative of civil liability". Enforcement Action. –
o To Our mind, the right to perform an exclusive distributorship agreement Any foreign national or juridical person who meets the requirements of Section 3
and to reap the profits resulting from such performance are proprietary of this Act and does not engage in business in the Philippines may bring a civil or
rights which a party may protect which may otherwise not be diminished, administrative action hereunder for
nay, rendered illusory by the expedient act of utilizing or interposing a (i) opposition,
person or firm to obtain goods from the supplier to defeat the very (ii) cancellation,
purpose for which the exclusive distributorship was conceptualized, at the (iii) infringement,
expense of the sole authorized distributor. (iv) unfair competition, or
o Moreover, Mayfair in England was duped into believing that the goods (v) false designation of origin and false description,
ordered through the FNF Trading were to be shipped to Nigeria only, but WHETHER OR NOT IT IS LICENSED TO DO BUSINESS IN THE PHILIPPINES under
the goods were actually sent to and sold in the Philippines. existing laws. (Sec. 21-A, R.A. No. 166a)
§ A ploy of this character is akin to the scenario of a third person Favorite question
who induces a party to renege on or violate his undertaking Even if you’re not licensed to do business in the Philippines
under a contract, thereby entitling the other contracting party to • Sec. 231, Reverse Reciprocity of Foreign Laws. –
relief therefrom (Article 1314, New Civil Code). Any condition, restriction, limitation, diminution, requirement, penalty or any
§ The breach caused by private respondent was even aggravated similar burden imposed by the law of a foreign country on a Philippine national
by the consequent diversion of trade from the business of


seeking protection of intellectual property rights in that country, shall reciprocally the generic name of goods or services on or in connection with
be enforceable upon nationals of said country, within Philippine jurisdiction. (n) which it has been used. (n)
If you go to the States, whatever will be applicable to their nationals will also be c. At any time, if the registered owner of the mark without legitimate
applicable to Filipino nationals there. reason FAILS
In pleadings, when you draft a complaint, you have to state with specificity the 1. to use the mark within the Philippines, or
conditions and state of the qualifications of the parties, that the foreign corporation 2. to cause it to be used in the Philippines by virtue of a
is incorporated under the laws of a country who is a member of a convention to license
which the Philippines is a signatory. during an UNINTERRUPTED period of three (3) years or longer.
There must be registration.
1) Leviton Industries v. Salvador, 114 SCRA 420, G.R. No. L-40163, 19 June 1982 Prescriptive period of 5 years from registration of the mark.
If the non-usage is something not within your control, then it’s not
2) Puma v. IAC, 158 SCRA 233, G.R. No. 75067, 26 February 1988 – FAVE hahahaha abandonment.
• Sec. 153 Requirements of Petition; Notice and Hearing. –
3) La Chemise Lacoste v. Fernandez, 129 SCRA 373, G.R. Nos. 63796-97 [21 May 1984] Insofar as applicable, the petition for cancellation shall be in the same form as that
provided in Section 134 hereof, and notice and hearing shall be as provided in
1. Administrative Section 135 hereof.
a) Cancellation Proceedings • Section 154. Cancellation of Registration. –
• Sec. 151, Cancellation. – If the Bureau of Legal Affairs finds that a case for cancellation has been made out,
o 151.1. A petition to cancel a registration of a mark under this Act may be it shall order the cancellation of the registration.
filed with the Bureau of Legal Affairs by any person who believes that he When the order or judgment becomes final, any right conferred by such
is or will be damaged by the registration of a mark under this Act as registration upon the registrant or any person in interest of record shall terminate.
follows: Notice of cancellation shall be published in the IPO Gazette. (Sec. 19, R.A. No. 166a)
a. Within five (5) years from the date of the registration of the mark • Sec. 230, Equitable Principles to Govern Proceedings. – 48
under this Act. In all inter partes proceedings in the Office under this Act, the equitable principles
b. At any time, of laches, estoppel, and acquiescence where applicable, may be considered and
1. if the registered mark becomes the generic name for the applied. (Sec. 9-A, R.A. No. 165)
goods or services, or a portion thereof, for which it is • Sec. 232.2, Appeals. –
registered, or 232.2. Unless expressly provided in this Act or other statutes, appeals from
2. has been abandoned, or decisions of administrative officials shall be provided in the Regulations. (n)
3. its registration was obtained fraudulently or contrary to Appeal to director-general
the provisions of this Act, or
4. if the registered mark is being used by, or with the 1) Romero v. Maiden Form, 10 SCRA 556, G.R. No. L-18289 [31 March 1964]
permission of, the registrant so as to misrepresent the ISSUE: WON Maiden Form can register the trademark Adagio for being an arbitrary
source of the goods or services on or in connection with use of a common/descriptive word? (YES)
which the mark is used. Maiden Form filed with an application for registration of the trademark
§ If the registered mark becomes the generic name for less than "Adagio" for the brassieres manufactured by it. In its application, the company
all of the goods or services for which it is registered, a petition alleged that said trademark was first used by it in the US and in the Philippines; that
to cancel the registration for only those goods or services may it had been continuously used by it in trade in, or with the Philippines for over 10
be filed. years; that said trademark "is on the date of this application, actually used by
§ A registered mark shall NOT be deemed to be the generic name respondent company on the following goods, classified according to the official
of goods or services solely because such mark is also used as a classification of goods (Rule 82) - Brassieres, Class 40"; and that said trademark is
name of or to identify a unique product or service. applied or affixed by Maiden Form to the goods by placing thereon a woven label on
§ The PRIMARY significance of the registered mark to the which the trademark is shown.
relevant public rather than purchaser motivation shall be the The Director approved for publication in the Official Gazette said
test for determining whether the registered mark has become trademark of Maiden Form, having found, inter alia, that said trademark is "a fanciful


and arbitrary use of a foreign word adopted by applicant as a trademark for its Trademark rights in the Philippines, without actual use the trademark in
product; that it is neither a surname nor a geographical term, nor any that comes this country can be created artificially by means of a treaty or convention with
within the purview of Section 4 of Republic Act No. 166; and that the mark as used another country or countries. Philippine Trademark Law, envisions the eventual
by Maiden Form convincingly shows that it identifies and distinguishes respondent entrance of the Philippines into such convention treaty. Applications filed
company's goods from others." thereunder need not allege use in the Philippines of the trade mark sought to be
Director issued to respondent company a certificate of registration of with, registered. The Philippines has, however not yet entered into any such treaty or
trademark "Adagio". Romero filed a petition for cancellation of said trademark, on convention and, until she does, actual use in the Philippines of the trademark sought
the grounds that it is a common descriptive name of an article or substance on which to be registered and allegation in the application of such fact, will be required in all
the patent has expired; that its registration was obtained fraudulently or contrary to applications for original or renewal registration submitted to the Philippine Patent
the provisions of R.A. 166; and that said trademark has not become distinctive of Office.
Maiden Form’s goods or business; that it has been used by Maiden Form company There is no evidence to show that the registration of the trademark
to classify the goods (the brassieres) manufactured by it, in the same manner as "Adagio" was obtained fraudulently by appellee. There being no evidence of use of
Romero uses the same; that said trademark has been used by Romero for almost 6 the mark by others before 1932, or that appellee abandoned use thereof, the
years; that it has become a common descriptive name. registration of the mark was made in accordance with the Trademark Law.
Romero claims that the trademark "Adagio" has become a common Granting that appellant used the mark when appellee stopped using it
descriptive name of a particular style of brassiere and is, therefore, unregistrable. It during the period of time that the Government imposed restrictions on importation
is urged that said trademark had been used by local brassiere manufacturers since of respondent's brassiere bearing the trademark, such temporary non-use did not
1948, without objection on the part of Maiden Form. affect the rights of appellee because it was occasioned by government restrictions
HELD: and was not permanent, intentional, and voluntary. To work an abandonment, the
This claim is without basis in fact. The evidence shows that the trademark disuse must be permanent and not ephemeral; it must be intentional and
"Adagio" is a musical term, which means slowly or in an easy manner, and was used voluntary, and not involuntary or even compulsory. There must be a thorough-
as a trademark by the owners thereof because they are musically inclined. Being a going discontinuance of any trade-mark use of the mark in question.
musical term, it is used in an arbitrary (fanciful) sense as a trademark for brassieres The use of the trademark by other manufacturers did not indicate an
manufactured by respondent company. It also appears that Maiden Form has, intention on the part of appellee to abandon it. To establish the defense of 49
likewise, adopted other musical terms such as "Etude", "Chansonette", "Prelude", abandonment, it is necessary to show not only acts indicating a practical
"Over-ture", and "Concerto" to identify, as a trademark, the different styles or types abandonment, but AN ACTUAL INTENTION to abandon.
of its brassieres. The fact that said mark is used also to designate a particular style Records show that appellee was the first user of the trademark in the
of brassiere, does not affect its registrability as a trademark. Philippines, whereas appellant was the later user. Granting that appellant used the
It is not true that Maiden Form did not object to the use of said trademark trade-mark at the time appellee stopped using it due to government restrictions on
by petitioner and other local brassiere manufacturers. Its agent, warned a certain importations, such fact did not, as heretofore stated, constitute
Department Store to desist from the sale of the "Adagio" Royal Form brassieres abandonment of the trademark as to entitle anyone to its free use.
manufactured by petitioner and even placed an advertisement in the local Non-use because of legal restrictions is not evidence of an intent to
newspapers warning the public against unlawful use of said trademark. abandon. Abandonment will not be inferred from a disuse over a period of years
On the other hand, Maiden Form’s long and continuous use of the occasioned by statutory restrictions on the name of liquor.
trademark "Adagio" has not rendered it merely descriptive of the product.
Widespread dissemination does not justify Maiden Form in the use of the trademark. 2) Philippine Nut Industry v. Standard Brands Inc., 65 SCRA 575, G.R. No. L-23035 [31
If this argument were sound, then every time a plaintiff obtained the result of having July 1975]
the public purchase its article, that fact of itself would destroy a trademark. Arbitrary ISSUE: is the trademark "PHILIPPINE PLANTERS CORDIAL PEANUTS" used by
trademarks cannot become generic in this way. Philippine Nut confusingly similar to the trademark "PLANTERS COCKTAIL
Brassieres are usually of different types or styles, and appellee has used PEANUTS" used by Standard Brands so as to constitute an infringement of the
different trademarks for every type as shown by its labels. The mere fact that latter's trademark rights and justify its cancellation?
appellee uses "Adagio" for one type or style, does not affect the validity of such word Philippine Nut, a domestic corporation, obtained a Certificate of
as a trademark. Registration covering the trademark "PHILIPPINE PLANTERS CORDIAL PEANUTS," the
Appellant also claims that respondent Director erred in registering the trademark in label used on its product of salted peanuts. Standard Brands filed Inter Partes Case
question, despite appellee's non-compliance with Section 37, paragraphs 1 and 4 (a) asking for the cancellation of Philippine Nut's certificate of registration on the ground
of Republic Act No. 166. that "the registrant was not entitled to register the mark at the time of its application


for registration thereof" for the reason that Standard Brands is the owner of the containers and are NOT SUFFICIENT to warn the unwary customer that the two
trademark "PLANTERS COCKTAIL PEANUTS" covered by Certificate of Registration. products come form distinct sources.
Standard Brands alleged in its petition that Philippine Nut's trademark "PHILIPPINE As a whole it is the word PLANTERS which draws the attention of the buyer
PLANTERS CORDIAL PEANUTS" closely resembles and is confusingly similar to its and leads him to conclude that the salted peanuts contained in the two cans
trademark "PLANTERS COCKTAIL PEANUTS" used also on salted peanuts, and that originate from one and the same manufacturer.
the registration of the former is likely to deceive the buying public and cause damage The Director's decision is based not only on the fact that petitioner herein
to it. adopted the same dominant mark of Standard Brands, that is, the word PLANTERS,
Philippine Nut alleged that its registered label is not confusingly similar to but that it also used in its label the same coloring scheme of gold, blue, and white,
that of Standard Brands as the latter alleges. Director of Patents gave due course to and basically the same lay-out of words such as "salted peanuts" and "vacuum
the petition and ordered the cancellation of Philippine Nut's Certificate of packed" with similar type and size of lettering as appearing in Standard Brands' own
Registration, holding that in the labels using the two trademarks in question, the trademark, all of which result in a confusing similarity between the two labels. The
dominant part is the word "Planters", displayed "in a very similar manner" so much striking similarity between the two labels is quite evident not only in the common
so that "as to appearance and general impression" there is "a very confusing use of PLANTERS but also in the other words employed.
similarity," and he concluded that Philippine Nut "was not entitled to register the As a matter of fact, the capital letter "C" of petitioner's "Cordial" is alike to
mark at the time of its filing the application for registration" as Standard Brands will the capital "C" of Standard's "Cocktail", with both words ending with an "1".
be damaged by the registration of the same. Admittedly, no producer or manufacturer may have a monopoly of any color
According to PH Nut, PLANTERS cannot be considered as the dominant scheme or form of words in a label. But when a competitor adopts a distinctive or
feature of the trademarks in question because it is a mere descriptive term, an dominant mark or feature of another's trademark and with it makes use of the
ordinary word which is defined in Webster International Dictionary as "one who or same color ensemble, employs similar words written in a style, type and size of
that which plants or sows, a farmer or an agriculturist." lettering almost identical with those found in the other trademark, the intent to
HELD: pass to the public his product as that of the other is quite obvious. Hence, there is
There is infringement of trademark when the use of the mark involved good reason for Standard Brands' to ask why did petitioner herein use the word
would be likely to cause confusion or mistake in the mind of the public or to deceive PLANTERS, the same coloring scheme, even almost identical size and contour of the
purchasers as to the origin or source of the commodity; whether or not a trademark cans, the same lay-out of words on its label when there is a myriad of other words, 50
causes confusion and is likely to deceive the public is a question of fact which is to colors, phrases, symbols, and arrangements to choose from to distinguish its product
be resolved by applying the "test of dominancy", meaning, if the competing from Standard Brands, if petitioner was not motivated to simulate the label of the
trademark contains the main or essential or dominant features of another by reason latter for its own can of salted peanuts, and thereby deceive the public?
of which confusion and deception are likely to result, then infringement takes pIace; Those alleged differences differences between the two trademarks, such
that duplication or imitation is not necessary, a similarity in the dominant features as, the presence of the word "Philippine" above PLANTERS on its label, and other
of the trademarks would be sufficient. phrases are insignificant in the sense that they are not sufficient to call the
While it is true that PLANTERS is an ordinary word, nevertheless it is used attention of the ordinary buyer that the labeled cans come from distinct and
in the labels not to describe the nature of the product, but to project the source or separate sources.
origin of the salted peanuts contained in the cans. The word PLANTERS printed The word "Philippine" printed in small type in petitioner's label may simply
across the upper portion of the label in bold letters easily attracts and catches the give to the purchaser the impression that that particular can of PLANTERS salted
eye of the ordinary consumer and it is that word and none other that sticks in his peanuts is locally produced or canned but that what he is buying is still PLANTERS
mind when he thinks of salted peanuts. canned salted peanuts and nothing else. As regards "Mr. Peanut" on Standard
In cases of this nature there can be no better evidence as to what is the Brands' label, the same appears on the top cover and is not visible when the cans are
dominant feature of a label and as to whether there is a confusing similarity in the displayed on the shelves, aside from the fact that the figure of "Mr. Peanut" is
contesting trademarks than the labels themselves. A visual and graphic printed on the tin cover which is thrown away after opening the can, leaving no
presentation of the labels will constitute the best argument for one or the other, lasting impression on the consumer.
hence, we are reproducing hereunder a picture of the cans of salted peanuts of the The goods being sold by the parties herein are very ordinary commodities
parties to the case. purchased by the average person and many times by the ignorant and unlettered
It is true that there are other words used such as "Cordial" in petitioner's and these are the persons who will not as a rule examine the printed small letterings
can and "Cocktail" in Standard Brands', which are also prominently displayed, but on the container but will simply be guided by the presence of the striking mark
THESE WORDS ARE MERE ADJECTIVES describing the type of peanuts in the labeled PLANTERS on the label.


Differences there will always be, but whatever differences exist, these Non-use because of legal restrictions is not evidence of an intent to
pale into insignificance in the face of an evident similarity in the dominant feature abandon. PH Nut herein must not be allowed to get a free ride on the reputation
and overall appearance of the labels of the parties. It is not necessary, to constitute and selling power of Standard Brands PLANTERS salted peanuts, for a self-respecting
trademark "infringement", that every word of a trade-mark should be person, or a reputable business concern as is the case here, does not remain in the
appropriated, but it is sufficient that enough be taken to deceive the public in the shelter of another's popularity and goodwill but builds one of his own.
purchase of a protected article. Hence, there is a confusing similarity between the labels or trademarks of
A trade-name in order to be an `infringement' upon another need not be Philippine Nut and Standard Brands used in their respective canned salted peanuts;
exactly like it in form and sound, but it is enough if the one so resembles another Standard Brands has priority of adoption and use of the label with PLANTERS as the
as to deceive or mislead persons of ordinary caution into the belief that they are dominant feature and the same has acquired secondary meaning in relation to salted
dealing with the one concern when in fact they are dealing with the other. peanuts; and there has been no abandonment or non-use of said trademark by
Where a trade-mark contains a dominating or distinguishing word, and Standard Brands which would justify its adoption by petitioner or any other
purchasing public has come to know and designate the article by such dominating competitor for the sale of salted peanuts in the market.
word, the use of such word by another in marking similar goods may constitute Nonuse was excused.
Infringement though the marks aside from such dominating word may be
dissimilar. 3) Anchor Trading Co. v. Director of Patents, 99 Phil 1040, G.R. No. L-8004, [30 May
"Infringement" of trade-mark does not depend on the use of identical 1956]
words, nor on the question whether they are so similar that a person looking at ISSUE: WON the failure of Kua Lian Ham to register his opposition to the petition
one would be deceived into the belief that it was the other; it being sufficient if for registration in due time estops him from asking for the cancellation of the
one mark is so like another in form, spelling, or sound that one with not a very certificate of registration issued in favor of Anchor? (NO)
definite or clear recollection as to the real mark is likely to be confused or misled. HELD: The only consequence resulting from a late filing of an opposition to an
A word or phrase originally incapable of exclusive appropriation with reference to application for registration of TM is the oppositor’s relinquishment of the privilege
an article on the market, because geographically or otherwise descriptive, might given to him by laws to object to such registration, but such cannot prevent him from
nevertheless have been used so long and so exclusively by one producer with asking later for its cancellation when in his opinion there are good grounds justifying
reference to his article that, in that trade and to that branch of the purchasing
public, the word or phrase has come to mean that the article was his Principle we can derive is failure to oppose the registration does not bar subsequent
product. filing of cancellation of registration.
The applicability of the doctrine of secondary meaning to the situation now
before Us is appropriate because there is oral and documentary evidence showing 4) Clorox Company v. Director of Patents, 20 SCRA 965 (1967)
that the word PLANTERS has been used by and closely associated with Standard ISSUE: WON the Director of Patents erred in dismissing its opposition to the
Brands for its canned salted peanuts since 1938 in this country. Not only is that fact registration of the trademark in question, on the ground of failure to file the
admitted by petitioner in the amended stipulation of facts but the matter has been required "verified" opposition on time (YES); and WON he erred in denying
established by testimonial and documentary evidence. In other words, there is altogether its motion and petition for relief from said order. (YES)
evidence to show that the term PLANTERS has become a distinctive mark or symbol Go Siu Gian filed an application for registration of the trademark "OLDROX"
insofar as salted peanuts are concerned, and by priority of use dating as far back for his goods (whitening agent for bleaching) in trade and commerce in the country;
as 1938, respondent Standard Brands has acquired a preferential right to its and that said trademark has been used by him since 1959. Within 30 days from the
adoption as its trademark warranting protection against its usurpation by another. date of its publication in the Official Gazette, an unverified opposition to the
On the contention that Standard Brands' use of the trademark PLANTERS was application was filed by Clorox Company. Director of Patents issued the order
interrupted during the Japanese occupation and in fact was discontinued when the dismissing the petitioner's opposition to the application upon the ground, that the
importation of peanuts was prohibited by Central Bank regulations, non-use of a Clorox Company failed to filed the required verified notice of opposition within the
trademark on an article of merchandize due to legal restrictions or circumstances period allowed by law.
beyond one's control is not to be considered as an abandonment. To work an Upon notice of the said order, petitioner's counsel filed a motion with the
abandonment, the disuse must be permanent and not ephemeral; it must, be Patent Office, dated January 10, 1961, advising that it has filed the verified notice of
intentional and voluntary, and not involuntary or even compulsory. There must be opposition on time, i.e., on November 16, 1960; although it also admitted that the
a thoroughgoing discontinuance of any trade-mark use of the mark in question. covering letter of said verified opposition was given another case number (Inter
The use of the trademark by other manufacturers did not indicate an intention on Partes Case No. 200, entitled "The Shell Company of the Philippines versus Faustino
the part of appellee to abandon it. Co") which is also handled by the same counsel in the Patent Office. Petitioner


requested in that motion that the verified opposition be detached from the record bothering to examine whether or not the pleading or document submitted
of Inter Partes Case No. 200 and to transfer the same in the corresponding file of this corresponds to the enclosure mentioned in the letter.
case. The motion was opposed by herein respondent Go Siu Gian. And when, as in this case, the pleading is misfiled in the record of another
CLOROX filed a petition for relief from the order dismissing its opposition, case through the fault of its clerk, it cannot be said that the papers were not filed.
alleging circumstances constituting mistake or excusable negligence of its counsel The verified opposition of herein petitioner was lodged with the proper official
and his employee which led to the misfiling of its verified opposition, and praying authorized to receive. Under the circumstances, we hold, that there was
that said order be set aside. Hence, Director of Patents issued the resolution denying substantial compliance with the requirement of the law.
both the motion and the petition for relief, and ordering the issuance of the It should be noted that the grounds of fraud, accident, mistake or
Certificate of Registration of the trademark "OLDROX" in the name of Go Siu Gian. excusable negligence for new trial are substantially similar to the grounds of a
CLOROX argues that it was error for the respondent official to have petition for relief under the Rules; the only difference being that a motion for new
dismissed the opposition, it appearing in an indubitable manner that a verified trial or for reconsideration is filed before the order or judgment becomes final, while
opposition was timely filed. The Director of Patents, on the other hand, maintains a petition for relief should be filed after the finality of the judgment or order, but
that the verified opposition cannot be considered as having been filed on time, for within the periods prescribed in Section 3 of Rule 38. Had herein respondents so
the reason that it was misfiled in the record of another opposition case through the minded, the petition for relief filed by the petitioner in this case, having been filed
negligence of its own counsel. before the finality of the order dismissing its opposition, could have been treated
CLOROX contends that the Director of Patents erred in denying its motion and as a motion for reconsideration, and having been previously apprised of the fact
petition for relief from the order of January 6, 1961, dismissing its opposition to the that the verified opposition in this case was misfiled in the record of another case,
registration of the trademark in question. It holds the view that said Official should should have set aside said order.
have set aside the order and given due course to its opposition. The rule is well settled that courts may vacate judgments and grant new
HELD: trials or enter new judgments on the grounds of error in fact or in law. They have no
R.A. 166 requires that an opposition to an application for registration of a power, of course, to vacate judgments after they have become final, in the sense
trademark should be filed within 30 days from the publication of the application in that the party in whose favor they are rendered is entitled as of right, to have
the Official Gazette. This requirement is relaxed under Rule 187 (c) of the Revised execution thereon, but prior thereto, the courts have plenary control over the
Rules of Practice in Trademark Cases which provide that an unverified notice of proceedings including the judgment, and in the exercise of a sound judicial 52
opposition may be filed by a duly authorized attorney, but such opposition will be discretion, may take such proper action in this regard as truth and justice may
null and void unless verified by the opposer in person within sixty days after such require.
filing. . When, as in this case, the allegation of the pleading clearly show
There is no question that petitioner's counsel filed an unverified notice of circumstances constituting mistake and excusable negligence which are grounds for
opposition to the application for registration of the trademark "OLDROX" within 30 a motion for reconsideration of the order in question, a dismissal of the motion and
days from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. An unverified opposition a denial of the relief sought upon the flimsy excuse that the same was filed as a
was filed, and it was for this reason that the order was issued, because the law petition for relief, will amount to an abuse of that discretion. Neither may we
requires that for an opposition to be valid, it must be verified. It is not disputed, consider the argument of herein respondent that the petitioner is not totally
however, that immediately after it received the notice of dismissal of its opposition, deprived of its right to question the registration of the trademark in question
petitioner, in due time, filed a motion advising the Director of Patents that its verified because it may still pursue a cancellation proceeding under RA. 166, and Rules 191
opposition was filed on time, although it admitted its error in submitting it under a to 197 of the Rules of Practice in Trademark Cases.
covering letter designating another opposition case. The opposition to a registration and the petition for cancellation are
Under the circumstances, it is our considered opinion that the verified alternative proceedings which a party may avail of according to his purposes, needs,
opposition mentioned was filed on time, although it was submitted under an and predicaments and herein petitioner has the right to choose which remedy it
erroneous covering letter. That fact alone is no argument to the proposition that a deems best for the protection of its rights.
pleading "misfiled" is a pleading "not filed." A covering letter is not part of the
pleading. What is important is the fact that the pleading reached the official 5) Wolverine Worldwide, Inc. v. CA, 169 SCRA 627 (1989)
designated by law to receive it within the prescribed time, regardless of the mistake ISSUE: WON the present petition for cancellation is barred by res judicata in the light of
in the indorsement or covering letter which is not a necessary element of filing. It is the final and executory decision in 2 previous Inter Partes Cases. (YES)
gross negligence on the part of a clerk of court to receive and file pleadings in the Wolverine brought a petition for the cancellation of Certificate of Registration of the
record of a case by relying upon a letter of submittal or covering letter without trademark HUSH PUPPIES and DOG DEVICE issued to Cruz. Wolverine alleged that it is the
registrant of the internationally known trademark HUSH PUPPIES and the DEVICE of a Dog


in other countries which are members of the Paris Convention for the Protection of • The petitioner in all of these cases is Wolverine Worldwide. The respondent-
Industrial Property; that the goods sold by both parties belong to the same class such that registrant in this case is the assignee of Randelson Shoes which in turn, acquired its
Cruz's use of the same trademark in the Philippines in connection with the goods he sells right from Ramon Angeles, the original respondents-registrant.
constitutes an act of unfair competition, as denied in the Paris Convention. • As regards the subject matter, all of these cases refer to the cancellation of
Cruz moved to dismiss the petition on the ground of res judicata, averring that more registration of the trademark HUSH PUPPIES and DEVICE of a Dog.
than 10 years before this petition was filed, the same petitioner filed two petitions for • Finally, there is identity of cause of action, which is the alleged wrongful or erroneous
cancellation and was a party to an interference proceeding, all of which involved the registration of the trademark.
trademark HUSH PUPPIES and DEVICE, before the Philippine Patent Office. The Director Petitioner suggests that the petition is not barred by res judicata because while the
of Patents had ruled in all three inter parties cases in favor of Ramon Angeles, the Cruz’s former petitions were filed under Republic Act 166, the present one was brought
predecessor-in-interest. pursuant to the cited memorandum which expressly sanctions the cancellation of
CA affirmed tile above decision. Accordingly, Certificate of Registration issued to Cruz, for registration of a trademark granted even prior to the same memorandum.
the trademark "HUSH PUPPIES" for use on shoes is, as it is hereby, declared valid and BUT In the first place, the subject memorandum never amended, nor was it meant
subsisting for the duration of its term unless owner cancelled in accordance with law. CA to amend, the Trademark Law. It did not indicate a new policy with respect to the
affirmed. registration in the Philippines of world-famous trademarks. The protection against unfair
HELD: competition, and other benefits, accorded to owners of internationally known marks, as
For a judgment to be a bar to a subsequent case, the following requisites must mandated by the Paris Convention, is already guaranteed under the Trademark Law. Thus,
concur: the subject memorandum, as well as Executive Order No. 913, merely reiterated the
1) it must be a final judgment; policy already existing at the time of its issuance. Such being the case, appellant-oppositor
2) the court which rendered it had jurisdiction over the subject matter and could have properly ventilated the issue of whether or not it fell within the protective
the parties; ambit of the Paris Convention in the previous proceedings which culminated in the
3) it must be a judgment on the merits; and registration of the Hush Puppies trademark in appellee-movant's name, i.e., in Case No.
4) there must be Identity between the two cases, as to parties, — subject 967 before the Philippine Patent Office.
matter, and cause of action. The Director of Patents in that case, after hearing both parties and thereafter,
The judgment in the previous Inter Partes Cases had long since become final and 53
deciding that appellee-movant was entitled to the registration of the trademark in its
executory. A judgment or order is final, as to give it the authority of res judicata, if it can name, must have concluded that appellant-oppositor had not established the fact that it
no longer be modified by the court issuing it or by any other court. was entitled to the application of the favorable provision; of the Paris Convention.
In the case at bar, the decision of the Court of Appeals affirming that of the Director In the same light, the repeated filing of petitions for cancellation founded on
of Patents, in the cancellation cases filed, was never appealed to us. Consequently, when substantially the same ground as provided in Sec. 17 of the Trademark Law, we rule, is
the period to appeal from the Court of Appeals to this Court lapsed, with no appeal having not permissible. For to allow without any limitation whatsoever such a practice would be
been perfected, the foregoing judgment denying cancellation of registration in the name clearly violative of the time-honored doctrine of res judicata. The present petition for
of private respondent's predecessor-in-interest but ordering cancellation of registration cancellation raises basically the same issue of ownership of the trademark HUSH
in the name of the petitioner's predecessor-in-interest, became the settled law in the PUPPIES, which issue was already discussed and settled in the previous Inter Partes
case. Cases.
Generally, the fundamental principle of res judicata applies to all cases and The aforesaid cases, involving as they were the registration of a trademark,
proceedings in whatever form they may be. This principle applies, in the appropriate necessarily litigated the issue of ownership of such trademark because ownership is,
cases, to proceedings for cancellation of trademarks before the Philippine Patent Office. indeed, the basis of registration of a trademark. Thus, the owner of a trademark, trade
To say that the doctrine applies exclusively to decisions rendered by what are usually name or service-mark used to distinguish his goods, business or services from the goods,
understood as courts would be to unreasonably circumscribe the scope thereof. The business or services of others shall have the right to register the same on the principal
more equitable attitude is to allow extension of the defense to decisions of bodies upon register. . . " Res judicata now bars the petitioner from reopening, by way of another
whom judicial powers have been conferred. petition for cancellation, the issue of ownership of the trademark HUSH PUPPIES.
Undoubtedly, final decisions, orders, and resolutions, of the Director of Patents are Otherwise, there will never be an end to litigation.
clothed with a judicial character as they are, in fact, reviewable by the Court of Appeals
and by us. The subject judgment is undeniably on the merits of the case, rendered after 6) Shangrila v. CA, 359 SCRA 273 (1999)
both parties and actually submitted their evidence. ISSUE: WON, despite the institution of an Inter Partes case for cancellation of a mark
Between the earlier petitions and the present one there is substantial identity of with the BPTTT by one party, the adverse party can file a subsequent action for
parties, subject matter, and cause of action.


infringement with the regular courts of justice in connection with the same registered registrant's exclusive right to use the same in connection with the goods, business or
mark. (YES) services specified in the certificate." Since the certificate still subsists, Developers Group
Shangri-La filed a petition, praying for the cancellation of the registration of the may thus file a corresponding infringement suit and recover damages from any person
"Shangri-La" mark and "S" device/logo issued to the Developers Group of Companies, Inc., who infringes upon the former's rights.
on the ground that the same was illegally and fraudulently obtained and appropriated for Furthermore, the issue raised before the BPTTT is quite different from that raised in
the latter's restaurant business. Shangri-La alleged that it is the legal and beneficial the trial court. The issue raised before the BPTTT was whether the mark registered by
owners of the subject mark and logo; that it has been using the said mark and logo for its Developers Group is subject to cancellation, as the Shangri-La Group claims prior
corporate affairs and business since March 1962 and caused the same to be specially ownership of the disputed mark. On the other hand, the issue raised before the trial court
designed for their international hotels in 1975, much earlier than the alleged first use was whether the Shangri-La Group infringed upon the rights of Developers Group.
thereof by the Developers Group in 1982. Likewise, the Shangri-La Group filed its own While an application for the administrative cancellation of a registered trademark on
application for registration of the subject mark and logo. The Developers Group filed an any of the grounds enumerated in R.A.166 falls under the exclusive cognizance of BPTTT,
opposition to the application. an action, however, for infringement or unfair competition, as well as the remedy of
Almost three (3) years later, the Developers Group instituted a complaint for injunction and relief for damages, is explicitly and unquestionably within the competence
infringement and damages with prayer for injunction. Shangri-La moved for the and jurisdiction of ordinary courts.
suspension of the proceedings in the infringement case on account of the pendency of Surely, an application with BPTTT for an administrative cancellation of a registered
the administrative proceedings. This was denied. Shangri-La filed a Motion for trade mark cannot per se have the effect of restraining or preventing the courts from
Reconsideration which was denied. Shangri-La filed a petition for certiorari but it was the exercise of their lawfully conferred jurisdiction. A contrary rule would unduly
dismissed. expand the doctrine of primary jurisdiction which, simply expressed, would merely
Meanwhile, the Developers Group filed in Inter Partes Case an Urgent Motion to behoove regular courts, in controversies involving specialized disputes, to defer to the
Suspend Proceedings, invoking the pendency of the infringement case it filed. The BPTTT findings or resolutions of administrative tribunals on certain technical matters.
denied the same. A Motion for Reconsideration was filed which was, however, denied in This rule, evidently, did not escape the appellate court for it likewise decreed that
a Resolution. for "good cause shown, the lower court, in its sound discretion, may suspend the action
From the denial by the BPTTT of its Urgent Motion to Suspend Proceedings and pending outcome of the cancellation proceedings" before the BPTTT.
Motion for Reconsideration, the Developers Group filed with CA a petition for certiorari, However, while the instant Petitions have been pending with this Court, the 54
mandamus and prohibition, which the Court of Appeals dismissed the petition for lack of infringement court rendered a Decision in favor of Developers Group of Companies and
merit. against defendants Shangri-La–
HELD: a) Upholding the validity of the registration of the service mark "Shangri-La" and "S-
Section 151.2. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, the court or the Logo" in the name of plaintiff;
administrative agency vested with jurisdiction to hear and adjudicate any action to b) Declaring defendants' use of said mark and logo as an infringement of plaintiff's
enforce the rights to a registered mark shall likewise exercise jurisdiction to determine right thereto;
whether the registration of said mark may be cancelled in accordance with this Act. The c) Ordering defendants to permanently cease and desist from using and/or
filing of a suit to enforce the registered mark with the proper court or agency shall exclude continuing to use said mark and logo, or any copy, reproduction or colorable imitation
any other court or agency from assuming jurisdiction over a subsequently filed petition thereof, in the promotion, advertisement, rendition of their hotel and allied projects and
to cancel the same mark. On the other hand, the earlier filing of petition to cancel the services or in any other manner whatsoever;
mark with the Bureau of Legal Affairs shall not constitute a prejudicial question that d) Ordering defendants to remove said mark and logo from any premises, objects,
must be resolved before an action to enforce the rights to same registered mark may be materials and paraphernalia used by them and/or destroy any and all prints, signs,
decided. advertisements or other materials bearing said mark and logo in their possession and/or
Hence, as applied in the case at bar, the earlier institution of an Inter Partes case by under their control; and
the Shangri-La Group for the cancellation of the "Shangri-La" mark and "S" device/logo e) Ordering defendants, jointly and severally, to indemnify plaintiff in the amounts
with the BPTTT cannot effectively bar the subsequent filing of an infringement case by of P2,000,000.00 as actual and compensatory damages, P500,000.00 as attorney's fees
registrant Developers Group. The law and the rules are explicit. and expenses of litigation.
The rationale is plain: Certificate of Registration upon which the infringement case The infringement case can and should proceed independently from the
is based, remains valid and subsisting for as long as it has not been cancelled by the cancellation case with the Bureau so as to afford the owner of certificates of registration
Bureau or by an infringement court. As such, Developers Group's Certificate of redress and injunctive writs. In the same light, so must the cancellation case with the
Registration in the principal register continues as "prima facie evidence of the validity BPTTT continue independently from the infringement case so as to determine whether a
of the registration, the registrant's ownership of the mark or trade-name, and of the registered mark may ultimately be cancelled. However, the Regional Trial Court, in


granting redress in favor of Developers Group, went further and upheld the validity and registered by the Superior in the Philippines. Whereas, the Superior is desirous of being
preference of the latter's registration over that of the Shangri-La Group. appointed as the sole distributor by KUNNAN in the territory of the Philippines. Hence,
There can be no denying that the infringement court may validly pass upon the right KUNNAN will appoint the sole distributorship right to Superior in the Philippines,
of registration. Section 161 of Republic Act No. 8293 provides that In any action involving Superior shall assign the ownership of KENNEX trademark, under the registration of
a registered mark the court may determine the right to registration, order the Patent Certificate to KUNNAN, and it is required that the ownership of the said
cancellation of the registration, in whole or in part, and otherwise rectify the register trademark shall be genuine, complete as a whole and without any defects.
with respect to the registration of any party to the action in the exercise of this. Even though this Agreement clearly stated that SUPERIOR was obligated to assign
With the decision of the Regional Trial Court upholding the validity of the the ownership of the KENNEX trademark to KUNNAN, the latter claimed that the
registration of the service mark "Shangri-La" and "S" logo in the name of Developers Certificate of Registration for the KENNEX trademark remained with SUPERIOR because
Group, the cancellation case filed with the Bureau hence becomes moot. To allow the Mariano Tan Bon Diong (Mr. Tan Bon Diong), SUPERIORs President and General
Bureau to proceed with the cancellation case would lead to a possible result contradictory Manager, misled KUNNANs officers into believing that KUNNAN was not qualified to hold
to that which the Regional Trial Court has rendered, albeit the same is still on appeal. Such the same due to the many requirements set by the Philippine Patent Office that KUNNAN
a situation is certainly not in accord with the orderly administration of justice. In any could not meet. KUNNAN further asserted that SUPERIOR deceived it into assigning its
event, the Court of Appeals has the competence and jurisdiction to resolve the merits of applications for registration of the PRO KENNEX trademark in favor of SUPERIOR, through
the said RTC decision. an Assignment Agreement.
Prior to and during the pendency of the infringement and unfair competition case,
7) Superior Commercial Enterprises v. Kunnan Enterprises Ltd., G.R. No. 169974, April KUNNAN filed separate Petitions for the Cancellation of Registration Trademark, as
20, 2010. well as Opposition to Application involving the KENNEX and PRO KENNEX trademarks. In
ISSUE: WON Kunnan is guilty of trademark infringement? (NO) WON Kunnan is guilty of essence, KUNNAN filed the Petition for Cancellation and Opposition on the ground that
unfair competition? (NO) SUPERIOR fraudulently registered and appropriated the disputed trademarks; as mere
SUPERIOR filed a complaint for trademark infringement and unfair competition with distributor and not as lawful owner, it obtained the registrations and assignments of the
preliminary injunction against KUNNAN. SUPERIOR first claimed to be the owner of the disputed trademarks in violation of the terms of the Distributorship Agreement and R.A.
trademarks, trading styles, company names and business names KENNEX, KENNEX & 166.
DEVICE, PRO KENNEX and PRO-KENNEX (disputed trademarks). Second, it also asserted Upon the termination of its distributorship agreement with SUPERIOR, KUNNAN 55
its prior use of these trademarks, presenting as evidence of ownership the Principal and appointed SPORTS CONCEPT as its new distributor. Subsequently, KUNNAN also caused
Supplemental Registrations of these trademarks in its name. Third, SUPERIOR also alleged the publication of a Notice and Warning in the Manila Bulletins stating that (1) it is the
that it extensively sold and advertised sporting goods and products covered by its owner of the disputed trademarks; (2) it terminated its Distributorship Agreement
trademark registrations. Finally, SUPERIOR presented as evidence of its ownership of the with SUPERIOR; and (3) it appointed SPORTS CONCEPT as its exclusive distributor. This
disputed trademarks the preambular clause of the Distributorship Agreement it executed notice prompted SUPERIOR to file its Complaint for Infringement of Trademark and
with KUNNAN, which states: Unfair Competition with Preliminary Injunction against KUNNAN.
Whereas, KUNNAN intends to acquire the ownership of KENNEX trademark During the proceedings however came the decision of the Bureau of Legal Affairs
registered by Superior in the Philippines. Whereas, the Superior is desirous of having (BLA) of the Intellectual Property Office (IPO) in the Consolidated Petitions for
been appointed as the sole distributor by KUNNAN in the territory of the Philippines. Cancellation be made of record and be considered by the CA in resolving the case. The
In its defense, KUNNAN disputed SUPERIORs claim of ownership and maintained that IPO held that Kunnan has overwhelmingly and convincingly established its rights to the
SUPERIOR as mere distributor fraudulently registered the trademarks in its name. mark PRO KENNEX. It was proven that actual use by Respondent-Registrant is not in the
KUNNAN alleged that it was incorporated under the name KENNEX Sports Corporation concept of an owner but as a mere distributor and a mere distributor of a product
for the purpose of manufacturing and selling sportswear and sports equipment; it bearing a trademark, even if permitted to use said trademark has no right to and cannot
commercially marketed its products in different countries, including the Philippines since register the said trademark. Hence the petitions for cancellation and notices of
1972. It created and first used PRO KENNEX, derived from its original corporate name, as opposition are hereby granted. The decision was declared final and executoryand entry
a distinctive trademark for its products in 1976. KUNNAN also alleged that it registered of judgment was accordingly made. Hence, SUPERIORs registration of the disputed
the PRO KENNEX trademark not only in the Philippines but also in 31 other countries, trademarks now stands effectively cancelled.
and widely promoted the KENNEX and PRO KENNEX trademarks through worldwide The CA stressed that SUPERIORs possession of the aforementioned Certificates of
advertisements in print media and sponsorships of known tennis players. Principal Registration does not conclusively establish its ownership of the disputed
After the expiration of its initial distributorship agreement with another trademarks as dominion over trademarks is not acquired by the fact of registration
company, KUNNAN appointed SUPERIOR as its exclusive distributor in alone; at best, registration merely raises a presumption of ownership that can be
the Philippines whereas, KUNNAN intends to acquire ownership of KENNEX trademark rebutted by contrary evidence. Further, the Certificates of Supplemental Registration


issued in SUPERIORs name do not even enjoy the presumption of ownership accorded In the present case, even if the causes of action of the Registration Cancellation Case
to registration in the principal register; it does not amount to a prima facie evidence of (the cancellation of trademark registration) differs from that of the present case (the
the validity of registration or of the registrants exclusive right to use the trademarks in improper or unauthorized use of trademarks), the final judgment in the Registration
connection with the goods, business, or services specified in the certificate. Cancellation Case is nevertheless conclusive on the particular facts and issues that are
In contrast with the failure of SUPERIORs evidence, the CA found that KUNNAN determinative of the present case.
presented sufficient evidence to rebut SUPERIORs presumption of ownership over the To establish trademark infringement, the following elements must be proven: (1) the
trademarks. KUNNAN established that SUPERIOR, far from being the rightful owner of validity of plaintiffs mark; (2) the plaintiffs ownership of the mark; and (3) the use of the
the disputed trademarks, was merely KUNNANs exclusive distributor. This conclusion mark or its colorable imitation by the alleged infringer results in likelihood of
was based on three pieces of evidence that, to the CA, clearly established confusion.[44]
that SUPERIOR had no proprietary interest over the disputed trademarks. Based on these elements, we find it immediately obvious that the second element
HELD: the plaintiffs ownership of the mark was what the Registration Cancellation Case decided
The CA decided that the registration of the KENNEX and PRO KENNEX trademarks with finality. On this element depended the validity of the registrations that, on their
should be cancelled because SUPERIOR was not the owner of, and could not in the first own, only gave rise to the presumption of, but was not conclusive on, the issue of
place have validly registered these trademarks. Thus, as of the finality of the CA decision ownership.
on December 3, 2007, these trademark registrations were effectively cancelled On the issue of unfair competition: no evidence exists showing that KUNNAN ever
and SUPERIOR was no longer the registrant of the disputed trademarks. attempted to pass off the goods it sold (i.e. sportswear, sporting goods and equipment)
Essentially, Section 22 of RA 166 states that only a registrant of a mark can file a case as those of SUPERIOR. In addition, there is no evidence of bad faith or fraud imputable
for infringement. Corollary to this, Section 19 provides that any right conferred upon the to KUNNAN in using the disputed trademarks. Specifically, SUPERIOR failed to adduce
registrant under the provisions of RA 166 terminates when the judgment or order of any evidence to show that KUNNAN by the above-cited acts intended to deceive the
cancellation has become final. public as to the identity of the goods sold or of the manufacturer of the goods sold.
Thus, we have previously held that the cancellation of registration of a trademark There can be trademark infringement without unfair competition such as when the
has the effect of depriving the registrant of protection from infringement from the infringer discloses on the labels containing the mark that he manufactures the goods,
moment judgment or order of cancellation has become final. In the present case, by thus preventing the public from being deceived that the goods originate from the
operation of law, the trademark infringement aspect of SUPERIORs case has been trademark owner. In this case, no issue of confusion arises because the same 56
rendered moot and academic in view of the finality of the decision in the Registration manufactured products are sold; only the ownership of the trademarks is at issue.
Cancellation Case. Furthermore, KUNNANs notice by its terms prevents the public from being deceived
In short, SUPERIOR is left without any cause of action for trademark infringement that the goods originated from SUPERIOR since the notice clearly indicated that
since the cancellation of registration of a trademark deprived it of protection from KUNNAN is the manufacturer of the goods bearing the trademarks KENNEX and PRO
infringement from the moment judgment or order of cancellation became final. To be KENNEX.
sure, in a trademark infringement, title to the trademark is indispensable to a valid cause Finally, with the established ruling that KUNNAN is the rightful owner of the
of action and such title is shown by its certificate of registration. With its certificates of trademarks of the goods that SUPERIOR asserts are being unfairly sold by KUNNAN under
registration over the disputed trademarks effectively cancelled with trademarks registered in SUPERIORs name, the latter is left with no effective right to
finality, SUPERIORs case for trademark infringement lost its legal basis and no longer make a claim. In other words, case no longer presents a valid cause of action. For this
presented a valid cause of action. reason, the unfair competition aspect of the SUPERIORs case likewise falls.
Even assuming that SUPERIORs case for trademark infringement had not been
rendered moot and academic, there can be no infringement committed by KUNNAN who b) Intellectual Property Rights Violations
was adjudged with finality to be the rightful owner of the disputed trademarks in the • Sec. 10(2) The Bureau of Legal Affairs.
Registration Cancellation Case. Even prior to the cancellation of the registration of the (a) Exercise original jurisdiction in ADMINISTRATIVE complaints for violations of
disputed trademarks, SUPERIOR as a mere distributor and not the owner cannot assert laws involving intellectual property rights:
any protection from trademark infringement as it had no right in the first place to the o Provided, That its jurisdiction is limited to complaints where the total
registration of the disputed trademarks. In fact, jurisprudence holds that in the absence damages claimed are not less than P200,000:
of any inequitable conduct on the part of the manufacturer, an exclusive distributor who o Provided further, That availment of the provisional remedies may be
employs the trademark of the manufacturer does not acquire proprietary rights of the granted in accordance with the Rules of Court.
manufacturer, and a registration of the trademark by the distributor as such belongs to o The Director of Legal Affairs shall have the power to hold and punish for
the manufacturer, provided the fiduciary relationship does not terminate before contempt all those who disregard orders or writs issued in the course of
application for registration is filed. the proceedings. (n)


(b) After formal investigation, the Director for Legal Affairs may impose one (1) may deem reasonable which shall not exceed one (1)
or more of the following administrative penalties: year;
(i) The issuance of a cease and desist order which shall specify the acts that (v) The withholding of any permit, license, authority, or
the respondent shall cease and desist from and shall require him to registration which is being secured by the respondent
submit a compliance report within a reasonable time which shall be fixed from the Office;
in the order; (vi) The assessment of damages;
(ii) (ii) The acceptance of a voluntary assurance of compliance or (vii) Censure; and
discontinuance as may be imposed. Such voluntary assurance may (viii) Other analogous penalties or sanctions. (Secs. 6, 7, 8,
include one or more of the following: and 9, Executive Order No. 913 [1983]a)
(1) An assurance to comply with the provisions of the intellectual • Sec. 232, Appeals. –
property law violated; 232.1. Appeals from decisions of regular courts shall be governed by the Rules of
(2) An assurance to refrain from engaging in unlawful and unfair Court. Unless restrained by a higher court, the judgment of the trial court shall be
acts and practices subject of the formal investigation; executory even pending appeal under such terms and conditions as the court may
(3) An assurance to recall, replace, repair, or refund the money prescribe.
value of defective goods distributed in commerce; and • Sec. 232.2, IPC
(4) An assurance to reimburse the complainant the expenses and 8) IN-N-Out Burger v. Sehwani, G.R. No. 179127, December 24, 2008
costs incurred in prosecuting the case in the Bureau of Legal ISSUE: whether respondents are liable for unfair competition (YES)
Affairs. IN-N-OUT BURGER is a business entity incorporated under the laws of US, engaged mainly
The Director of Legal Affairs may also require the respondent in the restaurant business, but it has never engaged in business in the Philippines. Sehwani,
to submit periodic compliance reports and file a bond to Incorporated and Benita Frites, Inc. are corporations organized in the Philippines.
guarantee compliance of his undertaking; IN-N-OUT filed trademark and service mark applications for "IN-N-OUT" and "IN-N-OUT
(i) The condemnation or seizure of products which are Burger & Arrow Design." Petitioner later found out that Sehwani had already obtained
subject of the offense. The goods seized hereunder Trademark Registration for the mark "IN N OUT (the inside of the letter "O" formed like a
shall be disposed of in such manner as may be star)." By virtue of a licensing agreement, Benita Frites was able to use the registered mark of 57
deemed appropriate by the Director of Legal Affairs, respondent Sehwani.
such as by sale, donation to distressed local Petitioner eventually filed an administrative complaint against respondents for unfair
governments or to charitable or relief institutions, competition and cancellation of trademark registration. Petitioner averred in its complaint that
exportation, recycling into other goods, or any it is the owner of the trade name IN-N-OUT and averred that these trademarks are registered
combination thereof, under such guidelines as he with the Trademark Office of the US and in various parts of the world, are internationally well-
may provide; known, and have become distinctive of its business and goods through its long and exclusive
(ii) The forfeiture of paraphernalia and all real and commercial use. Petitioner claimed that respondents are making it appear that their goods
personal properties which have been used in the and services are those of the petitioner, thus, misleading ordinary and unsuspecting
commission of the offense; consumers that they are purchasing petitioner’s products.
(iii) The imposition of administrative fines in such amount Following the filing of its complaint, petitioner sent a demand letter directing Sehwani to
as deemed reasonable by the Director of Legal cease and desist from claiming ownership of the mark "IN-N-OUT" and to voluntarily cancel its
Affairs, which shall in no case be less than Five trademark registration. Respondents refused to accede to petitioner’ demand, but expressed
thousand pesos (P5,000) nor more than One hundred willingness to surrender the registration of respondent Sehwani of the "IN N OUT" trademark
fifty thousand pesos (P150,000). In addition, an for a fair and reasonable consideration.
additional fine of not more than One thousand pesos Petitioner was able to register the mark "Double Double". It alleged that respondents also
(P1,000) shall be imposed for each day of continuing used this mark, as well as the menu color scheme. Petitioners also averred that respondent
violation; Benita’s receipts bore the phrase, "representing IN-N-OUT Burger." It should be noted that
(iv) The cancellation of any permit, license, authority, or that although Sehwahi registered a mark which appeared as "IN N OUT (the inside of the letter
registration which may have been granted by the "O" formed like a star)," respondents used the mark "IN-N-OUT."
Office, or the suspension of the validity thereof for Respondents asserted therein that they had been using the mark "IN N OUT". Sehwani
such period of time as the Director of Legal Affairs filed an application for the registration of the mark "IN N OUT (the inside of the letter "O"
formed like a star)." Upon approval of its application, a certificate of registration of the said


mark was issued in the name of Sehwani. Sehwani and Benita Frites entered into a Licensing intent to deceive and defraud may be inferred from the similarity of the appearance of the
Agreement, wherein the former entitled the latter to use its registered mark, "IN N OUT." goods as offered for sale to the public. Actual fraudulent intent need not be shown.
Respondents asserted that respondent Sehwani, being the registered owner of the mark IPO Director General ably explains the basis for his finding of the existence of unfair
"IN N OUT," should be accorded the presumption of a valid registration of its mark with the competition in this case, viz: Respondents were not using their registered trademark but that
exclusive right to use the same. Respondents argued that none of the grounds provided under of the [petitioner]. [Respondent] SEHWANI, INC. was issued a Certificate of Registration for IN
the Intellectual Property Code for the cancellation of a certificate of registration are present in N OUT (with the Inside of the Letter "O" Formed like a Star) for restaurant business in 1993.
this case. Additionally, respondents maintained that petitioner had no legal capacity to sue as The restaurant opened only in 2000 but under the name IN-N-OUT BURGER.
it had never operated in the Philippines. Apparently, the [respondents] started constructing the restaurant only after the
HELD: [petitioner] demanded that the latter desist from claiming ownership of the mark IN-N-OUT
Hence, respondents seek additional reliefs in CA-G.R. SP No. 92785, seeking the reversal and voluntarily cancel their trademark registration.
of the finding of the IPO Director General that they are guilty of unfair competition, and the Moreover, [respondents] are also using [petitioner’s] registered mark Double-
nullification of the award of damages in favor of petitioner resulting from said finding. Double for use on hamburger products. In fact, the burger wrappers and the French fries
Undoubtedly, respondents could not have raised the issue of unfair competition in CA-G.R. receptacles the [respondents] are using do not bear the mark registered by the [respondent],
SP No. 88004 because at the time they filed their Petition therein, the IPO Director General but the [petitioner’s] IN-N-OUT Burger’s name and trademark IN-N-OUT with Arrow design.
had not yet rendered its Decision wherein it ruled that respondents were guilty thereof and There is no evidence that the [respondents] were authorized by the [petitioner] to
awarded damages to petitioner. use the latter’s marks in the business. [Respondents’] explanation that they are not using their
In arguing in their Petition in CA-G.R. SP No. 92785 that they are not liable for unfair own registered trademark due to the difficulty in printing the "star" does not justify the
competition, it is only predictable, although not necessarily legally tenable, for respondents to unauthorized use of the [petitioner’s] trademark instead.The intention to deceive may be
reassert their right to register, own, and use the disputed mark. Respondents again raise the inferred from the similarity of the goods as packed and offered for sale, and, thus, action will
issue of who has the better right to the disputed mark, because their defense from the award lie to restrain such unfair competition. x x x.
of damages for unfair competition depends on the resolution of said issue in their favor. While [Respondents’] use of IN-N-OUT BURGER in busineses signages reveals fraudulent
this reasoning may be legally unsound, this Court cannot readily presume bad faith on the part intent to deceive purchasers. Exhibit "GG," which shows the business establishment of
of respondents in filing their Petition in CA-G.R. SP No. 92785; or hold that respondents [respondents] illustrates the imitation of [petitioner’s] corporate name IN-N-OUT and signage
breached the rule on forum shopping by the mere filing of the second petition before the Court IN-N-OUT BURGER. Even the Director noticed it and held: 58
of Appeals. "We also note that In-N-Out Burger is likewise, [petitioner’s] corporate name. It has
Unquestionably, petitioner’s complaint, which seeks the cancellation of the disputed used the "IN-N-OUT" Burger name in its restaurant business in Baldwin Park, California in the
mark in the name of respondent Sehwani, Incorporated, and damages for violation of United States of America since 1948. Thus it has the exclusive right to use the tradenems "In-
petitioner’s intellectual property rights, falls within the jurisdiction of the IPO Director of N-Out" Burger in the Philippines and the respondents’ are unlawfully using and appropriating
Legal Affairs. the same."
The Office cannot give credence to the [respondent’s] claim of good faith and that
Unfair Competition they have openly and continuously used the subject mark since 1982 and is (sic) in the process
That petitioner has the superior right to own and use the "IN-N-OUT" trademarks of expanding its business. In contrast, the [respondents] have the burden of evidence to prove
vis-à-vis respondents is a finding which this Court may no longer disturb under the doctrine of that they do not have fraudulent intent in using the mark IN-N-OUT. To prove their good faith,
conclusiveness of judgment. [respondents] could have easily offered evidence of use of their registered trademark, which
In conclusiveness of judgment, any right, fact, or matter in issue directly adjudicated they claimed to be using as early as 1982, but did not.
or necessarily involved in the determination of an action before a competent court in which [Respondents] also failed to explain why they are using the marks of [petitioner]
judgment is rendered on the merits is conclusively settled by the judgment therein and cannot particularly DOUBLE DOUBLE, and the mark IN-N-OUT Burger and Arrow Design. Even in their
again be litigated between the parties and their privies whether or not the claims, demands, listing of menus, [respondents] used [Appellants’] marks of DOUBLE DOUBLE and IN-N-OUT
purposes, or subject matters of the two actions are the same. Burger and Arrow Design. In addition, in the wrappers and receptacles being used by the
Thus, the only remaining issue for this Court to resolve is whether the IPO Director [respondents] which also contained the marks of the [petitioner], there is no notice in such
General correctly found respondents guilty of unfair competition for which he awarded wrappers and receptacles that the hamburger and French fries are products of the
damages to petitioner. [respondents]. Furthermore, the receipts issued by the [respondents] even indicate
The essential elements of an action for unfair competition are (1) confusing similarity "representing IN-N-OUT." These acts cannot be considered acts in good faith.
in the general appearance of the goods and (2) intent to deceive the public and defraud a With such finding, the award of damages in favor of petitioner is but proper.
competitor. The confusing similarity may or may not result from similarity in the marks, but In the present case, the Court deems it just and fair that the IPO Director General
may result from other external factors in the packaging or presentation of the goods. The computed the damages due to petitioner by applying the reasonable percentage of 30% to the


respondents’ gross sales, and then doubling the amount thereof on account of respondents’ the remedies hereinafter set forth: Provided, That the infringement takes place at
actual intent to mislead the public or defraud the petitioner,49 thus, arriving at the amount of the moment any of the acts stated in Subsection 155.1 or this subsection are
actual damages of P212,574.28. committed regardless of whether there is actual sale of goods or services using the
Taking into account the deliberate intent of respondents to engage in unfair infringing material. (Sec. 22, R.A. No 166a)
competition, it is only proper that petitioner be awarded exemplary damages. • Sec. 156 Actions, and Damages and Injunction for Infringement. –
156.1. The owner of a registered mark may recover damages from any person who
c) Prohibition of Importation infringes his rights.
• Sec. 166, Goods Bearing Infringing Marks or Trade Names. – o The measure of the damages suffered shall be either
No article of imported merchandise which shall copy or simulate the name of any § the reasonable profit which the complaining party would have
domestic product, or manufacturer, or dealer, or which shall copy or simulate a made, had the defendant not infringed his rights, or
mark registered in accordance with the provisions of this Act, or shall bear a mark § the profit which the defendant actually made out of the
or trade name calculated to induce the public to believe that infringement.
1. the article is manufactured in the Philippines, or o In the event such measure of damages cannot be readily ascertained with
2. it is manufactured in any foreign country or locality other than the reasonable certainty, then the court may award as damages a reasonable
country or locality where it is in fact manufactured, percentage based upon the amount of gross sales of the defendant or the
shall be admitted to entry at any customhouse of the Philippines. value of the services in connection with which the mark or trade name
In order to aid the officers of the customs service in enforcing this was used in the infringement of the rights of the complaining party.
prohibition, any person who is entitled to the benefits of this Act, may require that 156.2. On application of the complainant, the court may impound during the
his name and residence, and the name of the locality in which his goods are pendency of the action, sales invoices and other documents evidencing sales. (n)
manufactured, a copy of the certificate of registration of his mark or trade name, 156.3. In cases where actual intent to mislead the public or to defraud the
to be recorded in books which shall be kept for this purpose in the Bureau of complainant is shown, in the discretion of the court, the damages may be doubled.
Customs, under such regulations as the Collector of Customs with the approval of (Sec. 23, first par., R.A. No. 166)
the Secretary of Finance shall prescribe, and may furnish to the said Bureau Invariably would involve intent to deceive the public
facsimiles of his name, the name of the locality in which his goods are These are Malum Prohibitum so intent would not be a viable defense; but it affects
manufactured, or his registered mark or trade name, and thereupon the Collector damages.
of Customs shall cause one (1) or more copies of the same to be transmitted to 156.4. The complainant, upon proper showing, may also be granted injunction.
each collector or to other proper officer of the Bureau of Customs. (Sec. 35, R.A. (Sec. 23, second par., R.A. No. 166a)
No. 166) • Sec. 157 Power of Court to Order Infringing Material Destroyed. –
157.1 In any action arising under this Act, in which a violation of any right of the
2. Civil owner of the registered mark is established, the court MAY order that goods found
a) Infringement - FAMILIARIZE to be infringing be, without compensation of any sort, DISPOSED of outside the
• Sec. 155 Remedies; Infringement. – channels of commerce in such a manner as to avoid any harm caused to the right
Any person who shall, without the consent of the owner of the registered mark: holder, or DESTROYED; and
155.1. Use in commerce any reproduction, counterfeit, copy, or colorable o All labels, signs, prints, packages, wrappers, receptacles and
imitation of a registered mark or the same container or a dominant feature thereof advertisements in the possession of the defendant, bearing the
in connection with the sale, offering for sale, distribution, advertising of any goods registered mark or trade name or any reproduction, counterfeit, copy or
or services including other preparatory steps necessary to carry out the sale of any colorable imitation thereof, all plates, molds, matrices and other means
goods or services on or in connection with which such use is likely to cause of making the same, shall be delivered up and destroyed.
confusion, or to cause mistake, or to deceive; or Not a matter of right
155.2. Reproduce, counterfeit, copy or colorably imitate a registered mark or a Must convince the court that there are good reasons for destroying the goods, like
dominant feature thereof and apply such reproduction, counterfeit, copy or if it will dilute the goodwill of the brand
colorable imitation to labels, signs, prints, packages, wrappers, receptacles or • 157.2. In regard to counterfeit goods, the simple removal of the trademark
advertisements intended to be used in commerce upon or in connection with the
affixed shall NOT be sufficient other than in exceptional cases which shall be
sale, offering for sale, distribution, or advertising of goods or services on or in determined by the Regulations, to permit the release of the goods into the
connection with which such use is likely to cause confusion, or to cause mistake, channels of commerce. (Sec. 24, R.A. No. 166a)
or to deceive, shall be liable in a civil action for infringement by the registrant for


Operative phrase is that “it might be released into the channels of commerce” • Sec. 161, Authority to Determine Right to Registration. -
In any action involving a registered mark, the court MAY determine
• Sec. 158, IPC o the right to registration,
• Sec. 159 (and its subparagraphs), IPC, as amended by R. A. No. 9502 (Universally o order the cancellation of a registration, in whole or in part, and
Accessible Cheaper and Quality Medicines Act of 2008) o otherwise rectify the register with respect to the registration of any party
• Section 159. Limitations to Actions for Infringement. - Notwithstanding any other to the action in the exercise of this.
provision of this Act, the remedies given to the owner of a right infringed under Judgment and orders shall be certified by the court to the Director, who shall make
this Act shall be limited as follows: appropriate entry upon the records of the Bureau, and shall be controlled thereby.
• 159.1. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 155 hereof, a registered mark (Sec. 25, R.A. No. 166a)
shall have no effect against any person who, in good faith, before the filing date or • Sec. 163, Jurisdiction of Court. - All actions under Sections 150, 155, 164, and 166
the priority date, was using the mark for the purposes of his business or enterprise: to 169 shall be brought before the proper courts with appropriate jurisdiction
Provided, That his right may only be transferred or assigned together with his under existing laws. (Sec. 27, R.A. No. 166)
enterprise or business or with that part of his enterprise or business in which the • Sec. 164, Notice of Filing Suit Given to the Director. –
mark is used. It shall be the duty of the clerks of such courts within one (1) month after the filing
• 159.2. Where an infringer who is engaged solely in the business of printing the of any action, suit, or proceeding involving a mark registered under the provisions
mark or other infringing materials for others is an innocent infringer, the owner of of this Act, to notify the Director in writing setting forth: the names and addresses
the right infringed shall be entitled as against such infringer only to an injunction of the litigants and designating the number of the registration or registrations and
against future printing. within one (1) month after the judgment is entered or an appeal is taken, the clerk
• 159.3. Where the infringement complained of is contained in or is part of paid of court shall give notice thereof to the Office, and the latter shall endorse the
advertisement in a newspaper, magazine, or other similar periodical or in an same upon the file-wrapper of the said registration or registrations and
electronic communication, the remedies of the owner of the right infringed as incorporate the same as a part of the contents of said file-wrapper. (n)
against the publisher or distributor of such newspaper, magazine, or other similar • Sec. 232, Appeals. –
periodical or electronic communication shall be LIMITED to an injunction against 232.1. Appeals from decisions of regular courts shall be governed by the Rules
the presentation of such advertising matter in future issues of such newspapers, of Court.
magazines, or other similar periodicals or in future transmissions of such electronic o UNLESS restrained by a higher court, the judgment of the trial court shall
communications. be EXECUTORY EVEN PENDING APPEAL under such terms and conditions
o The limitations of this subparagraph shall apply ONLY to INNOCENT as the court may prescribe.
infringers: 232.2. Unless expressly provided in this Act or other statutes, appeals from
o Provided, That such injunctive relief shall NOT be available to the owner decisions of administrative officials shall be provided in the Regulations. (n)
of the right infringed with respect to an issue of a newspaper, magazine, • Rule on Search and Seizure in Civil Actions for Infringement of Intellectual Property
or other similar periodical or an electronic communication containing Rights (A.M. No. 02-1-06-SC)
infringing matter This is actually a mode of discovery.
§ where restraining the dissemination of such infringing matter This is hardly used. Practically a dead administrative issuance. Nonetheless, you can
in any particular issue of such periodical or in an electronic explore this.
communication would delay the delivery of such issue or
transmission of such electronic communication is customarily • SECTION 1. Coverage. –
conducted in accordance with the sound business practice, and o This Rule shall govern the provisional seizure and impounding of
NOT due to any method or device adopted to evade this section documents and articles in pending and intended civil actions for the
or to prevent or delay the issuance of an injunction or purpose of preventing infringement and preserving relevant evidence in
restraining order with respect to such infringing matter. (n) regard to alleged infringement under Republic Act No. 8293, otherwise
• 159.4 There shall be no infringement of trademarks or tradenames of imported known as the Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines, Article 50 of
or sold drugs and medicines allowed under Section 72.1 of this Act, as well as the Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights,
imported or sold off-patent drugs and medicines: otherwise known as TRIPS and other related laws and international
o Provided, that said drugs and medicines bear the registered marks that conventions.
have not been tampered, unlawfully modified, or infringed upon as • SECTION 2. The writ of search and seizure. -
defined under Section 155 of this Code.


o Where any delay is likely to cause irreparable harm to the intellectual searched. Where feasible, it may direct the applicant to submit copies and
property right holder or where there is demonstrable risk of evidence photographs of the documents or articles to be seized and impounded.
being destroyed, the intellectual property right holder or his duly • SECTION 6. Grounds for the issuance of the order. –
authorized representative in a pending civil action for infringement or who o Before the Order can be issued, the evidence proffered by the applicant
intends to commence such an action may apply ex parte for the issuance and personally evaluated by the judge must show that:
of a writ of search and seizure directing the alleged infringing defendant or (a) the applicant is the right holder or his duly authorized representative;
expected adverse party to admit into his premises the persons named in (b) there is probable cause to believe that the applicant's right is being
the order and to allow the search, inspection, copying, photographing, infringed or that such infringement is imminent and there is a prima facie
audio and audiovisual recording or seizure of any document and article case for final relief against the alleged infringing defendant or expected
specified in the order. adverse party;
• SECTION 3. Where application filed. – (c) damage, potential or actual, likely to be caused to the applicant is
o The application shall be filed with any of the Regional Trial Courts of the irreparable;
judicial region designated to try violations of intellectual property rights (d) there is demonstrable risk of evidence that the alleged infringing
stationed at the place where the alleged violation occurred or is to occur, defendant or expected adverse party may destroy, hide or remove the
or the place to be searched, at the election of the applicant. Provided, documents or articles before any application inter partes can be made; and
however, that where the complaint for infringement has already been (e) the documents and articles to be seized constitute evidence of the alleged
filed, the application shall be made in the court where the case is pending. infringing defendant's or expected adverse party's infringing activity or
• SECTION 4. Verified application and affidavits. – that they infringe upon the intellectual property right of the applicant or
o The applicant shall file a certified application alleging the ground upon that they are used or intended to be used as means of infringing the
which it is based and the specific description and location of the applicant's intellectual property right.
documents and articles to be searched, inspected, copied or seized and • SECTION 7. When writ may issue. –
their value. It shall also state the names of the applicant, his o If the judge is satisfied with the proof of facts upon which the application
representative, witnesses and counsel who will attend the search in the is based, he shall issue the writ requiring the search, inspection or copying
event that the application is granted. The application shall be supported of the subject documents or articles or commanding the sheriff to take 61
by affidavits of witnesses who personally know the facts and by them into his custody subject to the control of the court. The enforcement
authenticated or certified documents. of the writ shall be supervised by an Independent commissioner to be
o The application shall contain a certification against forum shopping as appointed by the court.
prescribed by Section 5, Rule 7 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure. • SECTION 8. Contents of the writ. –
o The applicant shall undertake in his application that he will not use any of o The writ shall contain the following:
the documents, articles or information obtained by reason of the search (a) an order to the alleged infringing defendant, expected adverse party or to
and seizure for any purpose other than in the action in which the writ is the person who appears to be in charge or in control of the premises or
issued. residing or working therein to permit the persons named in the writ to
• SECTION 5. Examination of applicant; record; confidentiality of proceedings. – enter into the premises for the purpose of searching, inspecting, copying,
o The application shall be acted upon within twenty-four (24) hours from its or removing from the premises and transferring to the custody of the
filing. The judge must, before issuing the writ, examine in the form of sheriff and subject to the control of the court the subject documents and
searching questions and answers, in writing and under oath or affirmation, articles;
the applicant and the witnesses he may produce on facts personally known (b) an order to the alleged infringing defendant, expected adverse party or to
to them. The examination of the applicant and his witnesses shall be the person in charge or in control of the premises to disclose to the sheriff
recorded. Their sworn statements and their affidavits shall form part of the serving the writ the location of the documents and articles subject of the
record of the case. writ;
o The hearing on the application for the writ shall be held in the chambers (c) the period when the writ shall be enforced which in no case shall be more
of the judge. Court personnel shall maintain the confidentiality of the than ten (10) days from the date of issuance by the court;
application proceeding. The court may require the applicant to give other (d) the names of the applicant or his agent or representative and the
information necessary for the identification of the articles and documents Commissioner who shall supervise the enforcement of the writ; and
to be searched, inspected, copied or seized and the premises to be


(e) other terms and conditions that will insure the proper execution of the writ compensation as may be determined by the court which can be charged
with due regard to the rights of the alleged infringing defendant or as cost of suit.
expected adverse party. • SECTION 13. Search to be conducted in the presence of defendant, his
o It shall also contain a warning that violation of any of the terms and conditions representative, person in charge of the premises, or witnesses. –
of the writ shall constitute contempt of court. o The premises may not be searched except in the presence of the alleged
• SECTION 9. Bond and its conditions. – infringing defendant, expected adverse party or his representative or the
o The applicant shall be required to post a cash bond, surety bond or other person in charge or in control of the premises or residing or working
equivalent security executed in favor of the defendant or expected therein who shall be given the opportunity to read the writ before its
adverse party in a reasonable amount to be fixed by the court in its order enforcement and seek its interpretation from the Commissioner. In the
granting the issuance of a writ of search and seizure. The bond shall be absence of the latter, two persons of sufficient age and discretion residing
conditioned on the undertaking of the applicant that he will pay all the in the same locality shall be allowed to witness the search or in the absence
costs which may be adjudged to defendant or expected adverse party and of the latter, two persons of sufficient age and discretion residing in the
all damages which the latter may sustain by reason of the issuance of the nearest locality.
writ. • SECTION 14. Manner of search and seizure; duties of the sheriff. –
• SECTION 10. When writ shall be served. – o Upon service of the writ in accordance with section 11 hereof, the sheriff,
o The writ shall be served only on weekdays and from 8 o'clock in the under the supervision of the Commissioner, shall search for the documents
morning to 5 o'clock in the afternoon. However, the court may direct that and articles specified in the writ, and take them in his custody subject to
the writ be served on any day and any time or compelling reasons stated the control of the court. If the subject articles are not capable of manual
in the application and duly proved. delivery, the sheriff shall attach to them a tag or label stating the fact of
• SECTION 11. To whom writ shall be served. – seizure and warning all persons from tampering with them.
o The writ shall be served on the alleged infringing defendant or expected o The sheriff shall, in the presence of the applicant or his representative, and
adverse party in the place to be searched. If the alleged infringing under the supervision of the Commissioner, prepare a detailed list of the
defendant or expected adverse party cannot be and in the premises, the sized documents and articles. He shall give an accurate copy of the same
writ shall be served on his agent or representative. In the absence of an to the alleged infringing defendant, expected adverse party, his agent or 62
agent or representative, it shall be served on the person in charge or in representative, to the person in charge or in control of the premises or
control of the premises, or residing or working therein who is of sufficient residing or working therein in whose presence the search and seizure were
age and discretion, if such person is absent, the sheriff or proper officer made. In the absence of the person in charge or in control of the premises
shall post the papers on the premises and proceed with the enforcement or residing or working therein, the sheriff must, in the presence of at least
of the writ. two witnesses of sufficient age and discretion residing in the same locality,
• SECTION 12. Commissioner, duties, qualifications and fees. – leave a copy of the receipt in the place in which he found the seized
o The enforcement of the writ shall be supervised by the independent property. Where no witnesses are available in the same locality, the copy
Commissioner appointed by the court. In the performance of his duty, the of the receipt shall be left by the sheriff in the presence of two witnesses
Commissioner shall: residing in the nearest locality. The applicant or his representative and the
(a) give impartial advice to the alleged infringing defendant, expected adverse Commissioner shall also be given a copy of the receipt.
party or to the person in charge of the premises to be searched as to the o After the sheriff has taken possession of the documents and articles, he
meaning and coverage of the writ; shall deliver them to a bonded warehouse or government warehouse for
(b) attempt to achieve agreement on a suitable search procedure; safekeeping. The applicant or his representative shall be allowed access to
(c) assess what documents or articles come within the terms of the writ; said materials for the purpose of examining them.
(d) ensure the accuracy of the list of documents and articles searched, inspected, o The applicant shall be responsible for the necessary expenses incurred in
copied or seized by the sheriff; the seizure and safekeeping of the documents and articles in a bonded
(e) prepare his own report on the search and seizure and verify and sign the return warehouse or government warehouse.
prepared by the sheriff; and • SECTION 15. Use of reasonable force to effect writ. –
(f) generally, assist in the proper execution of the writ. o The sheriff, if refused admittance to the premises after giving notice of his
o The Commissioner shall be a member of the Philippine Bar and of proven purpose and authority or in the absence of the alleged infringing
competence, integrity and probity. He shall receive such reasonable defendant or expected adverse party, his agent or representative, or
person in charge or in control of the premises or residing or working


therein who is of sufficient age and discretion, may use reasonable force writ based on the insufficiency of the bond may only be made if the
to gain entry to the premises or any part of the building or anything applicant fails to post the new bond within the period fixed by the court.
therein, to enforce the writ or to liberate himself or any person lawfully • SECTION 19. Proceedings on return. –
aiding him when unlawfully detained therein. o Five (5) days after issuance of the writ, the issuing judge shall ascertain if
• SECTION 16. Seizure of computer disks or other storage devices. – the writ has not been served or the return has been made by the sheriff. If
o The seizure of a computer disk or any storage device may be executed in the writ was not served or no return was made, it shall summon the sheriff
any of the following manner; and the applicant to whom the writ was issued and require them to explain
(a) by the physical taking thereof; why the writ was not served or why no return has been filed as the case
(b) by copying its contents in a suitable device or disk provided by the may be. If the return has been made, the judge shall, after notice to the
applicant; or applicant, the alleged infringing defendant or expected adverse party, the
(c) by printing out the contents of the disk or device with the use of a printer. sheriff and the Commissioner, ascertain whether the provisions of this Rule
o When the computer disks or storage devices cannot be readily removed and applicable laws have been complied with.
from the computer to which they are fitted, the sheriff may take the • SECTION 20. Failure to file complaint. –
subject computer from the custody of the alleged infringing defendant, o The writ shall also, upon motion of the expected adverse party, be set aside
expected adverse party or person in charge or in control of the premises and the seized documents and articles returned to the expected adverse
or residing or working therein. party if no case is filed with the appropriate court or authority within thirty-
• SECTION 17. Sheriff's return. – one (31) calendar days from the date of issuance of the writ.
o The sheriff who executed the writ shall, within three (3) days from its • SECTION 21. Claim for damages. –
enforcement, make a verified return to the court which issued the writ. o Where the writ is discharged on any of the grounds provided in this Rule,
The return shall contain a full statement of the proceedings under the writ or where it is found after trial that there has been no infringement or
and a complete inventory of the documents and articles searched, threat of infringement of an intellectual property right, the court, upon
inspected or copied or seized and impounded, with copies served on the motion of the alleged infringing defendant or expected adverse party and
applicant, the defendant or expected adverse party and the Commissioner. after due hearing, shall order the applicant to compensate the defendant
o If not all of the documents and articles enumerated in the order and writ
or expected adverse party upon the cash bond, surety bond or other
were seized, the sheriff shall so report to the court and state the reasons equivalent security for any injury or damage the latter suffered by the
therefor. All objections of the defendant, expected adverse party or issuance and enforcement of the writ. Should the damages exceed the
person in charge of the premises on the manner and regularity of the amount of the bond, the applicant shall be liable for the payment of the
service of the writ shall be included by the sheriff in his return. excess.
• SECTION 18. Discharge of writ by the defendant or expected adverse party. – o When a complaint is already filed in court, the motion shall be filed with
o Without waiting for the return to be filed by the sheriff, the defendant, the same court during the trial or before appeal is perfected or before
expected adverse party or the party whose property has been searched, judgment becomes executory, with due notice to the applicant, setting
inspected, copied or seized may file a motion with the court which issued forth the facts showing the defendant's right to damages and the amount
the writ for its discharge with prayer for the return of the documents and thereof. The award of damages shall be included in the judgment in the
articles seized. main case.
o The writ may be discharged on any of the following grounds: o Where no complaint is filed against the expected adverse party, the
(a) that the writ was improperly or irregularly issued, or excessively enforced; motion shall be filed with the court which issued the writ. In such a case,
(b) that the bond is insufficient; the court shall set the motion for summary hearing and immediately
(c) that the safeguards provided in the writ have been violated by the determine the expected adverse party's right to damages.
applicant or the sheriff; or o A judgment in favor of the applicant in its principal claim should not
(d) that the documents and articles seized are not infringing copies or means necessarily bar the alleged infringing defendant from recovering damages
for making the materials alleged to infringe the intellectual property right where he suffered losses by reason of the wrongful issuance or
of the applicant. enforcement of the writ.
o The writ may be discharged in a summary hearing by the court after notice o The damages provided for in this section shall be independent from the
to the applicant, the sheriff and the Commissioner. damages claimed by the defendant in his counterclaim.
o If the court finds that the bond is insufficient, it shall order a new bond to • SECTION 22. Judgment. –
be filed by the applicant within a reasonable time. The discharge of the


o If it appears after trial that the seized documents and articles are found to ISSUE: WON private respondent's trademark FRUIT FOR EVE and its hang tag are
infringe the intellectual property right of the applicant or that they confusingly similar to petitioner's trademark FRUIT OF THE LOOM and its hang tag
constitute the means for the production of infringing goods, the court shall so as to constitute an infringement of the latter's trademark rights and justify the
order their destruction or donation to charitable, educational or religious cancellation of the former. (NO)
institutions with the prohibition against bringing the same into the Fruit of the Loom, a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws
channels of commerce. In the latter case, infringing trademarks or trade of the US, is the registrant of a trademark, FRUIT OF THE LOOM. The classes of
names found on labels, tags and other portions of the infringing materials merchandise covered by Registration Certificate are men's, women's and children's
shall be removed or defaced before the donation. In no case shall the underwear.
infringing materials be returned to the defendant. Private respondent, a domestic corporation, is the registrant of a
o If the court finds no infringement, the seized materials shall be trademark FRUIT FOR EVE covering garments similar to petitioner's products like
immediately returned to the defendant. women's panties and pajamas.
• SECTION 23. Direct filing, provisional docketing and deposit of prescribed filing fee. Fruit of the Loom filed a complaint for infringement of trademark and
– unfair competition against the herein private respondent, alleging that General
o The Regional Trial Courts specially designated to try violations of Garments’ trademark FRUIT FOR EVE is confusingly similar to its trademark FRUIT OF
!intellectual property rights shall keep a distinct and separate logbook for THE LOOM used also on women's panties and other textile products. Furthermore,
writs of search and seizure. The application for a writ of search and seizure the color get-up and general appearance of private respondent's hang tag consisting
filed directly with the said courts shall be given a provisional docket of a big red apple is a colorable imitation to the hang tag of petitioner.
number. General Garments argued that its registered trademark is not confusingly
o The prescribed filing fee shall be deposited with the branch clerk of court similar to that of petitioner as the latter alleged. Likewise, FRUIT FOR EVE is being
and properly receipted for and transmitted to the Clerk of Court within used on ladies' panties and pajamas only whereas petitioner's trademark is used
twenty-four (24) hours from issuance of the order granting or denying the even on men's underwear and pajamas.
application for said writ. If a formal complaint is filed thereafter, the Clerk Petitioner are contends that the word FRUIT, being a generic word, is not
of Court may make a reassessment of the filing fee. capable of exclusive appropriation by petitioner and that the registrant of a
• SECTION 24. Separate logbook. – trademark is not entitled to the exclusive use of every word of his mark. Otherwise 64
o In every court, there shall be a logbook under the custody of the Clerk of stated, petitioner argues that the respondent court committed an error in ruling that
Court wherein shall be docketed and entered within twenty-four (24) petitioner cannot appropriate exclusively the word FRUIT in its trademark FRUIT OF
hours after the issuance or denial of the writ of search and seizure, the THE LOOM, and that there is no confusing similarity in sound and appearance
filing of such application and other particulars thereof. All the subsequent between the two trademarks in question.
proceedings concerning the writ of search and seizure shall be faithfully According to petitioner, the prominent and dominant features in both of
recorded in the separate logbook. petitioner's and private respondent's trademark are the word FRUIT and the big red
• SECTION 25. Effect of violation. – apple design; that ordinary or average purchasers upon seeing the word FRUIT and
o A violation of any of the terms and conditions of the order and the writ of the big red apple in private respondent's label or hang tag would be led to believe
search and seizure or any provision of this Rule shall constitute contempt that the latter's products are those of the petitioner.
of court. HELD:
• SECTION 26. Writ not a bar to other measures. – There is infringement of trademark when the use of the mark involved
o The availment of the writ of search and seizure under this Rule shall not would be likely to cause confusion or mistake in the mind of the public or to deceive
prevent the applicant from resorting to other provisional measures or purchasers as to the origin or source of the commodity. In cases of this nature, there
remedies provided in existing laws and procedural rules. can be no better evidence as to whether there is a confusing similarity in the
• SECTION 27. Effectivity. – contesting trademarks than the labels or hang tags themselves.
o This Rule shall take effect on February 15, 2002 after its publication in two In determining whether the trademarks are confusingly similar, a
(2) newspapers of general circulation not later than January 30, 2002. comparison of the words is not the only determinant factor. The trademarks in their
entirety as they appear in their respective labels or hang tags must also be
9) Etepha v. Director of Patents, 16 SCRA 495 (1966) – same considered in relation to the goods to which they are attached. The discerning eye
Atussin and Pertussin of the observer must focus not only on the predominant words but also on the other
10) Esso Standard Eastern v. CA, 116 SCRA 338 – same features appearing in both labels in order that he may draw his conclusion whether
11) Fruit of the Loom v. CA, 133 SCRA 405 (1984) one is confusingly similar to the other.


In the trademarks FRUIT OF THE LOOM and FRUIT FOR EVE, the lone similar granted under the Supplemental Register. Del Monte also obtained two registration
word is FRUIT. By mere pronouncing the two marks, it could hardly be said that it certificates for its trademark "DEL MONTE" and its logo.
will provoke a confusion, as to mistake one for the other. Standing by itself, FRUIT Having received reports that the Sunshine Sauce was using its exclusively
OF THE LOOM is wholly different from FRUIT FOR EVE. WE do not agree with designed bottles and a logo confusingly similar to Del Monte's, Philpack warned it to
petitioner that the dominant feature of both trademarks is the word FRUIT for even desist from doing so on pain of legal action. Thereafter, claiming that the demand
in the printing of the trademark in both hang tags, the word FRUIT is not at all made had been ignored, Philpack and Del Monte filed a complaint against Sunshine Sauce
dominant over the other words. for infringement of trademark and unfair competition, with a prayer for damages
As to the design and coloring scheme of the hang tags, We believe that and the issuance of a writ of preliminary injunction.
while there are similarities in the two marks like the red apple at the center of each Sunshine alleged that it had long ceased to use the Del Monte bottle and
mark, We also find differences or dissimilarities which are glaring and striking to the that its logo was substantially different from the Del Monte logo and would not
eye such as: confuse the buying public to the detriment of the petitioners.
Fruit of the Loom Fruit for Eve To arrive at a proper resolution of this case, it is important to bear in mind
Shape of hang tag round with a base that plain rectangle without the following distinctions between infringement of trademark and unfair
looks like a paper rolled a any base competition.
few inches in both ends Infringement Unfair competition
Designs Trademark is written in Written in straight line in Definition unauthorized use of a passing off of one's goods as
almost semi-circle bigger letters than trademark those of another
petitioner's Fraudulent intent NOT necessary ESSENTIAL
Tag Has also clusters of Has only an apple in its Prior registration of A prerequisite to the action NOT necessary
grapes that surround the center trademark
apple in the center In the challenged decision, the respondent court held that there was no
Colors Light brown Pink with a white colored colorable imitation of the petitioners' trademark and logo by the private respondent;
center piece it held that In determining whether two trademarks are confusingly similar, the two 65
Apples Dark red Light red marks in their entirety as they appear in the respective labels must be considered in
The similarities of the competing trademarks in this case are completely relation to the goods to which they are attached; the discerning eye of the observer
lost in the substantial differences in the design and general appearance of their must focus not only on the predorninant words but also on the other features
respective hang tags. appearing on both labels.
We are impressed more by the dissimilarities than by the similarities Del Monte Sunshine
appearing therein. WE hold that the trademarks FRUIT OF THE LOOM and FRUIT As to the shape of Semi-rectangular with a crown or Regular rectangle
FOR EVE do not resemble each other as to confuse or deceive an ordinary label or make tomato shape design on top of the
purchaser. rectangle
The ordinary purchaser must be thought of as having, and credited with, As to brand printed Tomato catsup mark Fruit catsup
at least a modicum of intelligence to be able to see the obvious differences between on label
the two trademarks in question. Furthermore, a person who buys petitioner's As to the words or Clearly indicated words packed by Sunshine fruit catsup
products and starts to have a liking for it, will not get confused and reach out for lettering on label or Sysu International, Inc., Q.C., is clearly indicated
private respondent's products when she goes to a garment store. mark Philippines "made in the
Philippines by
12) Del Monte Corporation v. CA, 181 SCRA 410, G.R. No. 78325 [25 January 1990] Sunshine Sauce
ISSUE: WON Sunshine is guilty of infringement (NO) and unfair competition (YES). Manufacturing
Del Monte Corporation is a foreign company organized under the laws of Industries" No. 1 Del
the US, not engaged in business in the Philippines. Both the Philippines and the Monte Avenue,
United States are signatories to the Convention of Paris. Malabon, Metro
Philpack is a domestic corporation. Manila.
Del Monte granted Philpack the right to manufacture, distribute and sell in As to color of logo Combination of yellow and dark White, light green and
the Philippines catsup, under the Del Monte trademark and logo. Del Monte red, with words "Del Monte light red, with words
authorized Philpack to register the Del Monte catsup bottle configuration, which was Quality" in white.
"Sunshine Brand" in similarity to confuse the public with enough points of difference to confuse the
yellow. courts.
Several factors would affect its conclusion, to wit:
As to shape of logo In the shape of a tomato. Entirely different in 1) age, training and education of the usual purchaser,
shape 2) the nature and cost of the article, whether the article is bought for immediate
As to label below the Seal covering the cap down to the There is a label below consumption and also the conditions under which it is usually purchased .
cap neck of the bottle, with picture of the cap which says Among these, what essentially determines the attitude of the purchaser,
tomatoes with words "made from "Sunshine Brand” specifically his inclination to be cautious, is the cost of the goods. As a general rule,
real tomatoes." an ordinary buyer does not exercise as much prudence in buying an article for which
As to the color of the Darker red Lighter than Del he pays a few centavos as he does in purchasing a more valuable thing. Expensive
products Monte and valuable items are normally bought only after deliberate, comparative and
analytical investigation. But mass products, low priced articles in wide use, and
HELD: there was infringement or unfair competition. matters of everyday purchase requiring frequent replacement are bought by the
Side-by-side comparison is NOT the final test of similarity. Such casual consumer without great care. In this latter category is catsup.
comparison requires a careful scrutiny to determine in what points the labels of the Even if the labels were analyzed together it is not difficult to see that the
products differ, as was done by the trial judge. Sunshine label IS A COLORABLE IMITATION of the Del Monte trademark.
The ordinary buyer does not usually make such scrutiny nor does he o The predominant colors used in the Del Monte label are green and red-
usually have the time to do so. The average shopper is usually in a hurry and does orange, the same with Sunshine.
not inspect every product on the shelf as if he were browsing in a library. Where the o The word "catsup" in both bottles is printed in white and the style of the
housewife has to return home as soon as possible to her baby or the working woman print/letter is the same.
has to make quick purchases during her off hours, she is apt to be confused by similar o Although the logo of Sunshine is not a tomato, the figure nevertheless
labels even if they do have minute differences. The male shopper is worse as he approximates that of a tomato.
When a manufacturer prepares to package his product, he has before him
usually does not bother about such distinctions.
The question is NOT whether the two articles are distinguishable by their a boundless choice of words, phrases, colors and symbols sufficient to distinguish his 66
label when set side by side but whether the general confusion made by the article product from the others.
upon the eye of the casual purchaser who is unsuspicious and off his guard, is such When as in this case, Sunshine chose, without a reasonable explanation,
as to likely result in his confounding it with the original. As observed in several cases, to use the same colors and letters as those used by Del Monte though the field of
the general impression of the ordinary purchaser, buying under the normally its selection was so broad, the inevitable conclusion is that it was done deliberately
prevalent conditions in trade and giving the attention such purchasers usually give to deceive; in cases of grave doubt is the rule that as between a newcomer who by
in buying that class of goods is the touchstone. the confusion has nothing to lose and everything to gain and one who by honest
In making purchases, the consumer must depend upon his recollection of dealing has already achieved favor with the public, any doubt should be resolved
the appearance of the product which he intends to purchase. The buyer having in against the newcomer inasmuch as the field from which he can select a desirable
mind the mark/label of the respondent must rely upon his memory of the trademark to indicate the origin of his product is obviously a large one.
petitioner's mark. Unlike the judge who has ample time to minutely examine the BUT Sunshine is not guilty of infringement for having used the Del Monte
labels in question in the comfort of his sala, the ordinary shopper does not enjoy the bottle.
same opportunity. 1) The reason is that the configuration of the said bottle was
The court therefore should be guided by its first impression, for a buyer merely registered in the Supplemental Register.
acts quickly and is governed by a casual glance, the value of which may be dissipated Registration in the Principal Register Registration in Supplemental Register
as soon as the court assumes to analyze carefully the respective features of the mark. Gives rise to a presumption of the validity of Does not give rise to the same presumption.
It is the function of the court in cases of infringement and unfair competition to take the registration, the registrant's ownership
their carelessness for granted, and to be ever conscious of the fact that marks need of the mark and his right to the exclusive use
not be identical. A confusing similarity will justify the intervention of equity. The thereof.
judge must also be aware of the fact that usually a defendant in cases of LIMITED to the actual owner of the
infringement does not normally copy but makes only colorable changes. Well has it trademark and proceedings therein on the
been said that the most successful form of copying is to employ enough points of issue of ownership which may be contested
through opposition or interference


proceedings or, after registration, in a FITRITE and VICTORIA BISCUIT are engaged in the business of
petition for cancellation. manufacturing, selling and distributing biscuits and cookies bearing the trademark
In applications for registration in the This is not so in applications for registrations "SUNSHINE" in the Philippines. CONRAD is also engaged in the business of importing,
Principal Register, publication of the in the Supplemental Register. selling and distributing biscuits and cookies in the Philippines.
application is necessary. FITRITE filed applications for registration of the trademark "SUNSHINE,"
Registration in the Principal Register is Registration in the Supplemental Register is both in the Supplemental and Principal Registers, to be used on biscuits and cookies.
constructive notice of the registrant's claim merely proof of actual use of the trademark Since 1981 FITRITE had exclusively used this trademark in the concept of owner on
of ownership. and notice that the registrant has used or its biscuits and cookies. FITRITE's application for this trademark in the Supplemental
appropriated it. It is not subject to Register and in the Principal Registration was approved for a term of 20 years.
opposition although it may be cancelled FITRITE authorized VICTORIA BISCUIT to use this trademark on its biscuits and
after the issuance. cookies, as well as to manufacture, promote, sell and distribute products bearing
Registration in the Principal Register is a Registration in the Supplemental Register is said trademark.
basis for an action for infringement. NOT a basis for an action for infringement. FITRITE assigned its trademark "SUNSHINE AND DEVICE LABEL," together
It can be inferred from the foregoing that although Del Monte has actual with its interest and business goodwill to said VICTORIA BISCUIT. From the time
use of the bottle's configuration, the petitioners cannot claim exclusive use thereof FITRITE was issued the Certificate of Registration for this trademark up to the filing
because it has not been registered in the Principal Register. of the complaint, FITRITE and VICTORIA BISCUIT have been manufacturing, selling
However, we find that Sunshine, despite the many choices available to it and distributing on a massive scale biscuits and cookies bearing this trademark; so
and notwithstanding that the caution "Del Monte Corporation, Not to be Refilled" that through the years of extensive marketing of plaintiffs' biscuits and cookies with
was embossed on the bottle, still opted to use the petitioners' bottle to market a this trademark, their products have become popularly known and enjoyed wide
product which Philpack also produces. This clearly shows the private respondent's acceptability in Metro Manila and in the provinces.
bad faith and its intention to capitalize on the latter's reputation and goodwill and Then plaintiffs discovered that CONRAD had been importing, selling and
pass off its own product as that of Del Monte. distributing biscuits and cookies, and other food items bearing this trademark in the
Regarding the fact of registration, it is to be noted that the Sunshine label Philippines. Although CONRAD had never before been engaged in the importation,
sale and distribution of products similar to those of plaintiffs, CONRAD was suddenly 67
was registered not in the Principal Register but only in the Supplemental Register
where the presumption of the validity of the trademark, the registrant's ownership designated exclusive importer and dealer of the products of "Sunshine Biscuits, Inc."
of the mark and his right to its exclusive use are all absent. for sale in the Philippine market; and CONRAD made its first importation.
Anent the assumption that the Bureau of Patent had considered other Those acts of CONRAD, done without plaintiffs' consent, were deliberately
existing patents, it is reiterated that since registration was only in the Supplemental calculated to mislead and deceive the purchasers by making them believe that its
Register, this did not vest the registrant with the exclusive right to use the label nor (CONRAD'S) "Sunshine" products had originated from plaintiffs and thereby inducing
did it give rise to the presumption of the validity of the registration. them to patronize those products, all to the damage and prejudice of both the
As Sunshine's label is an infringement of the Del Monte's trademark, law purchasing public and plaintiffs.
and equity call for the CANCELLATION of the private respondent's registration and Plaintiffs demanded Conrad to cease and desist from continuing with those
WITHDRAWAL of all its products bearing the questioned label from the market. With acts, but the demand was ignored. Being acts of infringement and unfair competition
regard to the use of Del Monte's bottle, the same constitutes unfair competition; in violation of plaintiffs' rights, plaintiffs can validly avail themselves of the remedies
hence, the respondent should be permanently enjoined from the use of such bottles. against infringement, as well as of the remedies against unfair competition.
Good faith is not a defense in unfair competition. If that is put forward in a question, In seeking the dismissal of the complaint, CONRAD invoked litis pendentia,
qualify that. That’s been a radical concept different from jurisprudence. Basis is the the doctrine of primary jurisdiction and failure to state a cause of action.
Administrative Order. Ask sir for this. Petitioner contends that the "Petitions for Cancellation" of Fitrite's
Certificate of Registration in the Supplemental Register and the Principal Register,
13) Asia Brewery v. CA, 224 SCRA 437 – same
which Sunshine Biscuits filed with BPTTT cast a cloud of doubt on private
respondents' claim of ownership and exclusive right to the use of the trademark
14) Conrad v. CA, 246 SCRA 691, G.R. No. 115115 [18 July 1995]
"Sunshine." Considering that this matter is at issue before the BPTTT, which has
ISSUE: WON the trial court can proceed with the case for "injunction with
primary jurisdiction over the case, petitioner argues, an injunctive relief from any
damages" filed by private respondents notwithstanding the pendency of an
court would be precipitate and improper.
administrative case for the cancellation of the former's trademark filed by
supposedly "petitioner's principal" (YES)


While an application for the administrative cancellation of a registered Cluett Peabody (a New York corporation) filed the present case against Amigo
trademark falls under the exclusive cognizance of BPTTT, an action, however, for Manufacturing Inc. (a Philippine corporation) for cancellation of trademark is Cluett’s
infringement or unfair competition, as well as the remedy of injunction and relief for claim of exclusive ownership (as successor in interest of Great American Knitting Mills,
damages, is explicitly and unquestionably within the competence and jurisdiction of Inc.) of the following trademark and devices, as used on men's socks:
ordinary courts. a) GOLD TOE
Private respondents are the holder of Certificate of Registration in the b) DEVICE, representation of a sock and magnifying glass on the toe of a sock,
Principal Register for the questioned trademark. Registration in the Principal Register c) DEVICE, consisting of a 'plurality of gold colored lines arranged in parallel relation
gives rise to a presumption of validity of the registration and of the registrant's within a triangular area of toe of the stocking and spread from each other by lines of
ownership and right to the exclusive use of the mark. It is precisely such a registration contrasting color of the major part of the stocking'
that can serve as the basis for an action for infringement. An invasion of this right d) LINENIZED.
entitles the registrant to court protection and relief. On the other hand, Amigo’s trademark and device 'GOLD TOP, Linenized for Extra
Surely, an application with BPTTT for an administrative cancellation of a Wear' has the dominant color 'white' at the center and a 'blackish brown' background
registered trade mark cannot per se have the effect of restraining or preventing with a magnified design of the sock's garter, and is labeled 'Amigo Manufacturing Inc.,
the courts from the exercise of their lawfully conferred jurisdiction. A contrary rule Mandaluyong, Metro Manila, Made in the Philippines'.
would unduly expand the doctrine of primary jurisdiction which, simply expressed, CA held that there is hardly any variance in the appearance of the marks 'GOLD TOP'
would merely behoove regular courts, in controversies involving specialized and 'GOLD TOE' since both show a representation of a man's foot wearing a sock, and the
disputes, to defer to the findings of resolutions of administrative tribunals on certain marks are printed in identical lettering. Amigo’s mark is a combination of the different
technical matters. This rule, evidently, did not escape the appellate court for it registered marks owned by Cluett.
likewise decreed that for "good cause shown, the lower court, in its sound discretion, As held in Del Monte Corporation v. Court of Appeals, the question is not whether
may suspend the action pending outcome of the cancellation proceedings" before the two articles are distinguishable by their label when set aside but whether the general
BPTTT. confusion made by the article upon the eye of the casual purchaser who is unsuspicious
Thus, having the exclusive right over said trademark, FITRITE should be and off his guard, is such as to likely result in confounding it with the original. 'The most
protected in the use thereof; and considering that it is apparent that the invasion of successful form of copying is to employ enough points of similarity to confuse the public
the right FITRITE sought to protect is material and substantial; that such right of with enough points of difference to confuse the courts.' 68
FITRITE is clear and unmistakable; and that there is an urgent necessity to prevent Finally, the Philippines and the United States are parties to the Paris Convention. By
serious damage to FITRITE's business interest, goodwill and profit, thus under the virtue of the Philippines' membership to the Paris Union, trademark rights in favor of the
authority of Sec. 23 of said Republic Act No. 166, as amended, a preliminary Cluett were created. The object of the Convention is to accord a national of a member
injunction may be issued in favor of FITRITE to maintain the status quo pending trial nation extensive protection against infringement and other types of unfair competition.
of the action a quo on the merits without prejudice to the suspension of such action if Amigo claims that it started the actual use of the trademark "Gold Top and Device"
the aforesaid cancellation proceeding before the BPTTT has not been concluded. in 1956, while respondent began using the trademark "Gold Toe" only in 1962. It contends
The appellate court's finding that there is an urgent necessity for the that the claim of respondent that it had been using the "Gold Toe" trademark at an earlier
issuance of the writ of preliminary injunction pending resolution by BPTTT of the date was not substantiated. The latter's witnesses supposedly contradicted themselves
petition for cancellation filed by Sunshine USA in Inter Partes Case No. 3397 would as to the date of first actual use of their trademark, coming up with different dates such
indeed appear to have merit. as 1952, 1947 and 1938.
The allegations of the complaint, perforced hypothetically deemed Petitioner points out that the director of patents erred in its application of the idem
admitted by petitioner, would here justify the issuance by appellate court of its sonans rule, claiming that the two trademarks "Gold Toe" and "Gold Top" do not sound
injunction order. Petitioner, itself, does not even appear to be a party in the alike and are pronounced differently. It avers that since the words gold and toe are
administrative case. The averment that Sunshine USA is petitioner's principal, and generic, respondent has no right to their exclusive use.
that it has a prior foreign registration that should be respected conformably with the HELD:
Convention of the Union of Paris for the Protection of Industrial Property are mere ased on the evidence presented, this Court concurs in the findings of the Bureau of
asseverations in the motion to dismiss which, along with some other factual Patents that respondent had actually used the trademark and the devices in question
assertions, are yet to be established. prior to petitioner's use of its own. During the hearing at the Bureau of Patents,
respondent presented Bureau registrations indicating the dates of first use in the
15) Emerald Garment Manufacturing v. CA, 251 SCRA 600 – same Philippines of the trademark and the devices.
16) Amigo v. Cluett Peabody, 354 SCRA 434 (2001), G.R. No. 139300 [14 March 2001] The registration of the above marks in favor of respondent constitutes prima facie
ISSUE: WON there’s confusing similarity? (NO) evidence, which petitioner failed to overturn satisfactorily, of respondent's ownership of


those marks, the dates of appropriation and the validity of other pertinent facts stated Top." A glance at petitioner's mark shows that it definitely has a lot of similarities and in
therein. fact looks like a combination of the trademark and devices that respondent has already
Moreover, the validity of the Certificates of Registration was not questioned. Neither registered; namely, "Gold Toe," the representation of a sock with a magnifying glass, the
did petitioner present any evidence to indicate that they were fraudulently issued. "Gold Toe" representation and "linenized."
Consequently, the claimed dates of respondent's first use of the marks are presumed Admittedly, there are some minor differences between the two sets of marks. The
valid. Clearly, they were ahead of petitioner's claimed date of first use of "Gold Top and similarities, however, are of such degree, number and quality that the overall impression
Device" in 1958. given is that the two brands of socks are deceptively the same, or at least very similar to
The fact that the marks were indeed registered by respondent shows that it did use each another.
them on the date indicated in the Certificate of Registration.’ An examination of the products in question shows that their dominant features
On the other hand, petitioner failed to present proof of the date of alleged first use are gold checkered lines against a predominantly black background and a
of the trademark "Gold Top and Device". Thus, even assuming that respondent started representation of a sock with a magnifying glass. In addition, both products use the
using it only on May 15, 1962, we can make no finding that petitioner had started using it same type of lettering. Both also include a representation of a man's foot wearing a
ahead of respondent. sock and the word "linenized" with arrows printed on the label. Lastly, the names of
Furthermore, petitioner registered its trademark only with the supplemental the brands are similar -- "Gold Top" and "Gold Toe." Moreover, it must also be
register. Registration with the supplemental register gives no presumption of ownership considered that petitioner and respondent are engaged in the same line of business.
of the trademark. Said the Court: Petitioner cannot therefore ignore the fact that, when compared, most of the
"The registration of a mark upon the supplemental register is not, as in the case of features of its trademark are strikingly similar to those of respondent. In addition, these
the principal register, prima facie evidence of (1) the validity of registration; (2) representations are at the same location, either in the sock itself or on the label.
registrant's ownership of the mark; and (3) registrant's exclusive right to use the mark. It Petitioner presents no explanation why it chose those representations, considering that
is not subject to opposition, although it may be cancelled after its issuance. Neither may these were the exact symbols used in respondent's marks. Thus, the overall impression
it be the subject of interference proceedings. Registration [i]n the supplemental register created is that the two products are deceptively and confusingly similar to each other.
is not constructive notice of registrant's claim of ownership. A supplemental register is Clearly, petitioner violated the applicable trademark provisions during that time.
provided for the registration because of some defects (conversely, defects which make a Let it be remembered that duly registered trademarks are protected by law as
mark unregistrable on the principal register, yet do not bar them from the supplemental intellectual properties and cannot be appropriated by others without violating the due 69
register.) process clause. An infringement of intellectual rights is no less vicious and condemnable
As to the actual date of first use by respondent of the four marks it registered, the as theft of material property, whether personal or real.
seeming confusion may have stemmed from the fact that the marks have different dates
of first use. Clearly, however, these dates are indicated in the Certificates of Registration. 17) Societe Des Produits Nestle v. CA, 356 SCRA 207 (2001) – same
In any case, absent any clear showing to the contrary, this Court accepts the finding 18) Mighty Corporation v. E. & J. Gallo Winery, G.R. No. 154342 [14 July 2004]
of the Bureau of Patents that it was respondent which had prior use of its trademark, as
shown in the various Certificates of Registration issued in its favor. Verily, administrative 19) McDonald’s Corp. v. L.C. Big Mak, G.R. No. 143993 [18 August 2004]
agencies' findings of fact in matters falling under their jurisdiction are generally accorded ISSUE: WON "Big Mak" is liable for trademark infringement and unfair competition. (YES
great respect, if not finality. to both)
Admittedly, the pronunciations of the two do not, by themselves, create confusion. McDonald's owns a family of marks including the "Big Mac" mark for its
The Bureau of Patents, however, did not rely on the idem sonans test alone in arriving at "double-decker hamburger sandwich." McDonald's registered this trademark with the
its conclusion. The difference in sound occurs only in the final letter at the end of the United States Trademark Registry. Based on this Home Registration, McDonald's applied
marks. For the same reason, hardly is there any variance in their appearance. 'GOLD TOE' for the registration of the same mark in the Principal Register. Pending approval of its
and 'GOLD TOP' are printed in identical lettering. Both show [a] representation of a man's application, McDonald's introduced its "Big Mac" hamburger sandwiches in the Philippine
foot wearing a sock. 'GOLD TOP' blatantly incorporates petitioner's 'LINENIZED' which by market. PBPTT allowed registration of the "Big Mac" mark in the Principal Register based
itself is a registered mark. on its Home Registration in the United States.Like its other marks, McDonald's displays
The Bureau considered the drawings and the labels, the appearance of the labels, the "Big Mac" mark in items and paraphernalia in its restaurants, and in its outdoor and
the lettering, and the representation of a man's foot wearing a sock. Obviously, its indoor signages. McDonald's spent P10.5 million in advertisement for "Big Mac"
conclusion is based on the totality of the similarities between the parties' trademarks and hamburger sandwiches alone.
not on their sounds alone. HOLISTIC TEST L.C. Big Mak Burger operates fast-food outlets and snack vans in Metro Manila
In the present case, a resort to either the Dominancy Test or the Holistic Test shows and nearby provinces. Its menu includes hamburger sandwiches and other food items. It
that colorable imitation exists between respondent's "Gold Toe" and petitioner's "Gold applied for the registration of the "Big Mak" mark for its hamburger sandwiches.


McDonald's opposed respondent corporation's application on the ground that On the contrary, "Big Mac" falls under the class of fanciful or arbitrary marks as
"Big Mak" was a colorable imitation of its registered "Big Mac" mark for the same food it bears no logical relation to the actual characteristics of the product it represents. As
products. McDonald's also informed respondent corporation of its exclusive right to the such, it is highly distinctive and thus valid. Petitioners have duly established McDonald's
"Big Mac" mark and requested him to desist from using the "Big Mac" mark or any similar exclusive ownership of the "Big Mac" mark.
mark. Although Topacio and the Isaiyas Group registered the "Big Mac" mark ahead
Having received no reply, petitioners sued respondents for trademark of McDonald's, Topacio, as petitioners disclosed, had already assigned his rights to
infringement and unfair competition. RTC issued a TRO against respondents enjoining McDonald's. The Isaiyas Group, on the other hand, registered its trademark only in the
them from using the "Big Mak" mark in the operation of their business. RTC issued a writ Supplemental Register. A mark which is not registered in the Principal Register, and thus
of preliminary injunction replacing the TRO. not distinctive, has no real protection; registration in the Supplemental Register is not
In their Answer, respondents admitted that they have been using the name "Big even a prima facie evidence of the validity of the registrant's exclusive right to use the
Mak Burger" for their fast-food business. Respondents claimed, however, that mark on the goods specified in the certificate.
McDonald's does not have an exclusive right to the "Big Mac" mark or to any other Section 22 covers two types of confusion arising from the use of similar or
similar mark. colorable imitation marks, namely, confusion of goods (product confusion) and confusion
Respondents point out that the Isaiyas Group registered the same mark for of business (source or origin confusion).
hamburger sandwiches with the PBPTT. Topacio similarly registered the same mark prior (i) The first is the confusion of goods "in which event the ordinarily prudent
to McDonald's registration. Alternatively, "Big Mak" does not constitute a colorable purchaser would be induced to purchase one product in the belief that he was
imitation of the "Big Mac" mark. Respondents asserted that they did not fraudulently pass purchasing the other."
off their hamburger sandwiches as those of petitioners' Big Mac hamburgers. (ii) The other is the confusion of business: "Here though the goods of the parties
Respondents sought damages in their counterclaim. are different, the defendant's product is such as might reasonably be assumed
In their Reply, petitioners denied respondents' claim that McDonald's is not the to originate with the plaintiff, and the public would then be deceived either into
exclusive owner of the "Big Mac" mark. Petitioners asserted that while the Isaiyas Group that belief or into the belief that there is some connection between the plaintiff
and Topacio did register the "Big Mac" mark ahead of McDonald's, the Isaiyas Group did and defendant which, in fact, does not exist."
so only in the Supplemental Register of the PBPTT and such registration does not Under Act No. 666, the first trademark law, infringement was limited to confusion of
provide any protection. McDonald's disclosed that it had acquired Topacio's rights to his goods only, when the infringing mark is used on "goods of a similar kind." Thus, no relief 70
registration in a Deed of Assignment. was afforded to the party whose registered mark or its colorable imitation is used on
Respondents contend that of the two words in the "Big Mac" mark, it is only the different although related goods. To remedy this situation, Congress enacted RA 166 on
word "Mac" that is valid because the word "Big" is generic and descriptive and thus 20 June 1947. In defining trademark infringement, Section 22 of RA 166 deleted the
"incapable of exclusive appropriation." requirement in question and expanded its scope to include such use of the mark or its
colorable imitation that is likely to result in confusion on "the source or origin of such
HELD: goods or services, or identity of such business." Thus, while there is confusion of goods
To establish trademark infringement, the following elements must be shown: when the products are competing, confusion of business exists when the products are
(1) the validity of plaintiff's mark; non-competing but related enough to produce confusion of affiliation.
(2) the plaintiff's ownership of the mark; and Respondents assert that their "Big Mak" hamburgers cater mainly to the low-income
(3) the use of the mark or its colorable imitation by the alleged infringer results in group while petitioners' "Big Mac" hamburgers cater to the middle and upper income
"likelihood of confusion." groups. Even if this is true, the likelihood of confusion of business remains, since the low-
Of these, it is the element of likelihood of confusion that is the gravamen of income group might be led to believe that the "Big Mak" hamburgers are the low-end
trademark infringement. hamburgers marketed by petitioners. After all, petitioners have the exclusive right to use
A mark is valid if it is "distinctive" and thus not barred from the "Big Mac" mark. On the other hand, respondents would benefit by associating their
registration. However, once registered, not only the mark's validity but also the low-end hamburgers, through the use of the "Big Mak" mark, with petitioners' high-end
registrant's ownership of the mark is prima facie presumed. "Big Mac" hamburgers, leading to likelihood of confusion in the identity of business.
The "Big Mac" mark, which should be treated in its entirety and not dissected Respondents further claim that petitioners use the "Big Mac" mark only on
word for word, is neither generic nor descriptive. Generic marks are commonly used as petitioners' double-decker hamburgers, while respondents use the "Big Mak" mark on
the name or description of a kind of goods, such as "Lite" for beer or "Chocolate Fudge" hamburgers and other products like siopao, noodles and pizza. Respondents also point
for chocolate soda drink. Descriptive marks, on the other hand, convey the out that petitioners sell their Big Mac double-deckers in a styrofoam box with the
characteristics, functions, qualities or ingredients of a product to one who has never "McDonald's" logo and trademark in red, block letters at a price more expensive than the
seen it or does not know it exists, such as "Arthriticare" for arthritis medication. hamburgers of respondents. In contrast, respondents sell their Big Mak hamburgers in


plastic wrappers and plastic bags. Respondents further point out that petitioners' letters. In spelling, considering the Filipino language, even the last letters of both marks
restaurants are air-conditioned buildings with drive-thru service, compared to are the same.
respondents' mobile vans. Clearly, respondents have adopted in "Big Mak" not only the dominant but also
These and other factors respondents cite cannot negate the undisputed fact that almost all the features of "Big Mac." Applied to the same food product of hamburgers,
respondents use their "Big Mak" mark on hamburgers, the same food product that the two marks will likely result in confusion in the public mind.
petitioners' sell with the use of their registered mark "Big Mac." Whether a hamburger is Indeed, a person cannot distinguish "Big Mac" from "Big Mak" by their sound. When
single, double or triple-decker, and whether wrapped in plastic or styrofoam, it remains one hears a "Big Mac" or "Big Mak" hamburger advertisement over the radio, one would
the same hamburger food product. Even respondents' use of the "Big Mak" mark on non- not know whether the "Mac" or "Mak" ends with a "c" or a "k."
hamburger food products cannot excuse their infringement of petitioners' registered Petitioners' aggressive promotion of the "Big Mac" mark, as borne by their
mark, otherwise registered marks will lose their protection under the law. advertisement expenses, has built goodwill and reputation for such mark making it one of
The registered trademark owner may use his mark on the same or similar products, the easily recognizable marks in the market today. This increases the likelihood that
in different segments of the market, and at different price levels depending on variations consumers will mistakenly associate petitioners' hamburgers and business with those of
of the products for specific segments of the market. The Court has recognized that the respondents'.
registered trademark owner enjoys protection in product and market areas that are Respondents' inability to explain sufficiently how and why they came to choose "Big
the normal potential expansion of his business. Thus, the Court has declared: Mak" for their hamburger sandwiches indicates their intent to imitate petitioners' "Big
Modern law recognizes that the protection to which the owner of a trademark is Mac" mark. Contrary to the Court of Appeals' finding, respondents' claim that their "Big
entitled is not limited to guarding his goods or business from actual market competition Mak" mark was inspired by the first names of respondent Dy's mother (Maxima) and
with identical or similar products of the parties, but extends to all cases in which the use father (Kimsoy) is not credible. Absent proof that respondents' adoption of the "Big Mak"
by a junior appropriator of a trade-mark or trade-name is likely to lead to a confusion of mark was due to honest mistake or was fortuitous, the inescapable conclusion is that
source, as where prospective purchasers would be misled into thinking that the respondents adopted the "Big Mak" mark to "ride on the coattails" of the more
complaining party has extended his business into the field (see 148 ALR 56 et seq; 53 Am established "Big Mac" mark. This saves respondents much of the expense in advertising
Jur. 576) or is in any way connected with the activities of the infringer; or when it forestalls to create market recognition of their mark and hamburgers.
the normal potential expansion of his business (v. 148 ALR, 77, 84; 52 Am. Jur. 576, 577). Thus, we hold that confusion is likely to result in the public mind. We sustain
This Court has relied on the dominancy test rather than the holistic test. The petitioners' claim of trademark infringement. 71
dominancy test considers the dominant features in the competing marks The essential elements of an action for unfair competition are
in determining whether they are confusingly similar. Under the dominancy test, courts (1) confusing similarity in the general appearance of the goods, and
give greater weight to the similarity of the appearance of the product arising (2) intent to deceive the public and defraud a competitor.
from theadoption of the dominant features of the registered mark, The confusing similarity may or may not result from similarity in the marks, but may
disregarding minor differences. Courts will consider more the aural and visual impressions result from other external factors in the packaging or presentation of the goods. The
created by the marks in the public mind, giving little weight to factors like prices, quality, intent to deceive and defraud may be inferred from the similarity of the appearance of
sales outlets and market segments. the goods as offered for sale to the public. Actual fraudulent intent need not be shown.
The test of dominancy is now explicitly incorporated into law in Section 155.1 of the Unfair competition is broader than trademark infringement and includes passing off
Intellectual Property Code which defines infringement as the "colorable imitation of a goods with or without trademark infringement. Trademark infringement is a form of
registered mark xxx or a dominant feature thereof." unfair competition. (not accurate)
Applying the dominancy test, the Court finds that respondents' use of the "Big Mak" Trademark infringement constitutes unfair competition when there is not merely
mark results in likelihood of confusion. likelihood of confusion, but also actual or probable deception on the public because of
(i) Big Mak sounds exactly the same as "Big Mac." the general appearance of the goods.
(ii) The first word in "Big Mak" is exactly the same as the first word in "Big Mac." There can be trademark infringement without unfair competition as when the
(iii) The first two letters in "Mak" are the same as the first two letters in "Mac." infringer discloses on the labels containing the mark that he manufactures the goods, thus
(iv) The last letter in "Mak" while a "k" sounds the same as "c" when the word preventing the public from being deceived that the goods originate from the trademark
"Mak" is pronounced. owner.
(v) In Filipino, the letter "k" replaces "c" in spelling. To support their claim of unfair competition, petitioners allege that respondents
In short, aurally the two marks are the same, with the first word of both marks fraudulently passed off their hamburgers as "Big Mac" hamburgers. Petitioners add that
phonetically the same, and the second word of both marks also phonetically the same. respondents' fraudulent intent can be inferred from the similarity of the marks in
Visually, the two marks have both two words and six letters, with the first word question.
of both marks having the same letters and the second word having the same first two


Passing off (or palming off) takes place where the defendant, by imitative devices on ISSUE: WON whether there is a confusing similarity between the MCDONALD’S marks
the general appearance of the goods, misleads prospective purchasers into buying his of the petitioner and the respondent’s "MACJOY & DEVICE" trademark when applied to
merchandise under the impression that they are buying that of his competitors. Thus, the Classes 29 and 30 of the International Classification of Goods, i.e., food and ingredients
defendant gives his goods the general appearance of the goods of his competitor with the of food. (YES)
intention of deceiving the public that the goods are those of his competitor. MacJoy Fastfood Corporation, engaged in the sale of fast food products in Cebu City,
Respondents point to these dissimilarities as proof that they did not give their filed an application for the registration of the trademark "MACJOY & DEVICE" for fried
hamburgers the general appearance of petitioners' "Big Mac" hamburgers. chicken, chicken barbeque, burgers, fries, spaghetti, palabok, tacos, sandwiches, halo-
The dissimilarities in the packaging are minor compared to the stark similarities in halo and steaks under classes 29 and 30 of the International Classification of Goods.
the words that give respondents' "Big Mak" hamburgers the general appearance of McDonald’s Corporation filed a verified Notice of Opposition against the
petitioners' "Big Mac" hamburgers. Section 29(a) expressly provides that the similarity in respondent’s application claiming that the trademark "MACJOY & DEVICE" so resembles
the general appearance of the goods may be in the "devices or words" used on the its corporate logo, otherwise known as the Golden Arches or "M" design, and its marks
wrappings. Respondents have applied on their plastic wrappers and bags almost the same "McDonalds," McChicken," "MacFries," "BigMac," "McDo," "McSpaghetti," "McSnack,"
words that petitioners use on their styrofoam box. What attracts the attention of the and "Mc," (hereinafter collectively known as the MCDONALD’S marks) such that when
buying public are the words "Big Mak" which are almost the same, aurally and visually, as used on identical or related goods, the trademark applied for would confuse or deceive
the words "Big Mac." The dissimilarities in the material and other devices are insignificant purchasers into believing that the goods originate from the same source or origin.
compared to the glaring similarity in the words used in the wrappings. Likewise, the petitioner alleged that the respondent’s use and adoption in bad
Section 29(a) also provides that the defendant gives "his goods the general faith of the "MACJOY & DEVICE" mark would falsely tend to suggest a connection or
appearance of goods of another manufacturer." Respondents' goods are hamburgers affiliation with petitioner’s restaurant services and food products, thus, constituting a
which are also the goods of petitioners. If respondents sold egg sandwiches only instead fraud upon the general public and further cause the dilution of the distinctiveness of
of hamburger sandwiches, their use of the "Big Mak" mark would not give their goods the petitioner’s registered and internationally recognized MCDONALD’S marks to its
general appearance of petitioners' "Big Mac" hamburgers. In such case, there is only prejudice and irreparable damage.
trademark infringement but no unfair competition. However, since respondents chose to Respondent averred that it has used the mark "MACJOY" for the past many
apply the "Big Mak" mark on hamburgers, just like petitioner's use of the "Big Mac" mark years in good faith and has spent considerable sums of money for said mark’s extensive
on hamburgers, respondents have obviously clothed their goods with the general promotion in tri-media, especially in Cebu City where it has been doing business long 72
appearance of petitioners' goods. before the petitioner opened its outlet thereat sometime in 1992; and that its use of said
Moreover, there is no notice to the public that the "Big Mak" hamburgers are mark would not confuse affiliation with the petitioner’s restaurant services and food
products of "L.C. Big Mak Burger, Inc." Respondents introduced during the trial plastic products because of the differences in the design and detail of the two (2) marks.
wrappers and bags with the words "L.C. Big Mak Burger, Inc." to inform the public of the IPO used the dominancy test in concluding that there was confusing similarity
name of the seller of the hamburgers. However, petitioners introduced during the between the two (2) trademarks in question as it took note of the appearance of the
injunctive hearings plastic wrappers and bags with the "Big Mak" mark without the name predominant features "M", "Mc" and/or "Mac" in both the marks. In reversing the
"L.C. Big Mak Burger, Inc." Respondents' belated presentation of plastic wrappers and conclusion reached by the IPO, the CA, while seemingly applying the dominancy test, in
bags bearing the name of "L.C. Big Mak Burger, Inc." as the seller of the hamburgers is an fact actually applied the holistic test. The appellate court ruled in this wise:
after-thought designed to exculpate them from their unfair business conduct. As earlier HELD: (Dominancy test)
stated, we cannot consider respondents' evidence since petitioners' complaint was based Applying the Dominancy test to the present case, the IPO should have taken
on facts existing before and during the injunctive hearings. into consideration the entirety of the two marks instead of simply fixing its gaze on the
Thus, there is actually no notice to the public that the "Big Mak" hamburgers are single letter "M" or on the combinations "Mc" or "Mac". A mere cursory look of the
products of "L.C. Big Mak Burger, Inc." and not those of petitioners who have the exclusive subject marks will reveal that, save for the letters "M" and "c", no other similarity exists
right to the "Big Mac" mark. This clearly shows respondents' intent to deceive the public. in the subject marks.
Had respondents' placed a notice on their plastic wrappers and bags that the hamburgers We agree with the [respondent] that it is entirely unwarranted for the IPO to
are sold by "L.C. Big Mak Burger, Inc.", then they could validly claim that they did not consider the prefix "Mac" as the predominant feature and the rest of the designs in
intend to deceive the public. In such case, there is only trademark infringement but no [respondent’s] mark as details. Taking into account such paramount factors as color,
unfair competition. Respondents, however, did not give such notice. We hold that as designs, spelling, sound, concept, sizes and audio and visual effects, the prefix "Mc" will
found by the RTC, respondent corporation is liable for unfair competition. appear to be the only similarity in the two completely different marks; and it is the prefix
"Mc" that would thus appear as the miniscule detail. When pitted against each other, the
20) McDonald’s Corp. v. Macjoy Fastfood Corp., G.R. No. 166115, 2 February 2007 two marks reflect a distinct and disparate visual impression that negates any possible
confusing similarity in the mind of the buying public. (Words in brackets supplied.)


While we agree with the CA’s detailed enumeration of differences between the With the existence of confusing similarity between the subject trademarks, the
two (2) competing trademarks herein involved, we believe that the holistic test is not the resulting issue to be resolved is who, as between the parties, has the rightful claim of
one applicable in this case, the dominancy test being the one more suitable. In recent ownership over the said marks.
cases with a similar factual milieu as here, the Court has consistently used and applied We rule for the petitioner.
the dominancy test in determining confusing similarity or likelihood of confusion between Respondent’s contention that it was the first user of the mark in the Philippines
competing trademarks. having used "MACJOY & DEVICE" on its restaurant business and food products since
HELD: December, 1987 at Cebu City while the first McDonald’s outlet of the petitioner thereat
Applying the dominancy test to the instant case, the Court finds that herein was opened only in 1992, is downright unmeritorious. For the requirement of "actual use
petitioner’s "MCDONALD’S" and respondent’s "MACJOY" marks are confusingly similar in commerce x x x in the Philippines" before one may register a trademark, trade-name
with each other such that an ordinary purchaser can conclude an association or relation and service mark under the Trademark Law33 pertains to the territorial jurisdiction of the
between the marks. To begin with, both marks use the corporate "M" design logo and the Philippines and is not only confined to a certain region, province, city or barangay.
prefixes "Mc" and/or "Mac" as dominant features. The first letter "M" in both marks puts Likewise wanting in merit is the respondent’s claim that the petitioner cannot
emphasis on the prefixes "Mc" and/or "Mac" by the similar way in which they are acquire ownership of the word "Mac" because it is a personal name which may not be
depicted i.e. in an arch-like, capitalized and stylized manner. For sure, it is the prefix "Mc," monopolized as a trademark as against others of the same name or surname. As stated
an abbreviation of "Mac," which visually and aurally catches the attention of the earlier, once a trademark has been registered, the validity of the mark is prima facie
consuming public. Verily, the word "MACJOY" attracts attention the same way as did presumed. In this case, the respondent failed to overcome such presumption. We agree
"McDonalds," "MacFries," "McSpaghetti," "McDo," "Big Mac" and the rest of the with the observations of the petitioner regarding the respondent’s explanation that the
MCDONALD’S marks which all use the prefixes Mc and/or Mac. word "MACJOY" is based on the name of its president’s niece, Scarlett Yu Carcell.
Besides and most importantly, both trademarks are used in the sale of fastfood By reason of the respondent’s implausible and insufficient explanation as to
products. how and why out of the many choices of words it could have used for its trade-name
Indisputably, the respondent’s trademark application for the "MACJOY & and/or trademark, it chose the word "MACJOY," the only logical conclusion deducible
DEVICE" trademark covers goods under Classes 29 and 30 of the International therefrom is that the respondent would want to ride high on the established reputation
Classification of Goods, namely, fried chicken, chicken barbeque, burgers, fries, spaghetti, and goodwill of the MCDONALD’s marks, which, as applied to petitioner’s restaurant
etc. Likewise, the petitioner’s trademark registration for the MCDONALD’S marks in the business and food products, is undoubtedly beyond question. 73
Philippines covers goods which are similar if not identical to those covered by the Thus, the IPO was correct in rejecting and denying the respondent’s application
respondent’s application. for registration of the trademark "MACJOY & DEVICE."
Thus, in the case at bar, the predominant features such as the "M," "Mc," and When one applies for the registration of a trademark or label which is almost
"Mac" appearing in both McDonald’s marks and the MACJOY & DEVICE" easily attract the the same or very closely resembles one already used and registered by another, the
attention of would-be customers. Even non-regular customers of their fastfood application should be rejected and dismissed outright, even without any opposition on
restaurants would readily notice the predominance of the "M" design, "Mc/Mac" the part of the owner and user of a previously registered label or trademark, this not
prefixes shown in both marks. Such that the common awareness or perception of only to avoid confusion on the part of the public, but also to protect an already used
customers that the trademarks McDonalds mark and MACJOY & DEVICE are one and and registered trademark and an established goodwill.
the same, or an affiliate, or under the sponsorship of the other is not far-fetched.
The differences and variations in styles as the device depicting a head of chicken Cases on bottles and containers:
with cap and bowtie and wings sprouting on both sides of the chicken head, the heart- 21) Cagayan Valley Enterprises v. CA, 179 SCRA 218, G.R. No. 78413 [8 November 1989]
shaped "M," and the stylistic letters in "MACJOY & DEVICE;" in contrast to the arch-like ISSUE: WON
"M" and the one-styled gothic letters in McDonald’s marks are of no moment. These La Tondeña registered the 350 c.c. white flint bottles it has been using for its gin
minuscule variations are overshadowed by the appearance of the predominant features popularly known as "Ginebra San Miguel". LTI filed case for injunction and damages
mentioned hereinabove. against Cagayan Valley for using the 350 c.c., white flint bottles with the mark "La
Thus, with the predominance of the letter "M," and prefixes "Mac/Mc" found Tondeña Inc." and "Ginebra San Miguel" stamped or blown-in therein by filling the same
in both marks, the inevitable conclusion is there is confusing similarity between the with Cagayan's liquor product bearing the label "Sonny Boy" for commercial sale and
trademarks Mc Donald’s marks and "MACJOY AND DEVICE" especially considering the fact distribution, without LTI's written consent and in violation of Section 2 of Republic Act No.
that both marks are being used on almost the same products falling under Classes 29 and 623, and for the issuance of a writ of preliminary injunction.
30 of the International Classification of Goods i.e. Food and ingredients of food. The court a quo issued a temporary restraining order against Cagayan and its officers
and employees from using the 350 c.c. bottles with the marks "La Tondeña" and "Ginebra
San Miguel."


Cagayan, in its answer, alleged the following defenses: bottles, boxes, casks and other similar containers. The mere use of registered bottles or
1. LTI has no cause of action due to its failure to comply with the giving of notice that containers without the written consent of the manufacturer is prohibited, the only
its aforesaid marks are registered by displaying and printing the words "Registered exceptions being when they are used as containers for "sisi," bagoong," "patis" and
in the Phil. Patent Office" or "Reg Phil. Pat. Off.," hence no suit, civil or criminal, can similar native products.
be filed against Cagayan; It is an admitted fact that herein petitioner Cagayan buys from junk dealers and
2. LTI is not entitled to any protection because its products, consisting of hard liquor, retailers bottles which bear the marks or names La Tondeña Inc." and "Ginebra San
are not among those contemplated therein. Miguel" and uses them as containers for its own liquor products.
3. No reservation of ownership on its bottles was made by LTI in its sales invoices nor The contention of Cagayan that the aforementioned bottles without the words
does it require any deposit for the retention of said bottles; and "property of" indicated thereon are not the registered bottles of LTI, since they do not
4. There was no infringement of the goods or products of LTI since Cagayan uses its conform with the statement or description in the supporting affidavits attached to the
own labels and trademark on its product. original registration certificate and renewal, is untenable.
HELD: Republic Act No. 623 which governs the registration of marked bottles and
The pertinent provisions of Republic Act No. 623, as amended by Republic Act No. containers merely requires that the bottles, in order to be eligible for registration, must
5700, provides: be stamped or marked with the names of the manufacturers or the names of their
SECTION 1. Persons engaged or licensed to engage in the manufacture, bottling, principals or products, or other marks of ownership. No drawings or labels are required
or selling of soda water, mineral or aerated waters, cider, milk, cream or other lawful but, instead, two photographs of the container, duly signed by the applicant, showing
beverages in bottles, boxes, casks, kegs, or barrels and other similar containers, or clearly and legibly the names and other marks of ownership sought to be registered and
in the manufacturing, compressing or selling of gases such as oxygen, acytelene, a bottle showing the name or other mark or ownership, irremovably stamped or marked,
nitrogen, carbon dioxide ammonia, hydrogen, chloride, helium, sulphur, dioxide, shall be submitted.
butane, propane, freon, melthyl chloride or similar gases contained in steel cylinders, The term "Name or Other Mark of Ownership" means the name of the applicant or
tanks, flasks, accumulators or similar containers, with the name or the names of their the name of his principal, or of the product, or other mark of ownership. The second set
principals or products, or other marks of ownership stamped or marked thereon, of bottles of LTI without the words "property of" substantially complied with the
may register with the Philippine Patent Office a description of the names or marks, requirements of Republic Act No. 623, as amended, since they bear the name of the
and the purpose for which the containers so marked and used by them, under the principal, La Tondeña Inc., and of its product, Ginebra San Miguel. The omitted words 74
same conditions, rules, and regulations, made applicable by law or regulation to the "property of" are not of such vital indispensability such that the omission thereof will
issuance of trademarks. remove the bottles from the protection of the law. The owner of a trade-mark or trade-
SEC. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person, without the written consent of the name, and in this case the marked containers, does not abandon it by making minor
manufacturer, bottler, or seller, who has succesfully registered the marks of modifications in the mark or name itself. 13 With much more reason will this be true where
ownership in accordance with the provisions of the next preceding section, to fill what is involved is the mere omission of the words "property of" since even without said
such bottles, boxes, kegs, barrels, steel cylinders, tanks, flasks, accumulators or other words the ownership of the bottles is easily Identifiable. The words "La Tondeña Inc." and
similar containers so marked or stamped, for the purpose of sale, or to sell, disposed "Ginebra San Miguel" stamped on the bottles, even without the words "property of," are
of, buy or traffic in, or wantonly destroy the same, whether filled or not, to use the sufficient notice to the public that those bottles so marked are owned by LTI.
same, for drinking vessels or glasses or drain pipes, foundation pipes, for any other The claim of petitioner that hard liquor is not included under the term "other lawful
purpose than that registered by the manufacturer, bottler or seller. Any violation of beverages" as provided in Section I of Republic Act No. 623, as amended by Republic Act
this section shall be punished by a fine of not more than one thousand pesos or No. 5700, is without merit. he words "other lawful beverages" is used in its general sense,
imprisonment of not more than one year or both. referring to all beverages not prohibited by law. Beverage is defined as a liquor or liquid
SEC. 3. The use by any person other than the registered manufacturer, bottler for drinking. Hard liquor, although regulated, is not prohibited by law, hence it is within
or seller, without written permission of the latter of any such bottle, cask, barrel, the purview and coverage of Republic Act No. 623, as amended.
keg, box, steel cylinders, tanks, flask, accumulators, or other similar containers, or The failure to give notice of registration will not deprive the aggrieved party of a
the possession thereof without written permission of the manufacturer, by any junk cause of action against the infringer but, at the most, such failure may bar recovery of
dealer or dealer in casks, barrels, kegs boxes, steel cylinders, tanks, flasks, damages but only under the provisions of Republic Act No. 166.
accumulators or other similar containers, the same being duly marked or stamped Section 3 of Republic Act No. 623 creates a prima facie presumption against Cagayan
and registered as herein provided, shall give rise to a prima facie presumption that for its unlawful use of the bottles registered in the name of LTI. Corollarily, the writ of
such use or possession is unlawful. injunction directing petitioner to desist from using the subject bottles was properly issued
The above-quoted provisions grant protection to a qualified manufacturer who by the trial court. Hence, said writ could not be simply disregarded by Cagayan without
successfully registered with the Philippine Patent Office its duly stamped or marked adducing proof sufficient to overcome the aforesaid presumption.


Also, petitioner can be adjudged guilty of contempt and imposed a sanction in this tanks, flasks, accumulators or similar containers, with their names or the names of
appeal since it is a cherished rule of procedure for this Court to always strive to settle the their principals or products, or other marks of ownership stamped or marked
entire controversy in a single proceeding, We so impose such penalty concordant with thereon, may register with the Philippine Patent Office a description of the names
the preservative principle and as demanded by the respect due the orders, writs and or marks, and the purpose for which the containers so marked are used by them,
processes of the courts of justice. under the same conditions, rules, and regulations, made applicable by law or
regulation to the issuance of trademarks.
22) Distilleria Washington v. CA, 263 SCRA 303, G.R. No. 120961 [17 October 1996] Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person, without the written consent of the
The initiatory suit was instituted for manual delivery with damages by La Tondeña, manufacturer, bottler, or seller, who has successfully registered the marks of
against Distilleria Washington. LTDI, under a claim of ownership, sought to seize from ownership in accordance with the provisions of the next preceding section, to fill
Distilleria Washington 18,157 empty "350 c.c. white flint bottles" bearing the blown-in such bottles, boxes, kegs, barrels, steel cylinders, tanks, flasks, accumulators, or
marks of "La Tondeña Inc." and "Ginebra San Miguel." other similar containers so marked or stamped, for the purpose of sale, or to sell,
The court issued an order of replevin for the seizure of the empty gin bottles from dispose of, buy or traffic in, or wantonly destroy the same, whether filled or not to
Washington. These bottles, it was averred, were being used by Washington for its own use the same for drinking vessels or glasses or drain pipes, foundation pipes, for any
"Gin Seven" products without the consent of LTDI. other purpose than that registered by the manufacturer, bottler or seller. Any
LTDI asserted that, being the owner and registrant of the bottles, it was entitled to violation of this section shall be punished by a fine of not more than one thousand
the protection so extended by R.A. 623, notwithstanding its sale of the Ginebra San pesos or imprisonment of not more than one year or both.
Miguel gin product contained in said bottles. Sec. 3. The use by any person other than the registered manufacturer, bottler or
Washington countered that R.A. No. 623, invoked by LTDI, should not apply to gin, seller, without written permission of the latter of any such bottle, cask, barrel, keg,
an alcoholic beverage which is unlike that of "soda water, mineral or aerated water, box, steel cylinders, tanks, flask, accumulators, or other similar containers, or the
ciders, milks, cream, or other lawful beverages" mentioned in the law, and that, in any possession thereof without written permission of the manufacturer, by any junk
case, ownership of the bottles should, considering the attendant facts and circumstances, dealer or dealer in casks, barrels, kegs, boxes, steel cylinders, tanks, flasks,
be held lawfully transferred to the buyers upon the sale of the gin and containers at a accumulators or other similar containers, the same being duly marked or stamped
single price. and registered as herein provided, shall give rise to a prima facie presumption that
Washington is now before this Court assailing the reversal of the trial court's such use or possession is unlawful. 4 75
decision. In its petition, Washington points out that —
(a) 4.00.a. Under the undisputed facts, petitioner is the lawful HELD: Court sees no cogent reason for either departing from or changing the basic rule it
owner of the personal properties (18,157 empty bottles) involved in laid down in Cagayan Valley Enterprises, Inc., vs. Court of Appeals.
the petition. Respondent LTDI is precluded by law from claiming the The Court has there held: The above-quoted provisions grant protection to a
same; qualified manufacturer who successfully registered with the Philippine Patent Office its
(b) 4.00.b. The decision and resolution appealed from violate duly stamped or marked bottles, boxes, casks and other similar containers. The mere use
equity and applicable canons in the interpretation and construction of registered bottles or containers without the written consent of the manufacturer is
of statutes; and prohibited, the only exceptions being when they are used as containers for "sisi,"
(c) 4.00.c. Liquor products are not covered by Republic Act. No. "bagoong," "patis" and similar native products.
623. The holding of the Court in Cagayan Valley Enterprises, Inc. vs. It is an admitted fact that herein petitioner Cagayan buys form junk dealers and
Honorable Court of Appeals, 179 SCRA 218 [1989] should be reviewed retailers bottles which bear the marks or names "La Tondeña, Inc." and "Ginebra San
and reconsidered in light of the Constitution and House Bill No. Miguel" and uses them as containers for its own liquor products. The contention of
20585. 3 Cagayan that the aforementioned bottles without the words "properly of" indicated
It is a fact that R.A. No. 623 extends trademark protection in the use of containers thereon are not the registered bottles of LTI, since they do not conform with the
duly registered with the Philippine Patent Office. The pertinent provisions of R.A. 623, as statement or description in the supporting affidavits attached to the original registration
amended, so reads: certificate and renewal, is untenable.
Sec. 1. Persons engaged or licensed to engage in the manufacture, bottling, or Republic Act No. 623 which governs the registration of marked bottles and
selling of soda water, mineral or aerated waters, cider, milk, cream or other lawful containers merely requires that the bottles, in order to be eligible for registration, must
beverages in bottles, boxes, casks, kegs, or barrels, and other similar containers, or be stamped or marked with the names of the manufacturers or the names of their
in the manufacture, compressing or selling of gases such as oxygen, acetylene, principals or products, or other marks of ownership. No drawings or labels are required
nitrogen, carbon dioxide, ammonia, hydrogen, chloride, helium, sulphur dioxide, but, instead, two photographs of the container, duly signed by the applicant, showing
butane, propane, freon, methyl chloride or similar gases contained in steel cylinders, clearly and legibly the names and other marks of ownership sought to be registered and


a bottle showing the name or other mark or ownership, irremovably stamped or marked, specifically so provided" is not a rule of proscription. It is a rule of construction that, in
shall be submitted. keeping with the spirit and intent of the law, establishes at best a presumption (of non-
The claim of petitioner that hard liquor is not included under the term "other lawful conveyance of the container) and which by no means can be taken to be either
beverages” is without merit. Beverage is defined as a liquor or liquid for drinking. Hard interdictive or conclusive in character. Upon the other hand, LTDI's sales invoice,
liquor, although regulated, is not prohibited by law, hence it is within the purview and stipulating that the "sale does not include the bottles with the blown-in marks of
coverage of Republic Act No. 623, as amended. ownership of La Tondeña Distillers," cannot affect those who are not privies thereto.
Given the nature of the action in Cagayan, as well as its factual milieu, the Court While it may be unwarranted then for LTDI to simply seize the empty containers,
indeed hardly has had a choice but to sustain the registrant's right to the injunctive writ this Court finds it to be legally absurd, however, to still allow petitioner to recover the
against the unauthorized use of its containers. possession thereof. The fact of the matter is that R.A. 623, as amended, in affording
The case before us, however, goes beyond just seeking to have such use stopped but trademark protection to the registrant, has additionally expressed a prima facie
it so takes on even the ownership issue as well. Parenthetically, petitioner is not here presumption of illegal use by a possessor whenever such use or possession is without the
being charged with a violation of Section 2 of R.A. No. 623 or of the Trademark Law. The written permission of the registered manufacturer, a provision that is neither arbitrary
instant suit is one for replevin (manual delivery) where the claimant must be able to nor without appropriate rationale. Indeed, the appellate court itself has made a finding
show convincingly that he is either the owner or clearly entitled to the possession of of such unauthorized use by petitioner.
the object sought to be recovered. Replevin is a possessory action the gist of which The Court sees no other logical purpose for petitioner's insistence to keep the
focuses on the right of possession that, in turn, is dependent on a legal basis that, not bottles, except for such continued use. The practical and feasible alternative is to
infrequently, looks to the ownership of the object sought to be replevied. merely require the payment of just compensation to petitioner for the bottles seized
It is to be pointed out that a trademark refers to a word, name, symbol, emblem, from it by LTDI.
sign or device or any combination thereof adopted and used by a merchant to identify, Conventional wisdom, along with equity and justice to both parties, dictates it.
and distinguish from others, his goods of commerce. It is basically an intellectual creation
that is susceptible to ownership and, consistently therewith, gives rise to its own elements 23) Distilleria Washington v. La Tondena, 280 SCRA 116, G.R. No. 120961 [2 October
of jus posidendi, jus utendi, jus fruendi, jus disponendi, and jus abutendi, along with the 1997]
applicable jus lex, comprising that ownership. ISSUE: WON petitioner as the owner over the bottles seized from it by replevin,
The incorporeal right, however, is distinct from the property in the material object has the right to their possession and use as attributes of ownership, unless their use 76
subject to it. Ownership in one does not necessarily vest ownership in the other. Thus, violates the trademark or incorporeal rights accorded private respondent by R.A. 623
the transfer or assignment of the intellectual property will not necessarily constitute a which has not really been established in this case. (YES)
conveyance of the thing it covers, nor would a conveyance of the latter imply the To recall, La Tondeña Distillers filed for the recovery, under its claim of ownership,
transfer or assignment of the intellectual right. of possession or replevin against Distilleria Washington of 18,157 empty "350 c.c. white
R.A. No. 623 evidently does not disallow the sale or transfer of ownership of the flint bottles" bearing the blown-in marks of "La Tondeña Inc." and "Ginebra San Miguel,"
marked bottles or containers. In fact, no action shall be brought under this Act against averring that Distilleria Washington was using the bottles for its own "Gin Seven" products
any person to whom the registered manufacturer, bottler or seller, has transferred by without the consent of Distilleria Washington in violation of Republic Act 623.
way of sale, any of the containers herein referred to, but the sale of the beverage The trial court in its decision dismissed the complaint, upholding Distilleria
contained in the said containers shall not include the sale of the containers unless Washington's contention that a purchaser of liquor pays only a single price for the liquor
specifically so provided. The provisions of this Act shall not be interpreted as prohibiting and the bottle and is not required to return the bottle at any time. CA reversed, ruling
the use of bottles as containers for "sisi," "bagoong," "patis," and similar native products. that the use of marked bottles by any person other than the manufacturer, bottler or
Scarcely disputed are certain and specific industry practices in the sale of gin: seller, without the latter's written consent, is unlawful. It emphasized that the marks of
The manufacturer sells the product in marked containers, through dealers, to the La Tondeña's ownership stamped or blown-in to the bottles are sufficient notice to the
public in supermarkets, grocery shops, retail stores and other sales outlets. The buyer public that the bottles are La Tondeña's property; hence, Distilleria Washington cannot
takes the item; he is neither required to return the bottle nor required to make a deposit be considered a purchaser in good faith.
to assure its return to the seller. He could return the bottle and get a refund. A number While our decision affirmed with modification the Court of Appeals' decision, we at
of bottles at times find their way to commercial users. least implicitly acknowledged that there was a valid transfer of the bottles to Distilleria
It cannot be gainsaid that ownership of the containers does pass on to the Washington, except that its possession of the bottles without the written consent of La
consumer albeit subject to the statutory limitation on the use of the registered Tondeña gives rise to a prima facie presumption of illegal use under R.A. 623.
containers and to the trademark right of the registrant. In seeking reconsideration of the decision of this Court, petitioner advances, among
The statement in Section 5 of R.A. 623 to the effect that the "sale of beverage others, the following arguments:
contained in the said containers shall not include the sale of the containers unless


(1) Since the right of ownership over the bottles gives rise, according to the Court's registered as herein provided, shall give rise to a prima facie presumption that such use
own language, to its own elements of jus posidendi, jus utendi, jus fruendi, jus or possession is unlawful.
disponendi, and jus abutendi, along with the applicable jus lex, to allow La xxx xxx xxx
Tondeña to keep the bottles is to deny Distilleria Washington, the very Sec. 5. No action shall be brought under this Act (emphasis supplied) against any
attributes or elements of its ownership. person to whom the registered manufacturer, bottler or seller, has transferred by way of
(2) It is absurd to hold the buyer such as Distilleria Washington, liable for the sale, (emphasis supplied) any of the containers herein referred to, but the sale of the
possession and use of its own bottles without the written consent of La beverage contained in the said containers shall not include the sale of the containers
Tondeña who is no longer the owner thereof and for which it has received unless specifically so provided.
payment in full. In resolving that petitioner is the owner of the bottles, this Court applied Section 5
(3) To hold the buyer liable under Sections 2 and 3 would grant La Tondeña the of R.A. 623; and in withholding possession of the bottles from the petitioner and in
extraordinary right not only of possession and use of the bottles which it has concluding that use or possession thereof without the written permission of the
sold and no longer owns, but also to sell said bottles ad infinitum, thus enriching registered owner would constitute prima facie presumption of illegal use, this Court
itself unjustly. invoked Sections 2 and 3 of the same law.
(4) It is manifestly unjust and unconscionable that millions of buyers of Ginebra San A careful reading of Sections 2, 3 and 5 of R.A. 623 would lead to the conclusion that
Miguel, who pay not only for the gin but also for the bottles containing it should they contemplate situations separate and distinct from each other. Section 2 prohibits
run the risk of criminal prosecution by the mere fact of possession of the empty any person from using, selling or otherwise disposing of registered containers without
bottles after consuming the liquor. the written consent of the registrant. Such rights belong exclusively to the registrant.
HELD: Under Section 3, mere possession of such registered containers without the written
La Tondeña not only sold its gin products but also the marked bottles or containers, consent of the registrant isprima facie presumed unlawful.
as well. And when these products were transferred by way of sale, then ownership over It appears — and this is the critical point — that Sections 2 and 3 apply only when
the bottles and all its attributes (jus utendi, jus abutendi, just fruendi, jus disponendi) the "filling" up of the bottle or the "use" of the bottle is "without the written
passed to the buyer. It necessarily follows that the transferee has the right to possession permission" of the "registered manufacturer, bottler, or seller," who has registered the
of the bottles unless he uses them in violation of the original owner's registered or marks of "ownership" of the bottles. It is thus implicit that Sections 2 and 3 apply only
incorporeal rights. when the "registered manufacturer, bottler, or seller" retain ownership of the bottles. 77
After practically saying that La Tondeña has surrendered ownership and Upon the other hand, when the bottles have been "transferred by way of sale,"
consequently, possession of the marked bottles or container, it is incongruous and, Section 5 applies, thereby precluding the institution of any action "under this Act,"
certainly, it does not seem fair and just to still allow La Tondeña, citing the prima meaning to say, any action under Sections 2 and 3.
facie presumption of illegal use under Sec. 3 of R.A. 623., to retain possession of the seized The general rule on ownership, therefore, must apply and petitioner be allowed to
bottles by simply requiring payment of just compensation to petitioner. enjoy all the rights of an owner in regard the bottles in question, to wit:
The pertinent provisions of R.A. 623 are as follows: (a) the jus utendi or the right to receive from the thing what it produces;
Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person, without the written consent of the (b) the jus abutendi or the right to consume the thing by its use;
manufacturer, bottler, or seller(emphasis supplied) who has successfully registered the (c) the jus disponendi or the power of the owner to alienate, encumber,
marks of ownership in accordance with the provisions of the next preceding section, to transform and even destroy the thing owned; and
fill such bottles, boxes, kegs, barrels, steel cylinders, tanks, flasks, accumulators, or other (d) the jus vindicandi or the right to exclude from the possession of the
similar containers so marked or stamped, for the purpose of sale, or to sell, dispose of, thing owned any other person to whom the owner has not
buy or traffic in, or wantonly destroy the same, whether filled or not to use the same for transmitted such thing.
drinking vessels or glasses or drain pipes, foundation pipers, for any other purpose than What is proscribed is the use of the bottles in infringement of another's trademark
that registered by the manufacturer, bottler or seller. Any violation of this section shall or incorporeal rights.
be punished by a fine of not more than one thousand pesos or imprisonment of not more Since the Court has found that the bottles have been transferred by way of sale,
than one year or both. then La Tondeña has relinquished all its proprietary rights over the bottles in favor of
Sec. 3. The use by any person other than the registered manufacturer, bottler or Distilleria Washington who has obtained them in due course.
seller, without written permission of the latter (emphasis supplied) of any such bottle, Now as owner, it can exercise all attributes of ownership over the bottles.
cask, barrel, keg, box, steel cylinders, tanks, flask, accumulators, or other similar This is the import of the decision that La Tondeña had transferred ownership over
containers, or the possession thereof without written permission of the manufacturer, by its marked bottles or containers when it sold its gin products to the public.
any junk dealer or dealer in casks, barrels, keg, boxes, steel cylinders, tanks, flask, While others may argue that Section 5 is applicable only to the immediate transferee
accumulators or other similar containers, the same being duly marked or stamped and of the marked bottles or container, this matter is best discussed where the applicability


of Sec. 5, R.A. 623 is squarely raised. It must be recalled, however, that this is a case of petitioner because it is quite clear that respondent falls within the exemption granted in
replevin, not a violation of the "trademark protection of the registrant" under R.A. 623 or Sec. 6 which states: "The provisions of this Act shall not be interpreted as prohibiting the
of the Trademark Law. use of bottles as containers for "sisi," "bagoong," "patis," and similar native products."
We cannot also be oblivious of the fact that if La Tondeña's thesis Obviously, the contention of TWIN ACE that the exemption refers only to criminal
that every possession of the bottles without the requisite written consent is illegal, liability but not to civil liability is without merit. It is inconceivable that an act specifically
thousands upon thousands of buyers of Ginebra San Miguel would be exposed to criminal allowed by law, in other words legal, can be the subject of injunctive relief and damages.
prosecution by the mere fact of possession of the empty bottles after consuming the Besides, the interpretation offered by petitioner defeats the very purpose for which the
content. exemption was provided.
Republic Act No. 623 was meant to protect the intellectual property rights of the
24) Twin Ace Holdings v. CA, 280 SCRA 884, G.R. No. 123248 [16 October 1997] registrants of the containers and prevent unfair trade practices and fraud on the public.
TWIN ACE is a manufacturer, distiller and bottler of distillery products, e.g., rhum, However, the exemption granted in Sec. 6 thereof was deemed extremely necessary
gin, brandy, whiskey, vodka, liquor and cordial under the name and style of Tanduay to provide assistance and incentive to the backyard, cottage and small-scale
Distillers, Inc. (TANDUAY). manufacturers of indigenous native products such as patis, sisi and toyo who do not have
Lorenzana, on the other hand, manufactures and exports processed foods and other the capital to buy brand new bottles as containers nor afford to pass the added cost to
related products, e.g., patis, toyo, bagoong, vinegar and other food seasonings. the majority of poor Filipinos who use the products as their daily condiments or viands.
TWIN ACE filed a complaint for replevin to recover 380,000 bottles of 350 ml., 375 If the contention of petitioner is accepted, i.e., to construe the exemption as to apply
ml, and 750 ml. allegedly owned by it but detained and used by LORENZANA as containers to criminal liability only but not to civil liability, the very purpose for which the exemption
for native products without its express permission, in violation of RA No. 623. This law was granted will be defeated. None of the small-scale manufacturers of the indigenous
prohibits the use of registered bottles and other containers for any purpose other than native products protected would possibly wish to use the registered bottles if they are
that for which they were registered without the express permission of the owner. vulnerable to civil suits. The effect is a virtual elimination of the clear and unqualified
LORENZANA moved to dismiss the complaint on the ground that RA No. 623 could exemption embodied in Sec. 6.
not be invoked by TWIN ACE because the law contemplated containers of non-alcoholic Petitioner cannot seek refuge in Sec. 5 12 of RA No. 623 to support its claim of
beverages only. But, assuming arguendo that the law applied in TWIN ACE's favor, the continuing ownership over the subject bottles. Since the purchaser at his discretion could
right of LORENZANA to use the bottles as containers for its patis and other native products either retain or return the bottles, the transaction must be regarded as a sale of the 78
was expressly sanctioned by Sec. 6 3 of the same law. bottles when the purchaser actually exercised that discretion and decided not to return
RTC dismissed the complaint. TWIN ACE appealed but CA affirmed the action of the them to the vendor.
trial court. It held that while bottles and containers of alcoholic beverages were indeed We also take judicial notice of the standard practice today that the cost of the
covered within the protective mantle of RA No. 623, as correctly argued by TWIN ACE, container is included in the selling price of the product such that the buyer of liquor or
nevertheless the Supreme Court expressly recognized the exception granted in Sec. 6 any such product from any store is not required to return the bottle nor is the liquor
thereof to those who used the bottles as containers for sisi, bagoong, patis and other placed in a plastic container that possession of the bottle is retained by the store.
native products. Hence, no injunctive relief and damages could be obtained against
LORENZANA for exercising what was precisely allowed by the law. b) Unfair Competition
TWIN ACE contends that Sec. 6 notwithstanding, respondent LORENZANA is obliged • Sec. 168 Unfair Competition, Rights, Regulation and Remedies. –
to pay just compensation for the use of the subject bottles because Sec. 6 exempts the 168.1. A person who has identified in the mind of the public the goods he
user from criminal sanction only but does not shield him from civil liability arising from manufactures or deals in, his business or services from those of others, whether or
the use of the registered bottles without the express consent of the registered owner. not a registered mark is employed, has a property right in the goodwill of the said
Such civil liability arises from the fact that Sec. 5 of RA No 623 expressly reserves for the goods, business or services so identified, which will be protected in the same
registered owner the ownership of the containers notwithstanding the sale of the manner as other property rights.
beverage contained therein. 168.2. Any person who shall employ deception or any other means contrary to
Private respondent, on the other hand, contends that petitioner's bottles used as good faith by which he shall pass off the goods manufactured by him or in which
containers for hard liquor are not protected by RA No. 623. But even assuming the he deals, or his business, or services for those of the one having established such
applicability of the law, LORENZANA invokes the exemption granted in Sec. 6 thereof. goodwill, or who shall commit any acts calculated to produce said result, shall be
HELD: guilty of unfair competition, and shall be subject to an action therefor.
Hard liquor, although regulated, is not prohibited by law, hence, still within the 168.3. In particular, and without in any way limiting the scope of protection
purview of the phrase "other lawful beverages" protected by RA No. 623, as amended. against unfair competition, the following shall be deemed guilty of unfair
But while we adopt the foregoing precedent, we will not decide this case in favor of competition:


(a) Any person, who is selling his goods and gives them the general nevertheless stressed that this was only for the purpose of complying with the requirement of
appearance of goods of another manufacturer or dealer, either as trademark registration with the Philippine Patent Office.
to the goods themselves or in the wrapping of the packages in which He cited Rules of Practice on Trademark Cases, which requires that the mark applied for be
they are contained, or the devices or words thereon, or in any other used on applicant's goods for at least sixty (60) days prior to the filing of the trademark
feature of their appearance, which would be likely to influence application and that the applicant must show substantial investment in the use of the mark.
purchasers to believe that the goods offered are those of a He also disclosed that UNIVERSAL applied for registration with the Patent Office.
manufacturer or dealer, other than the actual manufacturer or As a retaliatory move, Sehwani and UNIVERSAL filed a civil case for damages against
dealer, or who otherwise clothes the goods with such appearance PRO LINE and QUESTOR for what they perceived as the wrongful and malicious filing of the
as shall deceive the public and defraud another of his legitimate criminal action for unfair competition against them, charging that PRO LINE and QUESTOR
trade, or any subsequent vendor of such goods or any agent of any maliciously and without legal basis committed the following acts to their damage and
vendor engaged in selling such goods with a like purpose; prejudice:
(b) Any person who by any artifice, or device, or who employs any other (a) procuring the issuance by the Pasig trial court of Search Warrant;
means calculated to induce the false belief that such person is (b) procuring an order authorizing the sealing and padlocking of UNIVERSAL's machineries
offering the services of another who has identified such services in and equipment resulting in the paralyzation and virtual closure of its operations;
the mind of the public; or (c) securing a TRO to prevent the implementation of the trial court's order which authorized
(c) Any person who shall make any false statement in the course of the lifting of the seal and padlock on the subject machineries and equipment to allow
trade or who shall commit any other act contrary to good faith of a UNIVERSAL to resume operations;
nature calculated to discredit the goods, business or services of (d) securing a TRO against the CA and charging the latter with grave abuse of discretion for
another. holding that the order was judiciously issued, thus prolonging the continued closure of
168.4. The remedies provided by Sections 156, 157 and 161 shall apply mutatis UNIVERSAL's business;
mutandis. (Sec. 29, R.A. No. 166a) (e) initiating the criminal prosecution of Sehwani for unfair competition; and,
Sui generis – common law in origin “passing off” (f) appealing the order of acquittal in Crim. Case directly to the Supreme Court with no other
Difference between trademark infringement and unfair competition purpose than to delay the proceedings of the case and prolong the wrongful invasion of
UNIVERSAL's rights and interests. 79
• Sec. 232, IPC – SAME
PRO LINE and QUESTOR denied all the allegations in the complaint and filed a
Difference between Infringement and Unfair Competition counterclaim for damages based mainly on the unauthorized and illegal manufacture by
UNIVERSAL of athletic balls bearing the trademark "Spalding." The trial court granted the claim
1) Del Monte Corporation v. CA, 181 SCRA 410 – same
of UNIVERSAL declaring that the series of acts complained of were "instituted with improper,
2) Pro Line Sports Center v. CA, 281 SCRA 162, G.R. No. 118192 [23 October 1997]
malicious, capricious motives and without sufficient justification." It ordered PRO LINE and
a) whether Sehwani and UNIVERSAL are entitled to recover damages for
QUESTOR jointly and severally to pay UNIVERSAL and Sehwani actual and compensatory
the alleged wrongful recourse to court proceedings by petitioners PRO
damages, moral damages, exemplary damages and attorney's fees.
HELD: PRO LINE and QUESTOR cannot be adjudged liable for damages for the alleged
b) whether petitioners counterclaim should be sustained. (NO)
unfounded suit.
QUESTOR, a US-based corporation, became the owner of the trademark "Spalding" appearing
The complainants were unable to prove two (2) essential element of the crime of
in sporting goods, implements and apparatuses. While PRO LINE, a domestic corporation, is
malicious prosecution, namely, absence of probable cause and legal malice on the part of
the exclusive distributor of "Spalding" sports products in the Philippines. UNIVERSAL is a
domestic corporation engaged in the sale and manufacture of sporting goods. A criminal case
UNIVERSAL failed to show that the filing of Crim. Case was bereft of probable cause. In the
for unfair competition was filed by Pro Line and Questor against Sehwani, president of
case before us, then Minister of Justice found probable cause when he reversed the Fiscal who
Universal. The complaint was dropped for the reason that it was doubtful whether QUESTOR
initially dismissed the complaint and directed him instead to file the corresponding
had indeed acquired the registration rights over the mark "Spalding" from A.G. Spalding Bros.,
Information for unfair competition against private respondents herein.
Inc., and complainants failed to adduce an actual receipt for the sale of "Spalding" balls by
The intent on the part of Universal Sports to deceive the public and to defraud a
UNIVERSAL. In that case Sehwani was exonerated. The dismissal became final and executory
competitor by the use of the trademark "Spalding" on basketballs and volleyballs seems
with the entry of judgment.
apparent. Sehwani should have known of the prior registration of the trademark "Spalding" on
In connection with the criminal complaint for unfair competition, the Minister of
basketballs and volleyballs when he filed the application for registration of the same trademark
Justice issued a Resolution ordering the filing of an Information for unfair competition against
in behalf of Universal. He was even notified by the Patent Office that "Spalding" was duly
Sehwani. The Information was accordingly filed. Sehwani pleaded not guilty to the charge. But,
while he admitted to having manufactured "Spalding" basketballs and volleyballs, he
registered with said office in connection with sporting goods, implements and apparatus by why we now hold that the final judgment rendered therein constitutes a bar to the present
A.G. Spalding. counterclaim for damages based upon the same cause.
That Universal has been selling these allegedly misbranded "Spalding" balls has been
controverted by the firms allegedly selling the goods. However, there is sufficient proof that 3) Universal Rubber Products v. CA, 130 SCRA 104, G.R. No. L-30266 [29 June 1984] –
Universal manufactured balls with the trademark "Spalding" as admitted by Monico himself same
and as shown by the goods confiscated by virtue of the search warrant. 4) Converse Rubber Corp. v. Jacinto Rubber and Plastic Co., 97 SCRA 158 [1980]
Either a seller or a manufacturer of imitation goods may be liable for violation of This is an action for unfair competition.
Section 29 of Rep. Act No. 166. Converse Rubber is an American Corporation, manufacturer of canvas rubber shoes under
The existence of probable cause for unfair competition by UNIVERSAL is derivable the trade name "Converse Chuck Taylor All Star" in the Philippines, it has an exclusive licensee,
from the facts and circumstances of the case. The affidavit of a former employee of Edwardson for the manufacture and sale in the Philippines of its product.
UNIVERSAL, attesting to the illegal sale and manufacture of "Spalding " balls and seized Converse is the owner of trademarks and patent, registered with United States Patent
"Spalding" products and instruments from UNIVERSAL's factory was sufficient prima Office, covering the words. "All Star", the representation and design of a five-pointed star, and
facie evidence to warrant the prosecution of private respondents. That a corporation other the design of the sole. The trademark "Chuck Taylor" was registered by Converse. "Chuck
than the certified owner of the trademark is engaged in the unauthorized manufacture of Taylor" has been used exclusively by Philippine basketball teams competing in international
products bearing the same trademark engenders a reasonable belief that a criminal offense competitions.
for unfair competition is being committed. Jacinto Rubber, a local corporation, manufactures and sells canvas rubber shoes. It sells
PRO LINE and QUESTOR could not have been moved by legal malice in instituting its product under the trade names "Custombuilt Viscount", "Custombuilt Challenger", and
the criminal complaint for unfair competition which led to the filing of the Information "Custombuilt Jayson's". Its trademark "Custombuilt Jayson's" was registered.
against Sehwani. A resort to judicial processes is not per se evidence of ill will upon which a Converse and Jacinto entered into protracted negotiations for a licensing agreement
claim for damages may be based. A contrary rule would discourage peaceful recourse to the whereby Jacinto would be the exclusive license of plaintiff Converse in the Philippines for the
courts of justice and induce resort to methods less than legal, and perhaps even violent. manufacture and sale of "Chuck Taylor" shoes but with the right to continue manufacturing
PRO LINE as the authorized agent of QUESTOR exercised sound judgment in taking and selling its own products. After an extensive discussion, Jacinto gave into to the demand of
the necessary legal steps to safeguard the interest of its principal with respect to the trademark plaintiff Converse; it submitted to Converse for the latter's approval a sketch of a new design
in question. If the process resulted in the closure and padlocking of UNIVERSAL's factory and for "Custombuilt". This design was accepted by plaintiff Converse. 80
the cessation of its business operations, these were unavoidable consequences of Jacinto Rubber then proposed that the licensing agreement be made in favor of its
petitioners' valid and lawful exercise of their right. One who makes use of his own legal right affiliates, defendant Ace Rubber. Ace Rubber signed the licensing agreement while Jacinto
does no injury. Rubber signed the guarantee agreement to secure the performance by defendant Ace Rubber
The law brands business practices which are unfair, unjust or deceitful not only as of its obligations under the licensing agreement. However, the licensing agreement did not
contrary to public policy but also as inimical to private interests. materialize, because Jacinto refused to sign the guarantee.
Arguably, respondents' act may constitute unfair competition even if the element Converse and Edwardson then executed licensing agreement, making Edwardson the
of selling has not been proved. To hold that the act of selling is an indispensable element of exclusive Philippine licensee for the manufacture and sale of "Chuck Taylor." Converse sent a
the crime of unfair competition is illogical because if the law punishes the seller of imitation written demand to defendants to stop manufacturing and selling "Custombuilt" shoes of
goods, then with more reason should the law penalize the manufacturer. Identical appearance as "Chuck Taylor". Defendants did not reply to plaintiffs' letter. Hence,
In this case, it was observed by the Minister of Justice that the manufacture of the this suit.
"Spalding" balls was obviously done to deceive would-be buyers. The projected sale would Plaintiffs contend that "Custombuilt" shoes are Identical in design and General
have pushed through were it not for the timely seizure of the goods made by the NBI. That appearance to "Chuck Taylor" and, claiming prior Identification of "Chuck Taylor" in the mind
there was intent to sell or distribute the product to the public cannot also be disputed given of the buying public in the Philippines, they contend that defendants are guilty of unfair
the number of goods manufactured and the nature of the machinery and other equipment competition by selling "Custombuilt" of the design and with the general appearance of
installed in the factory. "Chuck Taylor".
In an acquittal on the ground that an essential element of the crime was not proved, Defendants insist that
it is fundamental that the accuse cannot be held criminally nor civilly liable for the offense. (1) there is no similarity in design and general appearance between "Custombuilt" and
Although the New Civil Code authorizes the filing of a civil action separate and distinct from "Chuck Taylor", pointing out that "Custombuilt" is readily Identifiable by the
the criminal proceedings, the right of petitioners to institute the same is not unfettered. Civil tradename "Custombuilt" appearing on the ankle patch, the heel patch, and on the
liability arising from the crime is deemed instituted and determined in the criminal proceedings sole.
where the offended party did not waive nor reserve his right to institute it separately. This is


(2) the registration of defendant Jacinto Rubber's trademark "Custombuilt" being prior 35% to 75% of defendants' total sales after they incorporated in their product the design and
to the registration in the Philippines of Converse Rubber's trademark "Chuck Taylor", appearance of "Chuck Taylor".
plaintiffs have no cause of action. It is thus clear that defendants are guilty of unfair competition by giving "Custombuilt"
It appears that defendant started to manufacture and sell "Custombuilt" of its present the same general appearance as "Chuck Taylor". It is equally clear that defendants in so doing
design and with its present appearance in 1962. On the other hand, as earlier mentioned, are guilty of bad faith.
"Chuck Taylor" started to be sold in the Philippines in 1946 and has been enjoying a reputation There remains for the Court to consider the damages that defendants should be liable for
for quality among basketball players in the Philippines. to plaintiffs. The Court is of the opinion that plaintiffs are entitled to only one (1) per cent of
HELD: annual gross sales of "Custombuilt" shoes of current design. As for attorney s fees, the Court
The Court sees no difficulty in finding that the competing products are Identical in is of the opinion that, P10,000.00 is reasonable.
appearance except for the trade names. in cases of unfair competition, while the requisite degree of resemblance or similarity
The respective designs, the shapes and the color of the ankle patch, the bands, the toe between the names, brands, or other indicia is not capable of exact definition, it may be stated
patch and the sole of the two products are exactly the same. At a distance of a few meters, it generally that the similarity must be such, but need only be such, as is likely to mislead
is impossible to distinguish Custombuilt' from "Chuck Taylor". The casual buyer is thus liable purchasers of ordinary caution and prudence; or in other words, the ordinary buyer, into the
to mistake one for the other. Only by a close-examination and by paying attention to the belief that the goods or wares are those, or that the name or business is that, of another
trade names will the ordinary buyer be able to tell that the product is either "Custombuilt" producer or tradesman. It is not necessary in either case that the resemblance be sufficient to
or "Chuck Taylor", as the case may be. deceive experts, dealers, or other persons specially familiar with the trademark or goods
Even so, he will most likely think that the competing products, because they are involved. Nor is it material that a critical inspection and comparison would disclose differences,
strikingly Identical in design and appearance are manufactured by one and the same or that persons seeing the trademarks or articles side by side would not be deceived.
manufacturer. Clearly, this case satisfied the test of unfair competition. To read such conditions, as defendants-appellants seek to do, in the plain prescription of
Priority in registration in the Philippines of a trademark is not material in an action for the law is to re-construct it. Indeed, good-will established in other than a competitive milieu is
unfair competition as distinguished from an action for infringement of trademark. The basis no less a property right that deserves protection from unjust appropriation or injury. This, to
of an action for unfair competition is confusing and misleading similarity in general us, is precisely the clear sense of the law when it declares without equivocation that a "person
appearance, not similarity of trademarks. who has Identified in the mind of the public the goods he manufactures or deals in, his business
While it is true that the licensing agreement between plaintiff Converse and defendant or services from those of others, has a property right in the goodwill of the said goods, business 81
did not materialize, the execution of the documents by the defendants constitute an admission or services so Identified, which will be protected in the same manner as other property rights."
on the part of Converse Rubber's property right in design and appearance of "Chuck Taylor". We are of the considered opinion that the trial court was overly liberal to the defendants-
The covenants show that defendants acknowledged that Converse Rubber "is the exclusive appellants. The compensatory damages for the years 1962 to 1965 are utterly inadequate.
owner of the said Converse-names and design." They agreed not to "manufacture or sell Even the 5% of the gross sales of "Custombuilt" shoes from 1966 until its injunction is fully
footwear which would by reason of its appearance and/or design, be likely, or tend, to be obeyed are short of what the law contemplates in cases of this nature.
confused by the public with any of the Converse-named products ... or shall, in any manner, Considering that the gross sales of defendants-appellants increased to P16,474,103, only
infringe Converse designs". 75% of which, plaintiffs-appellants generously assert corresponded to Custombuilt sales, it
That defendants are fully aware that "Custombuilt" is Identical in design and appearance would be but fair and just to award plaintiffs-appellants 15% of such 75% as compensatory
to "Chuck Taylor" has conclusively been admitted by them in their correspondence with damages.
plaintiff Converse leading to the submission by defendants to plaintiff Converse of a sketch of We feel that this award is reasonable.
a new design that should give "Custombuilt" an appearance different from that of "Chuck It is not farfetched to assume that the net profit of the imitator which, after all is what
Taylor". the law contemplates as basis for damages if it were only actually ascertainable, in the
Even defendants' own exhibits leave no room for doubt that defendants copied the design manufacture of rubber shoes should not be less than 20 to 25% of the gross sales. Regrettably,
and appearance of "Chuck Taylor" for the purpose of cashing in on the reputation of "Chuck neither of the parties presented positive evidence in this respect, and the Court is left to use
Taylor". The samples of defendants' product show, indeed, as announced by defendants' as basis its own projection in the light of usual business practices.
counsel the "metamorphosis" of defendants' product. In the beginning, the design of We could, to be sure, return this case to the lower court for further evidence on this point,
defendants' product was entirely different from its present design and the design of "Chuck but, inasmuch as this litigation started way back about fourteen years ago and it would take
Taylor". more years before any final disposition is made hereof should take the course, We are
It was only 16 years after "Chuck Taylor" has been in the market, that defendants convinced that the above straight computation, without any penalty of interest, is in
adopted the present design of "Custombuilt". It is also noteworthy that "Custombuilt" sells at accordance with the spirit of the law governing this case.
P35 less than "Chuck Taylor"; thus the casual buyer is led to believe that he is buying the same
product at a lower price. Not surprisingly, the volume of sales of "Custombuilt" increased from 5) Asia Brewery v. CA, 224 SCRA 437 (1993), 370 SCRA 491 (2001) – same


6) Sony Computer v. Supergreen Inc., G.R. No. 161823, 22 March 2007 Penal Code, petitioner may apply for a search warrant in any court where any element of the
ISSUE: whether the quashal of Search Warrants was valid. alleged offense was committed, including any of the courts within the National Capital
The case stemmed from the complaint filed with NBI by Sony against Supergreen. Region (Metro Manila).
The NBI found that respondent engaged in the reproduction and distribution of 7) Sehwani Inc. and Benita’s Frites, Inc. v. IN-N-Out Burger, Inc., 536 SCRA 255 (2007)
counterfeit "PlayStation" game software, consoles and accessories in violation of Sony The Court has invariably ruled that perfection of an appeal within the statutory or
Computer's intellectual property rights. Thus, NBI applied for warrants to search respondent's reglementary period is not only mandatory but also jurisdictional; failure to do so renders the
premises. The Search Warrants were issued and NBI simultaneously served the search questioned decision/final order final and executory, and deprives the appellate court of
warrants on the subject premises and seized a replicating machine and several units of jurisdiction to alter the judgment or final order, much less to entertain the appeal.
counterfeit "PlayStation" consoles, joy pads, housing, labels and game software. Contrary to petitioners’ argument, respondent has the legal capacity to sue for the
Respondent filed a motion to quash Search Warrants and/or release of seized properties protection of its trademarks, albeit it is not doing business in the Philippines. Section 160 in
on the ground that the search warrant failed to particularly describe the properties to be relation to Section 3 of R.A. No. 8293, provides:
seized. The trial court denied the motion for lack of merit. SECTION 160. Right of Foreign Corporation to Sue in Trademark or Service Mark
Respondent filed another motion to quash, this time, questioning the propriety of the Enforcement Action. — Any foreign national or juridical person who meets the requirements
venue. Petitioner opposed the motion on the ground that it violated the omnibus motion rule of Section 3 of this Act and does not engage in business in the Philippines may bring a civil or
wherein all objections not included shall be deemed waived. The RTC affirmed the validity of administrative action hereunder for opposition, cancellation, infringement, unfair
Search Warrants covering respondent's premises but quashed the other Search Warrants. The competition, or false designation of origin and false description, whether or not it is licensed
trial court held that lack of jurisdiction is an exception to the omnibus motion rule and may be to do business in the Philippines under existing laws.
raised at any stage of the proceedings. Section 3 thereof provides:
Petitioner contends that the rule on venue for search warrant application is not SECTION 3. International Conventions and Reciprocity. — Any person who is a
jurisdictional. Hence, failure to raise the objection waived it. Moreover, petitioner maintains national or who is domiciled or has a real and effective industrial establishment in a
that applying for search warrants in different courts increases the possibility of leakage and country which is a party to any convention, treaty or agreement relating to
contradictory outcomes that could defeat the purpose for which the warrants were issued. intellectual property rights or the repression of unfair competition, to which the
Petitioner further asserts that even granting that the rules on search warrant applications Philippines is also a party, or extends reciprocal rights to nationals of the Philippines
are jurisdictional, the application filed either in the courts of the National Capital Region or by law, shall be entitled to benefits to the extent necessary to give effect to any 82
Fourth Judicial Region is still proper because the crime was continuing and committed in both provision of such convention, treaty or reciprocal law, in addition to the rights to
Parañaque City and Cavite. which any owner of an intellectual property right is otherwise entitled by this Act.
Respondent counters that Section 2 is explicit on where applications should be filed and Respondent anchors its causes of action under Articles 6bis and 8 of The Convention of Paris
provided the territorial limitations on search warrants. Respondent claims that Malaloan is no for the Protection of Industrial Property, otherwise known as the Paris Convention, wherein
longer applicable jurisprudence with the promulgation of the 2000 Rules of Criminal both the United States and the Philippines are signatories.
Procedure. Even granting that petitioner has compelling reasons, respondent maintains that The Articles read: Article 6bis
petitioner cannot file the application with the RTC of Manila because Cavite belongs to another (1) The countries of the Union undertake, ex officio if their legislation so permits, or
judicial region. Respondent also argues that the doctrine on continuing crime is applicable only at the request of an interested party, to refuse or to cancel the registration, and to
to the institution of a criminal action, not to search warrant applications which is governed by prohibit the use, of a trademark which constitutes a reproduction, an imitation, or a
Rule 126, and in this case Section 2. translation, liable to create confusion, of a mark considered by the competent
HELD: authority of the country of registration or use to be well known in that country as
Respondent’s premises in Cavite, within the Fourth Judicial Region, is definitely beyond being already the mark of a person entitled to the benefits of this Convention and
the territorial jurisdiction of the RTC of Manila, in the National Capital Region. Thus, the RTC used for identical or similar goods. These provisions shall also apply when the
of Manila does not have the authority to issue a search warrant for offenses committed in essential part of the mark constitutes a reproduction of any such well-known mark
Cavite. The instant case involves a court in another region. Any other interpretation re-defining or an imitation liable to create confusion therewith.
territorial jurisdiction would amount to judicial legislation. Article 8
Nonetheless, we agree with petitioner that this case involves a transitory or continuing A tradename shall be protected in all countries of the Union without the obligation
offense of unfair competition uder Section 168. of filing or registration whether or not it forms part of a trademark.
Respondent's imitation of the general appearance of petitioner's goods was done Article 6bis which governs the protection of well-known trademarks, is a self-
allegedly in Cavite. It sold the goods allegedly in Mandaluyong City, Metro Manila. executing provision and does not require legislative enactment to give it effect in the member
The alleged acts would constitute a transitory or continuing offense. Thus, clearly, under country. It may be applied directly by the tribunals and officials of each member country by
Section 2 (b) of Rule 126, Section 168 of Rep. Act No. 8293 and Article 189 (1) of the Revised the mere publication or proclamation of the Convention, after its ratification according to the


public law of each state and the order for its execution. The essential requirement under this (1) whether the application for search warrant effectively charged an offense, i.e., a
Article is that the trademark to be protected must be "well-known" in the country where violation of Section 168.3 (c) of the IP Code (NO);
protection is sought. The power to determine whether a trademark is well-known lies in the (2) whether the MTC observed the procedures required by the Rules of Court in the
"competent authority of the country of registration or use." This competent authority would issuance of search warrants.
be either the registering authority if it has the power to decide this, or the courts of the country Coca-Cola applied for a search warrant against Pepsi for hoarding Coke empty bottles in Pepsi's
in question if the issue comes before a court. yard in Naga City, an act allegedly penalized as unfair competition under the IP Code. Coca-
The question of whether or not respondent’s trademarks are considered "well-known" is Cola claimed that the bottles must be confiscated to preclude their illegal use, destruction or
factual in nature, involving as it does the appreciation of evidence adduced before the BLA- concealment by the respondents.
IPO. The settled rule is that the factual findings of quasi-judicial agencies, like the IPO, which MTC Executive Judge of Naga City, after taking the joint deposition of the witnesses,
have acquired expertise because their jurisdiction is confined to specific matters, are generally issued Search Warrant to seize 2, empty Coke bottles at Pepsi's Naga yard for violation of
accorded not only respect, but, at times, even finality if such findings are supported by Section 168.3 (c) of the IP Code. The local police seized and brought to the MTC's custody
substantial evidence. empty Coke bottles, Pepsi shells for Litro, and Pepsi shells for smaller empty Coke bottles, and
We are inclined to favor the declaration of the mark "IN-N-OUT" as an internationally later filed a complaint against two Pepsi officers for violation of Section 168.3 (c) in relation to
well-known mark on the basis of "registrations in various countries around the world and its Section 170 of the IP Code.
comprehensive advertisements therein." Hence, on the basis of evidence presented consisting The named respondents, also the respondents in this petition, were Pepsi regional sales
of worldwide registration of mark "IN-N-OUT" almost all of which were issued earlier than the manager Danilo E. Galicia (Galicia) and its Naga general manager Quintin J. Gomez,
respondent’s date of filing of its application and the subsequent registration of the mark "IN- Jr. (Gomez).
N-OUT" in this Office, as well as the advertisements therein by the complainant, this Office Galicia and Gomez claimed that
hereby affirms its earlier declaration that indeed, the mark "IN-N-OUT BURGER LOGO" is an (1) the bottles came from various Pepsi retailers and wholesalers who included them in
internally well-known mark. their return to make up for shortages of empty Pepsi bottles;
Moreover, petitioners’ claim that no ground exists for the cancellation of their (2) they had no way of ascertaining beforehand the return of empty Coke bottles as they
registration lacks merit. Section 151(b) of RA 8293 provides: simply received what had been delivered; the presence of the bottles in their yard
SECTION 151. Cancellation. — 151.1. A petition to cancel a registration of a mark under was not intentional nor deliberate;
this Act may be filed with the Bureau of Legal Affairs by any person who believes that he is or (3) Ponce and Regaspi's statements are hearsay as they had no personal knowledge of 83
will be damaged by the registration of a mark under this Act as follows: the alleged crime; there is no mention in the IP Code of the crime of possession of
(b) At any time, if the registered mark becomes the generic name for the goods or empty bottles; and that
services, or a portion thereof, for which it is registered, or has been abandoned, or its (4) the ambiguity of the law, which has a penal nature, must be construed strictly against
registration was obtained fraudulently or contrary to the provisions of this Act, or if the the State and liberally in their favor. Pepsi security guards Eduardo E. Miral and Rene
registered mark is being used by, or with the permission of, the registrant so as to Acebuche executed a joint affidavit stating that per their logbook, Lirio did not visit
misrepresent the source of the goods or services on or in connection with which the mark or enter the plant premises in the afternoon of July 2, 2001.
is used. x x x. In its petition, the petitioner insists the RTC should have dismissed the respondents'
Finally, petitioner’s contention that respondent is precluded from asserting its claim by petition for certiorari because it found no grave abuse of discretion by the MTC in issuing the
laches, if not by prescription, lacks basis. Section 151(b) of R.A. No. 8293 specifically provides search warrant. The petitioner further argues that the IP Code was enacted into law to remedy
that a petition to cancel the registration of a mark which is registered contrary to the provisions various forms of unfair competition accompanying globalization as well as to replace the inutile
thereof, or which is used to misrepresent the source of the goods or services, may be filed at provision of unfair competition under Article 189 of the Revised Penal Code.
any time. Moreover, laches may not prevail against a specific provision of law, since equity, Section 168.3(c) of the IP Code does not limit the scope of protection on the particular
which has been defined as ‘justice outside legality’ is applied in the absence of and not against acts enumerated as it expands the meaning of unfair competition to include "other acts
statutory law or rules of procedure.31 Aside from the specific provisions of R.A. No. 8293, the contrary to good faith of a nature calculated to discredit the goods, business or services of
Paris Convention and the WIPO Joint Recommendation have the force and effect of law, for another." The inherent element of unfair competition is fraud or deceit, and that hoarding of
under Section 2, Article II of the Constitution, the Philippines adopts the generally accepted large quantities of a competitor's empty bottles is necessarily characterized by bad faith. It
principles of international law as part of the law of the land. To rule otherwise would be to claims that its Bicol bottling operation was prejudiced by the respondents' hoarding and
defeat the equitable consideration that no one other than the owner of the well-known mark destruction of its empty bottles.
shall reap the fruits of an honestly established goodwill. The petitioner also argues that the quashal of the search warrant was improper because
it complied with all the essential requisites of a valid warrant. The empty bottles were
8) Coca Cola v. Gomez, G.R. No. 154491, 14 November 2008 concealed in Pepsi shells to prevent discovery while they were systematically being destroyed


to hamper the petitioner's bottling operation and to undermine the capability of its bottling One of the essential requisites in an action to restrain unfair competition is proof of fraud;
operations in Bicol. the intent to deceive must be shown before the right to recover can exist. The advent of the IP
The respondents counter-argue that although Judge Ocampo conducted his own Code has not significantly changed these rulings as they are fully in accord with what Section
examination, he gravely erred and abused his discretion when he ignored the rule on the need 168 of the Code in its entirety provides. Deception, passing off and fraud upon the public are
of sufficient evidence to establish probable cause; satisfactory and convincing evidence is still the key elements that must be present for unfair competition to exist.
essential to hold them guilty of unfair competition; the hoarding of empty Coke bottles did not The act alleged to violate the petitioner's rights under Section 168.3 (c) is hoarding
cause actual or probable deception and confusion on the part of the general public; the alleged which we gather to be the collection of the petitioner's empty bottles so that they can be
criminal acts do not show conduct aimed at deceiving the public; there was no attempt to use withdrawn from circulation and thus impede the circulation of the petitioner's bottled
the empty bottles or pass them off as the respondents' goods. products. This, according to the petitioner, is an act contrary to good faith - a conclusion that,
The respondents also argue that the IP Code does not criminalize bottle hoarding, as the if true, is indeed an unfair act on the part of the respondents. The critical question, however,
acts penalized must always involve fraud and deceit. The hoarding does not make them liable is not the intrinsic unfairness of the act of hoarding; what is critical for purposes of Section
for unfair competition as there was no deception or fraud on the end-users. 168.3 (c) is to determine if the hoarding, as charged, "is of a nature calculated to discredit
HELD: the goods, business or services" of the petitioner.
The decision is correct in nullifying the search warrant because it was issued on an invalid We hold that it is not. Hoarding as defined by the petitioner is not even an act within the
substantive basis - the acts imputed on the respondents do not violate Section 168.3 (c) of the contemplation of the IP Code.
IP Code. For this reason, we deny the present petition. The petitioner's cited basis is a provision of the IP Code, a set of rules that refer to a very
A search warrant may be issued only if there is probable cause in connection with a specific subject - intellectual property. Aside from the IP Code's actual substantive contents
specific offense alleged in an application based on the personal knowledge of the applicant and (which relate specifically to patents, licensing, trademarks, trade names, service marks,
his or her witnesses. This is the substantive requirement in the issuance of a search warrant. copyrights, and the protection and infringement of the intellectual properties that these
Procedurally, the determination of probable cause is a personal task of the judge before whom protective measures embody), the coverage and intent of the Code is expressly reflected in its
the application for search warrant is filed, as he has to examine under oath or affirmation the "Declaration of State Policy" which states:
applicant and his or her witnesses in the form of "searching questions and answers" in writing Section 2. Declaration of State Policy. - The State recognizes that an effective intellectual
and under oath. The warrant, if issued, must particularly describe the place to be searched and and industrial property system is vital to the development of domestic and creative activity,
the things to be seized. facilitates transfer of technology, attracts foreign investments, and ensures market access for 84
We paraphrase these requirements to stress that they have substantive and procedural our products. It shall protect and secure the exclusive rights of scientists, inventors, artists and
aspects. other gifted citizens to their intellectual property and creations, particularly when beneficial to
Apparently, the RTC recognized this dual nature of the requirements and, hence, treated the people, for such periods as provided in this Act.
them separately; it approved of the way the MTC handled the procedural aspects of the The use of intellectual property bears a social function. To this end, the State shall
issuance of the search warrant but found its action on the substantive aspect wanting. It promote the diffusion of knowledge and information for the promotion of national
therefore resolved to nullify the warrant, without however expressly declaring that the MTC development and progress and the common good.
gravely abused its discretion when it issued the warrant applied for. It is also the policy of the State to streamline administrative procedures of registering
The RTC's error, however, is in the form rather than the substance of the decision as the patents, trademarks and copyright, to liberalize the registration on the transfer of technology,
nullification of the issued warrant for the reason the RTC gave was equivalent to the and to enhance the enforcement of intellectual property rights in the Philippines.
declaration that grave abuse of discretion was committed. In fact, we so rule as the discussions "Intellectual property rights" have furthermore been defined under Section 4 of the Code
below will show. to consist of: a) Copyright and Related Rights; b) Trademarks and Service Marks; c) Geographic
An underlying offense must, in the first place, exist. In other words, the acts alleged, taken Indications; d) Industrial Designs; e) Patents; f) Layout-Designs (Topographies) of Integrated
together, must constitute an offense and these acts are imputable to an offender in relation Circuits; and g)Protection of Undisclosed Information.
with whom a search warrant is applied for. Given the IP Code's specific focus, a first test that should be made when a question arises
In the context of the present case, the question is whether the act charged - alleged to be on whether a matter is covered by the Code is to ask if it refers to an intellectual property as
hoarding of empty Coke bottles - constitutes an offense under Section 168.3 (c) of the IP Code. defined in the Code. If it does not, then coverage by the Code may be negated.
From jurisprudence, unfair competition has been defined as the passing off (or palming A second test, if a disputed matter does not expressly refer to an intellectual property
off) or attempting to pass off upon the public the goods or business of one person as the goods right as defined above, is whether it falls under the general "unfair competition" concept and
or business of another with the end and probable effect of deceiving the public. definition under Sections 168.1 and 168.2 of the Code. The question then is whether there is
It formulated the "true test" of unfair competition: whether the acts of defendant are "deception" or any other similar act in "passing off" of goods or services to be those of another
such as are calculated to deceive the ordinary buyer making his purchases under the ordinary who enjoys established goodwill.
conditions which prevail in the particular trade to which the controversy relates.


"Hoarding" - as defined and charged by the petitioner - does not fall within the coverage of this Act, to notify the Director in writing setting forth: the names and addresses
of the IP Code and of Section 168 in particular. It does not relate to any patent, trademark, of the litigants and designating the number of the registration or registrations and
trade name or service mark that the respondents have invaded, intruded into or used within one (1) month after the judgment is entered or an appeal is taken, the clerk
without proper authority from the petitioner. Nor are the respondents alleged to be of court shall give notice thereof to the Office, and the latter shall endorse the
fraudulently "passing off" their products or services as those of the petitioner. same upon the filewrapper of the said registration or registrations and incorporate
The respondents are not also alleged to be undertaking any representation or the same as a part of the contents of said filewrapper. (n)
misrepresentation that would confuse or tend to confuse the goods of the petitioner with • Sec. 232, IPC – same
those of the respondents, or vice versa. What in fact the petitioner alleges is an act foreign
to the Code, to the concepts it embodies and to the acts it regulates; as alleged, hoarding d) Action False Designation of Origin
inflicts unfairness by seeking to limit the opposition's sales by depriving it of the bottles it • Sec. 169 (and its subparagraphs) – same
can use for these sales. • Sec. 232 – same
Where, as in this case, the imputed acts do not violate the cited offense, the ruling of this
Court penned by Mr. Justice Bellosillo is particularly instructive: 3. Criminal
In the issuance of search warrants, the Rules of Court requires a finding of probable cause • Sec. 170, Penalties. –
in connection with one specific offense to be determined personally by the judge after Independent of the civil and administrative sanctions imposed by law, a criminal
examination of the complainant and the witnesses he may produce, and particularly describing penalty of imprisonment from two (2) years to five (5) years and a fine ranging
the place to be searched and the things to be seized. Hence, since there is no crime to speak from Fifty thousand pesos (P50,000) to Two hundred thousand pesos(P200,000),
of, the search warrant does not even begin to fulfill these stringent requirements and is shall be imposed on any person who is found guilty of committing any of the acts
therefore defective on its face. mentioned in Section 155, Section 168 and Subsection 169.1. (Arts. 188 and 189,
Based on the foregoing, RTC correctly ruled that the petitioner's search warrant should Revised Penal Code)
properly be quashed for the petitioner's failure to show that the acts imputed to the
respondents do not violate the cited offense. There could not have been any probable cause 1) Sy v. Court of Appeals, 113 SCRA 334, G.R. No. L-37494, 30 March 1982
to support the issuance of a search warrant because no crime in the first place was effectively Sy was charged with unfair competition, in that he, for the purpose of deceiving or
charged. 85
defrauding the Sea Commercial Company of its legitimate trade or the public sold or offered
This conclusion renders unnecessary any further discussion on whether the search for sale hand pumps of inferior quality and labeled JETMATIC DRAGON HAND PUMP and at a
warrant application properly alleged that the imputed act of holding Coke empties was in fact lower price and giving them the general appearance of the JETMATIC DRAGON hand pumps of
a "hoarding" in bad faith aimed to prejudice the petitioner's operations, or whether the MTC the Sea Commercial Company, as to the outside appearance, including, among others, the
duly complied with the procedural requirements for the issuance of a search warrant under color, the embossed words PAT No. 463490 on the spout the embossed word MODEL chamber
Rule 126 of the Rules of Court. assembly, the embossed words JETMATIC DRAGON HAND PUMP on the lateral surface of the
cylinder assembly and many other parts both as to the design and the materials used which
9) Superior Commercial Enterprises v. Kunnan Enterprises Ltd., G.R. No. 169974, 20 induced the public to believe that the JETMATIC DRAGON HAND pumps offered are those of
April 2010 – same the Sea Commercial Company, to the damage and prejudice of the said Sea Commercial
Company, Incorporated and the general public.
c) Action for False or Fraudulent Declaration RTC acquitted Sy. Upon order of the RTC, the Fiscal then filed an information charging Sy
• Sec. 162, Action for False or Fraudulent Declaration. – of trademark infringement when Sy sold hand pumps of inferior quality and labelled JETMATIC
Any person who shall procure registration in the Office of a mark by a false or DRAGON HAND PUMP at a lower price, Sy knowing fully well that the mark JETMATIC DRAGON
fraudulent declaration or representation, whether oral or in writing, or by any false HAND PUMP has been fraudulently used in the said hand pumps, thereby giving them the
means, shall be liable in a civil action by any person injured thereby for any general appearance of the old and/or being offered for sale are those of the Sea Commercial
damages sustained in consequence thereof (Sec. 26, R.A. No. 166) Company, when in fact they are not to the damage and prejudice of the said Sea Commercial
• Sec. 163, Jurisdiction of Court. – Company, Incorporated and the general public.
All actions under Sections 150, 155, 164, and 166 to 169 shall be brought before Sy contends that by the filing of the second information, he would be placed in double
the proper courts with appropriate jurisdiction under existing laws. (Sec. 27, R.A. jeopardy because under the first information, he could have been convicted of the offense
No. 166) charged in the second information. Since he was acquitted under the first information, to
• Sec. 164, Notice of Filing Suit Given to the Director. – charge him again for the same offense as aforestated would according to petitioner, constitute
It shall be the duty of the clerks of such courts within one (1) month after the filing double jeopardy.
of any action, suit, or proceeding involving a mark registered under the provisions


In advancing the above propositions, Sy would treat the two offenses of infringement of 2 informations for unfair competition were filed against Samson, the registered owner of
trademark and unfair competition as separate and distinct, not as one necessarily included in, ITTI Shoes. Samson, owner/proprietor of ITTI Shoes/Mano Shoes Manufactuirng Corporation
or including, the other. Upon this premise, it cannot be successfully contended that what distributed, sold and/or offered for sale CATERPILLAR products such as footwear, garments,
happened with respect to the offense of infringement of trademark, assuming it was also clothing, bags, accessories and paraphernalia which are closely identical to and/or colorable
charged in the first information as a separate offense, is, by no manner of reasoning, one of imitations of the authentic Caterpillar products and likewise using trademarks, symbols and/or
acquittal for said offense. designs as would cause confusion, mistake or deception on the part of the buying public to the
HELD: damage and prejudice of CATERPILLAR, INC., the prior adopter, user and owner of the
In the opinion of the trial court, the first information did not properly charge the offense following internationally: "CATERPILLAR", "CAT", "CATERPILLAR & DESIGN", "CAT AND
of infringement of trademark, for what was expressly charged was unfair competition. In DESIGN", "WALKING MACHINES" and "TRACK-TYPE TRACTOR & DESIGN."
proceeding in accordance with the above quoted provisions of the Rules of Court, the trial HELD:
court evidently felt it cannot properly convict the accused of infringement of trademark, R.A. No. 8293 and R.A. No. 166 are special laws conferring jurisdiction over violations of
although it found evidence sufficient to justify filing the proper information for said offense. intellectual property rights to the Regional Trial Court. They should therefore prevail over R.A.
But, undoubtedly, the court found it not proper to acquit the accused of said offense. Hence No. 7691, which is a general law. Hence, jurisdiction over the instant criminal case for unfair
there can be no double jeopardy as to the offense charged in the second information on the competition is properly lodged with the Regional Trial Court even if the penalty therefor is
ground of a prior acquittal for the same offense. imprisonment of less than 6 years, or from 2 to 5 years and a fine ranging from P50,000.00 to
What makes the ruling cited by Sy not applicable to the present is that in the cases cited, P200,000.00.
acquittal was for the offense specifically charged without the trial court expressly finding that In fact, to implement and ensure the speedy disposition of cases involving violations of
for the other offense also charged but not expressly so by the statutory designation of the intellectual property rights under R.A. No. 8293, the Court issued A.M. No. 02-1-11-SC dated
offense, evidence exists to justify his being held to answer for such offense, in accordance with February 19, 2002 designating certain Regional Trial Courts as Intellectual Property Courts. On
Section 12, Rule 119 of the Rules of Court, as the trial court in the instant case very explicitly June 17, 2003, the Court further issued a Resolution consolidating jurisdiction to hear and
did. It is this circumstance that, clearly and undisputably would prevent double jeopardy to decide Intellectual Property Code and Securities and Exchange Commission cases in specific
attach, for there is neither acquittal nor conviction, not even dismissal of the case, which Regional Trial Courts designated as Special Commercial Courts.
might result in double jeopardy arising to ban the proceedings contemplated in the
3) William C. Yao, Sr. v. The People of the Philippines, G.R. No. 168306, 19 June 2007 86
aforecited provisions of the Rules of Court.
It felt that under the information as so worded, conviction was not legally possible The Yaos are incorporators and officers of MASAGANA, an entity engaged in the refilling,
obviously for not sufficiently informing the accused of the nature and cause of the accusation sale and distribution of LPG products. Petron and Pilipinas Shell are two of the largest bulk
against him, which is one of his constitutional rights, although factually, the assessment of the suppliers and producers of LPG in the Philippines. Their LPG products are sold under the marks
evidence by the court tended towards justifying conviction. "GASUL" and "SHELLANE," respectively.
Verily, the situation fits into what is contemplated by the provisions of the Rules of Court Petron is the registered owner in the Philippines of the trademarks GASUL and GASUL
already referred to, which do not call for a new or separate preliminary investigation, which cylinders used for its LPG products. It is the sole entity in the Philippines authorized to allow
petitioner contends is indispensable, to which the Solicitor General expressed agreement. refillers and distributors to refill, use, sell, and distribute GASUL LPG containers, products and
As to the offense of infringement of trademark, which petitioner himself contends was its trademarks.
also charged in the first information, the Court rendered no judgment yet, either for acquittal Pilipinas Shell, on the other hand, is the authorized user in the Philippines of the
or for conviction, as it appeared to the trial judge that the accused cannot properly be tradename, trademarks, symbols, or designs of its principal, Shell International, including the
convicted for said offense, even if conviction was warranted by the evidence, a mistake having marks SHELLANE and SHELL device in connection with the production, sale and distribution of
been made, as he read the information, and with reason, in charging the proper offense. SHELLANE LPGs. It is the only corporation in the Philippines authorized to allow refillers and
However, if petitioner insists on another preliminary investigation, the same may be distributors to refill, use, sell and distribute SHELLANE LPG containers and products.
granted by way of "reinvestigation", the Solicitor General who actually represents also the NBI filed two applications for search warrant against Yao for alleged violation of The
prosecution having expressed conformity to the holding of one, Let it not be said that We are Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines, alleging that Yao is actually producing, selling,
not mindful of the rule that all doubts should be resolved in favor of the accused, a rule which offering for sale and/or distributing LPG products using steel cylinders owned by, and bearing
itself should be liberally construed in his favor. the tradenames, trademarks, and devices of Petron and Pilipinas Shell, without authority and
in violation of the rights of the said entities.
2) Samson v. Judge Daway, G.R. Nos. 160054-55, 21 July 2004 After conducting the preliminary examination, Judge Sadang found probable cause and
ISSUE: Which court has jurisdiction over criminal and civil cases for violation of correspondingly issued Search Warrants for an immediate search of the MASAGANA
intellectual property rights? (RTC) compound and to seize the Empty/filled LPG cylinder tanks/containers, bearing the tradename
"SHELLANE", "SHELL" (Device) of Pilipinas Shell and the trademarks and other devices owned


by Shell International and Machinery and/or equipment being used or intended to be used for clear dictates of reason. We find no compelling reason to disturb Judge Sadang’s findings
the purpose of illegally refilling LPG cylinders belonging to Pilipinas Shell as well as the marks herein.
belonging to Shell International. …
In his sworn affidavits, Oblanca stated that before conducting an investigation on the
alleged illegal activities of MASAGANA, he reviewed the certificates of trademark registrations J. TRADENAMES
issued in favor of Petron and Pilipinas Shell; that he confirmed from Petron and Pilipinas Shell 1. Definition
that MASAGANA is not authorized to sell, use, refill or distribute GASUL and SHELLANE LPG • Sec. 121.3
cylinder containers; that, using different names, they conducted two test-buys therein where "Trade name" means the name or designation identifying or distinguishing an
they purchased LPG cylinders bearing the trademarks GASUL and SHELLANE; that the said enterprise; (Sec. 38, R.A. No. 166a)
GASUL and SHELLANE LPG cylinders were refilled in their presence by the MASAGANA 4) Converse Rubber Corporation v. Universal Rubber Products, 147 SCRA 154 [1987]
employees; that while they were inside the MASAGANA compound, he noticed stock piles of ISSUE: whether or not partial appropriation of petitioner's corporate name is of such
multi-branded cylinders including GASUL and SHELLANE LPG cylinders; and that they observed character that it is calculated to deceive or confuse the public to the injury of the petitioner
delivery trucks loaded with GASUL and SHELLANE LPG cylinders coming in and out of the to which the name belongs.
MASAGANA compound and making deliveries to various retail outlets. These allegations were Universal Rubber filed an application for registration of the trademark "UNIVERSAL
corroborated by Alajar in his separate affidavits. CONVERSE AND DEVICE" used on rubber shoes and rubber slippers. Converse Rubber filed its
Extant from the foregoing testimonial, documentary and object evidence is that Oblanca opposition to the application for registration on grounds that:
and Alajar have personal knowledge of the fact that petitioners, through MASAGANA, have (1) The trademark sought to be registered is confusingly similar to the word
been using the LPG cylinders bearing the marks GASUL and SHELLANE without permission from "CONVERSE" which is part of petitioner's corporate name "CONVERSE RUBBER
Petron and Pilipinas Shell, a probable cause for trademark infringement. Both Oblanca and CORPORATION" as to likely deceive purchasers of products on which it is to be used
Alajar were clear and insistent that they were the very same persons who monitored the to an extent that said products may be mistaken by the unwary public to be
activities of MASAGANA; that they conducted test-buys thereon; and that in order to avoid manufactured by the petitioner; and,
suspicion, they used different names during the test-buys. They also personally witnessed the (2) The registration of respondent's trademark will cause great and irreparable injury
refilling of LPG cylinders bearing the marks GASUL and SHELLANE inside the MASAGANA to the business reputation and goodwill of petitioner in the Philippines and would
refilling plant station and the deliveries of these refilled containers to some outlets using mini- cause damage to said petitioner within the, meaning of Section 8, R.A. No. 166, as 87
trucks. amended.
Indeed, the aforesaid facts and circumstances are sufficient to establish probable cause. CONVERSE RUBBER CORPORATION is duly organized under the laws of USA and is not
It should be borne in mind that the determination of probable cause does not call for the licensed to do business in the Philippines and it is not doing business on its own in the
application of the rules and standards of proof that a judgment of conviction requires after Philippines; and, it manufacturers rubber shoes and uses thereon the trademarks "CHUCK
trial on the merits. As the term implies, "probable cause" is concerned with probability, not TAYLOR "and "ALL STAR AND DEVICE".
absolute or even moral certainty. The standards of judgment are those of a reasonably prudent At the trial, Converse’s lone witness, Mrs. Pacquing, a duly licensed private merchant,
man, not the exacting calibrations of a judge after a full blown trial. testified that she had been selling CONVERSE rubber shoes in the local market since 1956 and
The fact that Oblanca and Alajar used different names in the purchase receipts do not that sales of petitioner's rubber shoes in her stores averaged twelve to twenty pairs a month
negate personal knowledge on their part. It is a common practice of the law enforcers such as purchased mostly by basketball players of local private educational institutions like Ateneo, La
NBI agents during covert investigations to use different names in order to conceal their true Salle and San Beda.
identities. This is reasonable and understandable so as not to endanger the life of the Mrs. Pacquing, further stated that she knew petitioner's rubber shoes came from the
undercover agents and to facilitate the lawful arrest or apprehension of suspected violators of United States "because it says there in the trademark Converse Chuck Taylor with star red or
the law. blue and is a round figure and made in U.S.A. " In the invoices issued by her store, the rubber
After perusing the Transcript of Stenographic Notes of the preliminary examination, we shoes were described as "Converse Chuck Taylor", "Converse All Star," "All Star Converse
found the questions of Judge Sadang to be sufficiently probing, not at all superficial and Chuck Taylor," or "Converse Shoes Chuck Taylor.” She also affirmed that she had no business
perfunctory. The testimonies of Oblanca and Alajar were consistent with each other and their connection with the petitioner.
narration of facts was credible. Universal Rubber, on the other hand, presented as its lone witness who testified that
Since probable cause is dependent largely on the opinion and findings of the judge who respondent has been selling on wholesale basis "Universal Converse" sandals since 1962 and
conducted the examination and who had the opportunity to question the applicant and his "Universal Converse" rubber shoes since 1963. Invoices were submitted as evidence of such
witnesses, the findings of the judge deserves great weight. The reviewing court can overturn sales. The witness also testified that she had no Idea why respondent chose "Universal
such findings only upon proof that the judge disregarded the facts before him or ignored the Converse" as a trademark and that she was unaware of the name "Converse" prior to her
corporation's sale of "Universal Converse" rubber shoes and rubber sandals.


Eventually, the Director of Patents dismissed the opposition of the petitioner and gave Furthermore, said sales invoices provide the best proof that there were actual sales
due course to respondent's application. He ruled that opposer failed to present proof that the of petitioner's products in the country and that there was actual use for a protracted period of
single word "CONVERSE' in its corporate name has become so Identified with the corporation petitioner's trademark or part thereof through these sales. "The most convincing proof of use
that whenever used, it designates to the mind of the public that particular corporation. of a mark in commerce is testimony of such witnesses as customers, or the orders of buyers
Furthermore, the record is wanting in proof to establish likelihood of confusion so as to during a certain period. Petitioner's witness, having affirmed her lack of business connections
cause probable damage to the Opposer. with petitioner, has testified as such customer, supporting strongly petitioner's move for
HELD: trademark pre-emption.
A trade name is any individual name or surname, firm name, device or word used by The sales of 12 to 20 pairs a month of petitioner's rubber shoes cannot be considered
manufacturers, industrialists, merchants and others to Identify their businesses, vocations or insignificant, considering that they appear to be of high expensive quality, which not too many
occupations. As the trade name refers to the business and its goodwill ... the trademark refers basketball players can afford to buy. Any sale made by a legitimate trader from his store is a
to the goods." commercial act establishing trademark rights since such sales are made in due course of
The ownership of a trademark or tradename is a property right which the owner is business to the general public, not only to limited individuals.
entitled to protect "since there is damage to him from confusion or reputation or goodwill in It is a matter of public knowledge that all brands of goods filter into the market,
the mind of the public as well as from confusion of goods. The modern trend is to give emphasis indiscriminately sold by jobbers dealers and merchants not necessarily with the knowledge or
to the unfairness of the acts and to classify and treat the issue as fraud. consent of the manufacturer. Such actual sale of goods in the local market establishes
It is evident that "CONVERSE" is the dominant word which Identifies petitioner from trademark use which serves as the basis for any action aimed at trademark pre- exemption.
other corporations engaged in similar business. Respondent admitted petitioner's existence It is a corollary logical deduction that while Converse is not licensed to do business
since 1946 as a duly organized foreign corporation engaged in the manufacture of rubber in the country and is not actually doing business here, it does not mean that its goods are not
shoes. This admission necessarily betrays its knowledge of the reputation and business of being sold here or that it has not earned a reputation or goodwill as regards its products. The
petitioner even before it applied for registration of the trademark in question. Knowing, Director of Patents was, therefore, remiss in ruling that the proofs of sales presented was made
therefore, that the word "CONVERSE" belongs to and is being used by petitioner, and is in fact by a single witness who had never dealt with nor had never known opposer [petitioner]
the dominant word in petitioner's corporate name, respondent has no right to appropriate the without Opposer having a direct or indirect hand in the transaction to be the basis of
same for use on its products which are similar to those being produced by petitioner. trademark pre- exemption."
A corporation is entitled to the cancellation of a mark that is confusingly similar to Another factor why respondent's applications should be denied is the confusing 88
its corporate name." "Appropriation by another of the dominant part of a corporate name similarity between its trademark "UNIVERSAL CONVERSE AND DEVICE" and petitioner's
is an infringement." corporate name and/or its trademarks "CHUCK TAYLOR" and "ALL STAR DEVICE" which could
Respondent's witness had no Idea why respondent chose "UNIVERSAL CONVERSE" confuse the purchasing public to the prejudice of petitioner,
as trademark and the record discloses no reasonable explanation for respondent's use of the The trademark of respondent "UNIVERSAL CONVERSE and DEVICE" is imprinted in a
word "CONVERSE" in its trademark. Such unexplained use by respondent of the dominant circular manner on the side of its rubber shoes. In the same manner, the trademark of
word of petitioner's corporate name lends itself open to the suspicion of fraudulent motive petitioner which reads "CONVERSE CHUCK TAYLOR" is imprinted on a circular base attached
to trade upon petitioner's reputation, thus: to the side of its rubber shoes.
A boundless choice of words, phrases and symbols is available to one who wishes a The similarity y in the general appearance of respondent's trademark and that of
trademark sufficient unto itself to distinguish his product from those of others. petitioner would evidently create a likelihood of confusion among the purchasing public. But
When, however, there is no reasonable explanation for the defendant's choice of even assuming, arguendo, that the trademark sought to be registered by respondent is
such a mark though the field for his selection was so broad, the inference is inevitable distinctively dissimilar from those of the petitioner, the likelihood of confusion would still
that it was chosen deliberately to deceive. subsists, not on the purchaser's perception of the goods but on the origins thereof.
The testimony of petitioner's witness, who is a legitimate trader as well as the By appropriating the word "CONVERSE," respondent's products are likely to be
invoices evidencing sales of petitioner's products in the Philippines, give credence to mistaken as having been produced by petitioner. "The risk of damage is not limited to a
petitioner's claim that it has earned a business reputation and goodwill in this country. The possible confusion of goods but also includes confusion of reputation if the public could
sales invoices submitted by petitioner's lone witness show that it is the word "CONVERSE" that reasonably assume that the goods of the parties originated from the same source. 2
mainly Identifies petitioner's products, i.e. "CONVERSE CHUCK TAYLOR, "CONVERSE ALL That a foreign corporation has a right to maintain an action in the forum even if it is
STAR," ALL STAR CONVERSE CHUCK TAYLOR," or "CONVERSE SHOES CHUCK and TAYLOR." not licensed to do business and is not actually doing business on its own therein has been
Thus, contrary to the determination of the respondent Director of Patents, the word enunciated many times by this Court. a foreign corporation which has never done any
"CONVERSE" has grown to be Identified with petitioner's products, and in this sense, has business in the Philippines and which is unlicensed and unregistered to do business here, but
acquired a second meaning within the context of trademark and tradename laws. is widely and favorably known in the Philippines through the use therein of its products bearing
its corporate and tradename, has a legal right to maintain an action in the Philippines to


restrain the residents and inhabitants thereof from organizing a corporation therein bearing Philips Export B.V. (PEBV), a foreign corporation, although not engaged in business
the same name as the foreign corporation, when it appears that they have personal knowledge here, is the registered owner of the trademarks PHILIPS and PHILIPS SHIELD EMBLEM. Philips
of the existence of such a foreign corporation, and it is apparent that the purpose of the Electrical and Philips Industrial, authorized users of the trademarks PHILIPS and PHILIPS SHIELD
proposed domestic corporation is to deal and trade in the same goods as those of the foreign EMBLEM, were incorporated. All petitioner corporations belong to the PHILIPS Group of
corporation. Companies.
Since it is the trade and not the mark that is to be protected, a trademark Standard Philips, on the other hand, was issued a Certificate of Registration by respondent
acknowledges no territorial boundaries of municipalities or states or nations, but extends to Commission.
every market where the trader's goods have become known and Identified by the use of the Petitioners filed a letter complaint with the SEC asking for the cancellation of the word
mark. "PHILIPS" from Respondent's corporate name in view of the prior registration of the trademark
"a trade name [corporate name] shall be protected in all the countries of the Union "PHILIPS" and the logo "PHILIPS SHIELD EMBLEM" in the name of Petitioner, PEBV, and the
without the obligation of filing or registration, whether or not it forms part of the trademark. previous registration of Petitioners Philips Electrical and Philips Industrial with the SEC,
" Tradenames of persons described in the first paragraph of this section shall be protected alleging, among others, that Respondent's use of the word PHILIPS amounts to an infringement
without the obligation of filing or registration whether or not they form parts of marks. and clear violation of Petitioners' exclusive right to use the same considering that both parties
engage in the same business.
2. What May Not Be Used As A Trademark? Respondent countered that Petitioner PEBV has no legal capacity to sue; that its use of its
• Sec. 165.1, Trade Names or Business Names. – corporate name is not at all similar to Petitioners' trademark PHILIPS when considered in its
165.1. A name or designation may not be used as a trade name entirety; and that its products consisting of chain rollers, belts, bearings and cutting saw are
If by its nature or the use to which such name or designation may be put, grossly different from Petitioners' electrical products.
it is contrary to public order or morals and The hearing officer ruled that there is no confusing similarity between Petitioners' and
if, in particular, it is liable to deceive trade circles or the public as to the Respondent's corporate names as those of the Petitioners contain at least two words different
nature of the enterprise identified by that name. from that of the Respondent.
165.2. HELD:
(a) Notwithstanding any laws or regulations providing for any A corporation's right to use its corporate and trade name is a property right, a right in
obligation to register trade names, such names shall be protected, rem, which it may assert and protect against the world in the same manner as it may protect 89
even prior to or without registration, against any unlawful act its tangible property, real or personal, against trespass or conversion. It is regarded, to a
committed by third parties. certain extent, as a property right and one which cannot be impaired or defeated by
(b) In particular, any subsequent use of the trade name by a third party, subsequent appropriation by another corporation in the same field.
whether as a trade name or a mark or collective mark, or any such A name is peculiarly important as necessary to the very existence of a corporation. Its
use of a similar trade name or mark, likely to mislead the public, name is one of its attributes, an element of its existence, and essential to its identity.
shall be deemed unlawful. The general rule as to corporations is that each corporation must have a name by which
165.3. The remedies provided for in Sections 153 to 156 and Sections 166 and it is to sue and be sued and do all legal acts. The name of a corporation in this respect
167 shall apply mutatis mutandis. designates the corporation in the same manner as the name of an individual designates the
o Cancellation person; and the right to use its corporate name is as much a part of the corporate franchise as
o Infringement any other privilege granted.
o TRO A corporation acquires its name by choice and need not select a name identical with or
o Unfair competition similar to one already appropriated by a senior corporation while an individual's name is
165.4. Any change in the ownership of a trade name shall be made with the thrust upon him. A corporation can no more use a corporate name in violation of the rights
transfer of the enterprise or part thereof identified by that name. The provisions of others than an individual can use his name legally acquired so as to mislead the public and
of Subsections 149.2 to 149.4 shall apply mutatis mutandis. injure another.
Our own Corporation Code, in its Section 18, expressly provides that:
3. Rights of the Tradename Owner No corporate name may be allowed by the Securities and Exchange Commission if the
• Secs. 165.2, IPC – see above proposed name is identical or deceptively or confusingly similar to that of any existing
• Sec. 165.3, IPC – see above corporation or to any other name already protected by law or is patently deceptive, confusing
• Sec. 165.4, IPC – see above or contrary to existing law. Where a change in a corporate name is approved, the commission
5) Philips Export v. CA, 206 SCRA 457, G.R. No. 96161 [21 February 1992] shall issue an amended certificate of incorporation under the amended name.


The statutory prohibition cannot be any clearer. To come within its scope, two requisites nonbusiness or non-profit organization if misleading and likely to injure it in the exercise in its
must be proven, namely: corporate functions, regardless of intent, may be prevented by the corporation having the
1) that the complainant corporation acquired a prior right over the use of such prior right, by a suit for injunction against the new corporation to prevent the use of the name
corporate name; and
2) the proposed name is either: 6) Armco Steel Corporation v. SEC, 156 SCRA 822, G.R. No. 54580 [29 December 1987]
a) identical; or A corporation organized in Ohio, U.S.A., ARMCO-OHIO, obtained a Certificate of
b) deceptively or confusingly similar to that of any existing corporation or to Registration for its trademark consisting of the word "ARMCO" and a triangular device for
any other name already protected by law; or "ferrous metals and ferrous metal castings and forgings." It filed an "Affidavit of Use" for said
c) patently deceptive, confusing or contrary to existing law. trademark, which was subsequently accepted and for which the Patent Office issued the
The right to the exclusive use of a corporate name with freedom from infringement by corresponding notice of acceptance of "Affidavit of Use."
similarity is determined by priority of adoption. In this regard, there is no doubt with respect ARMCO Marsteel-Alloy Corporation was also incorporated under its original name
to Petitioners' prior adoption of' the name ''PHILIPS" as part of its corporate name. Philips Marsteel Alloy Company, Inc. but its name was changed to ARMCO-Marsteel, by amendment
Electrical and Philips Industrial were incorporated on 29 August 1956 and 25 May 1956, of its Articles of Incorporation after the ARMCO-Ohio purchased 40% of its capital stock. Both
respectively, while Standard Philips was issued a Certificate of Registration on 12 April 1982, said corporations are engaged in the manufacture of steel products.
26 years later. PEBV has also used the trademark "PHILIPS" on electrical lamps of all types and ARMCO-Ohio and ARMCO-Marsteel then filed a petition in SEC to compel ARMCO-
their accessories since 30 September 1922, as evidenced by Certificate of Registration No. Philippines to change its corporate name on the ground that it is very similar, if not exactly the
1651. same as the name of one of the petitioners.
While the corporate names of Petitioners and Private Respondent are not identical, a SEC granted the petition and ARMCO STEEL CORPORATION was ordered to take out
reading of Petitioner's corporate names, to wit: PHILIPS EXPORT B.V., PHILIPS ELECTRICAL 'ARMCO' and substitute another word in lieu thereof in its corporate name by amending the
LAMPS, INC. and PHILIPS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT, INC., inevitably leads one to conclude articles of incorporation to that effect. The order became final and executory.
that "PHILIPS" is, indeed, the dominant word in that all the companies affiliated or associated Respondent amended its articles of incorporation by changing its name to "ARMCO
with the principal corporation, PEBV, are known in the Philippines and abroad as the PHILIPS structures, Inc." which was filed with and approved by the SEC. Petitioners then alleged that
Group of Companies. the change of name of said respondent was not done in good faith and is not in accordance
As aptly pointed out by Petitioners, respondent's choice of "PHILIPS" as part of its with the order of the Commission. Subsequently, petitioners filed a motion to cite said 90
corporate name [STANDARD PHILIPS CORPORATION] . . . tends to show said respondent's respondent in contempt for disobeying the orders.
intention to ride on the popularity and established goodwill of said petitioner's business The SEC found that the respondent have not complied with the final order and required
throughout the world" (Rollo, p. 137). The subsequent appropriator of the name or one them to show cause why they should not be punished for contempt by the Commission.
confusingly similar thereto usually seeks an unfair advantage, a free ride of another's goodwill HELD:
A corporation has an exclusive right to the use of its name, which may be protected by Far from complying with said order petitioner amended its corporate name into ARMCO
injunction upon a principle similar to that upon which persons are protected in the use of Structures, Inc., and secured its approval by the SEC. That this amendment was made by
trademarks and tradenames. Such principle proceeds upon the theory that it is a fraud on the petitioner without the knowledge of the proper authorities of the SEC is home by the fact that
corporation which has acquired a right to that name and perhaps carried on its business thereafter an order was issued by the SEC requiring petitioner to comply with the order of the
thereunder, that another should attempt to use the same name, or the same name with a Commission.
slight variation in such a way as to induce persons to deal with it in the belief that they are When the attention of the SEC was called by petitioner that the change of corporate name
dealing with the corporation which has given a reputation to the name. had been undertaken by it to ARMCO Structures, Inc. and asked that it be considered as a
Notably, too, Respondent's name actually contains only a single word, that is, substantial compliance with the order, the SEC ruled as follows: The fact that the SEC issued
"STANDARD", different from that of Petitioners inasmuch as the inclusion of the term its certificate of filing of amended articles of incorporation, is nothing but an illusory approval
"Corporation" or "Corp." merely serves the Purpose of distinguishing the corporation from of the change of corporate name and a self-induced protection from the Commission to further
partnerships and other business organizations. exact compliance of the Order.
The fact that there are other companies engaged in other lines of business using the word Craftily, the SEC was made to issue such certificate during its unguarded moment. Verily,
"PHILIPS" as part of their corporate names is no defense and does not warrant the use by the certificate could not have been issued were it not for such lapses or had respondent been
Private Respondent of such word which constitutes an essential feature of Petitioners' in good faith by making the proper disclosures of the circumstances which led it to amend its
corporate name previously adopted and registered and-having acquired the status of a well- articles of incorporation.
known mark in the Philippines and internationally as well. The Court finds that the said amendment in the corporate name of petitioner is not in
As a general rule, parties organizing a corporation must choose a name at their peril; and substantial compliance with the order of February 14, 1975. Indeed it is in contravention
the use of a name similar to one adopted by another corporation, whether a business or a therewith. To repeat, the order was for the removal of the word "ARMCO" from the corporate


name of the petitioner which it failed to do. And even if this change of corporate name was which relief has hitherto been granted against unfair competition the means and methods
erroneously accepted and approved in the SEC it cannot thereby legalize nor change what is adopted by the wrongdoer in order to divert the coveted trade from his rival have been such
clearly unauthorized if not contemptuous act of petitioner in securing the registration of a new as were calculated to deceive and mislead the public into thinking that the goods or business
corporate name against the very order of the SEC. of the wrongdoer are the goods or business of the rival. Diversion of trade is really the
By mere looking at the names it is clear that the name of petitioner, ARMCO STEEL fundamental thing here, and if diversion of trade be accomplished by any means which
CORPORATION (of Ohio, U.S.A.), and that of the respondent, ARMCO STEEL CORPORATION, according to accepted legal canons are unfair, the aggrieved party is entitled to relief.
are not only similar but Identical and the words "of Ohio, U.S.A.," are being used only to It is very apparent that the purpose and intent of Herman and his associates in seeking to
Identify petitioner ARMCO STEEL-OHIO as a U.S. corporation. incorporate under the name of Western Electric Company, Inc., was to unfairly and unjustly
It is indisputable that ARMCO-STEEL-OHIO, having patented the term 'Armco' as part of compete in the Philippine Islands with the Western Electric Company, Inc., in articles which
its trademark on its steel products, is entitled to protection in the use thereof in the are manufactured by, and bear the name of, that company, all of which is prohibited by Act
Philippines. The term "Armco" is now being used on the products being manufactured and sold No. 666, and was made known to the defendant Reyes by the letter known in the record to
in this country by Armco-Marsteel by virtue of its tie-up with ARMCO-STEEL-OHIO. Clearly, the the defendant Reyes by the letter known in the record as Exhibit A.
two companies have the right to the exclusive use and enjoyment of said term. Herman is actually asking the Government to permit them to pirate the name of the
ARMCO STEEL-PHILIPPINES, has not only an Identical name but also a similar line of Western Electric Company, by incorporating thereunder, so that they may deceive the people
business, as shown above, as that of ARMCO STEEL- OHIO. People who are buying and using of the Philippine Islands into thinking that the goods they propose to sell are goods of the
products bearing the trademark "Armco" might be led to believe that such products are manufacture of the real Western Electric Company.
manufactured by the respondent, when in fact, they might actually be produced by the It would be a gross prostitution of the powers of government to utilize those powers in
petitioners. Thus, the goodwill that should grow and inure to the benefit of petitioners could such a way as to authorize such a fraud upon the people governed. It would be the grossest
be impaired and prejudiced by the continued use of the same term by the respondent. abuse of discretion to permit these defendants to usurp the corporate mane of the plaintiff,
and to trade thereupon in these Islands, in fraud of the Philippine public and of the true owners
7) Western Equipment & Supple Co. v. Reyes, 51 Phil 115 [1927] of the name and the goodwill incidental thereto.
Has a foreign corporation which has never done business in the Philippine Islands, and The plaintiff, Western Electric Company, Inc., has been in existence as a corporation for
which is unlicensed and unregistered therein, any right to maintain an action to restrain over fifty years, during which time it has established a reputation all over the world including
residents and inhabitants of the Philippine Islands from organizing a corporation therein the Philippine Islands, for the kind and quality of its manufactured articles, and it is very 91
bearing the same name as such foreign corporation, when said residents and inhabitants have apparent that the whole purpose and intent of Herman and his associates in seeking to
knowledge of the existence of such foreign corporation, having dealt with it, and sold its incorporate another corporation under the identical name of Western Electric Company, Inc.,
manufactures, and when said foreign corporation is widely and favorably known in the and for the same identical purpose as that of the plaintiff, is to trespass upon and profit by its
Philippine Islands through the use therein of its products bearing its corporate and trade name, good name and business reputation. The very fact that Herman and his associates have sought
and when the purpose of the proposed domestic corporation is to deal in precisely the same the use of that particular name for that identical purpose is conclusive evidence of the
goods as those of the foreign corporation? fraudulent intent with which it is done.
The sole purpose of the action:
"Is to protect its reputation, its corporate name, its goodwill, whenever that reputation, K. COLLECTIVE MARKS; Definition
corporate name or goodwill have, through the natural development of its trade, established 1. Sec. 121.2,
themselves." "Collective mark" means any visible sign designated as such in the application for
And it contends that its rights to the use of its corporate and trade name: Is a property registration and capable of distinguishing the origin or any other common
right, a right in rem, which may assert and protect against all the world, in any of the courts of characteristic, including the quality of goods or services of different enterprises
the world — even in jurisdictions where it does not transact business — just the same as it which use the sign under the control of the registered owner of the collective mark;
may protect its tangible property, real or personal, against trespass, or conversion (Sec. 40, R.A. No. 166a)
That point is sustained by the authorities: Since it is the trade and not the mark that is
to be protect, a trade-mark acknowledges no territorial boundaries of municipalities or 2. Section 167 Collective Marks. –
states or nations, but extends to every market where the trader's goods have become known 167.1. Subject to Subsections 167.2 and 167.3, Sections 122 to 164 and 166 shall
and identified by the use of the mark. apply to collective marks, except that references therein to "mark" shall be read
In order that competition in business should be unfair in the sense necessary to justify as "collective mark".
the granting of an injunction to restrain such competition it must appear that there has been, 167.2.(a) An application for registration of a collective mark shall designate the
or is likely to be, a diversion of trade from the business of the complainant to that of the mark as a collective mark and shall be accompanied by a copy of the agreement, if
wrongdoer, or methods generally recognized as unfair; . . . In most, if not all, of the cases in any, governing the use of the collective mark.


(b) The registered owner of a collective mark shall notify the Director of any
changes made in respect of the agreement referred to in paragraph (a).
167.3. In addition to the grounds provided in Section 149, the Court shall cancel
the registration of a collective mark if the person requesting the cancellation
proves that only the registered owner uses the mark, or that he uses or permits its
use in contravention of the agreements referred to in Subsection 166.2 or that he
uses or permits its use in a manner liable to deceive trade circles or the public as
to the origin or any other common characteristics of the goods or services
167.4. The registration of a collective mark, or an application therefor shall not
be the subject of a license contract. (Sec. 40, R.A. No. 166a)



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