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1. Describe the finishing and detailing procedures using pre-adjusted edgewise and begg appliances
2. Discuss the indications for non-extraction treatment. What procedures have facilitated the shift from extraction
to predominantly non-extraction treatment trend in the recent years?
3. Describe the methods of root control in various techniques
4. Describe the various applications of headgear in the correction of class 2 malocclusion along with their mode of
5. Describe the contemporary orthodontic wires properties.
6. Describe the cause and prevention of relapse in surgical orthodontic treatment.
7. Describe the current status of pre-adjusted bracket systems.
8. Describe the various methods of torquing teeth, giving advantages and disadvantages of each method.
9. Discuss adult orthodontics.
10. Discuss the post-treatment management of orthodontic cases.
11. Describe the current concepts of extra-oral anchorage, its indications and uses.
12. Discuss the orthodontic management of a case of class 2-div1 malocclusion during mixed dentition stage.
13. Discuss the management of skeletal problems in preadolescent children.
14. Discuss the causes, effects and management of enamel defects following orthodontic therapy.
15. Discuss the problem of anchorage in edgewise and begg technique.
16. Discuss the role of functional appliances in treatment of class2 div1 cases.
17. Discuss the metallurgical utility of white material alloys in orthodontia.
18. Discuss the anchorage preparations in various fixed appliance techniques.
19. Discuss the functional harnessing of facial and masticatory muscles in the treatment of malocclusion.
20. Discuss skeletal malocclusion and their clinical significance. Write your treatment approach to manage skeletal
class 2 cases.
21. Discuss functional regulator appliances and illustrate with diagrams.
22. Discuss various types of orthodontic forces used, rate of root movement and possible tissue damage.
23. Describe in detail the role of molar distalization in orthodontic therapy
24. Describe the evolution, role and application of acid etching of enamel in contemporary orthodontic practice.
25. Discuss in detail the preventive and interceptive measures, which can be under taken to avoid malocclusion.
26. Discuss the diagnosis treatment planning and management of adult patients having skeletal open bite.
27. Discuss in detail the diagnosis and treatment planning for a patient aged 8 years having angles class 2 div 1 type
of malocclusion with excessive overjet and overbite.
28. Define anchorage and discuss in detail the anchorage management in orthodontic treatment.
29. Discuss the principles of development of permanent dentition towards facial growth.
30. Discuss the problem of anchorage in edgewise and begg technique.
31. Clinical management of posterior unilateral skeletal classII cross bite in an adult
1. Twin block appliance
2. Rapid v/s slow midpalatal suture expansion
3. En-masse anterior retraction in any three different fixed appliance techniques
4. Management of gummy smile
5. Concepts of functional occlusion
6. Herbst appliance
7. Aesthetic finishing
8. Bioprogressive therapy or simplified bioprogressive therapy
9. Bypass Arches
10. Bonding porcelain brackets
11. Orthodontic wires
12. Orthodontic bonding materials
13. Segmental arch technique
14. T M A wires
15. Motivation for adult orthodontic treatment
16. Long face syndrome and treatment
17. Heat treatment of orthodontic wires
18. Speech and malocclusion
19. Utility arches
20. Effects of orthodontic pacifiers on primary dentition
21. Treatment priority index
22. Austenite steel
23. Growth space
24. Caries prevention
25. Straight wire technique
26. Preservation of gingival contour in fixed orthodontic therapy
27. Borderline bimaxillary protrusion cases and their management
28. Current status of begg appliance in orthodontics
29. Headgear herbst
30. Magnetic forces in orthodontics
31. Indirect bonding
32. Myodynamic appliances
33. Tip edge technique
34. Management of tongue thrusting habit
35. Interdental stripping
36. Torque in orthodontics
37. Effect and utility of light cure in orthodontics
38. Soldering in orthodontics
39. Technique of canine retraction
40. Space adjustment in mixed dentition
41. Plaque and dental caries in orthodontics
42. 2nd premolar extraction in orthodontics
43. Orthodontics and facial esthetics
44. Impacted canines
45. Describe various dental cast analysis and their importance in orthodontics
46. Position of mandibular central incisors on treatment and esthetics
47. Methods of early detection of developing skeletal malocclusion
48. Modifications in begg technique
49. Complications of orthognathic surgery
50. Reverse pull head gear
51. Combination technique
52. 3rd degree anchorage
53. RPE
54. Lingual orthodontics
55. Describe and analyze tip back mechanics used in different orthodontic techniques
56. Muscle anchorage appliances
57. Use of herbst appliance in treatment of class 2 div 1
58. Serial extraction
59. Midline discrepancies
60. Functional remodeling
61. Orthopedic v/s orthodontic tooth movement
62. Progressive torque
63. Orthodontic movement of non vital teeth
64. Importance of parathormrone in orthodontics
65. Trajectories of forces
66. Latex elastics
67. Fluxes and antifluxes
68. Braded arch wires
69. Physical properties of niti v/s Beta titanium
70. Elgiloy
71. Angulated brackets
72. Polycarboxylate cements
73. Siamese twin arch wire
74. No mix adhesives
75. Apical root resorption consequent to orthodontic treatment
76. Keys to retention
77. Effects of extraction on dental profile in borderline cases
78. Masticatory efficiency after orthodontic treatment- support with studies
79. TMJ and retention
80. Stability of derotated teeth
81. Role of tongue in relapse of orthodontically treated cases.
82. Invisible retainers
83. Mode of action of activator, frankel, bionator while correcting class2 div 1 mixed dentition cases
84. Frankel appliance
85. Activator headgear
86. Oral Physiotherapy
87. Fixed functional appliance therapy
88. Super elastic phenomenon in niti arch wires
89. Fluoride induced enamel remineralization
90. Role of friction In sliding mechanics
91. Nickel induced allergy and its management
92. Gnathologic positioner
93. Incisor liability
94. Ideal occlusion v/s normal occlusion
95. Age changes in periodontal ligament
96. Orofacial musculature in the development of malocclusion
97. Describe the equilibrium effect on dentition
98. Intercanine width in orthodontics
99. VTO
100. Occlusogram
101. Brandict technique
102. Begg treatment during mixed dentition
103. Limitations of adult orthodontic treatment
104. New trends in orthodontic bonding systems
105. Secondary bone grafts in cleft palate and cleft lip patients
106. Notching and binding of arch wires
107. Roth’s concepts of functional occlusion
108. Occlusal indices

1. Early management of developing malocclusion.
2. Infection control in orthodontics.
3. An assessment of contemporary curriculum in advanced graduate programme in orthodontics.
4. Orthodontic therapy in the next decade.
5. Complications and management during orthodontic treatment.
6. The latest trends in orthodontic diagnosis and treatment procedure.
7. Discuss epidemiology of malocclusion.
8. Adult orthodontics.
9. Need based orthodontic training in post-graduation.
10. T M J in relation to orthodontics.
11. Bioprogressive therapy.
12. Recent technological advances which have resulted in improved standard of orthodontic treatment.
13. Management of excess face height in different age groups.
14. Root resorption in orthodontics.
15. Distraction osteogenesis as a tool in the management of craniofacial deformities.
16. Which cephalometric analysis you choose to detect skeletal abnormalities of a growing child. Substantiate your
17. Discuss the current controversies in orthodontics.
18. Evolution refinements and state of the art in begg appliance today.
19. The evolution and state of the art in ceramics bracket in orthodontics.
20. Retention and relapse.
21. Prognathism (angles classIII) diagnosis and treatment planning.
22. Role of orthodontist for the public dental health programme and towards the WHO goal of “Total health for all
by 2000 A.D.
23. Latest research methodology of growth and development.
24. Methods of soft tissue analysis in orthodontics and their significance


1. Discuss the errors in cephalometry, clinical significance and methods to remedy the same (its limitations as a
tool in treatment planning).
2. Discuss child psychology in relation to malocclusion and orthodontic treatment.
3. Discuss the etiology of non-compliance to orthodontic appliances in children. Outline the behavioral
management in non-compliant patients.
4. Outline briefly the various growth prediction methods. Add a note on their rationale, accuracy and utility.
5. Discuss and compare the merits and demerits of any three methods of superimpositions of cephallograms to
assess the changes in the mandibular and maxillary dimensions or positions.
6. Describe any 2 methods to assess the skeletal maturation from the hand and wrist x- ray pictures.
7. Discuss the recent advances in cephalometrics.
8. Discuss the psychological basis of dentofacial attractiveness and factors affecting its perception among the lay
public, dental professionals and orthodontists.
9. Out line briefly any one PA view cephalometric analysis. Add a note on accuracy and utility of PA view
analysis and their application in the evaluation of facial asymmetries.
10. Discuss the role of heredity in the etiology of malocclusion.
11. Discuss in detail McNamara’s cephalometric analysis and its role in finding components of malocclusion.
12. Discuss the psychological aspects of severe malocclusion in children.
13. Discuss cephalometric criteria for functional appliance therapy.
14. Role of muscular pressure in the etiology of malocclusion.
15. Discuss the psychological problems of an adolescent and its bearing on orthodontic treatment.
16. Discuss the methods used to study the influence of heredity on dentition.
17. Discuss the problems encountered in orthodontic management of early adolescent patients.
18. Discuss the errors in projection and identification in cephalometric radiography. Add note on their clinical

1. Polygenic inheritance
2. Psychological aspects of childhood habits
3. Inadequacy of angle ANB
4. Recent advances in imaging TMJ
5. Natural head position in cephalometry
6. Reliability of PNS and Bolton’s point
7. Motivation in orthodontic patients
8. Accuracy of computerized cephalometric evaluation
9. Rickett’s 4 step analysis
10. Dipaolo’s quadrilateral
11. Cogs analysis
12. Autism
13. Oedipus complex
14. Turners syndrome
15. TMJ imaging and its recent advances
16. Radiovisionography
17. Tweeds diagnostic triangle
18. Management of thumb sucking habit
19. Dental orthopantamograms
20. Tongue posture in normal occlusion
21. Skeletal analysis In lateral head cephalometrics
22. Axiography
23. Cephalometric longitudinal growth study in maxilla
24. Cephalometric longitudinal growth study in mandible
25. Twin studies
26. Radiation hazards in orthodontic practice
27. Genetic determination
28. Contour photography
29. Cephalometric extraction criteria
30. Monohybrid inheritance
31. Soft tissue ceph analysis
32. Computerized cephalometrics
33. Cephalometric appraisal of craniofacial growth by Bjorg
34. Wit’s appraisal
35. Xeroradiography
36. Simon’s law of canine
37. Importance of IMPA in Indian context
38. Coplanar x-ray
39. Fronto facial analysis
40. Epigenetic growth factors
41. Physical growth and development of child with special reference to dento facial complex
42. Teething
43. Principles of orthopantamograph
44. Sonic digitization
45. Image storing methods
46. Mutations
47. Hologram
48. Radiovisionography
49. Genetic basis of down syndrome
50. Temper tantrums in children and its management in orthodontic office


1. Discuss in detail the formation of the palate. Enumerate the etiological factors responsible for the cleft palate.
Quote one study on this subject.
2. Discuss in detail the dimensional changes in arch width and arch length, mesial to the permanent 1st molar
during the period between 7 to 13 years. Quote 2 studies on this subject.
3. Discuss in detail the principles of development of the permanent dentition towards facial growth.
4. Discuss in detail the late growth changes in the human face.
5. Discuss in detail the current thoughts of postnatal growth of the mandible.
6. Discuss in detail the adjustments, mechanism and functional regulation of the mandibular growth.
7. Discuss in detail the various parameters to assess normal and abnormal human growth.
8. Discuss the influence of heredity and its mechanism on its development of malocclusion.
9. Describe in detail the phenomenon of rotation of jaws during growth and how it contributes to malocclusion.
10. Discuss the factors influencing the development of normal occlusion. What is the current thinking on the theory
of attritional occlusion?
11. What are the equilibrium effects on the dentition?
12. Discuss pattern, variability and timing of growth.
13. Discuss the various parameters to assess the normal and abnormal human growth.
14. Discuss the adjustments, mechanism and functional regulation of mandibular growth.
15. Outline the recently introduced changes in the functional matrix theory.
16. What is the current status of genomic hypothesis in human growth and development?
17. Outline the maturational development and growth of human chin, lips and nose. Add a note on its significance
on treatment planning.
18. Discuss in detail the postnatal growth of the mandible and effects of mandibular condylar growth on anterior
facial height.
19. Write in detail about the development of occlusion from birth to 18 years of age.
20. Discuss in detail the development of dentition in human beings.
21. Discuss in detail about functional matrix of bone growth and latest advances in it.
22. Discuss the growth of jaws in relation to heredity and congenital factors.
23. Discuss the role of tongue in the maintenance of normal occlusion, etiology of malocclusion and relapse of
treated orthodontic case.
24. Discuss the current doctrine of functional matrices in relation tom growth of maxilla and mandible.
25. Discuss the growth changes observed in the dento facial area from post puberty to adult hood. Add a note on its
significance in treatment planning and treatment outcomes.

1. Neurotrophic process of orofacial growth.
2. Grid pattern of assessment of growth in children.
3. Dryopathicus pattern
4. Canine guided occlusion.
5. Enlow’s concept of area relocation.
6. Implants for growth studies.
7. Stomatomedin and somatostatin
8. Wetzel’s grid
9. Vertical maxillary excess
10. Short face syndrome
11. Servo system theory of bone growth
12. Stomatognathics
13. Ectopic eruption of teeth
14. Growth trends
15. Curve of spee
16. Primary and secondary cartilages
17. Craniofacial growth in adults
18. Evolution of TMJ joints
19. Role of vitamins in growth
20. Hunter Enlow concept of growth equivalents
21. Logarithmic growth of mandible
22. Synchondrosis
23. Evolution of lower jaw in vertebrates
24. Rickett’s growth prediction
25. Growth sites in cranial base
26. Laws of heredity
27. Eruption of teeth
28. Growth space
29. Malnutrition and malocclusion
30. Electromyography
31. Utility of holograms
32. Evolution of diagnostic concepts in orthodontics
33. Growth spurts
34. Wolf’s law of transformation
35. Significance of pubertal growth spurt in orthodontics
36. Possibilities of stimulating mandibular growth and importance of treatment planning
37. Longitudinal growth study
38. Carpel index
39. Nasocapsular theory
40. Late growth changes in human face
41. Peak height velocity of growth
42. Cephalocaudal gradient of growth
43. Delayed growth
44. Role of calcium and phosphorus in growth
45. Role of Vit E in hard tissue growth
46. Carbon tracing index
47. Cephalic index
48. Growth indicators
49. Settlement of occlusion from childhood to adulthood

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