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Electrochmrca Acro.

Vol 37, No 8, pi 1333-1342, 1992 0013+686/92 $5 00 + 0 00

Pnnted Ill Gnat Bntam 0 1992 Fwgamon Press Ltd




Laboratolre de Chume I, URA-CNRS 350, Umvensk de Poltlers, 40, avenue du Recteur Pmeau,
86022 Poltlers Cedex, France

(Recemed 10 June 1991, m rewsedform 29 October 1991)

Abstract-Usmg smtable potential programmes, sustained electrolysis of aqueous solution of D-ghmSe,

m perchlorlc and phosphate buffered media were carried out on Pt, Au and adatoms (Pb, Tl, Bt) modified
Pt electrodes The reaction products m solution as well m the gas phase were analysed by HPLC and GC
chromatograptic techniques, and their concentration was followed vs the time of electrolysis It IS
confirmed that whatever the expenmental condltlons, glucomc acid 1sthe mam reaction product However,
many other carboxyhc acids (among which glucanc, glucuromc, tartanc, glyoxyhc, oxahc, glycohc and
formic aclds) were detected Theu concentration dlstrlbutlon was found to depend mainly on the catalytic
properties of the surface For example, with Bl adatom moddkd Pt, a sigruficant amount of @ucuromc
acid could be produced

Key words D-ghCOSe, electrooxldatlon, chromatography, adatoms, reaction mechamsms

INTRODUCTION occurs with very small concentrations of metal ions

m the bulk The results also indicated that the
The electrocatalytlc oxldatlon of D-glucose has catalytic effect depended not only on the nature of
roused great interest for the last two decades, when the adatoms, but also on stenc and structural charac-
the ideas appeared for using glucose/oxygen fuel cells tenstlcs In the presence of adatoms, the oxldatlon
as power sources for cardiac pace-makers or to current densities increased with the concentration of
develop glucose sensors[ l-51 D-glucose
These electrochemical studies were mainly carned The present work was aimed at studying the elec-
out by voltammetnc methods on noble metal elec- trocatalytlc oxldatlon of D-glucose on platinum and
trodes Most of the works on glucose oxldatlon were gold electrodes modified or not by foreign metal
made on platinum electrodes and the main concern adatoms (Tl, Pb and Bl) m acid and neutral media
was to study its anodlc oxldatlon m an electrolytic Analysis of the products was camed out by chro-
medium similar to physlologlcal condltlons matographlc techniques (HPLC ond GC), m order to
Thus, Rao and Drake[6] investigated the electro- follow the consumption of D-glucose, and the for-
oxldatlon of D-glucose m phosphate buffered mation of reaction products durmg prolonged elec-
medium They found that glucomc acid 1s the trolysis using a suitable potential-time programme A
only reaction product formed and that It 1s future paper ~11 present a similar study, but m
absorbed strongly on the electrode surface, so that alkaline medium
further oxldatton of D-ghCOSC IS inhibited Like
Skou[7,8], they assumed that glucomc acid could
not be oxidized EXPERIMENTAL
Furthermore, De Mele et al [9-131 studied the
oxtdatlon of D-glucose, glucono-b-lactone, glucomc The expenmental methods, used m this work, were
acid and other monosaccharides m phosphate cyclic voltammetry (cu), programmed potential elec-
buffered medium at different temperatures This com- trolysis (PPE), high performance hqmd chromatog-
parative analysis enabled the authors to find a re- raphy (HPLC) and gas chromatography (GC)
lationship between the electrochemical behavlour and All the electrochenucal measurements were carned
the structural charactenstlcs of these molecules out at room temperature in a two-compartment glass
The effect of different adatoms (Tl, Pb and Bl) on cell (volume = 60 cm3 for each compartment, separ-
the catalytic actlvlty of noble metal electrodes ated by a cationic exchange membrane) The support-
toward D-glucose oxldatlon was studied by mg electrolyte (HC104 or KH,PO,/NaOH) was
several authors[l4-201 Adsorption isotherms of the prepared from Merck “Suprapur” products and
systems Pt-Tl, Pt-Pb and pt-BI showed that the ultrapure water (Ml11 Q/Mdhpore System) The
maximum catalflc effect appeared for coverage val- other reagents used were D( +)-glucose (Merck) and
ues & _ 0 5 Moreover, the larger catalytic action Tl, Pb and Bl perchlorate salts (Roc/hc)

EA 37/8-c 1333
1334 K B KOKOHet al

0 OL 08 12 E/V(RHE)

Fig 1 Voltammograms of a platmum electrode recorded at 0 05 V s-l, m 0 1 M HCIO, (---), at the

begmmng (- ), and at the end (- -), of the electrolysis of 0 2 M o-glucose The Inset shows the
potential programme used

Before each expenment, the solutions were deaer- Previous mvestlgatlons showed that peak A
ated with ultrapure nitrogen (U Quality from L’Alr represents the dehydrogenation of the anomenc
Llqmde), while a mtrogen stream was mamtamed carbon This reaction was shown to be adsorption
over the solutlon durmg the measurements controlled, whereas peaks B and C represent
The working electrode (WE) was a platinum gnd oxldatlon reactions limited by a mass transfer
(with an active area of 4Ocm*) or a gold gnd phenomenon (dlffuslon)[21] (Fig 2)
(S = 50 cm*) used either pure or modified by foreign However, the current densltles of ~-glucose oxi-
metal adatoms A 90% platinum/lo% lndmm sheet dation m acldlc medium are relatively low
and a Hg/Hg, S04, K2 SO4 saturated electrode served (I,,, = 0 13 mA cm-* at 1 2 Vlrhe), showmg that D-
as counter and reference electrodes, respectively But glucose IS not very reactive m acid medium
the electrode potentials given m this paper are all A suitable electrolysis programme was realized,
referred to the rhe scale wrth an oxidation plateau chosen at 1 1 V/rhe, after
Solution samples (10 pl), taken from the reactive having checked that the other oxldatlon peaks led to
medium durmg the electrolysis, were immediately current intensities decreasing rapidly to zero after
analysed by HPLC Identlficatlon of the organic acids about 10 mm
was achieved by comparmg their retention time to With the optimized programme qven m Fig 1,
those of known acids The mobile phase was a D-glucose electrolysis could be followed up to 29 h,
3 6 mM sulphunc acid solution, and the separation dunng which the current density and the quantity of
was made on a BloRad Ammex HPX-87 H Column electnclty were both recorded (Fig 3) At the begm-
thermostatted at 30°C A double detection was real- mng of electrolysis, the current density, which
ized using a vanable wavelength uu spectrometer
(Knauer) followed by a differential refractometer
(RI) (Knauer) Chromatograms were recorded with a
two channels integrator (chromate-integrator D2000, ,-
Merck), the first channel for the uv slgnal and the ‘E
second one for the RI signal Carbon dloxlde m the 20
gas phase (le above the reactive medium) was \
analysed by gas chromatography (Automatic G
Glr&PG li) -


1 D-Glucose electrooxrdatlon on smooth platmum m -2

0 1 M HClO,
Figure 1 shows the voltammograms of a pure
platinum electrode (S = 40 cm*) m 0 1 M HClO,,
Hrlthout and Hrlth 0 2 M D-glucose In agreement wth -5 -L -1 0 1
previous work, three oxldatlon peaks are notlced (A, loqw v f’)
B and C) durmg the positive potential sweep and then Fig 2 Dependence of log I on log v for the oxidation at a
another peak (D) followed by a hump (E) durmg the Pt electrode of 0 1 M glucose m 0 1 M HClO, at 25°C A to
negative potential sweep D refer to the voltammetnc peaks of Rg 1
Oxidation of o-glucose 1335

potential deposition (upd) of foreign metal adatoms,

from low concentrated soluhons of thar salts, in
80 order to increase the selectivity of ~-glucose ox+
datlon into products Adatoms are supposed to oc-
cupy preferably the polsomng rites of the electrode,
thus enabling the surface to keep its actWy much
longer than when it IS not mod&d
012 Foreign metal adatoms are deposlted onto the Pt
surface according to the reduction equation
0 0
W ads 3 (1)
0 6 12 18 2C 30
t/h where z IS the lomc valence of the metal M
Fig 3 Vanatlons vs the electrolysis time of the current According to Sakamoto and Takamura[22], the
density (*) and the quantity of electnnty ( + ) dunng the coverage 8, of the electrode surface, by a foreign
electrolysis of 0 2 M n-glucose at 1 1 V/rhe metal adatom M, is defined as

reached 0 4 mA cmv2, decreased slowly durmg the
early five hours Then, It remains constant at 0 22 mA
cm-’ up to the end of the expenment The final where QM represents the quantity of electnclty whtch
recorded quantity of electnclty, Qnp = 88 C, shows corresponds to the adatoms dlssolutlon [reverse of
that the D-glucose conversion yield remains very low reaction (I)], and Q,,., IS the quantity of electnclty
(3 3%) necessary for the formation of a full monolayer of
As a result of chromatographlc analysis, the reac- metal adatoms But, the simple application of the
tion products, indicated m Fig 4, were detected above formula may @ve overestimated values of &,,,
Traces of glucanc, glycohc and fomc acids, as (close to the umty, or more than unity) because, for
well as carbon &oxide, were also determined How- some adatoms, it 1s very difficult to determme exactly
ever, two products have remained unknown They the freed area correspondmg to their dissolution
obviously exist as traces Therefore, we preferred to define all the parameters
from the hydrogen reDon, which IS very well-defined
2 D-Glucose oxrdatron on adatoms modljied Pt on platinum and for which 1 electron-per-site can be
electrodes m perchlorrc aced strictly assumed[23]
(a) Determrnatlon of the Pt coverage Qy by cychc Thus, calculations based upon the hydrogen
voltammetry Pt electrodes were modified by under- region m the voltammograms of unmodified and
modified Pt electrodes (Fig S), allow us to calculate
O,, as follows
200 - -6 nM
Q =1-E!! (3)
198 - M
196 - where Q”, 1s the quantity of electnclty determmed
when all the Pt sites are occupied by adsorbed
hydrogen, and Q! the quantity of electnclty necess-
192 - ary to adsorb hydrogen atoms on the Pt sites free
from metal adatoms M
190 -

0 6 12 18 2C 30
t/h #” ._-. bl
! ‘-._


0 6 12 18 24 30
Rg 4 Evolution, durmg the electrolysis at 1 1 V/h of
02M D-ghxose on a smooth platinum electrode m acid E/vIRHE)
medium (0 1 M HCIO,), of the concentration of (a) D-&I- Fig 5 Hydrogen regon of the voltammognuns of a plah-
case (*). glucomc acrd ( + ), glucurotuc acid (A) and (b) num electrode m aud mednun, m the absence (---). and m
oxalic acid (O), tartanc acid (0) the pnsence (-) of (a) Tl, (b) Pb and (c) BI adatoms
1336 K B KOKOHet al

Table 1 Platinum coverage @,, m the presence

of Tl, Pb and BI precursor salts m 0 1 M HClO, 200 c* 46
198 -
Bulk concentration -C
Adatoms of the precursor salt @M H
u 196 -
Tl [Tl+] = lO-S M 0 27
Pb [pb2+] = 5 lo-’ M 047 -2
Bl [BIG+]= lO-J M 051 19c -

8, IS determined from voltammograms recorded

at 50mV s-’ and 25°C
0 6 12 18 24 30

The values of QM calculated from the voltam- t/h

mograms of Pt m the supporting electrolyte are Fig 7 Evolution, durmg the electrolysis of 0 2 M D-glucose
given m Table 1 at 0 55 V/rhe on a Pt-Tl electrode, of the concentration of
(b) E$ect of adatoms on the electrooxzdatzon of D-glucose (t), glucomc acid ( + ), and formic acrd (W)
~-glucose Figure 6 shows the voltammograms of Pt
electrodes modified by foreign metal adatoms for Tl, Pb and Bl, respectively At vanance wth the
recorded m 0 1 M HCIOl, m the absence and m the Tl and Pb adatoms (Fig 6a and b), Bl adatoms do
presence of glucose Adatoms of Tl, Pb and Bl are not modify much the behavlour of Pt m presence of
deposited at low potentials, which causes the shrmk- D-glucose (Fig 6c) The mam difference, compared to
age of the hydrogen region and the disappearance of unmodified Pt, 1s the increase of the oxldatlon peak
the glucose oxldatlon peak A obtained on unmodified D, at 0 56 V/rhe, durmg the negative potential sweep
Pt electrodes D-Glucose electrolyses were realized using a tnple-
Durmg the posltlve potential sweep, the dlssolutlon pulse potential programme Only the potential of
peak of adatoms IS observed at 0 9, 0 8 and 1 V/rhe, the oxldatlon plateau was changed, according
to the nature of the adatom (E,,,, = 0 55 V/z-he,
E pl,pb= 0 65 V/rhe and Eptle, = 1 V/rhe)
Figures 7, 8 and 9 give the concentration depen-
dence on time, followed by chromatography of D-
glucose and its electrooxldatlon products Traces of
carbon dioxide were also detected, as well as low
amounts of two reachon products, which could not
be identified

202 - -5

0 6 12 18 2c 30



i I I I
0 04 Qa 1.2 0 6 12 18 24 30
EA'IRHE) t/h
Rg 6 Voltammograms of a platmum electrode recorded at Fig 8 Evolution, durmg the electrolysis of 0 2 M D-glucose
0 05 V s-l, m acid medmm, with adatoms. \mthout D&U- at 0 65 V/rhe on a Pt-Pb electrode m and medium, of the
case (---), at the begmnm~(-), and at the end (- z-), concentration of (a) n-glucose (+), glucomc acid ( + ).
of the electrolysis of 0 2 M ~-glucose (a) Tl, (b) Pb, (c) BI glucuromc acid (A), (b) fornuc acid (m), glucar~c acid (a),
adatoms and tartanc acid (0)
Oxidation of ~-glucose 1337

Consldermg the voltammogram shape, the

electrolysis was camed out using a triple--pulse
potential programme The best results were obtained
when the potential of the oxldatlon plateau was set
to 0 62 Vlrhe and held I5 s
Electrolysis was camed out for 19 h, durmg which
time the electrolytic solution was analysed by HPLC
at regular penods of time It turned out that D-glu-
cose was converted mto glucomc, glucuromc, oxalic,
glyoxyhc and tartanc acids (Fig 11) Traces of
glycohc and formic acids were obtained too, and one
10 20 30 40 50 60
reaction product has remained unknown
The voltammogram recorded at the end of
electrolysis (Fig 10) was entirely shifted to hgher
potentials Th1.s results from acldlficatlon of the
electrolytic medium due to electrooxrdatlon of
D-ghCOSC into its carboxyhc denvatlves

4 D-Glucose electrooxrdatron on gold m perchlorzc

The voltammograms recorded durmg electrolysis
are gven m Rg 12 At the begmnmg of the oxldatlon
reactlon, the voltammogram shows that the 0 2 M
L 0 I
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
D-glucose solution has a low reactivity on a Au
electrode (S = 50 cm*) m 0 1 M HCIO, acid medium,
although the current densltles are slightly higher than
Fig 9 Evolution, durmg the electrolysis of 0 1 M o-glucose those obtamed with pure Pt Consldermg that Au 1s
at 1 V/rhe on a Pt-Bl electrode m acid medium, of the
not active for hydrogen, a double-pulse potential
concentration of (a) D-ghCOSe (*), fomuc acid (U), glycohc
acid (V), (b) glucomc acid ( + ), glucuromc acid (A), and
programme was estabhshed Thus, the oxldatlon
oxalic acid (0) potential, which was fixed at 0 95 Vlrhe, was used
both for adsorbing and oxldlzmg D-ghCOSe and/or
the other organic species m solution The potential
3 D-Glucose oxzdatzon on Pt m buffered medwm pulse, for the electrode reactlvatlon by desorptlon of
The voltammograms of Pt were recorded m the polsomng speaes, was fixed at 1 7 V/rhe and held
buffered medmm (KH,PO,/NaOH, pH = 7 3) at durmg 0 5 s
room temperature (25”C), m the absence and m the At the be.gmnmg of the electrolysis, the measured
presence of 50 6 mM D-glucose (Fig 10) The same current density was about 0 12rnAcn-1~*, but It de-
oxldatlon peaks as m acid medmm can be seen, but creased strongly after one hour down to lo-* mA
m the present case, with a much greater mtenslty, cm-*, after which It becomes stable until the end
particularly durmg the negative sweep of the 25 h oxldatlon The recorded quantity of

0 c-4 08 12 l.6ENRHE)

Fu 10 Voltammograms of a smooth platinum electrode, recorded at 0 05 V s-I in neutral medmm, in

the absence of o-glucose (---), at the begmmng (- ) and at the end (- -) of the electrolysis of
50 6 mM ~-glucose
1338 K B KOKOH et al

52 -4
202c 25
-3 - 20
s 50

+ E zoo-
2 -15
4 198- -10

46 0 196, -0
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20 25
Fig 13 The changes observed dunng the electrolysis of
0.3 0 2 M ~-glucose m actd medmm at 0 95 V/rhe on a gold
electrode, m the concentration of o-glucose (*), glucomc
acid ( + ), fornuc acid (m), and glycohc acid (V)
3 02
a solution The chromatographlc analysis, given m
Fig 13, shows moreover that D-glucose IS oxidized
01 mto glucomc and formic acids Traces of glycohc
and tartanc acids are also obtained
0 5 D-Glucose electrooxldatlon on gold m buffered
medwn @H = 73)
5 10 15 20
Figure 14 shows the voltammograms of Au which
were recorded m the absence of D-glucose, at the
l%g 11 Evolution, durmg the electrolysis of 50 6 mM
~-glucose m neutral medium @H = 7 3) at 0 62 V/rhe on a beginning and at the end of a 50 2 mM D-glucose
platinum electrode, of the concentration of (a) D-ghCOSe (*).
electrolysis m a buffered medium (0 1 M KH,PO,/
glucomc acid ( + ) and glucuromc acid (A), (b) glyoxyhc NaOH) The volume of solution m the working
acid (A), oxahc acid (0) and tartanc acid (0) electrode compartment was 13 cm3 The counter
electrode was glassy carbon
The oxldatron of D-glucose on a Au electrode starts
electnclty was QcXp= 47 5 C Such a low value reflects very early m the double-layer reson One can observe
that the degree of oxldatlon of D-glucose on a gold four oxrdatlon peaks, two (A and B), durmg the
electrode m acid medium IS small The voltam- positive sweep and two others (C and D hardly
mogram, recorded at the end of the electrolysis, has separated), durmg the negative sweep One can notice
a shape which IS different from that obtamed at the that the oxldatlon peaks A and D are nearly super-
begmnmg of the reaction, showing that some changes imposed, which would indicate small poisoning of
occurred m the composltlon of the electrolytic the electrode surface

‘5 1 E/V(RHE)

04 0.0 12 1.6ENRHE)
Fig 12 Voltammograms of a gold electrode recorded at 0 05 V s-l m acid medmm m the absence of
D-glucose (---), at the begmmng ( -) and at the end (- -) of the electrolysis of 0 2 M ~-glucose
The mset shows the potential programme used
Oxldahon of D-ghaxse 1339

I I I 1
a4 an 12 16 ENRHE
Fig 14 Voltammograms of a gold electrode, recorded at 0 05 V s-l, m neutral m&urn m the absence
of D-glucose (---), at the begmnmg (-) and at the end (- -) of the electrolysts of 50 2 mM
~-Glucose electrolysis was performed usmg a DISCUSSION
double-pulse potential programme Adsorption and
In agreement with the literature the results ob-
oxidation of the organic species were carned out at
0 87 V/rhe durmg 20 s, while the electrode reactl- tamed m this work show that glucomc acid 1s the
vation lasted 0 5 s at 1 82 V/rhe mam reaction product of D-ghCOSC oxldatlon How-
Electrolysis was followed for 20 h, durmg which ever, detailed chromatographlc analysis have also
time the vanatlons of the current densltles were proved that many other aclds, such as glucanc,
recorded as well glucuromc, tartanc, glyoxyhc, formic, oxalic and
The first hours were characterized by an increase of glycohc acids, as well as carbon dioxide, were also
the current density (reaching 6 3 mA cm-*), which formed, some of them m appreciable amounts
not only proves that the rate of D-glucose oxldatlon The modification of the Pt surface by upd adatoms
increases, when increasing pH, but that gold becomes enabled us to increase the current densities and
more active than platinum The concentrations of therefore to increase the D-ghCOSC conversion yield
D-glucose and of its oxldatlon products, were fol- Besides, the dlstnbutlon of the oxldatlon products
was found to be modified by the metal adatoms,
lowed by hqmd chromatogaphy (Fig 15) Apart
from glucomc and glucarlc aads, formic, glycohc particularly with B1, which led to an appreciable
and tartanc acids were also detected at small increase m the formation of glucuromc acid (up to
11%) Moreover, it 1s noticeable that glucuronic acid
1s formed on platinum electrodes, whereas it 1s glu-
carlc acid which 1s formed on gold electrodes, as a
result of the oxldatlon of the C6 carbon of the
primary alcohol group
In conclusion, m accordance with previous
studles[7, 11,281 one may assume that the following
reaction mechanisms stand for the electrooxldatlon
of D-glucose into gluconic acid

J “\,/ oH-+Id-OH+H+ +e-, (1)

i / \
\R/ 1
0 5 10 15 20 H I&
Fig 15 The changes observed dunng the electrolysis of followed, at potentials high enough to oxidize the
50 2mM D-Glucose m neutral me&urn at 0 87 Vlrhe on surface, by
a gold electkde, m the concentration of ~gh&xe (*),
gluconrc acid ( + ) and glucanc acid (0) Pt + H20-+Pt4H + H+ + e- (2)
1340 K B KOKOH et al

structure of the electrodes even before the adsorption

l&oH+Pt43H4LLo+2RfHO 2 1
of the orgamc molecule In the voltammograms of
Fig 5, the Qsappearance of the oxldahon peak A, m
d t (3)
the hydrogen rep;lon, can be noticed This might be
due to the foreign adatoms reduction current on Pt,
which compensates for the positive current mtenslty
and, later on, by hydrolysis resulting from the adsorption of D-gbOSC
For the Pt-Tl system, the reaction mechamsm
for D-glucose oxldatlon mto glucomc acid can be
RQ ~HIO-CH~OH-(CHOH)4-COOH (4) postulated (Scheme 2)
At low potentials, the Tl adatoms are adsorbed
The detailed mechanism, however, must take mto Tl,+,+ e- + Tl,
account the surface state of the electrode, particularly
I it 1s modified by adatoms It 1s likely that the Then, electrolysis 1s reahzed at 0 55 V/rhe As the
onentatlon of the adsorbate 1s affected by the pres- adatoms remam adsorbed at this potential, one can
ence of adatoms assume that the oxldatlon reaction proceeds on an
Thus, the mechanism can be depicted as follows electrode structure such as
(1) On smooth platinum electrodes Glucomc aad
Tl Tl
results from the oxldatlon of the D-glucose anomenc
carbon Its formation occurs mto two mam steps, as i t-Pt-Pt
the reaction mechamsm scheme (Scheme 1) shows
The potential programme and the vanation of the (m) On gold electrodes Nlkolaeva et al [28] postu-
current density resulting from this oxldatlon are lated that, on gold, the mechanism of the oxldatlon
mdlcated as well At the adsorption potential of the D-glUCOSe into glucomc acid, was srmilar to
( Eads= 0 2 V/rhe), the current 1s due to dehydrogena- that on Pt electrodes, although gold has no hydrogen
tlon of the anomenc carbon region
At 1 1 V/rhe, hydrogen atoms are replaced by Actually, the oxldatlon plateau m the double-pulse
hydroxyls and the orgamc adsorbate oxldatlon potential programme IS used both to adsorb and to
releases the hydrogen of one OH group This oxldlze D-glucose Therefore, it can be assumed that
brings out the lactone desorptlon from the electrode dehydrogenatlon of D-glucose occurs at the moment
surface The decreasing of the oxldatlon current 1s of Its adsorptlon, this weakens the hydrogen bond of
probably caused by the remammg species adsorbed at the OH group, which leads to lactone desorptron
the Pt surface, like gluconolactone[24,25] or carbon from the electrode surface Therefore, the mechanism
monoxlde[26] can be written as follows
(u) On Pt electrodes modified by foreign metal
adatoms Accordmg to Furuya and Motoo[27], Tl Au+H,O+AU(OH),~,+H+ +e- (1)
and Pb are metal adatoms which occupy two Pt sites
respectively, while three sites are necessary for Bl The
AWW,,, + CsH,,Q --) AW,H,, Q&is + I-40 (2)
effect of the upd adatoms 1s to modify the superficial Au(C~H~~O~)~,,,+C~H~~O~+AU+H+ +e- (3)

1 -


Scheme I
Oxldatlon of n-glucose 1341

1s -



055 - _____

Scheme 2

These mechamsms are valid both m acid and Glucono-b-lactone IS therefore a pnmary reaction
neutral media, and at the oxldatlon potentials used product, as Ernst ef al [25] has shown But, it was not
m this work possible to check this hypothesis by hqmd chroma-
The glucono-b -1actone thus produced 1s probably tography, because under our expenmental con-
responsible m part of the electrode polsonmg, as far dttlons, glucomc acid and Its two lactones (6 and y)
as it remams chemlsorbed, preventing m this way any has the same retention time
subsequent D-glucose adsorption and oxldatlon, as The oxldatton of the alcohol group at the C,
noted by Kokkmldls et al [19] carbon of D-glUCOSe leads to glucuromc acid The
However, If gluconod-lactone desorbs from the mechanism of this reaction (Scheme 3) IS slmllar to
electrode surface and diffuses mto the solution, it that of the oxldatlon of methanol into formic acid
undergoes hydrolysis to yield glucomc acid, which m As far as the degradation products are concerned,
its turn, 1s transformed little by httle mto the thermo- they would result on the one hand, from the dssocla-
dynamically more stable glucono-y -lactone[29, 301 tlve chemlsorptlon of D-glucose or of Its denvatlves,
at the applied oxldatlon potential, and on the other
hand, from the secondary oxldatlon reactlons occur-
nng at the potential of the electrode cleaning pulse
As a concludmg remark, it can be said that these
C-OH - results mostly concern electrosynthesls (for produc-
b mg glucarlc and/or glucuromc acrds) rather than fuel

Scheme 3
1342 K B KOKOH~~ al

cells research, because under our expenmental con- 12 M F L De Mele and H A Vldela, Acta Caentrfca
ditions, the conversion of D-glucose mto carbon Venezuela 36 (1985)
dloxlde remains very low The results we have ob- 13 M F L De Mele, H A Vldela and A J Arvla,
tamed certainly contnbute to a better understandmg Btoelectrochem Woenerg 16, 213 (1986)
14 R R Atic, ALances m Electrochemutry and Elecrro-
of D-@UCOSC oxldatlon Contrary to the literature, rt
chemrcal Engmeermg, Vol 13, (Ed&d by H Genscher
IS now clear that glucomc acid IS not the sole and final and W Tobias) p 159 Wdey, New York, (1984)
product of D-glUCOSC electrochemical oxldatlon 15 N Xonoglou and G Kokkmtdls, Bloelecirochem
Woenerg 12, 485 (1984)
Acknowledgements-The authors wish to thank Drs H 16 G Kokkmldls and N Xonoglou, Bloelectrochem
Huser and E M Belgslr for helpful dIscussIons One of Woenerg 14, 375 (1985)
them (K B K ) IS very grateful to the Repubhc of CBte 17 E M Belgslr, H Huser, J M L&r and C Lamy,
d’Ivolre for Its financial support dunng the preparation of J eleclroanal Chem 225, 281 (1987)
his Doctorat Thesis m Poltrers 18 M J Shao, X K Xmg and C C Lm, Woelectrochem
Bloenerg 17, 59 (1987)
19 G Kokkmldn, J M tiger and C Lamy, J electroanal
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