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Name:Russel H. Dabon.


•Clinical Pathway
Fig. 2 Clinical pathway of a child presenting with fever

Reference:A protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis of the diagnostic accuracy of
mid-regional pro-adrenomedullin in predicting invasive bacterial infection in children - Scientific
Figure on ResearchGate. Available from:
2252 [accessed 14 May, 2022]
Disaster or Opportunity? How
COVID-19-Associated Changes in
Environmental Uncertainty and Job Insecurity
Relate to Organizational Identification and

The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic continues to create tremendous

uncertainty in workplaces. Building on a social identity perspective, this study develops
and tests a model of how and why COVID-19-associated uncertainty affects employee
work outcomes. The model differentiates uncertainty as either internal (job insecurity) or
external (perceived environmental uncertainty) to the organization and reveals their
different effects on employee organizational identification, which positively affects
employee work outcomes (work effort, organizational citizenship behavior, and
performance). With a latent change score to model intraindividual changes, we found that
increases (or decreases) in job insecurity before versus during the pandemic related to
subsequent decreases (or increases) in organizational identification, whereas increases
(or decreases) in perceived environmental uncertainty before versus during the pandemic
related to subsequent increases (or decreases) in organizational identification; increases
(or decreases) in organizational identification then related to increases (or decreases) in
positive work outcomes. These findings complement existing theoretical views that
uncertainty typically leads to poor performance by inducing anxiety, and that
organizational identification suffers during a crisis such as COVID-19. In turn, this
research offers practical implications to help organizations avoid discouraging and even
encourage greater organizational identification and performance during crises.

Reference:Lian, H., Li, J. (K.), Du, C., Wu, W., Xia, Y., & Lee, C. (2022). Disaster or
opportunity? How COVID-19-associated changes in environmental uncertainty and job
insecurity relate to organizational identification and performance. Journal of Applied
Psychology, 107(5), 693-706. retrieved

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