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Freshman Religion
June 2022
Ms. Stephanie Boccuzzi, Mr. Jon Dwyer, Fr. James Hederman, S.J., Dr. James Nagle, Mr. John
Pignone, S.J., Mr. Tobias Ninson

Review material for Final Exam

Exam scheduled for Wednesday, June 13, 2018
Exam is worth 20% of the final year grade
Testing room and time will be announced at a later date


75 Multiple Choice Questions (50 points)

One essay on a theme (Choice - 25 Points)
One Essay on a Parable or a Miracle (Choice – 25 points)



All of the following terms were or will be used in the course. You should consult your notes,
make a list of these terms, and type the definition you find in your notes, on PowerPoints, or
looking up the term in another source. A quick Google search should be used as a last resort.

1. Abram/Sarai

2. Theophany. Know where these occur in Old and New Testaments.

3. Infancy Narratives in Old and New Testaments. (Purpose)

4. Eucharist (meaning of the Greek word / definition of the term)

5. The Jewish Feast of Passover (Exodus 12)

6. Sinai Covenant

7. Golden Calf

8. Ark of the Covenant

9. The Babylonian Exile (Captivity) 587 B.C.E.

10. What is a prophet? What is the prophet’s role in proclaiming justice? What is the part
that God’s call plays in every prophet’s ministry?

11. Gentile
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12. Synoptic Gospel (Definition of the term / Which gospels are synoptic gospels? /Which
gospel is NOT?)

13. Amen (definition)

14. Genealogy (Definition / Purpose of the genealogies in Luke and Matthew)

15. Kingdom of God

16. Sermon on the Mount

17. Abba (Definition)

18. Life Restoration Miracles

19. Physical Healing Miracles

20. Jewish Feast of Passover (relation to Passion Narrative)

21. Sadducees/Pharisees/Essenes/Zealots

22. Sanhedrin

23. Geography of Roman Palestine (NT):


24. Importance of Jerusalem: (Theological and Political)

25. What is meant by the Paschal Mystery?

26. The Jerusalem Temple (Significance for Jews; Significance in the Gospels)

27. Synagogue (What is it? Difference from Temple?)

28. Sabbath

29. First and second creation stories


30. Eucharist (thanksgiving)

31. Evangelist
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1. How does God create the world in the First and Second Accounts of Creation? What is the

2. What quality does the biblical writer give to creation in first story?

3. God tells humans to do something at the end of the first creation story. What is it?

4. How is God described in the second story of creation?

6. Know the stories that surround the patriarch Abraham.

7. What is the purpose of the Joseph story at the end of Genesis? How can it be seen as a bridge
between the Age of the Patriarchs and Israel in Egypt?

8. Know the Exodus Story!!!

● Moses Birth Narrative
● Moses Call and his reluctance
● The plagues: What were they? The Plagues as signs.
● The last Plague and the Passover Narrative
● [connection of the Passover and the Last Supper]
● The Deliverance from Egypt
● Crossing the Reed Sea
● The Sinai Covenant
● The Golden Calf
● Wandering in the Desert – manna and quail


1. You must know the defining characteristics of each of the Four Gospels.
● Who was the author?
● Where was the gospel written
● When was the gospel written?
● Who was it written for?
● Major Themes

2. You must be able to describe the Infancy Narratives in both Matthew and Luke.
● How do the genealogies differ? To what person does Luke trace Back Jesus’s
genealogy? Matthew?
● What characters dominate each account?
● What was the significance of Jesus’s birth in Bethlehem?
● How does Matthew’s gospel connect Jesus and Moses? (the slaughter of the
innocents and the flight to Egypt)
● What is the significance of each of the three gifts brought to Jesus by the Magi?
● What is the role of angels and Joseph in Matthew’s Infancy Account?
● What are the striking differences between the two accounts?
● Who is struck dumb for disbelief in Luke’s Infancy Narrative?
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● To what person does Luke trace Back Jesus’s genealogy?

3. What is a Synoptic Gospels? What is “Q” How do the synoptic gospels differ from the Gospel
of John?
● What reasons to the gospels give for Jesus eating with sinners, tax collectors and
consorting with other outcasts?
● Baptism – Jesus is God’s beloved son

4. The Gospel of Mark

● Mark was the earliest gospel written down!
● Characteristics
● How does Mark emphasize Jesus’ humanity?
● How does Mark treat the Kingdom of Heaven?
● AT the Baptism of Jesus what does the voice from the heavens call him?
● What does Jesus’s forty days in the desert symbolize?

5. The Gospel of Matthew

● Characteristics
● Who was the gospel written for?
● Why does Jesus insist on being baptized by John? (Matthew 3_
● When the devil tempts Jesus to fall down and worship him, what event in the Old
Testament are we reminded of?
● Beatitudes and the Sermon on the Mount
o What is the connection between the qualities expressed in the Beatitudes
(Matthew 5) and the Kingdom of God?
o “You cannot serve God and mammon.” Who or what is mammon?
● What does Jesus say about prayer in the Sermon on the Mount?
● What does Jesus say about wealth and possessions?
● What activities does Jesus say we should do in secret?
● Some passages to know
o The Sermon on the Mount (Matt 5-6-7)
o Love your enemies
o the Parables of Jesus

6. The Gospel of Luke

● Theme
● Characteristics
● For whom was it written?
● Some Passages to know:
o Lazarus and the Rich Man (Luke 16:19-31)
o The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)
o The Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32)

7, The Gospel of John

● Who wrote it?
● Johanine community
● Beloved Disciple
● To whom was it addressed?
● How does it differ from the Synoptic Gospels?
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● What theme does the gospel emphasize when it talks about Jesus?
● How is Jesus described in Chapter One?
● What is meant by the Incarnation
● The importance of Jesus’s “I am”
● Sign
● What kind of miracle was the raising of Lazarus from the Dead and what did it
foreshadow? (John 11:1-44)
● Some passages to know:
o Prologue
o Nicodemus (John 3; 7; 19) Know what happens in each episode!
o The Man Born Blind

8. The Kingdom of God

● What is the Kingdom of God?
● What does Jesus mean by “The kingdom of God” is not yet here” or “The
kingdom of God is not yet fulfilled?”
● What effect did Jesus’s teachings on the kingdom of God reinforce opposition to
● What literary form did Jesus use to teach people about the Kingdom of God?
● Jesus ate with tax collectors
● Why is Mary, the mother of Jesus, described as the perfect disciple?
● What is so special about the disciples who were women?

9. Passion, Death and Resurrection

● Instead of recounting the institution of the Eucharist at the Last Supper, what does
John have Jesus do?
● On what great Jewish feast day did the Last Supper take place?
● What did Jesus prophecy at the Last Supper about one of his disciples?
● Jesus speaks of a New Covenant at the Last Supper – What was the Old
● After Jesus was arrested, what did Peter do in the courtyard of the high priest?
● With what crime did Pilate charge Jesus?
● Who stood beside Jesus at the Cross?
● What was the inscription on top of the Cross?
● What did the Roman soldier do to Jesus at his death and what does this
● What was Nicodemus’s role at the Burial of Jesus?
● What exactly do Christians mean when they say that Jesus rose from the dead?
● According to Matthew opponents of belief in the resurrection have used what
arguments about the empty tomb?
● What evidence is present that points to historical evidence for the resurrection of



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● Exodus Paradigm
Ex 1:8-14
Ex 2:23-25
Ex 3:7-10
● The First Creation Story (Genesis 1:1-2:4)
● The Second Creation Story (Genesis 2:5-25)
● The Testing of Abraham (Genesis 22)
● The Passover Narrative (Exodus 12:1-8, 11-14)


● Matthew 1 & 2
● Luke 1 & 2


● The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)

● The Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32)
● The Rich Man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19–31)


● The Roman Centurion’s slave is Cured (Luke 7:1-10)

● Lazarus is Raised from the Dead (John 11:1-44)
● The Man Born Blind (John 9:1-41)


● Matthew 26-28
● Mark 14-15
● Luke 22-24
● John 18-21

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