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Example from slides

Array flow control

%% Array flow control
% Demonstrate how logical work with arrays
A = [1 2 3];
B = A;
C = [1 2 2];

if (A==B)

if (A==C)
elseif (A~=C)
fprintf('~(A==C) && ~(A~=C) !?\n');

%% Explanation
% When the expression in an if statement is not a scalar, Matlab treats
% it as true only if all elements of the array are true.


%% Demonstrating Efficiency

%% Loops are bad


reps = 100;
x = rand(100000,1);
y = rand(size(x));

tloop = cputime;
for r=1:reps
s = 0;
for i=1:numel(x)
s = s+x(i)*y(i);
tloop = cputime-tloop;
tvec = cputime;
for r=1:reps
svec = x'*y;
tvec = cputime-tvec;

fprintf('loop: s=%20.16g, t=%3d\n vec: s=%20.16g, t=%3d\n' ...


%% Preallocate arrays
reps = 500;
for r=1:reps
a(r,:) = rand(1,1000);
clear a;

a = zeros(reps,1000);
for r=1:reps
a(r,:) = rand(1,1000);

%% Memory layout can matter

reps = 100;
x = rand(1000,1000);
y = rand(size(x,2),1);
yp= y';
for r=1:reps
for i=1:size(x,1)
s = yp*x(:,i);

for r=1:reps
for i=1:size(x,1)
s = x(i,:)*y;


%% Demonstrating good and bad ways to invert matrices

format long;

% create some random data

K = 1000; N = K+1; b = ones(K,1);
x = randn(N,K); y = x*b + randn(N,1);
xy = x'*y;
xx = x'*x;

bhat = zeros(K,4);
% from slow to fast ...
tic; bhat(:,1) = (xx)^(-1)*xy; toc;
tic; bhat(:,2) = inv(xx)*xy; toc;
tic; bhat(:,3) = xx \ xy; toc;
% the qr-way: slow but can be more accurate
[q r] = qr(x,0);
s = inv(r);
ixx = s*s';
bhat(:,4) = ixx*xy;;
sum(abs(xx*bhat-xy*ones(1,4))) % notice that \ gives smallest error
clear bhat;

%% Solving multiple equations

M = 50;
y = (x*b)*ones(1,M) + randn(N,M);
xy = x'*y;
tic; bhat{1} = inv(xx)*xy; toc;
tic; bhat{2} = xx*xy; toc;
% In a loop for illustrative purposes
ixx = inv(xx);
for m=1:size(y,2)
% ... might be doing stuff that changes xy ...
bhat{1}(:,m) = ixx*xy(:,m); %#ok
tic; % for a general matrix, xx, \ uses LU decomp + backsub to solve, we
% do that explicitly here
[L, U, p] = lu(xx,'vector');
for m=1:size(y,2);
bhat{2}(:,m) = linsolve(U,linsolve(L,xy(p,m),lower),upper);
clear lower;
tic; % for symmetrix matrix with positive diagonals (like we have), \ uses
% cholesky decomposition and back substitution to solve, we do that
% explicitly here
R = chol(xx);
for m=1:size(y,2);
bhat{3}(:,m) = linsolve(R,linsolve(R,xy(p,m),lower),upper);

%% Illustration of usefulness of QR
% make inv and \ fail because of inaccuracy
d = 1.e-8;
x = [1 1; d 0; 0 d]
y = [1;2;3];
xx = x'*x;
xy = x'*y;
bbad1 = xx^(-1)*xy
bbad2 = inv(xx)*xy
bbad3 = xx \ xy
[q r] = qr(x,0);
s = inv(r);
ixx = s*s';
bbad4 = ixx*xy
%% Explanation
% The problem with using inv() and \ is that they require first computing
% x'*x, and computing x'*x involves adding a relatively big number, 1 to
% a tiny number, 1e-16. Because of rounding, 1 + 1e-16 = 1, and x'*x
% becomes singular.
% Making d slightly bigger reduces the problem
d = 2.e-8;
x = [1 1; d 0; 0 d]
y = [1;2;3];
xx = x'*x
xy = x'*y;
bbad1 = xx^(-1)*xy
bbad2 = inv(xx)*xy
bbad3 = xx \ xy
[q r] = qr(x,0);
s = inv(r);
ixx = s*s';
bbad4 = ixx*xy


%% 14.382 Problem Set 2, Question 4
% Paul Schrimpf, March 2008
% Recreates main results of Betrand, Duflo, and Mullainathan (2004).
% Also, applies bias and size corrected estimator of Hausman and
% Kuersteiner (2007) to this setup.

%% Load Data
% Data is from the CPS-MORG. Some pre-processing (mainly merging of
% various years into single file) was done in stata.
% Here, we read the data from a .csv file and save it as a structure.
% The structure that we choose to save our data in is meant to be a
% generic diff in diff setup with 2 level clustering. The fields of data
% are:
% * y = outcome variable, size number of observations by 1
% * x = regressors, size number of observations by number of regressors
% * t = time index, size number of observations by 1
% * s = state index, size number of observations by 1
% * p = policy indicator, size number of observations by 1

profile on;
% Whenever importing data, an easy solution is to use "Import Data" under
% the file menu. It gives you a GUI to import data and will
% automatically generate code.
cps = importdata('cpsSample.csv',',',1);
% break data into nicely named variables
for c=1:size(,2)
eval([cps.colheaders{c} '=,c);']);

% only use 25-55 yr old white females with positive earnings

use = earnwke>0 & age>=25 & age<=55 & white==1 & female==1;
y = log(earnwke(use));
t = year(use)-1978;
s = state(use);
x = [yrsEdu(use) age(use) age(use).^2 age(use).^3 age(use).^4];

% create original data structure

data.y = y;
data.x = x;
data.s = s;
data.t = t;
data.p = zeros(length(y),1);
% clear unneeded variables
clear cps y t s x use;

%% Run Simulations
% Just loops through simulations. All combinations of N number of states
% with T time periods are run S times. Each simulation is run with both
% a 0 and 2% policy effect. Each time, the estimated policy effect, its
% variance, and whether or not the null hypothesis of 0 effect is
% rejected at a 5% level is saved. For each simulation we estimate the
% effect using OLSDD with and without clustering and using FGLS with and
% without bias correction.

%N = [6 10 20 50]; % number of states to use

%T = [3 5 10 20]; % number of time periods
%S = 100; % number of simulations
N = 10;
T = 5;
S = 20;
for n=1:length(N)
for t=1:length(T)
if (T(t)>N(n)-1) % too few T for N
for s=1:S
% simulate with no effect
simd = simulate(data,N(n),T(t),0);
[bOLS(1,n,t,s), testOLS(1,n,t,s,:) var(1,n,t,s,:) ] = olsDD(simd);
asimd = aggData(simd);
[bGLS(1,n,t,s,:), testGLS(1,n,t,s,:) vGLS(1,n,t,s,:)] = fglsDD(asimd);
% simulate with 2% effect
simd = simulate(data,N(n),T(t),0.02);
[bOLS(2,n,t,s), testOLS(2,n,t,s,:) var(2,n,t,s,:)] = olsDD(simd);
asimd = aggData(simd);
[bGLS(2,n,t,s,:), testGLS(2,n,t,s,:) vGLS(2,n,t,s,:)]=fglsDD(asimd);
fprintf('%4d of %4d\n',s,S);

profile viewer;
%% Print Results
% Prints the results in latex formatted tables.

% save results just in case

save(['sim_' datestr(now)],'bOLS','testOLS','var','bGLS','testGLS','vGLS');

% print results
of = fopen('sim.tex','w');
fprintf(of,['Estimator & N & T & Rejection Rate No Effect & Rejection Rate
2' ...
' % Effect \\\\ \\hline\n']);
estOLS = {'OLS' ...
'OLS state-year clustered' ...
'OLS state clustered'};
estGLS = {'FGLS' ...
'FGLS bias-corrected' ...
'FGLS bias and size corrected' ...
'OLS aggregate'};
for n=length(N):(-1):1
for t=length(T):(-1):1
if (T(t)>N(n)-1) % too few T for N
for i=1:3;
fprintf(of,'%s & %d & %d & %7.3g & %7.3g \\\\ \n', ...
estOLS{i},N(n),T(t),mean(testOLS(1,n,t,:,i)), ...
i = 4;
fprintf(of,'%s & %d & %d & %7.3g & %7.3g \\\\ \n', ...
estGLS{i},N(n),T(t),mean(testGLS(1,n,t,:,i)), ...
for i=1:3
fprintf(of,'%s & %d & %d & %7.3g & %7.3g \\\\ \n', ...
estGLS{i},N(n),T(t),mean(testGLS(1,n,t,:,i)), ...
fprintf(of,'\\hline \n');
%% OLS for diff-in-diff
% Estimates diff in diff by OLS. Calculates variance and reports whether
% reject
% $$H_0: \beta=0$$
% at 5% level in three ways:
% # usual homoskedastic OLS variances
% # clustered on data.t,data.s
% # clustered on data.s
% Returns the variance and test results in vectors test and var
% Takes as input a data structure with fields:
% * y = outcome variable, size number of observations by 1
% * x = regressors, size number of observations by number of regressors
% * t = time index, size number of observations by 1
% * s = state index, size number of observations by 1
% * p = policy indicator, size number of observations by 1
% See also FGLSDD
function [b test var]=olsDD(data);

alpha = 0.05; % critical level for tests

crit = abs(norminv(alpha/2));

% form X
X = [data.p data.x data.T data.S];

% Note that inv should be avoided whenever possible.
% See
% <
% purpose of inv> regarding the perils of using inv. Here we need
% inv(X'*X) to compute the variance of beta, but maybe there's a better
% way.
iXX = inv(X'*X);
if (any(isnan(iXX)))
err = 1;
% compute b
beta = iXX*X'*data.y;
b = beta(1);
% compute residuals
e = data.y - X*beta;

% ols test
n = length(data.y);
k = length(beta);
V = e'*e*iXX/(n - k);
test(1) = abs(b/sqrt(V(1)))>crit;
var(1) = V(1);
%% Clustered on state, year
% $$ V = (X'X)^{-1} \sum_{s,t} X_{s,t}'\hat{e}_{s,t} \hat{e}_{s,t}'
% X_{s,t} $$
V = zeros(size(iXX));
for s=1:length(state)
for t=1:length(time)
g = data.s==state(s) & data.t==time(t);
V = V + X(g,:)'*e(g)*e(g)'*X(g,:);
V = iXX*V*iXX;
test(2) = abs(b/sqrt(V(1)))>crit;
var(2) = V(1);
%% Clustered on state
% $$ V = (X'X)^{-1} \sum_{s} X_{s}'\hat{e}_{s} \hat{e}_{s}'
% X_{s} $$
V = zeros(size(iXX));
for s=1:length(state)
g = data.s==state(s);
V = V + X(g,:)'*e(g)*e(g)'*X(g,:);
V = iXX*V*iXX;
test(3) = abs(b/sqrt(V(1))) > crit;
var(3) = V(1);

%% FGLs for diffs in diffs.
% Estimates using FGLS and reports whether
% reject
% $$H_0: \beta=0$$
% at 5% level in three ways:
% # plain FGLS allowing arbitrary autocorrelation
% # Hausman and Kuersteiner bias correction
% # bias corrected with size corrected test
% Takes as input a data structure with fields:
% * y = outcome variable, size number of observations by 1
% * x = regressors, size number of observations by number of regressors
% * t = time index, size number of observations by 1
% * s = state index, size number of observations by 1
% * p = policy indicator, size number of observations by 1
% As in BDM and HK, we work with data aggregated to state-time cells,
% this makes the computations simpler. The justification is that there
% are so many within state-time observations that we can ignore
% uncertainty from that. We require that the input data has already been
% aggregated. This can be accomplished with aggData()

function [bGLS testGLS vGLS] = fglsDD(data)

alpha = 0.05; % critical level for tests
crit = abs(norminv(alpha/2));

% check that data has been collapsed to state-time cells

T = length(unique(data.t));
S = length(unique(data.s));
if (length(data.y)~=T*S)
error('data must be collapsed to state-time averages');
x = data.x;
y = data.y;

%% ols
ixx = inv(x'*x);
betaP = ixx*x'*y;
u = y - x*betaP;
bGLS(4) = betaP(1);
V = u'*u/length(u)*ixx;
vGLS(4) = V(1);
testGLS = zeros(1,4);
testGLS(4) = abs(bGLS(4)/sqrt(vGLS(4))) > crit;

%% Estimate of weighting matrix

% The presence of fixed effects makes doing FGLS
% somewhat tricky. In particular, the natural estimate of the variance
% matrix,
% $$ \hat{\Sigma} = \sum_{s=1}^S \hat{e}_s \hat{e}_s' $$
% will be rank T-1 instead of rank T. We can proceed as in Kiefer
% (1980).
Omega = zeros(T);
M1t = eye(T) - ones(T)/T;
for s=1:S
Omega = Omega + M1t*u(data.s==s)*u(data.s==s)'*M1t;
Omega = Omega/S;
% need generalized inverse of Omega b/c of non full rank
iO = zeros(T);
iO(1:T-1,1:T-1) = inv(Omega(1:T-1,1:T-1));
W = kron(eye(S),M1t)*kron(eye(S),iO)*kron(eye(S),M1t);
xf = x(:,1:T); % already projected out state fixed effects
V = inv(xf'*W*xf);
betaGLS = V * (xf'*W*y);
bGLS(1) = betaGLS(1);
testGLS(1) = abs(bGLS(1)/sqrt(V(1))) > crit;
vGLS(1) = sqrt(V(1));

%% Bias-corrected FGLS
% see Hausman and Kuersteiner
yt = reshape(y,T,S);
v = zeros(S,2);
% must be careful about defining v to make it full rank
for s=1:S
v(s,:) = [1 any(x(data.s==s,1)==1)];
Mv = eye(S) - v*inv(v'*v)*v';
Stilde = yt*Mv*yt'/trace(Mv);
B = eye(T);
B = B(2:T,:);
SigHat = B*M1t*Stilde*M1t*B';

tran = kron(eye(S),B*M1t);
z = tran*xf(:,2:size(xf,2));
ups = tran*xf(:,1);
ybc = tran*y;
iSig = inv(SigHat);
iO = kron(eye(S),iSig);
Oz = iO - iO*z*inv(z'*iO*z)*z'*iO;
V = inv(ups'*Oz*ups);
bGLS(2:3) = V*ups'*Oz*ybc;
t1 = bGLS(2)/sqrt(V);
testGLS(2) = abs(t1) > crit;
vGLS(2:3) = V;

%% size corrected test

% see Hausman and Kuersteiner
sccrit = crit*(1 + ((1+crit^2) + 2*(T-2))/(2*S));
testGLS(3) = abs(t1) > sccrit;

%% Simulate a diff in diff data set
% Draws a sample of N states with T time periods from original data orig.
% assigns half the states to be treated with a policy effect of gamma.
% The data structure is meant to be a
% generic diff in diff setup with 2 level clustering. The fields of data
% are:
% * y = outcome variable, size number of observations by 1
% * x = regressors, size number of observations by number of regressors
% * t = time index, size number of observations by 1
% * s = state index, size number of observations by 1
% * p = policy indicator, size number of observations by 1
% Input arguments are:
% * orig = original data structure
% * N = number of states to draw in sample
% * T = number of periods to draw in sample
% * gamma = effect of policy
% States are drawn with replacement. Time is drawn as a continuous block
% of length T. The policy is randomly chosen to affect half of the
% states beginning at t ~ U(0.2*T,0.8*T). When the policy is in effect,
% y is changed to (1+gamma)*y
function simd = simulate(orig,N,T,gamma)
states = unique(orig.s);
times = unique(orig.t);

if ~isequal((1:length(times))',sort(times))
error('simulate requires t go from 1 to T in the original data');

% ks = indices of states to keep in sample

ks = ceil(rand(N,1)*length(states));
% kt = indices of times to keep in sample
kt = ceil(rand()*(length(times)-T));
kt = kt:(kt+T-1);
% tuse = 1 if orig.t = any(kt), else 0
tuse = zeros(size(orig.y));
for t=1:length(kt)
tuse = tuse | orig.t==kt(t);
use = []; % = 1 if want observation
ss = []; % simulated state index, because we're sampling with
% replacement, ks might not consist of unique values, ss will
for s=1:length(ks)
f = find(orig.s==states(ks(s)) & tuse);
% notice that use and ss are growing within this loop. this
% adversely affects Matlab's performance
use = [use; f]; %#ok (tells mlint to ignore)
ss = [ss; s*ones(size(f))]; %#ok

% create the sampled data

fname = fields(orig);
for f=1:length(fname)
simd.(fname{f}) = orig.(fname{f})(use);
% make sure sample state indices are unique and go from 1 to N
simd.s = ss;
% make time start from 1
simd.t = simd.t - min(simd.t) + 1;

% generate the policy change

t1 = min(simd.t);
t2 = max(simd.t);
t = round(T*0.2 + rand()*T*0.6);
if (t>=t2)
t = t2-1;
elseif (t<=t1)
t = t1+1;

% pick which states are affected

p = rand(N,1);
mp = median(p);
paff = zeros(size(simd.s));
for s=1:N
if (p(s)>mp)
paff(simd.s==s) = 1;

% assign policy indicator

simd.p(simd.t<t) = 0;
simd.p(simd.t>=t & paff) = 1;
% change y when policy in effect
simd.y = simd.y + gamma*simd.p;
if (max(simd.p)==0)
error('simd.p = 0 everywhere');

% create time and state dummies

u = unique(simd.t);
simd.T = zeros(length(simd.t),length(u)-1);
for i=2:length(u) % omit first time dummy
simd.T(:,i-1) = simd.t==u(i);
u = unique(simd.s);
simd.S = zeros(length(simd.s),length(u));
for i=1:length(u)
simd.S(:,i) = simd.s==u(i);
clear u;


Optimization and integration

Metropolis-Hastings code
%% A simple Markov Chain
% Uses Metropolis-Hastings to draw from a mixture of bivariate normal
% densities.
% Uses a N(0,tau I) candidate density. Runs the chain for various
% values of tau to compare results.
% From 14.384 2008 ps5
% set parameters
mu = {[1.5 1.5], [-1.5 -1.5]};
K = length(mu{1});
sig = {[1 0.5; 0.5 1], [1 0.5; 0.5 1]};
p = [0.5,0.5];
f = @(x) mvnpdf(x,mu{1},sig{1})*p(1) + mvnpdf(x,mu{2},sig{2})*p(2);
n = 2000;
tau = [0.1^2, 1, 8^2];
theta = zeros(length(tau),n,K);
for t=1:length(tau)
theta(t,1,:) = [10,-10];
fold = f(squeeze(theta(t,1,:))');
muTheta(1,:) = mean(theta(t,1:1,:),2);
varTheta(1,:) = var(theta(t,1:1,:),0,2);
accept = 0;
for i=2:n
% draw candidate
x = mvnrnd(squeeze(theta(t,i-1,:))',eye(K)*tau(t));
u = rand();
fnew = f(x);
if (u<fnew/fold)
theta(t,i,:) = x;
fold = fnew;
accept = accept+1;
theta(t,i,:) = theta(t,i-1,:);
muTheta(i,:) = mean(theta(t,1:i,:),2);
varTheta(i,:) = var(theta(t,1:i,:),0,2);
ezcontour(@(t0,t1) f([t0 t1]),[-4,4])
h1 = gca;
h2 = axes('Position',get(h1,'Position'));
fprintf('acceptance rate=%g\n',accept/n);

AMPL Code for simulating and estimating Aguirregabiria and Mira style entry game:

# fixed parameters
set markets;
param M;
param nSize;
param sizes{1..nSize};
param nFirm{markets};
param nState{m in markets} := nSize*2^nFirm[m];
set firms := 1..(max{m in markets} nFirm[m]);
set states := 1..(max{m in markets} nState[m]);
param state{m in markets,s in 1..nState[m],i in 1..nFirm[m]};
# state[m,s,:] = s/nSize in binary
param size{m in markets,s in 1..nState[m]} :=
sizes[((s-1) mod nSize)+1];
set actions := {0,1};
param eulerMascheroni := 0.577215665;
# observed states and actions
param T;
set time := 1..T;
param oState{time, markets};
param oAction{time, markets, firms} within actions;

# estimated parameters
var P{markets,firms,states,actions} >=0, <=1; # P(firm i in state s takes
action a)
var V{markets,firms,states}; # Value of state s for firm i
var FP{markets,states,states}>=0,<=1; # P(state i|state j)
var sizeTran{markets,1..nSize,1..nSize}>=0,<=1;
# profit parameters
var entryCost;
var fixedCost;
var thetaR;
var sigma;
var beta>=0,<=1;

# profit function
var pi{m in markets,i in 1..nFirm[m],s in 1..nState[m],a in actions} =
a*( (if state[m,s,i]==0 then -entryCost else 0)
-fixedCost +
thetaR*size[m,s]*sum{o in 1..nState[m]: state[m,o,i]=1}
(prod{j in 1..nFirm[m] diff {i}} P[m,j,s,state[m,o,j]]) /
(2 + sum{j in 1..nFirm[m] diff {i}} state[m,o,j])^2 );

# E[epsilon|action,state]
var ep{m in markets,i in 1..nFirm[m],s in 1..nState[m],a in actions} =
a*(eulerMascheroni - sigma*log(max(P[m,i,s,a],1e-307)));

maximize likelihood:
sum{t in 2..T, m in markets, i in 1..nFirm[m]}
log(max(FP[m,oState[t,m],oState[t-1,m]] , 1e-307) );

subject to bestResponse{m in markets, i in 1..nFirm[m], s in 1..nState[m]

,a in {1}}:
P[m,i,s,a]=1-exp(-exp((pi[m,i,s,a] +
beta*( (sum{r in 1..nState[m]: state[m,r,i]==1} V[m,i,r]*
-(sum{r in 1..nState[m]: state[m,r,i]==0} V[m,i,r]*

subject to stateTrans{m in markets, r in 1..nState[m], s in 1..nState[m]} :

FP[m,r,s] = sizeTran[m,((r-1) mod nSize)+1,((s-1) mod nSize)+1]*
prod{i in 1..nFirm[m]} P[m,i,s,state[m,r,i]];

subject to bellman{m in markets, i in 1..nFirm[m], s in 1..nState[m]}:

V[m,i,s] = sum{a in actions} P[m,i,s,a]*(pi[m,i,s,a]+ep[m,i,s,a]) +
beta*sum{r in states} V[m,i,r]*FP[m,r,s];

subject to validP{m in markets, s in 1..nState[m], i in 1..nFirm[m]} :

(sum{a in actions} P[m,i,s,a]) = 1;

subject to validFP{m in markets, s in 1..nState[m]} :

(sum{r in 1..nState[m]} FP[m,r,s]) = 1;

subject to validSizeTran{m in markets, s in 1..nSize} :

(sum{r in 1..nSize} sizeTran[m,r,s]) = 1;

param M := 1;
param nSize := 2;
set markets := 1;
param sizes := 1 2 2 4;
param nFirm :=
1 2;
param T := 50;

Command file:
/* Script for solving, simulating, and estimating.
model ag.mod;
data ag.dat;
option solver "./snopt"; # snopt,minos, donlp2, loqo
option snopt_options 'timing 1 outlev=3 iterations=100000';
option randseed 0; # set random seed based on system time
#option solver minos;
#option minos_options 'timing 1 outlev 3';

# set up state
param temp;
for{m in markets, s in 1..nState[m]}
let temp:= (s-1) div nSize;
for{i in 1..nFirm[m]}
let state[m,s,i] := temp mod 2;
let temp := temp div 2;

# set data - otherwise it will complain

let{m in markets, t in time} oState[t,m] := 1;
let{m in markets, t in time, i in firms} oAction[t,m,i] := 0;

# initial guesses - equal prob

let{m in markets, s in 1..nState[m], r in 1..nState[m]-1} FP[m,s,r] :=
let{m in markets, s in 1..nState[m], i in 1..nFirm[m], a in {1}}
P[m,i,s,a] := Uniform(0.4,0.6);
let{m in markets, s in 1..nState[m], i in 1..nFirm[m], a in {1}}
P[m,i,s,0] := 1-P[m,i,s,1];

display state,size;
# set parameters & solve for equilibrium
fix fixedCost := 1;
fix entryCost := 1;
fix sigma := 1;
fix thetaR := 1;
fix beta := 0.8;
#fix{m in markets, z in 1..nSize-1, w in 1..nSize} sizeTran[m,z,w] := 1/nSize;
fix sizeTran[1,1,1] := 0.75;
fix sizeTran[1,2,2] := 0.75;
#let{m in markets, w in 1..nSize} sizeTran[m,nSize,w] := 1 - sum

drop likelihood;
printf "\nEnter any number to continue\n";
read temp <-;

display P;
display state;
display V,size,pi,ep;

printf "\nEnter any number to continue\n";

read temp <-;
# simulate data
param slast;
param sizenew;
param csum;
param asim{firms};
for{m in markets}
let slast := ceil(Uniform(1,nState[m]));
for{t in time}
let oState[t,m] := slast;
# simulate actions
for{i in 1..nFirm[m]}
let temp := Uniform(0,1);
let oAction[t,m,i] := if temp <= P[m,i,slast,1] then 1 else 0;

# update size
let temp := Uniform(0,1);
let csum := 0;
let sizenew := 0;
repeat while (csum < temp) {
let sizenew := sizenew + 1;
let csum := csum + sizeTran[m,sizenew,((slast-1) mod nSize)+1];

# update state
let slast := 0;
for{i in 1..nFirm[m]}
let slast := slast + oAction[t,m,i]*2^(i-1);
let slast := slast*nSize+sizenew
} # end loop over time
} # end loop over markets

# check simulations
param pState{m in markets, s in states} :=
1/T * sum{t in time} (if oState[t,m]==s then 1 else 0);
display pState;
param Psim{m in markets, i in firms, s in states, a in actions} :=
(sum{t in time} (if (oAction[t,m,i]==a && oState[t,m]==s) then 1 else 0))
/ (1.0e-307 + sum{t in time} (if oState[t,m]==s then 1 else 0));
display P,Psim;

printf "\nEnter any number to continue\n";

read temp <-;

# estimation
unfix entryCost;
unfix fixedCost;
unfix thetaR;
#unfix sigma;
#unfix beta;
unfix sizeTran;

restore likelihood;
# make initial values wrong
#let beta := 0.9;
let fixedCost := 1;
let entryCost := 1;
let thetaR := 1;
# initial guesses - equal prob
#let{m in markets, s in 1..nState[m], r in 1..nState[m]-1} FP[m,s,r] :=
#let{m in markets, s in 1..nState[m], i in 1..nFirm[m], a in {1}}
# P[m,i,s,a] := Uniform(0.4,0.6);
#let{m in markets, s in 1..nState[m], i in 1..nFirm[m], a in {1}}
# P[m,i,s,0] := 1-P[m,i,s,1];

display entryCost,fixedCost,thetaR,sigma,beta;
printf "\nEnter any number to continue\n";
read temp <-;
display sizeTran;
display V,P;

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