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Campus: Tampico.

Student: América Paola Gutiérrez Ortega.

Subject: English IV.

Teacher: Beatriz Guadalupe Casanova Reyna.

Midterm Project: Script and Storyboard.

Date: April 3rd, 2022.


America: Hello everyone, my name is America Gutierrez and today I will talk to you
about some etiquette rules that exist in South Korea (a picture of a list appears)1.
America: I will mention some Korean etiquette rules when eating and social
etiquette rules, so that we can know a little more about the culture and behavior in
South Korea.
America: There are many differences in the culture and behavior of people from
Mexico and South Korea (both flags appear)2, when interacting with other people,
going to eat at a restaurant, in the workplace, among others, which is why I will talk
about some rules of etiquette that you should follow to not be considered an impolite
person if you have the opportunity to travel to this country.
Rules of etiquette in society.
- Greeting and thanking are very important to Koreans.
- The words of greeting and thanks are usually said with a slight bow (makes a bow)
(the bowing inclination will depend on the status of the two people who are
- Koreans sit, eat and sleep on the floor, so people should remove their shoes when
they walk into their homes(mage of a person taking off his shoes)4.
- It is impolite to sneeze in public, especially if we make a lot of noise.
- When you speak to an older or important person you should say the name in order,
that is to say first the last name and then the first name.
- In the streets do not attract too much attention, the polite thing to do is to adopt a
neutral face, crying or laughing out loud is bad manners.
- If you go to business meetings, you are likely to exchange business cards. Do not
be surprised if they start to read it carefully and you should do the same, otherwise
you will be showing disinterest.
America: (image of people eating in a restaurant)5 In Mexico it is common to go with
the family to eat somewhere, on a weekend or for work or business meals, with the
simple objective of socializing or closing a business deal. In South Korea it is the
same, but we must mention that in general restaurants are not cheap, the behavior
at the table must be impeccable, that is why I share with you some rules of etiquette
when sitting at the table in public places.
Rules of etiquette when eating.
- At the table the first to eat should be the oldest, if all people are of the same age it
is polite to invite the others to start first.
- You should turn your head to the side to drink in front of an older person to show
your respect for that person (image of people drinking)6.
- It is a Korean custom that the oldest person of the guests is the one who pays for
everyone's meal at the end.
- Before starting to eat the food, just like in Mexico, where we say "buen provecho",
in Korea they thank the food before starting to eat it with the phrase "Chal
Mokesubnida", which means "I will eat well", with this we thank the person who will
pay for our meal.
- You should not leave food on your plate, it is considered rude and disrespectful to
the person who will pay for your meal if you do not finish your food.
America: These were some of the rules of etiquette that people visiting the country
must follow, it is important that we know how to behave properly and not break any
of these or other rules of etiquette if we want to leave a good image of us with

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