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1 Introduction
Entrepreneurship education has been recognised as the determinant and have a vital
role in economic growth and development. This is because Entrepreneurship leads to
the creation of small and medium scale business, providing employment opportunities,
income generation, development in backward areas etc. An entrepreneur brings
economic development through maximum efficient utilization of unutilized natural
resources, human resources, labour, and capital and provide a valuable contribution to
the development of the national economy. The entrepreneurs have played an important
role in removing regional disparities and economic backwardness. And they also bring
about new innovations that can make the life of people much easier. Entrepreneurs are
helpful in social changes that are gaining acceptance in the this present world
superstitions and traditional systems are losing their Grounds and the society now
accepts scientific attitude. Hence, the entrepreneurship leads society towards progress,
by adopting new techniques, producing new commodities, by establishing new ventures
by generating more and more employment opportunities, and by Building a New and
progressive environment. Now a day’s entrepreneurship education is attaining a lot of
attention among under graduate students. By understanding undergraduate students’
attitude towards entrepreneurship will help improve and develop entrepreneurial
programmes among people. Student’s attitude towards entrepreneurship can be
considered as a main factor in developing entrepreneurial initiatives in students and also
helps to know how much interest they provide to that area. Entrepreneurship has
become one of the main alternatives for students after they complete their graduation.
This is because of the major benefits of entrepreneurship, such as setting up one’s own
business and the possibility of having significant financial rewards. Students of this
generation can bring a lot of economic development in the near future as they can be
the future entrepreneurs of the country. As we all know many graduates are unable to
find a job which suits their educational qualification, so entrepreneurship can be a major
solution for this problem as it creates job which consequently generates more job
opportunities. so it becomes necessary to find out these undergraduate students who
has entrepreneurial skills as early as possible. For this the attitude of undergraduate
students towards entrepreneurship has to be understood and understanding of the
attitude can help in policy formation in encouraging entrepreneurship in the country

1.2 Significance of the Study

Entrepreneurship is vital for economic development and creation of job opportunities
so this study can be very helpful to institutions to have a clear idea on how to encourage
undergraduate students for choosing Entrepreneurship as their career option. Along
with that this research will be helpful for researchers who plans to have a further study
on this subject. The policy makers can also make use of this research to formulate
suitable policies regarding entrepreneurship among under graduate students. And The
output of this research will be useful for curriculum developers to redesign the content
of the curriculum in order to prepare students to be entrepreneurs..

1.3 Statement of Problem

The study deals with undergraduate students’ attitude towards entrepreneurship. The
purpose of the study is to find answers to the following research questions. Whether the
undergraduates will take up entrepreneurship as their future career? what all are the
factors affecting the undergraduate’s intension towards entrepreneurship career? What
are the barriers in entrepreneurship of undergraduates? Finally, to get an idea about
what are the benefits of choosing the career as entrepreneurship for undergraduates?
Thus this study aims to fill the gap in the literature and hence the study is quite relevant
and timely from the point of view of academic face and economic development.

1.4 Objectives
 To understand what all factors are affecting the undergraduates’ intension towards
entrepreneurship career
 To investigate the attitude of undergraduate students towards entrepreneurship
 To understand what all are benefits of choosing the career as entrepreneurship for
 To study about the barriers in entrepreneurship of undergraduates
 To analyse entrepreneurship on the basis of gender.

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