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Giving examples explain the meaning of research, research question, justification,

literature review and theoretical framework.

Research is a careful and ogarnised study or gathering of information about a specific topic and
an example of research is a project where scientist try to find a cure for AIDs (Takket 2010).
When considering to conduct a research one should first develop a research question, so that he
or she can avoid the "all about" paper and work towards a specific, arguable thesis (Denzin
1978). There are different esssential terms that are associated with research process such as
research justification, literature review and theoretical framework . This essay will be focussing
on expaining the meaning of research, research question, justification, literature review and
theoretical framework.

Many scholars have came up with different definations of research for example the Department
of Education and Training defines research as the creation of new knowledge and/or the use of
existing knowledge in a new and creative way so as to generate new concepts, methodologies
and understandings. This could include synthesis and analysis of previous research to the extent
that it leads to new and creative outcomes.

Apart from the above defination, research is consistent with a broad notion of research and
experimental development (R&D) as comprising of creative work undertaken on a systematic
basis in order to increase the stock of knowledge, including knowledge of humanity, culture and
society, and the use of this stock of knowledge to devise new applications.

More so, according to the American sociologist Earl Robert Babbie, research is defined as a
group of methods used to create new knowledge or use the existing knowledge in newer creative
ways in order to generate state-of-art concepts, methods, as well as understanding the existing
theories in a new light. Research is also defined as a method of carefully considering studies
regarding a specific concern or problems with the help of scientific methods.

The concept of research refers to the systematic inquiry for describing, explaining, predicting, as
well as controlling an observable phenominon (Boyle 1994). This definition of research
encompasses pure and strategic basic research, applied research and experimental development.
Applied research is original investigation undertaken to acquire new knowledge but directed
towards a specific, practical aim or objective (including a client-driven purpose).

Research involves the use of both inductive as well as deductive methods.Inductive research
methods are used to analyse observable events. Deductive methods are used to verify the event
that has been observed. Inductive research includes the use of qualitative research methods
whereas deductive approach more commonly uses quantitative analysis. According to Gratton
and Jones (2009) research has been defined as a systematic process of discovery and
advancement of human knowledge. This has being further defined as human activity based on
intellectual application in the investigation of matter.eResearch is conducted with a purpose to
identify potential and new customers, understand existing customers, set pragmatic goals,
develop productive market strategies, address business challenges, put together a business
expansion plan and identify new business opportunities

Research question is the question around which you center your research. It should be clear or
provides enough specifics that one’s audience can easily understand its purpose without needing
additional explanation, focuseds enough that it can be answered thoroughly in the space the
writing task allows, concise or expressed in the fewest possible words, complex so that it cannot
be answerable with a simple “yes” or “no,” but rather requires synthesis and analysis of ideas
and sources prior to composition of an answer and lastly arguable so that its potential answers
are open to debate rather than accepted facts (Patton 2001).

Scholars should ask a question about an issue that they are genuinely curious and or passionate
about. The question they ask should be developed for the discipline they are studying. A question
appropriate for Biology, for instance, is different from an appropriate one in Political Science or
Sociology (Neuman 2000). Research questions help writers focus their research by providing a
path through the research and writing process. The specificity of a well-developed research
question helps writers avoid the “all-about” paper and work toward supporting a specific,
arguable thesis.

When developing a research question one should choose an interesting general topic. Most
professional researchers focus on topics they are genuinely interested in studying. Writers should
choose a broad topic about which they genuinely would like to know more (Krueger 1994). An
example of a general topic might be “Slavery in the American South” or “Films of the 1930s.”
One should do some preliminary research on their general topic and a few quick searches in
current periodicals and journals on their topic to see what’s already been done and to help him to
narrow his focus.

Research justification refers to the rationale for the research, or the reason why the research is
being conducted, including an explanation for the design and methods employed in the research
(Strauss and Corbin 1994). Research can be justified along the following criteria The gaps
epistemological, methodological, policy, implementation and programme design in the research
that demand attention. Highlight potential contribution of the study in improving knowledge, and
practice.The purpose of the Justification is to aid reviewers when assessing proposals so that they
can make an informed judgement on whether the resources requested are appropriate for the
research posed (Crotty 1998).

Scholars like Ormerod (2010) highlight that research justification is basically an attempt which is
made in trying to explain why the study was conducted in a rationale manner this without
abusing the facts and data presented. A good example which can relate to this is a situation in
which when scholar try to justify the view which inspired their dissertation, one can write a
dissertation on “ The Economic Collapse of Zimbabwe “ in order to give validity of this claim
there should be substantial reasons which will support the view and point of the thesis

Literature review is also regarded as a comprehensive summary of previous research on the

topic, the review is suppose to be able to enumerate, describe, summarize, objectively evaluate
and clarify previous research. According to Fink (2010) literature review is a systematic review
of existing body of data that evaluate or identifies previous research.

More so literature review is a piece of academic writing demonstrating knowledge and

understanding of the academic literature on a specific topic placed in context (Rudestain and
Newton 1992). A literature review also include a critical evaluation of the material. Two main
objectives of literature review are, covering existing research, theories and evidence and
secondly own critical evaluation and discussion of this content. For example in a large piece of
written work such as a dissertation or project literature review is usually one of the first tasks
carried out after deciding on a topic.

A literature review also includes a critical evaluation of the material; this is why it is called a
literature review rather than a literature report.In a larger piece of written work, such as a
dissertation or project, a literature review is usually one of the first tasks carried out after
deciding on a topic (Cresswell 1998). Reading combined with critical analysis can help to refine
a topic and frame research questions. A literature review establishes familiarity with and
understanding of current research in a particular field before carrying out a new investigation.
Conducting a literature review should enable you to find out what research has already been
done and identify what is unknown within your topic.

In addition a literature review is a search and evaluation of the available literature in your given
subject or chosen topic area. It documents the state of art with respect to the subject or topic one
will be writing about. A literature review has four main objectives that shows why it is advised to
use literature reviews . It synthesis the information in that literature into a summary thus making
it easier for one to quickly grasp what the certain information will be about, hence this helps in
saving time and energy than reading a whole book or essay (Kothari 2004). A literature review
gives the writer the ability to critically analyze any information gathered by identifying gaps in
current knowledge by formulating areas for further research and reviewing areas of controversy.
This in return helps in producing new ideas , initiatives are taken due to the latter and developed
progress. The review shows that one has a better understanding or one has an in depth grasp of a
subject or topic in concern.

Lastly theoretical framework serves as the structure and support for the rationale of the study ,
the problem statement, the purpose, significance and the research questions. According to
William (2006) theoretical framework consists of concepts, together with their definitions and
existing theory or theories that can be used for particular study. The theoratical framework must
demonstrate an understanding of theories and concepts that are relevant to the topic of your
research paper and that will relate to the broader fields of knowledge in the class you are taking.
For instance a selection of a theory should depend on its appropriateness, case of application and
explanatory power.

Further more the theoretical framework is the structure that can hold or support a theory of a
research study. The theoretical framework introduces and describes the theory that explains why
the research problem under study exists.The role of the theoretical framework in research is to
reduce the dreadful topic to two factors to simplify the concept, which include the research
problem and the rationale of investigating the issue is the structure that holds or supports a theory
by introducing and describing it as to what research problem it exists.

Also it demonstrates an understanding of theories and concepts relevant to the topic of the
research and it provides the broader areas of knowledge under consideration (Johnson and
Christensen (2004).The explicit statement of the theoretical assumptions enables its reader to
evaluate it critically.It connects the researcher to the existing knowledge through guidance by
relevant theory, also, by providing the basis of the hypotheses and the choices of the research
methods.It helps researchers to generalize the various aspects of an observed phenomenon from
simply describing it and also identifies their limits.It specifies the key variables that influence a
phenomenon of interest and highlights the necessity to examine them for what circumstances
they might differ.

In conclusion the term research is associated with many definition but they all mainly envolves
the creation of new knowledge and the usage of old exciting knowledge in a new manner. For a
research to be perfect there should be a clear research question. Research question is the firt step
in research process. Also the terms research justification, literature review and theoretical
framework are essential in research proce because they create a clear path from the begginning in
order to come up with an organized and understandable research outcome at the end of the

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