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Research Question

1. What happens to vocabulary and reading comprehension of students in the third-grade classroom when implemented explicitly?
2. What is the effect of daily explicit and implicit vocabulary instruction on third grade student’s reading comprehension?


In Round 2, I started off my intervention and innovations by showing students the weather report. This was done because I wanted my
students to experience how the weather report was done on television, as well as frontload new learning we were going to begin. At the beginning of
the week, I introduced the Unit for ELA (English Language arts). Unit 8 was all Weather and Climate. The Essential Question, which is the focus
and what students should be able to answer and address by the end of the unit is: How do we predict the unknown? Overall, in this unit, students read
and compare selections about different types of communities to understand what a community is. During the next few days students focused on tasks
and activities focusing on the essential question.
There was a total of four tasks and activities students did. Some were done as a whole group lesson, as others were done independently by
students. This way students can take ownership of their learning as well as an opportunity for independent practice/checking for understanding. One
of the activities was The Vocabulary Recognition Task (VRT). This is the first task given before the lesson begins. It is a teacher constructed task
that measures students’ vocabulary recognition in content areas (Stahl & Bravo, 2010). To get a better understand of my classes background
knowledge, I had them take the pre-VRT (Vocabulary Recognition Task) to assess which vocabulary terms are known and unknown. Laster that day,
once the above activity was completed. I started off introducing the words by choral reciting them. Then students read them aloud (random
selection). Lastly, students repeated the words back to their partners (think-pair-share). The reason why I implemented the pre-VRT was to see
student background knowledge and to see where to take this lesson based on what students already know and don’t know. After the Vocabulary
Recognition Task, I introduced the vocabulary words that will be in this unit. We choral read them aloud, I asked students if they have an idea of
what the words mean, and lastly discussed how these words are used in real life. Afterwards, each term was defined along with an illustration as a
direct instruction lesson. Sketching vocabulary words into pictures is very important. For many students, it is easier to remember a word’s meaning in
a specific context by making a quick sketch that connects the word to something personally meaningful to the student. To employ this strategy,
instruct a student to sketch his or her understanding of a new word you are explicitly teaching. The student should not spend much time making a
detailed drawing—the sketch simply needs to make sense and help the student remember the meaning. To confirm understanding, the student should
be able to describe the sketch and explain how it illustrates the word’s meaning (Nagi, 2005).

Another strategy that was taught was embedded in writing. Once students were familiar with the term, meaning, and the picture they had
drawn if their choice it was now attempting putting those terms in sentences. I modeled a couple vocabulary words and students were to come up
with their own. Once this task was complete, I gave my class the opportunity to share out what they wrote. This allowed me to check for
understanding as well as help my EL students as well if they were stuck. In addition, students were introduced to an article titled, “How Ocean
Currents Effect your Weather”. Here not all vocabulary words were present, however with partners students first read the story by a scavenger read to
identify the words we are focusing on this week. Next, partners took turns reading the text as the other just listen and vis versa. This was considered a
cold read. The last read students came back as a class as I read the text aloud and when paused at a words students read aloud. By now students have
seen and read the text numerous times. The benefits of this, especially for my EL students in a close reading is that each read as its own purpose. The
first read was just simply to see the text and highlight the focused vocabulary words, the second/third read partners are reading to each others as one
listens it helps initiate the other and encourage to read aloud, along with read among each other. The last read is a whole read to now attempt
identifying the main idea, key details, context clues, and be able to summarize. Likewise, the same strategy was done on another similar text titled,
“Norway’s Mild Climate”. Both texts went along with each other. In this text the remaining vocabulary words were identified.
In addition, after both texts were read and students were getting familiar with their vocabulary words, I incorporated games. This included:
Memory Match, Crossword, and Word search.
Lastly, I incorporated another activity that allowed students to take each vocabulary word and only find me pictures associated with the term.
Similarly, students had the option to find multiple pictures and add them onto their Google Slide page, or just one simple picture. The key was not to
define the word, however connect the word with a visual.
At the end of the unit, students took the Unit 8 Performance task on the two text and answered three questions in regards to the text. In
addition, I decided to give students a survey in regards to which activity was their favorite to do this week. I was curious to know what students
enjoyed doing so I can continue doing so in the classroom and which activity was something they may dislike.

Data Collected
The data that was collected in Round 2 included: Student survey (Google Form), Student work samples, pre/post VRT (Vocabulary
Recognition Task), and the Unit 8 Performance Task. Each task and activity were done by my whole class; however, my focal students are the ones
who I was most focused on. Within the weeks there were some students who were absent, therefore some data on certain tasks and activities vary.

Data Analysis
Qualitative Data Analysis Strategies:
First, I began taking a look at the class survey results on their favorite vocabulary task and activity using open coding qualitative
methodology. While reviewing my notes on the focal student one-on-one interviews from round 1, I reviewed the highlights responses and feelings
towards reading and the way it is instructed in the classroom (Vocabulary being imbedded). I also looked at my focal student’s class work and I
looked at completion, quality of work, and how much invested they were in their work.

Quantitative Data Analysis Strategies:

There were two forms of assessment taken by students during Round 1. One was the pre/post test VRT (Vocabulary Recognition Task). I had
my whole class take the pre and post test. This assessment had twenty-one vocabulary words from previous units, however from those twenty-one,
seven were related to the current unit on weather and climate. Even though this research proposal is focused specifically on my focal students, for
curiosity reason I still decided to give my whole call the pre/post test as well. The reason behind that is I wanted to see if there were any changes and
possible growths in all of my students. Unfortunately, during the first day of this lesson when given the pre-test there were 16 students present that
day. However, when the post-test was given I had 21 students present. The Performance Task for Unit 8 was also administered. This measure uses a
three-point scale within a paragraph. I had all my students take this assessment, however I was most focused on. Both charts are displayed one, with
my whole class, and one specifically just my five focal students. From my 23 students, 3 were absent, however that did not include any of my focal
students, therefore 2 assessments scores were not present.


Based on all the activities, tasks, and assessments that were done in Round 2, I found that most specifically my focal students did an amazing
job comprehending the text through explicit vocabulary instruction. I provided various lessons and activities all including: listening, speaking,
reading, writing, recognizing vocab words, identifying vocab words, and more.
Beginning with the student’s survey that was presented after the unit came to an end, the following are the question and responses students
stated. The day this Google form was given to students, only 1 was absent, however all my focal students were present. Students were to answer
which activity/tasks they enjoyed during this unit. They were to answer as many as they want and provide reasons as to why this activity best benefit
in their learning. The following graph represents from the four choice, which were: the use of a graphic organizer to define and illustrate, writing
sentences, playing games, or Google slides presentation.
Definitely, the vocabulary games were the most favored activity of all. Students described they enjoyed this activity because it was done on
Chromebooks as well as a chance to play the games over and over. Games included matching the vocab words with its definition, as well as
crosswords and word search. In addition, the next favored activity was the google slides, where students had to search for pictures of the vocabulary
words online. Students stated they enjoyed this activity because it was more focusing on pictures and being able to practice researching. Next was the
writing of definitions with illustrations. This is the first of activities where students are introduced to the vocabulary words. Students explained they
enjoy writing this activity because it helps with memorizing definitions. Lastly, writing sentences was the least favored activity. Students stated the
activity helps with their writing skills.
As a teach this information helps me reflect back on my teaching. This information allows me to understand the following: Students enjoy
game related activities, students enjoy being on chromebooks, students enjoy project-like tasks, such as Google slides, and students enjoy activities
they can enjoy and have fun. I believe the writing sentence activity was the least favored activity because it was done independently after modeled by
me, however students may have a hard time getting started and feel overwhelmed by the task.

Activities Percentages Sample Responses

Definitions w/ illustration  I like writing down definitions with pictures because it helps me get to
31% know the definition better.
Writing sentences 9%  I like writing sentences because it helps me get good at writing its fun.
Playing games 78%  The matching game helped me because I could do it over and over until I
fully understood it.
Google slides 52%  I liked the picture search because it helped me know what the pictures
look like and more understanding.
 I liked the google slides picture search because it helps me understand
the words better with the pictures.
In addition to the Google form, which was a follow up with my students on Unit 8 Weather and Climate lesson, I found very interesting
remarks on the assessment piece as well in this research inquiry. As mentioned, students did a pre/post test in acknowledging and recognizing which
words were associated with the Weather and Climate unit. The following graphs explain the results as a whole class, which still includes my focal
It was prepared for students to perform low during the pre-test as previously done in round 1. The pretest graph explains the percentages of
student results based on the number of words that were recognized. In the pretest it is evident majority of my class were able to recognize at least 2 of
6 words that were being focused. The two words were just as the unit was titled, which was the word weather and the word climate. In addition, when
viewing the post-test there is a significant amount of growth as a class. In the post-test as taken after all lessons and activities were completed prior to
the Performance Task. Majority of my class were able recognize all 6 vocabulary words that were focused.

The following graphs were made to focus on my focal students. Again, the pretest was given before the lessons and activities were
implemented and the post test was given after all lessons and activities were completed. As the graph displays my focal students were able to
recognize at least 1-2 of the vocabulary words. Likewise, the same test was given as the posttest and my focal students as well-made growth. They
were able to at least recognize 4 of the 6 total vocabulary words in this Unit.

The qualitative data allowed me to see that overall students performed extremely well in recognizing the vocabulary words. Interestingly
though, majority did an excellent job and I can visually observe the growth in confidence as well. I found it exciting how most of my third-grade
students are transition from picture books to chapter books as they stated many chapter book titles. In addition, majority of my students enjoy reading
by themselves silently. A few still have their parents/guardians. Likewise, from round 1, most of my students write lengthy sentences describing how
pictures, anchor charts, examples, carpet time, and the textbook has helped them better understand. Through observations I noticed more classroom
participation, discussion talk, and partner work among my focal students. Most of them not only started understanding the vocabulary words, but also
make real-life connections and made it personal, along with an increase of motivation and engagement. Overall, as a teacher is a great
accomplishment in designing and planning these lessons and activities to better assist my students and provide the resources they need I n order to
The final touch to the Unit 8 was the Performance Task. For this task, students read two passages, “How the Ocean Affects Your Weather”
and “Norway’s Mild Climate.” Students will read the passages and answer three constructed-response questions. We took each article and annotated
by highlighting the vocabulary words, key details, and main idea in order to better understand the text and practice note taking. For the assessment
piece students were to answer the three questions corresponding to the two articles. This was a compare/contrast form of genre of both texts. The
three questions focused on the ocean currents, which one of the vocabulary words and how it effects weather in different parts of the world. In
addition, these three questions were open-ended each worth 2 points on the rubric scale, so students wrote down each response and referred back to
their notes and articles. The following graph shows how the class did overall including my focal students.
I was very surprised at the results as my students exceed my expectations. This performance tasks were also another way to practice for the
upcoming CAASPP testing that begins in May for my students. Overall, majority of my class scored between a 4 and/or 5 on the performance task.
This means my students were able to provide sufficient amount of evidence in their writing and were able to explain by relevant details from the text.
I was amazed at students making inference back to the text and using the vocabulary words to not only answer in complete sentences, but also expand
in their writing by providing examples in the text.
The following graph is focusing on the same performance task, however specifically my focal students. Overall, regardless of how my
students do, I am just impressed at the amount of effort, participation, and dedication they attempt during the lessons and activities. With that being
said, I was happy to see my students answered each of the 3 questions where as in the past they would leave questions blank or answer in a response
that was not related to the question. Overall, my focal students I would say did their best in responding. Majority scored a 3 on a 6 point scale. This
means my focal students were able to partially answer the questions, however still limited on evidence and key details. All of them wrote a response,
however not as much depth as needed. As a teacher, this helps me know that for next time we need to work on expanding sentences and making sure
we are answering questions completely as some may have two parts.

The quantitative data allowed me to see growth in student from the pre-test to the post-test. I had my whole class take this assessment,
however the focus in the post-test was strictly focus on my focal students. Overall as a class my students did a tremendous job. At the beginning (pre-
test) majority of my students could not identify what words were related to the weather and climate unit. Now, I had students looking at the weather
each day, predicating weather patterns, as well as understanding ocean currents. Overall, I am happy and quite amazed on how this second round of
instruction, data collection/analyzation, and reflection went.
Planning Next Round

For my next round I will continue to do somethings the same and something I will do differently. I plan on doing another survey, so that I can
collect student responses, especially their choice of vocabulary activity. Surveys are great for me to see what students are thinking and choosing and
a great source of data collection. In addition, I plan on doing similar vocabulary activities, to focus now more on expanding writing and key details.
For example, I plan on doing games (matching games, recall games) during the next round. Also, I plan on giving for focus on reading
comprehension assessment, rather than a vocabulary assessment to see how students perform. I feel in round 1 I heavily focused on vocabulary,
which was great, but also did not make much effort in collecting reading comprehension as I wanted to. In this round I felt more reading
comprehension was focused. This will allow me to collect both quantitative and qualitative data as well. Like the first and second round, I was able to
collect such powerful and positive data to analyze and I plan on doing the same for the next round. Things may change as far as pacing guide goes as
Spring Break will occur soon, so I will keep in mind I plan and teach according to my student progress. I was proud of myself taking the time to
create meaningful and detailed graphs for my reads to see and refer back to my explanations.

Literature Connections

In Round 2, I continued to use The Vocabulary Recognition Task (VRT). The Vocabulary Recognition Task (VRT) is a teacher-constructed
yes-no task used to estimate vocabulary recognition in a content area. Like the VKS, it combines self-report with demonstrated knowledge. The
purpose was to identify content-related words that the students could both read and associate with a unit of study. In addition, I referenced back the
curriculum I use for ELA (English Language Arts) to plan my Unit 8: Weather and Climate tasks, activities, and assessments.
Likewise, I wanted to give my students a break from books and relate vocabulary in a fun way. Using word games has been suggested as a
promising way to teach vocabulary items and to transform vocabulary knowledge from passive to active. In a recent search on vocabulary strategies
focused on ELL students, I came across a study aimed to find the effects of word games on Iranian elementary EFL
learners' vocabulary achievement. 60 (N=60) Iranian elementary students were randomly divided into a control and an experimental groups; they
took a vocabulary pre-test and re-took it as the post-test. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the scores obtained from the two
groups. To find any probable differences in the achievements of the two groups, a mixed between-within design ANOVA was conducted. Results
concluded that sames increase learners’ the motivation to improve their vocabulary knowledge and provide opportunities for them to be more
successful in their vocabulary learning (Vahid, 2021).

Benchmark Education Company. (2017). Benchmark advance. Retrieved from

Vahid Ghahraman, & Mojtaba Shabani. (2021). The effects of word games on Iranian elementary EFL learners’ vocabulary
achievement. International Journal of Language Studies, 15(1), 123–.
ROUND THREE Research Plan

Round 3
Brief info about your The research will be conducted in a public school located within California’s central valley, specifically in a third-grade
school, subject, grade, classroom. The district has fourteen elementary schools, each housing between 600-700 students. The participants in this study
class, students include 23 third grade students taught by the researcher. The class consists of 9 females and 14 males. The demographics of the
class closely mirror the school. 52% of the students are English language learners, with 9 of the students’ native language being
Spanish and 3 student’s native language being Punjabi. In addition, all of my students receive free or reduced-cost breakfast
and lunch at school, as well as additional snack for the after-school program if they stay passed dismissal time. Seven student
has an Individualized Education Plan with speech support services weekly. Their minutes vary between 30-150 minutes

Research Question(s) 1. What happens to vocabulary and reading comprehension of students in the third-grade classroom when implemented
(If you have more than 1 2. What is the effect of daily explicit and implicit vocabulary instruction on third grade students’ reading comprehension? 
research question-
highlight he RQs that are
most relevant to this
Round 3 Planned Intervention: Relevance Statement:
Intervention/ Describe the intervention in general terms Explain the relevance of the intervention to student learning
Innovations Describe the instructional strategies for implementing the intervention    Focused on learning outcomes/ Focused on the specific intervention.
This intervention will be taught during my ELA block. Each The purpose of each vocabulary task and activity is to explicitly
How will you organize day vocabulary instruction will be taught explicitly. All 23 teach the vocabulary words for better meaning and
learning experiences students will be doing the following, however my focus is on understanding of the story content of the week.
for students that my 5 focal students.
address your research
All these activities have a purpose of better understanding the
Day 1: Students will receive instruction in 5-7 targeted vocabulary words.
Cite sources as needed vocabulary words each week. The Vocabulary Recognition
Task (VRT) is a teacher constructed task that measures Day 1: Students will be able to pair-share what vocabulary
Attach additional students’ vocabulary recognition in content areas (Stahl & words were introduced today verbally.
lesson artifacts Bravo, 2010). At the beginning of each English Language
(optional) Arts unit, the class will take a pre-VRT (Vocabulary Day 2: Students will be able to read and write their vocabulary
Recognition Task) to assess which vocabulary terms are words.
known and unknown. This will allow the me to dedicate less
instructional time to known words and provide additional Day 3: Students will be able to identify their vocabulary words
instructional time to lesser-known words. At the end of each through visuals (Vocabulary Game).
Round 3
unit, students will take a post-VRT (Vocabulary Recognition
Task). This post-test will determine students’ vocabulary Day 4: Students will be able to create their own vocabulary
growth over the course of the unit. Later, the vocabulary sentences.
words will be defined, and students will discuss the use of
each word in context. This will be the Unit 8: Weather Day 5: Students will be able to complete the Benchmark Unit 8/
opener. Students will be introduced to the new vocabulary Week 1 test.
words for the week. Student will watch the Unit opener Vocabulary plays an important part in learning to read. It is
video, which address the essential question: “What helps us harder for a beginning reader to figure out words that are not
solve problems?” I will present each word one at a time. We already part of their speaking (oral) vocabulary. Vocabulary is
will coral read the words together. Then students will read key to reading comprehension. Readers cannot understand what
them aloud (random selection). Lastly, students will repeat they are reading without knowing what most of the words
the words back to their partners (pair-share). mean.

Day 2: On the second day, after a review of the definitions, Writing vocabulary consists of the words we use in writing.
students will write the vocabulary words and definitions. Reader’s cannot understand what they are reading without
Students will be provided paper to write their vocabulary knowing what most of the words mean. As children learn to
words and its definition. Each word will be defined one at a read more advanced texts, they must learn the meaning of new
time. Afterwards, we will review reciting the vocabulary words that are not part of their oral vocabulary.
words and what they mean. Students will receive the
opportunity to share with their partner (pair-share). Having rich vocabularies will make students able to express
more ideas because students can learn and understand
Day 3: On the third day, students will match pictures to the unfamiliar words and the concept of using the words. Students
vocabulary words and will draw an illustration of the word cannot make meaningful sentences in communication without
(Vocabulary Game). I will preselect and find illustrations having good vocabulary.
that are or similarly related to the vocabulary words. Each
word will be shown in an example of illustration. Once
students have been taught the lesson I will have them review
the definitions and provide the opportunity to create their
own version illustrations to the vocabulary words.

Day 4: On the fourth day, students will write a sentence

using the vocabulary words. This lesson I will choose
volunteers and random selection students to recall their
words and what the word means. Then I will have students in
a class discussion come up with a sentence of their own
based on previous days less (recall review). Overall, students
will be creating their own vocabulary sentences. Lastly, I
Round 3
will have volunteers share what they wrote as a sentence.

Day 5: On the fifth day, students will take a common

formative assessment (Benchmark Unit 8/Week 1) to
measure their knowledge of newly taught vocabulary words.
I will review with them what was the purpose of this week’s
unit and allow students to ask any questions to provide any

This assessment is aligned to the Common Core State

Standards and will provide students’ baseline data for
vocabulary and reading comprehension.

The focal group will take a general survey asking open-

ended questions in regards to reading comprehension. The
purpose of this survey is to assess students’ feelings about
the vocabulary activities implemented and their awareness of
using newly learned vocabulary words. Once surveys are
completed, I will conduct student interviews and meet with
each of my focal students one-on-one to get a better
understanding on their concerns.

Round 3 Data to be  Common formative assessment

collected  Student survey (Google Form) (Coding)
 Student work
What are the  Vocabulary Recognition Task (VRT) (pre/post test)
data/artifacts that you
will collect? Just a

e.g.: Student work?

Notes from
Interviews? Video?
To analyze the quantitative data collected, I will use a t-test for paired samples to examine growth between the pre- and post-
Data Analysis Plans tests that will be administered. The t-test will help assess if the newly implemented explicit instruction strategies are effective
in strengthening students’ vocabularies and reading comprehension. I will also analyze the significance of this study using
What are your data effect size to compare the focal students’ scores to the whole class. The effect size will allow the me to measure the difference
analysis strategies for between the means of the focal students in comparison with the whole class. In addition, I will be giving my while class a
qualitative data (e.g.,
summative assessment, however my focus will be on my five focal students. Lastly, I will be doing a short survey on student
coding, memos)
Explain your analysis interest in their favorite vocabulary task/activity to see why certain students like certain tasks/activities.
plans specifically for
the data in this round

What are your data

analysis strategies for
quantitative date (e.g.,
descriptive statistics)
Explain your analysis
plans specifically for
the data in this round

Benchmark Education Company. (2017). Benchmark advance. Retrieved from

Literature Source(s)
cited in APA Ford-Connors, E., & Paratore, J. R. (2015). Vocabulary instruction in fifth grade and beyond: Sources of word learning and
productive contexts for development. Review of Educational Research, 85(1), 50–91. doi: 10.3102/0034654314540943
Cite any sources here
and briefly describe Proctor, C., Silverman, P., Harring, R., & Montecillo, D. (2012). The role of vocabulary depth in predicting reading
how the literature will
comprehension among English monolingual and Spanish–English bilingual children in elementary school. Reading and
be leveraged to inform
your research
Writing, 25(7), 1635–1664. doi: 10.1007/s11145-011-9336-5
intervention, data
collection and analysis

Attach Notes or Additional Materials (lesson plans, rubrics, materials you plan to use in teaching, etc. (Optional)

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