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There are Really Good Reasons why we Should

— and Shouldn't — Genetically Engineer

Human Embryos
Liliana Torres (160 words)

The article written by Tanya Lewis, analyzes the pros and cons of genetically modification
of DNI in human beings, In the interest of an international summit that had place in 2015,
at Washington, D.C. where experts in genetics debated about a gene-editing technology
known as CRISPR/Cas9. According to Lewis, the best reason for embracing the editing
human embryos technology is the possibility to suppress, or fix, specific genes mutation
that are responsibles of some diseases, allowing babies with genetic mutation arrive to
earth in a healthy condition. The big con in this issue, is the indiscriminate use of this
technology beyond health for creating, what the author calls “designer babies”, with DNA
modifications that improve their physical appearance, intelligence, and other non medical
reasons. Looking both sides, these technology could divide the human race between those
who can afford these treatments in order to be super humans, and those who came to
earth as they were conceived.

Complete article:
Critical Thinking Template for Analyzing a Text

Title: There are Really Good Reasons why we Should — and Shouldn't — Genetically
Engineer Human Embryos


B. Read the text and complete the following statements.

1. The main question (stated or unstated) of this text is…

Which are the benefits and consequences of genetic editing in human embryos.

2. The main purpose of the author is…

To let people know about the recent technological development in DNA editing, their pros
and cons.

3. The main conclusion in this text is…

People must be aware of the two faces of the manipulating embryos DNA technology.

4. The main implications of this line of reasoning are…

(There must be at least two of them.)

Scientist most define a specific ethic in the use of genetic engineer, and people can
approve and trust in the correct use of it, and refuses the unnecessary application of it,
because of the consequences it may bring to human race.
Title Source First Sentence Content Structure and Mechanics Total
0.5 pt. (APA (Main idea) (Accuracy, main Style (spelling, 10 pts.
format) 2 pts. points and 1 pt. grammar and
0.5 pt length) punctuation
3 pts. -0.25 pt. each.)
3 pts.

0 0 1 2 0.5 0.5 4 /10

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