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One of the problems that Filipino youths are facing in the Philippines is teenage
A recent study shows that the ages of 15 to 20 year old there are over 200,000
get pregnant each year, and over 500 teenage girls give birth every day in the
philippines. Teenage pregnancy is frequently linked to social development problems
including a lack of sufficient education, poverty and misinformation. This
leads to single parenthood, which creates conditions that cause mothers to become
irresponsible. This changes your future and priorities in life, to stop their
or to work hard to give birth and raise their children. There are many reasons to
there are unwanted pregnancies; lack of knowledge, rape, unprotected sex and lack
contraceptives. This situation happens because, as a teen we tend to be curious,
and as
a conservative country, we lack of knowledge, understanding and we were not given a
information of how to handle this kind of situation. Not just in school but it's
important to parents to teach teens kids at a very young age this topic and how to
deal with it with no malice. With the help of technology nowadays, teens are more
and exposed to social media, as why their minds are tainted at the early age with
wrong idea and knowledge on sex. Our prevention program for teenage pregnancies is
sex education, this is one of the problem as of why there is teenage pregnancy,
kids were not
given proper education on sex at an early age, most of them knew it on social
media, so
to prevent on happening it again, we give them a proper and comprehensive education
on sex and
their consequences at an early age. Increasing the use of contraceptives; this is
to prevent
unwanted pregnancy and to prevent diseases, giving free condoms, pills and free
check ups on birth
control shots. HIV/AIDS awareness; so we are aware what can cause and what can we
do to prevent
this from happening, always practice safe sex. Reduce sexual activity; as a teen,
we are always
curious about thing around us, and on thing that alwaysremember is that before you
do it or make
decisions think about the consequences and the result that might happen. Also
contaceptives not
always work most of the time. Empowering talk; talking with teens and empowering
them at a young
age help buildingtheir confidence and self esteem be better. And the last one is
prevent alcohol
and drugs; always drink responsibly whether you are in a party or in the house,
because we can do
different action when drunk, prevent taking drugs, this also tends us to do things
we can't control
on our body that result to regret later on. This program can and will help to
prevent and to reduce
teenage pregnancy. This can change the behavior and perception of teens on sex,
because we have
knowledge and idea on the situation, we became aware on the things around us, from
what to do,
and from what is right and what is wrong, what can the possibly result and negative
we might get. At an early age we are given information and awareness on this
situation and it's very
great insteas of we are finding it out on otherpeople with differentnad wrong
understanding on sex.
This can also help us on ourselves. Toempower us, to make our self esteem and self
confidence better.
With the help of this programwe are able to make good and right decisions with the
help of our parents
and loved ones.

Support and protection on victims of rape;

this is to support and protect rape victims and empowering them and help on
building their self

Talk to you family; talk to your loved ones that you trust and comfortable with the
because they know more than you do, they experience it and they have more idea on
it so they'll
give you advice that can help you too.

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