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[10/14, 21:52] Dek Widi: First of all, i want to elaborate my opinion related with the previous case
before, the star air case.

Now, we continue to our second point (your point)

The passenger also will be interested in new planes

It will cost more

It is not compatible to the LCC principle

They have multiple planes such as ( bla bla bla )

Point 5

They should be able to

Because you can see in the text

[10/14, 21:52] Dek Widi: Q : earlier, you stated that the motto of the company isn't set enough bcz its
not set enough with their obligation, do you think the motto of the company is really that important as
they can describe the company?

[10/14, 21:52] Dek Widi: Q : in the 4th point you stated about the galileo system, why do you think star
air make that decision and using the galileo system ?

Q : in point five, you said about the mindset to face the changes, how do you make people esp the
workers can adapt in the new changes and environment?

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