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If you were asked to improve your company Organization Capability from nurturing
Corporate Culture, what would you do?

Employee communication is essential for enhancing organizational capacity inside a

corporation. I start by explaining the mission, vision, and values of my corporation so that the
employees can feel a sense of shared objectives and shifts.

Second, I would create a space where my staff could be involved and at ease sharing their
opinions. This setting fosters openness to sharing thoughts, lessons learned, and collaborative
efforts, which subtly reinforces the concept that we work as a team. By paying attention to
my staff, I can win their respect and cooperation while fostering a more positive workplace

Third, I'll give the staff regular feedback after they've voiced all of their concerns. When
given specific and adaptable feedback, employees feel satisfied in their positions. I think
regular check-ins and peer comments help to shape workplace culture.

Adopt a flexible workplace culture, fourth. Employee morale and productivity have been
observed to improve with flexible work environments. By allowing for flexibility in work
schedules and routines, you are demonstrating your trust in your staff. As a result, loyalty is
promoted, and levels of motivation and involvement rise.

Don't forget to exhibit inclusivity and diversity. By fostering a varied and inclusive
workplace that encourages culture-centered behavior, my organization can honor differences
with dignity and diversity. Everyone feels welcomed and at ease as a result. Simply
promoting diversity by recognizing differences is insufficient. Recognizing each employee's
value, special qualities, and individual contributions is important. This also contributes to the
promotion of inclusivity by putting into practice involvement that reduces discrimination and
cognitive bias. This has the power to really pique your interest in the understanding that a
diverse workforce may bring to your company.

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